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断层的破裂速度是描述地震震源过程的重要物理量.如果震源破裂的传播速度超过剪切波速,将会对地震波场产生影响,造成更大的破坏性.超剪切破裂的产生受多种因素影响,断层的几何形状是因素之一.本文针对弯折断层的情况,采用三维空间非结构化网格的边界积分方法计算参数空间中的破裂相图,从中分析超剪切破裂的产生条件.以15°、25°和40°为例,得到了不同断层弯折角度的破裂相图.在本文的初始应力设置下,通过对不同的无量纲化临界滑动弱化位移Dc和初始剪应力Te参数组合的结果进行交叉对比发现,对于弯折面处于压缩区的断层模型,不可持续传播的自发停止破裂的发生条件与弯折角无关.而对于可持续传播破裂,其在平面断层的传播速度也不受弯折角影响;在弯折部分,随弯折角度增大,破裂传播速度越小,正应力越大,破裂强度越大,破裂越难以越过弯折交界线继续传播(如40°).对比三个不同弯折角的相图,弯折角越小,越容易发生超剪切破裂,即发生超剪切的参数空间越大.同时,随着初始剪应力的增大,超剪切不仅可以发生在弯折面上,甚至在平面部分就可以发生.总体而言,Dc较小、Te较大时,破裂传播速度更大,更容易形成超剪切破裂.另外,因克服弯折交界处的正应力而产生的错位延迟效应也与弯折角度正相关.  相似文献   

断层阶区对产生超剪切地震破裂的促进作用   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文



通过对近场以及远震数据的分析,估算了2010年中国青海地震(MW6.9)的破裂速度。破裂起始模型的计算结果与YUS台站实测近场地震图的比较显示出约为5.0km/s的快速超剪切破裂传播。根据使用包络线反褶积法和经验格林函数事件的远震分析,在震中东南6.5km和41.8km的地方鉴别出2个高频脉冲,说明为2个子事件。高频脉冲事件的地点和时间也显示出4.7~5.8km/s的超剪切破裂速度。超剪切破裂速度可能致使破裂向玉树镇扩展时产生了严重破坏。  相似文献   

基于Pg波速度反演和地震重新定位, 运用单键群算法对Pg波速度过渡带的地震空间相关长度进行了幂律拟合分析. Pg波速度反演结果表明, 其速度的横向变化表现出构造相依的特征, 速度高低与地壳厚度呈正相关, 并在包头—西山嘴凸起和岱海凹陷两个区域形成Pg波速度过渡带. 利用重新定位的地震数据计算了这两个速度过渡区的地震空间相关长度, 结果显示其幂律拟合曲线均呈一定的增长趋势, 表明2008年以来两个Pg波速度过渡区域的应力作用不断集聚、 增强, 断层有逐步进入协同化阶段的可能, 加之速度过渡带通常是地壳运动强烈区域, 未来将成为孕育中强地震的有利场所. 在有效控制定位误差的条件下, 重新定位可以明显减小地震空间相关长度的离散形态, 提高计算精度.   相似文献   

正本文在收集整理分析中国大陆1902—2014年132次板内浅源地震事件的相关数据(包括震级、发震时间、地点、断层类型、地震矩、地表破裂长度、余震分布长度、波谱反演得到的震源处破裂长度等)的基础上,给出了震级与震源破裂长度和余震分布长度的经验公式,并对震级与破裂长度之间的相关性进行  相似文献   

朱守彪  袁杰  缪淼 《地球物理学报》2017,60(10):3832-3843
由于2010年玉树地震(Ms=7.1)产生了超剪切地震破裂,所以地震灾害特别严重.国内外地球科学家对该地震产生超剪切破裂过程的物理机制一直非常关注,但至今没有给出满意的解答.为此,文中根据玉树地震发震断层的实际几何构建有限单元数值模型,模型中的断层由2个断层段构成,它们之间有约10°的夹角,形成断层拐折.模拟结果表明,玉树地震的破裂由2个子事件组成;当破裂在震源所在的断层上成核后,先在第一个断层段上传播,其速度为亚剪切波速度;当破裂一旦越过断层拐折,在第二个断层段上传播时,破裂速度就立即转变为超剪切波速度.计算结果显示,当断层发生超剪切破裂时,断层上的位错幅度、破裂产生的地震波速度及加速度都会显著增大,从而造成地震灾害大大增加,这很可能是玉树地震的震害特别严重的重要原因.从模拟实验中还看到,若是模型中的断层没有发生拐折,在模型的其他参数都保持不变的情况下,破裂速度不会发生变化.但是,若初始应力场的方位与断层之间的夹角发生变化,这时断裂系统中尽管存在断层拐折,也不是一定能产生超剪切破裂.只有当初始应力方位与断层之间的夹角以及断层走向变化的偏角二者之间的关系恰到好处时,断层拐折才有可能促使断层破裂由亚剪切转化为超剪切破裂.所以,玉树地震之所以能产生超剪切地震破裂,恰恰是发震断层几何与初始应力场方位之间的关系达到某种"最佳状态"的结果.这也可能是天然地震中超剪切破裂事件稀少的原因之一.因此,研究超剪切地震破裂过程的动力学机制,对于深入研究地震震源过程、地震灾害评估等有着非常重要的科学意义.  相似文献   

