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Photographicuvby photometry of 15 stars in the open cluster M52 (NGC 7654) has been obtained. The distance modulusV oM v=11.3±0.1 and mean cluster reddeningE(B–V)=0.57 are determined. Some basic physical characteristics of 30 stars with observeduvby values are obtained as well as a numerical estimation of the open cluster age 9.6×107 yr is made.  相似文献   

Increases in the partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2) in the atmosphere will significantly affect a wide variety of terrestrial fauna and flora. Because of tight atmospheric–oceanic coupling, shallow-water marine species are also expected to be affected by increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations. One proposed way to slow increases in atmospheric pCO2 is to sequester CO2 in the deep sea. Thus, over the next few centuries marine species will be exposed to changing seawater chemistry caused by ocean–atmospheric exchange and/or deep-ocean sequestration. This initial case study on one allogromiid foraminiferal species (Allogromia laticollaris) was conducted to begin to ascertain the effect of elevated pCO2 on benthic Foraminifera, which are a major meiofaunal constituent of shallow- and deep-water marine communities. Cultures of this thecate foraminiferan protist were used for 10–14-day experiments. Experimental treatments were executed in an incubator that controlled CO2 (15 000; 30 000; 60 000; 90 000; 200 000 ppm), temperature and humidity; atmospheric controls (i.e., ~ 375 ppm CO2) were executed simultaneously. Although the experimental elevated pCO2 values are far above foreseeable surface water pCO2, they were selected to represent the spectrum of conditions expected for the benthos if deep-sea CO2 sequestration becomes a reality. Survival was assessed in two independent ways: pseudopodial presence/absence and measurement of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is an indicator of cellular energy. Substantial proportions of A. laticollaris populations survived 200 000 ppm CO2 although the mean of the median [ATP] of survivors was statistically lower for this treatment than for that of atmospheric control specimens. After individuals that had been incubated in 200 000 ppm CO2 for 12 days were transferred to atmospheric conditions for ~ 24 h, the [ATP] of live specimens (survivors) approximated those of the comparable atmospheric control treatment. Incubation in 200 000 ppm CO2 also resulted in reproduction by some individuals. Results suggest that certain Foraminifera are able to tolerate deep-sea CO2 sequestration and perhaps thrive as a result of elevated pCO2 that is predicted for the next few centuries, in a high-pCO2 world. Thus, allogromiid foraminiferal “blooms” may result from climate change. Furthermore, because allogromiids consume a variety of prey, it is likely that they will be major players in ecosystem dynamics of future coastal sedimentary environments.  相似文献   

The relationship between the Ricker Hills Tillite (RHT), which represents the northernmost outcrop of lithified continental glacial deposits in Victoria Land, is discussed with respect to the glacial landscape assemblage of the Ricker Hills, a nunatak at the internal border of the Transantarctic Mountains. A warm-based ice sheet deposited the tillite and induced syn- to post-depositional glacial deformation under wet conditions both of the tillite and of the bedrock. The thickness of the ice sheet on the nunatak is estimated to have been 600 m, at most. The area had been deeply eroded before deposition of the RHT as documented by the low elevation of tillite outcrops located in overdeepened depressions of the nunatak. Micropaleontological analysis evidences only the presence of Permian to Jurassic palynomorphs. X-ray diffraction and SEM–EDS analyses of clay minerals in the RHT indicate continental chemical weathering under wet conditions after the RHT deposition. As documented by clay mineral assemblage variation in CRP drillholes, the progressive cooling of the Antarctic continent allowed chemical weathering in “warm” conditions until the Late Oligocene period in southern Victoria Land, leading to a chronological constrain for RHT deposition. Conservatively estimating the sea level to have been between the tillite outcrops and the erosional trimline limiting horns in the Ricker Hills, at the time of RHT deposition, we suggest that the maximum uplift of the area would not have exceeded 900–1500 m since at least Late Oligocene.  相似文献   

Sea level trends and inter-annual variability in the Mediterranean Sea for the period 1960–2000 is explored by comparing observations from tide gauges with sea level hindcasts from a barotropic 2D circulation model, and two full primitive equation 3D ocean circulation models, a regional one and the Mediterranean component of a global one,. In the 2D model, 50% of the sea level variance was found to result from the wind and atmospheric pressure forcing. In the 3D models, 20% of the sea level variance was explained by the steric effects. The sea level residuals at the tide gauges locations, calculated by subtraction of the 2D model output from the sea level observations are significantly correlated (r = 0.4) with the steric signals from the 3D models. After the removal of the atmospheric and the steric contributions the tide-gauge sea level records indicate a period where sea level was stable (1960–1975) and a period where sea level was rising (1975–2000) with rates in the range 1.1–1.8 mm/yr. A part of the residual trend can be explained by the contribution of local land movements (0.3 mm/yr) while its major part indicates a global signal, probably mass addition, appearing after 1975.  相似文献   

