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A 72-h cloud-resolving numerical simulation of Typhoon Hato(2017)is performed by using the Weather Research and Forecasting(WRF)model with the Advanced Research WRF(ARW)core(V3.8.1)on a horizontal resolution of2 km.To enhance the background tropical cyclone structure and intensity,a vortex dynamic initialization scheme with a terrain-filtering algorithm is utilized.The model reproduces reasonably well the track,structure,and intensity change of Typhoon Hato.More specifically,the change trend of simulated maximum wind speed is consistent with that of best-track analysis,and the simulated maximum wind of 49 ms^-1 is close to that(52 ms^-1)of the best-track analysis,indicating that the model has successfully captured the rapid intensification(RI)of Typhoon Hato(2017).Analyses of the model outputs reveal that the total microphysical latent heating of the inner-core region associated with enhanced vertical upward motion reaches its maximum at 9-km height in the upper troposphere during the RI stage.The dominant microphysical processes with positive latent heat contributions(i.e.,heating effect)are water vapor condensation into cloud water(67.6%),depositional growth of ice(12.9%),and generation(nucleation)of ice from vapor(7.9%).Those with negative latent heat contributions(cooling effect)are evaporation of rain(47.6%),melting of snow(27.7%),and melting of graupel(9.8%).Sensitivity experiments further show that the intensification speed and peak intensity of this typhoon are highly correlated to the dominant heating effect.A significant increase in graupel over 5-10-km height and snow at 10-14-km height in the inner-core region of Typhoon Hato corresponds well with its RI stage,and the latent heating from nucleation and depositional growth is crucial to the RI of simulated Hato.  相似文献   

源自东风波动的0915号台风"巨爵"在自东向西靠近广东沿海时出现了近海急剧加强的异常现象。利用热带气旋定位资料、NCEP全球同化分析资料、卫星云图以及海上平台自动站探测资料等对"巨爵"近海加强特征和成因进行了诊断分析。结果表明:"巨爵"形成源自于西太副高南侧的东风波动,副高演变及引起的"北高南低"和"东高西低"的形势与"巨爵"环流增强发展密切相关;弱的垂直风切变、高空明显的辐散出流以及台风中心正涡度增大并向对流层中上层拓展有利于"巨爵"强度增强;低层弱冷空气南下,一方面从增加气压梯度和温度梯度来加强台风环流和暖心结构,另一方面通过触发外围对流云团发展并往台风中心输送进而对"巨爵"近海加强产生重要的触发作用;孟加拉湾西南季风气流、105°~110°E附近越赤道气流和西太副高西侧东南气流3支气流汇合为"巨爵"近海加强提供了充沛水汽条件。  相似文献   

In this study, Typhoon Rammasun(2014) was simulated using the Weather Research and Forecasting model to examine the kinetic energy during rapid intensification(RI). Budget analyses revealed that in the inner area of the typhoon,the conversion from symmetric divergent kinetic energy associated with the collocation of strong cyclonic circulation and inward flow led to an increase in the symmetric rotational kinetic energy in the lower troposphere. The increase in the symmetric rotational kinetic e...  相似文献   

Zhao  Dajun  Yu  Yubin  Yin  Jinfang  Xu  Hongxiong 《Acta Meteorologica Sinica》2020,34(2):368-386
Journal of Meteorological Research - A 72-h cloud-resolving numerical simulation of Typhoon Hato (2017) is performed by using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model with the Advanced...  相似文献   

In order to investigate air-sea interactions during the life cycle of typhoons and the quantificational effects of typhoon-induced SST cooling on typhoon intensity, a mesoscale coupled air-sea model is developed based on the non-hydrostatic mesoscale model MM5 and the regional ocean model POM, which is used to simulate the life cycle of Typhoon Chanchu (2006) from a tropical depression to a typhoon followed by a steady weakening. The results show that improved intensity prediction is achieved after considering typhoon-induced SST cooling; the trend of the typhoon intensity change simulated by the coupled model is consistent with observations. The weakening stage of Typhoon Chanchu from 1200 UTC 15 May to 1800 UTC 16 May can be well reproduced, and it is the typhoon-induced SST cooling that makes Chanchu weaken during this period. Analysis reveals that the typhoon-induced SST cooling reduces the sensible and latent heat fluxes from the ocean to the typhoon's vortex, especially in the inner-core region. In this study, the average total heat flux in the inner-core region of the typhoon decrease by 57.2%, whereas typhoon intensity weakens by 46%. It is shown that incorporation of the typhoon-induced cooling, with an average value of 2.17℃, causes a 46-hPa weakening of the typhoon, which is about 20 hPa per 1℃ change in SST.  相似文献   

