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矿井水资源评价——以阜新矿区为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了合理开发利用矿井水资源,结合当前水资源评价的研究特点和发展方向,将矿井水和生态系统作为整体,提出了\  相似文献   

旅游资源的识别与评价是开展废弃矿区旅游规划与开发的重要基础.采用文献综述法和归纳分析法全面梳理国内外废弃矿区旅游资源价值评价研究成果,系统分析废弃矿区旅游资源识别、评价体系构建及评价方法.研究发现,目前对于废弃矿区旅游资源的认识仅停留在矿业遗迹、矿业遗产层面,缺乏对矿区天象、气候等自然资源及人文资源的重视;旅游资源的评...  相似文献   

This study was conducted to identify the availability of coastal groundwater discharge (CGD), subsurface fluids flowing from inland through the coastal area to sea, as an alternative water resource for a large-scale reclaimed land. The behaviors of stable isotopes indicated that groundwater originated from inland precipitation and traveled as CGD along the coast line. Most of the groundwater samples collected from domestic wells installed along the old coast line were considered to be relatively fresh from the correlation analysis among chemical constituents. The average electrical conductivity (EC) values of the samples were identified as averaging 1,125–1,297 μS cm?1, corresponding to appropriate crop growth. A weathered-rock layer in a small catchment within the reclaimed land was proved to be a main CGD pathway, with electrical resistivity anomalies ranging from 7 to 14 Ω m. Five monitoring wells were placed in this catchment to delineate the occurrence of CGD. Long-term vertical EC profiling results for the monitoring wells indicated that CGD occurs within a depth of 30 m below the ground surface. Annual monitoring data for groundwater level and EC demonstrated that the water quality of CGD was improved by introducing fresh terrestrial groundwater. A remarkable improvement in water quality (EC decrease of 900–1,600 μS cm?1) of CGD was observed during the saline water pumping test that explains how CGD could be an alternative water resource for the reclaimed land.  相似文献   

Mining activities and resulting wastes can be considered one of the most important sources of toxic metals and metalloids in the environment. To assess environmental risk in the surrounding areas of old abandoned W-Sn and Pb–Zn mines and resulting tailings and rejected materials, 333 samples were collected in stream sediments under the influence of abandoned mines. Samples were prepared and analyzed for Fe, Ba, P, Cu, Cr, Ag, B, Zn, Be, Y, Nb, Pb, Ni, V, Mn, Mo, As, W, Co, Cd, Sn and U. The inexistence of Portuguese legislation concerning parametric values for stream sediments led to the application of a quantitative index for progressive contamination on stream sediments, the Geoaccumulation Index (Igeo), as variables to create risk maps. A first exploratory multivariate statistical analysis, using the Principal Component Analysis (PCA), applied to the obtained Igeos, shows a first factor (F1) explaining the dependence of P and B (positive correlation with the axis) and the inverse correlation of these two elements with the cluster formed by Cr, Ni and V (negative correlation with the axis); the second factor (F2) explains Ni, Fe, Zn and As; Cd and U Igeos are not explained in the new factorial space and, therefore, are characterized individually. The variographic studies showed the existence of spatial structure for the new synthesis variables (F1, F2) as well as for Cd and U Igeos. The experimental point-support data was then interpolated using ordinary kriging within a narrow search window as shown in the fitted variogram models. The obtained maps show extremely high levels of pollution in Cd and W and strongly high levels of pollution in Cr, B, Ag, Zn and Pb. The accumulation of these elements in the studied stream sediments is higher on the abandoned mining areas and in their vicinity.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the history and application of in situ recovery (ISR) to a wide variety of metals. The increasing application of ISR may provide an important method to address a key issue for the mining industry, namely the cost of production.ISR transfers a significant proportion of hydrometallurgical processing to mineralised bodies in the subsurface to directly obtain solutions of metals of interest. As a result, there is little surface disturbance and no tailings or waste rock are generated at ISR mines. However, for ISR to be successful, deposits need to be permeable (either naturally or artificially induced), and the metals of interest readily amenable to dissolution by leaching solutions in a reasonable period of time, with an acceptable consumption of leaching reagents.The paper discusses the following aspects of ISR:
  • History. ISR for uranium was introduced in 1959 in the USA, and subsequently applied in many countries over last 50 years, particularly in the USSR. The share of uranium mined by ISR reached 51% of world production in 2014, and the capacity of ISR mining of uranium is now comparable with that from conventional uranium mines.
  • Commodities. A review of the use of ISR for mining other commodities, namely copper, gold, nickel, scandium, rhenium, rare earth elements, yttrium, selenium, molybdenum, and vanadium. ISR for copper was introduced in the 1970s and there were several successful natural tests and mines. Scandium, rhenium, rare earth elements, yttrium, selenium, molybdenum, and vanadium were mined in pilot tests as by-products of uranium extraction. ISR of gold, copper, nickel, rare earth elements and scandium has been successfully developed over recent years. The paper discusses other commodities that have potential to be mined using ISR.
  • Applicability of ISR is addressed by a discussion of the features of mineralisation that need to be considered during different stages of ISR projects. Permeability,1 hydrogeological conditions and selective leachability are the most critical parameters for ISR, and must be defined in the evaluation and exploration stages. Morphology and depth of mineralisation, thicknesses and grades, distribution of mineralisation, presence of aquicludes, and environmental conditions are also important factors for ISR projects.
  • •Environmental issues. ISR allows the extraction of mineralisation with minimal disturbance to existing natural conditions. In contrast to underground and open pit mining, there are smaller volumes of mining and hydrometallurgical effluents that require management. Clearly contamination of groundwater by ISR reagents is the critical aspect requiring management during an ISR operation. Control of leaching in ISR operations and various ways of cleaning aquifers are discussed in the paper.
  • Economics. ISR operations deliver a range of benefits including lower CapEx costs for mine development, processing plant and infrastructure. ISR enables production to start at low capital cost and then a modular increase in production, as well as very flexible production capacity. The costs of ISR for different commodities (copper, gold, nickel, scandium, rhenium, rare earth elements, yttrium, selenium, molybdenum, vanadium) are discussed, with economic parameters for uranium production from ISR and conventional provided for comparison. The CapEx, OpEx and common cut-off grades for ISR for different commodities are discussed.
  • Exploration, resource estimation and the development of ISR projects require a number of different approaches compared to conventional mining projects. These criteria and the necessary methodology for resource estimation for ISR projects are described in the article.

