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The recent increase in exploration activity in the Galilee Basin, Queensland, has highlighted inconsistencies in the usage of Lopingian (upper Permian) stratigraphic nomenclature across the basin. This study utilised peer-reviewed journal, company and government publications to evaluate the current understanding of the naming conventions in use and correlated them to nomenclature in the adjacent Bowen Basin. The prominent misinterpretation is between the stratigraphic relationship and terminology of the northern and western Betts Creek beds and its eastern and southern correlatives the Bandanna Formation and Colinlea Sandstone. The correlation between the units has been assessed from a (1) lithological, (2) sedimentological and (3) coal-seam architectural perspective. The Betts Creek beds appear similar to the Colinlea Sandstone in their lithology and sedimentological character, but increased drilling data suggest the original type-sections no longer fit the heterogeneous lithology of correlated strata bearing that nomenclature. Correlation across the Springsure Shelf into the Bowen Basin suggests that the Betts Creek beds and their subdivisions are in fact equivalent to the Bandanna Formation, the Fort Cooper Coal Measures (the Burngrove and Fair Hill formations) and the Moranbah Coal Measures. A revised stratigraphic column for the Galilee Basin has been proposed to reflect this, and to suggest that a new stratigraphic unit be introduced; the ‘Fort Cooper Coal Measures equivalent’ and its subdivisions the ‘Burngrove and Fair Hill formation equivalents.’  相似文献   

中国西藏南部喜马拉雅相的乐平统   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
西藏南部二叠系色龙群,曲布日嘎组等“喜马拉雅相”地层产有冈瓦纳区系的以Siriferella rajah,Taeniothaerus densipustulatus,Neospirifer(Neospirifer)kubeiensis和Retimarginifera xizangensis为典型代表的腕足动物群。其组成和演进层序与属于冈瓦纳大陆北缘的巴基斯坦盐岭的Wargal组上部和Chhidru组,克什米尔的Zewan组,印度斯匹提Kuling页岩上部的Gngrei组,尼泊尔西北部的Senja组和澳大利亚西部Hardman组的很接近;时代曾被归入瓜达鲁普世或乐平世早期等,分歧较大。近年来在盐岭等地发现这一冈瓦纳区系动物群明显高于乐平世一部牙形类Clarkina dukouensis带,并与菊石Cyclolbus和有孔虫Claniella动物群共生。由此推定整个色龙群或曲布组和曲布日嘎组都应属于乐平统,它与上覆三叠系以牙形类化石Hindeodus parvus和菊石Otoceras出现为界,代表冈瓦纳大陆北缘乐平世沉积的一个三级地层层序。层序以海进初期沉积的低水位体系域的曲布组石英砂岩为标志,其顶界则为比二叠系-三叠系界线略低的一个快速海进面。  相似文献   

The New England Orogen in eastern Australia is characterised by orogenic-scale curvatures (oroclines). The largest and most prominent curvature in this system is the Texas Orocline, but its subsurface geometry is still poorly constrained. A large component of the orocline is covered by post-oroclinal sedimentary rocks, which obscure deeper sections of the orocline and make it difficult to understand how the structure is connected to other segments of the New England Orogen. Here, we present geophysical data that elucidate the structure of the Texas Orocline below the sedimentary cover. Using 2D seismic, aeromagnetic TMI (total magnetic intensity) and Bouguer gravity datasets, in combination with outcrop and well data, we identified the depth to the New England ‘basement’ and significant faults intersecting it. We also traced the strongly contorted subsurface continuation of the Peel-Yarrol Fault System, which is characterised by local gravity and magnetic anomalies associated with isolated serpentinite outcrops. Constraints on the timing of oroclinal bending were obtained from the interpretation of seismic transects, which showed that early Permian sedimentary rocks of the Bowen Basin were deposited in a subtrough that deviates from the general north–south trend of the Bowen Basin. The subtrough is oriented approximately parallel to the western limb of the Texas Orocline, thus suggesting that the orocline formed during and/or after early Permian rifting. Our analysis indicates that initial bending occurred contemporaneously with the development of the early Permian rift basins, most likely in the backarc region of a retreating subduction zone. Subsequently, phases of strike-slip and contractional deformation have further tightened the pre-existing curvatures.  相似文献   

