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Limestones and evaporites are the main rock types constituting the exposed Middle Miocene sediments of the Red Sea coastal zone between Quseir and Mersa Alam. These rocks represent typical conekarst and karst ridge landforms with minor surface and subsurface solution features.Mechanical, chemical and biogenic precipitates are the main recognized karst sediments. Oxides and sulphides of iron, lead and zinc and barite are also found in association with the karst features and karst products.The obtained observations elaborate the rule of the structure and lithologic characters of the country rocks and the paleoclimatic fluctuation on the formation of the karst features and the related precipitates.
Zusammenfassung Kalksteine und Evaporite bilden die Sedimente des Mittelmiozäns im Gebiet zwischen Quseir und Mersa Alam. Diese Gesteine zeigen charakteristische Karstphänomene, d. h., regional Kegelkarst, kleinere Karstoberflächen und unterirdische Karstformen.Klastische, chemische und biogene Sedimente werden als Karstfüllungen beobachtet. Oxide und Sulfide von Eisen, Blei und Zink sowie Baryt sind mit dem Karst und den Karstsedimenten verknüpft.Sowohl der Einflu\ der tektonischen Strukturen als auch die Zusammensetzung des mittelmiozänen Ausgangsgesteins und die paleoklimatischen Veränderungen diktieren die Entwicklung des Karstes und die Bildung der Karstsedimente.

Résumé Les sédiments du Miocène moyen exposés dans la région cÔtière de la Mer Rouge entre Quseir et Mersa Alam se composent essentiellement de roches calcaires et d'évaporites. Ces roches présentent des formes karstiques en cÔnes et en crètes, accompagnées de structures mineures de dissolution à la fois souterraine et de surface.Les principaux remplissages du karst sont des sédiments mécaniques, chimiques et biologiques. Des oxydes et des sulfures de fer, de plomb et de zinc, ainsi que de la barytine sont également reconnus en association avec les formes et les produits du karst.Les observations recueillies expliquent le rÔle de la structure et des caractères lithologiques des roches encaissantes, ainsi que des fluctuations paléoclimatiques sur la formation des karsts et les sédiments qui les accompagnent.

Quseir Mersa Alam . , . . , . , . , , . , , .

Recent evidence suggests that polychlorinated biphenyls might also have adverse reproductive, developmental and endocrine effects. Although, the use of polychlorobiphenyls in Algeria has been banned for more than two decades, large quantities of these compounds containing products remain disseminated, mainly stored in obsolete or damaged equipments. This research describes a study to assess polychlorinated biphenyls distribution in marine sediments collected from the seaside of Tamentfoust touristic resort located in the eastern side of Algiers Bay. After microwave-assisted extraction and purification with both concentrated sulphuric acid and activated silica gel, the extracts were analyzed by gas chromatography with an electron capture detector. Relatively high contamination levels of polychlorinated biphenyls were found in samples collected from the port of Tamentfoust (15 to 70 ng/g d.w.), while the concentrations were lower in the stations located outside the port (0 to 26 ng/g d.w.). Compared with data previously reported by some other researchers, the polychlorobiphenyls concentrations found in this work showed an environmental persistence, but a decrease of approximately 5 times in 30 year i.e since the ban of the use of polychlorinated biphenyls. The predominant polychlorinated biphenyls congeners in all sediment samples were polychlorinated biphenyls138, 153, 180 and 187. This composition was similar to industrial mixture (Aroclor 1260). This probably indicated that the contamination originated from the port and has a continental source.  相似文献   

Sediments from different environments of an area directly affected by the discharge of the Po River and 13 other minor rivers have been studied. Three main sources of metals and several distribution mechanisms can be identified. Concentration profiles of metals in a core allow one to establish background levels of finegrained sediments for Cd, Hg, Pb, and Zn Seabed sediments do not appear to be very polluted, mainly because of desorption and dilution processes  相似文献   

