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Numerical integrations have been performed for orbits of Venus', Earth's and Mars' Trojan-asteroid test particles in a self consistent model of the solar system to study the stability of inclined Trojan orbits. In the case of Mars low inclination orbits tend to be unstable while the contrary seems to apply to Venus and Earth, although the stability of some very high inclination orbits may not be excluded on the basis of these computations. 相似文献
In this paper we explore the dynamical stability of the Mars Trojan region applying mainly Laskar's Frequency Map Analysis. This method yields the chaotic diffusion rate of orbits and allows to determine the most stable regions. It also gives the frequencies which are responsible for the instability of orbits. The most stable regions are found for inclinations between about 15° and 30°. For inclinations smaller than 15°, we confirm, by applying a synthetic secular theory, that the secular resonances ν3, ν4, ν13, ν14 rapidly excite asteroid orbits within a few Myrs, or even faster. The asteroids are removed from the Trojan region after a close encounter with Mars. For large inclinations, the secular resonance ν5 clears a small region around 30° while the Kozai resonance rapidly removes bodies for inclinations larger than 35°. The dynamical lifetimes of the three L5 Trojans, (5261) Eureka, 1998 VF31, 2001 DH47, and the only L4 Trojan 1999 UJ7 are determined by numerically integrating clouds of corresponding clones over the age of the Solar System. All four Trojans reside in the most stable region with smallest diffusion coefficients. Their dynamical half-lifetime is of the order of the age of the Solar System. The Yarkovsky force has little effect on the known Trojans but for bodies smaller than about 1-5 m the drag is strong enough to destabilize Trojans on a timescale shorter than 4.5 Gyr. 相似文献
Wind erosion and deposition are powerful agents of surface change on Mars. Erosion is sensitive to the atmospheric density, so feedback between orbit variations and atmospheric density can enhance the sensitivity of erosion rates to orbital parameters. We use statistics derived from a 1 Gyr integration of the spin axis of Mars, coupled with runs of the NASA Ames 3-D general circulation model (GCM) at a variety of orbital conditions and pressures, to explore this feedback. We find that wind erosion in the GCM is associated with two factors: baroclinic zone winds, and strong cross-equator solstice flows. Both of these factors are influenced by topography, producing an asymmetry in the erosion pattern between the north and the south. The erosion model, averaged over 1 Gyr, produces potential erosion rates of in the north and in the south, which increase by an order of magnitude in an early 28 mbar atmosphere. The stability of these potential erosion patterns over geological time indicates that the lowland regions of Mars are continuously eroded, and that wind is capable of revealing ancient sedimentary deposits, or eroding substantial deposits that may have otherwise been preserved. 相似文献
C. Marchal 《Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy》2009,104(1-2):53-67
Trojan asteroids undergo very large perturbations because of their resonance with Jupiter. Fortunately the secular evolution of quasi circular orbits remains simple—if we neglect the small short period perturbations. That study is done in the approximation of the three dimensional circular restricted three-body problem, with a small mass ratio μ—that is about 0.001 in the Sun Jupiter case. The Trojan asteroids can be defined as celestial bodies that have a “mean longitude”, M + ω + Ω, always different from that of Jupiter. In the vicinity of any circular Trojan orbit exists a set of “quasi-circular orbits” with the following properties: (A) Orbits of that set remain in that set with an eccentricity that remains of the order of the mass ratio μ. (B) The relative variations of the semi-major axis and the inclination remain of the order of ${\sqrt{\mu}}$ . (C) There exist corresponding “quasi integrals” the main terms of which have long-term relative variations of the order of μ only. For instance the product c(1 – cos i) where c is the modulus of the angular momentum and i the inclination. (D) The large perturbations affect essentially the difference “mean longitude of the Trojan asteroid minus mean longitude of Jupiter”. That difference can have very large perturbations that are characteristics of the “horseshoes orbit”. For small inclinations it is well known that this difference has two stable points near ±60° (Lagange equilibrium points L4 and L5) and an unstable point at 180° (L3). The stable longitude differences are function of the inclination and reach 180° for an inclination of 145°41′. Beyond that inclination only one equilibrium remains: a stable difference at 180°. 相似文献
The aim of the paper is to study the long term evolution of comet Halleys orbit taking into account small errors in the initial conditions. Recent papers deal with mapping methods to model cometary dynamics; (e.g. Petrosky and Broucke, 1987 and Chirikov and Vecheslavov, 1986). They will be discussed critically and compared with our own results. We then tested the model using numerical integration methods. For the moment we limited our calculation to 2.105 years, but a 106 year integration is still in progress. We show the expected dynamical evolution of Hallyes orbit taking into account also smaller and larger errors of the initial conditions (nongravitational effects are only roughly estimated). Finally we discuss alsothe controversal opinions concerning the role of the planets (especially the earth). 相似文献
