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Riassunto Coi dati rilevati nel Settembre 1924 dalla Mario Bianco a Nord dello Stretto di Messina si determinano i coefficienti di diffusione turbolenta, longitudinale e trasversale, per gli strati superficiali della corrente scendente convogliata dallo Stretto medesimo: ottenendo valori in buon accordo con quelli calcolati da altri AA. per altre correnti marine. Inoltre si forniscono elementi sull'estensione per diffusione in profondità delle acque ioniche penetrate nel Tirreno.
Summary Using the data gathered by the ship Mario Bianco during September 1924 the Authors make an attempt to calculate the longitudinal and lateral eddy-diffusion for the current north of the Messina-strait: the resulting coefficients agree well with the already known values. Further, the headlines of the diffusion of the Ionian waters in the Thyrrenian Sea are inferred and discussed.

Zusammenfassung Es wird untersucht, welche Aenderungen in der vertikalen Ausdehnung und der Dichte von rechteckigen Prismen erlaubt sind, ohne ihren gravimetrischen Effekt über gewisse Grenzen hinaus zu ändern. Formen von Massen bzw. von geologischen Körpern, die sich untereinander nur in geometrischen Dimensionen und in der Dichte unterscheiden, praktisch aber den gleichen gravimetrischen Effekt haben, werden gravimetrisch äquivalent genannt. — Es wird ein Beispiel durchgerechnet, in dem die Abmessungen solche sind, dass die rechteckigen Prismen als isostatische Kompensation einer Modell-Gebirgskette, von der Erstreckung der Alpen angesehen werden können. — Aus dem Ergebnis wird der Schluss gezogen, dass das Studium der Schwereanomalien keine klare Vorstellung von der Erstreckung des störenden geologischen Körpers unter dem Gebirgszuge liefern kann, selbst wenn seine Form bekannt ist. — In einem Anhang werden die für die Berechnung der gravimetrischen Aequivalenz nötigen Formeln mitgeteilt.
Summary It is examined which changes of the vertical extension and of the density of rectangular prisms are allowed without changing their gravity effects beyond certain limits. Forms of mass respectively of geological layers which differ from each other only in geometrical dimensions and in density but have practically the same gravity effect are called gravimetrically equivalent. — A synthetical example is treated in which the dimensions are such that the rectangular prism can be regarded as isostatic compensation for a pattern mountain range of the extension of the Alps. — It is concluded that the examination of the gravity anomalies cannot furnish a clear conception of the extension of the disturbing geological layer below the mountain range, even if its form is known. — In an appendix the necessary formulas for calculating the gravimetrical equivalence are given.

Zusammenfassung Die elektrischen Wirkungen des Wettergeschehens lassen sich z.T. als veränderliche Schaltelemente, z. T. als Generatoren im luftelektrischen Stromkreis deuten. Es werden die einzelnen Möglichkeiten besprochen und im Ersatzschaltbild dargestellt. Die Kondensationskerne erweisen sich dabei als wesentliches Bindeglied luftelektrisch-meteorologischer Zusammenhänge, wie an einigen Untersuchungsergebnissen im Hochgebirge (Jungfraujoch) gezeigt wird. — Nach Radiosondenmessungen des luftelektrischen Feldes vonKoenigsfeld ergibt sich die grösste Variabilität des Feldes in einer Höhe von einigen km, was als Auswirkung des vertikalen Massenaustausches auf den Kondensationskerngehalt in verschiedenen Höhen zu deuten ist.
Summary The electrical effects of the weather phenomena can be interpreted partly as variable elements of connections, partly as generators in the atmospheric electrical circuit. The various possibilities are discussed and represented by the equivalent wiring diagram. The condensation nuclei prove hereby as essential link between atmospheric electrical and meteorological relationships as is shown from some results of investigations carried out in high mountains (Jungfraujoch). — According to radio sonde measurements of the atmospheric—electric field made byKönigsfeld the greatest variability of the field occurs in an altitude of a few km which is to be interpreted as the effect of the vertical mass exchange on the content of condensation nuclei in various heights.

