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We determine the companion galaxy luminosity function (LF) for regions around isolated spiral galaxies. If we assume that any excess in the galaxy number counts in the vicinity of a spiral galaxy is due to galaxies at the same distance, then a system LF can be determined from the variation of excess numbers with apparent magnitude. By studying the excess over many field 'centre' galaxies, a good statistical accuracy can be obtained for the companion galaxy LF. Since redshift information is not required for the faint galaxies, it is possible to sample further down the LF as compared with redshift surveys. For 23 primary galaxies of known redshift, we find a dwarf satellite Schechter LF with a characteristic magnitude M V *( D )≃−19 and a faint-end slope α=−1.7, down to MV =−14 ( H 0=50 km s−1 Mpc−1).  相似文献   

We present detailed predictions for the properties of Lyα-emitting galaxies in the framework of the Λ cold dark matter cosmology, calculated using the semi-analytical galaxy formation model galform . We explore a model that assumes a top-heavy initial mass function in starbursts and that has previously been shown to explain the sub-millimetre number counts and the luminosity function of Lyman-break galaxies at high redshift. We show that this model, with the simple assumption that a fixed fraction of Lyα photons escape from each galaxy, is remarkably successful at explaining the observed luminosity function of Lyα emitters (LAEs) over the redshift range  3 < z < 6.6  . We also examine the distribution of Lyα equivalent widths and the broad-band continuum magnitudes of emitters, which are in good agreement with the available observations. We look more deeply into the nature of LAEs, presenting predictions for fundamental properties such as the stellar mass and radius of the emitting galaxy and the mass of the host dark matter halo. The model predicts that the clustering of LAEs at high redshifts should be strongly biased relative to the dark matter, in agreement with observational estimates. We also present predictions for the luminosity function of LAEs at   z > 7  , a redshift range that is starting to be be probed by near-infrared surveys and using new instruments such as the Dark Ages Z Lyman Explorer (DAzLE).  相似文献   

The luminosity function of galaxies is derived from a cosmological hydrodynamic simulation of a Λ cold dark matter universe with the aid of a stellar population synthesis model. At     , the resulting B -band luminosity function has a flat faint-end slope of     with the characteristic luminosity and the normalization in fair agreement with observations, while the dark matter halo mass function is steep with a slope of     . The colour distribution of galaxies also agrees well with local observations. We also discuss the evolution of the luminosity function, and the colour distribution of galaxies from     to 5. A large evolution of the characteristic mass in the stellar mass function as a result of number evolution is compensated by luminosity evolution; the characteristic luminosity increases only by 0.8 mag from     to 2, and then declines towards higher redshift, while the B -band luminosity density continues to increase from     to 5 (but only slowly at     .  相似文献   

We study the gas content of haloes in the early universe using high-resolution hydrodynamical simulations. We extract from the simulations and also predict, based on linear theory, the halo mass for which the enclosed baryon fraction equals half of the mean cosmic fraction. We find a rough agreement between the simulations and the predictions, which suggests that during the high-redshift era before stellar heating, the minimum mass needed for a minihalo to keep most of its baryons throughout its formation was  ∼3 × 104 M  . We also carry out a detailed resolution analysis and show that in order to determine a halo's gas fraction even to 20 per cent accuracy, the halo must be resolved into at least 500 dark matter particles.  相似文献   

We demonstrate that the chaotic nature of N -body systems can lead to macroscopic variations in the evolution of collisionless simulations containing rotationally supported discs. The unavoidable stochasticity that afflicts all simulations generally causes mild differences between the evolution of similar models but, in order to illustrate that this is not always true, we present a case that shows an extreme bimodal divergence. The divergent behaviour occurs in two different types of code, and is independent of all numerical parameters. We identify and give explicit illustrations of several sources of stochasticity, and also show that macroscopic variations in the evolution can originate from differences at the round-off error level. We obtain somewhat more consistent results from simulations in which the halo is set-up with great care compared with those started from more approximate equilibria, but we have been unable to eliminate diverging behaviour entirely because the main sources of stochasticity are intrinsic to the disc. We show that the divergence is only temporary and that halo friction is merely delayed, for a substantial time in some cases. We argue that the delays are unlikely to arise in real galaxies, and that our results do not affect dynamical friction constraints on halo density. Stochastic variations in the evolution are inevitable in all simulations of disc–halo systems, irrespective of how they were created, although their effect is generally far less extreme than we find here. The possibility of divergent behaviour complicates comparison of results from different workers.  相似文献   

We calculate the statistical clustering of Lyman-break galaxies predicted in a selection of currently fashionable structure formation scenarios. These models are all based on the cold dark matter model, but vary in the amount of dark matter, the initial perturbation spectrum, the background cosmology and the presence or absence of a cosmological constant term. If Lyman-break galaxies form as a result of hierarchical merging, the amplitude of clustering depends quite sensitively on the minimum halo mass that can host such a galaxy. Interpretation of the recent observations by Giavalisco et al. would therefore be considerably clarified by a direct determination of the relevant halo properties. For a typical halo mass around 1011  h −1 M⊙ the observations do not discriminate strongly between cosmological models, but if the appropriate mass is larger, say 1012  h −1 M⊙ (which seems likely on theoretical grounds), then the data strongly favour models with a low matter density.  相似文献   

We present a measurement of the K -band luminosity function (LF) of field galaxies obtained from near-infrared imaging of a sample of 345 galaxies selected from the Stromlo-APM Redshift Survey. The LF is reasonably well fitted over the 10-mag range −26 M K −16 by a Schechter function with parameters α =−1.16±0.19, M *=−23.58±0.42 and φ *=0.012±0.008 Mpc−3, assuming a Hubble constant of H 0=100 km s−1 Mpc−1. We have also estimated the LF for two subsets of galaxies subdivided by the equivalent width of the H α emission line at EW(H α )=10 Å. There is no significant difference in LF shape between the two samples, although there is a hint (∼1 σ significance) that emission-line galaxies (ELGs) have M * roughly 1 mag fainter than non-ELGs. Contrary to the optical LF, there is no difference in faint-end slope α between the two samples.  相似文献   

We have selected and analysed the properties of a sample of  2905 Ks < 21.5  galaxies in  ∼131 arcmin2  of the Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey (GOODS) Chandra Deep Field South (CDFS), to obtain further constraints on the evolution of Ks -selected galaxies with respect to the results already obtained in previous studies. We made use of the public deep multiwavelength imaging from the optical B through the infrared (IR) 4.5-μm bands, in conjunction with available spectroscopic and COMBO17 data in the CDFS, to construct an optimized redshift catalogue for our galaxy sample. We computed the Ks -band luminosity function and determined that its characteristic magnitude has a substantial brightening and a decreasing total density from   z = 0  to  〈 z 〉= 2.5  . We also analysed the colours and number density evolution of galaxies with different stellar masses. Within our sample, and in contrast to what is observed for less massive systems, the vast majority (∼85–90 per cent) of the most massive  ( M > 2.5 × 1011 M)  local galaxies appear to be in place before redshift   z ∼ 1  . Around 65–70 per cent of the total assemble between redshifts   z = 1  and 3 and most of them display extremely red colours, suggesting that plausible star formation in these very massive systems should mainly proceed in obscured, short-time-scale bursts. The remaining fraction (up to ∼20 per cent) could be in place at even higher redshifts   z = 3–4  , pushing the first epoch of formation of massive galaxies beyond the limits of current near-IR surveys.  相似文献   

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