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Crop Residue Discrimination Using Ground-Based Hyperspectral Data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Crop residue has become an increasingly important factor in agriculture management. It assists in the reduction of soil erosion and is an important source of soil organic carbon (soil carbon sequestration). In recent past, remote sensing, especially narrowband, data have been explored for crop residue assessment. In this context, a study was carried out to identify different narrow-bands and evaluate the performance of SWIR region based spectral indices for crop residue discrimination. Ground based hyperspectral data collected for wheat crop residue was analyzed using Stepwise Discriminant Analysis (SDA) technique to select significant bands for discrimination. Out of the seven best bands selected to discriminate between matured crop, straw heap, combine-harvested field with stubbles and soil, four bands were from SWIR (1980, 2030, 2200, 2440 nm) region. Six spectral indices were computed, namely CAI, LCA, SINDRI, NDSVI, NDI5 and hSINDRI for crop residue discrimination. LCA and CAI showed to be best (F?>?115) in discriminating above classes, while LCA and SINDRI were best (F?>?100) among all indices in discriminating crop residue under different harvesting methods. Comparison of different spectral resolution (from 1 nm to 150 nm) showed that for crop residue discrimination a resolution of 100 nm at 2100–2300 m region would be sufficient to discriminate crop residue from other co-existing classes.  相似文献   

随着模糊理论的发展,将模糊分类方法运用于遥感图像土地利用分类是一个很好的选择,本文以邛崃地区2002年的Landsat ETM+遥感图像为研究对象,基于ENVI软件将模糊分类和最大似然法监督分类的结果与检验数据进行比较,结果表明在一个受各种因素影响并具有模糊性的土地分类问题上(遥感图像的林地、耕地、园地地类识别),模糊分类较传统的遥感图像分类方法有更好的效果。  相似文献   

作物遥感分类研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农作物精细分类是农业资源与环境监测的重要环节,提取不同作物种植信息能够为我国农业生产提供基础数据支撑.本文旨在梳理作物遥感分类关键技术的发展脉络,重点评述了分类特征、尺度问题以及分类方法3个方面的情况,最后讨论和展望了今后作物遥感分类研究的发展方向,希望提供现阶段作物遥感分类研究进展,为作物遥感研究方法的创新和改善提供理论支撑,为后续农业遥感应用提供参考.  相似文献   

GIS辅助下的Bayes法遥感影像分类   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
介绍了Bayes分类器 ,提出了从GIS空间数据库中挖掘知识用以辅助进行遥感影像分类的方法。文中以规则的形式表示遥感影像的解译知识 ,并使用其它地理辅助数据 ,从遥感影像处理、地理辅助数据、专家知识一体化的角度出发 ,使用基于知识的方法进行了分类研究 ,改善了分类精度。实验表明这是一种较好的分类方法。  相似文献   

GIS辅助下的Bayes法遥感影像分类   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了Bayes分类器,提出了从GIS空间数据库中挖掘知识用以辅助进行遥感影像分类的方法.文中以规则的形式表示遥感影像的解译知识,并使用其它地理辅助数据,从遥感影像处理、地理辅助数据、专家知识一体化的角度出发,使用基于知识的方法进行了分类研究,改善了分类精度.实验表明这是一种较好的分类方法.  相似文献   

基于多特征的遥感影像分类方法   总被引:47,自引:6,他引:47  
提出了一种基于多特征的遥感分类方法。首先 ,制定类方案并分解各个类 ,据此得到相应的子类 ;然后 ,通过选用适当的特征 ,使得每一个类都能以一个独特的特征组合来表达。与此同时 ,通过影像分割得到影像对象 ,并测量这些对象的各个特征 ,如光谱特征、几何特征及拓扑特征等。凭借这些特征 ,影像对象可以较为容易地被识别和分类。与传统的分类方法的比较表明 ,文中所提出的分类方法具有明显的优越性和良好的前景。  相似文献   

