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In this paper, we investigate the interaction between two like-signed quasi-geostrophic uniform potential vorticity internal vortices in the vicinity of a surface buoyancy anomaly filament in a three dimensional, stably stratified and rapidly rotating fluid. The surface buoyancy distribution locally modifies the pressure fields and generates a shear flow. We start the study by first considering the effects of a uniform linear horizontal shear on the binary vortex interaction. We confirm that a cooperative shear facilitates the merger of a pair of vortices while an adverse shear has the opposite effect. We next investigate the binary vortex interaction in the vicinity of the surface buoyancy filament explicitly. Here, not only the filament generates a shear flow, but it also responds dynamically to the forcing by the vortex pair. The filament destabilises and forms buoyancy billows at the surface. These billows interact with the internal vortices. In particular, a surface billow may pair with one of the internal vortices. In such cases, the like-signed internal vortex pair may separate if they are initially moderately distant from each other.  相似文献   

Generation of cyclonic vortices in the middle layer of flow around a large mountain like Tibet and Rocky was investigated by means of a 3-D nonhydrostatic meteorological prognostic model. Special attention was paid to the effects of the earth’s rotation and stratification on the vortices detached successively from the slope of a high and large horizontal scale mountain. It was found the successive formation and detachment of such ‘von Karman-like vortices’ occurred in the flow regime at high Rossby numbers Ro and low Froude numbers Fr. It was successfully divided by the criterion of baroclinic instability. This means that if the condition is unstable baroclinically, a lee vortex is destabilized into a three-dimensional one, while under baroclinically stable conditions the lee vortex with vertical axis retains its standing structure and remains long lasting in the middle layer.  相似文献   

This study investigates the interaction of the vertical velocity v and the streamwise velocity u in a gradually accelerating flow. The analytical result shows that the momentum of uv driven by the mean velocities in a non-uniform flow is not negligible. This additional momentum directly results in the concave profiles of Reynolds shear stress in gradually accelerating flows, a departure from the expected linear profile. Consequently, this momentum causes the maximum velocity to be located below the free surface, i.e., the dip-phenomenon. This paper investigated the interactions of the Reynolds shear stress, non-zero vertical velocity and dip-phenomenon, it is found that the non-zero vertical velocity causes the dip-phenomenon. The approach is tested using the experimental data of Song and others, and good agreements between the predicted and measured velocity profiles have been achieved.  相似文献   

Sediment deposition in reservoirs is an important research topic in engineering practice. Reservoir sedimentation has the potential to affect ood levels, drainage for agricultural land, pump station and hydropower operation as well as navigation. This paper describes the development of a coupled fully three-dimensional (3D) numerical model for the prediction of the local sediment ushing scour upstream of the bottom outlet. The presented numerical model solves the Navier-Stokes equations in conjunction with the k- turbulence model which includes both sediment transport and hydrodynamic parameters. The proposed coupled fully 3D numerical model is used to simulate experimental tests based on non-cohesive sediment. The geometric features of the scour hole (temporal and spatial hole devel- opment) upstream of the bottom outlet were reasonably well predicted compared to the experimental data. Furthermore, the velocity eld upstream of the bottom outlet was in good agreement with mea- surements. The proposed numerical model for bottom outlet ushing was, therefore, validated because of its ability to accurately predict the scour hole development during the ushing process. The proposed numerical model can be considered reliable provided that the model is correctly calibrated and set up to re ect the conditions of a particular case study.  相似文献   

Hydrological and hydrochemical processes in the critical zone of karst environments are controlled by the fracture‐conduit network. Modelling hydrological and hydrochemical dynamics in such heterogeneous hydrogeological settings remains a research challenge. In this study, water and solute transport in the dual flow system of the karst critical zone were investigated in a 73.5‐km2 catchment in southwest China. We developed a dual reservoir conceptual run‐off model combined with an autoregressive and moving average model with algorithms to assess dissolution rates in the “fast flow” and “slow flow” systems. This model was applied to 3 catchments with typical karst critical zone architectures, to show how flow exchange between fracture and conduit networks changes in relation to catchment storage dynamics. The flux of bidirectional water and solute exchange between the fissure and conduit system increases from the headwaters to the outfall due to the large area of the developed conduits and low hydraulic gradient in the lower catchment. Rainfall amounts have a significant influence on partitioning the relative proportions of flow and solutes derived from different sources reaching the underground outlet. The effect of rainfall on catchment function is modulated by the structure of the karst critical zone (e.g., epikarst and sinkholes). Thin epikarst and well‐developed sinkholes in the headwaters divert more surface water (younger water) into the underground channel network, leading to a higher fraction of rainfall recharge into the fast flow system and total outflow. Also, the contribution of carbonate weathering to mass export is also higher in the headwaters due to the infiltration of younger water with low solute concentrations through sinkholes.  相似文献   