刘磊  费建芳  林霄沛 《大气科学》2011,35(3):444-456
西北太平洋是全球唯一一年四季都有热带气旋生成的海域,同时,我国沿海紧临该海域,是受热带气旋影响最为严重的国家之一.本文通过建立海气耦合模式,以西北太平洋西边界流系源区为研究区域,通过对"格美"台风的数值模拟结果分析,研究海气相互作用对热带气旋发展的影响,对提高台风的数值模拟及预报水平有重要意义.研究表明:耦合作用引起的...  相似文献   

薛霖  李英 《大气科学》2016,40(6):1107-1116
台风Meranti(1010)北上进入台湾海峡过程中迅速加强,登陆时达到其最大强度。利用中国气象局上海台风研究所最佳路径资料、NCEP GFS 0.5°×0.5°资料及中尺度数值模式WRF,诊断分析台湾地形诱生的中尺度系统对台风Meranti迅速加强的影响。研究发现,Meranti在进入海峡过程中,台湾地形在台湾海峡内诱生出中尺度涡旋,激发中尺度扰动波列,加强台风环流内的垂直运动。台风水汽、热量的收支诊断表明,强烈的上升运动使热量和水汽向上输送,加强台风内的积云对流和潜热释放,使其强度增强。计算台湾地形诱生中尺度系统与台风间的动能交换发现,中尺度系统通过加强垂直运动向台风中高层输送涡动动能,使中尺度系统动能向台风动能转换,为Meranti的迅速加强提供能源。敏感性试验表明,如果台湾地形不存在,中尺度系统消失,台风的水汽、热量的向上输送和积云对流明显减弱,Meranti则不能达到迅速加强标准。  相似文献   

Diagnostics are presented from an ensemble of high-resolution forecasts that differed markedly in their predictions of the rapid intensification(RI) of Typhoon Rammasun. We show that the basic difference stems from subtle differences in initializations of(a) 500-850-h Pa environmental winds, and(b) midlevel moisture and ventilation. We then describe how these differences impact on the evolving convective organization, storm structure, and the timing of RI. As expected,ascent, diabatic heating an...  相似文献   

薛霖  李英  许映龙  王蕾  戴高菊 《大气科学》2015,39(4):789-801
台风在趋近大陆过程中强度一般衰减, 但Meranti(1010)北上进入台湾海峡过程中却迅速加强, 且在登陆福建时达到最强。采用中国气象局台风资料、NCEP GFS 0.5°×0.5°再分析资料及台湾雷达资料, 结合中尺度数值模式WRF(The Weather Research and Forecasting Model)开展台湾地形敏感性试验, 研究Meranti进入台湾海峡过程中的结构变化及迅速加强机理。结果表明:台湾地形是Meranti迅速加强的一个重要影响因子。Meranti北上过程中, 一方面通过台湾岛地形分流作用及其背风坡效应在台湾海峡内诱生中尺度涡旋, 形成正负相间的涡度分布, 激发出与台风相关的扰动波列。地形强迫抬升及扰动波列可加强垂直运动和积云对流, 有利于台风对流发展。另一方面, 台湾地形还通过改变环境气流使台风高空辐散场加强, 环境风垂直切变减小, 形成有利于台风发展的环流背景。比较不同高度台湾地形试验中台风动能收支发现, 台湾地形激发的扰动波列和积云对流增强了次网格尺度系统与台风间能量的交换, 成为Meranti登陆前迅速加强的主要动能源。  相似文献   

针对台风利奇马(1909),分析中国气象局南海台风模式(CMA-TRAMS)和欧洲中期天气预报中心高分辨率模式(HRES)对台风快速增强的业务预报情况,并基于CMA-TRAMS,从水平分辨率、初始场和边界条件、物理参数化方案等角度设计并开展数值敏感性试验。CMA-TRAMS和HRES对“利奇马”增强具有一定预报能力,但对快速增强的速度预报明显低于实况,均不能满足24h和12h快速增强标准,可达到6h快速增强标准。CMA-TRAMS采用3km分辨率对“利奇马”移动路径和强度变化的预报效果优于9km分辨率,但未改进快速增强预报效果;采用3km嵌套9km的方案,模式对台风快速增强的预报效果明显提升。采用MRF边界层参数化方案对台风路径、强度、快速增强的预报效果总体优于YSU方案。海温参数化结合32层垂直分辨率的初始场和边界条件的方案明显提高了快速增强预报效果,预报快速增强的频次、增强的最大速度更接近实况。分析表明,海温参数化方案使海气温差增大,在短时间内对大气、海洋之间的热量输送和交换有明显影响,海洋向大气输送的感热通量和台风内核区的潜热通量加强使内核更暖湿、气压负倾向增大,是预报效果改进的主要原因。  相似文献   

