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Geotechnical and Geological Engineering - The reliability-based design (RBD) was investigated in this study on the serviceability limit state of steel piles driven in glacial deposits. A database...  相似文献   

This paper aims at determining the failure probability and the corresponding most predominant failure mode at both ultimate (ULS) and serviceability (SLS) limit states of a circular foundation resting on a (c, φ) soil and subjected to an inclined loading. The failure modes at ULS are the footing sliding and the soil punching while those at SLS are the exceedance of tolerable horizontal and vertical footing displacements. The probabilistic results based on the response surface methodology have shown that at both ULS and SLS, there is a load inclination where neither mode of failure is predominant. This inclination corresponds to the loading configurations situated on the line joining the origin and the maximal point of the interaction diagram. In a second stage, the results of a sensitivity analysis showing the effect of the different statistical parameters of the uncertain variables on the value of the failure probability were presented and discussed.  相似文献   

大面积堆载试验现场地基沉降分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合上海浦东国际机场场道工程软土地基处理方案选择研究,通过模拟道面结构荷载条件下地基的地表沉降和分层沉降的长期观测资料,对大面积堆载试验现场地基土的最终沉降、工后残余沉降以及沉降的组成情况进行了深入的分析和探讨。  相似文献   

土的液塑限试验是土工试验常见试验之一。含有一定数量粗粒组的混合土,用0.5 mm以下粒径范围的土作液塑限试验,得到的液塑限偏低,由此土的分类定名不符合实际。建议用0.075 mm以下粒径范围的土做液塑限试验。  相似文献   

论述了岩土工程极限状态设计的基本思想,包括极限状态的概念、土工参数设计值的确定过程和方法、构造物的重要度和场地地基复杂程度的划分、岩土工程类别、作用载荷组合、分项安全系数和极限状态设计等;给出了土工参数的实测值、导出值、标准值和设计值的确定原则或方法;指出在极限状态设计中,可通过增大设计作用效应或降低设计抗力的方法来进行岩土工程的可靠性设计.  相似文献   

In this paper the authors introduce a novel approach to stochastic image processing, denoted as Differential Markov Random Field (DMRF), which has been applied to gravity anomaly separation problems. The advantages of the method are that it introduces only little distortion into the shape of the original image and that it is not affected significantly by factors such as the overlap power spectra of regional and residual fields. Testing of the proposed meth using synthetic examples gave excellent results.  相似文献   

State formation is a complex process. Using the notion of the ghetto state, the case of the West Bank and Gaza Strip are analyzed. State formation processes among the Palestinians are shown to be a direct reaction to the processes of political and military control put into operation by Israel since 1967. The continued administrative and political separation of the West Bank and Gaza from the dominant Israeli territory enable the Palestinians to formulate their own independent national identity. This includes the establishment of economic, cultural and local political organizations, providing the foundations for future statehood. Such organizational capability is indicative of the wide range of non-violent forms of power which, in many cases, are more effective than direct acts of violence against Israel. The Intifada — or popular uprising — which has been in operation since 1987 has enforced these processes of statehood formation, through its combination of both violent and non-violent forms of power.  相似文献   

通过假定地基整体失稳时的滑动面为一通过基础边缘的圆弧,运用极限平衡方法,建立了新的条形基础下地基极限承载力的计算公式,并与现有的几种地基承载力计算方法进行了比较分析,提出的方法比经典的理论公式结果合理,并与现行常用方法结果甚为接近,表明提出的新方法是合理和具有工程实用价值的。  相似文献   

In this paper, an analytical expression for the deflection of a thin circular elastic plate resting on the Pasternak foundation is derived by adopting the strain energy approach. The parametric study is carried out to observe the location of the plate lift-off and the variation of the deflection profiles for comparing the variation pattern reported in the literature based on an approximate solution technique. It is found that the radial distance of the point of lift-off of the plate decreases with increase in the values of both the shear modulus and the modulus of subgrade reaction of the foundation soil; the reduction being more for their lower values. It is also observed that the variation in deflection of the plate at any radial distance due to change in soil subgrade conditions is significant for lower values of modulus of subgrade reaction.  相似文献   

堤坡可靠性设计极限状态方程及参数敏感性分析   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
陈谦应 《岩土力学》1995,16(3):13-21
简述了可靠性分析的“JC”法。介绍了几种典型堤坡稳定分析模型的极限状态方程,通过示例的计算对几种稳定模型可靠性分析的精度进行了对比。并对有关参数的敏感性进行了较详细的计算分析。  相似文献   

In this paper, an effort is made to evaluate the seismic bearing capacity of shallow strip footing resting on c–ф soil. The formulation is developed to get a single coefficient of bearing capacity for simultaneous resistance of weight, surcharge and cohesion. Limit equilibrium method in Pseudo-static approach with Coulomb mechanism is applied here to evaluate the seismic bearing capacity. The seismic bearing capacity of footing (quE) is expressed in terms of single coefficient NγE. The effect of various parameters viz. angle of internal friction of soil (ф), angle of wall friction (δ), cohesion (c), ratio of depth to width of footing (df/B0), seismic acceleration (kh, kv) are studied on the variation of seismic bearing capacity co-efficients.  相似文献   

