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Seismic reflection profiles from the northern end of Juan de Fuca Ridge reveal three axial valleys having a basement relief of as much as 2 sec (two-way travel time). A thick sequence, presumably of turbidites, mainly less than 0.7 m.y. old, covers much of the area. The oldest turbidites form the upper part of the fill of a possible Tertiary trench between the ridge and North America. The second turbidite unit extends beyond the trench and once formed an abyssal plain over most of northern Juan de Fuca Ridge and the area west to Explorer Ridge. Following formation of the plain, vertical movements began that broadly uplifted the crest of Juan de Fuca Ridge, block-faulted its northern end, produced faulting along Sovanco Fracture Zone, and upwarped the basement north of the ridge. Younger turbidites have filled the lowlands created by the vertical movements. The present sea floor topography and seismic activity show evidence of continued movements.  相似文献   

The Easter microplate-Crough Seamount region located between 25° S–116° W and 25° S–122° W consists of a chain of seamounts forming isolated volcanoes and elongated (100–200 km in length) en echelon volcanic ridges oriented obliquely NE (N 065°), to the present day general spreading direction (N 100°) of the Pacific-Nazca plates. The extension of this seamount chain into the southwestern edge of the Easter microplate near 26°30 S–115° W was surveyed and sampled. The southern boundary including the Orongo fracture zone and other shallow ridges (< 2000 m high) bounding the Southwest Rift of the microplate consists of fault scarps where pillow lava, dolerite, and metabasalts are exposed. The degree of rock alternation inferred from palagonitization of glassy margins suggests that the volcanic ridges are as old as the shallow ridges bounding the Southwest Rift of the microplate. The volcanics found on the various structures west of the microplate consist of depleted (K/Ti < 0.1), transitional (K/Ti = 0.11–0.25) and enriched (K/Ti > 0.25) MORBs which are similar in composition to other more recent basalts from the Southwest and East Rifts spreading axes of the Easter microplate. Incompatible element ratios normalized to chondrite values [(Ce/Yb)N = 1–2.5}, {(La/Sm)N = 0.4–1.2} and {(Zr/Y)N = 0.7–2.5} of the basalts are also similar to present day volcanism found in the Easter microplate. The volcanics from the Easter microplate-Crough region are unrelated to other known South Pacific intraplate magmatism (i.e. Society, Pitcairn, and Salas y Gomez Islands). Instead their range in incompatible element ratios is comparable to the submarine basalts from the recently investigated Ahu and Umu volcanic field (Easter hotspot) (Scientific Party SO80, 1993) and centered at about 80 km west of Easter Island. The oblique ridges and their associated seamounts are likely to represent ancient leaky transform faults created during the initial stage of the Easter microplate formation ( 5 Ma). It appears that volcanic activity on seamounts overlying the oblique volcanic ridges has continued during their westward drift from the microplate as shown by the presence of relatively fresh lava observed on one of these structures, namely the first Oblique Volcanic Ridge near 25° S–118° W at about 160 km west of the Easter microplate West Rift. Based on a reconstruction of the Easter microplate, it is suggested that the Crough seamount (< 800 m depth) was formed by earlier (7–10 Ma) hotspot magmatic activity which also created Easter Island.  相似文献   

Co-bearing manganese crusts (CMCs) from the Govorov and Volcanologist guyots (Magellan Seamounts, Pacific Ocean) are of the same type and consist of three layers (I-1, II, III) and a “dried crust” variety of layer III. It is shown that the structural and textural pattern are quite similar within individual layers. The major ore minerals of the crusts are poorly crystallized, have a low degree of structural ordering, and include Fe-vernadite, Mn-feroxyhyte, and less abundant, well-crystallized, and structurally ordered vernadite. It is shown that the cations of ore (Со, Ni, Cu), rare, and rare-earth metals are irregularly concentrated in ore minerals of CMCs, which provides evidence for the pulsating nature of their supply at different geological stages.  相似文献   

