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Many available published times of light minima of the active binary system UV Psc have been collected and analyzed using a
new method proposed by Kalimeris et al. (1994). Similar to what was seen in other RS CVn-type binaries, the orbital period of UV Psc oscillates with a period of
about 61 years and an semi-amplitude of 0.21 ×10-5 days. Two possible mechanisms (magnetic activity cycle mechanism and a light-time effect due to a hypothetical third body)
that could modulated the orbital period behaviour are studied. We think that the cyclical period change in UV Psc can most
probably be attributed to a magnetic activity cycle in the primary component.
This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
F.Y. Xiang 《Astrophysics and Space Science》2004,289(1-2):71-76
In this paper we parameterize the photoelectric waves in the light curves of BH Vir in B and λ 5125Å bands by Hoffmann (1982) by using the Wilson-Devinney program. The principal results are as follows: (1) The mass ratio obtained from the photoelectric light curves is q =m2/m1 = 0.967. (2) The photosphere temperature of the primary is T1 = 5947 K. (3) The distortion waves in the light curves can be fitted satisfactorily with the spot model of two hot spot activities on the primary star. 相似文献
Orbital period variations of two RS CVn-type binaries, RU Cnc and AW Her, are presented based on the analysis of all available times of light minima. It is discovered that the orbital period of RU Cnc shows two possible period oscillations with periods of 13.38(±0.23) and 37.6(±3.4) years. The corresponding amplitudes of the oscillations are about 0.0098(±0.0023) and 0.0119(±0.0017) days. For AW Her, it is found that the period shows a cyclic variation with a period of 12.79(±0.34) years and an amplitude of about 0.0327(±0.0063) days. Since RU Cnc and AW Her are two RS CVn-type systems, the cyclic period oscillations are more likely to be caused by the magnetic activity cycles. 相似文献
The problem of the detection or discovery of RS CVn-type close binary systems with the aid of the magnesium emission doublet 2800 Mgii is discussed. On the example of a star, HD 102077, the possibility of such an approach is shown. The determining factor is the magnitude of the measureless parameterR(Mgii), that is, the relative power of the magnesium doublet emission. For the normal Main-Sequence stars the magnesium emission has a purely chromospheric origin andR(Mgii) 1 (in units of 10–5). However, in the case of close binary systems of RS CVn-typeR(Mgii) 100. Wit the help of IUE it is foundR(Mgii) 100 for the star HD 102077 and, therefore, it is identified with RS CVn-type objects in which the magnesium doublet emission is generated in the intercomponent medium by gaseous matter and is transferred from one component of the system to the other. The basic physical parameters of the intercomponent medium in the case of HD 102077 are obtained. 相似文献
María Lina Berríos-Salas Margarita Guzmán-Vega José Fernández-Labra Manlio Maldini-Sánchez 《Astrophysics and Space Science》1989,162(2):205-209
This work presents the light curves for rotating spotted stars generated by a computational code developed by us. This code is based in a model of the system and its analytical solution. The work also present an analysis of the photometric curve variations with the changes in the model's parameters.As a first result we have simulated a temporal evolution of the light curve when the photospheric spot varies its size and position and we reproduced some observational light curves of the II Peg star.Work supported by Dirección de Investigación, Universidad de La Serena, Chile. 相似文献
Varol Keskin 《Astrophysics and Space Science》1990,169(1-2):165-170
Photoelectric observations of the double-lined spectroscopic and eclipsing binary ER Vul were obtained inB andV colours of Johnson'sUBV system, between 1981 and 1986. The light curves show that the system is sometimes very active and sometimes very quiet and have changes in short time intervals. The were-like distortion, which is superimposed on the light curves, has been obtained. Moreover, small-amplitude light fluctuations in the light curves are noticeable.Paper presented at the 11th European Regional Astronomical Meetings of the IAU on New Windows to the Universe, held 3–8 July, 1989, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain. 相似文献
《Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics》1987,11(1):15-19
For 37 components belonging to 31 RS CVn binary systems, we measured the rotation using Reticon data on the 2.1 McDonald Reflector. Combining our previous data for 38 components, we made a statistical analysis on the question of synchronous rotation. Our results show that, while the great majority show synchronous rotation, exceptions are found in all period groups, contradicting the generally held view that all short period and normal period RS CVn stars have synchronous rotation and all long period ones do not. 相似文献
H. M. K. Al-Naimiy 《Astrophysics》2001,44(2):233-242
Light curve analysis for three short-period RS CVn-type binaries were performed, using: a) Fourier analysis techniques for light curve changes in the frequency domain; b) photometric curve fit by means of numerical quadratures to develop theoretical light curves appropriate to RS CVn stars. The two methods were applied to the systems ER Vul, BH Vir, and UV Psc. Improved physical and geometrical parameters are found by taking the average of the results measured by the above two methods. 相似文献
S.-B. Qian L.-Y. Zhu L. Liu Z.-B. Dai J.-J. He W.-P. Liao E.-G. Zhao S. Zola E. Kuligowska M. Winiarski 《Astrophysics and Space Science》2010,328(1-2):113-117