The object of the present study was to obtain and investigate the 3D velocity structure of the rupture zone of a large earthquake, to be specific, the great ( Mw = 7.8) Kronotskii earthquake that occurred in Kamchatka on December 5, 1997. The event was preceded by a foreshock swarm (December 3–5, 1997) and followed by a long aftershock sequence. We investigated the V P velocity distribution for different time periods: December 3–7, 1997 (when the chief events occurred, viz., the main shock and the larger aftershocks) and for subsequent periods of decaying aftershock activity until December 1998. The velocity distribution in the rupture zone proved to be inhomogeneous. Three regions have been identified: the northeastern (the main shock and foreshocks), the central, and the southwestern, which differ both in the character of seismicity and in velocity. The V P distribution was found to be time-dependent. The velocity was below the standard values in the foreshock-aftershock area in December 1997, subsequently the velocity increased. These results may indicate the absence of a continuous rupture zone, with the main shock and the two largest aftershocks that occurred in the southwest probably being independent events rupturing a transverse fault during the stress rearrangement following the main shock.  相似文献   

以河套地震带作为研究区域,选取2001年以来小震事件作为研究对象,采用单键群(SLC)方法,计算研究区地震空间相关长度,并分区域讨论其时序变化特征。计算结果表明,2001年以来,河套地震带5个子区域地震空间相关长度表现出不同变化特征,且无持续性变化,多在约3年时间尺度上表现出增长现象,表明地震空间相关长度的增长变化不太可能反映区域应力场的长期变化,而可能携带应力场的中期变化信息。通过设定不同计算窗长和滑动步长来考证计算结果,发现地震事件时空分布的非均匀性、空间窗形状和大小等因素,可能影响地震空间相关长度的数据变化幅度,但不影响整体变化趋势。  相似文献   

From the events synthesized from the one-dimensional dynamical mass-spring model proposed byBurridge andKnopoff (1967), the relation between rupture length and earthquake momentM is studied for various model parameters. The earthquake moment is defined to be the total displacement of a connected set of mass elements which slide during an event. A parameter stiffness ratios is defined as the ratio of the spring constant between the two mass elements to that between one mass element and the moving plate. The velocity-dependent friction law (including weakening and hardening processes) is taken to control the sliding of a mass element. The distribution of the breaking strengths over the system is considered to be a fractal function. The cases for severals values and different velocity-dependent friction laws with different decreasing ratesr w of the frictional force with sliding velocity are studied numerically. The weakening process of the frictional force from the static one to the dynamic one obviously affects theM– relation. Meanwhile, a rapid weakening process rather than a slow weakening process can result in aM– relation, which is comparable to the observed one. Although an increase in thes value can yield an increase in the upper bound of the value and the number of events with largeM and values, the scaling of theM– relation is not affected by the change of thes value. For the cases in this study, the theoretical –M relations for small events withM<1 are almost in the form: M 1/2, while those for large events withM>1 have a scaling exponent less than but close to 1. In addition, the fractal dimension, the friction drop ratio and the roughness of the distribution of the breaking strengths over the fault surface are the minor parameters influencing the –M relation. A comparison between the theoreticalM– relation and the observed one for strike-slip earthquakes shows that for large events the theoreticalM– relation is quite consistent with the observed one, while for small events there is a one-order difference in the two relations. For the one-dimensional model, the decreasing rate of the dynamic frictional force with velocity is the main factor in affecting the characteristic value of the earthquake moment, at which the scaling of theM– relation changes.  相似文献   

汶川地震破裂带地壳速度结构研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用分布在汶川地震破裂带上三个固定台站两年的远震接收函数,结合该区域已有面波频散结果,首先确定了各台站下方不同方位地壳的厚度、波速比和纵波平均速度,进而构建初始模型,对各台站下方不同方位地壳速度结构进行了线性反演.结果表明:位于汶川地震破裂带两端单台下方地壳结构的横向非均匀性较强,各方位接收函数差异较大,而破裂带中部台...  相似文献   

