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利用浙江宁波地震台ZK03井气氡观测系统,将集气室出气口与BG2015R型测氡仪进气口连接,排气口与P2000型测氡仪的进气口连接,再从其排气口出气,形成2套仪器作串联比测实验。通过近3个月的观测,并对10分钟值数据作相关系数分析,发现它们具有显著的相关性,BG2015R观测资料的客观性和科学性可以初步得到验证。也说明BG2015R采样器(闪烁室)受到氡污染后,3个月内"累积背景值"的动态变化基本稳定。P2000因为有自动扣除本底"累积背景"的功能,所以其观测平均值比前者略低,约为92.7%,但动态变化幅度明显大于前者。2套仪器能同步记录到气氡潮汐现象。因此BG2015R型测氡仪在地下流体观测中,基本能够记录到气氡的动态变化过程。  相似文献   

2008年3—7月福建地区共发生4次中等地震,福建地下流体氟离子有多孔观测井,在震前或震后出现高值突跳的现象;2008年9-11月福建地下流体氟离子又有多孔观测井出现高值异常。本研究通过实验提出:该氟离子高值异常为非地震前兆异常,建议准备一支氟离子选择性电极作为备用电极,用于对比观测,以提高氟离子观测数据异常的判别。  相似文献   

利用新增一台同型号SD-3A型自动测氡仪进行新老仪器间对比观测实验,通过改变不同引水管、脱气装置、引水管流量等方式来找出影响气氡观测结果的主要因素.通过半年的对比观测实验,共取得对比观测数据4 433组,根据对比观测实验1至实验5对出水点A的观测结果显示,主测仪器和对比观测仪器对出水点A的观测结果同步,说明主测仪器工作正常,这也与历次标定检查结果一致.而日常监测所测得的低氡值及大幅度动态变化是泉点自身观测采样氡含量变化的正常反映.  相似文献   

通过可溶性硅酸比测实验说明,目视比色法受肉眼观测的影响,精度差,误差大。分析目视比色法与光电比色法比测实验数据和观测数据,发现两组观测数据可以进行对比分析,且各井泉目视观测数据的中值全部比光电观测数据的中值小,提出以723可见分光光度计观测数据中值减去目视比色观测数据中值的差为基数,把目视观测的每个数据都加上各井泉相应的基数,基本实现福建局各井泉两种观测数据的衔接。  相似文献   

经过对不同形式的电极:铅电极、不极化电极、圆柱形电极、板状电极等进行对比观测试验,对观测试验的数据信息进行处理及相关系数分析.分析研究实验结果,探讨不同情况下的电极性能及优缺点,得出在不同要求、不同场地、不同条件下电极的选择和使用情况的认识.  相似文献   

杨明芝  孙宗诗 《地震》1996,16(4):435-441
提出了一种用于地电观测的新型电极系统-高效接地树脂复合电极,通过台站场地的对比观测实验和内电化学测试的结果表明,高效接地树脂电极具有较好的接地特民生和稳定的极化特性,其电极性能优于目前普遍使用的铅电极,可以用来代替铅电极在台站中应用。  相似文献   

通过多项实验观测对电阻率测值与电流出现相同趋势性变小的原因进行了探讨分析,认为这是装置系统的重要构成部分即电极发生了变化,从而导致了电阻率测值的趋势性下降。  相似文献   

分析总结近几年来河北省地电场台站地电场电极故障出现的数据变化,认为河北省地电场数据在无干扰情况下变化形态稳定,部分台站图像中可见“峰-谷”形态,且相关系数及差值良好。地电场电极故障时,共用该电极的两测道数据有同步干扰主要表现在:①两测道数据相关系数减小、差值变大。②图像上同步出现台阶、突跳、长趋势变化。根据数据变化的同步性可以初步判断电极故障及故障电极位置,另外还需非电极故障的排除,首先对观测环境、仪器、外线路、线路接头、配线板等进行检查,其次用对比试验法,即预埋新电极接入备用地电场仪器与故障电极并行观测,通过对比确定电极故障。最后运用化学及数学方法Butler-Volmer方程及Nernst方程对电极故障造成的数据现象进行分析解释。该研究结果为台站及时进行电极故障判断有一定参考意义。  相似文献   

