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Knowing the aquatic resources, such as emerging insects, that are entering terrestrial systems is important for food web and conservation studies, especially when water availability or quality is limited. Even though studies concerning benthic macroinvertebrates are numerous, insect emergence from lakes is less studied.To understand if water parameters (e.g., water temperature, oxygen concentration etc) determine insect emergence and the possible seasonal differences, we collected emergent insects from three different lakes in South Germany, during three seasons. We searched for common patterns of insect emergence at the three lakes. Moreover, the relative contribution of insects of aquatic origin to aerial flying arthropods was assessed, with collecting aerial flying arthropods at the shore.Chironomidae constituted the highest number of emerged insects in all lakes, however different patterns of emergence occurred in each lake (unimodal vs. bimodal) with different season-dependent times for the emergence peaks (spring, summer, beginning of autumn). Aquatic insects constituted a considerable proportion (at least 17%) of the aerial flying arthropods at the shore. The variation in insect emergence was explained by water temperature, however not by other water parameters or the nutrient values. Seasonal and spatial differences in insect emergence, should be considered when investigating aquatic-terrestrial interactions and designing conservation plans. A total biomass of up to 1.8 g m−2 of emerging insects from the littoral zone of Lake Constance can enter the terrestrial system in a year. We also provide length-dry weight relationships for emerged (adult) Chironomidae. These equations are useful to estimate the dry insect biomass from length data and currently such data lack for adult aquatic insects.  相似文献   

Aquatic plants are essential for maintaining the diversity and stability of a lake ecosystem. Stable carbon isotopes (δ13C) of macrophytes have been widely used as a powerful tool to study ecological processes and paleoenvironmental evolution in lakes. Varying results are obtained when using the δ13C of macrophytes to study the changes in the lake environment at different spatio-temporal scales. Thus, sample preparation and subsequent laboratory analyses are crucial for studying environmental changes using the isotopic signal retained in the macrophytes, and are essential for the interpretation of isotope-environment relationships. This study analyzed the δ13C of different tissue components of macrophytes in three lakes of the lower Yangtze River basin, and a correlation analysis was performed on aquatic environments influencing the δ13C values in the different tissue components of macrophytes. The test results showed the difference between the δ13C values of the whole sample and cellulose. Relative analyses indicated that the major factors contributing to the δ13C variability in macrophytes were pH and the concentration of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC). The δ13C of α-cellulose (δ13CAC) is more sensitive to environmental variables than that of the whole sample (δ13CW) and holocellulose (δ13CHC). The results of this study imply that extraction of α-cellulose is a prerequisite for research on the changes in lake environment using δ13C of macrophytes. This study aims to provide theoretical and data basis for further research on the environmental and ecological change using stable carbon isotopes of aquatic plants.  相似文献   

During the summer of 1966 some limnological aspects of thirteen lakes and one pond in the most northeasterly part of Norway were studied. A total of 418 taxa of algae including 104 genera, and 70 taxa of zooplankton including 46 genera are identified. The composition of the plankton in all the waters is shown to be typical for fundamentally oligotrophic lakes. A few of the lakes show some humic influence. This is in agreement with the hydrographic results from these waters (Bøyum [1]).  相似文献   

Declines in lakewater calcium (Ca) concentrations are occurring in many softwater lakes of the Canadian Shield, and likely elsewhere, and there is growing interest regarding the potential impacts that reduced Ca availability may have on aquatic ecosystems. Here, we test the hypotheses that the Ca limitations of Daphnia pulex (reduced growth/survival when Ca <1.5 mg L−1) identified in laboratory analyses and paleolimnological case studies can be observed among cladoceran assemblages from surface sediments along a narrow Ca gradient (1–3 mg L−1), and also whether the impacts of low Ca concentrations can be distinguished from those of low lakewater pH. Significant differences among daphniid communities were observed across the 1.5 mg L−1 Ca threshold; however, these differences did not extend to the broader cladoceran community and considerable variability in Ca tolerance was observed within the D. pulex species complex. Of the measured environmental variables, only pH and lake depth explained a significant amount of variation among the entire cladoceran community, although when enlarging the dataset to extend the Ca and pH ranges, Ca replaced pH as a significant explanatory variable. Our data adds support to our previous observations that, within the cladoceran community, daphniids are the most responsive to Ca decline, however responses differ within daphniid species complexes and Ca thresholds under natural conditions may be higher for some species than their laboratory-identified values.  相似文献   

