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In Uruguay commercial granite varieties comprise mafic rocks, granitoids, and syenitoids. There is a long tradition in Uruguay, as well as worldwide, of using dimensional stones in architecture and art, specially granitic ones. Some of the present applications of these dimensional stones are as façade cladding, countertops, and outdoor and indoor floor slabs. The color spectrum of the Uruguayan granitic dimensional stones varies from black to light gray, covering a wide variety of red and pink and minor greenish-gray. The décor of these granitic dimensional stones is mainly determined by their fabric, fundamentally the grain size and the color distribution between the different minerals that compose the rocks. In the present research the most important commercial granites were sampled to analyze their petrography and petrophysical properties. A detailed structural analysis has been performed in several deposits, as well as the application of the software 3D Block Expert for modeling the possible raw block size distribution. Other factors controlling the mining viability of the deposits were also studied (e.g., homogeneity/heterogeneity of color and décor) and the possible reserves were calculated.  相似文献   

Slates are internationally known as roof and façade-cladding material since prehistoric times. The methods required to mine and manufacture these dimensional stones are relatively simple in comparison to those utilized in granitic dimensional stones. This has led to a worldwide rentable commercialization of slate in the last centuries and also to the development of characteristic cultural landscapes. In Uruguay several slates are mined and used in architecture, especially as façade cladding and floor slabs. The most important slates regarding their production and utilization are the dolomitic slates. These dolomitic slates are associated with the Neoproterozoic thrust and fold belt of the Dom Feliciano belt. Representative samples have been geochemically and petrographically characterized, as well as petrophysically and petromechanically analyzed. The petrophysical and petromechanical properties were investigated in a very systematic way with respect to the new European standards, showing values comparable to those registered for internationally known slates. Detailed structural and deposit analysis were carried out in Uruguay in order to evaluate the dolomitic slate deposits. The slates are linked to calc-silicate strata in a greenschist facies volcano-sedimentary sequence and the deposits are located in the limb of a regional fold, where bedding and cleavage are parallel. The main lithotype is a layered and fine-grained dolomitic slate with a quite diverse palette of colors: light and dark green, gray, dark gray, reddish and black. The mined slate is split into slabs 0.5–2 cm thick. In the past, the average production in Uruguay was around 4,000 tons/year and a historical maximum of 13,000 tons was reached in 1993 (Oyhantçabal et al. in Z dt Ges Geowiss 158(3):417–428, 2007). The oscillations in the regional demand were the cause of several flourishing and decay cycles in the activity, but our investigation shows a considerable volume of indicated resources and therefore a very good potential.  相似文献   

安庆铜铁矿床是产于长江中下游铜(金)、铁成矿带内安庆-贵池矿集区中的一典型矽卡岩矿床,矿体赋存于下三叠统南陵湖组大理岩与月山闪长岩体之间的接触带上。典型剖面系统取样分析显示,矿体与围岩在空间上具有显著的矿物组合分带与岩石化学分带特征,即靠近大理岩带发育致密块状磁铁矿矿石与团块状矽卡岩型矿石,远离大理岩带发育浸染状矽卡岩型矿石,靠近闪长岩带发育透辉石矽卡岩。从大理岩到磁铁矿体, Fe2O3T含量显著增加,之后随着靠近闪长岩体,其含量呈逐渐降低趋势;而CaO显示了与Fe2O3T相反的成分变异特征。矿物与全岩微量元素研究表明,致密块状磁铁矿矿石及团块状矽卡岩型矿石均具有岩浆成因的稀土元素配分模式;而浸染状矽卡岩型矿石显示了交代成因的稀土元素配分特征。矿体地质、矿相学与元素地球化学综合研究表明,矽卡岩成矿经历了矿浆贯入期与热液成矿期,前者包括氧化物阶段和硫化物-碳酸盐阶段,后者包括进化交代阶段、早退化蚀变阶段、石英-硫化物阶段和晚退化蚀变阶段。结合已有的区域岩浆岩成岩机制研究成果,认为安庆铜铁矿床应是矿浆贯入与接触交代复合成因的矽卡岩型矿床,由于高位岩浆房中岩浆不混溶作用形成的富Fe熔浆是该矿床中成矿元素的主要来源。  相似文献   