Summary Reitan's data on precipitable water vapour over about 45 stations of the U.S.W.B. network are correlated with altitude and average station temperature values. Computations are carried out following a simple proposed model which is found to be obeyed with reasonably good approximation on average monthly and seasonal scales.Contribution of the Centro-Nucleazione Aerosoli of the National Research Council of Italy,Rome, Via Vettore 4.  相似文献   

Riassunto L'A. esamina l'influenza e.m. della variazione dellospessore di un interstrato conduttivo in un, suolo altamente resistivo, per eccitazione del suolo stesso con c.a. (dipolo orizzontale), a bassa frequenza. Il problema ha la sua particolare importanza pratica nella valutazione del tonnellaggio dei minerali conduttivi, riconosciuti geoelettricamente.I calcoli, laboriosi, per addivenire a soluzioni soddisfacenti, portano a valutazioni analitiche del campo elettrico, tabulabili e diagrammabili. Si deduce, tra l'altro, una nozione di orizzonte elettrico (meno vaga di quella in uso di semplice reperto), quale strato sottile, conduttivo, esteso, di spessore critico, a reazione e.m. massima (nozione implicitamente acquisita, per altra via daH. P. Evans).L'A. dimostra dapprima che l'influenza e.m. dell'interstrato (ovviamente diminuente con la profondità), risente, a seconda la profondità stessa, in modo caratteristico della variazione del suo spessore,diminuendo sostanzialmente con l'aumentare di questo.Mentre per giaciture minerali poco profonde la valutazione del tonnellaggio di minerale si può fare in genere per difetto, per quelle relativamente più profonde tale calcolo riesce in genere più esatto (utilizzando entrambe le componenti del c.e. orizzontale in fase e in quadratura).Dato però che tale influenza e.m. è in funzione più propriamente del fattore di induzione, ci si avvale di questa proprietà per introdurre una nuova prassi (a variazione di frequenza) di rilevamento a pseudorisonanza a massimo effetto geoelettromagnetico.
Summary The Author examines the e.m. influence of the thickness change of a conductive interlayer in a soil of high resistivity, for excitation of the soil itself with a.c. (horizontal dipole) of low frequency. The problem has its particular practical importance in the estimation of the conductive minerals tonnage, geoelectrically, acknowledged.The laborious calculations, for obtain satisfactory solutions, lead to analytical estimations of the electric field, that may be expressed in tables and diagrammes. The Author deducts, among other, a notion of electrical horizon as conductive and extensive thin layer of critical thickness (notion already acquired, in other way, byH. P. Evans).First the Author demonstrates that the interlayer e.m. influence (obviously decrising with depth), feels, according to the depth itself, in a caracteristic way of the change of its thickness,decrising substantially with incrising of this. While for little deep mineral layers the estimation of the mineral tonnage can be made generally for defect, for those relatively deeper such a estimate is usually more exact, utilizing both the components of e.c. (horizontal) in phase and in quadrature. Given, therefore, that such e.m. influence is more properly a function of the induction factor, is made use of this property to introduce a new praxis (to frequence variation) of socalled pseudoresonance to maximum geoelectromagnetic effect.

Zusammenfassung Der Verf. untersucht den elektromagnetischen Einfluss, den die Aenderung der Mächtigkeit einer in einem Boden von hohem spezifischen Widerstand befindlichen leitenden Zwischenschicht infolge Erregung durch Wechselstrom mit Niederfrequenz (wagerechter Dipol) ausübt. Das Problem ist in parktischer Hinsicht besonders wichtig bei der Schätzung des Tonnengewichtes der leitenden geoelektrisch festgestellten Mineralien.Die für eine zufriedenstellende Lösung mühevollen Berechnungen führen zu analytischen Schätzungen des elektrischen Feldes, die in Form von Tabellen und Diagrammen zusammengestellt werden können. Es lässt sich daraus u.a. die Kenntnis eines elektrischen Horizontes ableiten (die klarer ist als die übliche einer einfachen Feststellung) in Form einer leitenden, ausgedehnten dünnen Schicht von kritischer Mächtigkeit und von höchster elektromagnetischen Wirkung (diese Kenntnis wurde auf anderem Wege vonH. P. Evans indirekt abgeleitet).Zuerst ergibt der Verf. den Nachweis, dass der elektromagnetische Einfluss der Zwischenschicht (der selbstverständlich mit der Tiefe abnimmt), je nach der Tiefe selbst, in kennzeichnender Weise von der Aenderung ihrer Mächtigkeit abhängt und zwar, dass er wesentlich mit ihrer Zunahmeabnimmt. — Während man für die wenig tiefen Minerallagerungen das Tonnengewicht meist ungefähr abschätzen kann, erhält man für verhältnismässig tiefere Lagerungen gewöhnlich eine genauere Berechnung; indem beide, sowohl gleichphasigen als auch um 90 Grad verstellten Komponenten des elektrischen (wagerechten) Feldes berücksichtigt werden. Da aber dieser elektromagnetische Einfluss eigentlich eine Funktion des Induktionsfaktors ist, benutzt man diese Eigenschaft zur Einführung einer neuen Vermessungsweise (mit Frequenzänderung), die sogenannte Pseudoresonanz mit höchster geoelektromagnetischer Wirkung.