The Chilean lake district includes diverse lentic ecosystems along ca. 700 km of the country (36°–43°S), including the “Nahuelbutan lakes”, “Araucanian lakes” and “Chiloe lakes”. This area is recognized as an important “hot spot” of benthic freshwater biodiversity in Southern South America. In Chilean temperate lakes, increased nutrient loads of P and N caused eutrophication, particularly in the Nahuelbutan Lakes. The freshwater Hyriidae mussel Diplodon chilensis (Gray, 1828) which is one of the most abundant species in Chilean temperate lakes, is known to be very susceptible to eutrophication. This species presents a clear reduction in its geographic ranges and is considered to be a threatened species in many Chilean lakes. In this study, we used a correlative approach to determine how eutrophication-driven changes in the food supply and in geographical parameters of different Chilean lakes affected the shell growth rates of D. chilensis. The results obtained from sclerochronological analyses of the mussel shells suggest an association with a group of environmental variables, including geographical types (negative), such as latitude and altitude, and limnological types (positive), especially phosphorous and turbidity. However, the D. chilensis populations under extreme conditions of turbidity in eutrophic and hypertrophic lakes are extinct or nearly so. The high positive correlation of the mean D. chilensis growth rates with orthophosphate (R=0.76; P<0.05), in relation to dissolved inorganic nitrogen, suggests that P is the major limiting factor of the primary productivity in Chilean temperate lakes. We discuss some implications of our results in terms of the conservation of biodiversity in temperate lake ecosystems at different taxonomic levels.  相似文献   

Potassium isotopes are a novel tracer for continental weathering. Previous K isotope studies on chemical weathering generally targeted weathering profiles under a particular climate region, yet the effects of chemical weathering on K isotopes under different climatic backgrounds remain unclear. Moreover, little is known about the K isotope signatures of modern unconsolidated detrital sediments. Here, we report K isotopic data of surficial seafloor sediments from continental shelves along the eas...  相似文献   

The nuisance large flagellate Gonyostomum semen (Raphidophyceae) is typical for brown-water lakes in temperate and boreal regions. This study is focused on two annual cycles of G. semen in shallow temperate lakes (one of which stratifies) with a particular emphasis on the species’ ecology and its potential impact on the alternation of phytoplankton assemblages. Temperature and phosphorus were the main forces driving seasonal growth of the raphidophyte. G. semen occurred at a broad temperature range and prevailed for the extended period from spring to late autumn at maximum biovolume and forming up to 98.7% of total phytoplankton in June–July and/or September. The species exclusively dominated under phosphate-replete conditions and caused heavy blooms in the stratified lake. The species outcompeted other flagellates in the lakes; considerable fluctuations in phytoplankton species composition occurred during the periods at low G. semen biovolume.  相似文献   

Animal body size is a driving force behind trophic interactions within biological communities, yet few studies have explored relationships between body size and trophic position (based on δ15N) at a broad-scale in freshwater lakes. Therefore, our goals were to (1) determine whether body size is a good predictor of trophic position for multiple pelagic zooplankton taxa and fish communities, and (2) examine how body size-trophic position relationships at the community level compare to species level for fish. Zooplankton and fish were collected from 12 and 7 lakes, respectively, located in the Kawarthas, southern Ontario, Canada. The results indicated that for zooplankton, significant positive but different relationships were found between body size and trophic position for cladocerans, in general, and Daphnia, but not Holopedium. For fish, at the lake community level six out of seven relationships were positive and significant, but again, different among lakes. In contrast, at the species level only three of eight species-specific relationships were significant. Furthermore, for two widespread species, Perca flavescens and Micropterus dolomieu, significant differences were found between community- and lake-specific species relationships. Our community-level models and most species-level models provide evidence that trophic interactions in freshwater lakes are size-based. These results demonstrate that general species models should be applied with caution when using body size to predict trophic position. Additionally, the predictive power of some relationships found here is questionable since, albeit significant, their strengths are generally low. Together, our results suggest that body size may have limited use in predicting trophic position of some biota in temperate freshwater lakes.  相似文献   

