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As human water demand is increasing worldwide, pressure on available water resources grows and their sustainable exploitation is at risk. To mimic changes in exploitation intensity and the connecting feedbacks between surface water and groundwater systems, a dynamic attribution of demand to water resources is necessary. However, current global-scale hydrological models lack the ability to do so. This study explores the dynamic attribution of water demand to simulated water availability. It accounts for essential feedbacks, such as return flows of unconsumed water and riverbed infiltration. Results show that abstractions and feedbacks strongly affect water allocation over time, particularly in irrigated areas. Also residence time of water is affected, as shown by changes in low flow magnitude, frequency, and timing. The dynamic representation of abstractions and feedbacks makes the model a suitable tool for assessing spatial and temporal impacts of changing global water demand on hydrology and water resources.  相似文献   


Groundwater is an important water resource and its management is vital for integrated water resources development in semiarid catchments. The River Shiyang catchment in the semiarid area of northwestern China was studied to determine a sustainable multi-objective management plan of water resources. A multi-objective optimization model was developed which incorporated water supplies, groundwater quality, ecology, environment and economics on spatial and temporal scales under various detailed constraints. A calibrated groundwater flow model was supplemented by grey simulation of groundwater quality, thus providing two lines of evidence to use in the multi-objective water management. The response matrix method was used to link the groundwater simulation models and the optimization model. Multi-phase linear programming was used to minimize and compromise the objectives for the multi-period, conjunctive water use optimization model. Based on current water demands, this water use optimization management plan was able to meet ecological, environmental and economic objectives, but did not find a final solution to reduce the overall water deficit within the catchment.  相似文献   

Hydrological models are useful tools to analyze present and future conditions of water quantity and quality. The integrated modelling of water and nutrients needs an adequate representation of the different discharge components. In common with many lowlands, groundwater contribution to the discharge in the North German lowlands is a key factor for a reasonable representation of the water balance, especially in low flow periods. Several studies revealed that the widely used Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model performs poorly for low flow periods. This paper deals with the extension of the groundwater module of the SWAT model to enhance low flow representation. The current two‐storage concept of SWAT was further developed to a three‐storage concept. This was realized due to modification of the groundwater module by splitting the active groundwater storage into a fast and a slow contributing aquifer. The results of this study show that the groundwater module with three storages leads to a good prediction of the overall discharge especially for the recession limbs and the low flow periods. The improved performance is reflected in the signature measures for the mid‐segment (percent bias ?2.4% vs ?15.9%) and the low segment (percent bias 14.8% vs 46.8%) of the flow duration curve. The three‐storage groundwater module is more process oriented than the original version due to the introduction of a fast and a slow groundwater flow component. The three‐storage version includes a modular approach, because groundwater storages can be activated or deactivated independently for subbasin and hydrological response unit level. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Effective policies to protect groundwater-dependent ecosystems require robust methods to determine the environmental flows and levels required to support species and processes. Frameworks to support groundwater management must incorporate the relationships between hydrology and species and ecological processes. These hydro-ecological relationships can be used to develop quantitative, measurable thresholds that are sensitive to changes in groundwater quantity. Here we provide a case study from a group of fens in central Oregon, USA, that are used for cattle watering, but also support numerous sensitive species. We developed quantitative relationships between the position of the water table and wetland indicator plant species and the process of peat development, to propose groundwater withdrawal thresholds. A maximum depth to water table of –0.9 to –34.8 cm for fen plants and –16.6 to –32.2 cm for peat accretion can be tolerated in these wetlands. Defining hydro-ecological relationships as thresholds can support management decisions.
Editor D. Koutsoyiannis; Guest editor M. Acreman

Citation Aldous, A.R. and Bach, L.B., 2014. Hydro-ecology of groundwater-dependent ecosystems: applying basic science to groundwater management. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59 (3–4), 530–544.  相似文献   

