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段慧荣  李毅  苏世平 《中国沙漠》2012,32(3):801-805
以红砂的一年生苗嫩茎为外植体,添加不同浓度的氯吡苯脲(CPPU)、6-BA和NAA,进行愈伤组织诱导试验,得出红砂愈伤组织诱导的最佳培养基为1/2MS+CPPU 0.1 mg·L-1+NAA1 mg·L-1。利用响应面分析法,设计CCD中心组合试验,对CPPU和NAA两个因素进行优化,得出愈伤组织最佳继代培养基为1/2MS+CPPU 0.1195 mg·L-1+NAA1.1 mg·L-1,在此条件下,实际增殖率可达到4.7414,为理论预测值的99.15%,愈伤组织的最适继代周期为30 d左右。利用响应面分析法可优化红砂愈伤组织继代培养基,得到理论最佳配方,验证结果表明该方法科学、高效。  相似文献   

石天阳  余红发  麻海燕  李颖 《盐湖研究》2021,29(3):38-46, 55
氯氧镁水泥(Magnesium oxychloride cement, MOC)具有快凝、早强、高强、防火和不腐蚀玻璃纤维等优点,非常适合于制作玻璃纤维增强薄壁制品,在农业灌溉工程中具有良好的应用前景。采用XRD和TOPAS分析了新型抗水氯氧镁水泥制成内蒙古防渗渠的物相组成,探讨了氯氧镁水泥制品在自然环境的水化产物与相转变规律、以及相组成对强度的影响。结果表明,在水分缺少的条件下,氯氧镁水泥的水化产物主要为5Mg(OH)_2·MgCl_2·8H_2O(5·1·8)和Mg(OH)_2;在水分充足的条件下,水化产物主要为Mg(OH)_2和5·1·8,碳化产物为碳化氯氧化镁Mg(OH)_2·MgCl_2·2MgCO_3·6H_2O(1·1·2·6)和水菱镁矿4MgCO_3·Mg(OH)_2·4H_2O(4·1·4)。水化产物对强度有促进作用,而碳化产物会降低强度。通过10年的工程环境考验,证明新型氯氧镁水泥制品在环境中能够保持主要强度相5·1·8的稳定性,具有良好的长期力学性能。  相似文献   

"Patterns of population distribution revealed from 1989 census data are used to assess how future population movements could be affected by current political, social, and economic changes. Much migration in the USSR has reflected central planning decisions as much as the spontaneous decisions of individuals. To the extent that the influence of the command economy diminishes and a market economy emerges, major new directions of migration flows can be expected. The return of ethnic 'expatriates' to home republics can be expected to increase, as can economic migration to areas with favorably perceived economic prospects, and migration to Central and Western Europe."  相似文献   

By the mid‐twentieth century the population and economic resources in many developing economies had become concentrated in the capital city. Planned industrial cities became an important mechanism to encourage more balanced urban systems as well as development in peripheralized regions. Venezuela boasts one of the most impressive planned industrial cities, Ciudad Guayana, constructed in 1959 in the resource rich but inaccessible Bolivar state in the southeast. This paper summarizes the lifetime migration to and from Bolivar state for the years 1950, 1971 and 2001. Whereas the majority of lifetime migrants originated from the neighbouring northeast region in 1950 and 1971, by 2001 more migrants arrived from the capital region. For lifetime outmigrants, the destination states became more diverse and less focused on the capital region. Gender ratios of lifetime migrants to and from Bolivar became more equitable as women became more prominent in migration flows. The level of urban primacy in Venezuela declined substantially after 1971 as the country became more internally integrated, although this more equitable distribution of the country's population may not have been solely a result of the creation of the growth pole, but a result of wider economic development.  相似文献   

安宁  张博 《世界地理研究》2022,31(6):1119-1129
在全球-地方频繁互动的今天,跨国/跨地方逐渐成为超高速流动的社会现实,移民与流入流出地的多元互动模糊了国与国、地方与地方之间的边界,在目的地不断重塑社会结构和空间,在物质和符号维度赋予了地方不同的意义。族裔社区不仅仅反映了不同的移民群体复杂的日常生活实践及其在空间上的互动,也将对多元化族裔空间的关注转移到社区、空间、领土政治甚至流动地缘想象,同时也将族裔社区空间纳入一个关系性的视角下。而传统上地缘政治视角对移民和族裔空间的关注相对有限。因此,本专栏主要讨论地缘政治视角下的跨境移民和族裔社区。具体而言,专栏首先回顾了地缘政治研究及其对流动性的关注和移民研究中的地缘政治面向,其次通过8篇文章讨论了不同尺度下多元的跨境移民及族裔社区营造与建构的相关研究,希冀从理论、方法以及实证研究方面对现有知识进行补充,也尝试通过探索国内外相关研究的进展,为社会和国家治理的需求服务。  相似文献   

Due to rapid socio-economic development and urban-rural integration, the rural population is increasingly moving away from the primary industry, leading to a noticeable transformation of rural farmland use. This paper analyzed the changes in farmland use and the mechanisms in 213 villages of Longxi county, China in 2020, using multiple linear regression models, based on the aforementioned situation. Analysis revealed main findings:(1) Male and young and middle-aged emigration levels are concentr...  相似文献   