哇了格铅银矿床位于西藏昌都市卡若区北东(5°)约150km处,矿区出露地层主要为上三叠统,含矿层位为甲丕拉组灰岩段第2亚段(T3j2-2)。矿区无岩浆岩出露,构造以断裂为主,构造行迹主要为北西向。共圈定7个工业矿体,Pb资源量(50.4×107 kg)以及伴生Ag资源量(580×103 kg)均达到大型矿床规模。本文在详细的矿床地质研究基础上,通过流体包裹体和C-O-S-Pb同位素地球化学研究,探讨该矿床的成矿流体性质和成矿物质来源,以期为理解该矿床成因提供更加丰富的地球化学信息。研究结果表明:1)该矿床明显受地层和构造控制;2)成矿温度主要集中在130~180℃,盐度集中于6%~17%,具低温、中低盐度特征;3)赋矿沉积岩和热液碳酸盐矿物的C-O同位素组成(分别为-2.7‰~4.3‰和2.6‰~4.0‰)与正常海相碳酸盐岩相当,暗示其来源于赋矿围岩,方铅矿的S同位素组成介于-3.8‰~1.6‰,与幔源硫(-3‰~3‰)颇为相似,但考虑到矿区无岩浆活动,而沉积地层的δ34S值为...  相似文献   

Visiting a stately home open to the public can be a geological excursion in addition to a journey into social history. This is an experience akin to Darwin speculating whether his next landfall would present him with ‘igneous or metamorphic’ rocks to test his early geological knowledge, even before he had received Lyell's Principles when the Beagle reached Buenos Aires. In Britain the prospects are good when the house is Victorian or Edwardian, and we are facing the rich industrialists investing his wealth in opulent interiors within a High Gothic external architecture. In the West of England, this can be tested by a visit to Tyntesfield, a mansion acquired by the National Trust to the south of Bristol in South West England in 2002. Reputed to be little changed from being a family home, it has become a place where booking a timed visit is advised, such is public interest. It also has an added interest in that the Trust is in receipt of a grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund in order to carry out repairs and refurbishment of the many ancillary buildings of the landscaped estate. The work is proceeding alongside public visits, so offering insight into building conservation.  相似文献   

长江中下游成矿带存在一套产于泥盆系五通组砂岩和石炭系黄龙组白云质灰岩层间的层状含铜硫化物矿体,对其成因存在很大争议。本文以产出典型层状矿体的武山铜矿为解剖重点,结合区域控矿地质要素、矿石结构构造特征及矿石中黄铁矿的稀土元素地球化学,提出层状矿体是海底喷流同生沉积与岩浆热液叠加成矿作用的产物。对武山铜矿层状矿体中的胶黄铁矿和黄铁矿、矽卡岩矿体中黄铁矿和脉状矿体中黄铁矿进行的稀土元素含量分析发现,从层状矿体胶黄铁矿、层状矿体黄铁矿、到矽卡岩和脉状矿体黄铁矿,稀土总量和稀土配分曲线显示递变规律,即层状矿体胶黄铁矿具有较低的稀土总量和轻重稀土分异不明显的较平坦型配分曲线;而矽卡岩和脉状矿体黄铁矿具有较高的稀土总量和轻重稀土分异较明显的右倾型配分曲线。层状矿体黄铁矿的稀土特征则介于两者之间,反映了岩浆热液的叠加作用。根据矿物组合共生关系及矿石结构构造的研究,可将武山铜矿黄铁矿分为3个期次:I期为微球粒、草莓状、条带状、纹层状沉积型黄铁矿; II期为半自形、自形粒状和港湾状黄铁矿,可见与长英质斑晶、岩屑或晶屑凝灰岩伴生或共生, 说明黄铁矿形成与同沉积期火山凝灰岩的密切关系。III期为块状、粗晶状、碎裂状黄铁矿。黄铜矿的形成晚于I、II期黄铁矿,成微粒状、脉状交错穿插或包裹早期球粒状、粒状黄铁矿及长英质矿物。对新发现的灰泥丘构造的详细研究表明,武山铜矿中含矿的灰泥丘与武山外围乌石街出露的不含矿的灰泥丘具有不同的特征,其中前者具有封闭的孔洞系统,而后者为开放的孔洞系统。总之,武山铜矿控矿地质条件、矿石结构构造及不同类型矿石黄铁矿的稀土元素证据表明矿床存在两期成矿事件,即海西期海底喷流同生沉积成矿期和燕山期岩浆热液叠加成矿期。  相似文献   