This paper presents a scheme describing low flow formation processes in areas with different environmental conditions, including the impact of the selection and explanatory power of predictors for a probabilistic model based on the Logit model. The research was carried out using 29 daily streamflow gauges located in the Lublin region of southeastern Poland for the hydrological period 1976–2018. Analysis resulted in two distinct low flow schemes. In the lowland rivers, low flows occur during the warm season and are related to evaporation exceeding precipitation. In the upland rivers, hydrogeological factors related to water levels in the local Cretaceous aquifers determine the occurrence of low flows. This differentiation affects the quality of the predictive models. For lowland rivers, models based on the climatic water balance with a monthly shift have a better fit, while these models used for upland rivers are characterized by an approximately 10% decrease in accuracy. For upland rivers, the combined CtHt models without shifts produce the best model fit. The generalized precision of the Logit models is around 80%–90%.  相似文献   

This study employs stable oxygen and hydrogen isotopes as natural tracers to assess the headwater of a landslide next to a drainage divide and the importance of the slope's headwater in the study area. The study is undertaken near Wu‐She Township in the mountains of central Taiwan. Because a reservoir is located on the other side of the divide, this study evaluates the relationship between the reservoir water and headwater of the landslide as well. Over a 1‐year period, water samples from September 2008 to September 2009, including local precipitation (LP), Wu‐She Reservoir's water (WSRW), slope groundwater (SGW), upper‐reach stream water (USTW), and down‐reach stream water (DSTW), were analysed for deuterium (δD) and oxygen (δ18O) stable isotopes. Results indicate that WSRW is the predominant component in SGW: approximately 70% of SGW originates from WSRW and 30% from LP based on a two end‐member mass‐balance mixing model for δ18O. The similar two end‐member mixing model is also employed to assess the contributions of USTW and SGW to DSTW. Model results indicate that SGW is the major source of DSTW with a contribution of about 67%. Accordingly, about 47% of DSTW sources from the WSRW. In short, owing to reservoir leakage, WSRW contributes the greater part of both SGW and DSTW. Plentiful WSRW in SGW threatens the stability of the slope in the divide area. To avoid subsequent continuous slope failure, necessary mitigation steps are required. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


A comprehensive hydro-ecological investigation was conducted to determine the ecological response of increased groundwater withdrawals from the Kirkwood-Cohansey aquifer system, an important source of water supply in southern New Jersey, USA. Collocated observations were made of aquatic-macroinvertebrate assemblages and stream hydrologic attributes to develop flow–ecology response relations. A sub-regional transient groundwater flow model (MODFLOW) was used to simulate three plausible high-stress groundwater-withdrawal scenarios which resulted in stream baseflow reductions of approximately 0.12, 0.20, and 0.26 m3 s-1. These reduction scenarios were used to construct flow-alteration ecological response models to evaluate aquatic-macroinvertebrate response to streamflow reduction. For example, flow-alteration ecological response models indicate that if groundwater withdrawals diminish mean annual streamflow from 1.1 to 0.6 m3 s-1, the abundance of intolerant taxa could be reduced by as much as 20%. These flow-alteration ecological response modelling results could be used by resource professionals to evaluate alternative water management strategies to determine maximum basin withdrawal rates that meet ongoing human water demand while protecting biological integrity.
Editor D. Koutsoyiannis; Guest editor M. Acreman

Citation Kennen, J.G., Riskin, M.L., and Charles, E.G., 2014. Effects of streamflow reductions on aquatic macroinvertebrates: linking groundwater withdrawals and assemblage response in southern New Jersey streams, USA. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59 (3–4), 545–561.  相似文献   

In order to maintain the scenic and eco-environmental values of a lake, we need to characterize its water interactions. Shahu Lake was used as a case study to show the interactions among replenishment water, lake water and groundwater in an arid region. Shahu Lake is located in the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region of northwest China and has an area of 13.96 km2 and an average depth of 2.2 m. The groundwater modelling software MODFLOW was used. The analysis results show that hydraulic connectivity among replenishment water, lake water and groundwater is the crucial driving factor that affects the water level in Shahu Lake. The lake water level is highly sensitive to the volume of replenishment water. The groundwater is of great importance in balancing the water level in the lake and preventing it from drying up. It was determined that 13.8 × 106 m3/yr is the optimal volume of replenishment water for Shahu Lake in order to maintain the lake level at its normal state and also to make the best use of available water resources on a long-term basis. Understanding of the water interactions can promote effective management of water resources in Shahu Lake.
EDITOR D. Koutsoyiannis

