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From a comparative study between stellar and gas data it is seen that turbulent and hydrodynamic motions in the Galaxy are common to both types of materials:
  1. Galactic clusters have sizes and intrinsic dispersions compatible with the modified form of the Kolmogorov law seen in molecular clouds: undimensional velocities σ(km s?1)=0.54d 0.38 (pc). This indicates that ‘typic’ clusters were born from ‘typic’ dark clouds as these of the Lynds's catalogue (diametersd<10 pc, dispersions σ<1.5 km s?1 hydrogen densitiesn H>200 atom cm?3). These clouds have mass enough to form galactic clusters (1000–3000M ).
  2. The cluster formation is related to the supersonic range of the Kolmogorov relationship σ(d>1 pc) while the AFGKM stars are related to the subsonic range of the same relationship σ(d<0.3 pc), the intermediate transition zone is probably related to OB stars and/or trapezia.
  3. The effects of the magnetic fields in the clouds are also discussed. It seems to be that in the clouds the magnetic energy does not exceed the kinetic energy (proportional toσ 2(d)) and that this determinates the freezing criteria. The hypotheses introduced here can be checked with 21 cm Zeeman splitting.
  4. Low-density globular clusters are also coherent with the Kolmogorov relationship. Some hypotheses about their origin and the type of clouds where they were born are discussed. This last part of the study lets open the possibility of further studies about evolution of globular clusters.

Two comments are prompted by the recent paper of Quiroga (1983). First, it is pointed out that Quiroga's identification of two distinct types of motion (hydrodynamic and turbulent) within the galactic disk supports the suggestion that turbulent motions in the Galaxy are generated by the shearig action of differential galactic rotation. Secondly, as a result of these turbulent motions dominating the systematic hydrodynamics of galactic rotation at scale sizes below 100–300 pc, it appears that some process(es) associated with interstellar turbulence rather than with galactic rotation should play a dominant role in the establishment of the angular momentum of interstellar material.  相似文献   

It is textbook knowledge that open clusters are conspicuous members of the thin disk of our Galaxy, but their role as contributors to the stellar population of the disk was regarded as minor. Starting from a homogenous stellar sky survey, the ASCC‐2.5, we revisited the population of open clusters in the solar neighbourhood from scratch. In the course of this enterprise we detected 130 formerly unknown open clusters, constructed volume‐ and magnitude‐limited samples of clusters, re‐determined distances, motions, sizes, ages, luminosities and masses of 650 open clusters. We derived the present‐day luminosity and mass functions of open clusters (not the stellar mass function in open clusters), the cluster initial mass function CIMF and the formation rate of open clusters. We find that open clusters contributed around 40 percent to the stellar content of the disk during the history of our Galaxy. Hence, open clusters are important building blocks of the Galactic disk (© 2010 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Numerical simulations are used to analyze the breakup of moving groups in the Galactic disk through the internal velocity dispersion of the group components and the tidal effect of the external regular gravitational Galactic field and giant molecular clouds. The initial locations of the group centroids correspond to well-known moving streams: the Hyades, the Pleiades, the Ursa Major cluster, and the group HR 1614. The mean group breakup times have been found as a function of the adopted limiting group size. The interactions of stream stars with giant molecular clouds reduce significantly the group lifetime.  相似文献   

There is a long term dynamical heating of stellar populations with age observed in the age – velocity dispersion – relation (AVR). This effect allows a determination of the star formation history SFR(t) from local kinematical data of main sequence stars. Using a self-consistent disk model for the vertical structure of the disk, we find from the kinematics of the stars in the solar neighbourhood that the SFR shows a moderate star burst about 10 Gyr ago followed by a continuous decline to the present day value consistent with the observed number of OB stars. The gravitational potential of the gas component and of the Dark Matter Halo is included and the effect of chemical enrichment, finite lifetime of the stars and mass loss of the stellar component are taken into account. The scale heights for main sequence stars together with the SFR is then used to determine constistently the IMF from the observed local luminosity function. The main new result is that the power law break in the present day mass function (PDMF) around 1 M is entirely due to evolutionary effects of the disk and does not appear in the IMF. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

This paper presents an analysis of the first 2MASS (The Two Micron All Sky Survey) sampler data as observed at lower Galactic latitude in our Galaxy. These new near-infrared data provide insight into the structure of the thin disk of our Galaxy, The interpretation of star counts and color distributions of stars in the near-infrared with the synthetic stellar population model, gives strong evidence that the Galactic thin disk density scale length,h R , is rather short (2.7 ± 0.1 kpc).  相似文献   

