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识别影响流感流行强度的关键气象因子有助于提高流感疫情预警、预测能力.基于 2010-2018年上海市冬、春季周流感样病例数(ILI)和气象观测资料,采用分布滞后非线性模型(DLNM)和广义相加回归模型(GAM)系统分析了ILI与多种气象因子的关联,在此基础上使用多元逐步回归模型识别调控流感流行强度的关键气象因子.结果表明,冬、春季平均气温和相对湿度与ILI呈反向关系,低温和低湿效应的滞后持续时间较长,5℃和 50%环境下滞后3周的累积风险分别为 2.16(95%CI:1.18-3.95)和 2.51(95%CI:1.96-3.23),且气温与相对湿度对ILI存在交互影响,干燥环境会显著加强冷效应.此外,与气温有关的不稳定天气要素也与ILI具有显著关联,其中气温日较差对ILI的影响在当周最大,每升高 1℃,ILI风险增加 1.8%(95%CI:0.2%—3.4%),ILI流行早期的冷空气活动频次与ILI呈单调递增线性关系,冷空气活动频次每增加 1次,ILI风险增大 6.8%(95%CI:2.1%—11.7%).其中,流行早期阶段的频繁冷空气活动和流行期内的干燥环境为严重流感事件的爆发提供了合适的外界环境.研究结果可为科学理解暖冬背景下出现的大规模流感流行事件提供理论依据.  相似文献   

On the basis of a comprehensive literature review and data analysis of global influenza surveillance, a transmission theory based numerical model is developed to understand the causative factors of influenza seasonality and the biodynamical mechanisms of seasonal flu. The model is applied to simulate the seasonality and weekly activity of influenza in different areas across all continents and climate zones around the world. Model solution and the good matches between model output and actual influenza indexes affirm that influenza activity is highly auto-correlative and relies on determinants of a broad spectrum. Internal dynamic resonance; variations of meteorological elements (solar radiation, precipitation and dewpoint); socio-behavioral influences and herd immunity to circulating strains prove to be the critical explanatory factors of the seasonality and weekly activity of influenza. In all climate regions, influenza activity is proportional to the exponential of the number of days with precipitation and to the negative exponential of quarter power of sunny hours. Influenza activity is a negative exponential function of dewpoint in temperate and arctic regions and an exponential function of the absolute deviation of dewpoint from its annual mean in the tropics. Epidemics of seasonal influenza could be deemed as the consequence of the dynamic resonance and interactions of determinants. Early interventions (such as opportune vaccination, prompt social distancing, and maintaining incidence well below a baseline) are key to the control and prevention of seasonal influenza. Moderate amount of sunlight exposure or Vitamin D supplementation during rainy and short-day photoperiod seasons, more outdoor activities, and appropriate indoor dewpoint deserve great attention in influenza prevention. To a considerable degree, the study reveals the mechanism of influenza seasonality, demonstrating a potential for influenza activity projection. The concept and algorithm can be explored for further applications.  相似文献   

潮汐和地震对全球气候变化的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2004年12月26日印尼地震海啸后,全球低温冻害和暴雪灾害频繁发生。"潮汐调温说"和"深海巨震降温说"是一种合理的解释。根据"潮汐调温说"和"深海巨震降温说"理论,2005年全球气温将因为印尼地震海啸和强潮汐南北震荡而降低。美国国家航空航天局(NASA)的科学家认为,一个较弱的厄尔尼诺现象和人类排放的温室气体将使2005年成为人类有记载以来最热的一年。事实上,2005年的温度低于1998年。现在,西方科学家也承认了2005—2007年自然气候的变化抵消了全球气候变暖效应这一客观事实。  相似文献   

利用1961~ 2007年NCEP/NCAR的再分析逐日资料,分析高原主体上空大气环流的季节变化和受到高原影响的东亚大型环流系统的季节变化,以此证明本文得到的“高原普适性划分方法”的合理性.得到的初步结论概括如下:高原主体上空的位势高度、风场、高空温度、降水的季节变化和高原普适性季节划分方法划分的高原四季变化一致,高原南亚高压、副热带高压、副热带西风急流的三个特征指数季节变化和高原普适性季节划分方法划分的高原四季变化一致,这些结论都说明高原普适性季节划分方法划分的高原四季是合理的;风场季节率(500hPa、100hPa)显著区随高度升高向赤道靠近,风场季节率的变化主要和东亚季风的变化有关,大气环流系统季节率的显著说明了大气环流的季节变化,同时也证明了高原普适性季节划分方法的合理性.  相似文献   

Tourism and recreation are important economic activities which are major agents of change globally and, more specifically, in wetland areas. There is a regular round of activities associated with the seasons and anything which influences operating seasons is likely to have substantial consequences for tourism businesses Atmospheric conditions influence both whether or not people will participate as well as the quality of the experience. In marine coasts, wetland recreations may be threatened by rising sea levels but recreation in inland water bodies may be affected more by deficiencies rather than superabundance of water. Marinas and recreational boating are harmed by extremes of both high and low water, particularly the latter which is the most likely situation under global climate change. Two main groups can be considered with respect to the potential to adapt to climate change. These are the participants themselves and the businesses which cater to them. It is argued that the former are likely to be much more adaptable than the latter.  相似文献   

