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Résumé De travaux menés dans les zones littorales de l'Afrique du Nord et dans tout le S de l'Espagne, l'auteur tire une nouvelle définition des grands ensembles structuraux péri-méditerranéens. Ces ensembles sont, dans les Cordillères bétiques, du N au S: zones externes (Prébétique, Subbétiques, Pénibétiques), zones internes (Flyschs gaditans, Malaguides, Alpujarrides, Nevadides 1). Dans le Rif marocain, symétriquement, on rencontre du S au N: zones externes (Autochtone de l'Atlas, nappes prérifaines et intrarifaines), zones internes (Flyschs nord-rifains, Tétouanides 2), Ghomarides 3), Sebtides 4); la plupart de ces zones se poursuivent vers l'E, jusqu'en Tunisie et en Sicile.Le fait majeur, à souligner au départ, est la parfaite symétrie de la chaîne alpine de la Méditerranée occidentale: les nappes rifaines ne le cèdent pas en importance aux nappes bétiques. Les diverses unités des deux systèmes se raccordent de manière évidente par la courbure de Gibraltar. L'âge du paroxysme tectonique paraît entièrement compris entre Oligocène supérieur et Miocène supérieur, aucune preuve objective n'existant de nappes plus anciennes.La remise en place des divers ensembles structuraux dépend de l'hypothèse générale définie au départ. Il est d'abord fait allusion à l'interprétation classique, par charriages modérés, ne faisant pas appel à des modifications importantes dans l'emplacement des bassins sédimentaires, actuellement visibles en plan. Les objections à ce premier schéma paraissent déterminantes.Une deuxième interprétation, que l'auteur a déjà partiellement esquissée auparavant, sera envisagée: les unités externes (s'empilant sur elles-mêmes) et leurs socles s'enfonceraient sous les zones internes qui, par réaction, seraient poussées vers l'extérieur de la chaîne: chacune des nappes dépasserait la nappe plus basse, au cours de ce mouvement. Dans le cas de l'Espagne, avant les charriages, les domaines sédimentaires des zones internes se placeraient à l'inverse de la disposition actuelle, soit du N au S: Nevadides, Alpujarrides, Malaguides, Pénibétique et Flyschs gaditans (ultras). Du côté marocain, nous aurions de même du S au N: Sebtides, Ghomarides, Tétouanides, Flyschs nord-rifains (ultras). Cela obligerait, au total, à faire rapprocher l'un de l'autre, en profondeur, les bâtis de la Meseta ibérique et de l'Atlas marocain, d'environ 300 à 500 km, l'actuelle largeur de la mer d'Alboran (150 km) ne permettant pas de reloger les domaines de toutes les nappes. Un axe d'enfouissement serait à rechercher sous l'actuelle Méditerranée.Une troisième interprétation, proposée aujourd'hui par l'auteur, considère que la chaîne péri-méditerranéenne montre une cicatrice structurale fondamentale, qui séparerait domaines internes bétiques et rifains, d'une part, domaines bétiques et rifains plus externes, de l'autre. Cette cicatrice se couderait au niveau de Gibraltar. Les nappes internes seraient comme aspirées vers la cicatrice ainsi que, en sens inverse, les nappes externes. La reconstitution paléogéographique finale est fort satisfaisante et l'ampleur des rétrécissements sensiblement diminuée.La position du domaine des Flyschs kabyles, nord-rifains et gaditans, fait enfin l'objet d'un examen nouveau: sans rejeter l'origine ultra, déjà proposée, l'auteur envisage d'autres solutions, qui auraient l'avantage de mieux s'intégrer dans l'image proposée aujourd'hui.  相似文献   

Petrogenetic grids in the system NCKFMASH (Na2O–CaO–K2O–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O)and the subsystems NCKMASH and NCKFASH calculated with the softwareTHERMOCALC 3.1 are presented for the PT range 7–30kbar and 450–680°C, for assemblages involving garnet,chloritoid, biotite, carpholite, talc, chlorite, kyanite, staurolite,paragonite, glaucophane, jadeite, omphacite, diopsidic pyroxene,plagioclase, zoisite and lawsonite, with phengite, quartz/coesiteand H2O in excess. These grids, together with calculated compatibilitydiagrams and PT and TXCa and PXCa pseudosectionsfor different bulk-rock compositions, show that incorporationof Ca into the NKFMASH system leads to many of the NKFMASH invariantequilibria moving to lower pressure and/or lower temperature,which results, in most cases, in the stability of jadeite andgarnet being enlarged, but in the reduction of stability ofglaucophane, plagioclase and AFM phases. The effect of Ca onthe stability of paragonite is dependent on mineral assemblageat different PT conditions. The calculated NCKFMASH diagramsare powerful in delineating the phase equilibria and PTconditions of natural pelitic assemblages. Moreover, contoursof the calculated phengite Si isopleths in PT and PXCapseudosections confirm that phengite barometry in NCKFMASH isstrongly dependent on mineral assemblage. KEY WORDS: phase relations; metapelites; NCKFMASH; THERMOCALC; phengite geobarometry  相似文献   

