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We present near-infrared broad-band polarization images of the nuclear regions of the Circinus galaxy in the J , H and K bands. For the first time the south-eastern reflection cone is detected in polarized light, which is obscured at optical wavelengths behind the galactic disc. This biconical structure is clearly observed in J - and H -band polarized flux, whilst in the K band a more compact structure is detected. Total flux J − K and H − K colour maps reveal a complex colour gradient toward the south-east direction (where the Circinus galactic disc is nearer to us). We find enhanced extinction in an arc-shaped structure, at about 200 pc from the nucleus, probably part of the star formation ring.
We model the polarized flux images with the scattering and torus model of Young et al., with the same basic input parameters as used by Alexander et al. in the spectropolarimetry modelling of Circinus. The best fit to the polarized flux is achieved with a torus radius of ∼16 pc, and a visual extinction A V , through the torus, to the near-infrared emission regions of >66 mag.  相似文献   

The TAURUS-2 Fabry–Perot interferometer, mounted on the 3.9-m Anglo-Australian Telescope, has been used to observe the Circinus galaxy. We have mapped the intensity and velocity distribution of the ionized hydrogen in the galaxy using the Balmer series Hα spectral line.
The semiresolved core (observed with a seeing disc of 30 pc) appears amorphous in shape, which is commonly observed in Seyfert 2 galaxies. Its peak coincides with the core position measured in the radio continuum, suggesting that ionized gas surrounds a non-thermal source.
A circumnuclear ring or spiral of radius 220 pc and a rotational velocity of 350 km s−1 (assuming circular motions) surrounds the core. The inclination angle of this feature, i =40°±10°, is less than that of the previously observed radio continuum disc. The velocity channel maps obtained for the Hα ring show that the kinematics resemble those of a rotating ring and the intensity displays a complex structure indicative of several, unresolved, H II regions. We believe the ring to represent a circumnuclear starburst.
Our Hα data also show the presence of the previously detected [O III ] ionization cone to the north-west of the core, measuring more than 400 pc in length. We suggest that the ionization cone lies in a different plane from that of the starburst ring and is directed away from us. Several kinematic components of the core are derived and we calculate an outflow velocity in excess of 150–200 km s−1 for gas above the core of Circinus. We also present evidence for inflowing ionized gas at the centre of Circinus.
The correlation of the Hα and radio continuum features is discussed, as well as the possible presence of a starburst-driven superwind in the Circinus galaxy.  相似文献   

High spatial resolution spectroscopy at 8–13 μm with T-ReCS on Gemini-S has revealed striking variations in the mid-infrared emission and absorption in the nucleus of the Circinus galaxy (hereafter Circinus) on subarcsecond scales. The core of Circinus is compact and obscured by a substantial column of cool silicate dust. Weak extended emission to the east and west coincides with the coronal line region and arises from featureless dust grains which are probably heated by line emission in the coronal emission zone. The extended emission on the east side of the nucleus displays a much deeper silicate absorption than that on the west, indicating significant columns of cool material along the line of sight and corresponding to an additional extinction of   AV ∼ 25 mag  . Emission bands from aromatic hydrocarbons are not subject to this additional extinction, are relatively weak in the core and in the coronal line region, and are much more spatially extended than the continuum dust emission; they presumably arise in the circumnuclear star-forming regions. These data are interpreted in terms of an inclined disc-like structure around the nucleus extending over tens of parsecs and possibly related to the inner disc found from observations of water masers by Greenhill et al..  相似文献   

The ASCA and BeppoSAX spectra of the Circinus galaxy and NGC 1068 are analysed and compared with photoionization models based on cloudy . In the case of Circinus, a single, mildly ionized reflector can account for the line spectrum, while in NGC 1068 at least three different reflectors (with different ionization states) are needed. We suggest that the reflector in Circinus and the low ionized one in NGC 1068 are the inner and visible part of the material responsible for the X-ray absorption. With this assumption, we estimate for the inner radius of the absorber a value of 0.2 pc for Circinus and of a few parsecs for NGC 1068.  相似文献   

In the context of the unified model of Seyfert galaxies, we use observations from the literature and a radiative transfer model to investigate the near-IR to mm emission produced by the presumed torus in the Circinus galaxy, from 2 μm to 1.3 mm. From the infrared SED modelling, we find that the total luminosity ( L IR) in this wavelength range consists of similar contributions from the torus and starburst with a ratio of nuclear luminosity to starburst luminosity ( L NUC/ L SB)∼0.8 .
By using a similar torus model to that of NGC 1068, but without the conical dust , we find an upper limit to the outer torus radius of ∼12 pc with a best fit of ∼2 pc. The upper limit torus size estimated from the radiative transfer modelling is consistent with the 16-pc torus radius estimated from near-IR imaging polarimetry of Circinus.  相似文献   