I principali risultati del presente studio vennero comunicati alla Terza Assemblea Generale della Società Italiana di Geofisica e Meteorologia (Genova: 15–17 Aprile 1955).  相似文献   

Summary The approximate solution for the disturbance of a uniform heat flow in a homogeneous semi-infinite medium by an object of different thermal conductivity buried in it is generally used in the interpretation of heat flow anomalies on the ocean bottom. In order to know the accuracy of the approximate solution, a comparison between the approximate solution and the exact solution is given in the case of a very long horizontal cylinder in a semi-infinite medium. The computed results indicate that the two solutions agree to within 10% whend>1.3 and 0.5<<2, whered is ratio of the depth to the radiusR 0 of the cylinder and is the factor of the contrast of the thermal conductivities between the medium and the body. As for the cases when 1 and 1, the same accuracy can be obtained only whend>2. A similar approach is also applied to the case of a spherical conductor in a semi-infinite medium by using a bispherical harmonic solution. The results of both the bipolar solution and the bispherical solution show that when 1 andd1, the vertical thermal gradient at the surface of the semi-infinite medium is always positive and tends to zero, but a negative vertical gradient may be obtained for the approximate solutions.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung In der Klimatherapie kommt neben dem Höhenklima dem Meeresklima eine besondere Bedeutung zu, die wesentlich in den spezifischen Eigenschaften des maritimen Kernaerosols begründet liegt. Praktisch kommt für die Klimakuren nur eine wenige Kilometer breite Uebergangszone vom offenen Meer zum Festland in Frage, die neben den vorgelagerten Inseln lediglich einen kaum 5 km breiten Küstenstreifen umfasst. Das ist die Zone des Insel- und Küstenklimas. Innerhalb dieser Zone ändern sich die Klimaeigenschaften sehr stark, so dass es nicht gleichgültig ist, wo man Heilstätten baut. Insbesondere nehmen die Temperaturverhältnisse und die Aerosoleigenschaften längs der von der Wasserlinie bis zu den Dünen reichenden Strandzone auf einer Strecke von etwa 300 m ganz andere Werte an. Für die Therapie kommen vor allem Formen der extrapulmonalen Tuberkulose (Knochen-, Gelenk- und Drüsentuberkulose), dann auch bestimmte Formen der Lungentuberkulose Erwachsener und allergische und konstitutionelle Ekzeme in Frage. Darüber hinaus hat das Insel-und Küstenklima besondere Bedeutung für die Erholung und für die Kräftigung. Die Wirkung läuft immer auf eine Umstimmung des Organismus hinaus. Organdeffekte und Herdinfektionen stellen eine Kontraindikation dar, sie müssen vor einer Klimakur saniert werden. Nicht die Krankheit wird angegangen, sondern es werden im kranken Organismus Kräfte geweckt, die ihn mit der Krankheit fertig werden lassen. Deshalb ist es von Bedeutung, die Reaktionstypen zu kennen, bei denen das Insel- und Küstenklima eine Umstimmung des Organismus hervorrufen kann. Nur solche Typen sind für eine Klimakur geeignet.
Summary In climatic therapeutics sea climate ist most important besides the high altitude climate. This is primarily caused by the specific qualities of the maritime nucleus aerosol. Practically for climate treatment only a small transition zone of a few kilometers between the open ocean and the continent is usefull. It comprimes besides the islands only a stripe of nearly 5 km of the coast. This is the zone of the Isle- and Coast-Climate. Within this zone the qualities of the climate are changing very much. Therefore it does not care, where one builts hospitals. Especially the temperatures and the qualities of the aerosol are changing to very different values along the beach from the waterline to the dunes (about 300 m). To the treatment are suitable primarily kinds of extrapulmonary tuberculosis (tuberculosis of bones, joints and glands), and certain kinds of pulmonary tuberculosis of adults and allergic and constitutional eczema. Beyond it the Isle- and Coast-Climate is most important for recreation and strengthening. The effect is always caused by tuning anew the organism. Organ defects and special infections are a contraindication, they must be repaired before beginning a climate cure. Not the illness is subdued, but in the ill organism forces are alarmed, which let him win the victory over the sickness. Therefore it is important to know the types of reaction of men, which are supposed to have a tuning anew of the organism by the Isle- and Coast-Climate. Only these types of men are fit for a climate cure.