A series of high temperature experiments was undertaken to study partitioning of several highly siderophile elements (HSE; Ru, Rh, Pd, Re, Os, Ir, Pt and Au) between Cr-rich spinel, olivine, pyroxene and silicate melt. Runs were carried out on a Hawaiian ankaramite, a synthetic eucrite basalt, and a DiAn eutectic melt, at one bar, 19 kbar, and 20 kbar, respectively, in the temperature range of 1200 to 1300°C, at oxygen fugacities between the nickel-nickel oxide (NNO) and hematite-magnetite (HM) oxygen buffers. High oxygen fugacities were used to suppress the formation of HSE-rich “nuggets” in the silicate melts. The resulting oxide and silicate crystals (<100 μm) were analyzed using both SIMS and LA-ICP-MS, with a spatial resolution of 15 to 50 μm. Rhenium, Au and Pd were all found to be incompatible in Cr-rich spinel (DResp/melt = 0.0012-0.21, DAusp/melt = 0.076, DPdsp/melt = 0.14), whereas Rh, Ru and Ir were all found to be highly compatible (DRhsp/melt = 41-530, DRusp/melt = 76-1143, DIrsp/melt = 5-22000). Rhenium, Pd, Au and Ru were all found to be incompatible in olivine (DReoliv/melt = 0.017-0.073, DPdoliv/melt = 0.12, DAuoliv/melt = 0.12, DRuoliv/melt = 0.23), Re is incompatible in orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene (DReopx/melt = 0.013, DRecpx/melt = 0.18-0.21), and Pt is compatible in clinopyroxene (DPtcpx/melt = 1.5). The results are compared to and combined with previous work on HSE partitioning among spinel-structured oxides, and applied to some natural magmatic suites to demonstrate consistency.  相似文献   

Résumé On peut, en résumé, caractériser ainsi les principales provinces de la Bulgarie: — les Rhodopes constituent une zone typiquement polymétallique avec une prépondérance soulignée de Pb, Zn; le F, Cr, Ni, y existent en quantité subordonnée; en traces viennent encore: le Ba, Mn, Cd, Sb, W, Mo, Bi, As, Au, Ag, V; — la Sredna Gora est caractérisée comme une zone de cuivre typique, avec la présence de Fe, Mn, et en quantitée subordonnée de Pb, Zn, Mo, Ti, V, Au. — les Balkans portent les particularités d'une zone polymétallique (Pb, Zn, Cu) avec fer. On y remarque souvent des gîtes individualisés de cuivre, polymétallique avec fer, argent, ainsi que des gîtes complexes. Le Mn, Ba, Au, Ag, Co, Mo, As, Hg, V, W viennent en quantité subordonnée; — la zone des Kraistides, analogue à la précédente, se caractérise par des gisements polymétalliques pauvres et des gîtes à or et scheelite. Les éléments principaux sont: Au, Ba et secondaires: Pb, Zn, Cu, V et en partie du Fe et Hg; — la plateforme mésique, outre le gaz, se caractérise par le manganèse de la dépression de Varna.
The metallogenic map of Bulgaria displays the following four major and distinct provinces: The Rhodopes as a typically polymetallic zone, mainly with Pb and Zn, but also with F, Cr and Ni, and minor or trace amounts of Ba, Mn, Cd, Sb, Mo, Bi, As, Au, Ag, V. The Sredna-gora is a distinct copper zone, with Fe and Mn, and minor amounts of Pb, Zn, Mo, Ti, V, Au. The Balkan is again a polymetallic zone of Pb, Zn and Cu with Fe; but Cu-Fe-Ag-deposits also occur. The other elements are present in minor quantities only. The Kraiste-Zone resembles the previous one and contains low grade polymetallic and scheelite deposits. The main elements are Au, Ba, and minor quantities of Pb, Zn, Cu, V and in part Fe and Hg. The zone of the Mésie platform contains only the manganese deposits of the Varna depression, in addition to natural gas.

