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利用FY2E卫星资料,多普勒天气雷达产品,常规高空及地面观测数据和美国气象环境预报中心(NCEP,0.25°×0.25°)再分析资料,对2017年3月3—6日南疆西部一场极端暴雪过程进行综合分析.结果表明:500 hPa中亚低涡是此次极端暴雪天气的影响系统.暴雪的水汽主要有3支输送路径,分别是中高层的偏西、偏南和中低层...  相似文献   

一次东北冷涡暴雨的水汽输送特征和位涡分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对2010年7月27~29日吉林省一次较大范围的冷涡暴雨、大暴雨过程进行诊断分析,建立了此类暴雨的天气概念模型:200 hPa呈现“两脊一槽”型,高空急流呈辐散状位于吉林省上空,急流中心最大风速≥60 m/s;500 hPa东北冷涡强烈发展,鄂海阻高稳定维持是此次强降水发生的重要天气系统,中心最大风速≥20 m/s的偏西风急流带横穿吉林省中部;850 hPa风速≥12 m/s的3条急流带在吉林省中东部地区交汇,形成低层辐合、高层辐散的气旋性涡度柱,较强的垂直上升气柱一直向上伸展到500 hPa附近,极有利于对流的发展和强降水的维持。通过计算整层水汽通量与吉林省逐6 h平均降水量的相关矢量场,结果表明:偏西、偏南及偏北3条水汽通道在吉林省中南部汇集是此次强降水发生的重要条件,暴雨落区与整层水汽通量汇合区密切相关,水汽输送以经向(南北方)水汽流入为主。暴雨期间具有较好的动力、热力及能量条件,特别是湿对流有效位能明显偏强,强降水出现在对流有效位能 (CAPE)值由极大值开始下降的过程中。干侵入是激发冷涡发生、发展的动力条件之一,≥1 PVU(位涡单位)的高位涡舌在下降的过程中,同时南移,与中部地区强降水落区自北向南移动相吻合。  相似文献   

利用常规气象观测资料和ECMWF提供的ERA-Interim 0.125°×0.125°再分析资料,通过对2012年5月21~23日和2013年5月26~29日南疆西部两次暴雨过程中等熵面特征的对比分析,得到暴雨过程中的动力热力结构模型。结果表明:南疆西部暴雨过程是在中亚低涡系统影响下,高、中、低空急流耦合并叠加地形强迫的综合作用下形成的。中亚低涡前部中高层向东输送的冷空气翻山后下沉,与低层南疆盆地东部向西输送的冷空气汇合抬升,与中层暖空气交汇,同时上升运动加强促使水汽辐合凝结,是降水的重要原因,短时强降水时冷空气强度弱于暖空气,持续性降水时反之。中低层等熵面位涡与降水关系密切。  相似文献   

贵州一次连续暴雨的低值系统及湿位涡分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用自动站资料以及NCEP再分析资料,对2017年6月末贵州区域连续暴雨过程进行分析。结果表明:连续暴雨期间,西太平洋副热带高压位置较常年偏强,副高西伸脊点偏西,副高西北侧的西南风为持续性暴雨提供水汽输送;东亚中纬度地区维持“西高东低”形势,有利于引导冷空气南下影响贵州,与西南暖湿气流在贵州交汇,这种大尺度系统的稳定维持有利于连续暴雨的发生;贵州西部地区的低值系统是造成贵州区域连续暴雨的重要中尺度系统;MPV1低层负值区,高层正值区的配置为贵州暴雨的有利形势;低层辐合高层辐散的形势使得贵州区域呈现强烈的上升运动,为连续性暴雨提供有利的动力条件,同时低层水汽丰富并伴有强的水汽辐合,为连续性暴雨提供有利的水汽条件。  相似文献   

With the objectives to acquire the fundamental data of the territorial resource, understand the impacts of human activities on the land use and cover patterns and evaluate the potential of the future exploitation, an intensive land cover classification with an accuracy of 93% has been completed for North Ningxia by remote sensing technique based on the adoption of a combination method composed of texture training, maximum likelihood classification and post-processing such as re-allocation and aggregation. This classification result was incorporated with the contemporaneous socio-economic and meteorological data for cross-sectional regression modelling to reveal the spatial determinants of the land cover patterns and understand the human-environmental relationships. A tentative evaluation on the potential of soil exploitation in the near future was carried out in combination with our land use and cover change detection results aiming at supplying some useful references for the central and local governments in their sustainable land use planning.  相似文献   

With the objectives to acquire the fundamental data of the territorial resource,understand the impacts of human activities on the lan use and cover patterns and evaluate the potential of the future exploitation,and intensive land cover classification with and accuracy of 93?has been completed for North Ningxia by remote sensin technique based on the adoption of a combination method composed of texture training,maximum likelihood classification and post-processing such as re-allocation and aggregation.This classification result was incorporated with the contemporaneous socio-economic and meteorological data for cross-sectional regression modelling to reveal the spatial determinants of the land cover patterns and understand the human-environmental relationships.A tentative evaluation on the potential of soil exploitation in the near future was carried out in combination with our land use and cover change detection results aiming at supplying some useful references for the central and local governments in their sustainable land use planning.  相似文献   

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