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1 INTRODUCTION While wastewater discharge regulations have significantly reduced water column pollution, historical and accidental releases of organic pollutants and heavy metals continue to pose an ecological threat as these contaminants have become 搃n-place?sediment pollutants. It had been previously assumed that natural attenuation processes, such as burial or biodegradation, would decrease the contamination levels in surface sediments and, thus, diminish the environmental impact of t…  相似文献   

Information on temporal distribution of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in the coastal sediments of Mediterranean Sea, Mersin was compiled using data published between 1980 and 2009, and the present study. The first congener specific PCB results from the region yield concentration levels of Σ41PCBs in sediments ranging from 0.61 to 1.04 ng g−1. Sediment profiles show penta-, hexa- and hepta-chlorobiphenyls, specifically, #149 and 153 as the most abundant congeners in all samples. Comparison of total PCB concentrations over time suggests no recent PCB input to the region. Using congener specific PCB data for the region, identity and contribution of PCB sources were also predicted using a chemical mass balance -based (CMB) receptor model. The CMB model identified Aroclor 1260 to be the major PCB source in coastal sediments. The potential sources for the PCBs were briefly discussed in terms of their use in various industrial applications.  相似文献   

Concentrations of PCBs in coastal mangrove sediments of Hong Kong   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The concentrations of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in surface sediments of ten mangrove sites in Hong Kong were determined by Congener-specific and Arcolor methods. Spatial variations were found between mangrove sites and within the same site, indicating that the sediment samples were heterogeneous and total PCBs concentrations in mangrove sediments should be normalised to compensate for natural variability and for identifying serious anthropogenic contamination. In addition to total organic carbon, Al, Fe and Mn were possible normalisers. Based on PCB/normaliser ratio and 95% prediction limits of scatter plots between total PCB and normaliser, all mangrove sites were not seriously contaminated by human activities. The estimated total PCBs concentrations (quantified by Congener-specific method) for most sediment ranged from 0.5 to 5.8 ng g(-1) (dry weight, n = 92). However, very high concentrations of PCB were found in sub-samples from Yi O, Tolo Pond and Lai Chi Wo, suggesting that these samples represented the PCB contaminated "hot spots".  相似文献   

IINTRODUCTIONDebrisflowisaphenomenonhappeninginextremeseveresit'Uationofsoilerosion(Guan,1996).ItoccursfrequentlyanddistributesdenselyinupperreachesoftheYangtzeRiverandtransportsahugeamountofsedimentilltotheriver.Debrisflowdepositinfluencesthecompositionofsedimentandthemorphologyoftheriverbedfromupstreamt6downstreamandthenaffectsthedynamiccharactersandsedimentbudgetoftheYangtzeRiver.Furthermore,itimpactsonthefloodandwaterconservancyengineering.2DEBRISFLOWGULLY--HIGHWAYOFSEDI…  相似文献   

Water and sediment qualities are studied by analyzing samples taking from the mouths of the Haihe, Duliujian, New Ziya and Beipai rivers in the Haihe river basin in north China in 2005 and 2001, in order to find the changes of water and sediment pollutions. The concentrations of heavy metals, arsenic, total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) are analyzed and results have been compared for the two times. The in-situ measurement for Dissolved Oxygen (DO) and Sediment Oxygen Demand (SOD) rates were carried at the Haihe and Duliujian river mouths in 2006. The results show that the waters of the 4 river mouths are still seriously polluted, though much improved in the case of the Haihe and Duliujian rivers. The main pollutants are TP and TN in the New Ziya and Beipai rivers and mercury (Hg) at all 4 river mouths. Compared with those in 2001, the concentrations of almost all metals and arsenic in the 4 river mouths have decreased. Water quality at Haihe and Duliujian shows an improving trend, while the water quality at Beipai is similar to that of 2001. In contrast, water at the New Ziya river mouth is more severely polluted. The sediments in the 4 river mouths are not seriously polluted by heavy metals but are polluted by nitrogen and phosphorus. Most of the pollutant contents in the sediments show little change between 2001 and 2005. The in-situ DO and SOD measurement shows that the waters at the Haihe river mouth is in the state of oxygen depletion, and SOD is important consumer of DO at the river mouths. The overall analysis shows that increasing water pollution and eutrophication in waters far from cities are ongoing causes of concern.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION Lake Calumet is located 15 miles southeast of downtown Chicago. The geographical boundaries include 130th Street to the south, Stony Island Avenue to the east, an industrial area to the north, and interstate highway I-94 to the west. The major continuous water inflow to the lake is Pullman Creek, a drainage ditch, which carries the runoff from the nearby expressway, industries, and landfills into the lake at the northwest corner. The outlet of the Lake is the Calumet R…  相似文献   