Over a 4‐month summer period, we monitored how forest (Pinus sylvestris ) and heather moorland (Calluna spp. and Erica spp.) vegetation canopies altered the volume and isotopic composition of net precipitation (NP) in a southern boreal landscape in northern Scotland. During that summer period, interception losses were relatively high and higher under forests compared to moorland (46% of gross rainfall [GR] compared with 35%, respectively). Throughfall (TF) volumes exhibited marked spatial variability in forests, depending upon local canopy density, but were more evenly distributed under heather moorland. In the forest stands, stemflow was a relatively small canopy flow path accounting for only 0.9–1.6% of NP and only substantial in larger events. Overall, the isotopic composition of NP was not markedly affected by canopy interactions; temporal variation of stable water isotopes in TF closely corresponded to that of GR with differences of TF‐GR being ?0.52‰ for δ2H and ?0.14‰ for δ18O for forests and 0.29‰ for δ2H and ?0.04‰ for δ18O for heather moorland. These differences were close to, or within, analytical precision of isotope determination, though the greater differences under forest were statistically significant. Evidence for evaporative fractionation was generally restricted to low rainfall volumes in low intensity events, though at times, subtle effects of liquid–vapour moisture exchange and/or selective transmission though canopies were evident. Fractionation and other effects were more evident in stemflow but only marked in smaller events. The study confirmed earlier work that increased forest cover in the Scottish Highlands will likely cause an increase in interception and green water fluxes at the expenses of blue water fluxes to streams. However, the low‐energy, humid environment means that isotopic changes during such interactions will only have a minor overall effect on the isotopic composition of NP.  相似文献   

2015年8月-2016年6月对安徽省迪沟采煤沉陷区湖泊后生浮游动物群落结构及环境因子进行了调查,研究了其群落结构及与环境因子的关系.共发现后生浮游动物16科27属53种,其中轮虫38种,枝角类9种,桡足类6种,优势种为萼花臂尾轮虫(Brachionus calyciflorus)、角突臂尾轮虫(B.angularis)、蒲达臂尾轮虫(B.budapestiensis)、针簇多肢轮虫(Polyarthra trigla)、曲腿龟甲轮虫(Keratella valga)、螺形龟甲轮虫(K.cochlearis)、长额象鼻溞(Bosmina longirostris)和透明温剑水蚤(Thermocyclops hyalinus).密度和生物量平均值分别为965.00±541.91 ind./L和3.42±2.17 mg/L.密度峰值出现在2015年2月,而生物量峰值出现在10月,最低值均出现在12月.后生浮游动物密度的空间分布呈现西低东高的趋势,而生物量空间分布呈现西高东低的趋势.Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、Margalef丰富度指数和Pielou均匀度指数分别为2.07~3.22、0.83~1.72和0.67~0.80.冗余分析及Pearson相关性分析结果表明,浮游植物生物量、水温、营养盐等是影响后生浮游动物群落结构的主要因子.综合理化指标、营养状态指数、后生浮游动物优势种及生物多样性指数结果表明,迪沟采煤沉陷区湖泊已处于轻度富营养状态.  相似文献   