Analysis of over 15 years of V-band and Wing three filter near-IR photometry of the bright M5Ib-II supergiant has been carried out. Wavelet analysis of these data reveals that the star pulsates with several complicated oscillation modes. Different time scales of variability are identified, and with the aid of discrete Fourier analysis, depending on the filter, up to seven significant pulsation modes are identified and their frequencies and amplitudes extracted. The Long Secondary Period (LSP) with a mean period of ~1343 d has been identified, as well as other periods of the order of ~125 d. The longer period appears to be attributed to the radial pulsational mode, while the various peaks near ~125 d appear to arise from stochastically excited p-modes. After removing the light contribution of the 5th magnitude binary companion and calibrating the intermediate-band photometry to the Wing photometric system, TiO (719 nm) and near-IR (B-C) Wing color indices were formed. These indices have been calibrated with T eff, while the Wing-C bandpass (1025 nm) serves as a proxy for bolometric magnitude and was transformed to approximate m bol. Finally, the derivation of the variations in the star’s temperature, luminosity and radius is straightforward. 相似文献
J.-M. Carquillat N. Ginestet J.-L. Prieur Y. Debernardi 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2003,346(2):555-564
We present the results of a radial-velocity study of eight Am stars (HD 341, 55822, 61250, 67317, 93991, 162950, 224890 and 225137) observed at Observatoire de Haute-Provence with the CORAVEL instrument. We find that these systems are single-line spectroscopic binaries whose orbital elements are determined for the first time. 相似文献
M. M. Zakirov 《Kinematics and Physics of Celestial Bodies》2008,24(1):25-35
We made up a list of eclipsing variables from The Sixth Catalog of Orbits of Visual Binary Stars and supplemented it with physical parameters and some orbital elements of triple stars. A histogram of the angles between the orbital planes of close and wide pairs was built. These angles were shown to be no greater than 20° in two-thirds of cases, and the difference between the angles was shown to increase with semimajor axis of visual orbit. The distribution of the ratios between long and short periods has local maxima in certain intervals. The dynamical sum of the masses of triple-system components turned out to be in good agreement with the sum of the masses of close binary components estimated by precise methods and the mass of the tertiary component determined from the mass-luminosity relation. Most of tertiary components were found to have masses half as large as the sums of the masses of close pair components. Our estimates suggest that the precession periods of the orbits of close binary systems range from several thousand to several tens of million years. 相似文献
Padmakar K. P. Singh S. A. Drake S. K. Pandey 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2000,314(4):733-742
We have carried out BVR photometric and H spectroscopic observations of the star HD 61396 during 1998 March 20 to 1999 April 3. We have discovered regular optical photometric variability from this star, with an inferred period of 31.95±0.10 d, and an amplitude of 0.18 mag. A possible period of 35.34±0.12 d, as determined with Hipparcos , cannot be completely ruled out, however. Modelling of its photometric light curve with two circular spots indicates that 521 per cent of the stellar surface is covered by dark starspots which are 830 K cooler than the surrounding photosphere, and produce the observed rotational modulation of the optical flux. Optical spectroscopy reveals a variable H emission feature, indicating that it is an unusually active star.
In addition, we have analysed archival X-ray data of HD 61396, obtained from serendipitous observations with the ROSAT X-ray observatory, and we also discuss the radio properties of this star, based on both published Green Bank and unpublished VLA observations. The strong photometric variability and H emission, the relatively hard X-ray spectrum, and the high X-ray and radio luminosities imply that HD 61396 is most likely to be a member of the RS CVn class of evolved active binary stars. Its X-ray and radio luminosities place it among the five most luminous active binaries detected so far. 相似文献
In addition, we have analysed archival X-ray data of HD 61396, obtained from serendipitous observations with the ROSAT X-ray observatory, and we also discuss the radio properties of this star, based on both published Green Bank and unpublished VLA observations. The strong photometric variability and H emission, the relatively hard X-ray spectrum, and the high X-ray and radio luminosities imply that HD 61396 is most likely to be a member of the RS CVn class of evolved active binary stars. Its X-ray and radio luminosities place it among the five most luminous active binaries detected so far. 相似文献
We measured the rotations of all the primaries and 5 of the secondaries in 33 RS CVn binary systems, using the three lines in the red region, FeI 6663, FeI 6678 and CaI 6718. A comparison with synchronous rotation shows that none of the systems observed (some with P > 14 d) contradicts the assumption of synchronous rotation, contrary to a previous view. 相似文献
We present apparent orbits and fundamental parameters of three pairs of early M-type dwarfs. The orbital elements are determined from speckle interferometric observations at the 6-m BTA telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory. The orbits of two pairs, HIP39402 and HIP 104565 are built for the first time. The orbit of HIP106972 is revised using new observational data obtained in 2007–2008. The periods of motion and semimajor axes of all the three binaries have very similar values, namely 13 years and 5.5–6 AU, respectively. The dynamical total masses of the systems, obtained from the orbital elements are determined with quite large errors of 25–40%, which is due to the parallax errors. 相似文献
