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Diurnal and vertical ambient air measurements of the monoterpenes have been made in and above a Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) forest of central Sweden, within the boreal northern coniferous biome. Sampling was done with Tenax TA, and analysis by GC and ion trap detection. Daytime mixing ratios were on the order of tenths of a ppbv from the forest floor to the top of the forest, and a factor of 2 or 3 lower above the forest. Mixing ratios at night were at the ppbv level, highest near the forest floor and the crown, and decreased with height above the forest. The highest total concentration observed was 8 ppbv inside the forest at 3 am (GMT). The average terpene composition was 3-carene 32%, -pinene 29%, limonene 18%, -pinene 10%, -phellandrene 7%, camphene 5%, and sabinene at less than 2%. The 3-carene/-pinene ratio varied with wind direction and speed, relative humidity, and wet/dry vegetation, but not with ozone or NO2 concentration, solar radiation, or temperature. Variations in the observed terpene composition at the sampling site are mainly caused by the influence of other vegetation in the vicinity of the site. It would seem that wet Scots pine emits more 3-carene relative to -pinene than does dry pine.  相似文献   

Turbulence measurements above a pine forest   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Eddy fluxes of momentum, sensible and latent heat, and turbulence spectra measured over the Thetford Forest during 10 days in the Spring of 1973 are described. The measured total heat flux (H + E) for 122 20-min periods agreed closely on average with independent estimates from an energy balance method. There was evidence that the energy balance data gave small systematic overestimates of available energy during the hours before noon, compensated by slight underestimates for the remainder of the day. A comparison of measured wind speeds and friction velocities in neutral stability confirmed the validity of the aerodynamic method for estimating momentum fluxes at heights of a few roughness lengths above the canopy. In stable conditions the log-linear wind profileU = (u */k)(ln ((z -d)/z o) + (z -d -z o)/L) with = 3.4 ± 0.4 provided a good fit to the data. Spectra in unstable conditions were generally more sharply peaked than those measured by other workers over smoother terrain: differences were less marked in the case of vertical velocity in stable conditions. Temperature spectra in these stable conditions showed high energy at relatively low wavenumbers, andwT cospectra showed a cospectral gap; both of these results were associated with an intermittent sawtooth structure in the temperature fluctuations.Now at the Meteorological Office, Bracknell  相似文献   

The surface resistance of a pine forest to ozone uptake is calculated from aircraft data obtained in southern New Jersey. The resistances are 130 and 300 s m-1 for the afternoon and early evening, respectively, in good agreement with estimates used by Galbally and Roy (1980) in their calculation of global surface destruction of ozone.  相似文献   

During the summer of 1974, simultaneous heat flux measurements were made over a pine forest in three ways:
  1. Using the Bowen ratio - Energy Budget technique, with the Bowen ratio estimated from temperature and humidity profiles measured with two pairs of wet-and dry-bulb thermometers at six levels.
  2. Using the Bowen ratio - Energy Budget technique, with the Bowen ratio estimated from temperature and humidity measurements using pairs of wet-and dry-bulb thermometers mechanically interchanged every ten minutes.
  3. Using the Eddy Correlation - Energy Budget technique, with a direct measurement of the sensible heat flux made by a simple eddy correlation apparatus.
Methods (b) and (c) are shown to give similar results apart from a systematic difference of about 25% in the measured sensible heat flux. This corresponds to an underestimate of the sensible heat flux by the eddy correlation apparatus. Although sometimes consistent with the other two methods, on occasions method (a) gave results which were significantly different from both (b) and (c). When differences occurred, they tended to be systematic and persistent over individual days; but they could change magnitude and sign if the particular sensors used at each level in the profile were rearranged. The experimental program used to collect these and previous data involved the rearrangement of sensors on a regular (two day) time scale. It is shown that, when averaged over several such rearrangements, method (a) produces median values of surface resistance which are more in keeping with those produced by the other methods. This is taken to imply that data previously gathered in this way can be used to produce physically reasonable results providing they are averaged over several days. On the basis of the results presented, recommendations are made on future experimental work in forest micrometeorology.  相似文献   

In this paper we report the results of the analysis of two 60-min wave events that occurred in a boreal aspen forest during the 1994 BOREAS (Boreal Ecosystems-Atmosphere Study) field experiment. High frequency wind and temperature data were provided by three 3-D sonic anemometer/thermometers and fourteen fine-wire thermocouples positioned within and above the forest. Wave phase speeds, estimated from information revealed by spectral analysis and linear plane wave equations, are 2.2 and 1.3 m s-1 for the two events. The wavelengths are 130 m and 65 m respectively and are much larger than the vertical wave displacements. There is strong evidence from the present analysis and from the literature supporting our postulate that these waves are generated by shear instability. We propose that wind shear near the top of the stand is often large enough to reduce the gradient Richardson number below the critical value of 0.25 and thus is able to trigger the instability. When external conditions are favorable, the instability will grow into waves.  相似文献   

Turbulent exchange above a pine forest II. Organized structures   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Data from two 100-min runs on the turbulent atmospheric wind, temperature and humidity fields above a pine forest have been analysed using conditional sampling techniques. With the aid of the temperature time series, ramp events were identified and all fields were averaged in order to remove smaller scale turbulence and random low-frequency turbulence, and to map the organized structures revealed in this way. It is shown that the turbulent fluxes of momentum, heat and humidity, determined from these ramp-events, in fact constitute a large part of the total fluxes, about 90% during the actual events.On average, the duration of and the time between ramps were found to be about 35 s and 100 s, respectively. These periods were also found in the uw-, wT- and wq-cospectra, not only in the data analysed in this paper, but in the major part of all day-time data from this forest site (about 80 runs of 60 or 100 min). This indicates that the ramp events described arc a rather common phenomenon. The organized structures also have remarkable resemblance to near-wall structures observed in the laboratory.  相似文献   