The internal structure and composition of a 37-mm-thick Co-rich Mn crust from the Lamont Guyot in the Marcus-Wake Seamount cluster have been studied in detail by means of electron-probe microanalysis (EPMA). 184 point analyses for 16 elements were carried out at an average spacing of 0.20 mm and each point was dated using the Co-geochronometer method. Two types of variation in composition were observed in the crust: long-term trends and short-term erratic variations. The long-term trends were identified using the fifth order polynomial. Mn and Ni were shown to increase in concentration from 23.3 Ma to a maximum at about 20 Ma and then decline steadily to the Present, whereas Fe, P and Si showed the opposite trend. By contrast, Co displayed a double humped pattern with maxima at about 19 Ma and 3.5 Ma and minima at 23.3 Ma, about 11 Ma and at Present. The long-term trends in element concentrations in the crust lead us to suggest that much of the Fe in western Pacific Ocean ferromanganese crusts is aeolian in origin and derived from the deserts of central Asia. Cooling of the Asian mainland at about 20 Ma led to an increase in the flux of Fe to the oceans. This was supplemented by an additional input of Fe into the crusts as a consequence of the dissolution of biogenic CaCO3 tests at 4.5−10.5 Ma. For the short-term erratic variations, three periods of 0.61, 0.96 and 1.65 m.y. were identified by spectral analysis. The second harmonics of these periods are 1.22, 1.92 and 3.30 m.y., which may correspond to the highest-order periods for eccentricity of 1.31, 2.04 and 3.47 m.y. This suggests the possibility that the high-frequency oscillations of the time series data are linked to climatic changes controlled by the highest-order periods of the Milankovitch cycles.  相似文献   

The Plio-Pleistocene succession of the Venice area represents part of the infill of a foreland region located between three mountain chains: the Northern Apennines, the Southern Alps and the Dinarides. This structural setting favored the development of a complex stratigraphic architecture of the succession, mostly due to the conveying of sediments from the Southern Alps to the north and the Northern Apennines to the south, in particular since the activation of strong subsidence related to the NE-ward migration of the Apennine foredeep in the early Pleistocene. Accordingly, the studied succession is composed of five third-order sequences mostly controlled by tectonics, the most recent of which display complex patterns due to the interfingering of sedimentary bodies showing contrasting directions of progradation and pinch-out. Despite this, the sequence stratigraphic method still can be applied in the present context, allowing to recognize diagnostic stratal architectures and reconstruct the relative sea-level history of the region. Moreover, the recognized peculiar stratigraphic architecture of the basin fill may serve as an analogue that needs to be taken into account to predict the distribution of porous coarse-grained sedimentary units in similar contexts, aiding for a profitable exploration and production of reservoirs and source/sealing rocks.  相似文献   

Paleomagnetic properties of sediment cores were examined to reconstruct paleodepositional conditions in the Korea Deep Ocean Study (KODOS) area, located in the northeastern equatorial Pacific. The studied KODOS sediments have a stable remanent magnetization with both normal and reversed polarities, which are well correlated with the geomagnetic polarity timescale for the late Pliocene and Pleistocene. Average sedimentation rates are 1.56 and 0.88 mm/kiloyear for the Pleistocene and late Pliocene, respectively. Clay mineralogy and scanning electron microscope analyses of the sediments indicate that terrestrial material was transported to the deep-sea floor during these times. The variations of sedimentation rates with age may be explained by the onset of the northern hemisphere glaciation and subsequent climatic deterioration during the Pliocene and Pleistocene. For the Pleistocene, an increasing sedimentation rate implies that input of terrestrial materials was high, and also a high input of biogenic materials was detected as a result of increased primary production in the surface water. The down-core variations in paleomagnetic and rock-magnetic properties of the KODOS sediments were affected by dissolution processes in an oxic depositional regime. As shown by magnetic intensity and hysteresis parameters, the high natural remanent magnetization (NRM) stability in the upper, yellowish brown layers indicates that the magnetic carrier was in pseudo-single domain states. In the lower, dark brown sediments, only coarse magnetic grains survived dissolution and the NRM was carried by more abundant, multi-domain grains of low magnetic stability. The down-core variation of magnetic properties suggests that the KODOS sediments were subjected to dissolution processes resulting in a loss of the more stable components of the magnetic fraction with increasing core depth.  相似文献   