ASSOCIATE EDITOR D. Hughes  相似文献   

The present rice‐dominated cropping system in the Hirakud canal command (eastern India) is under severe threat due to imbalance between irrigation water supply and demand. The canal water supply, which is the only source of irrigation, only meets 54% of the demand at 90% probability of exceedance (PE). In order to mitigate the irrigation water deficit from canal water, groundwater is considered as a supplemental source. Quasi‐three‐dimensional groundwater flow simulation modelling was, therefore, carried out by using Visual MODFLOW to detect the change in hydraulic head due to transient pumping stresses. The simulation model was calibrated and validated satisfactorily. Sensitivity analysis of the model parameters shows that groundwater recharge is most sensitive followed by aquifer hydraulic conductivity at almost all the sites of the command area, whereas the model is comparatively less sensitive to specific storage and specific yield. Enhanced pumping scenarios showed that groundwater extraction can be increased up to 50 times of the existing pumping without causing any adverse effect to the aquifer but the aquifer does not permit to exploit water in order to fulfill the irrigation water demand even at 10% PE. Hence, it is imperative to develop an optimal land and water resources management plan of the command area. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Many of the hydrological and ecological functions of alluvial flood plains within watersheds depend on the water flow exchanges between the vadoze soil zone and the shallow groundwater. The water balance of the soil in the flood plain is investigated, in order to evaluate the main hydrological processes that underlie the temporal dynamics of soil moisture and groundwater levels. The soil moisture and the groundwater level in the flood plain were monitored continuously for a three-year period. These data were integrated with the results derived from applying a physically-based numerical model which simulated the variably-saturated vertical water flow in the soil. The analysis indicated that the simultaneous processes of lateral groundwater flow and the vertical recharge from the unsaturated zone caused the observed water table fluctuations. The importance of these flows in determining the rises in the water table varied, depending on soil moisture and groundwater depth before precipitation. The monitoring period included two hydrological years (September 2009–September 2011). About 13% of the precipitation vertically recharged the groundwater in the first year and about 50% in the second. The difference in the two recharge coefficients was in part due to the lower groundwater levels in the recharge season of the first hydrological year, compared to those observed in the second. In the latter year, the shallow groundwater increased the soil moisture in the unsaturated zone due to capillary rise, and so the mean hydraulic conductivity of the unsaturated soil was high. This moisture state of soil favoured a more efficient conversion of infiltrated precipitation into vertical groundwater recharge. The results show that groundwater dynamics in the flood plain are an important source of temporal variability in soil moisture and vertical recharge processes, and this variability must be properly taken into account when the water balance is investigated in shallow groundwater environments.

Citation Pirastru, M. and Niedda, M., 2013. Evaluation of the soil water balance in an alluvial flood plain with a shallow groundwater table. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58 (4), 898–911.  相似文献   