采用模糊C均值方法进行激光点云分类   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
LiDAR波形数据的分解可以获得地物的几何坐标属性和物理属性信息。基于几何特征的点云分类方法较多,而对于波形特征分类方法的研究较少。本文首先对全波形数据进行分解得到了振幅、波宽属性,并结合振幅邻域特征提取振幅方差,得到了具有3个属性的激光点云数据;然后采用模糊C均值聚类方法进行了激光点云数据的分割。试验使用Riegl vz-400激光扫描仪采集到的数据验证了算法的可行性,可成功将研究区域中的树木、地面、建筑等进行分类。  相似文献   

根据遥感影像的特点引入了部分监督模糊聚类的方法,并对其进行改进,加入了标识参数flagk,使其在训练过程中对参与计算的数据进行筛选,使得训练的速度加快,去除了非样本类数据对类心数据的影响,获得了较高精度的分类结果。  相似文献   

This paper proposes an automatic framework for land cover classification. In majority of published work by various researchers so far, most of the methods need manually mark the label of land cover types. In the proposed framework, all the information, like land cover types and their features, is defined as prior knowledge achieved from land use maps, topographic data, texture data, vegetation’s growth cycle and field data. The land cover classification is treated as an automatically supervised learning procedure, which can be divided into automatic sample selection and fuzzy supervised classification. Once a series of features were extracted from multi-source datasets, spectral matching method is used to determine the degrees of membership of auto-selected pixels, which indicates the probability of the pixel to be distinguished as a specific land cover type. In order to make full use of this probability, a fuzzy support vector machine (SVM) classification method is used to handle samples with membership degrees. This method is applied to Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) data of two areas located in Northern China. The automatic classification results are compared with visual interpretation. Experimental results show that the proposed method classifies the remote sensing data with a competitive and stable accuracy, and demonstrate that an objective land cover classification result is achievable by combining several advanced machine learning methods.  相似文献   

光谱匹配分类方法以光谱相似性测度为分类准则,一种相似性测度只对应于光谱曲线的一种特征,用于光谱匹配分类效果并不好;组合不同类型的相似性测度能够有效改善分类效果,但光谱匹配分类往往忽略了相邻像元间的相关性。为了更好地利用空间信息,提高光谱匹配分类精度,首先组合欧氏距离测度和相关系数测度,得到欧氏距离-相关系数测度;其次通过加入空间乘子,得到结合空间信息的欧氏距离-相关系数测度,从而在光谱匹配分类中增加了空间信息约束。采用两组高光谱影像进行实验验证,结果表明,相比于单一相似性测度及组合相似性测度,结合空间信息的欧氏距离-相关系数测度用于光谱匹配分类能够有效改善分类精度。  相似文献   

Fuzzy based soft classification have been used immensely for handling the mixed pixel and hence to extract the single class of interest. The present research attempts to extract the moist deciduous forest from MODIS temporal data using the Possibilistic c-Means (PCM) soft classification approach. Temporal MODIS (7 dates) data were used to identify moist deciduous forest and temporal AWiFS (7 dates) data were used as reference data for testing. The Simple Ratio (SR), Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI), and Transformed Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (TNDVI) were used to generate the temporal vegetation indices for both the MODIS and the AWiFS datasets. It was observed from the research that the MODIS temporal NDVI data set1, which contain the minimum number of images and avoids the temporal images corresponding to the highest frequency stages of onset of greenness (OG) and end of senescence (ES) activity of moist deciduous forest have been found most suitable data set for identification of moist deciduous forest with the maximum fuzzy overall accuracy of 96.731 %.  相似文献   

基于多项Logit模型的土地覆被分层分类方法研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
探讨了一种利用多项Logit模型分层提取土地覆盖专题信息的方法。考虑客观存在的异物同谱现象,构建分层分类体系,针对不同层的地物类别选取不同的预测变量构建多项Logit模型,分步骤地提取各地物类专题信息。将此方法应用于美国蒙大拿州中部地区的土地覆盖专题信息提取,结果表明,该方法较常规的使用同一组特征变量构建单一模型一次性地划分所有地物类的方法在总体分类精度上有了明显改善。  相似文献   