The state-of-the-art monitoring of drinking water hygiene is based on the cultivation and enumeration of indicator bacteria. Despite its proven reliability, this approach has the disadvantages of being (a) relatively slow and (b) limited to a small number of indicator bacteria. Ideally, alternative methods would be less time-consuming while providing information about a larger set of hygienically relevant microorganisms including viruses. In this paper, we present insights into the design of a modular concentration and detection system for bacteria, bacteriophages and viruses. Following further validation, this or similar techniques have the potential to extend and speed up the monitoring of raw and drinking water hygiene in the future. The system consists of different modules for the concentration of microorganisms, an amplification and detection unit that includes a module for the differentiation between live and dead microorganisms, and an automated system for decision support and self-diagnosis. The ongoing testing under controlled laboratory conditions and real-life conditions in the water supply industry yields further system improvements. Moreover, the increased sensitivity and broader range of microbiological parameters emphasize the need for a reconsideration of the currently used criteria for the assessment of (drinking) water hygiene.  相似文献   

江苏省域内矿业废弃地分布广泛,对生态环境破坏严重,已影响生态省建设进程及区域经济可持续发展。目前虽已采取了相应措施,并取得引人注目的成效。但与全省矿业开发对生态环境的破坏和生态省建设要求相比仍有差距。文章在全面分析全省露采矿业废弃地环境恢复治理现状及其制约因素的基础上,提出加速矿业废弃地环境恢复治理市场化的对策建议。统一规划矿业废弃地环境的恢复治理、统一协调其规划的实施和管理、实行有偿治理;治理初期采用半市场化运作的与政府联合开发模式、使治理业逐步成熟并走向市场化;加快矿业废弃地环境的恢复治理示范工程建设、建立不同类型的治理模式、促进恢复治理技术规范化;走矿山环境恢复治理产业化的道路、引导治理业由无序向有序转变;加强市场化宣传、吸引外部资金投入;建立健全矿山环境恢复治理的有关政策法规、形成多元化、多渠道的投资机制、规范市场运作机制等措施。  相似文献   

随着我国煤炭资源的枯竭,大量矿山关闭,遗留了广大的地下采空区场地。不少化工企业向废弃矿井内倾倒化学废液等导致了矿区地下水污染事故,威胁地下水水源地的水源安全。针对此类复杂场地条件下污染事故的应急处置案例和经验都非常少,本文以北方某废弃矿区地下水污染注浆帷幕应急处置为例,通过对矿区地质条件的分析、地下空间结构和地下水流场的刻画,构建三维地质模型,以模型为基础设计帷幕注浆工程并实施,研究复杂场地条件下开展帷幕注浆应急处置的重要内容和决定因素,并利用场地地下水样品监测结果,分析研究帷幕内外污染物浓度分布特征及差异,找出地下水运移规律,评价注浆帷幕效果。研究表明:在事故井周边100 m范围实施的帷幕注浆工程,对污染物运移的封堵效果显著,帷幕注浆内外污染物含量差距明显。一期检测结果显示帷幕注浆范围内地下水中二氯甲烷浓度最高1390 μg/L,帷幕范围外最高浓度仅为8. 07 μg/L;二期检测结果为污染物检出浓度大于5 μg/L的区域全部位于帷幕范围内,帷幕范围外均未检出。同时污染物的分布特征指示着地下水沿巷道运移成为最主要的形式,对地下空间结构的精准刻画是决定帷幕注浆工程成效的重要因素。  相似文献   