1 BACKGROUND The Illinois River is the most significant river in the state of Illinois. The river drains nearly half of the state and has a drainage area of 28,906 mi2 (74,867 km2). Except for about a 4,000 mi2 (10,360 km2) area in Indiana and Wisconsin, the watershed is located in Illinois (see Fig. 1). The watershed contains the drainage basins of several of the state's significant rivers such as the Sangamon, LaMoine, Spoon, Mackinaw, Vermilion, Fox, Kankakee, and Des Plaines Ri…  相似文献   

PCBs were analysed in surficial sediments and selected sediment cores collected between 2002 and 2008 in Central Vietnam coastal lagoons. The aim was to determine contamination levels and trends, and to evaluate the effects of anthropogenic pressures and natural events. Samples were mostly fine-grained with low total PCB concentrations (0.367-44.7 μg kg−1). Atmospheric transport and post depositional processes modify to some degree the fingerprint of PCB inputs to the environment favouring the predominance of 3, 4 and 5 chlorinated congeners. The similarity of congener distributions in contemporary surficial samples also suggests the presence of a unique source over the entire study area, probably connected to mobilisation and long range transports from land-based stocks. The removal of consistent sediment layers is hypothesised based on repeated samplings of the same area. Natural meteorological events (such as typhoons) are suspected to be responsible for these sediment losses.  相似文献   

A total of 33 surficial sediments from riverine and coastal waters from Surabaya, Indonesia were analyzed for PCBs and BFRs. Concentrations of PCBs (62 congeners), PBDEs (14 congeners) and HBCDs (3 isomers) varied from <DL-420, <DL-35 and <DL-5.4 ng g−1 dw, respectively. Higher concentrations of these compounds were found in riverine than coastal sediments. Their levels and distribution were influenced by proximity to the point sources and TOC. The predominant congeners were CB-153, -28, -138, -149, -180, -33 and BDE-209, -207, -206, -197, -196, -183, -99, -47 for PCBs and PBDEs, respectively, and γ-isomer for HBCDs. Debromination of BDE-209 might be taking place producing lower toxic congeners in sediment. Levels of PCBs in riverine sediments were comparable with some polluted areas worldwide, but PBDEs and HBCDs were lower. Hazard assessment of PCBs indicated possible toxic potential, particularly in areas close to point sources.  相似文献   

The currently enforced Bulgarian water legislation [the Water Act (1999), the Environmental Protection Act (2002), etc.] requires conducting special studies for accurate assessments of sand and gravel flux along the rivers, prior to the issue of the license for operation of the quarries, where they will be dredged. The activity of a quarry necessitates special investigations because of the large dimensions of the damages inflicted on the environment. Ours studies have shown that there are two types of river reaches, in which abstraction of sand and gravel is performed. The first one refers usually to the plain area river reaches. The other type is mountainous with high rate of sediment load, which consists of coarse solid matter. The “on-the-spot” study on the environmental impact of the sand and gravel dredging has revealed that in the area of the quarry the riverbed cuts into the alluvial sediments to about 6-7 m and this ditch has spread by attenuation at a distance of more than 25 km upstream. Downstream the pit the picture is replicated and at the 8th km a local scour on the riverbed, amounting to more than 1.80-2.00 m, has been measured near the foundation of a massive bridge in the centre of city of Plovdiv. Such assessments of dynamic resources of sand and gravel materials are expected to serve for the purposes of gradual limitation of this activity in river sections close to renewable resources. The amount of sediment load, which may be abstracted in the area of the Orizare quarry in Bulgaria on a yearly basis has been calculated as 6000 m^3/a. It ensures that the resources will not be exhausted and irreversible distortion of the riverbed will be prevented. This is an environmentally safe limit.  相似文献   