The Tunisian environmental legislation that follows the EC Directives requires monitoring of persistent, toxic and bio-accumulated substances commonly considered as hazardous substances. In order to comply with this requirement, samples of sea water, sediment and biota from the urbanized and industrialized coast line of Sfax city are investigated. This study presents the results of petroleum hydrocarbon content, distribution and probable origin (anthropogenic and/or biogenic) in 16 intertidal sediments of Sfax coastal area. Alkane distribution indices and hydrocarbon distribution patterns are used to identify natural and anthropogenic input. Non-aromatic hydrocarbons present a high concentration with a range varying from 180 to 1,400 μg/g of dry sediment. The total concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) varied from 0.41 to 5.6 μg/g dry weight. These concentrations are comparable to other marine areas that receive important inputs. n-Alkanes with carbon number ranging from 15 to 35 are identified to be derived from both biogenic and anthropogenic sources in varying proportions. Pristane/phytane ratio shows values lower than 1.4 suggesting the presence of petroleum contamination. This is confirmed by the presence of a large group of unresolved complex mixture and the identification of hopanes with predominant C29 and C30 compounds and steranes with predominance of C27 over C28 and C29 compounds. Ratios of selected PAH concentrations indicate petrogenic and pyrolytic origin of hydrocarbons. Anthropogenic hydrocarbon inputs were more apparent at sites associated with industrial discharges, shipping activities and sewage outfalls.  相似文献   

Texture, mineralogy, and major and trace element geochemistry of 26 coastal dune sand samples were studied to determine the provenance and tectonic environment of two dune fields close to the beaches of Safaga (SF) and Quseir (QS) at the Egyptian Red Sea coast. Onshore winds generate fine, moderate, moderately-well to well-sorted, coarse-skewed to near-symmetrical dune sands with mesokurtic distributions. Winds pick up and transport grains from nearby beach sands and alluvial deposits into a wide Red Sea coastal plain at the border of the beach. The mineralogical (Qt–Ft–Lt) and geochemical composition of the sands, indicate that SF and QS coastal dune sands are mature and influenced by quartz-rich sands. The average CIA values in SF and QS coastal dune sands are low relative to the range of the PAAS, suggesting an arid climate and a low intensity of chemical weathering. The SF and QS coastal dune sand samples are plotted in the recycled orogen and partly in craton interior fields suggesting recycled older sedimentary and partly metamorphic-plutonic sources. The high content of quartz with shell debris and carbonates in coastal dune sands support the recycled sedimentary beach and alluvial sand sources. The dominance of heavy minerals like amphiboles (hornblende) and biotite in the coastal dune sands also supports the effect of metamorphic-plutonic source rocks. The new tectonic discriminant-function diagrams suggest that the coastal dune sands were deposited in a passive margin of a synrift basin. The results provide a good evidence for the extension in the Red Sea rift system during Oligocene-post Pliocene, which is consistent with the general geology of Egypt.  相似文献   

This study investigated the organic carbon, reduced inorganic sulfur, and heavy metal distribution in superficial sediments at an estuary, a wastewater discharge area, and a mariculture area, as compared with an unpolluted distal site, in the north Yellow Sea, China. Sediment grain size, acid volatile sulfur (AVS), chromium (II)-reducible sulfur, elemental sulfur, total sulfur, total organic carbon (TOC), total nitrogen and trace metal content were determined for each site. These results indicate that pollution leads to increased TOC at all affected sites, which in turn leads to elevated AVS. The resultant change in diagenetic environment leads to changes in the mineralogical fate of Mn. Pb, Zn, Cu, and Cd: all are present at elevated concentrations, and with more metal in the non-residual fractions. Cd shows by far the most elevated concentrations and most significant increase in non-residual fractions and consequently poses the most significant pollution risk.  相似文献   