The watershed hydrologic model TOPMODEL was used to estimate interbasin groundwater flow (IGF) into a small lowland rainforest watershed in Costa Rica. IGF is a common hydrological process but often difficult to quantify. Four‐year simulations (2006–2009) using three different model approaches gave estimates of IGF that were very similar to each other (10.1, 10.2, and 9.8 m/year) and to an earlier estimate (10.0 m/year) based on 1998–2002 data from a budget study that did not use a hydrologic simulation model, providing confidence in the new estimates and suggesting each of the three model approaches is viable. Results show no significant temporal variation in IGF during 2006–2009 (or between this period and the earlier study from 1998–2002). Simulations of the 16 consecutive 3‐month periods in 2006–2009 gave 16 values of IGF rate with a mean (10.1 m/year, standard deviation = 0.6 m/year) very similar to the estimates above from the 4‐year simulations. This suggests the modified version of TOPMODEL can be used to model stream discharge and estimate IGF for sub‐annual time periods during which change in water storage is not necessarily equal to zero. Thus, simple watershed models may be used to estimate IGF based on even relatively short calibration periods, making such models useful tools in the study of this widespread hydrological process that affects water and chemical fluxes and budgets but is often difficult and costly to quantify. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Extensive implementation of centre pivot irrigation systems occurred between 1970 and 1980 in the lower Flint River Basin (FRB) of southwestern Georgia, USA. Groundwater within this karstic system is in direct hydraulic connection with regional streams, many of which are incised through the overburden into underlying limestone. We used long‐term U.S. Geological Survey gaging station data to evaluate multiple flow metrics of two tributaries (Ichawaynochaway Creek and Spring Creek) in the lower FRB to determine the extent of changes in stream behaviour since irrigation practices intensified. We compared pre‐ and post‐irrigation flow duration curves, 1‐, 7‐, and 14‐day minimum flows, and 8‐day (seasonal) and annual baseflow recession slopes, in addition to evaluating regional climate data to determine whether significant differences existed between the pre‐ and post‐irrigation periods. Our results showed significant changes in low‐flow durations in the post‐irrigation record for both gages, including a decrease by an order of magnitude for 98% exceedance flows at Spring Creek. Both gages indicated significant reductions in 1‐, 7‐, and 14‐day low flows. Eight‐day baseflow recession curves (within early summer months) and annual baseflow recession curves became significantly steeper during the post‐irrigation period for Ichawaynochaway Creek. We also found that a significant relationship existed between winter and summer minimum flows in both streams in the pre‐irrigation period which was disrupted in post‐irrigation years. Regional climate data for the study period revealed no significant changes in rainfall totals or frequency of drought; however, there was evidence for a shift in seasonal rainfall patterns. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


This paper considers the complexity in resolving the conflicts between mine drainage, water supply, and environmental protection for the coal basin of North China, and presents a management optimization framework that addresses these multiple conflicting issues simultaneously in the most cost effective manner. Due to the various unpredictable accidents which may occur in the coal mining process, such as water bursts, gas leaks, fire and collapse of coal beds, the beneficial use of drainage water from the coal mines is generally low. This case study attempts to address the problem of low beneficial usage for drainage water using the Jiaozuo coal mining district in Henan Province, China. By combining a finite-element groundwater simulation model with an optimization code, the economic benefits of using the drainage water as a stable water supply is maximized, while the adverse impact of mine drainage on the environment is controlled. The results indicate that the management model developed in this study achieves an excellent economic outcome and can serve as a potentially powerful tool for solving mining-related water management problems in the coal basin of North China.

Citation Wu, Q., Hu, B. X., Wan, L. & Zheng, C. (2010) Coal mine water management: optimization models and field application in North China. Hydrol. Sci. J. 55(4), 609–623.  相似文献   

Environmental dating tracers (3H, 3He, 4He, CFC-12, CFC-11, and SF6) and the natural spring response (hydrochemistry, water temperature, and hydrodynamics) were jointly used to assess mixing processes and to characterize groundwater flow in a relatively small carbonate aquifer with complex geology in southern Spain. Results evidence a marked karst behaviour of some temporary outlets, with sharp and rapid responses to precipitation events, while some perennial springs show buffer and delayed variations with respect to recharge periods. The general geochemical evolution shows a pattern, from higher to lower altitudes, in which mineralization and the Mg/Ca ratio rise, evidencing longer water–rock interaction. The large SF6 concentrations in groundwater suggest terrigenic production, whereas CFC-11 values are affected by sorption or degradation. The groundwater age in the perennial springs—as deduced from CFC-12 and 3H/3He—points to mean residence times of several decades, although the large amount of radiogenic 4He in samples indicate a contribution of old groundwater (free of 3H and CFC-12). Lumped parameter models and shape-free models were created based on 3H, tritiogenic 3He, CFC-12, and radiogenic 4He data in order to interpret the age distribution of the samples. Results evidence the existence of two mixing components, with an old fraction ranging between 160 and 220 years in age. The correlation of physicochemical parameters with some dating parameters, derived from the mixing models, serves to explain the hydrogeochemical processes occurring within the system. Altogether, long residence times are shown to be possible in small alpine systems with a clearly karst behaviour if the geological setting features highly tectonized media including units with diverse hydrogeological characteristics. These findings highlight the importance of applying different approaches, including groundwater dating techniques, when studying such groundwater flow regimes.  相似文献   