The Cu–Co–Ni Texeo mine has been the most important source of Cu in NW Spain since Roman times and now, approximately 40,000 m3 of wastes from mine and metallurgical operations, containing average concentrations of 9,263 mg kg−1 Cu, 1,100 mg kg−1 As, 549 mg kg−1 Co, and 840 mg kg−1 Ni, remain on-site. Since the cessation of the activity, the abandoned works, facilities and waste piles have been posing a threat to the environment, derived from the release of toxic elements. In order to assess the potential environmental pollution caused by the mining operations, a sequential sampling strategy was undertaken in wastes, soil, surface and groundwater, and sediments. First, screening field tools were used to identify hotspots, before defining formal sampling strategies; so, in the areas where anomalies were detected in a first sampling stage, a second detailed sampling campaign was undertaken. Metal concentrations in the soils are highly above the local background, reaching up to 9,921 mg kg−1 Cu, 1,373 mg kg−1 As, 685 mg kg−1 Co, and 1,040 mg kg−1 Ni, among others. Copper concentrations downstream of the mine works reach values up to 1,869 μg l−1 and 240 mg kg−1 in surface water and stream sediments, respectively. Computer-based risk assessment for the site gives a carcinogenic risk associated with the presence of As in surface waters and soils, and a health risk for long exposures; so, trigger levels of these elements are high enough to warrant further investigation.  相似文献   

The nine elastic constants of andalusite and sillimanite have been determined, using the technique of Brillouin scattering. They are, in megabars, for andalusite: c 11=2.334, c 22=2.890, c 33=3.801, c 44=0.995, c 55=0.878, c 66=1.123, c 23=0.977, c 13=1.162, c 12=0.814; for sillimanite: c 11=2.873, c 22=2.319, c 33=3.884, c 44=1.224, c 55=0.807, c 66=0.893, c 23=1.586, c 13=0.834, c 12=0.947. Both structures are characterized by chains of edge-linked coordination octahedra extending parallel to the crystallographic c direction, cross-linked by polyhedra of lower coordination. In each structure the stiffness measured parallel to c is greater than that measured normal to c. The shear moduli can be directly correlated with the relative rigidity of the cross-linking structures.  相似文献   

Present study addresses the role of major plate-driving forces, particularly the slab pull and slab resistive forces, for the generation of 26 December 2004 M w > 9.0 off Sumatra megathrust earthquake. Major controls on the plate-driving forces are normally visualized through age, speed, and average dip of the slab during subduction. Wide variation in age, plate obliquity, stress obliquity, subduction rate, dip angle, and flexing depth of the subducting oceanic lithosphere between Andaman and Sumatra thus allowed us for quantitative evaluation of the slab pull (F SP) and slab resistive (F SR) forces in three well-defined sectors (I, II and III). Computed values of these forces in the three sectors: (1) F SP = 1.29 × 1013 N/m, F SR = 1.41 × 1013 N/m; sector I, (2) F SP = 2.10 × 1013 N/m, F SR = 1.13 × 1013 N/m; sector II, and (3) F SP = 2.08 × 1013 N/m, F SR = 2.72 × 1013 N/m; sector III clearly suggest a spatial variation of stress regime in the subducting oceanic lithosphere. Excess F SR in sectors I and III are interpreted as the causative forces behind the triggering of major seismic energy bursts near Sumatra and Andaman on 26 December 2004. A gap of minimum seismic energy burst near Great Nicobar possibly was controlled by the excess of F SP in sector II. This study further advocates that the cyclic stress, resulted from unbalanced component of slab resistive force, had a definite control on the occurrence of 2004 off Sumatra megathrust earthquake around the flexing zone of the subducting lithosphere.  相似文献   

Analysis of external stability of vertical geosynthetic-reinforced soil (GRS) walls is very important in the seismic prone zone. The scope of this paper is to obtain required minimum reinforcement length, L min, for external seismic stability of vertical GRS walls by pseudo-static limit equilibrium method. Then, L min can be calculated to resist sliding, eccentricity, and bearing capacity failure modes. The parameters considered include both horizontal and vertical seismic coefficients (k h and k v ), surcharge load (q), wall height (H) and the properties of retained backfill, GRS, and foundation soil. Results show that L min against sliding failure mode, L min,S , increases more quickly than that against the other two failure modes with the increase in k h , q, or unit weight of retained backfill, γ b , while L min,S decreases more quickly than that against the other two failure modes with increase in friction angle of retained backfill, ? b , or unit weight of GRS, γ r . For the different failure modes, the effect of k v on L min is not identical with the change of k h , and in addition, L min/H will tend to remain unchanged with the increase in H. In general, L min against bearing capacity failure mode, L min,BC, is larger than L min against the other two failure modes. However, L min,BC will be less than L min against eccentricity failure mode, L min,E , for k h exceeding 0.35, or friction angle of foundation soil, ? f , exceeding 37°, and L min,BC will also be less than L min,S for friction angle of GRS, ? r , being no more than 26°.  相似文献   