Snow algae in a 45.97-m-long ice core from the Tyndall Glacier (50°59′05″S, 73°31′12″W, 1756 m a.s.l.) in the Southern Patagonian Icefield were examined for potential use in ice core dating and estimation of the net accumulation rate. The core was subjected to visual stratigraphic observation and bulk density measurements in the field, and later to analyses of snow algal biomass, water isotopes (18O, D), and major dissolved ions. The ice core contained many algal cells that belonged to two species of snow algae growing in the snow near the surface: Chloromonas sp. and an unknown green algal species. Algal biomass and major dissolved ions (Na+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Cl, SO42−) exhibited rapid decreases in the upper 3 m, probably owing to melt water elution and/or decomposition of algal cells. However, seasonal cycles were still found for the snow algal biomass, 18O, D-excess, and major ions, although the amplitudes of the cycles decreased with depth. Supposing that the layers with almost no snow algae were the winter layers without the melt water essential to algal growth, we estimated that the net accumulation rate at this location was 12.9 m a− 1 from winter 1998 to winter 1999, and 5.1 m from the beginning of winter to December 1999. These estimates are similar to the values estimated from the peaks of 18O (17.8 m a− 1 from summer 1998 to summer 1999 and 11.0 m from summer to December 1999) and those of D-excess (14.7 m a− 1 from fall 1998 to fall 1999 and 8.6 m a− 1 from fall to December 1999). These values are much higher than those obtained by past ice core studies in Patagonia, but are of the same order of magnitude as those predicted from various observations at ablation areas of Patagonian glaciers.  相似文献   

It is now well accepted that surface processes provide a critical feedback on the surface tectonic deformation, whatever it is, orogenic building or basin evolution. However, the idea that the influence of these processes may go below the crustal levels, is less common. In this preliminary study, we use coupled thermo-mechanical numerical models to investigate the possible influence of surface processes on the styles of continental collision, in particular, continental subduction. For that, we further exploit the recent successful model of continental subduction of the early stages of India–Asia collision by Toussaint et al. [Toussaint G., Burov, E., and J.-P. Avouac, Tectonic evolution of a continental collision zone: a thermo-mechanical numerical model, Tectonics, 23, TC6003, doi:10.1029/2003TC001604, 2004b.]. On the example of India–Asia-like settings, we show that not only the surface topography but also the total amount of subduction may largely vary as function of denudation rate (controlled by the coefficient of erosion, k). Erosion provides a dynamic discharge of the hanging wall of the major thrust zone, whereas the sedimentation increases loading on the footwall and this helps down-thrusting of the lower plate. Both processes reduce the resistance of the major thrust and subduction channel to subduction. However, very strong or very slow erosion/sedimentation enhance the possibility of plate coupling and promote whole-scale thickening or buckling. The maximal amount of subduction is thus achieved for some intermediate values of erosion rates when the tectonic uplift rate is fine-balanced by the denudation rate. In our case the optimal balance is reached for the values of k on the order of 3000 m2/yr. We then extended our model beyond the conditions of India–Asia collision, in terms of the tested range of k and convergence rates. The experiments suggest that for provided settings, both extra slow (k < 50–100 m2/yr) and extra rapid erosion (k > 6000–8000 m2/yr) limit, by up to 50%, the total amount of subduction, if not totally prevent it. The model demonstrates the large capability of surface processes to adopt to different deformation styles: the orogenic building and subduction successfully develop (subduction number, S > 0.5) in the range of k between 500 m2/yr and 6000 m2/yr at convergence rates ranging from 1 cm/yr to 6 cm/yr. Within this range, some peculiar features of orogenic style such as the geometry of the accretion prism, amount of upper crustal subduction, horizontal progression of the mountain range/thrust fault and the amount of exhumation of metamorphic facies are sometimes quite different. We conclude that surface processes may control deep, mantle level tectonic evolution.  相似文献   

A comprehensive period study of the times of minima observed from 1881 to 1985 has been performed. Previous interpretations of the O–C diagram based on light-time effect are confirmed. The light-time orbit of U Oph has been revised using a differential corrections procedure. We get an eccentric orbit withe=0.22±0.06,P=38.7±0.2 yr, and a mass function . In addition, our analysis has revealed short-period apsidal motion (U/P=4515±75) in a slightly eccentric close orbit (e=0.0031±0.0003), allowing a reliable determination of the density concentration coefficient,k 2=0.0059±4. A comparison with stellar evolutionary models calculated by Jeffery (1984) yields the helium contentY=0.28±0.05 and an age of 3×107 yr for the components of U Oph.  相似文献   