利用KJD-2000R测氡仪观测下关温泉水中氡含量,与传统水氡观测仪器FD-125型室内氡钍分析器进行平行对比,对影响其观测结果的可能因素进行分析,取得一些有意义的结论。  相似文献   

通过分析1989—1990年的对比观测资料的结果,说明在地震介质较为均一条件下电极老化对地电阻率的观测没有影响。  相似文献   

深井电极与地表电极的自然电场对比研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对半无限空间和全无限空间电流密度的分布理论进行讨论,得出电流密度随电极埋设深度的增大而减小。因此,在电法观测中,当供电电极深埋后,人工电场和自然电场可减少地表各种噪声的干扰,提高视电阻率ρs和自然电位Vsp的灵敏度,从而更好地捕捉地城常信息。从北京平谷台6年多来的观测结果分析认为,深井电极相对地表电极能降低诸如人为供电、雷击短路、冰冻期影响等各种干扰,经过宁河6.9级、6.5级和5.6级及离  相似文献   

Real-time pseudodynamic (PSD) and hybrid PSD testing methods are displacement controlled experimental techniques that are used to investigate the dynamic behaviour of complex and load rate-dependent structures. Because the imposed command displacements are not predefined but generated during the test based on measured feedback, these methods are inherently prone to error propagation, which can affect the accuracy and even the stability of the entire experiment. As a result, to have these experimental methods as reliable tools, the accuracy of the test results needs to be assessed by carefully monitoring, and if possible, quantifying the errors involved. In this paper, phase and amplitude error indices (PAEI) are introduced to identify the experimental errors through uncoupled closed-form equations. Unlike the indicators that have been previously introduced in the literature for error identification purposes, PAEI do not use test setup specific parameters in their formulation, and can quantify the errors independent of the amplitude of the command displacements. As such, PAEI can be used as standard tools for assessing the quality of the experiments performed in different laboratories or under different conditions. Additionally, because they can quantify the error, when implemented online, PAEI have the potential to be incorporated in the control law and thereby improve the actuator control during the tests. The formulation and implementation of PAEI are provided in this paper. The enhanced performance of the proposed indices is demonstrated by processing several different measured and command signals using PAEI and comparing the results with those revealed by the previous indicators. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Canopy conductance (gc) is a crucial parameter in simulating evapotranspiration and modulating water exchange, but its variation mechanism has regional uncertainties and complex environmental co-controls. In addition, the effect of extreme rainfall on gc cannot be ignored under the changing climate. Here, we investigated the variation and environmental controls on gc and the effect of extreme rainfall events in a Cunninghamia lanceolata forest across the subtropical area of Southern China. In July 2020, an extreme rainstorm hit the source area of the Xin'an River, with the cumulative rainfall on July 7 and 8 reaching 216.6 mm. The thermal diffusion probe method was used to measure the density of sap flow, and the environmental factors such as air temperature (Ta), net solar radiation (Rn) and soil water content (SWC) were monitored during the growing seasons of 2020 and 2021. Ultimately, gc obtained by the Penman-Monteith equation was adopted since the result from the Köstner equation was overestimated. gc showed a unimodal curve on the diurnal scale, and this characteristic was more obvious after the extreme rainfall. Daily gc appeared a fluctuating pattern with a maximum in summer. gc was simultaneously affected by Ta, Rn, water vapour pressure difference (VPD), SWC, among which Ta was the most significant driving factor at both the diurnal and daily timescales. The regulation of Ta, VPD and SWC on gc had obvious thresholds, and the most definite response mode was VPD (2020: 1.25 kPa; 2021: 0.95 kPa). SWC and Ta were the dominant factors after the rainfall period, and the promotion effect of VPD on post-rainy days turned to inhibition effect on typical sunny days. These findings will further reveal the water exchange mechanism between atmosphere and vegetation and impacts of environmental factors in subtropical coniferous forests, especially after the extreme rainfall events.  相似文献   

