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The fourth part of the photometric catalogue of Shakhbazian compact groups of galaxies contains optical and geometrical properties of another 26 groups (Shkh 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 327, 328, 329, 330, 331, 332, 333, 334, 335, 336, 337, 357). As in the previous papers photometric data were obtained from the COSMOS/UKST catalogue of the Southern sky with δ ± +2°30'. The survey of compact galaxy groups by Shakhbazian, Petrosian, Baier, and Tiersch is a basis for studying physical properties of such groups.  相似文献   

We study the properties of the three-dimensional and projected shapes of haloes using high-resolution numerical simulations and observational data where the latter comes from the 2PIGG [2dFGRS (2-degree Field Galaxy Redshift Survey) Percolation Inferred Galaxy Groups] and Data Release 3 of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS-DR3GC) group catalogues. We investigate the dependence of the halo shape on characteristics such as mass and number of members. In the three-dimensional case, we find a significant correlation between the mass and the halo shape; massive systems are more prolate than small haloes. We detect a source of strong systematics in estimates of the triaxiality of a halo, which is found to be a strong function of the number of members; Lambda cold dark matter haloes usually characterized by triaxial shapes, slightly bent towards prolate forms, appear more oblate when taking only a small subset of the halo particles.
The ellipticities of observed 2PIGG and SDSS-DR3GC groups are found to be strongly dependent on the number of group members, so that poor groups appear more elongated than rich ones. However, this is again an artefact caused by poor statistics and not an intrinsic property of the galaxy groups, nor an effect from observational biases. We interpret these results with the aid of a GALFORM (Cole et al.) mock 2PIGG catalogue. When comparing the group ellipticities in mock and real catalogues, we find an excellent agreement between the trends of shapes with number of group members. When carefully taking into account the effects of low-number statistics, we find that more massive groups are consistent with more elongated shapes. Finally, our studies find no significant correlations between the shapes of observed 2PIGG or SDSS-DR3GC groups with the properties of galaxy members such as colour- or spectral-type index.  相似文献   

We have searched for nearby dwarf galaxies in 27 northern groups with characteristic distances 8–15 Mpc based on the Second Palomar Sky Survey prints. In a total area of about 2000 square degrees, we have found 90 low-surface-brightness objects, more than 60% of which are absent from known catalogs and lists. We have classified most of these objects (~80%) as irregular dwarf systems. The first 21-cm line observations of the new objects with the 100-m Effelsberg radio telescope showed that the typical linear diameters (1–2 kpc), internal motions (~30 km s?1), and hydrogen masses (~2 × 107 M ) of the new galaxies correspond to those expected for the dwarf population of nearby groups.  相似文献   

We report observations of 24 stars in the fields of the three Seyfert galaxies MCG +08-23-067, Mrk 817, and Mrk 290. The observations were made with a CCD array photometer in the BVRcIc bands. The V magnitudes of the observed stars ranged from 13.5 and 17.2. For stars of approximate magnitude 15, the typical photometric errors are 0.010, 0.011, 0.008 and 0.011 magnitude in the BVRI bands, respectively. The BVRI magnitudes of all these stars were not known previously. In the field of the galaxy Mrk 290 a star has been found that probably has a periodic brightness variation with P=1.518 days and the mean value V=14.80 and which may belong to the class of “spotted” stars. 14′x14′ charts are supplied for identifying the stars. These results can be used for differential photometry of active galactic nuclei in the BVRI bands. __________ Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 51, No. 1, pp. 41–50 (February 2008).  相似文献   

Kormendy’s relation (μe-logR e) is used to investigate the structure of the compact Ursa Major supercluster of galaxies (11h30m+55°, cz=18 000 km s?1); this relation allows the distances of early-type galaxies to be estimated. The relative distances of 13 clusters in the supercluster and their peculiar velocities are determined with a mean statistical accuracy of 6%. In general, the supercluster obeys the Hubble relation between radial velocity and distance. However, there is reason to suggest that the supercluster consists of two subsystems with mean radial velocities of 16 200 and 19 700 km s?1. For a velocity dispersion in the subsystems of ~1100 km s?1, the fact that each of them is gravitationally bound is not ruled out.  相似文献   

Using the standard dynamical theory of spherical systems, we calculate the properties of spherical galaxies and clusters whose density profiles obey the universal form first obtained in high-resolution cosmological N -body simulations by Navarro, Frenk & White (NFW). We adopt three models for the internal kinematics: isotropic velocities, constant anisotropy and increasingly radial OsipkovMerritt anisotropy. Analytical solutions are found for the radial dependence of the mass, gravitational potential, velocity dispersion, energy and virial ratio and we test their variability with the concentration parameter describing the density profile and amount of velocity anisotropy. We also compute structural parameters, such as half-mass radius, effective radius and various measures of concentration. Finally, we derive projected quantities, the surface mass density and line-of-sight as well as aperture-velocity dispersion, all of which can be directly applied in observational tests of current scenarios of structure formation. On the mass scales of galaxies, if constant mass-to-light is assumed, the NFW surface density profile is found to fit HubbleReynolds laws well. It is also well fitted by Sérsic R 1/ m laws, for     but in a much narrower range of m and with much larger effective radii than are observed. Assuming in turn reasonable values of the effective radius, the mass density profiles imply a mass-to-light ratio that increases outwards at all radii.  相似文献   