We report spatially resolved variations in the 3.4-μm hydrocarbon absorption feature and the 3.3-μm polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) emission band in the Circinus galaxy over the central few arcsec. The absorption is measured towards warm emitting dust associated with Coronal line regions to the east and west of the nucleus. There is an absorption optical depth  τ3.4 μm∼ 0.1  in the core which decreases to the west and increases to the east. This is consistent with increased extinction out to ∼40 pc east of the core, supported by the Coronal emission line intensities which are significantly lower to the east than the west. PAH emission is measured to be symmetrically distributed out to ±4 arcsec, outside the differential extinction region. The asymmetry in the 3.4-μm absorption band reflects that seen in the 9.7-μm silicate absorption band reported by Roche et al., and the ratio of the two absorption depths remains approximately constant across the central regions, with  τ3.4 μm9.7 μm∼ 0.06 ± 0.01  . This indicates well-mixed hydrocarbon and silicate dust populations, with no evidence for significant changes near the nucleus.  相似文献   

We present multifrequency radio continuum as well as H  i observations of the superwind galaxy NGC 1482, with both the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) and the Very Large Array (VLA). This galaxy has a remarkable hourglass-shaped optical emission-line outflow as well as bipolar soft X-ray bubbles on opposite sides of the galactic disc. The low-frequency, lower-resolution radio observations show a smooth structure. From the non-thermal emission, we estimate the available energy in supernovae, and examine whether this would be adequate to drive the observed superwind outflow. The high-frequency, high-resolution radio image of the central starburst region located at the base of the superwind bi-cone shows one prominent peak and more extended emission with substructure. This image has been compared with the infrared, optical red continuum, Hα, and soft and hard X-ray images from Chandra to understand the nature and relationship of the various features seen at different wavelengths. The peak of the infrared emission is the only feature that is coincident with the prominent radio peak, and possibly defines the centre of the galaxy.
The H  i observations with the GMRT show two blobs of emission on opposite sides of the central region. These are rotating about the centre of the galaxy and are located at ∼2.4 kpc from it. In addition, these observations also reveal a multicomponent H  i absorption profile against the central region of the radio source, with a total width of ∼250 km s−1. The extreme blue- and redshifted absorption components are at 1688 and 1942 km s−1, respectively, while the peak absorption is at 1836 km s−1. This is consistent with the heliocentric systemic velocity of  1850 ± 20 km s−1  , estimated from a variety of observations. We discuss possible implications of these results.  相似文献   

We present MERLIN and VLA observations at 1.4 and 5 GHz of the diffuse radio emission in the centre of M82. We detect a large expanding shell of ionized gas surrounding the brightest supernova remnant 41.95+57.5 with a diameter of ∼100 pc and an expansion velocity of ∼100 km s−1. We observe a 50-pc-scale 'blow-out' from this region, in the form of a 'cone' of missing 5-GHz continuum emission, which appears to be an excellent example of a galactic chimney.
On larger radio scales, we observe four chimney structures extending out to the north ∼100–200 pc along the minor axis. One of these features is almost certainly related to the 50-pc-scale blow-out from 41.95+57.5, although this is not the most prominent feature. The other features have also been traced to expulsion of material from the very centre by using an 'unsharp masked' image from 5-GHz VLA B-array observations, with the supernova remnant removed.
We interpret these chimney features as the base of the superwind, which implies that the ejection of material into the halo does not occur smoothly over the starburst region. Instead, very localized venting of hot gas is clearly in evidence.  相似文献   

We have used MERLIN to observe neutral hydrogen absorption against the central region of the ultraluminous infrared galaxy (ULIRG) galaxy Mrk 273 with an angular resolution of 0.2 arcsec. This represents a factor of 5 increase in resolution compared with previous work. Absorption has been resolved against two of three radio continuum components. A Hubble Space Telescope ( HST ) image reveals a complex central region composed of clumpy emission obscured by dust lanes. We find that the northern and south-eastern radio components are associated with two optical components. The alignment supports the idea that Mrk 273 has a double nucleus due to a recent galactic merger event.
Broad, strong and spatially varying absorption is seen against the northern radio component with a velocity gradient of 1990±50 km s−1 kpc−1. The absorption resolves into six discrete components with an average column density of 1.7×1022 atom cm−2. We propose that the absorption is due to a clumpy ring or disc of neutral gas of radius ∼250 pc rotating around a central starburst. In addition to the broad component, narrow absorption (<100 km s−1) is detected against the northern and south-eastern components. Absorption is not detected against the weak (2 mJy) south-western component. We propose that the narrow absorption is due to quiescent gas in a large-scale dust lane that coincides with these regions of narrow absorption.  相似文献   

We have used the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) to search for polarized emission from the Circinus galaxy H2O megamasers. No linear or circular polarized emission was detected with 3σ upper limits of 24 and 39 mJy, respectively, corresponding to fractional polarizations of 0.6 and 0.9 per cent for the strongest line. These results allow us to place upper limits on the strength of the nuclear magnetic field of ≤150 mG near the outer edge of the masing disc and ≤360 mG at the inner edge.
Rapid variability, thought to be due to interstellar scintillation, is a well-known feature of the Circinus H2O megamasers. Our Stokes-I data show evidence for changes in the shape of the maser line spectral profiles, as well as their intensity. In addition to the rapid variations, the maser light curves also exhibit variations with a time-scale of the order of days (although our observations are too short to characterize this well). These behaviours support the hypothesis that the Circinus H2O megamasers undergo diffractive interstellar scintillation, which has previously only been observed in pulsars and in one active galactic nucleus.  相似文献   

