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本文研究了2005年8月24日强磁暴(事件A,Dst〈-200nT,AE指数平均值为436nT)与2006年10月28日弱磁暴(事件B,Dst〉-50nT,AE指数平均值为320nT)期间同步轨道高能电子通量的演化过程.LANL和GOES-12卫星观测数据表明:恢复相期间,事件A和事件B中高能电子通量均上升约10倍;随着亚暴持续的发生,Cluster C4卫星均观测到同步轨道存在强烈的哨声波合声模(波强达到10^-5nT^2/Hz),波幅主要依赖于亚暴AE指数,与Dst指数关联较弱.采用高斯波谱拟合,求解了控制波粒相互作用的Fokker-Planck扩散方程.模拟结果表明:两例事件中的合声模能有效加速1MeV左右的高能电子,且在高投掷角区域加速作用更加明显;加速时间尺度和幅度与观测数据基本吻合.本文研究为合声模加速辐射带高能电子过程提供了新的观测支持.  相似文献   


基于Van Allen Probes近三年的EMFISIS仪器波动观测数据,针对内磁层上频带哨声模合声波幅度的全球分布特性对地磁活动水平的依赖性进行了详细的统计分析,着重研究上频带合声波平均场强幅度随磁壳值(L)、磁地方时(MLT)、地磁纬度(MLAT)的分布特征及不同强度区间的合声波的发生概率.结果表明,上频带合声波的平均场强幅度与地磁活动条件密切相关,在强磁扰期,平均幅度可达到40 pT以上.在外辐射带中心区域(L=4~6),上频带合声波的幅度最强;在L<~3的区域,上频带磁层合声波没有分布.在夜侧至晨侧(22-09MLT),上频带合声波幅度最强;在下午侧至昏侧(15-19MLT),上频带合声波幅度最弱;日侧(10-14MLT)上频带合声波在不同地磁活动条件下都存在,幅度偏小.上频带合声波主要分布在|MLAT| < 10°,其中21-09MLT范围内、磁纬位于|MLAT| < 5°的平均场强幅度最强,磁扰期间可达约100 pT.另外,统计而言,中等幅度(10~30 pT)的上频带合声波在夜侧至晨侧(23-09MLT)靠近磁赤道区域的发生率最高,可达15%左右.强幅度(>30 pT)的上频带合声波普遍分布在夜侧(01-05MLT),发生率最小.本文建立的上频带哨声模合声波的全球分布模型结合已经建立的下频带合声波的全球分布模型,将有助于进一步深入理解该重要磁层等离子体波动对地球等离子体片、辐射带、环电流动力学过程的定量贡献.



基于Van Allen Probes近三年的EMFISIS仪器波动观测数据,对内磁层下频带哨声模合声波幅度的全球分布特性对地磁活动水平的依赖性进行了详细的统计分析,着重研究下频带合声波平均场强幅度随磁壳值L、磁地方时、地磁纬度的分布特征及不同强度区间的合声波的发生概率.结果表明,下频带合声波的波动强度与地磁活动密切正相关,处于强磁扰期间的合声波具有更大的振幅,其发生率与地磁活动强度具有同样的正相关特性.下频带合声波主要发生于午夜至下午的磁地方时区间,其余的磁地方时时段下频带合声波较弱.赤道面附近的下频带合声波主要分布在夜侧至黎明这一时段内,随着磁纬度的增加逐步向日侧扩展.下频带合声波在午夜侧(21-03 MLT)主要出现在15°的磁纬范围内,在晨侧(03-09 MLT)可以到达15°磁纬甚至更高纬度.下频带合声波主要发生于L=~4.5的附近区域.随着地磁活动的增加,下频带合声波所覆盖的L-shell空间区域增大,趋势为向高、低L值区域同时扩展.建立的下频带哨声合声波的全球分布模型将有助于进一步深入理解该重要磁层波动对辐射带电子的波粒作用散射效应和对辐射带动力学过程的定量贡献.