The South Asian Highs (SAHs) at 100 hPa over China in the three reanalysis datasets NCEP1, NCEP2, and ERA-40 are evaluated by using station observation data. The results demonstrate a substantial discrepancy even between the reanalyses. First, the data of the three reanalyses generally underestimate the intensity of the SAH in the China domain. Second, there are interdecadal changes in the SAH, with highs in the 1960s and 1980s and lows in the 1970s, 1990s, and 2000s. This interdecadal variation of the SAH can be well depicted with NCEP1 data, but the high in the 1980s is missed by ERA-40. The NCEP2 corresponds well with NCEP 1 and captures the decreasing trend after 1979. Furthermore, the NCEP1 reanalysis overestimates the interdecadal changes of SAH, while ERA-40 underestimates the interdecadal changes. This work suggests that much caution should be exerted when the reanalysis datasets are adopted to study the interdecadal variability of SAH.  相似文献   

利用欧洲中期天气预报中心(European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts,ECMWF)ERA-Interim逐6 h再分析数据(水平分辨率0.25°×0.25°)和国家气象中心提供的逐小时台风业务数据,分析了2020年第7号台风“海高斯”的路径和强度特征,并在此基础上分析其出现快速加强的原因。结果表明:1)“海高斯”个头小、海温异常偏高、风的垂直切变较小是其出现快速加强的有利因素;2)高空冷涡是“海高斯”后期高空北向出流打开的有利条件;3)来自副热带高压南侧的东向气流对“海高斯”水汽和涡度的输送也是其出现快速加强的有利条件。  相似文献   

During the movement of Typhoon Hato (2017) over land, heavy rainfall occurred when the spiral rainband which was about 100 km distance away from the center of the typhoon passed the Dayao Mountain (with an elevation of 1.2 km). In this study, the structures and forming mechanism of the heavy rainband along the mountain range are investigated by using high-resolution model simulations. The results show the importance of topography in causing the heavy rainband. Upslope of the steep terrain lifts the cyclonic flow to produce strong upward motion when the rainband passes across with high wind speed. At the same time, the warm and humid air is lifted to the steep slope, causing unstable energy to accumulate over the windward slope, which is conducive to the occurrence of rainfall. In particular, the convective cells generated upstream of rainband will further strengthen and develop due to the uplift when they move close to the mountain foot. Some precipitation particles in the convective cells fall to the ground while others move downstream with the intense updrafts, forming heavy rainfall near the summit. As a result, the largest accumulative rainfall coincides well with the orientation of the mountain ridge.  相似文献   

The variability in the Southern Ocean(SO) sea surface temperature(SST) has drawn increased attention due to its unique physical features; therefore, the temporal characteristics of the SO SST anomalies(SSTA) and their influence on extratropical atmospheric circulation are addressed in this study. Results from empirical orthogonal function analysis show that the principal mode of the SO SSTA exhibits a dipole-like structure, suggesting a negative correlation between the SSTA in the middle and high latitudes, which is referred to as the SO Dipole(SOD) in this study. The SOD features strong zonal symmetry, and could reflect more than 50% of total zonal-mean SSTA variability. We find that stronger(weaker) Subantarctic and Antarctic polar fronts are related to the positive(negative) phases of the SOD index, as well as the primary variability of the large-scale SO SSTA meridional gradient. During December–January–February, the Ferrel cell and the polar jet shift toward the Antarctic due to changes in the SSTA that could be associated with a positive phase of the SOD, and are also accompanied by a poleward shift of the subtropical jet. During June–July–August, in association with a positive SOD, the Ferrel cell and the polar jet are strengthened, accompanied by a strengthened subtropical jet. These seasonal differences are linked to the differences in the configuration of the polar jet and the subtropical jet in the Southern Hemisphere.  相似文献   

利用ncep再分析资料,对1990~2003年期间,广西14次热带气旋特大暴雨过程进行850hPa低空急流的合成分析,结果指出:广西热带气旋特大暴雨的产生伴随着中南半岛西南急流的增强,西南急流是暴雨增幅的主要水汽和能量输送系统。另外,结合大尺度环流系统的分析给出广西热带气旋特大暴雨的概念模式。  相似文献   