Twenty-five stations were selected along the UAE coastal region to delineate the distribution and to determine the source of total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH), total organic carbon (TOC), total Kjeldhal nitrogen (TKN), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). The concentrations of TPH ranged between 46 and 223 mg/kg and the level of TOC was in the range from 0.044 to 17.8 wt%, while TPAHs occupied the range of 5–102.2 μg/kg. On the other hand, TPCBs showed values between 60 and 205 μg/kg and TKN ranged from 104 to 1,073 mg/kg. The present study shows that the distribution of organic compounds in UAE sediments were within safe limits comparing with previous studies. The present study revealed that TOC can be used as an indicator of oil pollution in heavily oiled sediments. The highest values of TOC, TPH, TPAHs and TPCBs related to the stations covered in fine sand due to adsorption properties and the large surface areas of the grains. The evaporation of low-boiling point compounds from surface layers leads to the enrichment of sediments with a thick residual. Al Sharjah-1 exhibited the highest values of TPH and TOC at Ras Al-Khaima-5, Umm Al-Quwen-1 and Dubai-1, while the highest values of TPAHs were at KhorFakkan-9, the highest value of TPCBs was at Ajman-2, and the highest values of TKN were at KhorFakkan-1, KhorFakkan-6 and Dubai-1.  相似文献   

To investigate the sources and toxicity of metals in Bohai Sea sediments, concentration and geochemical speciation of metals of surface sediments were measured. Metal distributions and principal component analysis suggested that Zn, Pb, Cd, and Ag were largely derived from anthropogenic sources, whereas the majority of the other metals studied here were found to have been derived from natural rock weathering and calcareous marine biota. The major sources of anthropogenic metal inputs to the study region are from the mining industry, port transport services, vehicle exhausts, and agricultural runoff. Empirical sediment quality guidelines and the risk assessment code were used to evaluate the metal toxicities in this area. Our results show that Cd presents a high risk to the ecological system because it was found in the non-residual phase, which tends to be weakly bound and highly bioavailable; Cu, Pb, Ni, and Co pose a low risk; Zn and Cr present no risk. The use of the threshold effects level and effects range-low values of Cd and Cr as guidelines for the Bohai Sea are of limited use as they do not account for the bioavailability and toxicity of the elements in marine environments. Assessment of the annual metal fluxes from riverine and atmospheric sources indicates that the largest contributions of metals to the Bohai Sea were derived from the suspended particulate load of rivers. Furthermore, it was found that the main depositional zones for metals in the Bohai Sea were in estuaries and the center mud zones.  相似文献   

Abundance of noble metals (NM) and bulk chemical composition have been studied in bottom sediments of the Chukchi Sea. Distribution of NM and their correlation with major and trace elements in the sediments have been analyzed using multicomponent statistics. It was established that the average contents of NM in the bottom sediments of the Chukchi Sea significantly exceed those both in shelf terrigenous sediments and stratisphere. Osmium and iridium enrich mixed and pelitic sediments relative to shallow-water areas and their influx is presumably determined by erosion of coastal and bottom loose deposits. High Ag, Ru, Au, and Pt contents were identified in the clayey sediments enriched in biogenic elements in the individual areas of the Southern Chukchi plain (Chukchi sea) confined to the intersection zones of submeridional and sublatitudinal structures of the graben-rift system, which was formed in the Mesozoic and activated in the late Cenozoic time.  相似文献   

In order to assess pollutants and impact of environmental changes along the Egyptian Red Sea coast, seven recent and Pleistocene coral species have been analyzed for Zn, Pb, Mn, Fe, Cr, Co, Ni, and Cu. Results show that the concentration of trace elements in recent coral skeletons is higher than those of Pleistocene counterpart except for Mn and Ni. In comparison with recent worldwide reefs, the present values are less than those of Central America coast (iron), Gulf of Aqaba, Jordan (lead, copper), Gulf of Mannar, India (chromium, zinc, manganese), Costa Rica, Panama (chromium, nickel), North-west coast of Venezuela and Saudi Arabia (copper). The present values are higher than those of Gulf of Aqaba, Jordan (iron, zinc, manganese), Gulf of Mannar, India (lead, cobalt, nickel), North-west coast of Venezuela (lead, zinc, chromium, manganese), Australia (copper, nickel, zinc, manganese). The highest values were recorded in Stylophora pistillata (iron, lead and copper), Acropora cytherea (cobalt), Pocillopora verrucosa (zinc) and the lowest concentrations were recorded in Goniastrea pectinata (iron, chromium, copper and nickel), Favites pentagona (lead, zinc and manganese), and Porites lutea (cobalt). The differences in metals content among the studied species are attributed to differences in microstructure and microarchitecture.  相似文献   