The distributions of 41 polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were determined in the aqueous phase, suspended particulate matter (SPM), and sediment of the Daliao River estuary in Liaodong Bay, Bohai Sea (China). The total PCB concentrations ranged from 5.51 to 40.28 ng L−1 in the surface water, from 6.78 to 66.55 ng L−1 dry weight in the SPM, and from 0.83 to 7.29 ng g−1 dry weight in the sediment. The PCB concentrations in water, SPM, and sediment were moderate relative to those reported for other estuary and marine systems around the world. Sedimentary PCB concentrations decreased offshore due to the active deposition of laterally transported river-borne particles. The predominance of the highly chlorinated congeners for the water, SPM, and sediment samples are an indication of either a lack of degradation or the presence of nearby or recent releases into the environment.  相似文献   

A fixed link (tunnel and bridge, in total 16 km) was constructed between Sweden and Denmark during 1995-2000. As part of the work, approximately 16 million tonnes of seabed materials (limestone and clay till) were dredged, and about 0.6 million tonnes of these were spilled in the water. Modelling of the spreading and sedimentation of the spilled sediments took place as part of the environmental monitoring of the construction activities. In order to verify the results of the numerical modelling of sediment spreading and sedimentation, a new method with the purpose of distinguishing between the spilled sediments and the naturally occurring sediments was developed. Because the spilled sediments tend to accumulate at the seabed in areas with natural sediments of the same size, it is difficult to separate these based purely on the physical properties. The new method is based on the geo-chemical differences between the natural sediment in the area and the spill. The basic propertiesused are the higher content of calcium carbonate material in the spill as compared to the natural sediments and the higher Ca/Sr ratio in the spill compared to shell fragments dominating the natural calcium carbonate deposition in the area. The reason for these differences is that carbonate derived from recent shell debris can be discriminated from Danien limestone, which is the material in which the majority of the dredging took place, on the basis of the Ca/Sr ratio being 488 in Danien Limestone and 237 in shell debris. The geochemical recognition of the origin of the sediments proved useful in separating the spilled from the naturally occurring sediments. Without this separation, validation of the modelling of accumulation of spilled sediments would not have been possible. The method has general validity and can be used in many situations where the origin of a given sediment is sought.  相似文献   

LINTRODUCTIONTheYellowforeriswellknownasaheavilysilt-caacingriverintheworld.Haaer-concentratedfloodsoftenoccurinitsmasterstemandaswellasthetriblltaries.ThecharacteristicsofdeformationandsedimellttranSportdifferfromreachtOreach.Duetohighsedimelltconcelltration,StrongfluvialactionandthenatUreofunSteadysedimenttranSPOrt,problemsandabnormalphenomenonareoflencreated.ThelaterbringinimpacttOnoodcontrolOfthelowerreach.Thus,itishelpfultoenhancetheunderstandingofthemotionlawsOfhaer-concentrat…  相似文献   