Riassunto Viene descritto ed illustrato un nuovo procedimento di registrazione del moto ondoso marino, il quale consiste sostanzialmente nel trasformare l'escursione verticale che subisce la superficie del mare nella compressione o dilatazione di una massa d'aria sovrastante racchiusa in un tubo verticale munito superiormente di opportuna membrana sensibile. Un tale apparecchio, installato a Prà (Genova) dal-l'Istituto Geofisico dell'Università di Genova, funziona con successo da alcuni mesi. Segue un esame dei primi risultati ivi conseguiti, dal quale appare l'importanza del passaggio dei fronti freddi sul moto ondoso del mare.
Summary A new method for the recording of sea-wave motion is described and explained. It consists in having the vertical movement of the sea surface transformed into compression or expansion of a volume of air enclosed in a tube which is carrying on its upper part a sensitive membrane. This self-recording instrument, set up at Prà (Genoa) by the Istituto Geofisico dell'Università di Genova is functioning since several months already without giving rise to objections. Some first results obtained up now are also examided, from which it appears the importance of the passage of cold fronts.

Zusammenfassung Es wird ein neues Verfahren für die Registrierung der Meereswellenbewegung beschrieben und erläutert. Es besteht darin, dass der vertikale Gang der Meeresoberfläche umgewandelt wird in Kompression oder Expansion einer in einem Rohre befindlichen Luftmasse, welche am oberen Teil von einer empfindlichen Membran geschlossen ist. Dieser Gerät, vom Istituto Geofisico dell'Università di Genova in Prà (Genua) aufgestellt, arbeitet bereits seit einigen Monaten einwandfrei. Einige vorläufige Ergebnisse werden dann erläutert, wofür auf die Bedeutung des Durchganges von Kaltfronten hingewiesen wird.

aam mam uu mn¶rt;muaamuu n¶rt; u u nua ua —aam auumu m mnam (200–1000°, 2 10–1 a). aa¶rt;u, m um na¶rt;a uu a n¶rt;u auumu mn¶rt;mu m mnam, u¶rt;m auumu ¶rt;a mn¶rt;mu mnam u n¶rt;m mu mnam uma.  相似文献   

Summary Spectral studies of a number of micropulsation pearl records are described. In particular, polarization, recurrence tendency, phase modulation and bandwidth were determined. Although each of the five records studied showed some tendency for pearls to recur, this tendency appears to depend inversely on magnetic activity. Bandwidth to frequency ratios are comparable to those observed byHolmberg in pulsations having periods of 20 seconds and 70 seconds.Theories of pearl sources are compared with observations. Agreement is observed in some aspects, but is lacking in others.  相似文献   

Summary The analysis ofReitan's data on precipitable water vapour in the atmosphere, and data ofJunge on the nitrate content of precipitation, is extended onto a seasonal basis. Computations indicate consistency between precipitable water vapour, precipitation and its nitrate content, within a semiemprical law proposed, and especially for the warmer trimestres of the period July 1956–June 1957. A simple expression correlating the atmospheric content of precipitable water vapour over stations situated between sea level and 580 ft of altitude, with temperature, is suggested and tested. Increasing trends of atmospheric nitrate with latitude are established for all seasons of the period examined.Contribution of the Centro Nucleazione Aerosoli of the National Research Council of Italy, Via Vettore 4 (Monte Sacro),Rome.  相似文献   

Summary The subject is treated, how far the events of motion in the sea can be reproduced by application of methods, which are based on the hydrodynamical differential equations. In particular comparisons between observed and computed sea-levels for the tides in estuaries and in the North-sea are worked out. Furtheron, a method is communicated, which is giving the shape of the sea-surface, when distribution of density is known, without using a layer of no motion. The result shows a remarkable agreement with the topography of the sea-surface in the South-Atlantic given byA. Defant.

