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变质火山岩、火山碎屑岩的绿片岩相成岩格子可用阳起石—黑云母—方解石—绿泥石—绿帘石—白云母六相三元系和钠长石—阳起石—黑云母—方解石—绿泥石—绿帘石六相三元系成岩格子来表示,石英往往为过剩组分。在只讨论两个强度相同的变量前提下,每个六相三元系的成岩格子都只可能有一对成对的成岩格子,且这对成岩格子的非封闭双变区的分区相同、分区之间的边界斜率相同、相应的单变线的排列顺序也相同,因此,六相三元系的每个成岩格子中的不变点数、单变线数、和双变区数之间的关系可用数学式来表示。  相似文献   

The paper reports an attempt to study the topologies of the phase diagram for the MgO-SiO2 system at high pressure and temperature using computer simulation. Phase equilibria at MgSiO3 stoichiometry is investigated, demonstrating that the invariant point Gr+Ilm+Pv is stable at 21.6 GPa and 2270 K. A thermodynamic data base for minerals in the MgO-SiO2 system is established by supplementing the calorimetric data for low pressure phases and equations of state for low and high pressure phases with data calculated from high pressure synthesis experiments. A refined set of standard free energies of formation and phase transformations in the MgO-SiO2 system is presented. The proposed phase diagram covers a wide range of pressure (up to 25 GPa) and temperature (up to 2500 K) and forms the basis for a geochemical interpretation of the nature of seismic discontinuites in the mantle.  相似文献   

Isothermal or isobaric phase diagram sections as a function of fluid composition (X F) are widely used for interpreting the genetic history of metacarbonate rocks. This approach has the disadvantages that: (1) the influence of a key metamorphic variable, either pressure (P) or temperature (T), is obscured; (2) the diagrams are inappropriate for systems that are not fluid-saturated. These problems are avoided by constructing phase-diagram projections in which the volatile composition of the system is projected onto a P-T coordinate frame, i.e., a petrogenetic grid. The univariant curves of such P-T projections trace the conditions of the invariant points of isothermal or isobaric phase-diagram sections, thereby defining the absolute stability of high-variance mineral assemblages, with and without a coexistent fluid phase. Petrogenetic grids for metacarbonate rocks are most useful for the study of regional metamorphism and for systems in which fluid composition has not been externally controlled. A calculated example of a P-T projection for the system CaO−MgO−SiO2−H2O−CO2 suggests that many assemblages (e.g., calcite +tale, enstatite+fluid, magnesite+tremolite, antigorite+diopside+dolomite, and calcite+forsterite+tremolite) in mixed-volatile systems have stability fields that make them useful as P-T indicators. Consideration of the principles governing projection topology demonstrates that the univariant curves around a fluid present invariant point cannot be oriented independently with respect to the direction of compositional variation in the fluid phase. This has the interesting predictive implication that if the direction of compositional variation along one univariant curve around an invariant point is known, then the direction of compositional variation along the remaining curves can be determined solely from topologic constraints. The same constraints can be applied to systems containing simple mineral solutions or melts in order to predict compositional variations.  相似文献   

A quartz-absent magnesian paragneiss layer from Mount Sones, in the Archaean Napier complex of Enderby Land, Antarctica, contains the stable divariant FMAS assemblage sapphirine (X Mg=78) — cordierite (X Mg=87) — garnet (X Mg=51) — sillimanite. Rare green spinel (X Mg=53.5, ZnO=2.65wt%) occurs as inclusions mainly within sapphirine, but also within sillimanite and garnet. Late thin coronas of cordierite (X Mg=90.5) mantle sapphirine in contact with extensively exsolved anorthoclase. The mineral textures are interpreted to indicate the former stability of a hypersthene-quartz absent assemblage followed by the development of the FMAS equilibrium assemblage sapphirine-cordierite-garnet-sillimanite (sp, hy, qz) and further divariant reaction involving the consumption of sapphirine. The (sp, hy, qz) assemblage uniquely defines the stable P-T reaction topology appropriate to granulites from the Napier Complex, as this paragenesis is allowed in the grids of Hensen (1971, 1986) but is not possible in other grids which assume the stability of a sapphirine-absent ([sa]) FMAS invariant point involving the phases spinel, garnet, hypersthene, cordierite, sillimanite and quartz. The observed mineral assemblages and textures are consistent with peak metamorphism between the [sp] and [hy] invariant points of Hensen (1971), at temperatures of 930–990° C, followed by cooling on a lower dP/dT trajectory towards the (sp, qz) univariant line. The initial spinel-bearing assemblage was stabilized by Zn and to a lesser extent by Ni and Cr, and hence does not require a marked decrease in temperature and increase in pressure to produce the (sp, hy, qz) assemblage. It is inferred that fO 2 conditions substantially lower than those used in the experiments of Annersten and Seifert (1981) prevailed in the high-grade metamorphism in the Napier Complex.  相似文献   