Seasonal signals of stable isotopes in precipitation, combined with measurements of isotope ratios in soil water, can be used for quantitative estimation of groundwater recharge rates. This study investigates the applicability of using the piston flow principle and the peak shift displacement method to estimate actual groundwater recharge rates in a humid Nordic region located in the province of Quebec, Canada. Two different sites with and without vegetation (C1 and C2) in an unconfined aquifer were tested by measuring soil water isotope ratios (18O/16O and 2H/1H) and volumetric pore water content. Core samples were obtained along the vadose zone down to the groundwater table at the two sites (2.45 m for Site C1 and 4.15 m for Site C2). The peak shift method to estimate groundwater recharge rates was shown to be accurate only in certain specific conditions inherent to the soil properties and the topographical situation of the investigated sites. Indeed, at Site C2, recharge from the snowmelt could not be estimated because of heterogeneity in the lower part of the vadose zone. At this same site the later recharge after the snowmelt (in the period from late spring to early autumn) could be estimated accurately because the upper part of the vadose zone was homogeneous. Furthermore, at site C1, runoff/runon phenomena hampered calculations of actual infiltration and thus produced inaccurate results for recharge. These two different site effects (heterogeneity in the first site and runoff/runon in the other site) were identified as being limiting factors in the accurate assessment of actual recharge. This study therefore recommends the use of the peak shift method for (1) humid Nordic regions, (2) homogeneous and thick vadose zones, and (3) areas with few or limited site effects (runoff/runon).  相似文献   


The aim of this paper is to estimate the effect that climate change will have on groundwater recharge at the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. The groundwater recharge is calculated from a monthly water balance model considering eight methods of potential and actual evapotranspiration. Historical data from 1961–2000 and climate model outputs from five downscaled general circulation models in the near horizon (2015–2039), with representative concentration pathway (RCP) 4.5 and 8.5 are used. The results estimate a recharge of 118 ± 33 mm·year–1 (around 10% of precipitation) in the historical period. Considering the uncertainty from GCMs under different RCP and evapotranspiration scenarios, our monthly water balance model estimates a groundwater recharge of 92 ± 40 mm·year–1 (RCP4.5) and 94 ± 38 mm·year–1 (RCP8.5) which represent a reduction of 23% and 20%, respectively, a result that threatens the socio-ecological balance of the region.  相似文献   

Effectively estimating groundwater recharge is critical to manage water resources, especially in arid and semi-arid regions as impacted by intensive human activities and climate changes. Rare insights have been gained into groundwater recharge since direct observation is hard to carry out. Although several methods are currently available to estimate groundwater recharge, the estimated results may cover noticeable bias. The behaviours of different methods based on different conceptual frameworks and exhibiting different levels of complexity should be examined to estimate actual groundwater recharge. This study aims to assess the performance of four common methods to estimate groundwater recharge. For this end, large-scale lysimeters equipped with soil water content sensors and water table sensors were set up at a research site established in Guanzhong Basin of China. The data achieved by 1-year observation were employed to compare four estimation methods. As revealed from the results, the following findings are drawn. (a) Groundwater level fluctuation (GLF) method is simple, whereas its accuracy is determined by specific yield, and adopting a water balance method to estimate specific yield can considerably enhance the accuracy of GLF. (b) The calibrated numerical model can obtain the optimal result compared with the other methods, whereas long-term observation data are required for parameter calibration. (c) In the water balance method, the maximum entropy production (MEP) model and a practical method (estimating evaporation between two rainfall events) were used to calculate evaporation. As indicated by the results, water balance method combined with MEP is capable of obtaining more reliable results of groundwater recharge compared with the practical method. (d) With an analytical model based on linearized Richards' equation, accurate results can be achieved. What is more, the analytical model only needs the measurement of soil moisture near the surface. The limitation of this method is that it is difficult to determine the maximal water flux. The mentioned findings are of critical implications to the management and sustainable development of groundwater.  相似文献   