Summary The crystal structure of arsentsumebite, ideally, Pb2Cu[(As, S)O4]2(OH), monoclinic, space group P21/m, a = 7.804(8), b = 5.890(6), c = 8.964(8) ?, β = 112.29(6)°, V = 381.2 ?3, Z = 2, dcalc. = 6.481 has been refined to R = 0.053 for 898 unique reflections with I> 2σ(I). Arsentsumebite belongs to the brackebuschite group of lead minerals with the general formula Pb2 Me(XO4)2(Z) where Me = Cu2+, Mn2+, Zn2+, Fe2+, Fe3+; X = S, Cr, V, As, P; Z = OH, H2O. Members of this group include tsumebite, Pb2Cu(SO4)(PO4)(OH), vauquelinite, Pb2Cu(CrO4)(PO4)(OH), brackebuschite, Pb2 (Mn, Fe)(VO4)2(OH), arsenbracke buschite, Pb2(Fe, Zn)(AsO4)2(OH, H2O), fornacite, Pb2Cu(AsO4)(CrO4)(OH), and feinglosite, Pb2(Zn, Fe)[(As, S)O4]2(H2O). Arsentsumebite and all other group members contain M = MT chains where M = M means edge-sharing between MO6 octahedra and MT represents corner sharing between octahedra and XO4 tetrahedra. A structural relationship exists to tsumcorite, Pb(Zn, Fe)2(AsO4)2 (OH, H2O)2 and tsumcorite-group minerals Me(1)Me(2)2(XO4)2(OH, H2O)2. Received June 24, 2000; revised version accepted February 8, 2001  相似文献   

The supposedly second finding of rare arsenosilicate cervandonite-(Ce) in the world is characterized. The mineral was recognized in the ore-bearing metasomatic rocks of the Berezitovoe gold-base metal deposit (Upper Priamurye, Russian Far East) in association with quartz, biotite, muscovite, orthoclase, garnet (almandine-spessartine), tourmaline, basic plagioclase, and sulfides. The cervandonite is represented by optically homogeneous and heterogeneous aggregates with visible crystals from 10 fum to 0.1–0.3 mm in size. Based on the microprobe analysis, the average chemical composition of the homogeneous cervandonite-(Ce) aggregates is as follows (wt %): Ce2O3 - 13.00, La2O3 - 5.70, Nd2O3 - 5.20, Pr2O3 - 1.41, Y2O3 - 0.77, Sm2O3 - 0.77, Eu2O3 - 0.23, Gd2O3 - 0.54, Dy2O3 - 0.31, ThO2 - 1.12, UO2 - 0.30, TiO2 - 12.86, Al2O3 - 9.24, Fe2O3 - 8.93, FeO - 2.68, CaO - 0.14, SiO2 - 19.98, As2O3 - 16.19. The comparative study of the cervandonite-(Ce) from the Berezitovoe deposit and the analogous minerals from the Alpine mica gneiss of Mt. Pizzo Cervandone (Central Alps) showed that the former mineral can be assigned to a new variety of cervandonite-(Ce) in terms of its compositional features. This variety is characterized by an ordered stoichiometric composition corresponding to the simpler theoretical formula (Ce,Nd,La)(Fe3+, Fe2+, Ti4+, Al)3 (Si2As3+)3O12.  相似文献   

In this study, we measure proton, Pb, and Cd adsorption onto the bacteria Deinococcus radiodurans, Thermus thermophilus, Acidiphlium angustum, Flavobacterium aquatile, and Flavobacterium hibernum, and we calculate the thermodynamic stability constants for the important surface complexes. These bacterial species represent a wide genetic diversity of bacteria, and they occupy a wide range of habitats. All of the species, except for A. angustum, exhibit similar proton and metal uptake. The only species tested that exhibits significantly different protonation behavior is A. angustum, an acidophile that grows at significantly lower pH than the other species of this study. We demonstrate that a single, metal-specific, surface complexation model can be used to reasonably account for the acid/base and metal adsorption behaviors of each species. We use a four discrete site non-electrostatic model to describe the protonation of the bacterial functional groups, with averaged pKa values of 3.1 ± 0.3, 4.8 ± 0.2, 6.7 ± 0.1, and 9.2 ± 0.3, and site concentrations of (1.0 ± 0.17) × 10−4, (9.0 ± 3.0) × 10−5, (4.6 ± 1.8) × 10−5, and (6.1 ± 2.3) × 10−5 mol of sites per gram wet mass of bacteria, respectively. Adsorption of Cd and Pb onto the bacteria can be accounted for by the formation of complexes with each of the bacterial surface sites. The average log stability constants for Cd complexes with Sites 1-4 are 2.4 ± 0.4, 3.2 ± 0.1, 4.4 ± 0.1, and 5.3 ± 0.1, respectively. The average log stability constants for Pb complexes with Sites 1-4 are 3.3 ± 0.2, 4.5 ± 0.3, 6.5 ± 0.1, and 7.9 ± 0.5, respectively. This study demonstrates that a wide range of bacteria exhibit similar proton and metal adsorption behaviors, and that a single set of averaged acidity constants, site concentrations, and stability constants for metal-bacterial surface complexes yields a reasonable model for the adsorption behavior of many of these species. The differences in adsorption behavior that we observed for A. angustum demonstrate that genetic differences do exist between the cell wall functional group chemistries of some bacterial species, and that significant exceptions to the typical bacterial adsorption behavior do exist.  相似文献   