新田岭白钨矿床稳定同位索地质学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本文以新田岭钙矽卡岩型白钨矿床为例,通过硫、碳、氢、氧稳定同位素研究所获得的成矿信息,探讨了矽卡岩白钨矿床的成因和物质来源。矿区氢氧同位素组成表明成矿深溶液属以岩浆水为主的混合岩浆水,后期变为大气降水;碳主要来源于地层碳,混有岩浆碳;硫源为深源硫与地层硫的混合。稳定同位素结合地质年代学研究,表明该矿床系与燕山早期黑云母花岗岩有关的接触交代型矿床,钨主要来源于大陆地壳重熔化岗岩浆热液。  相似文献   

塔拉特(阿巴宫)铅锌矿位于阿尔泰克兰火山-沉积盆地南东段,矿床受区域性NW向断裂——克因宫断裂和阿巴宫断裂的控制,Pb-Zn矿体赋存于下泥盆统康布铁堡组下亚组第二岩性段上部(D1k12)的变质岩系中,具明显的层控特征,后期脉状硫化物-石英脉叠加作用明显。根据矿体产出特征可识别出2个明显的成矿期:海相火山沉积喷流成矿期和变质热液叠加成矿期。变质热液期可包括2个阶段,早阶段透镜状石英脉沿含矿层位中绿泥石片岩、浅粒岩等顺层分布,并有浸染状黄铁矿产出;晚阶段含黄铁矿-黄铜矿石英脉穿切绿泥石片岩、浅粒岩或块状铅锌矿石,硫化物稀疏浸染状分布。海相火山沉积喷流成矿期的闪锌矿存在残留的L-V盐水包裹体及后期沿次生裂隙分布的L-V和H2O-CO2包裹体,原生L-V包裹体的均一温度Th,tot=267~334℃,次生H2O-CO2包裹体Tm,CO=-61.2~-60.2℃,T2h,CO=6.5~11.0℃。2变质热液期早阶段石英脉(QI)赋存有大量的H2O-CO2包裹体和较多的碳质流体包裹体(CO2±CH4体系),H2O-CO2包裹体Th,tot=294~368℃,盐度为5.5%~7.4%NaC leqv。碳质流体包裹体的Tm,CO=-60.1~-58.5℃,T.2~20.6℃。2h,CO=-42晚阶段切层含黄铁矿-黄铜矿石英脉中也有大量H2O-CO2包裹体和较多的碳质流体包裹体,H2O-CO2包裹体Th.tot=142~360℃,盐度为2.4%~16.5%NaC leqv。碳质流体包裹体的Tm,CO=-61.5~-57.3℃,T2h,CO0.6℃2有-27.0~-2和27.1~28.7℃两组。次生L-V包裹体的Tm,ice=-9.8~-1.3℃,Th,tot=205~412℃。克兰盆地造山运动过程中形成的区域性富CO2流体,其运移对促进岩(矿)石变形变质以及金属富集产生重要影响。塔拉特铅锌矿床的矿石变形、交代结构及石英脉中富CO2流体的大量出现,说明变质流体参与了叠加改造作用,且具有多阶段的特点。富CO2包裹体形成环境与造山带区域变质晚期或峰期后的P-T演化一致。  相似文献   

宝石矿床学是矿床学与宝石学之间的交叉学科,是联结宝石学与地质学的重要纽带。宝玉石是矿物岩石中的精美部分,是地球物质中的组成部分,是探索地球组成、特征与演化的重要研究对象。随着人们对宝玉石外观特征、特性与效应等成因认识的深化和新的宝玉石种类被发现并应用,宝玉石矿床学正在成长为集地质学与宝石学为一体的、内容丰富的学科。在文中回顾了宝石矿床学的历史与发展,总结了宝玉石资源的分布特点,提出了宝玉石成矿作用并做了简要论述,给出了宝玉石矿床的特点及宝玉石矿床学的研究特征。认为,宝石矿物或岩石的成矿作用是研究宝玉石矿床的基础,然而,要形成首饰级的宝玉石,还需要研究成宝、成玉作用。宝玉石中的很多特性与效应,如变彩、变色、变石、月光等效应的成因机理及特殊结构的研究还有待完善,而关于其在自然条件下形成机理等问题,很多是空白。总的来说,宝玉石矿床学研究内容还不完全、不够系统,很多宝石矿种的成因还停留在推测阶段。预计在很长时间内,宝玉石矿床学研究重点依然是单个矿床(已开采和新发现的)的资料收集与整理,不同产地同种矿物的宝玉石矿的类比与综合分析。  相似文献   