The large-scale structure of the solar magnetic field during the past five sunspot cycles (representing by implication a much longer interval of time) has been investigated using the polarity (toward or away from the Sun) of the interplanetary magnetic field as inferred from polar geomagnetic observations. The polarity of the interplanetary magnetic field has previously been shown to be closely related to the polarity (into or out of the Sun) of the large-scale solar magnetic field. It appears that a solar structure with four sectors per rotation persisted through the past five sunspot cycles with a synodic rotation period near 27.0 days, and a small relative westward drift during the first half of each sunspot cycle and a relative eastward drift during the second half of each cycle. Superposed on this four-sector structure there is another structure with inward field polarity, a width in solar longitude of about 100° and a synodic rotation period of about 28 to 29 days. This 28.5 day structure is usually most prominent during a few years near sunspot maximum. Some preliminary comparisons of these observed solar structures with theoretical considerations are given. 相似文献
A statistical analysis of the contemporary (1954-1975) solar flare particle events has been made for the parametersF (integrated, proton fluence in cm-2 in an event with kinetic energy above 10 MeV) andR
0 (the characteristic rigidity). These data are compared with the long-term averaged values determined from stable- and radio-nuclide
measurements of lunar samples. The analysis shows that the ancient solar flare proton spectrum was harder (higher R0 values) compared to that observed in contemporary flares. A similar analysis can not be made for the mean long-term averaged
flux (ˉJ, cm-2 S-1), since the contemporary averages suffer from an uncertainty due to the statistics of a single event. However, the average
flux estimates for time durations 〈T〉 exceeding 103 yr, are free from such uncertainties. The long-term averaged ˉJ values obtained over different time scales (104 - 106 yr) suggest a possible periodic variation in solar flare activity, with enhanced flux level during the last 105 yr. The available data rule out the occurrence of giant flares, with proton fluence exceeding 1015 cm-2 during the last million years. 相似文献
We present the results of a campaign of spectroscopic observations of Jupiter Trojan asteroids. Thirty-four objects were observed during three runs in July and November 1998, and March 2002 using the Danish 1.54-m telescope at ESO. The covered spectral range was between 5000 and 9000 Å. Our observations include objects belonging both L4 to L5 clouds. According to analyses of previous investigations of Trojans, the spectra of different taxonomic classes can be separated on the basis of the slope of the reflectance spectrum. The large majority of the objects of our sample have been found to belong to the D taxonomic class, but we found also objects of P- and C-type. In two cases, we found also evidence of blueish spectral trends. Our data are important, since they allow us to substantially enlarge the whole data set of available Trojan spectra. 相似文献
Mars is the only terrestrial planet known to have co-orbiting “Trojan” asteroids. We have obtained visible and near-IR reflectance spectra of three of these objects: 5261 Eureka and 1998 VF31 in the L5 region and 1999 UJ7 in the L4 region. We also obtained JHK spectrophotometry and a visible lightcurve for 5261 Eureka. The asteroid 5261 Eureka has a visible spectrum that is classified as Sr in the Bus taxonomy, and has infrared colors consistent with the A-class asteroids. The data for 1998 VF31 have a restricted wavelength range, but are most consistent with the Sr or Sa class, though we note a marginal consistency with the D class. We can rule out a C-class classification. 1999 UJ7 has an X-class or T-class spectrum, which is unlike that of the other two Mars Trojans. The photometric data for Eureka are limited, but we can constrain the period to longer than 5 hours (likely 5.5-6 hours) and lightcurve amplitude of at least 0.15 magnitude at this viewing geometry. The spectral differences among the Mars Trojans suggests that either they did not all form at their present solar distances or that they have not always been at their present sizes. 相似文献
F. MarzariH. Scholl 《Icarus》2002,159(2):328-338