〈Abstract〉This paper reports the seasonal feature of the relationship between ENSO and the stratospheric Polar Vortex Oscillation (PVO) variability in the Northern Hemisphere.It is shown that the lagged ENSO-PVO coupling relationship exhibits distinct seasonal feature,due to the strong seasonality of PVO and ENSO.Specifically,the PVO variability not only during winter,but also in autumn and spring months,is significantly correlated with ENSO anomalies leading by seasons;however,no significant effect of ENSO is found on the PVO variability in winter months of November and February.Although a significant ENSO effect is primarily observed when ENSO leads PVO by about one year,a significant correlation is also found between PVO in the following spring months (M +1 A +1) and ENSO anomalies in the previous autumn (A-1 S-1 O- 1 N -1) when ENSO anomalies lead by about 18 months.The significant correlation between PVO in various seasons and the corresponding ENSO anomalies leading by seasons could be explicitly verified in most of the individual years,confirming that the lagged ENSO effect can largely modulate the seasonal timescale variability of PVO.Moreover,the composite spatial patterns of the zonal-mean temperature anomalies further show that the ENSO effect on the PVO in various seasons is related to the interannual variability of the seasonal timescale PVO events.  相似文献   

In addition to the occurrence of atmospheric blocking,the climatology of the characteristics of blocking events,including duration,intensity,and extension,in four seasons over the Northern Hemisphere was analyzed for the period 1950-2009.The seasonality and spatial variations of these characteristics were studied according to their longitudinal distributions.In general,there were sharp discrepancies in the blocking characteristics between winter and summer,and these differences were more prominent over the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.The blocking not only occurred more frequently but also underwent stronger amplification in winter;likewise,the blocking occurred less frequently and underwent weaker amplification in summer.There are very strong interrelationships among different blocking characteristics,suggesting that they are supported by similar physical factors.In addition,the relationship between blocking over different regions and East Asian circulation was examined.Ural-Siberia is a major blocking formation region in all seasons that may exert a downstream impact on East Asia.The impact is generally weak in summer,which is due to its lower intensity and smaller duration.However,the extratropical circulation over East Asia in summer can be disturbed persistently by the frequent occurrence of blocking over the Asian continent or the Western Pacific.In particular,the blocking frequency over the Western Pacific significantly increased during the study period.This climatological information provides a background for studying the impact of blocking on East Asian circulation under both present and future climate conditions.  相似文献   

中国大陆黑碳气溶胶排放清单   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The detailed high-resolution emission inventory of black carbon (BC) from China in the year 2000 was calculated. The latest fuel consumption data including fossil and biomass fuels, and socio-economic statistics used were obtained from government agencies, mostly at the county level, and some new emission factors (Efs) from local measurements were also used. National and regional summaries of emissions were presented at 0.2°×0.2°resolution. Total BC emission was 1499.4 Gg in 2000, mainly due to the burning of coal and biomass. The BC emission estimated here is higher than those in previous studies, mainly because the emissions from coal burning by rural industries and residences were previously underestimated. More BC aerosols were emitted from eastern China than western China. A strong seasonal dependence was observed for BC emissions, with peaks in January and December and low emissions in July and August; and this seasonality is mainly due to patterns in residential heating and the open burning of crop residues.  相似文献   

We introduced the two-parameter stratiform cloud model of Hu and Yan (1986) into the mesoscale model of Anthes et al.(1987),and reprogramed the latter,then constructed a three-dimensional stratiform cloud system model which includes three phases of water and detailed cloud physical processes.For the stability and accuracy of calculation in a larger time step,we accepted a set of hybrid-schemes for all and the time split scheme for some of the cloud physical processes,and proposed a parameterized method which calculates different types of phase change processes simultaneously,and designed the falling schemes of particles following the Lagrangian method.We used a dry model,a cumulus parameterization model,a two-phase explicit scheme model,and the model presented here to simulate two low-level mesoscale vortices,compared and analysed the simulating capability of these models.The results show that in simulation of the circulation structure of meso-vortex,the structure of cloud system,and surface precipitation,the model presented here is more reasonable and closer to the observations than other models.  相似文献   

季风及季风与西风带相互关系的数值模拟研究   总被引:10,自引:12,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
利用中国科学院大气物理研究所九层大气环流模式积分20年,分析其对季风的模拟能力并探寻季风与西风带的相互关系.模式计算得到的全球广义季风区的分布和大气质量的跨纬圈输送,与由实测资料算得的结果十分接近;行星热对流环流和地表特性差异对大气质量跨纬圈传输的功效比夏季约为1.8:1,冬季为2.2:2,此值也与实测十分接近;模拟结果还发现西风带和热带的降水性质有着本质差别,前者与风暴轴有关,为大尺度抬升凝结降水,后者受控于大气层结,为对流性降水;西风带和季风降水都受两半球副热带辐散源的驱动影响,冬季风加强北半球的西风带,进而加强西风带降水,夏季风则削弱北半球西风带和其降水;起自南半球的两支夏季风气流在印度洋和南亚一带同位相叠加,引发强大的亚-澳夏季风,并伴有最强的降水中心,而冬季风会在西太平洋暖池形成一对南北对称的辐合中心,并形成冬季最强的降水中心.  相似文献   

一个新的季风指数和全球季风的地理分布(英)   总被引:55,自引:2,他引:55  
一个新的季风指数即动态标准化季节变率被提出用来研究有关季风的问题。这个动态标准化季节变率指数能够很好地描述不同季风区的季节变化和年际变率,而且它还可以用来划分全球季风系统的地理分布。进一步,本文指出它对于深入理解季风来研究经典季风、庸季风和类季风系统的区别、联系及相互作用是非常有用的。  相似文献   

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