The Sarcheshmeh copper mine smelter plant is one of the biggest copper producers in Iran. Long-time operation of about 25 years of the smelter plant causes release of potentially toxic heavy metals into the environment. In this paper, geochemical distribution of toxic heavy metals in 28 soil samples was evaluated around the Sarcheshmeh smelter plant. Soils developed over the nonmineralized and uncontaminated areas have an average background concentration of 41.25 mg kg−1 Cu, 26.6 mg kg−1 As, 12.7 mg kg−1 Pb, 0.9 mg kg−1 Sb, 1.9 mg kg−1 Mo, 1.7 mg kg−1 Sn, 0.2 mg kg−1 Cd, 0.15 mg kg−1 Bi, 235 mg kg−1 S and 73.4 mg kg−1 Zn, respectively. As a result of smelting process, the upper soil layers (0–5 cm) were polluted by Cu (>1,397 mg kg−1), Cd (>3.42 mg kg−1), S (>821 mg kg−1), Mo (>10.3 mg kg−1), Sb (>11.7 mg kg−1), As (>120.6 mg kg−1), Pb (>83.8 mg kg−1), Zn (>214.9 mg kg−1), and Sn (>3.7 mg kg−1), respectively. These values are much higher than the normal concentration of the elements in the uncontaminated soil layers. The elemental values decrease with distance travelled away of the smelter plant, especially at minimum wind direction. Furthermore, high contaminated values of Cu (8,430 mg kg−1), As (500 mg kg−1), Pb (331 mg kg−1), Mo (61 mg kg−1), Sb (56.2 mg kg−1), Zn (664 mg kg−1), Cd (17.2 mg kg−1), Bi (13.4 mg kg−1), and S (3,780 mg kg−1) were observed in the upper soil layers close to the smelting waste dumps. Sequential extraction analysis shows that about 270 mg kg−1 Cu, 28 mg kg−1 Pb, 50.33 mg kg−1 Zn, and 47.84 mg kg−1 As were adsorbed by Fe and Mn oxides. The carbonate phases include 151 mg kg−1 Cu, 28 mg kg−1 Pb, 25 mg kg−1 Zn, and 32.99 mg kg−1 As. Organic matter adsorbed 314.6 mg kg−1 Cu and 29.18 mg kg−1 Zn.  相似文献   

Our studies show that the granite bodies (γ 5 2 − 1 and γ 5 3 ) which constitute the Huangsha-Tieshanlong composite granitic intrusion in Jiangxi are characterized by their similarities in mineral assemblage, petrochemistry, trace element and REE distribution pattern. The values of ΣREE, ΣLREE, ΣHREE, ΣCe/ΣY, δEu and La/Yb apparently decrease from γ 5 2 − 1a to γ 5 2 − 1b , γ 5 3 and γ 5 3 . It is shown that the early Yenshanian W(Ta, Nb)-bearing granite (γ 5 2 − 1 ) and late Yenshanian Ta, Nb-bearing granite (γ 5 3 ) may have been derived from the differentiation and evolution of granitic magmas due to repeated remelting of the crust and their earlier and later intrusion. Although the earlier (γ 5 2 − 1b and later (γ 5 3 ) albitized Ta, Nb-bearing granites show some obvious differences in REE content, their δEu values and La/Yb ratios are similar to each other. Therefore, it may be concluded that the early and late Ta, Nb-bearing granites were derived from a congenetic magma.  相似文献   

Iron, Cu and Zn stable isotope systems are applied in constraining a variety of geochemical and environmental processes. Secondary reference materials have been developed by the Institute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences (CAGS), in collaboration with other participating laboratories, comprising three solutions (CAGS‐Fe, CAGS‐Cu and CAGS‐Zn) and one basalt (CAGS‐Basalt). These materials exhibit sufficient homogeneity and stability for application in Fe, Cu and Zn isotopic ratio determinations. Reference values were determined by inter‐laboratory analytical comparisons involving up to eight participating laboratories employing MC‐ICP‐MS techniques, based on the unweighted means of submitted results. Isotopic compositions are reported in per mil notation, based on reference materials IRMM‐014 for Fe, NIST SRM 976 for Cu and IRMM‐3702 for Zn. Respective reference values of CAGS‐Fe, CAGS‐Cu and CAGS‐Zn solutions are as follows: δ56Fe = 0.83 ± 0.07 and δ57Fe = 1.20 ± 0.13, δ65Cu = 0.57 ± 0.06, and δ66Zn = ?0.79 ± 0.12 and δ68Zn = ?1.65 ± 0.24, respectively. Those of CAGS‐Basalt are δ56Fe = 0.15 ± 0.07, δ57Fe = 0.22 ± 0.10, δ65Cu = 0.12 ± 0.08, δ66Zn = 0.17 ± 0.13, and δ68Zn = 0.34 ± 0.26 (2s).  相似文献   