Riverine total suspended sediment (TSS) at the lower reach section of the Zengjiang River, a low‐turbidity river in the southern China, was sampled on a 4‐week basis from March 2002 to February 2003. The gross TSS was divided into sedimentary and suspended fractions (SED and SUS) by the sedimentation method. Organic carbon and nitrogen, 14C and 13C were analysed using an elemental analyser and accelerator mass spectrometer respectively. The results show that particulate organic carbon (POC) yield is 0·8 × 106 g km?2 year?1 in the Zengjiang River drainage basin, which is about one‐tenth of that in the Zhujiang (Pearl) River drainage basin. The C/N ratio demonstrates that aquatic biomass is the major contributor to POC in the Zengjiang River. The average share of aquatic biomass in the SUS‐fraction POC and SED‐fraction POC is about 88·89% and 62·76% respectively, with a substantial seasonal variation. δ13C values of SUS‐fraction POC (?26·56 to ? 22·89‰) is slightly lighter than that of SED‐fraction POC (?25·05 to ? 22·20‰), indicating that the contribution of aquatic biomass to δ13C values is more pronounced in the SUS‐fraction POC than in the SED‐fraction POC. The ‘bomb’–14C signature is not detected in the POC of Zengjiang River, and the contribution from geological organic carbon is very little. Δ14C values of the SED‐fraction POC vary from ? 44 to ? 223‰, and the Δ14C values of the SUS‐fraction POC vary from ? 33 to ? 165‰. For most paired samples, the SED‐fraction POC is generally more depleted in 14C than that of its counterpart SUS‐fraction POC. Compared with other small mountainous rivers, the 14C enrichment of POC in the Zengjiang River indicates slight drainage basin erosion. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Total organic carbon (TOC), total nitrogen (TN) and their δ(13)C and δ(15)N values were determined for 42 surface sediments from coastal Bohai Bay in order to determine the concentration and identify the source of organic matter. The sampling sites covered both the marine region of coastal Bohai Bay and the major rivers it connects with. More abundant TOC and TN in sediments from rivers than from the marine region reflect the situation that most of the terrestrial organic matter is deposited before it meets the sea. The spatial variation in δ(13)C and δ(15)N signatures implies that the input of organic matter from anthropogenic activities has a more significant influence on its distribution than that from natural processes. Taking the area as a whole, surface sediments in the marine region of coastal Bohai Bay are dominated by marine derived organic carbon, which on average accounts for 62±11% of TOC.  相似文献   

This paper compares the amount of sand that is potentially moved into a coastal dune system from a beach using estimates based solely on the wind force, with actual measured amounts. The actual sand inputs are determined by measuring sand level changes each month over a period of eighteen months, along a 1760-m section of foredune on Braunton Burrows, Southwest England. The calculation procedure used to estimate the potential rates of sand drift is based on the capacity of the wind force to transport sand using a published transport equation (White, 1979). The results show that the actual movement rates are markedly smaller than the potential rates for all months except in the summer. Meteorological variables and the watertable level in the adjacent dune system are used in an empirically derived regression equation in an attempt to explain the large discrepancy between the potential and actual movement rates. The resulting corrected potential movement rates are a closer estimate to the actual rates, but there remains much unexplained variance.  相似文献   

A number of environmental factors are important in regulating the trophic structure of plankton. Increased nutrient supply results in an explosive development of small algae and herbivorous zooplankton. In the eutrophic lakes (Greifensee, Hallwilersee) several algal community collapses occur each year as a consequence of the grazing habit of the zooplankton, although only the grazing phase in May/June results in a ‘clear water period’. Vertical mixing influences the zooplankton community by reactivating the resting stages of predatory copepods. Predation phases can only be observed in lake Lucerne, where the hypolimnion ist deep and aerobic. Well balanced relationships between the different trophic levels are restricted to the phases with growth limiting conditions.  相似文献   

The study reports and discusses the differences in δ13C and δ18O values of shells between several species of freshwater snails. Shells were derived from sediment samples collected from depths of 0.5, 1, 2 and 3 m along transects in two shallow eutrophic lakes located in mid-western Poland. Mean δ13C values of the shells ranged between −7.5 and −3.8‰ in Lake Jarosławieckie and between −8.1 and −5.2‰ in Lake Rosnowskie Duże, whereas mean δ18O values ranged between −2.2 and −0.2‰ and between −2.2 and 0.4‰ respectively in the studied lakes. A similar order of species in terms of shell isotope values, from least to most 13C and 18O-depleted was observed in both lakes and seems to indicate constancy of the factors controlling the stable isotope compositions of snail shells. We postulate that the nearly 4‰ difference in the mean carbon stable isotope values between the species was primarily controlled by the amount of metabolic carbon incorporated into the shells and the δ13C values of the snail food. Different growth cessation temperatures and microhabitats of the species studied result in temporally and spatially varied DIC δ13C values, water δ18O values and water temperature of shell precipitation, and may thus differentiate the δ13C and δ18O values of shells. The range of δ13C and δ18O values of individual shells from a sediment sample (mean 2.35 and 2.15‰, respectively) is interpreted as reflecting an intraspecific variability of isotope compositions in shells from a population and changes of the ambient conditions during the accumulation of the sediment layer. The species-specificity and intraspecific variability in C and O isotopic compositions of shells allow concluding that in palaeolimnological studies, stable isotope analyses should be performed on a set of mono-specific shells representing mean isotope compositions of the species for the interval studied rather than single shells or multispecific bulk shell material.  相似文献   