A conceptual model for describing effective saturation in fractured hard rock is presented. The fracture network and the rock matrix are considered as an equivalent continuum medium where each fracture is conceptualized as a porous medium of granular structure and the rock matrix is assumed to be impermeable. The proposed model is based on the representation of a rough‐walled fracture by an equivalent porous medium, which is described using classical constitutive models. A simple closed‐form equation for the effective saturation is obtained when the van Genuchten model is used to describe saturation inside fractures and fractal laws are assumed for both aperture and number of fractures. The relative hydraulic conductivity for the fractured rock is predicted from a simple relation derived by Liu and Bodvarsson. The proposed constitutive model contains three independent parameters, which may be obtained by fitting the proposed effective saturation curve to experimental data. Two of the model parameters have physical meaning and can be identified with the reciprocal of the air entry pressure values in the fractures of minimum and maximum apertures. Effective saturation and relative hydraulic conductivity curves match fairly well the simulated constitutive relations obtained by Liu and Bodvarsson. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

沉积盆地现今热流特征是岩石圈构造-热演化过程的综合反映和盆地热史恢复的必要约束条件,其总体变化趋势与热岩石圈厚度密切相关.本文根据新收集的珠江口盆地19口钻井温度数据,新增计算了19个大地热流数据,其中12个数据位于深水区(水深大于300 m),丰富了该盆地深水区钻井地热数据.结合前人研究成果,绘制了该盆地的大地热流图,并分析了其热流分布特征.在此基础上通过求解一维热传导方程,计算得到36口井位处的热岩石圈厚度,量化了盆地大地热流与热岩石圈厚度间的关系.结果显示,珠江口盆地大地热流值介于24.2~121.0 mW·m-2,平均71.8±13.6 mW·m-2,新增盆地深水区钻井平均热流值高达84.5±4.4 mW·m-2.大地热流分布整体上从陆架区到陆坡区升高,而热岩石圈厚度整体分布趋势与大地热流相反.大地热流与热岩石圈厚度间存在良好的指数相关性.  相似文献   

Satya P. Ojha 《水文研究》2014,28(18):4829-4842
This study presents the analysis of the velocity fluctuations to describe the conditional statistics of Reynolds shear stress in flow over two‐dimensional dunes in the presence of surface waves of varying frequency. The flow velocity measurements over the dunes are made using a 16‐MHz 3D acoustic Doppler velocimeter. The joint probability distributions of the normalized stream‐wise and vertical velocity fluctuations at different vertical locations are calculated in the trough region of a selected dune in quasi‐steady region of the flow. Third‐order moments of the stream‐wise and vertical velocity components over one dune length are also calculated throughout the flow depth for understanding the effect of surface waves on relative contributions to the Reynolds shear stress due to the four quadrant events. The structure of instantaneous Reynolds stresses is analysed using quadrant analysis technique. It has been shown that the contributions of second and fourth quadrant events to the Reynolds shear stress increase with increase in the frequency of surface waves. In fact, the largest contribution to turbulent stresses comes from the second quadrant. The cumulant discard method is applied to describe the statistical properties of the covariance term uw′. Conditional statistics and conditional sampling are used to compare the experimental and theoretical relative contributions to the Reynolds shear stress from the four quadrant events. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of 15 polyfluoroalkyl compounds (PFCs) in surface water was investigated in the North Sea, Baltic Sea and Norwegian Sea. In addition, an interlaboratory comparison of the sampling techniques and analysis was conducted. Highest concentration in the North Sea was found near the coast, whereas the ∑PFC concentration decreased rapidly from 18.4 to 0.07 ng l−1 towards the open North Sea. The river Elbe could identify as a local input source for PFCs into the North Sea, whereas perfluorobutanoic acid (PFBA) was transported into the sampling area with the easterly current. In contrast to the North Sea, the distribution of PFCs in the Baltic Sea was relatively homogenous, where diffuse sources dominated. In general, the composition profile was influenced from local sources caused by human activities, whereas atmospheric depositions of here analysed PFCs were negligible, but it could have possibly an influence on low contaminated sites like the open North Sea or Norwegian Sea.  相似文献   