Smartphones have emerged as a promising type of equipment for monitoring human activities in environmental health studies. However, degraded location accuracy and inconsistency of smartphone‐measured GPS data have limited its effectiveness for classifying human activity patterns. This study proposes a fuzzy classification scheme for differentiating human activity patterns from smartphone‐collected GPS data. Specifically, a fuzzy logic reasoning was adopted to overcome the influence of location uncertainty by estimating the probability of different activity types for single GPS points. Based on that approach, a segment aggregation method was developed to infer activity patterns, while adjusting for uncertainties of point attributes. Validations of the proposed methods were carried out based on a convenient sample of three subjects with different types of smartphones. The results indicate desirable accuracy (e.g. up to 96% in activity identification) using of this method. Two examples are provided in the Appendix to illustrate how the proposed methods could be applied in environmental health studies. Researchers could tailor this scheme to fit a variety of research topics.  相似文献   

针对目前高分二号卫星数据(GF-2)有较高的空间分辨率而在农业领域应用较少和农作物分类普遍存在同谱异物和同物异谱的现象,以辽宁省沈阳市苏家屯区以西的新开河村周边为试验基地,利用最佳波段组合指数法(OIF)对所选取的高分二号(GF-2)卫星数据的纹理特征和植被指数以及波段信息进行筛选,选取最佳的波段组合,以增加分...  相似文献   

介绍了目前遥感影像分类的常用方法,提出了一种基于知识的信息提取的遥感影像模糊分类方法。采用GIS数据辅助进行遥感影像模糊法分类,从GIS数据库中提取一定数量的样本信息或挖掘知识形成规则,进行样本的训练学习或辅助进行分类判定。提高了分类的效率和精度,是对模糊分类方法一次有效改进。  相似文献   

提出带有确定度的关联度的图像模糊分类新方法。该方法在求得每幅图像相对各个图像类别的关联度基础上,求得一幅图像相对各个类别的确定度,将一幅图像的确定度作为相应图像关联度的权,以带权的关联度为最大准则,确定待识别图像类别的属性。识别图像类别的第二个准则是,以带有确定度的关联度为特征,采用与聚类中心距离最小准则,确定待识别图像的类别。通过由三种不同类别图像组成的多种组合的试验,试验中满足两个准则之一的实验结果表明,该方法的结果具有一定的优势。  相似文献   

基于知识的遥感影像模糊分类方法   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
介绍了目前遥感影像分类的常用方法, 提出了一种基于知识的信息提取的遥感影像模糊分类方法.采用GIS数据辅助进行遥感影像模糊法分类,从GIS数据库中提取一定数量的样本信息或挖掘知识形成规则,进行样本的训练学习或辅助进行分类判定.提高了分类的效率和精度,是对模糊分类方法一次有效改进.  相似文献   

特征选择是提高农作物分类精度的一个重要手段.本文基于时序Sentinel-2影像提取影像的波段特征、植被指数、纹理特征,以这三类特征构建分类特征集,使用随机森林算法对分类特征集进行特征选择和分类实验.根据分类混淆计算的研究区总体分类精度为92.5%,Kappa系数为0.904,高精度地提取了研究区内冬小麦、大蒜等主要冬季作物的种植信息,这表明随机森林算法在对特征降维的同时,也能保证较高的分类精度.  相似文献   

基于对象级的ADS40遥感影像分类研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对ADS40影像的空间分辨率高而光谱分辨率相对不足的特点,提出了一种基于多尺度分割的对象级遥感分类方法。首先通过多尺度分割获得影像对象,然后利用对象所包含的光谱特征、几何特征、拓扑特征来确定地物识别中可能要用到的各种特征参数,并建立对象间的分类层次结构图,最后利用模糊分类器逐级分层分类来提取地物信息。研究结果表明,面向对象的分类方法与传统方法相比,可显著提高分类精度,有效抑制“椒盐现象”的产生,更加适合于几何信息和结构信息丰富的ADS40影像的自动识别分类。通过对太原市ADS40影像进行分类验证了此方法的有效性。  相似文献   

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