1958年卫星探测发现了磁层,至今已有半个世纪,对磁层电场、电流体系、磁场、粒子分布和等离子体波的探测研究构成了空间物理的重要内容,其结果是各种磁层模型的出现.本文简要综述磁层磁场建模的基本原理、方法和发展历史,对十几种重要的磁层模型的特点、局限性和适用范围进行了对比分析,以Tyganenko模型为例,讨论了磁层模型发展的趋势.  相似文献   

电离层电导对地球磁层顶和舷激波尺度的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文在如下假定下分析电离层电导对地球磁层顶和舷激波尺度的影响:(1)对电离层采用球壳近似,Pedersen电导ΣP均匀,Hall电导为零;(2)地磁偶极矩处于正南方向,行星际磁场(IMF)只有南向分量(BzBz和ΣP,通过三维全球MHD模拟获得系统的准定态.结果表明,在大约1~5 S范围内,ΣP值显著影响磁层顶和舷激波的尺度,而在该范围之外则几乎没有影响.随着ΣP的增加,磁层顶和舷激波整体向外扩张,前者的扩张程度低于后者,以至磁鞘区的范围扩大.磁层顶的侧翼点的位置随ΣP的变化与Bz的幅度有关:在弱南向IMF情况下磁层顶的侧翼点随ΣP的增加向内移动,而在强南向IMF情况下则向外移动.上述结果表明,在构建磁层顶和舷激波的经验模型时,有必要计入电离层电导的影响.  相似文献   

胡文瑞 《地球物理学报》1981,24(03):279-286
本文讨论了一种地球磁层的亚暴机制。当行星际磁场有大的南向分量时,磁层的位形可由基本闭式转变为开式。磁鞘中的阿尔文波可以携带超过10~(18)尔格/秒的能流传入磁层尾部,并将能量耗散于等离子体片中。等离子体片中的粒子被加热和加速后,注入近地空间,产生环电流和极区亚暴。计算了剪切流场中阿尔文波的传播过程,以及磁层中阿尔文波的耗散。将本文的结算与[4]中的结果合在一起,可以说明当行星际磁场转向南时,容易发生地球磁层亚暴,但这两者并非一一对应的关系,行星际磁场没有南向分量时也可以发生地球磁层亚暴。  相似文献   

王水 《地球物理学报》1982,25(6):483-491
本文讨论了赤道附近地球磁层中磁声重波沿重力场方向的传播特征。结果表明,当波动频率小于截止频率ωc时,磁声重波将在磁层中被反射。对于典型的磁层等离子体参数,ωc的极大值约为0.3秒-1。我们还讨论了磁声重波与地磁微脉动之间的关系,沿着重力场方向向下传播的磁声重波,可能直接引起赤道附近的Pc1磁脉动。  相似文献   

本文讨论了一种地球磁层的亚暴机制。当行星际磁场有大的南向分量时,磁层的位形可由基本闭式转变为开式。磁鞘中的阿尔文波可以携带超过10~(18)尔格/秒的能流传入磁层尾部,并将能量耗散于等离子体片中。等离子体片中的粒子被加热和加速后,注入近地空间,产生环电流和极区亚暴。计算了剪切流场中阿尔文波的传播过程,以及磁层中阿尔文波的耗散。将本文的结算与[4]中的结果合在一起,可以说明当行星际磁场转向南时,容易发生地球磁层亚暴,但这两者并非一一对应的关系,行星际磁场没有南向分量时也可以发生地球磁层亚暴。  相似文献   

王水 《地球物理学报》1982,25(06):483-491
本文讨论了赤道附近地球磁层中磁声重波沿重力场方向的传播特征。结果表明,当波动频率小于截止频率ωc时,磁声重波将在磁层中被反射。对于典型的磁层等离子体参数,ωc的极大值约为0.3秒-1。我们还讨论了磁声重波与地磁微脉动之间的关系,沿着重力场方向向下传播的磁声重波,可能直接引起赤道附近的Pc1磁脉动。  相似文献   

本文在理论上探讨了地球磁层中哨声导管的物理特征。利用两种能够引导甚低频电磁波的导管模式,求得哨声导管中磁场和电流的分布。当磁场偏离势场或无力场时,将会产生场向电流,该电流与导管的强度和稳定维持密切相关。根据这些结果,我们认为高纬磁层中观测到的较强的场向电流,是高纬地区地面台站频繁接收到哨声及其回波的一个重要原因。  相似文献   

Theoretical and numerical models of chorus waves are reviewed in this paper. Specifically, we focus on the nonlinear wave particle interactions and the current understanding of the frequency chirping of rising tone chorus waves. Various other related topics, such as the optimal excitation condition of chorus, the formation of subpackets, and the non-adiabaticity of the nonlinear interaction are also discussed. We end this review paper with a short list of questions of chorus waves that are still under research and debate.  相似文献   