应用定西地区的陆面过程野外观测资料和四次EOS_MODIS卫星资料,对典型的西北半干旱雨养农业区的基本地表特征参数进行反演,在此基础上对各能量通量和蒸散量进行估算,进而分别分析其季节和空间变化.结果表明:应用卫星数据估算的各参量的相对误差基本都在20%以内,其空间和时间变化基本反映了当地的实际情况;区域各通量和日蒸散量分布极不均匀,表现为四季相差比较大的单峰型变化特征,冬季最小、其次是秋季、夏春两季最大;与面积较大的中、低植被覆盖度区域相比,小范围的高植被覆盖度区域的地表净辐射、潜热和日蒸散量相对较高,土壤热通量和显热通量相对较低,并且都在春、夏季节表现得更加显著.低、中植被覆盖度区的各能量通量的季节变化不显著的特征反映了半干旱西北雨养农业区土壤的干土层相对比较厚的特征.  相似文献   

This study used a two‐dimensional steady‐state finite‐element groundwater flow model to simulate groundwater flow in two Newfoundland blanket peat complexes and to examine flow system sensitivity to changes in water table recharge and aquifer properties. The modelling results were examined within the context of peat‐forming processes in the two complexes. Modelled flow compared favourably with observed flow. The sensitivity analyses suggested that more highly decomposed bog peat along bog margins probably has/had a positive impact on net peat accumulation within bog interiors. Peat with lower hydraulic conductivity along bog margins effectively impedes lateral drainage, localizes water table drawdown to extreme bog margins, and elevates water tables along bog interiors. Peat formation and elevated water tables in adjacent poor fens/laggs currently rely on placic and ortstein horizons impeding vertical drainage and water flow inputs from adjacent bogs. Modest reductions in atmospheric recharge were found to govern bog‐flow‐system geometries in a way that would adversely affect paludification processes in adjacent fens/laggs. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The variation of seawater level resulting from tidal fluctuations is usually neglected in regional groundwater flow studies. Although the tidal oscillation is damped near the shoreline, there is a quasi‐steady‐state rise in the mean water‐table position, which may have an influence on regional groundwater flow. In this paper the effects of tidal fluctuations on groundwater hydraulics are investigated using a variably saturated numerical model that includes the effects of a realistic mild beach slope, seepage face and the unsaturated zone. In particular the impact of these factors on the velocity field in the aquifer is assessed. Simulations show that the tidal fluctuation has substantial consequences for the local velocity field in the vicinity of the exit face, which affects the nearshore migration of contaminant in coastal aquifers. An overheight in the water table as a result of the tidal fluctuation is observed and this has a significant effect on groundwater discharge to the sea when the landward boundary condition is a constant water level. The effect of beach slope is very significant and simplifying the problem by considering a vertical beach face causes serious errors in predicting the water‐table position and the groundwater flux. For media with a high effective capillary fringe, the moisture retained above the water table is important in determining the effects of the tidal fluctuations. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Shape-preferred orientation and imbrication structures of crystals have been measured on samples representative of the base, centre and top of a highly viscous lava flow on Salina (Aeolian Islands, southern Tyrrhenian Sea). The data allow zones with different deformation patterns to be identified. In the base and top of the flow, deformation leads to the development of discrete preferred orientation and imbrication of the elongate crystals. The sense of shear is right-lateral at the base and left-lateral at the top of the flow. Shear strain can be estimated by the analysis of crystal preferred orientation. Deformation increases from the flow centre to the outer, more viscous boundary layers. Random orientation of crystals in the inner zone supports the presence of plug flow in a pseudoplastic lava. The textural features of the studied lava may be related to different mechanisms (i.e. lateral expansion). We conclude that the observed crystal alignments and imbrication structures may be related to a plug flow moving between two non-deforming walls. The walls are represented by the solidified, broken upper and basal crust of the flow. The low shear strain values calculated in the outer margins of the flow are indicative of the last deformation event. Crystal preferred orientation and imbrication structures may be related to the occurrence of velocity gradients existing between the inner zone of the flow and its solidus or near-solidus outer margins.  相似文献   