We have numerically explored the mechanisms that destabilize Jupiter's Trojan orbits outside the stability region defined by Levison et al. (1997, Nature385, 42-44). Different models have been exploited to test various possible sources of instability on timescales on the order of ∼108 years.In the restricted three-body model, only a few Trojan orbits become unstable within 108 years. This intrinsic instability contributes only marginally to the overall instability found by Levison et al.In a model where the orbital parameters of both Jupiter and Saturn are fixed, we have investigated the role of Saturn and its gravitational influence. We find that a large fraction of Trojan orbits become unstable because of the direct nonresonant perturbations by Saturn. By shifting its semimajor axis at constant intervals around its present value we find that the near 5:2 mean motion resonance between the two giant planets (the Great Inequality) is not responsible for the gross instability of Jupiter's Trojans since short-term perturbations by Saturn destabilize Trojans, even when the two planets are far out of the resonance.Secular resonances are an additional source of instability. In the full six-body model with the four major planets included in the numerical integration, we have analyzed the effects of secular resonances with the node of the planets. Trojan asteroids have relevant inclinations, and nodal secular resonances play an important role. When a Trojan orbit becomes unstable, in most cases the libration amplitude of the critical argument of the 1:1 mean motion resonance grows until the asteroid encounters the planet. Libration amplitude, eccentricity, and nodal rate are linked for Trojan orbits by an algebraic relation so that when one of the three parameters is perturbed, the other two are affected as well. There are numerous secular resonances with the nodal rate of Jupiter that fall inside the region of instability and contribute to destabilize Trojans, in particular the ν16. Indeed, in the full model the escape rate over 50 Myr is higher compared to the fixed model.Some secular resonances even cross the stability region delimited by Levison et al. and cause instability. This is the case of the 3:2 and 1:2 nodal resonances with Jupiter. In particular the 1:2 is responsible for the instability of some clones of the L4 Trojan (3540) Protesilaos. 相似文献
E. Pilat-Lohinger R. Dvorak Ch. Burger 《Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy》1999,73(1-4):117-126
The orbits of 13 Trojan asteroids have been calculated numerically in the model of the outer solar system for a time interval
of 100 million years. For these asteroids Milani et al. (1997) determined Lyapunov times less than 100 000 years and introduced
the notion "asteroids in stable chaotic motion". We studied the dynamical behavior of these Trojan asteroids (except the asteroid
Thersites which escaped after 26 million years) within 11 time intervals - i.e. subintervals of the whole time - by means
of: (1) a numerical frequency analysis (2) the root mean square (r.m.s.) of the orbital elements and (3) the proper elements.
For each time interval we compared the root mean squares of the orbital elements (a, e and i) with the corresponding proper
element. It turned out that the variations of the proper elements ep in the different time intervals are correlated with the corresponding r.m.s.(e); this is not the case for sin Ip with r.m.s.(i).
This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
We investigated the stable area for fictive Trojan asteroids around Neptune’s Lagrangean equilibrium points with respect to their semimajor axis and inclination. To get a first impression of the stability region we derived a symplectic mapping for the circular and the elliptic planar restricted three body problem. The dynamical model for the numerical integrations was the outer Solar system with the Sun and the planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. To understand the dynamics of the region around L 4 and L 5 for the Neptune Trojans we also used eight different dynamical models (from the elliptic problem to the full outer Solar system model with all giant planets) and compared the results with respect to the largeness and shape of the stable region. Their dependence on the initial inclinations (0° < i < 70°) of the Trojans’ orbits could be established for all the eight models and showed the primary influence of Uranus. In addition we could show that an asymmetry of the regions around L 4 and L 5 is just an artifact of the different initial conditions. 相似文献
Kleomenis Tsiganis Harry Varvoglis Rudolf Dvorak 《Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy》2005,92(1-3):71-87
It has recently been shown that Jupiter Trojans may exhibit chaotic behavior, a fact that has put in question their presumed long term stability. Previous numerical results suggest a slow dispersion of the Trojan swarms, but the extent of the ‘effective’ stability region in orbital elements space is still an open problem. In this paper, we tackle this problem by means of extensive numerical integrations. First, a set of 3,200 fictitious objects and 667 numbered Trojans is integrated for 4 Myrs and their Lyapunov time, TL, is estimated. The ones following chaotic orbits are then integrated for 1 Gyr, or until they escape from the Trojan region. The results of these experiments are presented in the form of maps of TLand the escape time, TE, in the space of proper elements. An effective stability region for 1 Gyr is defined on these maps, in which chaotic orbits also exist. The distribution of the numbered Trojans follows closely the TE=1 Gyr level curve, with 86% of the bodies lying inside and 14% outside the stability region. This result is confirmed by a 4.5 Gyr integration of the 246 chaotic numbered Trojans, which showed that 17% of the numbered Trojans are unstable over the age of the solar system. We show that the size distributions of the stable and unstable populations are nearly identical. Thus, the existence of unstable bodies should not be the result of a size-dependent transport mechanism but, rather, the result of chaotic diffusion. Finally, in the large chaotic region that surrounds the stability zone, a statistical correlation between TLandTE is found. 相似文献