为开发广西合山煤田地下热水资源,以水文地球化学方法为主,通过石英温标法估算地热储层温度,并推测地下热水循环深度,研究地下热水赋存规律。结果显示,合山煤田地下热水补给、径流和排泄受岩溶构造控制,以顺地层为主,穿层次之;接受大气降水入渗补给,水质为HCO3-Ca·Mg型;采用无蒸汽损失的石英温标法,估算热储层温度约80℃,识别出浅层地下水、浅层地下水与深部地下循环混合水和深部地下循环水3种类型;以井田内No.6钻孔数据为例,800 m孔深以下为深层地下循环水,其热储层温度为63.44~79.41℃,循环深度在2 541~2 704 m,与实际地层埋深相差较小,估算结果可信度较高;在1 400 m以浅,有望探寻到水温约50℃热水;合山煤田地下热水的偏硅酸、温度均达到医疗要求;三、四煤层热导率低,孔隙率小,为热储层良好盖层;四煤层底板合山组下段和茅口组溶隙发育,为良好热水储层。研究成果对煤田地热资源的开发利用前景预测有一定的探索意义。   相似文献   

赵各庄矿14水平的提升高度为-1 200 m,而奥灰水头压力为11.76 MPa.通过研究赵各庄矿底板隔水层厚度及其阻隔水能力,讨论了充分利用有效隔水层,采用局部实施疏水降压开采等防治水技术的可能性;采用突水系数法及弹塑性力学分析法,论证了赵各庄矿深部带压开采煤炭资源的可行性.  相似文献   

Because of a high population density in the coastal plain, any future nuclear power plants will be located in the sparsely settled Negev desert Since this part of Israel has no surface water, the only alternatives to cooling water are piped-in Mediterranean. Water and local, brackish groundwater One particular aquifier was examined for its potential to provide the required amount of cooling water over the lifetime of the plant, without causing a drastic lowering of the regional water table It was concluded that given the assumed range of aquifer properties, extraction of brackish water for cooling purposes will not result in large changes in the regional water table, furthermore, it could possibly halt the gradual deterioration of the quality of the water supply of the city of Beer Sheva  相似文献   

地下开采条件下水资源流失机理与环境影响研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
通过剖析因地下采动造成阜新矿区自然村民井断水现象,对地下开采条件下水资源流失与恶化机理进行了分析研究。结果表明,即使采空区和受影响区处于不同的水文地质单元,因采动对隔水构造的破坏而形成地下水径流通道-空巷和裂隙,从而为水的流失创造了水文地质条件;地下水经过长时间聚集和物化作用发生水质恶化,失去使用价值。废弃关闭矿井水的资源化与利用问题,对水资源缺乏和煤炭资源枯竭、经济转型矿区具有现实的经济与社会意义。应该研究因抽取矿井水而引起的相关环境影响与灾害问题,防止出现二次破坏。  相似文献   

徐超  高燕  张超  支成龙  陈文韬 《地质论评》2021,67(Z1):67z1171-67z1172
正为维护国家矿产资源所有者权益,党的十八届三中全会提出"统一行使全民所有自然资源资产所有者职责"的改革方向。《矿产资源权益金制度改革方案》(国发[2017]29号)、《矿业权出让收益征收管理暂行办法》(财综[2017]35号)将以往只对国家出资探明矿产地收取、反映国家投资收益的探矿权采矿权价款,调整为适用于所有国家出让矿业权、体现国家所有者权益的矿业权出让收益。  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2001,16(14):1641-1652
Euglena mutabilis, a benthic photosynthetic protozoan that intracellularly sequesters Fe, is variably abundant in the main effluent channel that contains acid mine drainage (AMD) discharging from the Green Valley coal mine site in western Indiana. Samples of effluent (pH 3.0–4.6) taken from the main channel and samples of contaminated stream water (pH 3.3 to 8.0) collected from an adjacent stream were analyzed to evaluate the influence of water chemistry on E. mutabilis distribution. E. mutabilis communities were restricted to areas containing unmixed effluent with the thickest (up to 3 mm) benthic communities residing in effluent containing high concentrations of total Fe (up to 12110 mg/l), SO4 (up to 2940 mg/l), Al (up to 1846 mg/l), and Cl (up to 629 mg/l). Communities were also present, but much less abundant, in areas with effluent containing lower concentrations of these same constituents. In effluent where SO4 was most highly concentrated, E. mutabilis was largely absent, suggesting that extremely high concentrations of SO4 may have an adverse effect on this potentially beneficial Fe-mediating, acidophilic protozoan.  相似文献   