Abstract Spinel-quartz-cordierite and spinel-quartz are found as relic prograde assemblages in Fe-rich granulites from the Araku area, Eastern Ghats belt, India. Subsequent reactions produced orthopyroxene + sillimanite in the former association and garnet + sillimanite in the latter. The first reaction is univariant in the FMAS system, but is trivariant in the present case because of the presence of Zn and Fe3+ in spinel. The second reaction also has high variance because of Zn and Fe3+, but also because of the presence of Ca in garnet. Thermobarometry shows that the metamorphic conditions were approximately 950° C and 8.5 kbar and the fo 2 was near the NNO buffer. In Fe-rich bulk compositions and low- P -high- T conditions of metamorphism, two of the univariant reactions around the invariant point [Sa], namely (Sa, Hy) and (Sa, Cd), change topology due to reverse partitioning of Fe-Mg between coexisting garnet and spinel. An alternative partial petrogenetic grid in the system FMAS is constructed for such conditions and is applied satisfactorily to several sapphirine-free spinel granulites. It is shown that bulk composition ( X Fe and Zn) exerts greater control on the stability of spinel + quartz than fo 2. The effect of the presence of Zn and Fe3+ in spinel on the proposed grid is evaluated. Reaction textures in the Araku spinel granulites can be explained from the petrogenetic grid as due to near-isobaric cooling.  相似文献   

Metapelites containing muscovite, cordierite, staurolite and biotite (Ms+Crd+St+Bt) are relatively rare but have been reported from a number of low-pressure (andalusite–sillimanite) regional metamorphic terranes. Paradoxically, they do not occur in contact aureoles formed at the same low pressures, raising the question as to whether they represent a stable association. A stable Ms+Crd+St+Bt assemblage implies a stable Ms+Bt+Qtz+Crd+St+Al2SiO5+Chl+H2O invariant point (IP1), the latter which has precluded construction of a petrogenetic grid for metapelites that reconciles natural phase relations at high and low pressure. Petrogenetic grids calculated from internally consistent thermodynamic databases do not provide a reliable means to evaluate the problem because the grid topology is sensitive to small changes in the thermodynamic data. Topological analysis of invariant point IP1 places strict limits on possible phase equilibria and mineral compositions for metamorphic field gradients at higher and lower pressure than the invariant point. These constraints are then compared with natural data from contact aureoles and reported Ms+Crd+St+Bt occurrences. We find that there are numerous topological, textural and compositional incongruities in reported natural assemblages that lead us to argue that Ms+Crd+St+Bt is either not a stable association or is restricted to such low pressures and Fe-rich compositions that it is rarely if ever developed in natural rocks. Instead, we argue that reported Ms+Crd+St+Bt assemblages are products of polymetamorphism, and, from their textures, are useful indicators of P–T  paths and tectonothermal processes at low pressure. A number of well-known Ms+Crd+St+Bt occurrences are discussed within this framework, including south-central Maine, the Pyrenees and especially SW Nova Scotia.  相似文献   