In order to determine to what extent a spatial random field can be characterized by its low-order distributions, we consider four models (specifically, random spatial tessellations) with exactly the same univariate and bivariate distributions and we compare the statistics associated with various multiple-point configurations and the responses to specific transfer functions. The three- and four-point statistics are found to be the same or experimentally hardly distinguishable because of ergodic fluctuations, whereas change of support and flow simulation produce very different outcomes. This example indicates that low-order distributions may not discriminate between contending random field models, that simulation algorithms based on such distributions may not reproduce the spatial properties of a given model or training image, and that the inference of high-order distribution may require very large training images.  相似文献   

This study presents a new algorithm for design of cantilever retaining walls based on the proposed failure mechanisms and considers the effects of wall geometric parameters using an upper-bound limit analysis approach. All previous work on this subject has only focused on the optimum design of the retaining walls assuming constant forces, irrespective of the total stability and critical conditions of failure mechanisms. In the present study, the upper-bound limit analysis method was used to determine the shape of the critical failure mechanisms for a retaining wall simultaneously with its optimal dimensions. The safety factors against overturning, sliding, and bearing capacity failure were assessed by the limit analysis approach. The current results show good agreement with the results obtained using the limit equilibrium methods and finite element analyses. The results obtained based on the proposed failure mechanism show that the geometry and dimensions of the wall affect its stability safety factors, the shape of the critical failure mechanisms and the active pressure on the wall; therefore, the process of determining the shape of the critical failure mechanisms, checking the stability of the wall and the procedure of finding its optimal dimensions should be performed simultaneously.  相似文献   

Blasting is one of the primary mining operations for extracting minerals and ores however, if not designed properly, may have a varying degree of environmental and socio-economic impact in and around mining areas. In Indian mining industry, blast designs are fundamentally based on the experience and capability of the blasting crew and its assessment is more qualitative in nature, based on conventional trial and error basis. With the change in site geology and geotechnical parameters, the blast design parameters also require alterations, which can be standardized with the development of an intelligent system such as neural network. In this paper, the concept of artificial neural network and random forest algorithm has been used for better blast designs. Over 120 blast results from an opencast coal mine have been used for prediction of burden and energy factor with blast hole diameter, bench height to stemming ratio, nature of strata and average fragment size as input parameters. Out of 120 data sets 85 data sets recorded at a surface coal mine was used to train the model and 20 for the validation. Co-efficient of determination and root mean square error was chosen as the indicators to identify the optimum neural network and random forest model. The root mean square values obtained for energy factor is 0.153 while it is 0.1947 for burden. Similarly, the RMSE values obtained using random forest tree algorithm is 0.48 for burden while 50.76 for energy factor. The results revealed that random forest tree network system has potential to design better blast that is not generic and can be a potential tool for blasting engineers to design optimum blast for the mines.  相似文献   

中国石油大厦复合土钉支护现场监测与分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
桩锚与土钉复合支护在国内得到广泛地应用,但其分析理论和设计方法尚欠不足,实践远超过理论。结合北京中国石油大厦深基坑支护工程,介绍了桩锚-土钉复合支护内力的监测方案。通过对复合土钉支护中桩、锚杆、土钉受力的现场测试和分析,研究了桩锚-土钉复合支护各部分的受力机理,对深入认识桩锚-土钉复合支护的受力机理和桩锚-土钉复合支护结构的优化设计提供参考。  相似文献   

介绍了日本的几种常用桩工机械和基础施工技术,包括螺旋钻机、旋挖钻机、全套管钻机、水平顶管钻机、锚杆钻机、软地基处理钻机及其相应的施工方法。并提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

桩基概率极限状态设计中抗力分项系数的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据桩基工作机理,建立了桩基按概率极限状态设计的实用设计表达式,并按照《建筑结构设计统一标准》的规定对设计表达式中分项系数的内涵及规律进行了研究,提出了运用"等β法"确定抗力分项系数的方法。通过实例计算验证了此确定方法的可行性和可信性,为桩基由定值设计过渡到概率极限状态设计作了有益的探索。  相似文献   

基坑变形监测现场试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合浙江省桐乡市中虹天地商住楼基坑变形监测项目,研究了基坑沉桩挤土作用,分析了边长40cm方桩沉桩时,120倍桩径处地表仍有微弱隆起变形,以及基坑周边民住房的不均匀沉降变化特征。基坑开挖过程中,围护结构的受力状态发生改变,导致围护结构产生上浮现象。基坑土体水平位移随开挖深度增加逐渐变大,且在土体蠕变作用下,水平位移量仍会有所增加。大气降水导致基坑内外地下水位差变大,增加围护结构的侧压力。支撑轴力受混凝土凝固收缩、温差以及钢筋、混凝土之间的差异徐变影响,支撑轴力计算时需进行修正。  相似文献   

吴旭君  殷琨 《探矿工程》2008,35(2):31-33
在多种地基处理和桩基础工法的综合比较基础上,修建于某大面积填土上的新区拟采用强夯后填土 CFG桩复合地基.经理论分析计算,初步确定了CFG桩单桩和复合地基的承载力及桩的几何参数.按初步确定的参数在现场进行了试验性施工并实测了单桩和复合地基的承载力及桩、土应力比的变化规律.现场试验表明,实际测得的指标大于理论值,初步确定的参数可满足设计要求.  相似文献   

朱迎宇 《探矿工程》2006,33(12):26-29
基坑的稳定性与其水平位移的大小密切相关,施工过程中必须严密监控以便有针对性地采取措施确保基坑的安全。通过对某地铁站基坑的水平位移监控数据的整理,揭示了影响基坑水平位移大小的因素,为类似工程的设计与施工提供了依据。  相似文献   

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