Summary The dynamics of the main processes of energy accumulation and dissipation in the Earth's magnetosphere at various geomagnetic disturbance levels is examined. The results of the relevant calculations are tabulated. The relationships between the energy parameters of the solar wind and the Earth's magnetosphere are analyzed. Some conclusions concerning the field-aligned currents in polar caps, the Joule dissipation of energy and the energy injection into the ring current, the energy releases in the upper ionosphere, etc., are drawn.
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Acceleration of relativistic electrons in an inhomogeneous geomagnetic field during their resonant interaction with longitudinally propagating whistler-mode waves of varying frequency has been considered. Specific features of acceleration of electrons trapped by the wave field have been studied. Previous estimates of the efficiency of such acceleration have been generalized with regard to relativistic effects, and the simple formula for energy gain in a wide range of initial energies has been obtained. It has been indicated that the energy gain during a single interaction between electron and a whistler-mode wave packet, with typical parameters of an element of chorus emissions in the Earth’s magnetosphere, can reach several keV. The conditions of this acceleration mechanism realization are discussed. Specifically, it has been found that, in the case of chorus emissions in the Earth’s magnetosphere, this mechanism can be effective for electrons with perpendicular energies several times as high as such an energy of electrons generating chorus.  相似文献   

A chorus generation mechanism is discussed, which is based on interrelation of ELF/VLF noise-like and discrete emissions under the cyclotron wave-particle interactions. A natural ELF/VLF noise radiation is excited by the cyclotron instability mechanism in ducts with enhanced cold plasma density or at the plasmapause. This process is accompanied by a step-like deformation of the energetic electron distribution function in the velocity space, which is situated at the boundary between resonant and nonresonant particles. The step leads to the strong phase correlation of interacting particles and waves and to a new backward wave oscillator (BWO) regime of wave generation, when an absolute cyclotron instability arises at the central cross section of the geomagnetic trap, in the form of a succession of discrete signals with growing frequency inside each element. The dynamical spectrum of a separate element is formed similar to triggered ELF/VLF emission, when the strong wavelet starts from the equatorial plane. The comparison is given of the model developed using some satellite and ground-based data. In particular, the appearance of separate groups of chorus signals with a duration 2–10 s can be connected with the preliminary stage of the step formation. BWO regime gives a succession period smaller than the bounce period of energetic electrons between the magnetic mirrors and can explain the observed intervals between chorus elements.  相似文献   

Summary Drawing on papers [4, 5] a semi-quantitative model of filtration and resonance of a linearly polarized HM-wave has been constructed in a horizontally stratified Earth atmosphere. The wave is filtered in a system of 3 homogeneous layers, limited by two halfspaces. Attenuation of the wave is only assumed in the lower layer, i.e. in the ionosphere. A relation has been derived for the amplitude coupling factor HT/HF expressing the absolute ratio of the amplitude of the wave after transmission through the system of layers and the amplitude of the wave, incident at the system of layers. The mechanism of geomagnetic pulsations is illustrated on the principle of the resonance of a HM-wave in the Earth's magnetosphere. The magnetosphere has been replaced by the said system of layers, and the dependence of HT/HF=f() on the parameters of the system of layers has been studied using a computer.  相似文献   

We propose to use the Moon as a platform to obtain a global view of Earth's magnetosphere by a Lunar-based Soft X-ray Imager(LSXI). LSXI is a wide field-of-view Soft X-ray telescope, which can obtain X-ray images of Earth's magnetosphere based on the solar wind charge exchange(SWCX) X-ray emission. Global perspective is crucial to understand the overall interaction of the solar wind with magnetosphere. LSXI is capable of continuously monitoring the evolution of geospace conditions under the impact of the solar wind by simultaneous observation of the bow shock, magnetosheath,magnetopause and cusps for the first time. This proposal is answering the call for the Chinese Lunar Exploration Program Phase IV.  相似文献   

This tutorial review deals with large-scale convection electric fields in Earth's inner magnetosphere and the particle populations that interact strongly with those fields, specifically the inner plasma sheet, ring current, and plasmasphere. We summarize the state of knowledge in the early 1970s, by which time most of the major observational features had been discovered and much of the basic theory had been developed. The review then focuses on how observational knowledge and theoretical understanding have increased since the early 1970s in several areas, specifically prompt-penetration electric fields; polarization jets (PJs), subauroral ionization drifts (SAIDs), and subauroral polarization streams (SAPS); ring current dynamics; and large-scale plasmasphere dynamics.  相似文献   

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