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杨锦玲  陈石  李红蕾  张贝  阮明明 《地震》2021,41(1):141-152
陆面时变重力测量是监测地壳内部密度变化和物质运移的重要手段。为确定华南时变重力观测网络的场源监测能力和重力场变化特征,本文采用球面六面体单元构建重力场模型,开展重力场建模实验,对比不同建模方法与噪声条件下的局部重力场恢复效果,并对2015—2017年来5期实测流动重力观测数据进行计算和分析。结果表明,最小二乘配置方法的建模效果和抗噪声干扰能力较好。华南重力测网在地表等效可观测信号约±30×10-8 m/s2的条件下,场源空间分辨能力约为55 km;实际重建的2015至2017年重力场累积变化基本趋势较一致,重力负异常在不同时间尺度下表现为持续增强和积累,且在局部出现正负波动的周期性变化。本文研究结果对评价陆地重力数据质量,指导地震重力观测网络系统改造升级,客观地开展重力场变化解释、分析强震孕育和物质变迁等科学问题具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

Reducing aliasing effects of insufficiently modelled high-frequent, non-tidal mass variations of the atmosphere, the oceans and the hydrosphere in gravity field models derived from the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellite mission is the topic of this study. The signal content of the daily GRACE gravity field model series (ITG-Kalman) is compared to high-frequency bottom pressure variability and terrestrially stored water variations obtained from recent numerical simulations from an ocean circulation model (OMCT) and two hydrological models (WaterGAP Global Hydrology Model, Land Surface Discharge Model). Our results show that daily estimates of ocean bottom pressure from the most recent OMCT simulations and the daily ITG-Kalman solutions are able to explain up to 40 % of extra-tropical sea-level variability in the Southern Ocean. In contrast to this, the daily ITG-Kalman series and simulated continental total water storage variability largely disagree at periods below 30 days. Therefore, as long as no adequate hydrological model will become available, the daily ITG-Kalman series can be regarded as a good initial proxy for high-frequency mass variations at a global scale. As a second result of this study, based on monthly solutions as well as daily observation residuals, it is shown that applying this GRACE-derived de-aliasing model supports the determination of the time-variable gravity field from GRACE data and the subsequent geophysical interpretation. This leads us to the recommendation that future satellite concepts for determining mass variations in the Earth system should be capable of observing higher frequeny signals with sufficient spatial resolution.  相似文献   

利用GRACE卫星数据研究汶川地震前后重力场的变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了利用GRACE卫星数据计算和分析重力场变化的方法.以EIGEN-GRACE02S重力场模型为背景,对高斯平滑处理前后中国大陆月重力场的变化作了比较,认为取平均半径为666 km作高斯平滑,能够得到合理的重力变化结果.以3个月时间尺度计算了2008年汶川地震前后中国大陆的重力场变化,将结果与2006年和2007年相同时间尺度的变化结果进行比较,发现三者相符合,并且同震重力的负变化可用地壳膨胀模型理论来解释.  相似文献   

Since its launch in April 2002, the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) mission is recording the Earth’s time-variable gravity field with temporal and spatial resolutions of typically 7–30?days and a few hundreds of kilometers, allowing the monitoring of continental water storage variations from both continental and river-basin scales. We investigate here large scale hydrological variations in Africa using different GRACE spherical harmonic solutions, using different processing strategies (constrained and unconstrained solutions). We compare our GRACE estimates to different global hydrology models, with different land-surface schemes and also precipitation forcing. We validate GRACE observations through two different techniques: first by studying desert areas, providing an estimate of the precision. Then we compare GRACE recovered mass variations of main lakes to volume changes derived from radar altimetry measurements. We also study the differences between different publicly available precipitation datasets from both space measurements and ground rain gauges, and their impact on soil-moisture estimates.  相似文献   