史训立  胡家文 《岩石学报》2023,(5):1541-1555
实验或计算相图及野外观察表明,同一体系在不同但却相近的物理化学条件下常常会呈现出许多截然不同的相组合或经历截然不同的反应途径。为了分析这一现象的原因,本文作者计算了不同温度、压力条件下CaO-FeO-SiO_(2)-O_(2)体系(铁橄榄石、钙铁橄榄石、钙铁辉石、磁铁矿、钙铁榴石、赤铁矿、硅灰石)的氧逸度-硅活度[log f(O_(2))-log a(SiO_(2))]相图。结果表明,随着约束条件的变化,该体系所包含的两个不同一级多体系(由一个无变度组合加上一相所形成的子体系)的相图先后经历了构型转变;在每次转变中,同一个一级多体系中每条单变度线上的两个无变度点都会同时经历彼此靠近、重合于一点、再沿原来方向彼此远离的过程。因此,原来相对稳定的无变度点在新的条件下全部同时变为介稳,而原来介稳的无变度点在新的条件下全部同时变为相对稳定的点,其中每一构型中稳定部分与介稳部分的关系是互补的。因此,整个一级多体系的拓扑构型(包含稳定和介稳部分)呈现镜像对称。对于受约束条件下的多相、多组分体系,这种构型转变现象比较常见。它伴随着一系列相组合和反应的突变,因而可以影响相关地质过程的演化途径;而构型转变的条件可用来确定相组合突变所需要的条件变量的范围,其计算只涉及一级多体系(而不是整个体系)中的相。需要注意的是,在一级多体系中,某个“相对”稳定的无变度点在其它一级多体系中可能会变为介稳点。因此,一级多体系中“相对”稳定的无变度点在高级多体系中可能只有一部分依旧能够保持稳定。另外,受约束条件的变化常会导致新相的产生或已有相的消失,从而使得原有的一级多体系可能还未来得及发生相图构型转变就已经转变为一个新的体系。这种情况会大幅度地减少原有的一级多体系相图构型发生转变的机会。本文利用相图的拓扑分析理论对上述现象做了很好的热力学分析和解释。  相似文献   

Sapphirine, coexisting with quartz, is an indicator mineral for ultrahigh‐temperature metamorphism in aluminous rock compositions. Here a new activity‐composition model for sapphirine is combined with the internally consistent thermodynamic dataset used by THERMOCALC, for calculations primarily in K2O‐FeO‐MgO‐Al2O3‐SiO2‐H2O (KFMASH). A discrepancy between published experimentally derived FMAS grids and our calculations is understood with reference to H2O. Published FMAS grids effectively represent constant aH2O sections, thereby limiting their detailed use for the interpretation of mineral reaction textures in compositions with differing H2O. For the calculated KFMASH univariant reaction grid, sapphirine + quartz assemblages occur at P–T in excess of 6–7 kbar and 1005 °C. Sapphirine compositions and composition ranges are consistent with natural examples. However, as many univariant equilibria are typically not ‘seen’ by a specific bulk composition, the univariant reaction grid may reveal little about the detailed topology of multi‐variant equilibria, and therefore is of limited use for interpreting the P–T evolution of mineral assemblages and reaction sequences. Calculated pseudosections, which quantify bulk composition and multi‐variant equilibria, predict experimentally determined KFMASH mineral assemblages with consistent topology, and also indicate that sapphirine stabilizes at increasingly higher pressure and temperature as XMg increases. Although coexisting sapphirine and quartz can occur in relatively iron‐rich rocks if the bulk chemistry is sufficiently aluminous, the P–T window of stability shrinks with decreasing XMg. An array of mineral assemblages and mineral reaction sequences from natural sapphirine + quartz and other rocks from Enderby Land, Antarctica, are reproducible with calculated pseudosections. That consistent phase diagram calculations involving sapphirine can be performed allows for a more thorough assessment of the metamorphic evolution of high‐temperature granulite facies terranes than was previously possible. The establishment of a a‐x model for sapphirine provides the basis for expansion to larger, more geologically realistic chemical systems (e.g. involving Fe3+).  相似文献   

A new convenient combinatorial method is developed here to derive the invariant points in multisystem closed nets – the absent phase substitution (APS) method. It substantially simplifies the derivation of the closed nets in multisystems with many components and phases. For the multisystems whose total phase number (NPS) ≤ twice the number of the absent phases (m) in an invariant assemblage, the method can yield regular closed nets with or without globally absent phases; for other multisystems, the method can yield the regular closed nets with globally absent phases. As examples, the APS method was used to predict: (1) the regular closed nets of unary to quinary n + 4‐phase multisystems, unary 6‐phase multisystem and ternary 8‐phase multisystem; (2) the basic properties of the regular closed nets of the quaternary and quinary multisystems with n + 4 and n + 5 phases. Two multisystems were chosen to demonstrate how to select a realistic closed net from the numerous possible closed nets of a complex multisystem, and how to derive a realistic partially closed‐net, closed‐net‐diagram and the related realistic straight‐line‐net‐diagram. Comparisons of our APS method for the derivation of complicated closed nets with other methods indicate that this method is much simpler and more efficient.  相似文献   