The theory of resonant interactions between particles and MHD waves (in collision-dominated plasmas) is shown to be equivalent to the corresponding theory for waves in collisionless plasmas provided that the wave properties are described in a suitable way. Slow-mode waves (as well as fast mode waves and Alfvén waves) might contribute to the scattering of cosmic rays in the interstellar medium.  相似文献   

The joint use of accurate near- and mid-infrared photometry from the 2MASS and WISE catalogues has allowed the variations of the extinction law and the dust grain size distribution in high Galactic latitudes (|b| > 50°) at distances up to 3 kpc from the Galactic midplane to be analyzed. The modified method of extrapolation of the extinction law applied to clump giants has turned out to be efficient for separating the spatial variations of the sample composition, metallicity, reddening, and properties of the medium. The detected spatial variations of the coefficientsE(H ? W1)/E(H ? Ks), E(H ? W2)/E(H ? Ks), and E(H ? W3)/E(H ? Ks) are similar for all high latitudes and depend only on the distance from the Galactic midplane. The ratio of short-wavelength extinction to long-wavelength one everywhere outside the Galactic disk has been found to be smaller than that in the disk and, accordingly, the mean dust grain size is larger, while the grain size distribution in the range 0.5–11 µm is shifted toward coarse dust. Specifically, the mean grain size initially increases sharply with distance from the Galactic midplane, then decreases gradually, approaching a value typical of the disk at |Z| ≈ 2.4 kpc, and, further out, stabilizes or may increase again. The coefficients under consideration change with coordinate Z with a period of about 1312 ± 40 pc, coinciding every 656 ± 20 pc to the south and the north and showing a significant anticorrelation between their values in the southern and northern hemispheres at intermediate Z. Thus, there exists a unified large-scale periodic structure of the interstellar medium at high latitudes within at least 5 kpc. The same periodic variations have also been found for the extinction coefficient R V within 600 pc of the Galactic midplane through the reduction of different photometric data for stars of different classes.  相似文献   

Numerical simulations of two-component (stars + gas) self-gravitating galactic disks show that the interstellar gas can significantly affect the dynamical evolution of the disk even if its mass fraction (relative to the total galaxy mass) is as low as several percent. Aided by efficient energy dissipation, the gas becomes gravitationally unstable onlocal scale and forms massive clumps. Gravitational scattering of stars by these clumps leads to suppression of bar instability usually seen in heavy stellar disks. In this case, gas inflow towards the galactic center is driven by dynamical friction which gas clumps suffer instead of bar forcing.  相似文献   

The absence of a parametric resonance by the generation of a large scale bisymmetric magnetic field in a thin galactic disk with periodically time dependent properties in the frames of the simplest thin disk galactic dynamo model is shown.  相似文献   

Krigel'  A. M. 《Astrophysics》1989,31(1):498-502
Leningrad State University. Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 31, No. 1, pp. 137–143, July–August, 1989.  相似文献   

Sternentstehung in Galaxien ist ein Prozeß mit Rückkopplung zum interstellaren Medium (ISM) und möglicherweise ein Teil eines selbstregu-lierenden Zyklus. DOPITA (1985) hat ein Modell vorgeschlagen, in dem Sternentstehung in Spiral- und irregulären Galaxien über den Druck im ISM selbstregulierend wirkt. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird gezeigt, daß die verfügbaren Daten für die radialen Verteilungen von Gas, Gesamtmasse und Lymankontinuumphotonenfluß in der Scheibe unserer Galaxis dieses einfache Modell nicht stützen. Verschiedene mögliche Ursachen werden diskutiert.  相似文献   

Infrared photometry in the J (1.2 µm), H (1.7 µm), Ks (2.2 µm) bands from the 2MASS catalogue and in the W1 (3.4 µm), W2 (4.6 µm), W3 (12 µm), W4 (22 µm) bands from the WISE catalogue is used to reveal the spatial variations of the interstellar extinction law in the infrared near the midplane of the Galaxy by the method of extrapolation of the extinction law applied to clump giants. The variations of the coefficients E(H ? W1)/E(H ? Ks), E(H ? W2)/E(H ? Ks), E(H ? W3)/E(H ? Ks), and E(H ? W4)/E(H ? Ks) along the line of sight in 2° × 2° squares of the sky centered at b = 0° and l = 20°, 30°, ..., 330°, 340° as well as in several 4° × 4° squares with |b| = 10° are considered. The results obtained here agree with those obtained by Zasowski et al. in 2009 using 2MASS and Spitzer-IRAC photometry for the same longitudes and similar photometric bands, confirming their main result: in the inner (relative to the Sun) Galactic disk, the fraction of fine dust increases with Galactocentric distance (or the mean dust grain size decreases). However, in the outer Galactic disk that was not considered by Zasowski et al., this trend is reversed: at the disk edge, the fraction of coarse dust is larger than that in the solar neighborhood. This general Galactic trend seems to be explained by the influence of the spiral pattern: its processes sort the dust by size and fragment it so that coarse and fine dust tend to accumulate, respectively, at the outer and inner (relative to the Galactic center) edges of the spiral arms. As a result, fine dust may exist only in the part of the Galactic disk far from both the Galactic center and the edge, while coarse dust dominates at the Galactic center, at the disk edge, and outside the disk.  相似文献   