Firstly, the new single and combined error models applied to estimate the cumulative geoid height error are efficiently produced by the dominating error sources consisting of the gravity gradient of the satellite-equipped gradiometer and the orbital position of the space-borne GPS/GLONASS receiver using the power spectral principle. At degree 250, the cumulative geoid height error is 1.769 × 10?1 m based on the new combined error model, which preferably accords with a recovery accuracy of 1.760 ×10?1 m from the GOCE-only Earth gravity field model GO_CONS_GCF_2_TIM_R2 released in Germany. Therefore, the new combined error model of the cumulative geoid height is correct and reliable in this study. Secondly, the requirements analysis for the future GOCE Follow-On satellite system is carried out in respect of the preferred design of the matching measurement accuracy of key payloads comprising the gravity gradient and orbital position and the optimal selection of the orbital altitude of the satellite. We recommend the gravity gradient with an accuracy of 10?13?10?15 /s2, the orbital position with a precision of 1-0.1 cm and the orbital altitude of 200-250 km in the future GOCE Follow-On mission.  相似文献   

It is important to estimate what light nonaqueous phase liquid (LNAPL) recovery can be practicably achieved from subsurface environments. Over the last decade, research to address this included a broad field program, laboratory measurements and experimentation, and modeling approaches. Here, we consolidate key findings from the research in the context of current literature and understanding, with a focus on a well-validated, multiphase multicomponent modeling approach to achieve estimates of reasonable endpoints for LNAPL recovery. Simple analytical models can provide approximate saturation distributions and estimates of LNAPL recoverability via transmissivity approximation, but are insufficient to predict LNAPL saturation- and composition-based recovery endpoints for various recovery technologies. This is because they cannot account for multiphase, multicomponent fate and transport and key processes such as hysteresis. Recent advances to improve estimates of the fraction of recoverable LNAPL and its transmissivity are summarized. These advances include further development and application of a well-validated model to characterize active LNAPL recovery endpoints. We present key factors that affect the determination of LNAPL recovery endpoints, and outline how recovery endpoints are affected by natural source zone depletion (NSZD—currently gaining acceptance as a LNAPL remediation option). Major factors include geo-physical characteristics of the formation, magnitude of an LNAPL release and partitioning properties of the key LNAPL constituents of concern. Based on the capabilities of the validated model, the paper also provides a basis to optimize LNAPL recovery efforts.  相似文献   

The Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE), along with other relevant field and remote sensing datasets, was used to assess the performance of two land surface models (LSMs: CLM4.5-SP and GLDAS-Noah) over the African continent and improve the outputs of the CLM4.5-SP model. Spatial and temporal analysis of monthly (January 2003–December 2010) Terrestrial Water Storage (TWS) estimates extracted from GRACE (TWSGRACE), CLM4.5-SP (TWSCLM4.5), and GLDAS-Noah (TWSGLDAS) indicates the following: (1) compared to GRACE, LSMs overestimate TWS in winter months and underestimate them in summer months; (2) the amplitude of annual cycle (AAC) of TWSGRACE is higher than that of TWSLSM (AAC: TWSGRACE > TWSGLDAS > TWSCLM4.5); (3) higher, and statistically significant correlations were observed between TWSGRACE and TWSGLDAS compared to those between TWSGRACE and TWSCLM4.5; (4) differences in forcing precipitation and temperature datasets for GLDAS-Noah and CLM4.5-SP models are unlikely to be the main cause for the observed discrepancies between TWSGRACE and TWSLSM; and (5) the CLM4.5-SP model overestimates evapotranspiration (ET) values in summer months and underestimates them in winter months compared to ET estimates extracted from field-based (FLUXNET-MTE) and satellite-based (MOD16 and GLEAM) ET measurements. A first-order correction was developed and applied to correct the CLM4.5-derived ET, soil moisture, groundwater, and TWS. The corrections improved the correspondence (i.e., higher correlation and comparable AAC) between TWSCLM4.5 and TWSGRACE over various climatic settings. Our findings suggest that similar straightforward correction approaches could potentially be developed and used to assess and improve the performance of a wide range of LSMs.  相似文献   