陕西汉中梁山二叠系乐平统底部吴家坪组王坡页岩新认识   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
陕西汉中梁山瓜德鲁普统—乐平统界线(GLB)附近的吴家坪组底部王坡页岩段长期以来被认为是古风化壳沉积,代表了茅口期后暴露于地表风化剥蚀的产物。最近对该地层进行了重新研究,采集了系列岩石和化石样品,进行了X射线衍射、古生物学、岩相学和岩石学分析。X射线衍射分析表明该粘土层主要矿物成分为蒙脱石71%,片沸石23%,石英6%,暗示其物质来源于火山玻璃。岩相学分析显示岩石主要由蚀变矿物组成,具有蚀变残留玻屑凝灰质结构,其中蒙脱石、片沸石保留了原岩中的玻屑的塑性形态。粘土层中大量腕足动物化石暗示其为海相环境。研究结果表明王坡页岩是典型的斑脱岩,并非风化壳和长期剥蚀的产物,而是峨眉山大火成岩省火山喷发时火山灰在海相环境下沉积、蚀变的产物。火山灰在正常浅海沉积时对海洋生态系统造成严重破坏,导致了包括腕足动物在内的海洋生物的生存危机。  相似文献   

Fold-interference patterns in the Bowen Basin,northeastern Australia   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Deformation patterns of Paleozoic and Mesozoic strata in eastern Australia are evidence of a structural and tectonic history that included multiple periods of deformation with variable strain intensities and orientations. Detailed analysis of structural data from the Bowen Basin in northeastern Australia reveals previously undescribed, north–south elongate, Type-1 fold-interference patterns. The Bowen Basin structures have similar orientations to previously described interference patterns of equivalent scale in upper Paleozoic strata of the New England Orogen and Sydney Basin of eastern Australia. The east Australian folds with north–south-trending axes most likely formed during late stages of the Permian–Triassic Hunter–Bowen Orogeny, and they were subsequently refolded around east–west axes during post 30 Ma collision of the Indo-Australian plate with the Eurasian and Pacific plates. The younger, east–west-trending folds have orientations that are well aligned with the present-day horizontal stress field of much of eastern Australia, raising the possibility that they are active structures.  相似文献   

Sequence stratigraphical analysis was applied to the Upper Carboniferous–Lower Permian sedimentary succession of the northeastern Ordos Basin, north China based on data acquired from ten entire logging curves and eight outcrops. The facies framework of the lithostratigraphical unit, the Taiyuan Formation comprises seven facies in two facies associations, varying from fluvio-delta to shelf-barrier islands. The facies are presented within a chronostratigraphical framework, linked by systems tract, which in turn are limited by flooding surfaces and sequence boundaries. Six third-order depositional sequences are recognised, bounded by six type 2 unconformities. An upwards-shallowing epicontinental sea sedimentary model is created, which consists of a sandstone, coal seam and carbonate succession.  相似文献   

The Jurassic Walloon Coal Measures of the Surat Basin in eastern Australia host the continent's most significant coal bed methane resources. Previous studies have interpreted the Walloon Coal Measures within a single depositional facies model encompassing a wholly terrestrial setting. Using a multidisciplinary approach (facies analysis, palynology and wireline logs), the evolution of the Walloon Coal Measures is described within a new chronostratigraphic framework defined by accurate and precise U–Pb tuff dates. Analysis of sedimentary facies indicates that the majority of the Walloon Coal Measures was deposited by relatively small (<300 m wide), low gradient rivers on a poorly‐drained floodplain with numerous small lakes and mires. However, this study also identified some marine‐influenced facies with brackish palynomorphs (notably dinoflagellate cysts) and tidal sedimentary structures. These facies appear to have been deposited in estuaries during times of transgression. The evidence for base level shifts suggests that the coals may not have coevally accumulated with at least some of the thicker sandstones. Palaeogeographic maps for eleven time intervals suggest that rivers drained towards to the south/south‐west and south‐east, as indicated by sandstone percentage and gross unit isopach maps, presumably into proximal estuarine complexes. Marine incursions into the continent probably came from the north and east during times of high eustatic sea level and as precursors to those of the more persistent and extensive transgressions of the Early Cretaceous. A similar multidisciplinary approach should help to elucidate the evolution of other fluviolacustrine systems in other basins and aid in resource prediction.  相似文献   

