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Carbon sequestration in agricultural soils is frequently promoted as a practical solution for slowing down the rate of increase of CO2 in the atmosphere. Consequently, there is a need to improve our understanding of how land management practices may affect the net removal of greenhouse gases (GHG) from the atmosphere. In this paper we examine the role of agriculture in influencing the GHG budget and briefly discuss the potential for carbon mitigation by agriculture. We also examine the opportunities that exist for increasing soil C sequestration using management practices such as reduced tillage, reduced frequency of summer fallowing, introduction of forage crops into crop rotations, conversion of cropland to grassland and nutrient addition via fertilization. In order to provide information on the impact of such management practices on the net GHG budget we ran simulations using CENTURY (a C model) and DNDC (a N model) for five locations across Canada, for a 30-yr time period. These simulations provide information on the potential trade-off between C sequestration and increased N2O emissions. Our model output suggests that conversion of cropland to grassland will result in the largest reduction in net GHG emissions, while nutrient additions via fertilizers will result in a small increase in GHG emissions. Simulations with the CENTURY model also indicated that favorable growing conditions during the last 15 yr could account for an increase of 6% in the soil C at a site in Lethbridge, Alberta. Presented at the International Workshop on Reducing Vulnerability of Agriculture and Forestry to Climate Variability and Climate Change, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 7–9 October 2002.  相似文献   

Global warming during the last century has been a well-known fact. Despite arguments and uncertainties in explanations, most scientists agree that this century-scale warming trend is attributable to human activities. According to the recent assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, 2007) based on worldwide scientific results,  相似文献   

Terrestrial ecosystems are an important part of Earth systems, and they are undergoing remarkable changes in response to global warming. This study investigates the response of the terrestrial vegetation distribution and carbon fluxes to global warming by using the new dynamic global vegetation model in the second version of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) Earth System Model (CAS-ESM2). We conducted two sets of simulations, a present-day simulation and a future simulation, which were forced by the present-day climate during 1981–2000 and the future climate during 2081–2100, respectively, as derived from RCP8.5 outputs in CMIP5. CO2 concentration is kept constant in all simulations to isolate CO2-fertilization effects. The results show an overall increase in vegetation coverage in response to global warming, which is the net result of the greening in the mid-high latitudes and the browning in the tropics. The results also show an enhancement in carbon fluxes in response to global warming, including gross primary productivity, net primary productivity, and autotrophic respiration. We found that the changes in vegetation coverage were significantly correlated with changes in surface air temperature, reflecting the dominant role of temperature, while the changes in carbon fluxes were caused by the combined effects of leaf area index, temperature, and precipitation. This study applies the CAS-ESM2 to investigate the response of terrestrial ecosystems to climate warming. Even though the interpretation of the results is limited by isolating CO2-fertilization effects, this application is still beneficial for adding to our understanding of vegetation processes and to further improve upon model parameterizations.  相似文献   

根据IPCC第4次评估报告(AR4)第10章[1],到2100年全球平均温度相对于1980—1999年平均有可能上升1.1~6.4℃,最佳估计值为1.8~4.0℃。这里给出来的是一个变化范围,但是,要注意这并不是预估的不确定性。1.1℃是最低排放情景B1的下限,6.4℃是最高排放情景A1F1的上限。1.8℃是  相似文献   

基于18个CMIP5模式在RCP情景下的模拟结果,综合分析了全球升温1.5~4℃阈值下亚洲地区平均温度和降水以及极端温度和降水的变化,并着重对比了1.5℃与2℃升温阈值下的异同。结果表明:相比工业化前,在全球升温1.5℃、2℃、3℃和4℃阈值下,亚洲区域平均温度将分别升高2.3℃、3.0℃、4.6℃和6.0℃,高纬度地区的响应大于中低纬地区;降水分别增加4.4%、5.8%、10.2%和13.0%,存在明显的区域差异。极热天气将增加,极冷天气将减少;极端降水量的变率将会加大。与2℃升温阈值相比:1.5℃阈值下亚洲平均温度的上升幅度将降低0.5~1.0℃以上,大部分地区的降水增幅减少5%~20%,但西亚和南亚西部的降水则偏多10%~15%;极端高温的增温幅度在亚洲地区均匀下降,而极端低温的增温幅度在亚洲中高纬地区降低显著;亚洲大部分地区极端降水的增加幅度减弱,但在西亚会增强。全球升温1.5℃和2℃时,亚洲发生非常热天气的概率相比基准期(1861-1900年)均将增加1倍以上,发生极热天气的概率普遍增加10%;发生极端强降水的概率增加10%。  相似文献   

中国传统农业的产量受气候控制,气候表现为冷暖和干湿交替的循环,因此农业产量也出现循环演变的规律,在冷期中生活资源的短缺所造成的生存压力,加剧了矛盾,促进了战争。而气候变暖可以缓解这些矛盾,因此,气候变暖有益于中国的社会和谐。  相似文献   