Aus einem Vortrag gehalten am 3. April 1959 auf der 7. Allgem. Versammlung der Società Italiana di Geofisica e Meteorologia (Genova: 3.–5. April 1959).  相似文献   

Summary The frequency of mist and fog over the Eastern Mediterranean generally shows a maximum in the warm season and a minimum in winter. It is also less on the African coats than on the northern shores. In the warm season visibility may also deteriorate as a result of the spreading out of heat-haze, notably by midday, or by dust-haze. An outline of the distributions favouring these weather features has been given. It has also been shown that apart from these features, visibility may deteriorate as a result of suspended dust blown from the African deserts by southerly winds in front of travelling depressions in winter or in spring. Visibility may also deteriorate as a result of heavy precipitation in a Cyprus low in winter.  相似文献   

Riassunto Viene determinata l'energia diffusa da un granulo di polvere vulcanica in ciascuno dei due semispazi individuati da un piano passante per il centro di figura del granulo, nel caso in cui incida su di esso un fascio di raggi paralleli, la cui direzione formi un angolo con la normale al piano considerato, pervenendo alla conclusione che, al variare di da 0 a , l'energia diffusa nel semispazio di provenienza della luce varia dal 26 al 130 dell'energia incidente e, viceversa, quella diffusa nel semispazio in cui la luce prosegue il suo cammino varia dal 130 al 26 dell'energia incidente, e che, nel caso in cui la luce incida su un granulo secondo tutte le direzioni contenute nell'angolo solido 2 , il 38 viene diffuso nel semispazio di provenienza e il 118 nell'altro semispazio, mentre, com'è ovvio, in ogni caso il rapporto tra energia diffusa ed energia incidente si mantiene costante ed è pari a 0.156.
Summary In the present paper is determined the energy scattered by a grain of volcanic ashes in each of the two hemispaces individuated by a plane passing through the figure centre of the grain, in the case of a beam of parallel rays incident on it, the direction of the rays forming an angle with the normal to the considered plane. One arrives to the conclusion that, varying from 0 to , the energy scattered in the hemispace of the light origin varies from 26 to 130 of the incident energy, and, vice-versa, the energy scattered in the hemispace in which the light continues its way, varies from 130 to 26 of the incident energy; and that, in the case in which the light is incident on a grain from all the directions contained in the solid angle 2, a 38 is scattered in the hemispace of the light origin and a 118 in the other hemispace, while, as it is obvious, in each case the ratio between scattered energy and incident energy is constant and equal to 0.156.

In order to separate the scattering effect from intrinsic attenuation, we need a multiple scattering model for seismic wave propagation in random heterogeneous media. In paper I (Wu, 1985), radiative transfer theory is applied to seismic wave propagation and the energy density distribution (or the average intensity) in space for a point source is formulated in the frequency domain. It is possible to separate the scattering effect and the absorption based on the measured energy density distribution curves. In this paper, the data from digital recordings in the Hindu Kush region are used as an example of application of the theory. We also discuss two approximate solutions of coda envelope in the time domain: the single scattering approximation and the diffusion approximation and discuss the relation with the frequency domain solution. We point out that in only two cases can the apparent attenuation be expressed as an exponential decay form. One is thedark medium case, i.e., whenB 00.5, whereB 0 = s /( s + a ) is the seismic albedo, s is the scattering coefficient, a is the absorption coefficient. In this case the absorption is dominant, the apparent attenuationb can be approximated by the coherent wave attenuationb = s + a . The other case is thediffuse scattering regime, i.e., whenB 00.5 (bright medium) andRL s ,t s , whereR andt are the propagation distance and lapse time,L s and s are the scattering lengths (mean free path) and scattering time (mean free time), respectively. However, in this case the envelope decays with a rate close to the intrinsic attenuation, while the intensity decreases with distance with a coefficientb d 0( s + a ) d s s , whered 0 andd s are the diffusion multipliers (0<d 0,d s <1).For the Hindu Kush region, by comparing the theory with data from two digital stations of 53 events distributed up to depths of 350 km, we find that the scattering is not the dominant factor for the measured apparent attenuation ofS waves in the frequency range 2–20 Hz. From the observation on high frequency (f>20 Hz) seismograms, we suggest the existence of a stron-scattering surface layer with fine scale heterogeneities in the crust, at least for this region.  相似文献   