A geographically extensive investigation was carried out to analyze the concentrations of heavy metals, PCBs and OCPs in the sediments and marine organisms collected from the Liaohe Estuary. In order to determine the spatial distribution and potential ecological risk of heavy metals, the surface sediments were collected from 44 sites in the Liaohe Estuary. The results showed that the heavy metal contents in the sediments were observed in the following order: Cr (11.2–84.8 mg/kg) > Cu (1.7–47.9 mg/kg) > Pb (4.3–28.3 mg/kg) > As (1.61–12.77 mg/kg) > Cd (0.06–0.47 mg/kg) > Hg (0.005–0.113 mg/kg). In comparison with the concentrations of heavy metals and POPs in other regions, the concentrations of As, Pb and DDTs in the Liaohe Estuary were generally low, and other pollutant concentrations were inconsistent with those reported in other regions. The contamination factor (CF), the pollution load index (PLI), the geoaccumulation index and the potential ecological risk index were used to analyze the pollution situation, which showed that the heavy metal pollution in Liaohe Estuary is mainly dominated by Cd and Hg. The concentrations of the four heavy metals varied significantly in the three kinds of tested organisms (fish, mollusk and crustacean), indicating the different accumulative abilities of the species. The results obtained in this study provide useful information background information for further ecology investigation and management in this region.  相似文献   

The Three Gorges Project is one of the largest hydro-projects in the world and has drawn many debates inside China and abroad. The major concern is that sediment load from the river basin may eventually fail the functions of the project for flood control and power generation. To reduce sedimentation in the reservoir, watershed management has been adopted. However, there is limited information regarding the effectiveness of various control measures such as terracing and afforestation on a watershed scale. The Jialing River, a main tributary of the Yangtze River, contributes approximately 25% of the total sediment load in the main river but only represents 8% of the whole basin area. There have been various land use patterns and extensive human activities for thousands of years in the Jialing River watershed. Based on analysis of the major factors affecting erosion in the Jialing River watershed, the main watershed management strategies (afforestation, farming and engineering practice) are illustrated, and their effects on the reduction of sediment and runoff are studied in detail. The sediment budget of the watershed shows that 1/3 of the sediment yield is trapped by the erosion control measures (afforestation and farming) on the slope, 1/3 is trapped by the reservoirs, ponds and dams within the watershed, and only about 1/3 is transported into the Yangtze River, which will affect the Three Gorges Project.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION The transport of sediment in rivers with active floodplains is a two-dimensional process because the main channel and the floodplain can have very different transport capacities. Therefore, two-dimensional (2D) models are often used to simulate the streamwise and transverse variations of sediment erosion and deposition. Many 2D numerical models have been presented to simulate sediment transport in floodplains (James, 1985; Pizzuto, 1987; Howard, 1992; Nicholas and Walli…  相似文献   

滆湖沉积物理化特征及磷释放腄   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对滆湖表层底泥、柱状层祥和间隙水进行理化分析,模拟不同条件下的沉积物磷释放。结果表明,0~20cm深度范围内,各项理化指标变化较大;大于2cm后差异较小。当提高沉积物-水体系温度、降低氧含量(或Eh),提高pH及施以水动力作用时,可促进沉积物磷释放进程。无菌条件对磷释放有抑制作用。采用实验室模拟和间隙水浓度扩散模型计算得到的磷总释放量分别为10.65t/a和9.40t/a,其中湖面网围区释放量占全湖总量的28.2~35.4%。建议适度控制网围养殖规模,以减少内源磷污染。  相似文献   

1THETESTREACHANDDREDGINGIN1997~1998TheYellowRiverhasextended38kmfartherintotheseaeversincethechangeoftherivercourseattheestuarytotheQingshuigouflowpathin1976.InMay1996therivercoursewaschangedtoabranchatthepointof950mabovetheCSQSandtheriverlengthwas16kmshorterthanbefore.Conditionsofincomingwaterandsedimentduringthefloodseasonof1996werefavorablesuchthat3].6milliontonsofsedimentwerescouredbelowLain.Amongthem,11.6milliontonswerescouredbetweenakinandXihekou(47.5km)and2040milliontonswe…  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION The Middle Yellow River Basin of China is well-known worldwide for its severe soil erosion. The basin extends across arid and desert steppe, semi-arid steppe, and warmly temperate semi-humid forest-steppe from north to south, and morphological characteristics consist of mountains alternating with inter-mountain basins. Landforms change frequently from rocky mountains through rock-loess mixed mountains or hills to loess gullied hills and loess tableland from mountain to bas…  相似文献   

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