Understanding the isotopic composition of precipitation in a forested catchment is critical for ecohydrological studies. Changes in the water isotopes of rainfall were assessed during its passage through the canopy in throughfall, and the effect of different forest stands on the isotope composition of throughfall. In a cool temperate forest in Korea, rainfall and throughfall samples collected under Pinus densiflora (red pine), Castanea crenata (chestnut), Robinia pseudoacacia (black locust) and mixed stands (mix of these three species) were analysed for oxygen and hydrogen isotopes. Throughfall δ18O and δD were enriched compared to rainfall. A difference of δ18O and δD among throughfall may be related to the difference in interception–storage capacity of different species due to dissimilar canopy characteristics. Since isotopic composition of throughfall and rainfall are different due to canopy isotopic effects, use of rainfall isotopic signatures for ecohydrological studies in forested ecosystem can lead to biases.  相似文献   

A quasi-stationary magma flow rate in asthenospheric and crustal conduits of central type volcanoes and volcanic centres was studied analytically under the following conditions. Magma rises through cylindrical channels in which the magma temperature does not change with time, but the wall rocks are gradually heated. The magma rates were calculated for basaltic, andesitic and dacitic volcanoes using the “continental” and “oceanic” geotherms. It follows from these calculations that the magma supply rate may determine the kind of activity of a volcanic centre, being constant for large and very active volcanoes, intermittent for usual volcanic centres of island arcs or sporadic for volcamic fields, clusters of cinder cones and areal volcanism. Theoretical conclusions are consistent with observational data.  相似文献   

The composition and temporal distribution of planktonic diatoms were studied in three small shallow karstic lakes – Modro Oko, Desne, and Kuti – throughout the seasons in 1994, 1995, 1997, and 1998. Physico-chemical parameters did not differ among the three lakes, except for NO3 concentrations. Altogether, 137 diatom taxa within 41 genera were found in all three lakes combined. The highest number of taxa belonged to the genera Surirella (13), Navicula (12), andCymbella (9). Most taxa were tychoplanktonic, with true panktonic taxa contributing only 14% of the total. Despite their physical-chemical similarity, the lakes showed differences in the structure and dynamics of their diatom communities. Blooms occurred at different times in each of the lakes, and community similarity (Jaccard index) among all three was low (17.6–29.1%). The highest mean values of surface diatom abundance in Modro Oko (2199 cells L−1), Desne (7900 cells L−1), and Kuti (20690 cells L−1) were not significantly different. Margalef's species richness index did not differ either among the lakes or seasonally. Only five diatom taxa in quantitative samples, and 22 taxa in net-samples, were common to all lakes. The most frequent diatoms were Cyclotella striata (56–93%), Fragilaria ulna (50–67%), and Asterionella formosa (27–83%). The most abundant taxa in Modro Oko, Desne, and Kuti were, respectively, Cymbella sp. 1 (402 cells L−1), Cyclotella striata (3000 cells L−1) and Asterionella formosa (20690 cells L−1). Eighteen taxa were recorded for the first time in Croatia: Amphora commutata, Caloneis amphisbaena var. subsalina, C. silicula var. peisonis, Campylodiscus echeneis, Coscinodiscus lacustris, Denticula elegans, Gyrosigma acuminatum var. lacustre, G. distortum var. parkeri, G. fasciola, Navicula menisculus var. menisculus, N. pusilla, N. helensis, Stauroneis parvula var. prominula, Staurosira construens f. subsalina, Stephanodiscus sp. 1, Surirella gracilis, S. ovalis, and S. striatula. The genus Stephanodiscus was recorded for the first time in Croatia.  相似文献   

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