目前,地电场台站均采用单电极测量方法,当电极出现不稳定或故障时,无法快速准确判断电极问题,更不能及时更换电极,从而影响地电场观测质量,可信度降低。洛阳地震台采用固体不极化和铅两种电极观测,可有效解决上述问题,保证地电场观测资料的连续、可靠及真实性。  相似文献   

利用非线性误差增长理论,以Lorenz系统为例比较研究了初始误差和参数误差对混沌系统可预报性的影响.结果表明:在初始误差和参数误差单独存在时,系统的可预报期限随误差大小的变化规律基本上相同;对于相同的误差大小,初始误差和参数误差对系统可预报期限的影响几乎相同,这一结果基本上不随参数范围的变化而变化.当初始误差和参数误差同时存在时,两者对可预报期限影响所起的作用大小主要取决于初始误差和参数误差的相对大小.当初始误差远大于参数误差时,Lorenz系统的可预报期限主要由初始误差决定,可以不用考虑参数误差对预报模式可预报性的影响;反之,当参数误差远大于初始误差时,Lorenz系统的可预报期限主要由参数误差决定;当初始误差和参数误差大小相当时,两者都对系统的可预报期限起重要作用.在后两种情况下,在考虑初始误差对可预报性影响的同时还必须考虑参数误差的作用.这提醒我们在作实际数值天气预报的时候,不仅要重视初值的确定,也要重视数值模式控制参数的确定.  相似文献   

Hikaru Komatsu 《水文研究》2003,17(12):2503-2512
When estimating the dry‐canopy evaporation rate of coniferous stands using the Penman–Monteith equation, it is crucial to determine the reference value of surface conductance Gs. This paper examines the relationship between canopy height and the reference value of Gs based on the maximum value of Gs with a vapour pressure deficit ≥ 1·0 kPa, ?s max. There is a clear correlation between canopy height and ?s max when the projected leaf area index ≥3·0. This suggests that using this relationship will enable more accurate determination of the reference value of Gs for closed stands. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

大地电场观测深埋铅电极测量系统试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为使用铅电极替代不极化电极,以解决滨海地区大地电场观测系统稳定性差的问题,先后开展了浅埋的铅电极与不极化电极的大地电场对比观测,以及深埋铅电极与浅埋铅电极的对比观测试验。结果表明:铅电极与固体不极化电极的观测数据在短期内有较好的一致性;深埋铅电极的大地电场观测资料在长期稳定性上优于固体不极化电极;而观测数据的内在观测质量也高于浅埋铅电极。  相似文献   

不同泥质分布形式泥质砂岩导电规律实验研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用人工制作的不同含量分散泥质和层状泥质砂岩岩心样品,测量不同矿化度和不同含油饱和度的岩心电阻率,从实验角度研究了不同泥质分布形式和含量的岩心导电规律,结果表明,泥质分布形式或含量不同,则泥质砂岩导电规律不同.基于层状泥质与分散泥质砂岩的并联导电实验规律,以及分散粘土和地层水混合物的导电规律可用HB电阻率方程描述,建立了考虑泥质分布形式影响的泥质砂岩电阻率模型.通过1组不同泥质分布形式泥质砂岩人造岩心实验数据的测试,表明该模型可以描述分散泥质砂岩、层状泥质砂岩和混合泥质砂岩地层的导电规律.分散泥质,层状泥质,人造岩样,实验测量,并联导电,HB方程,电阻率模型  相似文献   

Rates of river channel migration or widening are only valid if it can be demonstrated that the amount of change in the measured parameters exceeds the measurement errors. However, it is still uncommon to see estimates of errors presented alongside rates of river channel change measured from aerial photography. Here, detailed methods are presented for the estimation of errors in quantifying channel migration rates that can be easily applied to GIS‐based analysis of planform change. In addition, the impact of relaxing assumptions regarding error independence between image dates and systematic registration errors is presented and discussed. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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