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B.F. Iyun 《GeoJournal》1998,44(2):129-139
The viewpoint that most health problems are environmentally related has always been promoted by medical geography. In recent times, concern about environmental degradation has been of high priority for many national and international organizations as ‘we human beings become a threat to our planet’. There is also a need to specifically focus attention on the impact of so-called development efforts on the health of women and children, in particular those living in highly marginalized regions which often contribute substantially to the overall development of their countries. This paper uses the concept of vulnerability as a departure point from which to map the health risks to children in Igbekun area of Ondo State, the ‘transgressive muddy’ oil-rich coastal area of Nigeria. The paper attempts to highlight the poor quality of life and health of children in particular, and how it is becoming much more difficult to practice health intervention programmes, especially oral rehydration therapy (ORT) in the area. The Igbekun area is an unhealthy and harsh environment, complicated by the devastating effects of oil drilling in recent years. The siltation and sedimentation of the creeks and lagoons have serious health dimensions as human faeces float in and around villages because the ‘bush toilets’ can no longer be reached. The on-going environmental crisis has also deprived women of their traditional means of livelihood; fishing. There is a relatively high level of ignorance (compared with other women living in the same local government area (LGA) of causes of the commonest diseases such as diarrhoea, acute respiratory infection (ARI) and measles. A majority of the women have never heard of family planning, immunization against diseases and interventions such as ORT. Promotive health care services, especially those that strive to reduce the high mortality of children have passed the mothers by. It is also becoming impracticable to promote ORT because of the widespread ‘salty and oily’ water supply in the area. The greatest concern of the women now is that oil drilling activities have further amplified their stressful conditions especially their health and that of their children. Unfortunately, their plight is not acknowledged by the Nigerian authorities and the oil companies are least concerned about alleviating the poor health status of the community, in particular the most vulnerable groups, children under the age of five. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

提出上海地质制图运用卫星遥感技术的思路;认为利用SPOT卫星遥感资料可快速更新地理底图和直接编制1:25000以上比例尺的现势性好,信息丰富的地质影象图。  相似文献   

利用被动微波探测青海湖湖冰物候变化特征   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
湖冰物候是气候变化的敏感因子,不仅能反映区域气候变化特征,还可以反映区域气候与湖泊相互作用.利用长时间序列(1978—2018年)被动微波遥感18 GHz和19 GHz亮度温度数据、MODIS数据(2000—2018年)、实测湖冰厚度数据(1983—2018年)和气温、风速、降水(雪)数据(1961—2018年),分析...  相似文献   

着重讨论了地质灾害遥感图象的解译标志,以及遥感技术在地质灾害调查、监测、评估中的应用.  相似文献   

The spatial changes in forest cover of Similipal biosphere reserve, Odisha, India over eight decades (1930–2012) has been quantified by using multi-temporal data from different sources. Over the period, the forest cover reduced by 970.8 km2 (23.6% of the total forest), and most significantly during the period, 1930–1975. Human-induced activities like conversion of forest land for agriculture, construction of dams and mining activities have been identified as major drivers of deforestation. Spatial analysis indicates that 399 grids (1 grid = 1 × 1 km) have undergone large-scale changes in forest cover (>75 ha) during 1930–1975, while only 3 grids have shown >75 ha loss during 1975–1990. Annual net rate of deforestation was 0.58 during 1930–1975, which has been reduced substantially during 1975–1990 (0.04). Annual gross rate of deforestation in 2006–2012 is indeed low (0.01) as compared to the national and global average. This study highlights the impact and effectiveness of conservation practices in minimizing the rate of deforestation and protecting the Similipal Biosphere Reserve.  相似文献   

张守林  傅水兴  杨自安 《铀矿地质》2001,17(6):365-367,373
根据不同地质体在不同波段上的光谱特征,选择不同波段的TM数据进行假彩色合成,主成分分析,匹配滤波及多种处理方法,对淖毛湖戈壁琼河坝地区的线环构造特征,赋矿岩层,矿化蚀变等示矿要素进行增强处理和特征提取,取得较好效果,为在戈壁地区快速追踪找矿信息,指导成矿预测提供了重要的基本资料。  相似文献   