Classical trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs) are believed to represent the most dynamically pristine population in the trans-Neptunian
belt (TNB) offering unprecedented clues about the formation of our Solar System. The long term dynamical evolution of classical
TNOs was investigated using extensive simulations. We followed the evolution of more than 17000 particles with a wide range
of initial conditions taking into account the perturbations from the four giant planets for 4 Gyr. The evolution of objects
in the classical region is dependent on both their inclination and semimajor axes, with the inner (a<45 AU) and outer regions (a>45 AU) evolving differently. The reason is the influence of overlapping secular resonances with Uranus and Neptune (40–42 AU)
and the 5:3 (a∼
∼42.3 AU), 7:4 (a∼
∼43.7 AU), 9:5 (a∼
∼44.5 AU) and 11:6 (a∼
∼ 45.0 AU) mean motion resonances strongly sculpting the inner region, while in the outer region only the 2:1 mean motion
resonance (a∼
∼47.7 AU) causes important perturbations. In particular, we found: (a) A substantial erosion of low-i bodies (i<10°) in the inner region caused by the secular resonances, except those objects that remained protected inside mean motion
resonances which survived for billion of years; (b) An optimal stable region located at 45 AU<a<47 AU, q>40 AU and i>5° free of major perturbations; (c) Better defined boundaries for the classical region: 42–47.5 AU (q>38 AU) for cold classical TNOs and 40–47.5 AU (q>35 AU) for hot ones, with i=4.5° as the best threshold to distinguish between both populations; (d) The high inclination TNOs seen in the 40–42 AU region
reflect their initial conditions. Therefore they should be classified as hot classical TNOs. Lastly, we report a good match
between our results and observations, indicating that the former can provide explanations and predictions for the orbital
structure in the classical region. 相似文献
T. J. Janssens 《Solar physics》1970,11(2):222-242
Frequent filtergrams of the quiet sun at H + 0.65 Å were taken from above the Arctic Circle during a period of 62 hr. Features observed in individual filtergrams or movies are described with the dynamic changes they undergo. Thirty filtergrams taken at 2-hr intervals are presented and the development of a typical supergranule is shown in some detail. A study of supergranules shows that they lose their identity in about 21 hr on the average. 相似文献
Multiple large impact basins on the lunar nearside formed in a relatively-short interval around 3.8-3.9 Gyr ago, in what is known as the Lunar Cataclysm (LC; also known as Late Heavy Bombardment). It is widely thought that this impact bombardment has affected the whole Solar System or at least all the inner planets. But with non-lunar evidence for the cataclysm being relatively weak, a geocentric cause of the Lunar Cataclysm cannot yet be completely ruled out [Ryder, G., 1990. Eos 71, 313, 322-323]. In principle, late destabilization of an additional Earth satellite could result in its tidal disruption during a close lunar encounter (cf. [Asphaug, E., Agnor, C.B., Williams, Q., 2006. Nature 439, 155-160]). If the lost satellite had D>500 km, the resulting debris can form multiple impact basins in a relatively short time, possibly explaining the LC. Canup et al. [Canup, R.M., Levison, H.F., Stewart, G.R., 1999. Astron. J. 117, 603-620] have shown that any additional satellites of Earth formed together with (and external to) the Moon would be unable to survive the rapid initial tidally-driven expansion of lunar orbit. Here we explore the fate of objects trapped in the lunar Trojan points, and find that small lunar Trojans can survive the Moon's orbital evolution until they and the Moon reach 38 Earth radii, at which point they are destabilized by a strong solar resonance. However, the dynamics of Trojans containing enough mass to cause the LC (diameters >150 km) is more complex; we find that such objects do not survive the passage through a weaker solar resonance at 27 Earth radii. This distance was very likely reached by the Moon long before the LC, which seems to rule out the disruption of lunar Trojans as a cause of the LC. 相似文献
《Planetary and Space Science》1966,14(7):529-540
It has been established by earlier workers that a narrow bond of strong current system called the electrojet existing at E-region heights near the equator is responsible for the equatorial sporadic-E. Since the electrojet shows a remarkable correlation with sunspot activity, it is to be expected that equatorial Es should also show a similar variation. A systematic study of the year to year variation in the critical frequencies of sporadic-E for the three equatorial stations belonging to three different longitude zones has been made in this investigation. It is observed that for some stations the maximum occurs about one year before sunspot maximum whereas for others it occurs 1 year after the sunspot maximum. An attempt has been made to explain these anomalies and some other peculiarities noted in this investigation. 相似文献