This paper reports ten new surface heat-flow density (qs) values for central and southern Israel (central Sinai Microplate), whose crystalline crust and lithosphere formed as part of the Neoproterozoic Arabian-Nubian Shield. Heat flow was calculated in Mesozoic sediments using the classical approach of heat-flow determination by implementing in the analysis high-precision continuous temperature logs obtained in air- and/or water-filled boreholes. Thermal conductivity (TC) measured for a large suite of rock samples of lithotypes making up the sequence was assigned to temperature gradients in intervals for which the lithology was known. The heat-flow values obtained for different depth intervals in a borehole as well as the average values for the individual borehole locations cover a narrow range, attesting heat-conduction conditions. A steady-state thermal model along an E–W crustal cross section through the area shows that the observed systematic spatial distribution of the qs values, which range between 50 and 62 mW m−2, can primarily be explained by variations in the thickness of the upper crust and in the ratio between sedimentary and crystalline rocks therein. Given the time lapse of thermal heat transfer through the lithosphere, the qs data monitor the crustal thermal conditions prior to rift- and plume-related lithospheric thermal perturbations that have started in the larger area ca. 30 Ma ago. Observed and modeled qs display the best fit for a pre-Oligocene lithosphere–asthenosphere boundary (LAB) at ∼150 km, which would be at the upper end of LAB depths determined from stable areas of the Arabian Shield (150–120 km) not affected by the young, deep-seated thermal processes that have caused a further uprise of the LAB. Our data imply or predict that the surface heat flow of the Sinai Microplate generally tends to increase along N–S and W–E traverses, from ∼45–50 mW m−2 to ∼55–60 mW m−2. Surface heat flows on the order of 55–60 mW m−2 may be common in the northern Arabian Shield, where it exhibits typical lithosphere structure and composition and is unaffected by young heating processes, compared to values of ≤45 mW m−2 recently determined in the southern Arabian Plate for the Arabian Platform.  相似文献   

We present a system of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) capable of reproducing simultaneously the aggregated behavior of changes in water storage in the hillslope surface, the unsaturated and the saturated soil layers and the channel that drains the hillslope. The system of equations can be viewed as a two-state integral-balance model for soil moisture and groundwater dynamics. Development of the model was motivated by the need for landscape representation through hillslopes and channels organized following stream drainage network topology. Such a representation, with the basic discretization unit of a hillslope, allows ODEs-based simulation of the water transport in a basin. This, in turn, admits the use of highly efficient numerical solvers that enable space–time scaling studies. The goal of this paper is to investigate whether a nonlinear ODE system can effectively replicate observations of water storage in the unsaturated and saturated layers of the soil. Our first finding is that a previously proposed ODE hillslope model, based on readily available data, is capable of reproducing streamflow fluctuations but fails to reproduce the interactions between the surface and subsurface components at the hillslope scale. However, the more complex ODE model that we present in this paper achieves this goal. In our model, fluxes in the soil are described using a Taylor expansion of the underlying storage flux relationship. We tested the model using data collected in the Shale Hills watershed, a 7.9-ha forested site in central Pennsylvania, during an artificial drainage experiment in August 1974 where soil moisture in the unsaturated zone, groundwater dynamics and surface runoff were monitored. The ODE model can be used as an alternative to spatially explicit hillslope models, based on systems of partial differential equations, which require more computational power to resolve fluxes at the hillslope scale. Therefore, it is appropriate to be coupled to runoff routing models to investigate the effect of runoff and its uncertainty propagation across scales. However, this improved performance comes at the expense of introducing two additional parameters that have no obvious physical interpretation. We discuss the implications of this for hydrologic studies across scales.  相似文献   

为了修正中尺度气象模式WRF(Weather Research and Forecasting model)对低层风速模拟的系统性误差,有学者在新版本WRF模式的YSU(Yonsei University)边界层参数化方案中加入了两个地形订正方法:Jiménez方法和UW(University of Washington method)方法.本文利用这两个地形订正方法,选取了两个时间段,对北京地区的地面气象要素以及气象要素垂直廓线进行了个例模拟研究,模拟结果和观测数据的比对表明在北京地区:是否采用地形订正,对地面温度的模拟几乎没有影响;采用地形订正后,模式对地面风速的模拟有明显的改进,两种方法对风速模拟的差别主要体现在山/丘陵地区;Jiménez方法在山/丘陵地区的模拟风速明显偏大,而采用UW方法进行订正后,模拟的风速减小,更接近观测值;两种方法在山谷地区对风速均有一定的过度订正.通过分析气象要素的垂直廓线发现,不同地形订正方法主要影响的是2000 m以下的低层风速.总体而言,UW地形订正方法在北京地区更为适用,采用UW方法后,模拟得到的地面气象要素的各项统计参数基本达到了统计基准值.  相似文献   