Hamouda  Amr Z. 《Natural Hazards》2011,59(1):465-479
The entrance of the southern Suez Gulf of the Red Sea is known to be an area of high seismic activity in Egypt. The high rate of seismic activity in this area is mainly related to the adjustment in motion at the triple junction between the African plate, the Arabian plate, and the Sinai microplate. The present study attempts to estimate the Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (PSHA) for Hurghada site. This was done in two steps; the first one is by estimating specific parameters for the site, such as the mean seismic activity, λ, the Gutenberg-Richter parameter, b, and the maximum regional magnitude, m max. The second step is by selecting a ground motion parameter that is applicable to Hurghada site. The procedure permits the combination of both historical and recent instrumental data. The results of the hazard assessment, expressed as the worst case scenario, detect that Hurghada is exposed to the maximum credible earthquake event of magnitude m max = 7.1 ± 0.31, at hypocentral distance of 31.6 ± 10 km. The possibility of the maximum Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA), which occurred in relation to this event at Hurghada site, is equal to 0.29 g. The mean return periods with the selected accelerations for Hurghada, a horizontal acceleration of 0.1 g, is expected to occur once every 74–106 years, with an average of one every 90 years. This result which obtained from the hazard assessment can be used as an input data for a seismic risk assessment.  相似文献   

Concentrations of Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Pb, Ni, and Cd were measured in several species and genera of Recent benthic foraminifera from three coastal lagoons, namely Abu-Shaar, Umm al-Huwaytat, and Marsa Shuni lagoons located along the Egyptian Red Sea coast. Spatially significant differences in the metal concentrations of benthic foraminifera were recorded among different sites. However, some foraminiferal species display deformation in their coiling, general shape of chambers and the apertures. Abu-Shaar and Umm al-Huwaytat lagoons are virtually influenced by anthropogenic activities while Marsa Shuni lagoon is affected by natural inputs. Benthic foraminifer shows high concentrations of Fe and Mn, especially in Umm al-Huwaytat lagoon. Foraminiferal black tests support this result and reflect selectivity for iron absorption. Among the metals analyzed, Cd, Pb, and Cu showed significant high concentrations in benthic foraminifera at the study areas. The anthropogenic activities and natural inputs are responsible for the abnormalities in benthic foraminifera. Therefore, benthic foraminifera can be used as a good indicator of the environmental changes.  相似文献   

Ability of corals to accumulate heavy metals,Northern Red Sea,Egypt   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The concentrations of six heavy metals (Fe, Mn, Ni, Cu, Pb and Zn) were studied in 11 hard and 4 soft common coral species collected from Hurghada, Wadi Al-Gemal and Gola’an along the Red Sea coast to assess the differential abilities of corals to concentrate and assimilate the heavy metals inside soft coral tissues and hard coral skeletons. These results reveal the order of Fe > Zn > Ni > Pb ≥ Mn > Cu. Fe recorded significant high concentrations in mushroom (funnel) forms of the soft corals at the different sites; 125.19, 101.71 and 90.44 ppm at Gola’an, Hurghada and Wadi Al-Gemal, respectively. The soft coral species recorded the highest average concentration of Mn, Ni, Cu and Zn than the hard corals, which were 13.22, 16.05, 13.08 and 148.17 ppm, respectively. Generally, soft corals show higher metal concentrations than the hard ones; moreover, Hurghada recorded a higher trend of metal concentrations in soft and hard corals than the other sites. The study concluded that many biological and local environmental factors influenced the metal occurrences and uptakes in both coral forms such as, the exposed surface area for metal uptake, turbidity, overlying mucus thickness and the ability of metals to substitute inside the crystal lattice of the hard corals.  相似文献   