NGC 3783 is a nearby SBa, type 1 Seyfert galaxy. We present H  i and radio continuum images of the galaxy made with the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA). We find that NGC 3783 has an H  i mass of 8.4×109 M, an H  i diameter of 1.9 D 0 ( D 0=37 kpc for h =0.5), and a nuclear depression in the H  i surface density. The H  i rotation curve is dominated by differential rotation, with little evidence of warping. The rotation curve suggests a mass-to-light ratio M L B =7.2 and a bar-pattern speed of 19±7 km s−1 kpc−1. The total mass of gas in the inner 50 arcsec is ≳10 per cent of the dynamical mass, and consistent with models that require significant gas content to fuel the Seyfert nucleus. There is no evidence that the nuclear activity in NGC 3783 is being stimulated by an interaction or merger: it may be a self-generated, perhaps bar-driven, process.  相似文献   

Several radio galaxies are known that show radio morphological signatures that are best interpreted as restarting of nuclear activity after a period of quiescence. The conditions surrounding the phenomenon of nuclear recurrence are not understood. In this paper we have attempted to address this question by examining the nuclear fuelling characteristics in a sample of restarting radio galaxies. We have examined the detection rate for molecular gas in a representative sample of nine restarting radio galaxies, for seven of which we present new upper limits to the molecular gas mass derived from CO line observations we made with the IRAM 30-m telescope. We derive a low CO detection rate for the relatively young restarted radio galaxies suggesting that the cessation of the nuclear activity and its subsequent restarting may be a result of instabilities in the fuelling process rather than a case of depletion of fuel followed by a recent fuel acquisition. It appears that abundant molecular gas content at the level of few  108–109 M  does not necessarily accompany the nuclear restarting phenomenon. For comparison we also discuss the molecular gas properties of five normal giant radio galaxies, three of which we observed using Swedish-ESO Millimetre Telescope (SEST). Despite obvious signs of interactions and nuclear dust discs none of them has been found to host significant quantities of molecular gas.  相似文献   

We present 0.15-arcsec (25-pc) resolution MERLIN observations of neutral hydrogen absorption detected towards the nuclear region of the type 2 Seyfert galaxy NGC 5929. Absorption is detected only towards the north-eastern radio component with a column density of (6.5 ± 0.6) × 1021 cm−2. Based on comparison with an HST WFPC2 continuum image, we propose that the absorption is caused by a 1.5-arcsec structure of neutral gas and dust offset 0.3 arcsec south-east of the nucleus and running NE–SW. A separate cloud of dust is apparent 1.5 arcsec to the south-west of the nucleus in the HST image. A comparison of the centroid velocity (2358 ± 5 km s−1) and full width at half-maximum (43 ± 6 km s−1) of the absorbing gas with previous [O  III ] observations suggests that both the neutral and ionized gas are undergoing galactic rotation towards the observer in the north-east and away from the observer in the south-west. The main structure is consistent with an inclined ring of gas and dust encircling the active galactic nucleus (AGN); alternatively it may be a bar or inner spiral arm. We do not detect neutral hydrogen absorption or dust obscuration against the radio nucleus (column density < 3.1 × 1021 cm−2) expected by a torus of neutral gas and dust in unified models of AGNs for a type 2 Seyfert galaxy.  相似文献   

We present new continuum VLA observations of the nearby Sy 1.5 galaxy NGC 5033, made at 4.9 and 8.4 GHz on 2003 April 8. Combined with VLA archival observations at 1.4- and 4.9-GHz made on 1993 August 7, 1999 August 29 and 1999 October 31, we sample the galaxy radio emission at scales ranging from the nuclear regions (≲100 pc) to the outer regions of the disc (∼40 kpc). The high-resolution VLA images show a core–jet structure for the Sy 1.5 nucleus. While the core has a moderately steep non-thermal radio spectrum ( S ν∝να; α4.91.5≈−0.4), the inner kpc region shows a steeper spectrum (α8.41.5≈−0.9). This latter spectrum is typical of galaxies where energy losses are high, indicating that the escape rate of cosmic ray electrons in NGC 5033 is low. The nucleus contributes little to the total 1.4-GHz radio power of NGC 5033 and, based on the radio to far-infrared (FIR) relation, it appears that the radio and FIR emission from NGC 5033 are dominated by a starburst that during the last 10 Myr produced stars at a rate of 2.8 M yr−1 yielding a supernova (type Ib/c and II) rate of 0.045 yr−1. This supernova rate corresponds to about 1 SN event every 22 yr. Finally, from our deep 8.4-GHz VLA-D image, we suggest the existence of a radio spur in NGC 5033, which could have been due to a hot superbubble formed as a consequence of sequential supernova explosions occurring during the lifetime of a giant molecular cloud.  相似文献   

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