新疆天山成矿带铁磷矿地质及成矿专属性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文对成矿带内的岩浆岩杂岩体进行了含矿性研究,划分出4个含矿杂岩带与5个矿床成因类型。成矿专属性研究表明:岩浆岩型铁磷矿受古地台边缘深大断裂控制;容矿岩石为主要偏碱性-铁质及铁镁质岩系列;容矿岩石主微量元素明显不和谐;岩石类型共生组合主要表现为黑云母透辉石岩、辉石岩、碱性辉长岩、斜长岩、碳酸岩的共伴生;矿物共生组合主要表现为透辉石+磷灰石+磁铁矿+黑云母,斜长石+磷灰石+磁铁矿+钠黝帘石组合,辉石+磷灰石+磁铁矿等特征;元素的共生组合主要表现为P、Fe、Ti、V、REE具显著相关性。通过预测研究,进行了找矿远景区的划分,划分出具有成矿条件的9个找矿远景区。  相似文献   

The Xiaoxinancha Au–Cu deposit is located at the eastern segment of the Tianshan–Xingmeng orogenic belt in northeast China. The deposit includes porphyry Au–Cu orebodies, veined Au–Cu orebodies and veined Mo mineralizations. All of them occur within the diorite intrusion. The Late Permian diorite, Late Triassic granodiorite, Early Cretaceous granite and granite porphyry are developed in the ore area. The studies on geological features show that the porphyry Au–Cu mineralization is related to the Late Permian diorite intrusion. New geochronologic data for the Xiaoxinancha porphyry Au–Cu deposit yield Permian crystallization zircon U–Pb age of 257 ± 3 Ma for the diorite that hosts the Au–Cu mineralization. Six molybdenite samples from quartz + molybdenite veins imposed on the porphyry Au–Cu orebodies yield an isochron age of 110.3 ± 1.5 Ma. The ages of the molybdenites coeval to zircon ages of the granite within the errors suggest that the Mo mineralization was genetically related to the Early Cretaceous granite intrusion. The formation of the diorite and the related Au–Cu mineralization were caused by the partial melting of the subduction slab during the Late Palaeozoic palaeo‐Asia Ocean tectonic stage. The Re contents and Re–Os isotopic data indicate that the crustal resource is dominated for the Mo mineralization during the Cretaceous extensional setting caused by the roll‐back of the palaeo‐Pacific plate. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The sediment-hosted Zn---Pb---Ag deposit at Dugald River is situated 87 km northeast of Mount Isa, NW Queensland. It is a mid-scale base metal accumulation restricted to a black slate sequence of low metamorphic grade. The orebody is tabular and consists of fine- to medium-grained sulphides with a dominant mineralogy of sphalerite, pyrrhotite, pyrite, galena, quartz and muscovite. Three different ore types have been recognized based on mineralization textures; laminated, banded and brecciated. The present reserve stands at 38 million tons of ore averaging 13.0% Zn, 2.1% Pb and 42 g/t Ag. A structural investigation has revealed that six stages of deformation have affected the metasediments in the Dugald River area. The first four (D1, D2, D3 and D4) are characterized by the extensive development of folds and associated axial plane cleavage. They were all generated in a ductile regime and are of considerable significance for the structural evolution of this region as well as for the emplacement and localization of the sulphide mineralization. D5 provides a transition towards brittle deformation developing strong kink folds with subhorizontal axial planes. D6 was a brittle event, producing E-W-trending open folds and major NE and NW strike-slip faults crosscutting all the pre-existing structural elements plus segmenting the orebody. Correlation between the development of deformation and the formation of mineralization can be observed from macro- to microscales. Relationships of mineralization with folds and cleavage indicate a post-D2 (dominant deformation event) and probably syn-D4 deformation timing for the Zn---Pb---Ag mineralization at Dugald River, as suggested by the ubiquitous truncations of D2 fabrics by ore mineral assemblages throughout the deposit.  相似文献   

生态环境地质的基本特点与技术支撑   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
黄润秋 《中国地质》2001,28(11):20-24
从现代环境观的角度,阐述了生态环境地质的基本内涵、生态环境地质调查的特点、生态环境地质调查与评价的基本构架及相应的技术支撑体系。  相似文献   