A new mineral species has been discovered at the calc-skarnoid occurrence near the mouth of the Tashelga River, Kuznetsky Alatau, Gorny Shoria, Russia, and named after the locality of its discovery. Associated minerals are calcite, hibonite, grossular, vesuvianite, hercynite, magnetite, corundum, perovskite, scapolite, diopside, and apatite. The new mineral occurs as prismatic or finely fibrous crystals up to 1.5–2.0 mm in length, their parallel intergrowths, and felty aggregates as large as 10 mm across. Tashelgite is bluish green, translucent to transparent, with vitreous luster; D calc = 3.67 g/cm3. The IR spectrum does not contain bands of OH groups. Tashelgite is biaxial (−), with α = 1.736(2), β = 1.746(2), γ = 1.750(2); 2V meas = −20(2)°. Dispersion is strong, r < ν. Pleochroism is distinct: X (blue-green) > Y (yellowish green) > Z (almost colorless). Chemical composition (electron microprobe, average of five-point analyses, Fe2O3 is estimated from the ratio of intensities I(FeKb5 )/I(FeKb1 )I(Fe_{K\beta _5 } )/I(Fe_{K\beta _1 } ) in the X-ray spectrum, H2O was determined as a weight loss on heating in vacuum up to 1000°C), wt %: 7.98 CaO, 6.75 MgO, 0.45 MnO, 11.32 FeO, 1.40 Fe2O3, 70.70 Al2O3, 1.8(2) H2O, 100.40 in total. The empirical formula calculated on the basis of 17 oxygen atoms is H1.27Ca0.90Mg1.06Mn0.04 Fe1.002+Fe0.113+Al8.80O17.00. The idealized formula is CaMgFe2+Al9O16(OH). According to single-crystal X-ray structural data, tashelgite is monoclinic, pseudoorthorhombic, space group Pc; unit cell parameters are: a = 5.6973(1), b = 17.1823(4), c = 23.5718(5)?; β = 90.046(3)°; V = 2307.5(1)?3, Z = 8. The crystal structure of tashelgite is unique and characterized by ordering of all cations; Al occupies sites with octahedral and tetrahedral coordination. The cation ordering has also been confirmed by IR spectroscopy. The strongest lines of the X-ray powder diffraction pattern (d, ?]-I[hkl] are: 11.79–48 [002], 2.845–43 [061], 2.616–100 [108], 2.584–81 [146], 2.437–44 [163], 2.406–61 [057], 2.202–72 [244]. The type specimen of tashlegite has been deposited at the Fersman Mineralogical Museum of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia.  相似文献   