Partitioning of heavy metals in surface Black Sea sediments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bulk heavy metal (Fe, Mn, Co, Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn and Pb) distributions and their chemical partitioning, together with TOC and carbonate data, were studied in oxic to anoxic surface sediments (0–2 cm) obtained at 18 stations throughout the Black Sea. TOC and carbonate contents, and available hydrographic data, indicate biogenic organic matter produced in shallower waters is transported and buried in the deeper waters of the Black Sea. Bulk metal concentrations measured in the sediments can be related to their geochemical cycles and the geology of the surrounding Black Sea region. Somewhat high Cr and Ni contents in the sediments are interpreted to reflect, in part, the weathering of basic-ultrabasic rocks on the Turkish mainland. Maximum carbonate-free levels of Mn (4347 ppm), Ni (355 ppm) and Co (64 ppm) obtained for sediment from the shallow-water station (102 m) probably result from redox cycling at the socalled ‘Mn pump zone’ where scavenging-precipitation processes of Mn prevail. Chemical partitioning of the heavy metals revealed that Cu, Cr and Fe seem to be significantly bound to the detrital phases whereas carbonate phases tend to hold considerable amounts of Mn and Pb. The sequential extraction procedures used in this study also show that the metals Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn and Pb associated with the ‘oxidizable phases’ are in far greater concentrations than the occurrences of these metals with detrital and carbonate phases. These results are in good agreement with the recent studies on suspended matter and thermodynamic calculations which have revealed that organic compounds and sulfides are the major metal carriers in the anoxic Black Sea basin, whereas Fe-Mn oxyhydroxides can also be important phases of other metals, especially at oxic sites. This study shows that, if used with a suitable combination of the various sequential extraction techniques, metal partitioning can provide important information on the varying geological sources and modes of occurrence and distribution of heavy metals in sediments, as well as, on the physical and chemical conditions prevailing in an anoxic marine environment.  相似文献   

The Bohai Sea coastal zone of China consists of the Pacific Ocean to the east and Eurasia to the west; hence, this region is influenced by both the ocean and continental landmasses. The carbonate formation mechanism of eolian sediment within this area is poorly understood. The loess-paleosol sediments of the Miaodao stratigraphical section (MDS) contain a record of carbonate changes in this region during the last interglacial period. New insights into regional carbonate formation mechanisms since the last interglacial period were obtained by analyzing the ages of various sedimentary facies in combination with proxy paleoclimatic indices (including average grain size, standard deviation, CaCO3 content, and clay minerals), as well as via foraminiferal analysis. The results led to three principal findings: (1) The carbonate content change in the MDS was neither controlled by grain size nor affected by minerals. The carbonate change controlled by precipitate leaching in the Loess Plateau region cannot explain the eolian sediments within the Bohai Sea coastal zone. (2) Various subsections contain obvious carbonate content changes caused by foraminiferal deposits atop the eolian sediments, which were deposited by storm surges during a high sea-level period. This increased the carbonate content in the eolian sediments and restricted the carbonate content in the Bohai Sea coastal zone. (3) Newly detected foraminifera of the last interglacial period on the eolian sediment of the MDS were the main source of carbonate content, providing a new understanding of the carbonate formation mechanism in eolian sediments different from that of the Loess Plateau.  相似文献   

The sources and spatial distributions of aliphatic hydrocarbon concentrations were investigated in surficial sediments of the Northern Cyprus (Gemi Konagi, Girne and Gazi Magusa Areas). Aliphatic hydrocarbon levels were determined with a gas chromatography–mass spectrometer. Total aliphatic hydrocarbon (n-alkanes, Σ25; isoprenoids, Σ2) concentrations in the sediments were found in the range of 1107–6360 ng/g. Results indicated that the sediments were mainly dominated by odd numbered n-alkanes (n-C10–n-C34), maximizing at n-C17, n-C29 and n-C31. Statistical analyses and diagnostic ratios have been used to determine the possible sources and origins of aliphatic hydrocarbons. Aliphatic hydrocarbons were showed biogenic character at all sampling areas and were found mainly originated from terrestrial, marine and both terrestrial-marine plants at Gemi Konagi, Gazi Magusa and Girne, respectively.  相似文献   