山东地区重力场时空动态演化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
系统分析了山东地区1996—2010年期间流动重力测量资料,研究了重力场的时空动态演化特征。区域重力场总的趋势变化为山东地区以正值变化为主,鲁南地区变化平稳,幅度较小,胶东地区变化幅度稍大,胶东西部尤其潍坊西到滨州方向,重力变化以每年7×10-8m/s2的平均速率呈逐年递增的趋势。从近两年开始监测并引入绝对重力观测以来,变化最大的地区主要集中在鲁中北部(淄博—大山)方向。  相似文献   

地球重力场是表征地球内部、表面或外部各点所受地球重力作用空间的物理属性.地球重力场不仅存在着空间变化而且存在着时间变化.从空间观测,地球重力场是地球系统质量分布的结果,质量在地球系统内的传输和变化将在地球重力场的变化中反映出来.重力场的时变有长期变化、季节性变化、不规则变化和其他多尺度的变化.本文主要介绍了时变的地球重力场领域近年来的研究进展,归纳和描述了引起地球重力场时变的主要因素.  相似文献   

利用西南天山地区2007至2016年共20期流动重力观测资料,分析该地区一年、两年尺度和累积重力变化特征,探讨区域构造活动、地震孕育发生与重力场变化特征的关系。结果表明:西南天山地区迈丹断裂带、柯坪塔格断裂带等大型断裂带影响该区域的重力场分布,使该地区较多出现NEE向的重力梯度分布特征。塔里木盆地和西南天山重力变化有明显的差异性,2个不同的构造块体在重力分布上呈现相对反向变化,塔里木盆地和西南天山地区的重力变化界线不在塔里木盆地边缘的山前地带,而较多出现在柯坪推覆体中北缘地带。西南天山地区的地震大部分发生在重力正值变化区域的零线附近,震中及附近地区重力异常分布与构造特征有较好的一致性。在活动断裂带附近同时出现重力变化零线以及与断裂走向一致的重力变化高梯度带,可作为中短期前兆异常。  相似文献   

从时间上和空间上系统地分析了山东西部及邻区流动重磁资料的变化特征,着重对鲁西测区地磁资料自2001年观测以来的变化特征详细地阐述,并与冀鲁豫交界地区重力资料进行了对比,结合地震活动关系进行探讨,发现鲁西重磁场具有显著的阶段性特征,这可能反映了地震不同孕育阶段的特征,为以后深入分析重磁场变化特征的相关性及变化机理研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

利用经过去相关滤波处理的GRACE时变重力场模型获得了青藏高原东缘2003—2012年的卫星年重力变化图像,并针对该区域近年发生的三次特大地震,结合震前及震后月重力场变化图像,分析与强震有关的卫星重力场变化特征。从区域年重力变化图像可以看出,三次大震均发生在年重力变化较低的时段内,震前小幅值变化可能是地震发生的中短期前兆;从汶川地震和玉树地震发生前后的月重力场变化图像可以发现,发震前后断层附近的重力变化模式发生变化,这可能印证了震后位场变化恢复理论;从汶川地震前后的龙门山断层附近点上的周重力变化趋势可以明显发现,汶川地震发生(第20周)后近9周的时间,断层东西侧呈现了相反的重力变化特征,这可能是对震后壳幔物质调整过程的反映。  相似文献   