基于野外地质露头观察、岩心描述、薄片鉴定和地球化学等分析测试资料的综合分析,对鄂尔多斯盆地及周缘地区上二叠统石千峰组沉积岩石类型、沉积构造、沉积相类型及沉积体系空间展布等方面开展研究。结果表明,石千峰组主要发育冲积平原、三角洲平原、三角洲前缘、浅湖和南部海陆过渡的潟湖、沙坝等沉积环境,石千峰期,古气候干燥炎热,沉积古地形相对平缓,物源供给充足,形成了一套紫红色、棕红色泥岩和浅灰色中粗粒长石岩屑砂岩、岩屑长石砂岩、长石砂岩为主的地层。盆地北部三角洲规模大,以辫状河道发育沉积特征为主,砂体厚度大、横向分布稳定,而盆地南部三角洲规模相对较小。石千峰期,海水可能多次入侵盆地南部麟游—韩城—乡宁一带,发育海相夹层和沙坝沉积,一定程度上影响了南部的沉积环境和砂体展布。  相似文献   

基于野外地质露头观察、岩心描述、薄片鉴定和地球化学等分析测试资料的综合分析,对鄂尔多斯盆地及周缘地区上二叠统石千峰组沉积岩石类型、沉积构造、沉积相类型及沉积体系空间展布等方面开展研究。结果表明,石千峰组主要发育冲积平原、三角洲平原、三角洲前缘、浅湖和南部海陆过渡的潟湖、沙坝等沉积环境,石千峰期,古气候干燥炎热,沉积古地形相对平缓,物源供给充足,形成了一套紫红色、棕红色泥岩和浅灰色中粗粒长石岩屑砂岩、岩屑长石砂岩、长石砂岩为主的地层。盆地北部三角洲规模大,以辫状河道发育沉积特征为主,砂体厚度大、横向分布稳定,而盆地南部三角洲规模相对较小。石千峰期,海水可能多次入侵盆地南部麟游-韩城-乡宁一带,发育海相夹层和沙坝沉积,一定程度上影响了南部的沉积环境和砂体展布。  相似文献   

在野外实地考察和综合研究的基础上,根据层序界面特征和凝缩层,思茅盆地二叠系可分为9个Ⅲ级层序,其中下二叠统3个,上二叠统6个。根据区域特点,认为二叠纪可分为2个Ⅱ级层序,在思茅盆地范围,乃至中国南方可以进行对比。  相似文献   

耳闯  王英民  颜耀敏  刘豪  王晓州 《沉积学报》2009,27(6):1101-1108
准噶尔盆地西北缘克—百断裂带是二叠系发育起来的大型叠瓦冲断系统,构造活动对盆地沉积充填过程具有重要的控制作用。二叠系为火山岩和碎屑岩混积地层,分析表明二叠系为层状地层,存在由相对湖平面变化形成的、可作为层序界面的不整合面。根据不整合面和岩层层面对含火山岩系地层进行层序地层的划分和对比,将二叠系划分为5个二级层序,12个三级层序。下二叠统(PSQ1—PSQ7)以火山岩相和沉积岩相共存为特征;中上二叠统(PSQ8—PSQ9)沉积相类型主要包括冲积扇、扇三角洲和湖相。构造活动对层序的控制作用主要表现为构造沉降、火山活动、古地貌特征。构造沉降实质上是逆冲造山导致的挠曲沉降,反映了前陆逆冲作用与盆地挠曲沉降的盆山耦合过程,挠曲沉降是层序形成的内因和主要控制因素;火山作用形成的快速堆积的火山岩体,对含火山岩系地层层序的形成和演化有重要影响;受构造活动影响形成的坡折带控制了层序地层样式和沉积物充填。  相似文献   

The Lower Permian (Artinskian to Sakmarian) Pebbley Beach Formation (PBF) of the southernmost Sydney Basin in New South Wales, Australia, records sediment accumulation in shallow marine to coastal environments at the close of the Late Palaeozoic Gondwanan ice age. This paper presents a sequence stratigraphic re‐evaluation of the upper half of the unit based on the integration of sedimentology and ichnology. Ten facies are recognized, separated into two facies associations. Facies Association A (seven facies) comprises variably bioturbated siltstones and sandstones with marine body fossils, interpreted as recording sediment accumulation in open marine environments ranging from lower offshore to middle shoreface water depths. Evidence of deltaic influence is seen in several Association A facies. Facies Association B (three facies) comprises mainly heterolithic, interlaminated and thinly interbedded sandstone and siltstone with some thicker intervals of dark grey, organic‐rich mudstone, some units clearly filling incised channel forms. These facies are interpreted as the deposits of estuarine channels and basins. Throughout the upper half of the formation, erosion surfaces with several metres relief abruptly separate open marine facies of Association A (below) from estuarine facies of Association B (above). Vertical facies changes imply significant basinward shift of environment across these surfaces, and lowering of relative sea level in the order of 50 m. These surfaces can be traced over several kilometres along depositional strike, and are defined as sequence boundaries. On this basis, at least nine sequences have been recognized in the upper half of the formation, each of which is < 10 m thick, condensed, incomplete and top‐truncated. Sequences contain little if any record of the lowstand systems tract, a more substantial transgressive systems tract and a highstand systems tract that is erosionally truncated (or in some cases, missing). This distinctive stacking pattern (which suggests a dominance of retrogradation and progradation over aggradation) and the implied relative sea‐level drop across sequence boundaries of tens of metres are remarkably similar to some other studies of continental margin successions formed under the Neogene icehouse climatic regime. Accordingly, it is suggested that the stratigraphic architecture of the PBF was a result of an Icehouse climate regime characterized by repeated, high‐amplitude cycles of relative sea‐level change.  相似文献   