Soil carbon densities and pools have been estimated for Russia. The estimate was derived from the generalized version of the soil map of the country at the scale 1:2.5 million (Fridland, 1988), which has been designated a countrywide standard. At the pre-developed stage, the soils in Russia captured about 373 Pg of organic and 75 Pg of inorganic C in the 0–2.0 m layer. Organic C is intensively accumulated in the topsoil. Inorganic C tends to concentrate in deep soils and is of non-pedogenic origin. The mass of organic matter is captured in the tundra, pre-tundra, and the northern and middle taiga of Russia. Anthropogenic impacts have led to a loss of about 5 Pg of C in the 0–1.0 m layer, which is some 2% of the total C content in Russian soils. From this amount, the topsoil of cropland has lost 2.6 Pg (20% of the initial C content in soils), including 0.4 Pg caused by erosion. The deep soil (0.3–1.0 m) of cropland has lost 1 Pg. Some 0.5 Pg of C are removed from the topsoil (7%) and 0.6 Pg by the deep soil from pastures. Forest soils have roughly lost about 0.3 Pg of C due to the decline of C input into soils caused by various disturbances. The predicted climate warming is expected to enhance the C sequestration by soil in Russia.  相似文献   

全球增暖对ENSO影响的数值模拟研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
胡博  李维京  陈鲜艳 《大气科学》2007,31(2):214-221
利用日本东京大学气候系统研究所、日本环境研究所和日本地球环境研究中心联合开发的海气耦合模式MIROC3.2,研究了全球变暖对ENSO年际变率的影响。该模式较好地模拟了ENSO循环的不同阶段表层和次表层海水温度变化,海表温度最大振幅出现在120°W以东,与观测一致,表明模式可以较好反映热带地区大气、海洋的动力、热力特征。研究还比较了控制试验和CO2浓度年增长1%的瞬时试验,结果表明,在全球变暖的大环境下ENSO事件发生频率没有显著变化,但ENSO事件强度增大,年际变率变大;热带太平洋呈现整体增暖趋势,表层温度尤其是热带中太平洋地区温度升高显著。敏感性分析表明,年际ENSO变率的振幅增大的主要贡献来自于海洋。海水增温导致热带太平洋海温垂直梯度增大,在热带西太平洋海温垂直温度梯度变化最为明显;次表层海温对单位大气风应力变化的响应大于表层海温响应。当这种响应与热带太平洋赤道地区径向温度梯度变化的共同作用导致温室效应下ENSO振幅增大。  相似文献   

随着气候变暖,生态系统发生了变化,为此农作物的品种以及栽培方式也必须适应变化了的环境条件。以山西太原盆地南部的介休市为例分析了主栽作物冬小麦和玉米的适应性栽培应采取的对策,以达农作物高产、稳产、防灾、减灾,确保农业增效,农民增收之目的。  相似文献   

全球增暖的另一可能原因初探   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
太阳是地球流体(大气和海洋等)运动的最终能量源,地球环境,尤其是气候的变化不能不与太阳活动有关.目前,普遍将全球增暖归结为温室气体含量增加所导致的温室效应的加剧,这无疑是有一定依据和有道理的.但从科学上来讲,人类活动所引起温室气体增加的影响,并非是唯一原因.基于已有的一些研究结果,从太阳活动的观点所进行的初步分析表明,太阳活动也可能是引起近世纪全球增暖的另一个重要原因.太阳活动的影响主要包括太阳辐射的直接影响和引发地磁场变化的间接影响两个方面,地球磁场的变化将可通过动力过程和热力过程而影响大气环流和气候的变化.  相似文献   

塔里木河流域冰川洪水对全球变暖的响应   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
 塔里木河流域近50 a来气温主要呈波动上升趋势, 平均上升约0.3℃,其中山区平均升高0.6℃。随着气候变暖,不稳定天气出现的频率增多,冰川退缩,冰雪融水增大,使冰川泥石流和冰川突发洪水等冰雪灾害的发生频率呈上升趋势。在20世纪80年代以来的剧烈增温过程中,冰川消融加剧,冰温升高,冰川流速加快,从而造成冰湖增多和库容增大,冰湖溃决洪水的发生呈增加的趋势。建议加强气候变化对水资源和洪水影响的监测和评估。  相似文献   