To both collect terrain data rapidly and save labor costs, the present study employs high-spatiotemporal-resolution imaging through Formosat-2 and aerial photography through unmanned aerial vehicles. In daily visits to the same area, images taken by Formosat-2 can be employed as data for long-term observation. Unclouded images from 2006 to 2010 processed with a false-color overlay and calculated of the normalized difference vegetation index are selected as terrain data. Aerial photos taken by unmanned aerial vehicles are utilized ground-truth data. These two types of data are analyzed to proceed with supervised classification. The results reveal that in the study area mangroves are the most exuberant in summer. The growth of mangroves in Sihcao Wetland remained in dynamic equilibrium from 2006 to 2010 without any sharp increase or decrease in quantity. This proposed method is believed to be suitable to investigate and preserve mangroves by long-term image monitoring and to avoid any unnatural influence on these conservation areas.  相似文献   

Satellite remote sensing data has significant potential use in analysis of natural hazards such as landslides. Relying on the recent advances in satellite remote sensing and geographic information system (GIS) techniques, this paper aims to map landslide susceptibility over most of the globe using a GIS-based weighted linear combination method. First, six relevant landslide-controlling factors are derived from geospatial remote sensing data and coded into a GIS system. Next, continuous susceptibility values from low to high are assigned to each of the six factors. Second, a continuous scale of a global landslide susceptibility index is derived using GIS weighted linear combination based on each factor’s relative significance to the process of landslide occurrence (e.g., slope is the most important factor, soil types and soil texture are also primary-level parameters, while elevation, land cover types, and drainage density are secondary in importance). Finally, the continuous index map is further classified into six susceptibility categories. Results show the hot spots of landslide-prone regions include the Pacific Rim, the Himalayas and South Asia, Rocky Mountains, Appalachian Mountains, Alps, and parts of the Middle East and Africa. India, China, Nepal, Japan, the USA, and Peru are shown to have landslide-prone areas. This first-cut global landslide susceptibility map forms a starting point to provide a global view of landslide risks and may be used in conjunction with satellite-based precipitation information to potentially detect areas with significant landslide potential due to heavy rainfall.  相似文献   

内蒙古阿拉善盟的乌力吉地区为荒漠戈壁景观区,面积约40 km2。针对该区的地质景观特点,在找矿工作中尝试遥感与化探方法相结合的勘查方式。首先开展多光谱遥感影像蚀变信息提取工作,从ETM+、ASTER影像中分别提取了羟基、矽卡岩化、碳酸盐化等蚀变异常,并对SiO2含量进行定量反演;然后优先在遥感蚀变异常区内开展1∶1万岩石地球化学测量,在先期划定的遥感异常区内圈定出以Au元素为主的大规模综合异常;在对该遥感-化探综合异常区的异常查证中,在钻孔中圈定出厚度超20 m的金矿体,获得快速找矿的效果,表明采用遥感蚀变提取与化探结合的方法在荒漠戈壁景观区找矿中可以快速缩小找矿靶区,提高找矿效率。  相似文献   

遥感地质找矿方法随着遥感成像技术的发展而发展,传感器的发展使得探测波段不断细分,光谱分辨率不断提高,从而提高了遥感地质找矿的精度,使地质找矿从定性化到定量化转变。总结近几十年来多光谱与高光谱遥感成像技术的发展过程,并概括在此发展过程中相关找矿方法的发展,从多光谱成像与高光谱成像的发展2个方面介绍了相应的找矿方法与找矿应用,论述遥感技术在地质找矿中的应用趋势,并对目前遥感找矿领域中的相关难点进行了总结。  相似文献   

陈喆  陈建平 《江苏地质》2019,43(3):481-490
斑岩型铜矿的勘探对于国民经济的发展有着重要的意义,遥感技术以其自身优势在斑岩铜矿的找矿工作中起到了重要的推动作用,但以往的工作多注重于某种遥感技术或几种技术组合在斑岩铜矿勘查中的应用,而对各类技术的综合运用与评价尚显不足。介绍了遥感技术在斑岩型铜矿床勘查中的应用历史、现状及几种常用技术,如反射光谱技术、多光谱遥感技术、高光谱遥感技术、雷达技术,并详细介绍这些技术的核心方法、主要应用方向及成功实例。最后对这些技术进行对比分析,指出了每种技术的优缺点,结合各自的特征,介绍了几种技术方法组合,并通过成功实例证明其应用的科学性,尤其适合大面积的勘查扫面工作。  相似文献   