The Australasian sea cucumber (Australostichopus mollis) has attracted commercial attention for aquaculture development, partly due to its potential for co-culture with shellfish and finfish species. However, minimal attention has been given to the possibility of co-culturing this species with oysters. In this study we evaluated the growth of juvenile sea cucumbers (36.7 ± 0.9 g, wet weight) caged underneath Pacific oyster farms in northern New Zealand. Co-culture started at the end of the summer, and after 304 days the juveniles had doubled in size (79.8 ± 3.3 g, wet weight), but their subsequent growth appeared to be constrained by overstocking of the cages and summer water temperatures, reaching a carrying capacity of 720 g m?2. Overall, the results of this study indicate that the co-culture of juvenile sea cucumbers with Pacific oysters is feasible, if sea cucumber losses are reduced (between 33% and 52% lost in this study) and careful attention is given to stocking rates and the water temperature regimes of oyster farms in order to maintain adequate growth rates.  相似文献   

The Balearic Basin is a young basin composed of thick Plio–Quaternary sediments, including active gravity sedimentation. During the Quaternary, gravity processes deposited (1) turbidite systems, either as symmetrical fans (Petit-Rhône and Valencia fans) or asymmetrical ridges (Marseille–Planier, Grand-Rhône and Pyreneo-Languedocian ridges) and (2) several mass-transport deposits, indicating recurrent sedimentary failures of the margin. This paper synthesizes previous works and proposes a chronological sedimentary evolution for the basin. Except for the last 20 ka, the chronostratigraphy remains poorly constrained but should soon be established for the last 500 ka, based on the PROMESS1 drillings on the outer shelf of the Gulf of Lions, and hopefully for the last 30 Ma, based on ultra-deep drilling in the deep basin from aboard the Chikyu research vessel (IODP proposal Pre699).  相似文献   

Ten rock samples were dredged during the Banda Sea I cruise in the northern slope of the Sinta Ridge, which separates the North and South Banda basins. Some of the samples are limestones from a very shallow marine environment, with Upper Norian (to Rhaetian?) benthic Foraminifera. Similarities with eastern Sulawesi, Buru and Seram are consistent with an independant Upper Triassic block and the origin of the Banda Sea microcontinents is questionable.  相似文献   

Carbonate rock cores drilled on the Kikai Seamount, northern Philippine Sea are examined for better understanding of tectonic history of the northern Philippine Sea. The Kikai Seamount, the summit of which is at 1960 m water depth, is an isolated high on the northwestern part of the Amami Plateau formed by subduction-related arc volcanism, and is situated close to the axis of the Ryukyu Trench in front of the Ryukyu Arc, SW Japan. The seamount is capped with shallow-water carbonates such as coral rudstone. Detailed examinations of lithology, larger foraminiferal assemblages, and Sr isotope composition reveal that the core material comprises Miocene carbonates unconformably overlain by Early Pleistocene carbonates. It indicates rapid subsidence of the Kikai Seamount since the Early Pleistocene. The most probable cause of rapid subsidence is collision and subduction of the Amami Plateau laden with the Kikai Seamount. The rapid subsidence may have started when the western corner of the plateau reached the Ryukyu Trench and began subduction beneath the Ryukyu Arc. The onset of the subsidence is likely to be controlled by a motion change in the Philippine Sea Plate. The latest change in subduction direction from north to northwestward into northwestward to west has been believed to have occurred at 1-2 Ma during latest Pliocene to Early Pleistocene time. The change of direction resulted in the shift from oblique into right-angle subduction of the plate beneath the Ryukyu Arc and also the onset of the collision and subduction of the Amami Plateau.  相似文献   