Abstract Considering the minerals cordierite (Cd), sapphirine (Sa), hypersthene (Hy), garnet (Ga), spinel (Sp), sillimanite (Si) and corundum (Co) in the system FeO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 (FMAS), the stable invariant points are [Co], [Ga], [Cd] and [Sa]. Constraints imposed by experimental data for the system MAS indicate that under low P H2o conditions the invariant points occur at high temperature (> 900° C) and intermediate pressure (7-10 kbar). This temperature is higher than that commonly advocated for granulite facies metamorphism. In granulites Fe-Mg exchange geothermometers may yield temperatures of 100–150° C below peak metamorphic conditions and evidence for peak temperatures is best preserved by relict high-temperature assemblages and by Al-rich cores in orthopyroxene. Application of the FMAS grid to some well-documented granulite occurrences introduces important constraints on their P-T histories. Rocks of different bulk compositions, occurring in close proximity in the field, may record distinct segments of their P-T paths. This applies particularly to rocks with evidence for reaction in the form of coronas, symplectites and zoned minerals. Consideration of curved reaction boundaries and XMs isopleths may explain apparently contradictory results for the stability of cordierite obtained from low-temperature experiments and thermochemical calculations on the one hand and hightemperature experimental data on the other.  相似文献   

Multisystem nets are topological analogs of real and potentially real phase diagrams which can be constructed given only the chemography of phases of interest. Combinatorial analysis of c-component (c + 4)-phase multisystems suggests the existence of [(c + 4)!/2] [2(c +4) ? 2 (c + 4)] distinct nets. (c + 4)-phase multisystem nets are characterized by three different invariant point stability levels, four different reaction stability levels, and three invariant points along each univariant reaction. Invariant points at the intermediate stability level occur in two disjoint networks. Unlike (c + 3)-phase multisystems, in which all nets are related by transposition, (c + 4)-phase nets form distinct equivalence classes under transposition based on identities of those invariant points at the intermediate stability level. A position matrix is introduced to denote adjacency/connectivity relationships, and a relationship is suggested between the number of nets in each equivalence class under transposition and the number of ways of assigning stability levels to invariant points of an arbitrary position matrix.  相似文献   

This paper concerns the computation of near-well flow in numerical reservoir simulation with unstructured grids. In particular, it uses spherical trigonometry to derive analytical expressions for the flow towards a well modeled as either a number of point sources or a constant-flux line source. The expression for the point source representation is based on projections of the grid block boundaries on spheres with unit radius around the sources. The expression for the line source is based on projection on a prolate spheroid. The computation of the surface area is done through transformation to prolate spheroidal coordinates and subsequent projection on a sphere at infinity. The point source expression for a single source is exact for grid block boundaries with straight edges; the line source expression is an approximation. Both representations are fully volume conserving, such that the sum of the fluxes through the grid block boundaries surrounding a source adds up exactly to the total source flow rate. Both representations can be used to accurately model complicated wells in the form of segments. The point source representation is simpler to implement and not necessarily less accurate than the line source representation.  相似文献   

Multisystem nets are topological analogs of real and potentially real phase diagrams which can be constructed given only the chemography of phases of interest. Combinatorial analysis of c-component (c + 4)-phase multisystems suggests the existence of [(c + 4)!/2] [2(c +4) – 2 (c + 4)] distinct nets. (c + 4)-phase multisystem nets are characterized by three different invariant point stability levels, four different reaction stability levels, and three invariant points along each univariant reaction. Invariant points at the intermediate stability level occur in two disjoint networks. Unlike (c + 3)-phase multisystems, in which all nets are related by transposition, (c + 4)-phase nets form distinct equivalence classes under transposition based on identities of those invariant points at the intermediate stability level. A position matrix is introduced to denote adjacency/connectivity relationships, and a relationship is suggested between the number of nets in each equivalence class under transposition and the number of ways of assigning stability levels to invariant points of an arbitrary position matrix.  相似文献   