Infall models for the evolution of the local galactic disk were studied and confronted with a large number of observational constraints from the solar vicinity, inclusive of the white dwarf luminosity function. The models are characterized as follows: 1. The key-functions (SFR, IMF, gas infall rate) are not prescribed by simple laws, but are directly derived from observational constraints. 2. A scatter in the metallicity at fixed age is considered which partly reflects inhomogeous chemical evolution. 3. Special attention is drawn to the internal consistency of the models. 4. In addition to infall of low-metallicity gas, metal-enriched outflows are allowed. The “best” model is characterized by a disk age of ≈︁ 12 Gyr, a SFR which is decreasing over the first half and is nearly constant over the second half of the disk evolution, and by a similar temporal run of the gas infall rate. Moderate metal-enriched outflow can not be excluded.  相似文献   

Generalized and interconsistent approximation formulas are derived to describe the relationship between the hydrogen-burning time and the zero-age stellar mass for the mass and elemental composition ranges characteristic of stars that have been formed during the lifetime of the universe. The maximum masses of population I stars are estimated based on the known statistical relationships among stellar characteristics that agree with observational data.  相似文献   

We apply our analytic model for the dust diffusivity to calculate the vertical structure of the dust sub-disk in a turbulent protoplanetary nebula. We present a numerical solution of a vertical dust settling equationand a coagulation equation for dust grains covering four orders of magnitude in time and grain size.  相似文献   

The classical assumption that most globular clusters (hereafter GC) formed in situ in galactic halos is examined in an approximate, empirical way. Although this viewpoint is not rejected per se, an alternative possibility is investigated: the presence of multiple resonances in the galactic disk, together with the concurrent action of a resonant internal bar or distortion, may stir these resonances. This may lead to chaotic motion which breaks the action of the third integral for moderately eccentric orbits. These circumstances may consequently allow the formation of some GC’s in the disk with moderate to highly eccentric orbits, with the action of the resonant bar subsequently gradually driving them (as well as other stars with similar orbits) to spend most of their time in the Galaxy’s halo. The size of the resonant region and the probable effectiveness of the various agents in the associated phase space in the axisymmetric model are listed. An n-body simulation would be required to establish this proposal in a fully self-consistent way. Paper presented at the Division of Dynamical Astronomy Meetings in Halifax, N.S., Canada, June 2006.  相似文献   

We report a detailed investigation of the bulk motions of the nearby Galactic stellar disk, based on three samples selected from the LSS-GAC DR2: a global sample containing 0.57 million FGK dwarfs out to ~2 kpc, a local subset of the global sample consisting of ~5400 stars within 150 pc, and an anti-center sample containing ~4400AFGK dwarfs and red clump stars within windows a few degrees wide centered on the Galactic Anti-center. The global sample is used to construct a three-dimensional map of bulk motions of the Galactic disk from the solar vicinity out to ~2 kpc with a spatial resolution of ~250 pc. Typical values of the radial and vertical components of bulk motion range from-15 km s-1to 15 km s-1; in contrast, the lag behind the circular motion dominates the azimuthal component by up to ~15 km s-1. The map reveals spatially coherent, kpc-scale stellar flows in the disk, with typical velocities of a few tens of km s-1. Bending- and breathing-mode perturbations are clearly visible,and vary smoothly across the disk plane. Our data also reveal higher-order perturbations, such as breaks and ripples, in the profiles of vertical motion versus height. From the local sample, we find that stars from different populations exhibit very different patterns of bulk motion. Finally, the anti-center sample reveals a number of peaks in stellar number density in the line-of-sight velocity versus distance distribution, with the nearer ones apparently related to the known moving groups. The "velocity bifurcation" reported by Liu et al. at Galactocentric radii 10–11 kpc is confirmed. However,just beyond this distance, our data also reveal a new triple-peaked structure.  相似文献   

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