The effect of the fault rupture zone traversing a seismically isolated bridge is investigated utilizing a finite element model of a section of the Bolu Viaduct and a set of synthetic broadband strong ground motions simulated for the Bolu Viaduct site due to the 1999 Duzce earthquake. Both the original and a potential retrofit seismic isolation system designs are considered in the analyses. The results show double isolation system demands when fault crossing is considered, as compared to the case where fault crossing is ignored. The pier drift demands, however, remain comparable in both cases. Furthermore, the location of fault crossing along the bridge length, as well as the fault orientation with respect to the bridge longitudinal direction are shown to influence substantially the response of the seismically isolated bridge. Isolation system permanent displacements are greatly influenced by the restoring force capability of the isolation system when fault crossing effects in the excitations are ignored. In the case of fault crossing, the permanent displacements of the isolation system are dominated by the substantial permanent tectonic displacement along the fault trace which is imposed upon the structure. The results of this study contribute to developing a better understanding of how seismically isolated bridges respond when traversed by fault rupture zones. The lack of analyses and design guidelines for bridges crossing faults in international standards renders this study a useful reference for the profession.  相似文献   

An earthquake of magnitude MW = 5.8 occurred in the upper reaches of the Uanga and Pogibi rivers in northwestern Sakhalin at 9 h 44 min WT on March 16, 2010. The event is the largest for the northwestern part of the island during the entire history of instrumental seismological observations that have been conducted on Sakhalin since 1905. A macroseismic study showed that the earthquake was felt in much of northern Sakhalin and the Amur River area. This paper presents the results from a detailed study of the seismicity in the rupture zone, the space-time distribution of aftershocks, and their relationships to the active fault zones that exist in northern Sakhalin. Some new results were obtained that concern the interrelationships between the focal mechanism and the present-day geodynamic setting.  相似文献   

龙门山断裂带精细速度结构的双差层析成像研究   总被引:21,自引:11,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
利用川西流动地震台阵、汶川地震震后应急台网记录到的P波到时资料,对2008年5月至2008年10月期间发生的汶川地震余震序列应用双差层析成像方法进行了地震震源和三维P波速度结构的联合反演.结果显示,联合反演获得的地震重定位结果与基于一维地壳参考模型的双差定位方法结果相近;研究区15 km以上速度结构与地表断裂分布密切相关,20 km以下深度呈现北东向和北西向交错结构.汶川地震破裂带南段龙门山断裂带之间上地壳呈现高速异常,速度结构的非均匀变化是控制余震分布和主震破裂传播的主要因素;联合反演结果给出了小鱼洞—理县方向存在隐伏断裂的速度结构证据,同时发现,破裂带北东段可能沿新发断裂扩展;结果确认了汶川地震起始段的高角度逆冲断裂特征,也确认了前山断裂和中央断裂在约20 km深度合并到脆韧转换带的特征.  相似文献   

With the improvement of seismic observation system, more and more observations indicate that earthquakes may cause seismic velocity change. However, the amplitude and spatial distribution of the velocity variation remains a controversial issue. Recent active source monitoring carried out adjacent to Wenchuan Fault Scientific Drilling (WFSD) revealed unambiguous coseismic velocity change associated with a local Ms5.5 earthquake. Here, we carry out forward modeling using two-dimensional spectral element method to further investigate the amplitude and spatial distribution of observed velocity change. The model is well constrained by results from seismic reflection and WFSD coring. Our model strongly suggests that the observed coseismic velocity change is localized within the fault zone with width of ~120 m rather than dynamic strong ground shaking. And a velocity decrease of ~2.0 % within the fault zone is required to fit the observed travel time delay distribution, which coincides with rock mechanical experiment and theoretical modeling.  相似文献   

直下型断层的破裂速度对盆地地震效应的影响   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
首先基于有限断层破裂下的运动学震源模型,对比验证了三维谱元法对于近场地震动的模拟精度。 进而通过含盆地模型与不含盆地的一维水平成层模型的地震动强度之间和放大系数分布特征之间的对比,详细研究了直下型断层的破裂速度对盆地地震效应的影响。结果表明,盆地的存在会显著改变近断层地震动的分布特征,同时盆地内不同分量强地震动的分布特征变化较大。断层破裂速度对盆地地震效应影响显著,随破裂速度的增大盆地地震动强度逐渐增加,但不同分量上地震动强度的增加速率显著不同,受盆地效应的影响,放大系数表现出与强地震动不同的分布特征。盆地放大系数整体表现出随破裂速度的增加而减小的趋势,但不同分量放大系数所受影响程度差异明显。同时,盆地内地震动强烈放大区域的位置也受破裂速度的显著影响,但其总体上集中在断层两侧区域及垂直于破裂方向的盆地边缘附近。   相似文献   