根据岩心观察,结合地震、测井资料,将准噶尔盆地北三台地区三叠系克拉玛依组作为一个三级层序进行研究,并划分了体系域。在等时格架内,以体系域为单位进行了沉积相研究,定量编制克拉玛依组沉积体系平面分布图。查明有利砂体的展布位置,为准噶尔盆地北三台地区进一步油气勘探提供依据。  相似文献   

The sedimentary cycles of the Cenomanian to Maastrichtian were investigated in the Basco-Cantabrian Basin (BCB) in northern Spain (Provinces of Alava, Vizcaya and Burgos). The depositional area was a distally steepened carbonate ramp which extended from Catalonia northwestwards to the Basque country. The investigated sediments range from calciturbidites and pelagic marls to marl-limestone alternations deposited on a distal carbonate ramp. Shallow marine limestones, marls and intertidal clastics and carbonates were deposited on the proximal part of the carbonate ramp. The establishment of a regional sequence analysis is based on the investigation of seismic profiles, well logs and outcrop sections. Examples of outcrop sections are interpreted in terms of sequence stratigraphy (unconformities of third- and second-order cycles, depositional geometries, systems tracts). The sequence stratigraphic interpretation of outcrop sections is based on facies analysis, interpretation of observed depositional geometries and correlation of unconformities and marine flooding surfaces through the basin. A biostratigraphic framework is established based on ammonites, inoceramids, planktonic and benthic foraminifera. As a result, a regional sequence stratigraphic cycle chart is presented and compared with published global cycle charts. The correlation of the regional cycle chart with published cycle charts is good. In the Cenomanian and Turonian, several sequence boundaries in the BCB are shifted by up to one biozone compared with the global chart. Some type 1 boundaries of the standard chart are only type 2 in the BCB. Important type 1 boundaries in the BCB are: top Geslinianum Zone with a 100 m lowstand wedge at the basis of the sequence (sequence boundary 92.2) ; base Petrocoriense Zone with a 250 m shallowing-upwards lowstand wedge at the basis (sequence boundary 89.2); and within the Syrtale Zone (sequence boundary 85.0).The Campanian-Maastrichtian sequence record is strongly disturbed by local compressive tectonics. Several sequences are recognizable and can be correlated with the global cycle chart. Correlation is hampered by the low biostratigraphic resolution in the western basin part. Subsidence analysis of several sections of the Upper Cretaceous of the BCB and its interpretation in the regional tectonic context leads to a discussion of the causes of the observed cyclicity. A regional eustatic curve is presented for the Upper Cretaceous of the BCB. Stage and substage names were used according Code-Committee (1977). Correspondence to: K.-U. Gräfe  相似文献   

吐哈盆地丘东凝析气田主力产层为中侏罗统西山窑组中部的砂岩层,可分为上气藏(X4-X5)和下气藏(X6-X9),上、下气藏的储集体虽然都是三角洲前缘的河口坝和分流河道砂体,但在储集物性、非均质性和砂体几何形态等方面存在明显的差异。本文通过基准面旋回的划分和沉积微相研究,指出上、下气藏因其所处的旋回位置及相分异作用不同,储层非均质性和砂体几何形态存在明显差异,上气藏储层物性明显优于下气藏。该研究表明,基于基准面变化的高分辨率层序地层学方法可有效地用于预测储层的纵横向分布,对油气藏开发部署有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

本文以高分辨率层序地层学为理论基础,将山西组划分为6个中期旋回层序,并以此为编图单元编制了相应的砂体等厚图、地层等厚图及砂地比等值线图。基于基准面和可容空间的变化,分析了研究区古地理演化特征。研究表明,山23期至山21期,沉积作用以进积-加积为主,发育较大规模三角洲,沉积砂体较厚;山13期至山11期,沉积作用以进积-加积-退积为主,湖岸线向北推进,湖泊具有扩大的趋势;山2期三角洲平原规模较三角洲前缘大,山1期三角洲前缘有缩小的趋势。  相似文献   