The effect of drought on groundwater heads and discharge is often complex and poorly understood. Therefore the propagation of a drought from groundwater recharge to discharge and the influence of aquifer characteristics on the propagation was analysed by tracking a drought in recharge through a linear reservoir. The recharge was defined as a sinusoid function with a period of 1 year. The decrease in recharge owing to drought was simulated by multiplying the recharge during 1 year with a drought fraction between 0 and 1, which represents a decrease in the recharge of 100 to 0%, respectively. The droughts were identified using the threshold level approach, with a threshold that is constant in time. For this case analytical formulations were derived, which express the drought duration and deficit in the groundwater discharge in terms of the decrease in recharge, the reservoir coefficient that characterizes aquifer properties and the height of the threshold level. The results showed that the delay in the groundwater system caused a shift of the main part of the decrease in recharge from the high‐flow to the low‐flow period. This resulted in an increase in drought deficit for discharge compared with the drought deficit for recharge. Also the development of multiyear droughts caused an increase in drought deficit. The attenuation in the groundwater system caused a decrease in drought deficit. In most cases the net effect of these processes was an increase of drought deficit as a result of the propagation through groundwater. Only for small droughts the deficit decreased from recharge to discharge. The amount of increase or decrease depends on the reservoir coefficient and the severity of the drought. Under most conditions a maximum in the drought deficit occurred for a reservoir coefficient of around 200 days. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In many mountain regions, large land areas with heterogeneous soils have become ice‐free with the ongoing glacier retreat. On these recently formed proglacial fields, the melt of the remaining glaciers typically drives pronounced diurnal stream level fluctuations that propagate into the riparian zone. This behaviour was measured on the Damma glacier forefield in central Switzerland with stage recorders in the stream and groundwater monitoring wells along four transects. In spite of the large groundwater stage variations, radon measurements in the near‐stream riparian zone indicate that there is little mixing between stream water and groundwater on daily time scales. At all four transects, including both losing and gaining reaches, the groundwater level fluctuations lagged the stream stage variations and were often damped with distance from the stream. Similar behaviours have been modelled using the diffusion equation in coastal regions influenced by tidal sea level variations. We thus tested the ability of such a model to predict groundwater level fluctuations in proglacial fields. The model reproduced several key features of the observed fluctuations at three of four locations, although discrepancies also arise due to non representative input data and model simplifications. Nevertheless, calibration of the model for the individual transects yielded realistic estimates of hydraulic diffusivities between the stream and groundwater monitoring wells. We conclude that studying diurnal groundwater fluctuations can provide important information about the subsurface hydrology of alpine watersheds dominated by glacier melt. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Groundwater is the most important and valuable natural resources especially in coastal urban environment where surface water is insufficient to satisfy the water requirement. Puri city is located on the east coast of India where groundwater is the only source available to meet city water supply. As the city is situated on the sandy aquifer, quality of groundwater is deteriorating because of anthropogenic activities, lack of sewerage system, etc. The objective of the study was to assess the groundwater fluctuation during post‐monsoon and summer with respect to hydrogeological conditions, topography, and groundwater consumption pattern of the city. For this assessment and analysis, Geographic Information System (GIS) was used to visualize topography of the area through digital elevation model (DEM) and distribution of groundwater contours spatially and temporally. The probable areas prone to contamination were identified based on aquifer property and depths to water table below ground. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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