《Oceanologica Acta》1999,22(6):603-608
Twenty four species of ostracod have been found on Tarawa Atoll and fifteen on Kuria Island, Republic of Kiribati in the western Pacific Ocean. Thirteen species are common to both atolls. A consistent difference has been discovered in the ostracod faunas of Tarawa and Kuria, with those from Kuria showing coarser texture in the ornamentation than their counterparts from Tarawa. The variation of carapace ornamentation has led to multiple names for a species. A characteristic ornamentation at a particular locality may be a due to a small number of specimens colonising the new locality and having a limited gene pool. Alternatively, any variation in the ornamentation may be a clue to multiple phases of colonisation within a small area.  相似文献   

A new species, Nassarius (Zeuxis) humeratus n. sp. of Nassariidae was described based on the specimens collected in the Huanghai Sea (Yellow Sea) and Bohai Sea during the expedition from 1958 to 1959. The new species was distinguished from similar species Nassarius (Zeuxis) bolangoi (Ladd, 1976) and Nassarius (Varicinassa) variciferus (A. Adams, 1852) in shell characteristics. Some relative discussion was provided. The new species mainly distributes in the subtidal zone of 30-53 m depth, in muddy and sandy bottom in the Bohai Sea and northern Huanghai Sea.  相似文献   

Scorpaena onaria Jordan & Snyder (Scorpaeniformes: Scorpaenidae), previously known only from the northwestern Pacific Ocean, is reported from the southwestern Pacific Ocean for the first time on the basis of 19 specimens. The southwestern Pacific specimens are regarded as a southern population of S. onaria, characterised by a shorter supraocular tentacle and larger body size compared with the northwestern Pacific specimens. The southern population is described in detail including comparisons with all known Indo‐Pacific species of the genus Scorpaena. Analyses of 37 measurements of the southern population of S. onaria found that relative orbit diameter and second anal‐fin spine length became significantly smaller with growth. Initially cycloid, the scales enclosed by the posterior tips of the upper and lower opercular spines and opercular margin change to ctenoid with growth at c. 160–170 mm standard length. A mature female differed from an immature female and males in having a longer upper jaw, steeper dorsal profile of the snout, and shorter nasal spine. As a consequence, the species previously reported as S. neglecta from the Andaman Sea and northwestern Australia was re‐identified as S. onaria.  相似文献   

A new species of Macandrewia Gray from a seamount near Yap Trench in the Western Pacific Ocean was described. Macandrewia yapensis sp. nov. is distinct from its...  相似文献   

The genus Euaetideus Sars, 1925 is here merged with Aetideus Brady, 1883 (Copepoda : Calanoida : Aetideidae). Three new species of the genus Aetideus are described from the Pacific as well as the males of three other known species. A key is given to the known males and females in the genus Aetideus. The closely related genera Paivella and Snelliaetideus are compared with Aetideus.  相似文献   


The tetrasporophytic ‘Trailliella’ stage of the red algal genus Bonnemaisonia is reported for the first time from the Southern Hemisphere. Here we describe a bloom of the tetrasporophyte of B. hamifera from the mouth of the Waikouaiti River, Karitāne, South Island, where it occurred as thousands of free-floating tufts up to 1?cm wide in shallow water, accumulated in windrows on sand banks and beaches, and in the water column at depths of 10–12?m on the adjacent open coast. Gametophytic stages have not yet been found in New Zealand. The material collected to date is strictly vegetative, and reproduction occurs via fragmentation. The identity of the New Zealand samples as B. hamifera was confirmed by both morphology and rbcL sequencing. The abundance and floating dispersal of B. hamifera suggests that it is invasive and will become widely distributed in New Zealand.  相似文献   

A new species of Psychropotidae holothuroid, Benthodytes palauta sp. nov., was collected from the Kyushu-Palau Ridge at a depth of 2 666 m. This new species is characterized by a leathery body wall, red-violet skin, five pairs of dorsal papillae, nineteen pairs of tube feet, and a narrow brim. The internal organs include one Polian vesicle, two tufts of gonads, and no respiratory trees. Ventral ossicles are large and spinous, with crosses of four arms with central bipartite apophyses. Papillae o...  相似文献   

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