The impact of past mining activities on the quality of groundwater and surface water has been investigated in the mining district of La Carolina (southern Spain, province of Jaén), a region characterised by the presence of mineralisations of Pb–Ag, Cu and Fe sulphides and Ba sulphates. The chemistry of waters from flooded galleries, shafts and drainage adits has been compared with that of surface waters in the same area. Generally, waters present neutral pH, since carbonates neutralise the acidity produced by the oxidation of Fe-bearing sulphide minerals in the mine impacted water. Despite of this natural attenuation process, in most of the cases, the mine groundwater is of low quality and shows high dissolved SO4 (up to 3.7 g/l), Fe and Mn contents (tens to hundreds mg/l), exceeding the limit established by the guidelines of the World Health Organization for drinking water. Generally, the surface waters are of the sulphate calcium–magnesium to magnesium types, with moderate mineralisation. Post-rebound mine waters caused degradation of receiving watercourses in which the Fe contents are usually high, with values close to 3 g/l, and the mineralisation is greater as the channels run down in the mining zone. During dry seasons a considerable increase of salts and metals dissolved in stream waters was found, due to the decreasing contributions by run-off in this semiarid region, whereas the abandoned mine discharges remained practically constant.  相似文献   

Surface water samples from the Drake mining area show elevated metal concentrations, notably cadmium, iron and zinc. A detailed study of a sphalerite /quartz vein from Strauss Pit and chalcopyrite and pyrite from the Adeline mine and Strauss Pit indicate that micro-scale analyses of ores are necessary for environmental management of mine sites. Analyses show that Cd is elevated, up to 2.1 % by weight, and is associated with sphalerite, replacing Zn, or to a lesser extent replacing Pb within small galena grains. High concentrations of Cu are also associated with the Strauss Pit ore as small chalcopyrite grains along the margins of the sphalerite vein, within the central quartz zone of the vein system, and as replacement rims on sphalerite grains. Chalcopyrite from the Adeline mine area, is by comparison, metal poor, but still contains elevated heavy metal concentrations. Whereas, pyrite and chalcopyrite, from Strauss Pit have variable heavy metal concentrations, with chalcopyrite from within sphalerite veins having higher Cd and Zn concentrations than chalcopyrite distal to the veins. Cadmium and other heavy metals within the ores are mobilised during sulphide weathering and enter the drainage network; precipitation of secondary oxidation minerals act as temporary stores for many heavy metals. The complexity of the mineral and heavy metal associations at Strauss Pit suggest that a detailed knowledge of these associations and distributions within ore bodies, and associated waste rocks, are needed by environmental managers of mine sites because the presence of havy metals may greatly affect the decision making process, and management strategies employed. Received; 14 July 1999 · Accepted: 17 August 1999  相似文献   

水资源科学管理具有高度专业化和高度复杂化的特性。引入GIS到水资源管理,一方面,通过地下水系统管理预测模型,管理决策人员可快速掌握不同开采方案条件下区域地下水位变化趋势,并根据其不同变化趋势快速作出相应决策,使本区内对地下水资源的管理达到系统化、科学化的高度避免以往人为主观管理的不合理性和不科学性。另一方面,通过对各种资料数据图件的计算机信息化,构成区域上的专业信息资源,使管理决策人员高效、快速地  相似文献   

水资源科学管理具有高度专业化和高度复杂化的特性。引入GIS到水资源管理 ,一方面 ,通过地下水系统管理预测模型 ,管理决策人员可快速掌握不同开采方案条件下区域地下水位变化趋势 ,并根据其不同变化趋势快速作出相应决策 ,使本区内对地下水资源的管理达到系统化、科学化的高度水平 ,避免以往人为主观管理的不合理性和不科学性。另一方面 ,通过对各种资料数据图件的计算机信息化 ,构成区域上的专业信息资源 ,使管理决策人员高效、快速地掌握、输入、调出本区域内的水文、气象、地质、地下水动态及水质监测资料、模型结果等 ,将会大大节省工作时间 ,提高工作效率。  相似文献   

废弃矿井再利用已成为资源型城市实现功能转型的主要路径,矿井地面生产区采矿用地的再开发属于城市存量工业用地更新的范畴,是一个伴随产权转移的空间转型过程.通过分析相关产权政策与废弃矿井再开发模式之间的关联性,探讨制度对空间的影响,提出对未来发展的政策建议.通过系统梳理自1990年以来国家、地方层面的产权政策,并以该时段内不...  相似文献   

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