Numerous studies of magnetic fluctuations with a zero mean-field for small magnetic Prandtl numbers (Pr m 1) show that magnetic fluctuations cannot be generated by turbulent fluid flow with the Kolmogorov energy spectrum. In addition, the generation of magnetic fluctuations with a zero mean-field for Pr m 1 were not observed in numerical simulations. However, in astrophysical plasmas the magnetic Prandtl numbers are small and magnetic fluctuations are observed. Thus a mechanism of generation of magnetic fluctuations for Pr m 1 still remains poorly understood. On the other hand, in astrophysical applications (e.g., solar and stellar convection zones, galaxies, accretion disks) the turbulent velocity field cannot be considered as a divergence-free. The generation of magnetic fluctuations by turbulent flow of conducting fluid with a zero mean magnetic field for Pr m 1 is studied by means of linear and nonlinear analysis. The turbulent fluid velocity field is assumed to be homogeneous and isotropic with a power law energy spectrum ( k –p ) and with a very short scale-dependent correlation time. It is found that magnetic fluctuations can be generated when the exponent p > 3/2. It is shown also that the growth rates of the higher moments of the magnetic field are larger than those of the lower moments, i.e., the spatial distribution of the magnetic field is intermittent. In addition, the effect of compressibility (i.e., u 0) of the low-Mach-number turbulent fluid flow u is studied. It is demonstrated that the threshold for the generation of magnetic fluctuations by turbulent fluid flow with u 0 is higher than that for incompressible fluid. This implies that the compressibility impairs the generation of magnetic fluctuations. Nonlinear effects result in saturation of growth of the magnetic fluctuations. Asymptotic properties of the steady state solution for the second moment of the magnetic field in the case of the Hall nonlinearity for the low-Mach-number compressible flow are studied.  相似文献   

Summary The theory of the multivariate coherence analysis(spectral domain approach) is developed for calculating single- and inter-station transfer functions and corresponding vector induction characteristics from time variations of the geomagnetic field components. An alternative approach of calculating similar induction characteristics using a time domain algorithm is shown.
aam mu m aaua(nma n¶rt;¶rt;) nuuu ama ¶rt;-u -mau n¶rt;am u u mmmu m aamumu u¶rt;uu n anua auau mau aum n u. u¶rt;um ma m¶rt; u aau aamumu u¶rt;uu nm ama amu un mua um. nuam aum na auu am u aamum ¶rt; n ama naam.

Summary Based on model considerations it is shown that, under certain assumptions, upper cyclogenesis may be expected in the region of the auroral oval as a result of heat released at the time energetic particles of extraterrestrial origin penetrate into the lower stratosphere or even troposphere.
a auu ¶rt; a¶rt;u naa, m nu m n¶rt;nu u¶rt;am u amu aa aa mam ¶rt;u mna nuu muu amu nu¶rt;u u mam uu mn.

¶rt;am m unau a¶rt;umaua m nu ma a u mum u au. am a uu u ma a a umaua nmua mmu ¶rt; u mu m uauu.

Presented at the Meeting SSG 5.49 of the IAG, Uppsala, August 7, 1978.  相似文献   

nua ¶rt;u a¶rt;am m aa ¶rt;uaaa . ¶rt;u aam ¶rt; ¶rt; uu umuo au uu m a u a u am mu ma. mu anmau mu ma n¶rt; auumu m a aa u anau nu au. num ma uu nu un u n mu ma n¶rt;mauu n¶rt;um uu m umua. mam ¶rt;umum mu u aua n au muna ma a umua uu un. ¶rt; aauua am na mu ma, m uam ua u.  相似文献   

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