Directivity effects are a characteristic of seismic source finiteness and are a consequence of the rupture spread in preferential directions. These effects are manifested through seismic spectral deviations as a function of the observation location. The directivity by Doppler effect method permits estimation of the directions and rupture velocities, beginning from the duration of common pulses, which are identified in waveforms or relative source time functions. The general model of directivity that supports the method presented here is a Doppler analysis based on a kinematic source model of rupture (Haskell, Bull Seismol Soc Am 54:1811–1841, 1964) and a structural medium with spherical symmetry. To evaluate its performance, we subjected the method to a series of tests with synthetic data obtained from ten typical seismic ruptures. The experimental conditions studied correspond with scenarios of simple and complex, unilaterally and bilaterally extended ruptures with different mechanisms and datasets with different levels of azimuthal coverage. The obtained results generally agree with the expected values. We also present four real case studies, applying the method to the following earthquakes: Arequipa, Peru (M w = 8.4, June 23, 2001); Denali, AK, USA (M w = 7.8; November 3, 2002); Zemmouri–Boumerdes, Algeria (M w = 6.8, May 21, 2003); and Sumatra, Indonesia (M w = 9.3, December 26, 2004). The results obtained from the dataset of the four earthquakes agreed, in general, with the values presented by other authors using different methods and data.  相似文献   

Relative to those at sub‐bankfull flow, hydraulic conditions at overbank flow, whether in the channel or on the floodplain, are poorly understood. Here, velocity conditions are analysed over an unusually wide range of flows in the arid zone river of Cooper Creek with its complex system of anastomosing channels and large fluctuations in floodplain width. At‐a‐station hydraulic geometry relationships reveal sharp discontinuities in velocity at the inbank–overbank transition, the nature of the discontinuity varying with the degree of flow confinement and the level of channel–floodplain interaction. However, despite inter‐sectional differences, velocities remain modest throughout the flow range in this low‐gradient river, and the large increases in at‐a‐station discharge are principally accommodated by changes in cross‐sectional area. Velocity distribution plots suggest that within‐channel conditions during overbank flow are characterized by a central band of high velocity which penetrates far toward the bed, helping to maintain already deep cross‐sections. Floodplain resistance along Cooper Creek is concentrated at channel bank tops where vegetation density is highest, and the subsequent flow retardation is transmitted across the surface of the channels over distances as large as 50–70 m. The rough floodplain surface affects flood wave transmission, producing significant decreases in wave speeds downstream. The character of the wave‐speed–discharge relationship also changes longitudinally, from log–linear in the upper reaches to nonlinear where the floodplain broadens appreciably. The nonlinear form is similar in several respects to relationships proposed for more humid rivers, with flood wave speed reaching an intermediate maximum at about four‐fifths bankfull discharge before decreasing to a minimum at approximately Q2·33. It does not regain the value at the intermediate maximum until the 10 year flood, by which time floodplain depths have become relatively large and broad floodways more active. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

天山—帕米尔结合带的地壳速度结构及地震活动研究   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
利用流动地震台阵记录的地震数据,通过地震层析技术反演了天山—帕米尔结合带的P波速度结构,揭示出地壳结构的非均匀特征及其与地震活动的对应关系. 分析结果表明,天山和西昆仑的双向挤压导致塔里木西部边缘地壳严重变形,在山前地区形成基底隆起带,地壳深部则被断裂分割成为若干块体,有的块体可能卷入造山带内部;喀什坳陷地壳深部结构相对完整,变形程度较弱;天山和西昆仑的地壳结构显示出缩短增厚的波速特性,在与塔里木接壤的局部地区,壳幔边界附近存在热物质的侵入迹象. 大部分地震都发生在塔里木西部边缘的壳内高速块体周围,推测块体之间的相互作用和应力调整是导致天山—帕米尔结合带频繁发生地震的主要原因,伽师地震则与构造变形由天山向塔里木内部扩展以及该地区的地壳非均匀结构有关.  相似文献   

The cross-shore variation of long-term average longshore current velocity was investigated on the basis of a 15-year data set of longshore current, wave and wind. The longshore current velocities were measured once a day along a 427-m-long pier. The results show that the direction of the long-term average longshore current velocity away (>200 m) from the shore was the opposite to that near the shore. The southward current was dominant offshore, whereas the northward current was dominant near the shore. The cross-shore variation of the long-term average longshore current velocity was formed owing to a difference between the wave and wind conditions when the northward and southward currents developed. When the northward current developed, the offshore wave height was relatively small and the frequency of the southward wind velocity was almost equal to that of the northward one. As a result, the northward current developed only near the shore and decayed outside the narrow surf zone. On the other hand, when the southward current developed, the offshore wave height was relatively large and the southward wind velocity was predominant, which resulted in the southward current developing not only in the wide surf zone but also outside the surf zone. The superposition of the two cross-shore variations produced a cross-shore variation of the long-term average longshore current velocity with a northward velocity near the shore and a southward velocity away from the shore.  相似文献   

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