四川盆地东北部中二叠统层序地层特征   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文以野外露头观察及录井、测井、地震、古生物等资料为基础,通过岩石地层、测井地层及生物地层等的综合分析,在四川盆地东北部中二叠统地层中识别出4种类型的层序界面:隆升侵蚀不整合面、暴露层序不整合面、海侵上超不整合面及岩性岩相转换面。划分了3个三级层序:SQ1对应梁山组和栖霞组,时限约7Ma;SQ2对应茅口组一段,时限约3Ma;SQ3对应茅口组二段-三段,时限约5Ma。三级层序的平均时限约5Ma。同时,分析了层序对储层的控制作用,其主要体现在两个方面:层序控制了沉积相,影响了储层原生孔隙的发育;碳酸盐岩的发育受三级层序海平面升降控制,优质储层明显受控于海退半旋回。  相似文献   

辽河盆地下第三系层序分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
许坤  潘耀丽 《地层学杂志》1997,21(4):267-274
根据岩性、岩相、地震反射、测井响应、古生物、构造旋回、接触关系及同位素年龄测定等,将辽河盆地下第三系划分为4个层序和12个亚层序。根据地层层序综合分析,辽河盆地早第三纪具有如下沉积演化特征:①构造运动的控制性;②沉积格架的不均衡性;③沉积演化的阶段性;④沉积中心的迁移性。  相似文献   

The Middle Jurassic Walloon Subgroup is a prolific coal seam gas (CSG) resource in the Surat Basin, Queensland. Sedimentary framework models constrain stochastic reservoir models of the geological heterogeneity, but there is limited basin analysis information in the public domain. Here we present a regionally consistent stratigraphic framework model for the Walloon CSG play in the eastern Surat Basin. Lithostratigraphic correlation of open-file industry and government wireline logs supports the interpretation of six subunits in the eastern Surat Basin (oldest–youngest: Durabilla Formation; Taroom Coal Measures; Tangalooma Sandstone; and Juandah Coal Measures, informally divided into three members named the lower Juandah Coal Measures, Juandah sandstone and upper Juandah Coal Measures). Important findings are that subunits within the Walloon Subgroup do not correlate along the entire CSG play area; in many places, the overlying Springbok Sandstone (Upper Jurassic) has incised to the lower Juandah Coal Measures level, removing the upper coal seam groups. The Walloon Subgroup thins to the south through a combination of depositional thinning and truncation. Lithofacies analysis and isopach maps support deposition in a southerly prograding fluvial system or clastic wedge. This stratigraphic and depositional interpretation informs models for hydrogeological studies of the Walloon Subgroup and underpins a regional assessment of controls on microbial methane distribution.  相似文献   

New mapping at Anglesea coal mine, and coal resource and deep groundwater drilling have provided new perspectives on the economically important Eastern View Group coal bearing sedimentary succession in the onshore Torquay Basin. In the Anglesea Syncline, the upper 35 m thick brown coal seam of the Eastern View Group is overlain by a low angle unconformity. Units overlying the coal seams include high energy, cross cutting sand channels of the Boonah Formation and lower energy channel and interchannel systems of the overlying Salt Creek and Anglesea Formations. The mine section can be correlated from borehole data with the Eastern View Group and Demons Bluff Group exposed in coastal cliff sections along the adjacent Anglesea to Torquay coast. Recently drilled coal and groundwater exploration bores provide new data on the extent of the coal measures in the Anglesea area, and details of the underlying Tertiary succession that include typical Otway Basin units such as the Pember Mudstone and Pebble Point Formations. The stratigraphy below the coal measures suggests that the Otway Ranges were not present during Palaeogene times. The rank of the brown coals on and around the Otway Ranges is higher than any other Tertiary coals in onshore Victoria, and they preserve similar patterns of rank distribution to the high rank black coals in the underlying Lower Cretaceous Otway Group. Evidence for large overburden thicknesses is lacking, and the high ranks may have been augmented by higher than normal geothermal gradients in the Early Tertiary. Comparisons between the observed depositional cycles, sequence stratigraphic cycles, and worldwide coastal onlap curves suggest that the observed disconformity boundaries are sequence boundaries that provide a chronostratigraphic framework. Sequences present may include TB4.1–4.5 in the overburden units, and TB 2.4–3.6 in the coal bearing interval.  相似文献   

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