Using a spherically symmetric model of the Virgo flow the global Hubble parameter has been estimated from the observed radial velocities and the photometrically measured distances of nearby galaxies. Adopting the observed recession velocity of the Virgo Cluster to about 1000 km s−1 and the infall velocity of the Local Group to 350 km s−1 the global Hubble constant results to 73 ± 10 km s−1 Mpc−1. This value corresponds with the distance of the Virgo Cluster of 18 ± 2 Mpc. The cosmic dispersion of the galaxies around the Hubble relation is of order of 35 km s−1.  相似文献   

Accurate photometric and kinematic modelling of disc galaxies requires the inclusion of radiative transfer models. Because of the complexity of the radiative transfer equation (RTE), sophisticated techniques are required. Various techniques have been employed for the attenuation in disc galaxies, but a quantitative comparison of them is difficult, because of the differing assumptions, approximations and accuracy requirements that are adopted in the literature. In this paper, we present an unbiased comparison of four methods to solve the RTE, in terms of accuracy, efficiency and flexibility. We apply them all to one problem that can serve as a first approximation of large portions of disc galaxies: a one-dimensional plane-parallel geometry, with both absorption and multiple scattering taken into account, with arbitrary vertical distributions of stars and dust and an arbitrary angular redistribution of the scattering. We find that the spherical harmonics method is by far the most efficient way to solve the RTE, whereas both Monte Carlo simulations and the iteration method, which are straightforward to extend to more complex geometries, have a cost that is about 170 times larger.  相似文献   

This is the third paper in a series which combines N -body simulations and semi-analytic modelling to provide a fully spatially resolved simulation of the galaxy formation and clustering processes. Here we extract mock redshift surveys from our simulations: a cold dark matter model with either Ω0=1 ( τ CDM) or Ω0=0.3 and Λ=0.7 (ΛCDM). We compare the mock catalogues with the northern region (CfA2N) of the Center for Astrophysics (CfA) Redshift Surveys. We study the properties of galaxy groups and clusters identified using standard observational techniques, and also the relation of these groups to real virialized systems. Most features of CfA2N groups are reproduced quite well by both models with no obvious dependence on Ω0. Redshift‐space correlations and pairwise velocities are also similar in the two cosmologies. The luminosity functions predicted by our galaxy formation models depend sensitively on the treatment of star formation and feedback. For the particular choices of Paper I they agree poorly with the CfA survey. To isolate the effect of this discrepancy on our mock redshift surveys, we modify galaxy luminosities in our simulations to reproduce the CfA luminosity function exactly. This adjustment improves agreement with the observed abundance of groups, which depends primarily on the galaxy luminosity density, but other statistics, connected more closely with the underlying mass distribution, remain unaffected. Regardless of the luminosity function adopted, modest differences with observation remain. These can be attributed to the presence of the 'Great Wall' in the CfA2N. It is unclear whether the greater coherence of the real structure is a result of cosmic variance, given the relatively small region studied, or reflects a physical deficiency of the models.  相似文献   

We suggest a new method for estimating the fractal dimension of the spatial distribution of galaxies: the method of selected cylinders. We show the capabilities of this method by constructing a two-point conditional column density for galaxies with known redshifts from the LEDA database. The fractal dimension of a sample of LEDA and EDR SDSS galaxies has been estimated to be 2.1±0.1 for cylinder lengths of 200 Mpc. A major advantage of the suggested method is that it allows scales comparable to the catalog depth to be analyzed for galaxy surveys in the form of conical sectors and small fields in the sky.  相似文献   

In order to explore the characteristics of the environment surrounding Gamma‐Ray Bursts (GRBs), we have studied the correlation between the local density of galaxies and the presence of bursts. Using the Main Galaxy sample of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 3 (SDSS DR3) and the Current BATSE GRB Catalog, we calculate the local surface density of galaxies within a radius of <2° surrounding each burst. It turns out that there is no correlation between the local density of galaxies and the presence of GRBs. (© 2006 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We examine the properties of galaxies in compact groups (CGs) identified in a mock galaxy catalogue based upon the Millennium Run simulation. The overall properties of groups identified in projection are in general agreement with the best available observational constraints. However, only ∼30 per cent of these simulated groups are found to be truly compact in three dimensions, suggesting that interlopers strongly affect our observed understanding of the properties of galaxies in CGs. These simulations predict that genuine CG galaxies are an extremely homogeneous population, confined nearly exclusively to the red sequence: they are best described as 'red and dead' ellipticals. When interlopers are included, the population becomes much more heterogeneous, due to bluer, star-forming, gas-rich, late-type galaxies incorrectly identified as CG members. These models suggest that selection of members by redshift, such that the line-of-sight velocity dispersion of the group is less than 1000 km s−1, significantly reduces contamination to the 30 per cent level. Selection of members by galaxy colour, a technique used frequently for galaxy clusters, is also predicted to dramatically reduce contamination rates for CG studies.  相似文献   

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