A lack of understanding exists of the origin and textural characteristics of Saudi Arabian Red Sea coastal sediments. This paper concerns the southern coastline of Jizan on the Saudi Red Sea. It is some 160 km long characterised by either narrow rocky headlands with intermittent pocket beaches or wide low-lying beaches dissected by wadis. Granulometric testing of samples from 135 locations showed that beach sand size was mainly very fine to medium grained (M z = 3.93 Ø), sorting ranged from 1.65 to 0.41 and skewness values from ?051 to 0.39, being mainly negative; dune sands were medium to fine grained (M z = 1.13 Ø; average sorting 2.8), while skewness variations within dune samples indicated symmetrical to fine skewed values (б Ι = 0.55 to 0.89). Most foreshore samples were derived from wadis. Wadi mud levels can be high, e.g. Baysh (84%), and wadi Samrah (90%) with mean grain size ranging from very fine to medium sand (M z = 3.9 Ø), sorting being well to poor (0.45 to 1.52) due to sediment influxes. Sabkha had a wide range of sand/mud and significantly higher carbonate percentages than other environments. Sediment source differences and littoral reworking contributed to grain size variation. The carbonate content varied between 1.5 and 31.5% due to hinterland contributions, and spatial analysis showed increasing quantities of carbonate minerals towards the south. On the wider geographical front, findings from Jizan are similar to those of the Northern United Arab Emirates (UAE), including sabkhas, being composed of sand, skeletal carbonate, fine fluvial material and wind-blown silt and clay components of wadi origin. Further work on the northeastern Red Sea edge can hopefully confirm these findings.  相似文献   

Integrated palaeoecological studies of two fiord sediment sequences in the province of Blekinge, SE Sweden, covering the time span 11,000–5000 cal BP, reveal the timing and the environment for the Ancylus Lake/Littorina Sea transition 9800–8500 cal BP. The first ingression of saline water into the Baltic Sea through the Danish Straits occurred earlier than formerly assumed. New evidence, particularly mineral magnetic and palaeobotanical analyses, demonstrate that on the general trend of the eustatically caused Littorina transgression several minor fluctuations of the water level can be identified between 8500 and 5000 cal years BP. A distinct regression phase around 8100 cal BP is correlated with the Greenland ice-core cold event dated to 8200 ice-core years BP. This is described as a regional climatic catastrophe for the Baltic Sea region. The coastal stratigraphy is compared with the offshore stratigraphy earlier studied. A tentative shore displacement curve for Early and Middle Holocene is presented.  相似文献   

Systematic variability in metal concentrations is recorded in near-surface (1 m deep) Late Quaternary sediments of Po coastal plain, across the boundary between alluvial deposits of Apenninic provenance and a formerly active, now abandoned, delta lobe of the Po River. In the latter area, high Cr and Ni concentrations, exceeding the national standard limits, are attributed to sediment provenance from ultramafic source rocks of Po catchment basin, and not to anthropogenic impact. Spatial distribution of carbonate-related elements, such as Ca and Sr, displays consistent differences between the two areas, confirming a primary control of provenance domains on sediment composition. Accurate facies characterization of near-surface sediments, coupled with detailed information on sediment dispersal patterns, enable a reliable interpretation of the spatial variability of major elements and trace metals in the study area. Particularly, detailed reconstructions of source area composition and changes in flow directions through historical times allow precise correlation of apparently anomalous geochemical patterns with distinctive depositional events, such as shifts in channel course, crevasse splay formation and beach-ridge evolution. The findings of unusually high, natural (provenance-controlled) heavy metal concentrations in pre-industrial near-surface levels highlight the contribution of a sedimentological approach to a reliable interpretation of geochemical data. This should be taken into account when determining background values versus anthropogenic impact.  相似文献   

金沙江(攀枝花段)水系沉积物中重金属的形态特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用连续提取法,并用原子吸收光谱法进行分析研究了金沙江攀枝花段水系沉积物中重金属的形态及分布特征。研究发现:①各重金属的形态以残渣态为主,离子交换态含量很少;②各元素的形态有自己的特点。铜在有机硫化物结合态中的含量较高,钴在碳酸盐结合态中的含量较高,铅锌钴的铁锰氧化物结合态均较高;③有效态对水环境质量具有潜在的危害。  相似文献   

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