A new quantitative approach to constraining mineral equilibria in sapphirine‐bearing ultrahigh‐temperature (UHT) granulites through the use of pseudosections and compatibility diagrams is presented, using a recently published thermodynamic model for sapphirine. The approach is illustrated with an example from an UHT locality in the Anápolis–Itauçu Complex, central Brazil, where modelling of mineral equilibria indicates peak metamorphic conditions of about 9 kbar and 1000 °C. The early formed, coarse‐grained assemblage is garnet–orthopyroxene–sillimanite–quartz, which was subsequently modified following peak conditions. The retrograde pressure–temperature (PT) path of this locality involves decompression across the FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2 (FMAS) univariant reaction orthopyroxene + sillimanite = garnet + sapphirine + quartz, resulting in the growth of sapphirine–quartz, followed by cooling and recrossing of this reaction. The resulting microstructures are modelled using compatibility diagrams, and pseudosections calculated for specific grain boundaries considered as chemical domains. The sequence of microstructures preserved in the rocks constrains a two‐stage isothermal decompression–isobaric cooling path. The stability of cordierite along the retrograde path is examined using a domainal approach and pseudosections for orthopyroxene–quartz and garnet–quartz grain boundaries. This analysis indicates that the presence or absence of cordierite may be explained by local variation in aH2O. This study has important implications for thermobarometric studies of UHT granulites, mainly through showing that traditional FMAS petrogenetic grids based on experiments alone may overestimate PT conditions. Such grids are effectively constant aH2O sections in FMAS‐H2O (FMASH), for which the corresponding aH2O is commonly higher than that experienced by UHT granulites. A corollary of this dependence of mineral equilibria on aH2O is that local variations in aH2O may explain the formation of cordierite without significant changes in PT conditions, particularly without marked decompression.  相似文献   

The theory of divariant reactions is investigated in some detail and approaches involving simultaneously operating reactions and X Mg isopleths are combined. Using the Gibbs' method (Spear et al. 1982), a general equation is derived for X Mg isopleth slopes in FMAS and CFMAS, which may be applied to any divariant assemblage in these systems. Isopleth slopes are calculated for a number of divariant FMAS and CFMAS reactions inferred to have operated in Sri Lankan granulites, giving more rigorous constraints on the local P-T path. Isopleth slopes are also calculated for the trivariant CFMAS reaction orthopyroxene + plagioclase = garnet + quartz. The resulting dP/dT range from +8 to +18 bar/K. Application to Sri Lankan granulites confirms an earlier hypothesis (Faulhaber and Raith 1991) that a retrograde path with a dP/dT of ~10–15 bar/K may cause garnet growth in charnockites and garnet breakdown in metabasites. It is shown here that dP/dT depends primarily on the Ca contents of garnet and plagioclase. Large variations in isopleth and reaction line slopes are possible, due to the thermodynamic effect of additional components in solid solutions, e.g. albite in plagioclase. This has a good potential for the assessment of the exact form of P-T paths. Equations to calculate isopleth slopes could be included in software packages aimed at defining P-T estimates, enabling geologists to derive realistic P-T paths.  相似文献   

In this paper, experimentally the pressure distribution over wedge and sphere surface in uniform flow has been investigated. Fluid flow over a smooth wedge surface was investigated experimentally to determine the pressure distribution at different values of Reynolds numbers and wedge angles as well as pressure distributions around the sphere of different size are reported for different Reynolds numbers. The variation of static pressures is larger near the wedge vertex and gradually decreases along the length of the wedge surface. At the forward stagnation point the pressure distribution depends on the size of spheres. Separation of flow takes place at an angle of 78° from forward stagnation point for all sizes of spheres. At the rear stagnation point of the sphere the pressure distribution predicts negative pressures. Experimental results provide useful information of interest to potential industrial application. It helps in determining the shape of various wedge and sphere surfaces used in industries for cooling or heating of different wedge surfaces. In the present experiment, it has been found that the pressure near vertex lower as the included angle of the wedge decreases and at lower values of Reynolds number.  相似文献   

Outside the Bergell tonalite contact aureole, ophicarbonate rocks consist of blocks of antigorite schist embedded in veins of calcite ± tremolite. An antigorite schistosity predates some of these calcite veins. Mono- and bimineralic assemblages occur in reaction zones associated with the veins. Within the aureole, the ophicarbonate veining becomes less distinct and polymineralic assemblages become more frequent. A regular sequence of isobaric univariant assemblages is found, separated by isograds corresponding to isobaric invariant assemblages. In order of increasing grade the invariant assemblages are: antigorite+diopside+olivine+tremolite+calcite antigorite+dolomite+olivine+tremolite+calcite antigorite+olivine+talc+magnesite antigorite+dolomite+olivine+tremolite+talc These assemblages match a previously derived topology in P-T-XCO2 space for the system CaO-MgO-SiO2-H2O-CO2; the field sequence can be used to adjust the relative locations of calculated invariant points with respect to temperature. Isobaric univariant and invariant assemblages are plotted along a profile map to permit direct comparison with the phase diagram.It is inferred that, during the formation of the ophicarbonate veins, calcite precipitated from fluid introduced into the serpentinite. During contact metamorphism, however, the compositions of pore fluids evolved by reaction in the ophicarbonate rocks were largely buffered by the solid phases. This control occurred on a small scale, because there are local variations in the buffering solid assemblages within a centimeter range.  相似文献   

