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The aim of this work is to propose a general model of Piton de la Fournaise volcano using information from geological and geophysical studies. Firstly, we make a graphical compilation of all available geophysical information along a W–E profile. Secondly, we construct a geological section that integrates both the geophysical information and the geological information. The lithosphere beneath Piton de la Fournaise is not significantly flexed, and the crust is underlain by an underplating body, which might represent the deep magma reservoir for La Réunion volcanism. Piton de la Fournaise is a relatively thin volcano lying on a huge volcanic construction attributed mostly to Les Alizés volcano. Indeed, if the differentiated rocks observed at the bottom of the Rivière des Remparts are the top of Les Alizés volcano, the interface with Piton de La Fournaise may be located at about sea level beneath the summit area. The endogenous constructions (intrusive complexes) related to Les Alizés and Piton de la Fournaise volcanoes represent a large volume. The huge intrusive complex of Les Alizés volcano probably rests on the top of the oceanic crust and appears to have a buttressing effect for the present eastern volcano-tectonic activity of Piton de la Fournaise. The early Piton de la Fournaise edifice was built around a focus located beneath the Plaine des Sables area. The center subsequently moved 5–6?km eastward to its current location. The dense, high-velocity body beneath the Plaines des Sables and the western part of the Enclos probably corresponds to the hypovolcanic intrusive complex that developed before the volcanic center shifted to its present-day position. Magma reservoirs may have existed, and may still exist, as illustrated by the March 1998 crisis, at the mechanical and density interface between the oceanic crust and the Les Alizés edifice. Strong evidence also exists for the presence of a shallower magma reservoir located near sea level beneath the summit. The March 1998 pre-eruptive seismic pattern (location and upward migration) seems to be evidence for a transfer of magma between the two reservoirs. The dominant structural feature of the central zone is a collapse structure beneath the summit craters, above the inferred magma reservoir near sea level. The collapsed column constitutes a major mechanical heterogeneity and concentrates most of the seismic, intrusive, and hydrothermal activity because of its higher permeability and weaker mechanical strength.  相似文献   


Dans cette étude, on a fait appel à la télédétection et aux systèmes d’information géographiques (SIG) pour évaluer et cartographier l’érosion hydrique en utilisant l’équation universelle des pertes en sol USLE dans le bassin versant de l’Oued Mina en Algérie. Ce bassin est caractérisé par une grande irrégularité dans les précipitations, une forte pente, une lithologie essentiellement marneuse et une couverture végétale très faible ce qui le rend très vulnérable à l’érosion. L’USLE est la combinaison de six facteurs spécifiques qui décrivent les caractéristiques du bassin versant. Les données de télédétection multi-temporelles et les SIG sont utilisés pour évaluer et cartographier chaque facteur individuellement. L’intégration des cartes thématiques des facteurs du modèle USLE dans le SIG permet de cerner l’impact de chaque facteur dans les pertes en sol, de classer par importance relative les zones d’érosion, et de quantifier les pertes en sol dans le bassin.

Editeur Z.W. Kundzewicz

Citation Toumi, S., Meddi, M., Mahé, G., et Brou, Y.T., 2013. Cartographie de l’érosion dans le bassin versant de l’Oued Mina en Algérie par télédétection et SIG. Hydrological Sciences Journal 58 (7), 1542–1558.  相似文献   


When the permeability of an aquifer varies with depth, the velocity of the water varies in proportion to the permeability. A numerical method of solution is introduced which Represents this feature. Examples are cited which demonstrate that this variation in permeability influences the amount of water that is stored in the aquifer following recharge.  相似文献   


L’Algérie, depuis longtemps, souffre d’une pénurie des ressources en eau. La stratégie de l’état algérien consiste à augmenter les stocks d’eau en adoptant plusieurs solutions, parmi lesquelles, il y a la construction des barrages et des retenues d’eau. Mais cette solution est confrontée aux conditions météorologiques qui favorisent les pertes par évaporation, surtout dans les régions arides. Ce travail consiste à présenter les premiers essais algériens sur la préservation des plans d’eau, et augmenter ses stocks par la réduction de l’évaporation, en utilisant des substances chimiques à longue chaîne, capable de former une pellicule à l’interface air/eau, appelée « film mono-moléculaire ».Les résultats obtenus ont permis d’enregistrer des taux de réduction de l’évaporation significatifs. Ces taux varient en fonction de la substance utilisée, la durée entre deux applications de la substance et des conditions météorologiques de la région d’étude.  相似文献   