A study on hydrogen peroxide in the atmosphere   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) concentrations were measured at two sites. One was on Lushan Mountain in May, 1987. The other was in Beijing in August, 1987 and in December, 1986. The automated fluorometric method was used for the determination of H2O2. The concentrations of H2O2 ranged from approximately 0.50 to 4.32 ppb on Lushan Mountain. The concentrations of H2O2 ranged from approximately 0.05 to 1.49 ppb in August in Beijing, and it was only 0.01 ppb in December in Beijing.  相似文献   

Measurements of gradients of wind, temperature and humidity and of the corresponding turbulent fluxes have been carried out over a sparse pine forest at Jädra»s in Sweden. In order to ascertain that correct gradient estimates were obtained, two independent measuring systems were employed: one system with sensors at 10 fixed levels on a 51 m tower and another with reversing sensors for temperature and humidity, covering the height interval 23 to 32 m. Turbulent fluxes were measured at three levels simultaneously. Data from three field campaigns: in June 1985, June 1987 and September 1987 have been analyzed. The momentum flux is found on the average to be virtually constant from tree top level, at 20 to 50 m. The average fluxes of sensible and latent heat are not so well behaved. The ratio of the non-dimensional gradients of wind and temperature to their corresponding values under ideal conditions (low vegetation) are both found to be small immediately above the canopy (about 0.3 for temperature and 0.4 for wind). With increasing height, the ratios increase, but the values vary substantially with wind direction. The ratios are not found to vary systematically with stability (unstable stratification only studied). The ratio of the non-dimensional humidity gradient to the corresponding non-dimensional potential temperature gradient (equivalent to k h /k w ) is found to be unity for (z – d)/L v less than about –0.1 and about 1.4 for near neutral stratification, but the scatter of the data is very large.  相似文献   

Summary ?The long-term variations of upward terrestrial (E) and downward atmospheric (A) long-wave radiation fluxes above a pine stand in the southern part of the upper Rhine valley plain are analysed based on monthly mean values from 27 years of monitoring. Equivalent blackbody temperatures of the canopy and the atmosphere are calculated and compared to air temperatures at nearby sites. Based on 324 monthly values each, correlations between A and E as well as A and global radiation G are analysed. Only the former are highly correlated. Monthly mean values of long-wave radiation A can be calculated from air temperature, water vapour pressure and cloud cover. The long-term yearly average of equivalent blackbody temperature of the canopy is 0.6 K lower than kinetic air temperature at nearby sites. Only small, insignificant increases of both blackbody temperatures and air temperature are found. Despite the strong forest growth, it is surprising that the ratio of canopy emission temperature to air temperature did not change significantly. Relationships between the changes of general atmospheric circulation and equivalent blackbody temperatures of the canopy point to a strong dependence on shifts of general atmospheric flow. Received February 24, 2000; revised April 18, 2002; accepted July 20, 2002  相似文献   

Quartz crystal thermometers with ceramic tubes for the wet bulbs were used to measure vertical profiles of temperature and humidity above a pine forest. The effect of the supporting structures on the measurements and an objective method of calculating the Bowen ratio are described. The surface resistance was computed from the Bowen-ratio results. The diurnal variations in the average surface resistance of the forest for groups of dry days in Spring, Summer and Autumn are presented.  相似文献   

Ramp patterns of temperature and humidity occur coherently at several levels within and above a deciduous forest as shown by data gathered with up to seven triaxial sonic anemometer/thermometers and three Lyman-alpha hygrometers at an experimental site in Ontario, Canada. The ramps appear most clearly in the middle and upper portion of the forest. Time/height cross-sections of scalar contours and velocity vectors, developed from both single events and ensemble averages of several events, portray details of the flow structures associated with the scalar ramps. Near the top of the forest they are composed of a weak ejecting motion transporting warm and/or moist air out of the forest followed by strong sweeps of cool and/or dry air penetrating into the canopy. The sweep is separated from the ejecting air by a sharp scalar microfront. At approximately twice the height of the forest, ejections and sweeps are of about equal strength.In the middle and upper parts of the canopy, sweeps conduct a large proportion of the overall transfer between the forest and the lower atmosphere, with a lesser contribution from ejections. Ejections become equally important aloft. During one 30-min run, identified structures were responsible for more than 75% of the total fluxes of heat and momentum at mid-canopy height. Near the canopy top, the transition from ejection of slow moving fluid to sweep bringing fast moving air from above is very rapid but, at both higher and lower levels, brief periods of upward momentum transfer occur at or immediately before the microfront.  相似文献   

A gap-typed forest dynamic model KOPIDE was used to assess the dynamic responses of a mixed broadleaved-Korean pine forest stand to climate change in northeastern China. The GFDL climate change scenario was applied to derive the changes in environmental variables, such as 10 °C based DEGD and PET/P, which were used to implement the model. The simulation result suggests that the climate change would cause important changes in stand structure. Korean pine, the dominant species in the area under current climate conditions, would disappear under the GFDL equilibrium scenario. Oak and elm would become the dominant species replacing Korean pine, ash and basswood. Such a potential change in forest structure would require different strategies for forest management in northeastern China.  相似文献   

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