遥感技术具有客观、高效、动态等技术优势,在矿山监测中得到了广泛地应用.该技术方法同样适用于油田工程地物信息提取、工程部署以及动态监测.本文以冀东油田、中原油田为例,通过对遥感技术工作方法的介绍,并以此对遥感技术在油气工程中应用进行论述,重点阐述了油气区工程设施解译、油气区生态环境动态监测以及野外验证目的,为采区合理开发资源、保护地质环境、生态环境整治提供基础资料.  相似文献   

黄贤玉  刘晓波 《世界地质》2004,23(4):402-406,410
简述宽波段或高光谱遥感技术方法及亚象元、低概率目标探测技术的研究及应用现状。结合大兴安岭地区矿产资源勘查的背景条件,系统阐述该技术在植被覆盖地区地质找矿的应用流程。这一研究方案的实施及可能获得的成果,将改善在植被覆盖地区的地质找矿工作。  相似文献   

The variation during 15 years in the shoreline along the North Sinai coast has been determined by analysing TM and ETM true colour Landsat images from 1986 to 2001. The analyses identified erosion and accretion patterns along the coast. The shoreline has advanced west of El Bardawil inlet1, El Bardawil inlet2, and El Arish Harbour, where the wave-induced littoral transport has been halted by jetty construction and beach growth rates are 20,681, 69,855 and 20,160 m2/year, respectively. On the downdrift side of the constructed jetties to the east, the shoreline is retreating and beaches erode at rates of −71,710, −69,968, and −11,760 m2/year, respectively. Sedimentological analyses of beach sediment samples have indicated selective transport of heavy minerals according to their densities and grain sizes. A general correspondence has been found between variation in grain size, sorting and heavy-mineral content of beach sand and the patterns of shoreline changes.  相似文献   

中巴资源一号卫星(CBERS-1)是我国于1999年发射的第一颗地球资源卫星.它携带的CCD多光谱相机可获取B1(0.45~0.52 靘),B2(0.52~0.59 靘),B3(0.63~0.69 靘),B4 (0.77~0.89 靘),B5(0.51~0.73 靘)的图像数据,其空间分辨率为20 m,重复观测周期为26天,扫描宽度为113 km.与Landsat TM数据相比,具有空间分辨率较高,价格低廉等优势,适用于从事大中比例尺的资源和环境调查评价. 新疆国土资源环境综合遥感调查项目开始于2000年,考虑到新疆国土资源环境综合遥感调查项目组已有数据情况、费用情况、以及其它各种因素,决定用中巴资源卫星遥感数据为…  相似文献   

光学遥感在识别花岗伟晶岩型锂矿床中的应用   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
花岗伟晶岩型锂矿是一种重要的锂矿资源,近年来,光学遥感技术在花岗伟晶岩型锂矿找矿应用中效果显著,开启了遥感找锂矿的研究热潮.本文基于对全球及国内花岗伟晶岩型锂矿空间分布特征、成矿地质特征的综合分析,归纳总结了目前伟晶岩型锂矿识别的光学遥感数据源及技术方法:ASTER、Landsat-8等中等分辨率影像具有较高的光谱分辨...  相似文献   

童勤龙  叶发旺  秦明宽  易敏  伍炜超 《地质论评》2022,68(4):2022082017-2022082017
笔者等基于WorldView- 3(16波段)遥感数据,利用主成分分析方法提取了铁染、Al—OH、Mg—OH和碳酸盐异常信息。进一步查明巴音戈壁盆地本巴图地区蚀变类型及分布,为该地区铀矿勘查提供线索。经查证,提取的蚀变信息类型和位置较为准确,结合地质、地球化学等方法,可以很好地应用于盆山结合部位,甚至盆地内部,为寻找砂岩型铀矿发挥重要作用。综合地面能谱测量、地面光谱测量、岩石薄片观察和化学分析测试结果,认为研究区与铀矿化关系最为密切的蚀变为铁染和碳酸盐化,主要分布在北部巴音戈壁组下段、南部图克木隆起花岗质岩体和新尼乌苏凹陷东北边缘的巴音戈壁组上段。根据铁染和碳酸盐化信息在找矿目的层巴音戈壁组上段中的分布,结合该套地层地质特征,认为研究区NE向向斜西北翼,虽然相关蚀变信息发育,但地层褶皱变形且破坏严重而不利于砂岩型铀矿形成。NE向向斜转折端和东南翼蚀变相对偏弱,但地层稳定,且发育NW向断裂,有利于地下水和后期热液运移,是下一步铀矿勘查的有利地段。  相似文献   

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