In April 2007, a caldera collapsed at the Dolomieu summit crater of Piton de La Fournaise (La Réunion Island, Indian Ocean) revealing new outcrops up to 340?m high along the crater walls. The lithostratigraphic interpretation of these new exposures allows us to investigate the most recent building history of a basaltic shield volcano. We present the history of the Piton de La Fournaise terminal cone, from the building of a juvenile cone during which periods of explosive activity dominated, to the most recent effusive period. The changes in eruptive dynamics are the cause of successive summit crater/pit–crater collapses. In April 2007, such an event occurred during rapid emptying of the shallow plumbing system feeding a large effusive lateral eruption. During the most recent effusive period, an eastward migration of the eruptive crater was observed and was linked to the successive destructions of the shallow magma reservoir during each collapse. The resulting changes in the local stress field favor the formation of a new reservoir and thus the migration of activity. Internal structures reveal that the building of the upper part of the terminal cone was predominantly by exogenous growth and that the hydrothermal system is confined at a depth >?350?m. These observations on Piton de La Fournaise provide new insights into construction of the summits of other basaltic shield volcanoes.  相似文献   


Monitoring of snow and ice on the Earth's surface will require increasing use of satellite remote sensing techniques. These techniques are evolving rapidly. Active and passive sensors operating in the visible, near infrared, thermal infrared, and microwave wavelengths are described in regard to general applications and in regard to specific USA or USSR satellites. Meteorological satellites (frequent images of relatively crude resolution) and Earth resources satellites such as Landsat (less frequent images of higher resolution) have been used to monitor the areal extent of seasonal snow, but problems exist with cloud cover or dense forest canopies. Snow mass (water equivalent) can be measured from a low-flying aircraft using natural radioactivity, but cannot yet be measured from satellite altitudes. A combination of active and passive microwave sensors may permit this kind of measurement, but not until more is known about radiation scattering in snow. Satellite observations are very useful in glacier inventories, correcting maps of glacier extent, estimating certain mass balance parameters, and monitoring calving or surging glaciers. Ground ice is virtually impossible to monitor from satellites; ice on rivers and lakes can be monitored only with very high-resolution sensors. Microwave sensors, due to their all-weather capability (the ability to see through clouds) provide exciting data on sea ice distribution. Analysis of digital tapes of satellite data requires the archiving and scanning of huge amounts of data. Simple methods for extracting quantitative data from satellite images are described.  相似文献   

La présente étude a pour objectif d’analyser la variabilité spatiale multi-échelles de l’équivalent en eau de la neige (EEN). Dans un premier temps, la variabilité spatiale de l’EEN par rapport à la latitude et à la longitude a été analysée. Des indices locaux ont été utilisés pour caractériser les différentes structures spatiales. Par la suite, les structures spatiales homogènes ont été délimitées à l’aide de l’approche de segmentation spatiale multi-résolutions en utilisant des méta-variables physiographiques. La segmentation a été validée à l’aide du test non paramétrique de Kruskal-Wallis appliqué aux données de l’EEN de chaque paire de zones adjacentes. À l’échelle régionale, la segmentation spatiale a permis d’identifier six zones géographiques différenciées par leur position par rapport aux modes de circulations atmosphériques et la disposition du relief. À l’échelle locale, la segmentation spatiale montre le rôle de la pente, de la courbure, etc. dans la variabilité spatiale du couvert nival.
Editeur Z. W. Kundzewicz; Editeur associé E. Gargouri  相似文献   

We describe a methodology for identifying complex rift zones on recent or active volcanoes, where structures hidden by recent deposits and logistical conditions might prevent carrying out detailed fieldwork. La Réunion island was chosen as a test-site. We used georeferenced topographic maps, aerial photos and digital terrain models to perform a statistical analysis of several morphometric parameters of pyroclastic cones. This provides a great deal of geometric information that can help in distinguishing the localisation and orientation of buried magma-feeding fractures, which constitute the surface expression of rift zones. It also allowed the construction of a complete GIS database of the pyroclastic cones. La Réunion is a perfect example where past and active volcanic rift zones are mostly expressed by clusters of monogenic centres. The data has been validated in the field and compared and integrated with the distribution and geometry of dyke swarms. Results show the presence of several main and secondary rift segments of different ages, locations and orientations, whose origin is discussed considering regional tectonics, local geomorphology, and volcano deformation.  相似文献   

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