Corner point grids is currently the standard grid representation for use in reservoir simulation. The cell faces in corner point grids are traditionally represented as bilinear surfaces where the edges between the corner points all are straight lines. This representation has the disadvantage that along faults with varying dip the cell faces on either side will not precisely match, giving overlapping cells or gaps between cells. We propose an alternative representation for the cell faces. The four vertical cell faces are still represented as bilinear surfaces, but instead of having linear edges between the cell corners along the top and bottom faces, we propose a representation of the vertical cell faces where any horizontal intersection will give a straight line, giving column faces whose shape is independent of the corner point locations of the individual grid cells. This ensures that the grid columns match up and that there are no gaps or overlapping volumes between grid cells. This representation gives a local parameterization for the whole grid column, and the top and bottom grid cell surfaces are modeled as bilinear using this parameterization. A set of local coordinates for the grid cell permits all the common grid operations like volume calculation, area calculation for cell faces, and blocking of well traces.  相似文献   

High-Mg–Al, silica-undersaturated metapelites from theOygarden Group of islands, East Antarctica, preserve clear evidencefor the stable coexistence of the assemblage orthopyroxene +corundum in natural rocks. The quartz-absent metapelite occursas pods and isolated layers within a high-strain zone relatedto deformation during the c. 0·93 Ga Rayner StructuralEpisode. Assemblages that include orthopyroxene, corundum, sapphirine,sillimanite, cordierite, garnet and kornerupine are developedacross a pre-existing compositional zoning, leading to contrastingmineral Fe–Mg ratios. The assemblage orthopyroxene–corundumis shown to exist in only a very restricted range of bulk compositionsand PT histories. Simplified qualitative FMAS grids havebeen constructed for kornerupine-absent and -present systems,illustrating MAS terminations and divariant equilibria thathelp to describe the mineral assemblage and reaction history.Reaction textures that include coronas of sapphirine and sillimaniteseparating orthopyroxene and corundum, and symplectites of orthopyroxene+ sapphirine ± cordierite/plagioclase, orthopyroxene+ sillimanite ± cordierite/plagioclase and orthopyroxene+ sapphirine + sillimanite embaying garnet, imply a clockwisePTt evolution. Conditions of P > 9–10kbar and T  相似文献   

Scapolite–wollastonite–grossular bearing calc-silicate rocks from the Vellanad area in the Kerala Khondalite Belt (KKB) of Southern India preserve a number of reaction textures which help to deduce their PT–fluid history. Textures include calcite+plagioclase±quartz symplectites after scapolite, grossular+quartz coronas between wollastonite and plagioclase, grossular coronas between wollastonite and plagioclase+calcite that replace former scapolite, and grossular blebs replacing anorthite+calcite+quartz pseudomorphs of scapolite. Garnet coronas are also observed between clinopyroxene and wollastonite or scapolite or plagioclase. The reactions, apart from those involving clinopyroxene, can be modelled in the simple CaO–Al2O3–SiO2–CO2 system and interpreted using partial reaction grids constructed for the activities of end-members in the analysed phases. The reaction topologies produced are good approximations for the peak as well as retrograde mineral assemblages and reaction textures. For the compositions of the phases present in this study, the medium pressure calc-silicate assemblages are defined by the stable pseudo-invariant points [Qtz], [Mei] and [Grs]. The textural features interpreted using these activity-corrected grids indicate a phase of isobaric cooling from about 835°C to 750°C at 6 kbar in the Vellanad area. This is inconsistent with earlier studies on other lithologies from the KKB, most of which imply a post-peak PT path involving near-isothermal decompression. However, as the temperatures obtained for the KKB from the calc-silicates are higher than those previously deduced from metapelites and garnet–orthopyroxene assemblages, the phase of near-isobaric cooling reported here is inferred to have proceeded prior to the onset of the decompression documented from studies of other rock types.  相似文献   

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