海浪和海洋飞沫对“珊珊”台风影响的数值研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘磊  费建芳  郑静  程小平 《气象学报》2011,69(4):693-705
台风是剧烈的天气系统,在开放的海上强风激起大浪,改变了海表粗糙度,同时,海浪顶端的白泡沫破碎,在海-气界面处会出现大量的海洋飞沫。基于共享内存的进程间通信技术应用到区域大气和海浪模式的耦合中,大气模式引入了Fairall和Andreas两种海洋飞沫参数化方案,对2006年珊珊台风进行了模拟对比试验,结果表明:耦合模式通过海-气相互作用,对台风的强度产生影响,由于耦合模式在海表粗糙度的计算上考虑了海表状况,使得耦合模式模拟的台风强度更接近实况,而对台风的移动路径影响不大;耦合模式中海-气相互作用主要通过动力因素来对台风产生影响,海表状况影响了海表粗糙度,从而使台风的动量输送发生变化,具体的台风强度增强还是减弱主要取决于海表状况与实况的符合程度;海洋飞沫参数化主要通过热力场的改变来影响动力场,Fairall方案中潜热通量和感热通量得到很大程度的加强,使得台风的热力结构得以改变,台风强度明显加强,从而影响了动力场结构;Andreas方案由于其界面通量算法在高相对湿度条件下计算界面通量时得到的量值较小,虽然高风速条件下感热通量加大,但总的潜热通量、感热通量较Fairall方案为弱,因此,模拟的台风强度不强;海洋飞沫参...  相似文献   

The high-resolution Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model is coupled to the Princeton Ocean Model (POM) to investigate the effect of air-sea interaction during Typhoon Kaemi that formed in the Northwest Pacific at 0000 UTC 19 July 2006. The coupled model can reasonably reproduce the major features of ocean response to the moving tropical cyclone (TC) forcing, including the deepening of ocean mixed layer (ML), cooling of sea surface temperature (SST), and decaying of typhoon.  相似文献   

文永仁  魏娜  张雪蓉  麦子 《气象》2014,40(11):1316-1323
利用中国气象局上海台风研究所最佳路径资料和NECP-FNL 1°×1°格点资料,分析了1323号强台风菲特(Fitow)登陆过程中环境条件、水汽和动能收支及其结构变化特征,研究其登陆后迅速消亡的原因。结果表明,"菲特"的消亡过程涉及与中纬度高空槽及另一台风的相互作用。登陆前,"菲特"从中纬度高空槽的相互作用中获得斜压位能,并从与另一台风丹娜丝(Danas)之间的偏东风低空急流中获得水汽输送,同时,高、低空急流的有利配置及较小的环境风垂直切变为其维持和发展提供有利条件。"菲特"登陆后,一方面与台风丹娜丝之间的水汽通道断裂失去潜热能的供应,另一方面冷空气侵入到台风中心,台风动能转化为斜压位能,同时高、低空风场配置加大其环境风的垂直切变,台风失去其结构特征而迅速消亡。  相似文献   

We set four sets of simulation experiments to explore the impacts of horizontal resolution(HR) and vertical resolution(VR) on the microphysical structure and boundary layer fluxes of tropical cyclone(TC) Hato(2017). The study shows that higher HR tends to strengthen TC. Increasing VR in the upper layers tends to weaken TC, while increasing VR in the lower layers tends to strengthen TC. Simulated amounts of all hydrometeors were larger with higher HR. Increasing VR at the upper level enhanced the mixing ratios of cloud ice and cloud snow,while increasing VR at the lower level elevated the mixing ratios of graupel and rainwater. HR has greater impact on the distributions of hydrometeors. Higher HR has a more complete ring structure of the eyewall and more concentrated hydrometeors along the cloud wall. Increasing VR at the lower level has little impact on the distribution of TC hydrometeors, while increasing VR at the upper level enhances the cloud thickness of the eyewall area.Surface latent heat flux(SLHF) is influenced greatly by resolution. Higher HR leads to larger water vapor fluxes and larger latent heat, which would result in a stronger TC. A large amount of false latent heat was generated when HR was too high, leading to an extremely strong TC, VR has a smaller impact on SLHF than HR. But increasing VR at the upper-level reduces the SLHF and weakens TC, and elevating VR at the lower-level increases the SLHF and strengthens TC. The changes in surface water vapor flux and SLHF were practically identical and the simulation results were improved when HR and VR were more coordinated. The friction velocity was greater with higher VR.Enhancing VR at the lower level increased the friction velocity, while increasing VR at the upper level reduced it.  相似文献   

利用数值模拟结果,该研究探讨了超级台风‘玛莉亚’的对流爆发(CBs)特征及与快速加强(RI)的关系。发现,(1)切变相对象限的内核CBs表现为由顺切变到逆切变的气旋式旋转,这有利于台风快速加强;(2)CBs的突然增长为即将到来的RI提供了预示性特征信号,同时,台风玛莉亚的RI过程引发剧烈的深对流;(3)自对流层底向上的对流增长角度分析,发现对流爆发与边界层高对流有效位能,次级环流的向上深层发展,增强的动量通量辐合等有关。  相似文献   

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