王璇  杨林  邓军  李华健  于华之  董超一 《岩石学报》2018,34(5):1299-1311
北衙超大型金矿床是三江特提斯成矿域中喜山期斑岩-矽卡岩型矿床的典型代表,长期以来大量研究均围绕斑岩-矽卡岩成矿作用开展并取得了丰硕成果,然而对于北衙金矿是否存在多期热液成矿作用尚不明确。本次研究基于详细野外调查、岩相学与矿相学研究,流体包裹体显微测温及成分分析、H-O-S同位素分析等多种手段,识别了北衙金矿成矿晚期存在新一期热液成矿事件。主要证据如下:(1)野外调查发现北衙金矿发育NW向陡倾断裂控制的石英多金属硫化物脉,其切割矽卡岩矿体与矽卡岩晚期石英硫化物矿脉;(2)本次研究矿脉中原生流体包裹体类型主要为富CO_2三相水溶液包裹体、含CO_2三相水溶液包裹体及气液两相水溶液包裹体,而矽卡岩晚期硫化物脉中除上述三种类型外还发育含子晶三相水溶液包裹体;(3)成矿流体均一温度分布范围为204~426℃,盐度为1.0%~14.2%NaCleqv,整体表现为中高温、中低盐度的NaCl-CO_2-H_2O流体体系,而矽卡岩晚期硫化物脉成矿流体体系具有中温、中高盐度的特征;(4)该矿脉中石英的δ~(18)O、δD范围分别为7.5‰~9.4‰与-102.0‰~-75.0‰,指示岩浆水来源,而矽卡岩晚期硫化物脉具有岩浆水和大气水混合来源。本次研究的多金属硫化物矿脉δ~(34)S值范围为-0.97‰~1.40‰,与矽卡岩期和矽卡岩晚期硫化物脉中黄铁矿S同位素一致,表明多期矿化成矿物质均具有幔源贡献。结合北衙矿集区成岩成矿动力学背景,推测始新世大规模地壳拆沉、软流圈上涌导致的强烈的壳幔相互作用可能是北衙金矿多期成矿作用的诱因。  相似文献   

Nyankanga is the largest gold deposit in the Geita Greenstone Belt of the northern Tanzania Craton. The deposit is hosted within an Archean volcano-sedimentary package dominated by ironstones and intruded by a large diorite complex, the Nyankanga Intrusive Complex. The supracrustal package is now included within the intrusive complex as roof pendants. The ironstone fragments contain evidence of multiple folding events that occurred prior to intrusion. The supracrustal package and Nyankanga Intrusive Complex are cut by a series of NE–SW trending, moderately NW dipping fault zones with a dominant reverse component of movement but showing multiple reactivation events with both oblique and normal movement components. The deposit is cut by a series of NW trending strike slip faults and ~ E–W trending late normal faults. The Nyankanga Fault Zone is a major NW dipping deformation zone developed mainly along the ironstone–diorite contacts that is mineralised over its entire length. The gold mineralization is hosted within the damage zone associated with Nyankanga Fault Zone by both diorite and ironstone with higher grades typically occurring in ironstone. Ore shoots dip more steeply than the Nyankanga Fault Zone. The mineralization is associated with sulfidation fronts and replacement textures in ironstones and is mostly contained as disseminated sulphides in diorite. The close spatial relationship between gold mineralization and the ironstone/diorite contact suggests that the reaction between the mineralising fluid and iron rich lithotypes played an important role in precipitating gold. Intense brecciation and veining, mainly in the footwall of Nyankanga Fault Zone, indicates that the fault zone increased permeability and allowed the access of mineralising fluids. The steeper dip of the ore shoots is consistent with mineralization during normal reactivation of the Nyankanga Fault Zone.  相似文献   

Devonshire ‘marbles’ come from Mid– to Late Devonian limestones of south Devon, UK. They are not true marbles in the geological sense but were nonetheless tectonically buried during the Variscan orogenesis. They retain abundant palaeontological and sedimentological characters, overstamped by limited to extensive veining, deformation and brecciation. Recent work has revealed how these marbles have been used to decorate a wealth of buildings in Britain and overseas. There were two distinct industries, one that produced decorative marble for architectural use, and one that produced portable artefacts such as specimen marble tables and ornaments. The stones used in these two sister industries can be very different, a result of different sourcing of the same Devonshire limestones. A third industry sought to slice and polish local limestone pebbles to reveal their diverse coral, stromatoporoid and other fossil contents, and was aimed at tourists, collectors and museums. The history and early development of the marble industry are explored and the distinct characteristics of the stones used in Devonshire marble inlay are explained. The stones used in the parallel architectural trade are analysed elsewhere.  相似文献   

金属矿床地质的发展——纪念《矿床地质》创刊十周年   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
矿床知识来自矿业。有关矿石成因的争论曾引导到野外现场实际观察的良好趋向。20世纪中叶以来,先后应用先进的设备仪器以及如同位素和流体包裹体等对矿床进行研究;这不仅扩大了成矿作用的视野,而且更加深入洞察矿石的习性。然而,有关矿石成因与来源问题的争论仍在继续;不过进入了更深的层次。欲探索矿石形成的客观规律,最合理的方法是结合野外的现场观察进行室内的仔细研究。  相似文献   