Analyses of co-existing silicate melt and fluid inclusions, entrapped in quartz crystals in volatile saturated magmatic systems, allowed direct quantitative determination of fluid/melt partition coefficients. Investigations of various granitic systems (peralkaline to peraluminous in composition, log fO2 = NNO−1.7 to NNO+4.5) exsolving fluids with various chlorinities (1-14 mol/kg) allowed us to assess the effect of these variables on the fluid/melt partition coefficients (D). Partition coefficients for Pb, Zn, Ag and Fe show a nearly linear increase with the chlorinity of these fluid (DPb ∼ 6 ∗ mCl, DZn ∼ 8 ∗ mCl, DAg ∼ 4 ∗ mCl, DFe ∼ 1.4 ∗ mCl, where mCl is the molinity of Cl). This suggests that these metals are dissolved primarily as Cl-complexes and neither oxygen fugacity nor the composition of the melt affects significantly their fluid/melt partitioning. By contrast, partition coefficients for Mo, B, As, Sb and Bi are highest in low salinity (1-2 mol/kg Cl) fluids with maximum values of DMo ∼ 20, DB ∼ 15, DAs ∼ 13, DSb ∼ 8, DBi ∼ 15 indicating dissolution as non-chloride (e.g., hydroxy) complexes. Fluid/melt partition coefficients of copper are highly variable, but highest between vapor like fluids and silicate melt (DCu ? 2700), indicating an important role for ligands other than Cl. Partition coefficients for W generally increase with increasing chlorinity, but are exceptionally low in some of the studied brines which may indicate an effect of other parameters. Fluid/melt partition coefficients of Sn show a high variability but likely increase with the chlorinity of the fluid (DSn = 0.3-42, DW = 0.8-60), and decrease with decreasing oxygen fugacity or melt peraluminosity.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Zwei Sedimentationsschwerpunkte sind im brasilianischen Paläozoikum nachzuweisen, der (siluro-)unterdevonische und der (permo-)karbonische. Der Hiatus ist nicht auf Faltung zurückzuführen, scheint aber klimatische Bedeutung zu haben.Ob die drei paläozoischen Ablagerungsgebiete einmal zu einem gro\en Sedimentationsraum verbunden waren, ist nicht bekannt. Nimmt man das aber an, dann war dieses Sedimentationsgebiet im Norden marin, wurde jedoch nach Süden zunehmend limnisch-fluviatil. Das Unterdevon hat im Amazonas-Gebiet eine boreale Fazies, im Parnaíba- und im Paraná-Becken jedoch eine glazigene mit australen Faunenelementen in den marinen Einschaltungen. Das Ober-Karbon ist im Amazonas- und im Parnaíba-Becken warmklimatisch entwickelt, während es allein nur im Paraná-Becken glazial ausgebildet ist.
Resumen No Brasil foram comprovadas duas éras importantes de sedimentaÇÃ opaleozóica, isto é a (siluro-)infradevónica e a (permo-)carbónica. O intervalo entre estas duas formaÇÕes nÃo foi causado pela orogenese, mais sim, mais pelas influÊncias climáticas.Ainda nÃo se sabe, si as trÊs bacias brasileiras de sedimentaÇÃo no paleozóico estavam ligadas entre si, formando assim uma bacia grande. No caso aceitarmos esta hipóteze, entÃo esta bacia se caracteriza da seguinte forma: ao norte marítima e mais para o sul lagunar-fluvial. O infradevónico apresenta na regiÃo do Amazonas facies boreal, na regiÃo do Parnaíba e do Paraná já elementos de fauna glacial e austral com intercalaÇÕes marinas. Já o carbónico superior se apresenta na regiÃo do Amazonas e do Parnaíba de clima quente, enquanto que a regiÃo do Paraná é de origem glacial.

Erweiterte Fassung des auf der Klima-Tagung in Köln am 6. 3.1964 gehaltenen Vortrags.  相似文献   

SummaryComputer Simulation of Second Order Faults Faults of the second order can be simulated in the computer with an accuracy hitherto unknown, by using Malina's (1969, 1970) program version of the Finite Element Method. The computations show that stress rearrangements occur with shear movements along the principal fault and with propagation of the fault. These stress rearrangements contribute to the development of new secondary faults. The computed second order faults can be classified according to Chinnery (1966) as shear plane typesA, B, E, andF. Moreover, the computation shows two dominant shear planes which cannot be classified according to Chinnery.
ZusammenfassungSimulation von Störungen zweiter Ordnung im Computer Störungen zweiter Ordnung lassen sich mit einer bisher noch nicht gekannten Genauigkeit mit Hilfe einer von Malina (1969, 1970) entwickelten Programmversion der Finite-Element-Methode im Computer simulieren. Die Rechnungen zeigen, daß mit einer Scherbewegung entlang der Hauptstörung und dem Weiterreißen der Störung Spannungsumlagerungen einhergehen, die mitbewirken, daß neue sekundäre Störungen entstehen. Die ermittelten Störungen zweiter Ordnung lassen sich nach der Klassifikation von Chinnery (1966) als die ScherflächentypenA, B, E undF einordnen. Darüberhinaus liefert die Rechnung zwei sehr häufig auftretende Scherflächen, die sich nach Chinnery nicht klassifizieren lassen.

RésuméSimulation de failles de deuxième ordre par l'ordinateur Les failles de deuxième ordre peuvent être simulées avec une précision encore jamais atteinte grâce à l'utilisation d'une version d'une programme développé par Malina (1969, 1970) à partir de la méthode des éléments finis. Le calcul montre que, conjointement au cisaillement le long de la faille principale et à la propagation de cette faille, de nouvelles redistributions des contraintes apparaissent. Ces nouvelles redistributions contribuent essentiellement au développement de nouvelles surfaces de failles secondaires. Les failles de deuxième ordre peuvent être classées d'après Chinnery (1966) suivant les catégories de surfaces de cisaillementA, B, E, etF. De plus, le calcul indique fréquemment deux autres types de surfaces de cisaillement n'entrant pas dans la classification de Chinnery.