属性和网络结构双重视角下农民工流动规律研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
微观层面的农民工流动与宏观层面的城市间经济联系存在关联性,属性与网络关系结构相结合为分析这种关联性提供了有力工具。运用1142名农民工调查数据和198个城市官方统计数据构建的网络数据,分别分析了属性因素和个体网络以及城市整体网络因素对农民工流动的影响。结果显示:年龄、文化程度、行业类型、打工年限、流出与流入地区域等个体属性因素,以及求职帮助关系人类型、是否有公职人员等个体网络因素对农民工打工地选择、流动距离和工资收入影响显著。通过分析城市属性与整体网络出度入度、网络相关性、无标度特征、核心—边缘结构和小世界特征等因素,得出了农民工流动具有从落后地区流向发达城市,以远距离流动为代价追求高工资,选择务工城市具有扎堆趋势,聚集在发达城市并非必然获得高工资,向发达地区流动倾向于一步到位等结论。在此基础上,提出引导农民工合理流动,降低信息费用,优化劳动力资源配置的相关建议。  相似文献   

Gregory R. Brooks   《Geomorphology》2003,54(3-4):197-215
The Holocene evolution of the shallow alluvial valley occupied by the Red River was investigated at two successive river meanders near St. Jean Baptiste, Manitoba. A transect of five boreholes was sited across the flood plain at each meander to follow the path of lateral channel migration. From the cores, 24 wood and charcoal samples were AMS radiocarbon dated. The dates from the lower half of the alluvium in each core are interpreted to represent the age of the lateral accretion deposits within the flood plain at the borehole sites. The ages of these deposits increase progressively from 900 to 7900 and 1000 to 8100 cal years B.P. along each transect, respectively, from the proximal to distal portions of the flood plain. At the upstream meander, the average rate of channel migration was initially 0.35 m/year between 7900 and 7400 cal years B.P., then decreased to 0.18 m/year between 7400 and 6200 cal years B.P., and subsequently varied between 0.04 and 0.08 m/year. Net channel incision of the river since 8100 cal years B.P. is estimated to have ranged between 0.4 and 0.8 m/ky. The pre-6000-years-B.P. interval of greater channel migration is hypothesized to reflect a higher phase of sediment supply that was associated with the establishment of the river system on the former bed of glacial Lake Agassiz. Since 1000 years B.P., the outward migration of the meanders has caused a gradual enlarging of 0.7–2% in the cross-sectional area of the shallow valley at the two meanders. When considered proportionally over timescales of up to several centuries, the widening of the valley cross-section is very low to negligible and is deemed an insignificant factor affecting the modern flood hazard on the clay plain.  相似文献   

An avulsion of the lower Saskatchewan River in the 1870s inundated a large segment of peat-covered floodplain that subsequently has become aggraded with a broad (500 km2) belt of alluvium deposited by the redirected flow. Routing of water and sediment discharge through the avulsion-affected area has been accomplished mainly by networks of sandy bedded anastomosed channels that have formed, evolved, and abandoned as the alluvial belt prograded down the floodplain slope. These processes continue today, though at a much-reduced rate. New channels, formed by crevassing and basinward extension of distributaries, are initially small and shallow, with bottom elevations situated within the avulsive alluvium but above the pre-avulsion peat (floodplain) surface. Subsequent enlargement and downcutting of many of these channels eventually uncovers the underlying peat layer whose resistance to erosion exerts significant influence on cross-sectional shape and further channel development. Peat-floored channels tend to have rectangular cross-sections, high ratios of average to maximum depth (D/Dmax), and a large range of width-to-depth ratios. If the channel continues to enlarge, the peat layer eventually becomes breached, commonly leading to temporarily irregular cross-sections caused by localized scouring at the breach sites. Eventually, the peat layer is completely eroded from the channel floor by undercutting and slumping, after which channel shape becomes governed mainly by other perimeter characteristics. Channels unaffected by peat, either before the peat layer is encountered during early channel development or after it is entirely removed, tend to have low width/depth ratios and a large range of D/Dmax values.  相似文献   

人口迁移的时空分异与影响机制一直是人口学研究关注的焦点。本文基于社保关系转移视角,从时间和空间两个维度探究黑龙江省城镇工作人口省内的中长期迁移规律与时空分异特征,并且结合人口推拉理论与OD模型,综合考虑经济和就业政策因素,建立了能够反映以社保劳动关系转移为基础的中长期人口迁移动力学模型。研究结果表明:基于社保关系的城镇工作人口迁移符合截断指数幂律分布,呈现列维飞行特点;该省省内人口迁出呈现多层级跨区域分布格局,人口迁入呈现“四核心-环东南”格局,人口迁入与迁出空间格局具有一定程度的类似性;黑龙江省边境城市人口流失情况较为严重;城镇职工迁移行为的无序性不断加大,迁移的频率较高;但是经过通过模拟,该省城镇职工的迁移系统趋向于平衡发展。  相似文献   

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