GOCO05c is a gravity field model computed as a combined solution of a satellite-only model and a global data set of gravity anomalies. It is resolved up to degree and order 720. It is the first model applying regionally varying weighting. Since this causes strong correlations among all gravity field parameters, the resulting full normal equation system with a size of 2 TB had to be solved rigorously by applying high-performance computing. GOCO05c is the first combined gravity field model independent of EGM2008 that contains GOCE data of the whole mission period. The performance of GOCO05c is externally validated by GNSS–levelling comparisons, orbit tests, and computation of the mean dynamic topography, achieving at least the quality of existing high-resolution models. Results show that the additional GOCE information is highly beneficial in insufficiently observed areas, and that due to the weighting scheme of individual data the spectral and spatial consistency of the model is significantly improved. Due to usage of fill-in data in specific regions, the model cannot be used for physical interpretations in these regions.  相似文献   

Lin  Miao  Li  Xiaopeng 《Surveys in Geophysics》2022,43(5):1497-1538
Surveys in Geophysics - Until now, the prismatic mass approximation of the topography and the constant density assumption have been mostly utilized in topographic reductions, which are rough...  相似文献   

关中地区重力场及其时空动态演化特征   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
系统分析了关中地区1992~2004年流动重力测量资料,研究了重力场的时空动态演化特征。10多年来的重力场动态变化图象表明:重力场变化与活动断裂构造密切相关,重力场有规律的变化与区域应力-应变场微动态活动有关。区域重力场总的趋势变化为:关中南部秦岭山区重力负值变化,测区中部渭河断陷盆地至韩城一带重力正值变化,测区北部铜川-黄龙一带的渭北黄土塬重力负值变化。西安城区重力变化主要是过量开采地下水、含水系统压密所致。  相似文献   

新疆南天山地区重力场动态演化特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
通过分析南天山地区2005-2008年近8期流动重力测量资料,研究了重力场的时空动态演化特征,提取与地震活动有关的信息,并对重力场变化与构造活动及地震活动的关系进行了探讨.结果表明:重力场变化与构造环境变化有关;地震孕育发生阶段重力场出现一定范围的区域性重力异常;地震往往多发于重力场变化正负值交替的零线附近.  相似文献   

陆地重力测量是研究地球内部物质运移和质量变化的重要手段,场源分辨能力是评估流动重力测网监测效能和由场及源应用研究的关键指标。本文以构造运动和地震活动活跃的川滇地区为例,在设定场源异常体参数下,通过Tesseroid网格模型建立不同分辨率的重力异常扰动模型检测板,并基于川滇地区陆地流动重力测网测点分布,对比反距离加权法、 Krigng插值法和最小二乘配置法对模型异常检测场的恢复效果。在此基础上,基于不同分辨率的模型检测板和模型抗噪分析结果,研究川滇地区陆地流动重力测网的空间分辨率和场源反演分辨能力,进而评估该地区重力测网的场源分辨能力,并对该地区2014至2017年测网实测数据开展应用研究。结果表明,最小二乘配置法对川滇地区重力场恢复效果最佳,川滇地区陆地流动重力测网大部分地区的空间分辨率优于0.75°×0.75°,部分地区可达0.25°×0.25°;在Ⅰ级活动地块边界带为0.50°×0.50°,在Ⅱ级活动地块边界带优于0.75°×0.75°;进一步根据活动地块边界和重力测点分布,对川滇地区分区开展陆地流动测网场源分辨能力评估。  相似文献   

利用北天山中段最新的流动重力观测数据,通过整理计算平差,绘制该地区半年和一年尺度的重力场变化图像;选取横跨北天山中段乌鲁木齐、独山子两条测线,并分别绘制其重力剖面变化图;结合北天山中段地区动力构造环境,剖析该地区重力变化特征及其与地震孕育之间的关系。分析表明:北天山中段地区重力异常变化值不大,重力变化等值线图和剖面变化图均能较好地反映重力场随时空变化特征;北天山中段动态重力变化特征基本反映了该地区动力构造运动的外部环境;研究区域内的重力场空间格局分布特征较清晰,其重力变化具有明显的分区特征,山体和盆地之间的重力变化具有显著差异,山体与盆地边缘正负重力变化交替出现,且变化相对较平稳。  相似文献   

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