Stormwater infiltration systems are a popular method for urban stormwater control. They are often designed using an assumption of one‐dimensional saturated outflow, although this is not very accurate for many typical designs where two‐dimensional (2D) flows into unsaturated soils occur. Available 2D variably saturated flow models are not commonly used for design because of their complexity and difficulties with the required boundary conditions. A purpose‐built stormwater infiltration system model was thus developed for the simulation of 2D flow from a porous storage. The model combines a soil moisture–based model for unsaturated soils with a ponded storage model and uses a wetting front‐tracking approach for saturated flows. The model represents the main physical processes while minimizing input data requirements. The model was calibrated and validated using data from laboratory 2D stormwater infiltration trench experiments. Calibrations were undertaken using five different combinations of calibration data to examine calibration data requirements. It was found that storage water levels could be satisfactorily predicted using parameters calibrated with either data from laboratory soils tests or observed water level data, whereas the prediction of soil moistures was improved through the addition of observed soil moisture data to the calibration data set. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents an application of the normalized surface magnetic charge (NSMC) model to discriminate objects of interest, such as unexploded ordnance (UXO), from innocuous items in cases when UXO electromagnetic induction (EMI) responses are contaminated by signals from other objects. Over the entire EMI spectrum considered here (tens of Hertz up to several hundreds of kHz), the scattered magnetic field outside the object can be produced mathematically by equivalent magnetic charges. The amplitudes of these charges are determined from measurement data and normalized by the excitation field. The model takes into account the scatterer's heterogeneity and near- and far-field effects. For classification algorithms, the frequency spectrum of the total NSMC is proposed and investigated as a discriminant. The NSMC is combined with the differential evolution (DE) algorithm in a two-step inversion procedure. To illustrate the applicability of the DE–NSMC algorithm, blind test data are processed and analyzed for cases in which signals from nearby objects frequently overlap. The method was highly successful in distinguishing UXO from accompanying clutter.  相似文献   

The glacially formed northeastern German lowlands are characterized by extensive floodplains, often interrupted by relatively steep moraine hills. The hydrological cycle of this area is governed by the tight interaction of surface water dynamics and the corresponding directly connected shallow groundwater aquifer. Runoff generation processes, as well as the extent and spatial distribution of the interaction between surface water and groundwater, are controlled by floodplain topography and by surface water dynamics. A modelling approach based on extensive experimental analyses is presented that describes the specific water balance of lowland areas, including the interactions of groundwater and surface water, as well as reflecting the important role of time‐variable shallow groundwater stages for runoff generation in floodplains. In the first part, experimental investigations of floodplain hydrological characteristics lead to a qualitative understanding of the water balance processes and to the development of a conceptual model of the water balance and groundwater dynamics of the study area. Thereby model requirements which allow for an adequate simulation of the floodplain hydrology, considering also interactions between groundwater and surface water have been characterized. Based on these analyses, the Integrated Modelling of Water Balance and Nutrient Dynamics (IWAN) approach has been developed. This consists of coupling the surface runoff generation and soil water routines of the deterministic, spatially distributed hydrological model WASIM‐ETH‐I with the three‐dimensional finite‐difference‐based numerical groundwater model MODFLOW and Processing MODFLOW. The model was applied successfully to a mesoscale subcatchment of the Havel River in northeast Germany. It was calibrated for two small catchments (1·4 and 25 km2), where the importance of the interaction processes between groundwater and surface waters and the sensitivity of several controlling parameters could be quantified. Validation results are satisfying for different years for the entire 198 km2 catchment. The model approach was further successfully tested for specific events. The experimental area is a typical example of a floodplain‐dominated landscape. It was demonstrated that the lateral flow processes and the interactions between groundwater and surface water have a major importance for the water balance and periodically superimposed on the vertical runoff generation. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


大地震引起了左家庄和宝坻(相距~50 km)两井中截然不同的同震水位响应.我们用水位的气压和潮汐响应来分析解释此现象.结果表明,宝坻井的观测含水层中存在页岩,且此井受裂隙影响很大,储水效应较差.页岩的复杂裂隙或者各向异性可能会导致此井观测含水层处于半封闭状态,从而导致垂直向排水的发生.通过多方计算分析后,我们将这两口井划分为两种模型-1.水平流动模型;2.水平流动+垂直流动的混合流动模型.由于裂隙影响,宝坻井的观测含水层介质与外界的水力沟通性在震前就较强(震前渗透率就比较大),所以宝坻井观测含水层与外界的孔隙压差异较小,导致同震渗透率上升较小甚至没有变化,这些因素是导致该井同震水位变化幅度总是非常微小的原因.


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