With 11 Figures  相似文献   

Summary The erný Dl mineralization (Giant Mts., Czechoslovakia) consists of calcite veins cross-cutting metamorphic rocks and exhibiting a complex paragenesis of Ni-, Fe-, (Co)- and Cu-, Ag-arsenides associated with native arsenic. Several new minerals belonging to Cu–As and Cu–Ag–As systems were described from this deposit (koutekite, novakite, paxite, kutinaite). New data on paxite, novakite and kutinaite were obtained. Paxite, CuAs2, is monoclinic,P21/c,a=5.830,b=5.111,c=8.084 Å, =99.7°,Z=4,D calc=5.97 g/cm3, polysynthetically twinned along (010). Novakite belongs to the Cu–Ag–As system. It is monoclinic,C2/m,Cm orC2,a=16.269,b=11.711,c=10.007 Å, -112.7°,Z=4,D calc=8.01 g/cm3. The ideal formula is Cu20+x Ag1–x As10,x0.16. New microprobe analyses of kutinaite indicate a cell-content of 4 [Cu14Ag6As7],D calc=8.37 g/cm3.
Résumé La minéralisation du gisement de erný Dl (Monts des Géants, Tchécoslovaquie) se distingue par une paragenèse complexe d'arséniures de Ni, Fe, (Co), Cu et Ag associés à l'arsenic natif, et apparaissant dans des filons de calcite qui recoupent une série de roches métamorphiques. Plusieurs minéraux nouveaux appartenant aux systèmes Cu–As et Cu–Ag–As ont été découverts dans ce gisement (koutekite, novakite, paxite, kutinaïte). De nouvelles données sur la paxite, la novakite et la kutinaïte ont été obtenues. La paxite, CuAs2, est monoclinique,P21/c,a=5,830,b=5,111,c=8,084 Å, =99,7°,Z=4,D calc=5,97 g/cm3; elle est polysythétiquement maclée suivant (010). La novakite est une phase du système Cu–Ag–As. Elle est monoclinique,C2/m,Cm ouC2,a=16,269,b=11,711,c=10,007 Å, =112,7°,Z=4,D calc=8,01 g/cm3. Saformule idéale s'écrit Cu20+x Ag1–x As10,x0,16. Des analyses de la kutinaïte conduisent à 4 [Cu14Ag6As7] par maille,D calc=8,37 g/cm3.L'étude paragénétique a permis de voir que le système hydrothermal à erný Dl couvre un interval de température large, s'étalant de500° à 100°C environ. Une très forte activité d'arsenic au cours des épisodes minéralisants tardifs a abouti à la cristallisation des arséniures de Cu riches en arsenic, stables à basse température. Cinq épisodes minéralisants ont été reconnus: le dépôt des arséniures de Ni, Fe, (Co) (löllingite, nickéline, pararammelsbergite, chloentite) était suivi de: kutinaïte, koutekite, arsenic natif et arséniures de cuivre riches en arsenic (novakite, Cu2As, paxite). L'abondance des carbonates laisse entrevoir un rôle de composés ou de complexes de carbone dans l'évolution de ce système hydrothermal fortement réducteur.The study of mineral associations showed that the erný Dl hydrothermal system extended over a large temperature interval from 500° to 100°C. An extremely high arsenic activity during the late mineralization periods lead to the precipitation of low-temperature, As-rich copper arsenides. Five mineralization periods were distinguished: the precipitation of Ni-, Fe-, (Co)-arsenides (löllingite, nickeline, pararammelsbergite, chloanthite) was followed by kutinaite, koutekite, native arsenic and As-rich copper arsenides (novakite, Cu2As, paxite). The abundance of carbonates suggests a possible role of carbon compounds or complexes in the evolution of this highly reducing hydrothermal system.

With 2 Figures  相似文献   

Résumé Les minéralisations du gisement de Salau, Pyrénées (France) comportent, outre la pyrrhotite et la scheelite, de la chalcopyrite, de l'arsénopyrite et de la sphalérite en phases accessoires. Ces sulfures ont été analysés à la microsonde électronique. — Les pyrrhotites sont les seuls sulfures à avoir subi l'influence de la mise en place de la rhyodacite. Les autres sulfures présentent une grande homogénéité et n'ont pas subi de modification liée à la mise en place du pluton. Les teneurs en fer des sphalérites, homogènes à l'intérieur d'un même niveau stratigraphique, mais différentes d'un niveau à l'autre, suggèrent une mise en place à plusieurs périodes sans remaniement ultérieur à leur dépôt.
Mineralisation of Salau deposit, Pyrénées (France) contain massive pyrrhotite and scheelite associated with chalcopyrite, arsenopyrite and sphalerite. Electron microprobe analyses of these sulfides have been systematically performed. — Pyrrhotites show a zonation with regard to the rhyodacite settlement. Other sulfides show a great homogeneity and are not disturbed by this settlement. Iron content of sphalerites, homogeneous inside a given stratigraphical level but different when the age of layers change, suggest several origins without further modification.

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