《New Astronomy》2007,12(2):117-123
Both V701 Sco and BH Cen are two early-type short-period overcontact systems (P = 0.d762 and P = 0.d792, respectively). V701 Sco is a member of the young galactic cluster NGC 6383, while BH Cen is a component of a younger galactic cluster IC 2944 where star formation is in process. They provide good opportunity to understand the formation and evolution of binary stars. In the present paper, orbital period changes of the two binaries are investigated. It is discovered that the orbital period of BH Cen shows a long-term increase with a rate of dP/dt = +1.70(±0.39) × 10−7 days/year while it undergoes a cyclic oscillation with a period of 44.6 years and an amplitude of A3 = 0.d0216. For V701 Sco, its O-C curve reveals a periodic change with a period of 41.2 years and amplitude of A3 = 0.d0158. The mass ratio of BH Cen is 0.84, but V701 Sco contains twin B1-1.5V type stars with a mass ratio of unit. The continuous period increase of BH Cen is caused by the mass transfer from the less massive component to the more massive one at a rate of dM2/dt = 3.5 × 10−6 days/year.The cyclic period changes of both systems can be plausibly explained as the results of light-travel time effects suggesting that they are triple systems. The astrophysical parameters of the unseen tertiary components in the two systems have been determined. We think that the invisible tertiary components in both binaries played an important role in the formations and evolutions of the overcontact configurations by bringing angular momentum out from the central systems. For BH Cen, this process created the initial short period and will support its evolution into an overcontact configuration via a Case A mass transfer within the life time of the extremely young cluster IC 2944. For V701 Sco, two identical zero-age main-sequence components in an overcontact configuration suggest that it may have been formed by fission, possibly by the fission of the third body. The fact that no long-term continuous period variations were found for V701 Sco may suggest that an overcontact binary with the mass ratio of unity can be in an equilibrium revealing that the original configuration of the binary was overcontact as is its present state. It has been reported that faint stars in the two extremely young clusters are relatively scare. From the present study, it is shown that faint stars in young clusters are usually formed as companions of OB stars (including binaries). It is very difficult to detect them because of their low luminosity when compared with the more luminous OB stars. 相似文献
J.-L. Prieur J.-M. Carquillat M. Imbert 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2006,372(2):703-714
We present the results of a radial-velocity study of seven Am stars (HD 3970, 35035, 93946, 151746, 153286, 204751 and 224002) observed at the Observatoire de Haute-Provence (OHP) and the Cambridge Observatories with CORAVEL instruments. We find that these systems are single-lined spectroscopic binaries whose orbital elements are determined for the first time. Among this sample, HD 35035 and 153286 have long periods, with P = 2.8 and 9.5 yr, respectively, which is rather unusual for Am stars. Four systems have orbits with large eccentricities (with e ≥ 0.4 ). Physical parameters are inferred from this study for the primaries of those systems.
We then investigate the influence of tidal interaction, which has already led to the synchronism of the primaries and/or to the circularization of the orbits of some systems belonging to this sample. We extend this study to the list of 33 objects studied in this series of papers and derive values of the critical fractional radii r = R / a for circularization and synchronization of Am-type binaries. We find that the stars with r ≳ 0.15 are orbiting on circular orbits and that synchronism is likely for all components with r ≳ 0.20 . 相似文献
We then investigate the influence of tidal interaction, which has already led to the synchronism of the primaries and/or to the circularization of the orbits of some systems belonging to this sample. We extend this study to the list of 33 objects studied in this series of papers and derive values of the critical fractional radii r = R / a for circularization and synchronization of Am-type binaries. We find that the stars with r ≳ 0.15 are orbiting on circular orbits and that synchronism is likely for all components with r ≳ 0.20 . 相似文献
The orbital elements of seven single‐lined spectroscopic binaries, HD 31855, HD 59643, HD 60092, HD 133189, HD 162262, HD 203522, BD +43° 1331 are presented. They are obtained from observations made with two photoelectric spectrometers of CORAVEL type, the first located at the Observatoire de Haute‐Provence and the second at the Cambridge Observatories. From those orbital elements and other data available in the literature, we deduce some information about the unseen companions and their separations with respect to the primaries. We then discuss the rotation‐revolution synchronism and conclude that some of those stars have probably reached the state of (pseudo‐)synchronism. Finally we give a synopsis of the results obtained in this series of papers. Our radial velocity monitoring of more than three decades has allowed us to derive accurate orbital elements of 35 spectroscopic binaries, with a cool primary star of type F‐G‐K‐M. The corresponding range of periods varies from a few days to more than 10 years. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim) 相似文献