<正>1 Introduction The Qin-Hang suture zone is the most important polymetallic metallogenic zone in southern China[1-2]and has the greatest resource potential.In recent years,a group of molybdenum(Mo)deposits have been discovered in the northeastern part of the Qin-Hang belt[3].From Mar.2006to Dec.2014,the Jiangxi Copper Group Geological Exploration Engineering Co.,Ltd.conducted prospecting,  相似文献   

Geochemical and isotopic analyses have been performed on a suite of samples from a Jurassic quartz tholeiite sill of the Ferrar Group at Portal Peak, Queen Alexandra Range, near the Beardmore Glacier in Antarctica. The data include major and trace element (XRF and INAA) concentrations, as well as Sr and Nd isotopic compositions, and are combined with the results of other studies on samples from Antarctica. It is demonstrated that despite differences in the pre-intrusion (or eruption) evolution of the Ferrar Group magmas, the similarity in isotopic and chemical compositions for these rocks supports the existence of a remarkably uniform mantle source with unusual signature over a distance of thousands of kilometres. The favoured origin of this source involves the subduction of terrestrial sedimentary material into a depleted mantle reservoir.  相似文献   

The Kristineberg volcanic-hosted massive sulphide (VMS) deposit, located in the westernmost part of the Palaeoproterozoic Skellefte district, northern Sweden, has yielded 22.4 Mt of ore, grading 1.0% Cu, 3.64% Zn, 0.24% Pb, 1.24 g/t Au, 36 g/t Ag and 25.9% S, since the mine opened in 1941, and is the largest past and present VMS mine in the district. The deposit is hosted in a thick pile of felsic to intermediate and minor mafic metavolcanic rocks of the Skellefte Group, which forms the lowest stratigraphic unit in the district and hosts more than 85 known massive sulphide deposits. The Kristineberg deposit is situated lower in the Skellefte Group than most other deposits. It comprises three main ore zones: (1) massive sulphide lenses of the A-ore (historically the main ore), having a strike length of about 1,400 m, and extending from surface to about 1,200 m depth, (2) massive sulphide lenses of the B-ore, situated 100–150 m structurally above the A-ore, and extending from surface to about 1,000 m depth, (3) the recently discovered Einarsson zone, which occurs in the vicinity of the B-ore at about 1,000 m depth, and consists mainly of Au–Cu-rich veins and heavily disseminated sulphides, together with massive sulphide lenses. On a regional scale the Kristineberg deposit is flanked by two major felsic rock units: massive rhyolite A to the south and the mine porphyry to the north. The three main ore zones lie within a schistose, deformed and metamorphosed package of hydrothermally altered, dominantly felsic volcanic rocks, which contain varying proportions of quartz, muscovite, chlorite, phlogopite, pyrite, cordierite and andalusite. The strongest alteration occurs within 5–10 m of the ore lenses. Stratigraphic younging within the mine area is uncertain as primary bedding and volcanic textures are absent due to strong alteration, and tectonic folding and shearing. In the vicinity of the ore lenses, hydrothermal alteration has produced both Mg-rich assemblages (Mg-chlorite, cordierite, phlogopite and locally talc) and quartz–muscovite–andalusite assemblages. Both types of assemblages commonly contain disseminated pyrite. The sequence of volcanic and ore-forming events at Kristineberg is poorly constrained, as the ages of the massive rhyolite and mine porphyry are unknown, and younging indicators are absent apart from local metal zoning in the A-ores. Regional structural trends, however, suggest that the sequence youngs to the south. The A- and B-ores are interpreted to have formed as synvolcanic sulphide sheets that were originally separated by some 100–150 m of volcanic rocks. The Einarsson zone, which is developed close to the 1,000 m level, is interpreted to have resulted in part from folding and dislocation of the B-ore sulphide sheet, and in part from remobilisation of sulphides into small Zn-rich massive sulphide lenses and late Au–Cu-rich veins. However, the abundance of strongly altered, andalusite-bearing rocks in the Einarsson zone, coupled with the occurrence of Au–Cu-rich disseminated sulphides in these rocks, suggests that some of the mineralisation was synvolcanic and formed from strongly acidic hydrothermal fluids. Editorial handling: P. Weihed  相似文献   

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