20世纪两次全球增暖事件的比较   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
20世纪20年代和70年代全球出现了两次突变增暖,本文分析比较了这两次全球增暖的起源地,空间分布特点,影响范围,以及北半球增温和降温最大地区的气温变化与其相对应的大气环流变化的联系等.发现,第一次全球增暖始于北半球新地岛西北、冰岛及以北的极地地区,主要增暖区在北大西洋、格陵兰岛、冰岛和北半球中、高纬大陆地区,主要增暖季节是夏季.第二次全球增暖最早可能始于南半球南印度洋海盆及南极大陆地区,增暖中心有明显向北半球方向移动的倾向并广泛影响到全球热带、副热带海洋,没有明显的区域和季节增暖差异;北半球第二次增暖比南半球约晚10年,主要增温区在东亚大陆和北美西部,主要增暖季节在冬季.分析还发现,20世纪北半球增暖最强的东亚大陆、北美西北部和降温显著的冰岛、格陵兰岛、北大西洋以及中北太平洋等地的气温变化与其相应的大气环流系统的异常变化关系密切.  相似文献   

文章利用内蒙古107个气象站T_(mean)、T_(max)和T_(min)的逐月观测数据,对比分析了近54a(1961—2014年)和CWH时期(1998—2014年)的T_(mean)、T_(max)和T_(min)分别在年、季、月尺度上的变化特征,初步探讨了内蒙古气温变化是否也有减缓或停滞现象,结果表明:全球气候变暖减缓背景下,1998—2014年内蒙古气温变化存在一定程度的变暖减缓现象。年尺度上,气温响应最明显的是T_(max),T_(mean)次之,T_(min)最小;空间分布上,内蒙古东部地区的响应相对较大,中部次之,西部最小,但响应均不显著;季节尺度上,虽然春、冬季的气温呈下降趋势,但四季气温的响应也均不明显;月尺度上,2月气温响应最明显,其次是9月。1998—2014年内蒙古年平均气温的下降趋势主要是由春、冬两季降温引起的,而冬季气温的下降趋势主要是由2月明显降温引起的。  相似文献   

Human activities have notably affected the Earth’s climate through greenhouse gases(GHG), aerosol, and land use/land cover change(LULCC). To investigate the impact of forest changes on regional climate under different shared socioeconomic pathways(SSPs), changes in surface air temperature and precipitation over China under low and medium/high radiative forcing scenarios from 2021 to 2099 are analyzed using multimodel climate simulations from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6(CMIP...  相似文献   

海洋对全球变暖的响应及南海观测证据   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
回顾了世界各大洋和若干区域海洋的海平面、热含量、温盐结构及珊瑚变化等方面的主要成果,并对中国南海温盐结构的长期变化趋势进行了初步分析。结果表明,对全球增暖的响应,南海中层水盐度的长期变化表现出一定的淡化趋势。  相似文献   

全球变暖背景下江门极端气候事件变化分析   总被引:1,自引:7,他引:1  
对1961-2008年的气象资料分析表明,20世纪90年代中期以来,在全球变暖大背景下,地处珠江三角洲的江门地区极端气候事件增多。近50年来,江门年平均气温在波动中不断上升,冬季气温上升最明显;夏季高温出现频率增加,持续性高温也呈增长趋势;“龙舟水”增多明显;雷暴日数增多,年暴雨日数上升;灰霾现象日趋严重。2008年年初,江门市还遭受了严重的低温阴雨天气灾害;同年4月出现有史以来影响最早的台风。随着全球变暖及城市化发展,江门市极端气候事件未来可能继续出现,甚至更加频繁,城市气候灾害将越来越突出。  相似文献   

张书萍  祝从文  周秀骥 《大气科学》2014,38(5):1005-1016
本文利用1951~2011 年期间中国台站资料、东亚地区的探空资料、NCEP/NCAR 和ERA40 等大气再分析资料,通过对水分平衡方程诊断探讨了华北地区过去60 年中水资源和可利用降水量的变化特征及其与大尺度环流变化之间的关系。结果发现,华北地区69%的降水量被蒸发,可利用降水仅仅为降水量的31%。夏季可利用降水是华北水资源的主要来源,华北夏季可利用降水量在80 年代初发生突变减少,进入21 世纪初,伴随蒸发量的增加该地区可利用降水量进一步减少。西风带水汽与东亚夏季风水汽是华北可利用降水的主要来源。NCAR/NCEP 和EAR40 再分析资料的结果均显示贝加尔湖一带的位势高度偏低和西太平洋高压的偏强有利于该地区降水增多。利用探空资料进一步证明,蒙古以及贝加尔湖地区的温度在对流层低层变暖和位势高度场的加强导致了过去几十年华北可利用降水量减少。由于贝加尔湖地区温度变化与全球变暖存在密切关联,监测该地区温度的变化对预测华北水资源和东亚夏季风的长期变化具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

北太平洋的年代际振荡与全球变暖   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
通过回顾和总结前人工作,特别是有关北太平洋年代际振荡的研究,针对近50年来北太平洋中纬度海温变冷的现象进行了分析与讨论。从全球气候变化的角度,总结了影响北太平洋中纬度海温变冷现象的几种可能机制,推测了全球气温变暖可能会对北太平洋的直接或间接影响,归纳指出了研究该问题的复杂性与目前面临的困难。  相似文献   

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