The analysis of the Th/U ratio in meteorites and the evolutionary ages of globular clusters favour values of the cosmic age of (19±5)×109 yr. This evidence together with a Hubble parameterH 0>70 km s–1 Mpc–1=(14×109 yr)–1 cannot be reconciled in a Friedmann model with =0. It requires a cosmological constant in the order of 10–56 cm–2, equivalent to a vacuum density v =10–29 g cm–3 The Friedmann-Lemaître models (>0) with a hot big-bang have been calculated. They are based on a present value of the baryonic matter density of 0=0.5×10–30 g cm–3 as derived from the primordial4He and2H abundances.For a Hubble parameter ofH 0=75 km s–1 Mpc–1, our analysis favours a set of models which can be represented by a model with Euclidean metric (density parameter 0=1.0, deceleration parameterq 0=–0.93, aget 0=19.7×109 yr) and by a closed model with perpetual expansion (0=1.072,q 0=–1.0, aget 0=21.4×109 yr). A present density parameter close to one can indeed be expected if the conjecture of an exponential inflation of the very early universe is correct.The possible behaviour of the vacuum density is demonstrated with the help of Streeruwitz' formula in the context of the closed model with an inflationary phase at very early times.  相似文献   

The problem of correcting the tide gauge records for the vertical land motion upon which the gauges are settled has only been partially solved. At best, the analyses so far have included model corrections for one of the many processes that can affect the land stability, namely the Glacial-Isostatic Adjustment (GIA). An alternative approach is to measure (rather than to model) the rates of vertical land motion at the tide gauges by means of space geodesy. A dedicated GPS processing strategy is implemented to correct the tide gauges records, and thus to obtain a GPS-corrected set of ‘absolute’ or geocentric sea-level trends. The results show a reduced dispersion of the estimated sea-level trends after application of the GPS corrections. They reveal that the reference frame implementation is now achieved within the millimetre accuracy on a weekly basis. Regardless of the application, whether local or global, we have shown that GPS data analysis has reached the maturity to provide useful information to separate land motion from oceanic processes recorded by the tide gauges or to correct these latter. For comparison purposes, we computed the global average of sea-level change according to Douglas [Douglas, B.C., 2001. Sea level change in the era of the recording tide gauge. Int. Geophys. Ser., 75, pp. 37–64.] rules, whose estimate is 1.84 ± 0.35 mm/yr after correction for the GIA effect [Peltier, W.R., 2001. Global glacial isostatic adjustment and modern instrumental records of relative sea level history. Int. Geophys. Ser., 75, pp. 65–95.]. We obtain a value of 1.31 ± 0.30 mm/yr, a value which appears to resolve the ‘sea level enigma’ [Munk, W., 2002. Twentieth century sea level: an enigma. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 99(10), pp. 6550–6555].  相似文献   

Two models for superluminal radio sources predict sharp lower bounds for the apparent velocities of separation. The light echo model predicts a minimum velocityv min=2c, and the dipole field model predictsv min=4.446c. Yahil (1979) has suggested that, if either of these models is correct, thenv min provides a standard velocity which can be used to determine the cosmological parametersH andq 0. This is accomplished by estimating a lower envelope for the proper motion vs redshift relation. Yahil also argued that the procedure could easily be generalized to include a nonzero cosmical constant . We derive the formulas relating the proper motion to the redshiftz in a Friedmann universe with a nonzero . We show that the determination of a lower envelope for a given sample of measured points yields an estimate of the angle of inclination i for each source in the sample. We formulate the estimation of the lower envelope as a constrained maximum likelihood problem with the constraints specified by the expected value of the largest order statistic for the estimated i . We solve this problem numerically using an off-the-shelf nonlinearly constrained nonlinear optimization program from the NAg library. Assuming =0, we apply the estimation procedure to a sample of 27 sources with measured values , using both the light echo and the dipole field models. The fits giveH=103 km s–1 Mpc–1 for the light echo model andH=46 km s–1 Mpc–1 for the dipole field model. In both cases the fits giveq 0=0.4, but the uncertainty in this result is too large to rule out the possibility thatq 0>0.5. When is allowed to be a free parameter, we obtainH=105 km s–1 Mpc–1 for the light echo model andH=47 km s–1 Mpc–1 for the dipole field model. In both cases the fits giveq 0=–1 and /H 0 2 =6.7, but no significance can be attached to these results because of the paucity of measured data at hight redshifts. For all of the fits, we compute the corresponding estimates of the i and compare the cumulative distribution of these values with that expected from a sample of randomly oriented sources. In all cases we find a large excess of sources at low-inclination angles (high apparent velocities). The expected selection effect would produce such an excess, but the excess is large enough to suggest a strong contamination of the sample by relativistic beam sources which would only be seen at low inclination angles.Applied Research Corporation  相似文献   

We estimate the intensity of Late-glacial and Holocene methane emissions from peatlands based on their paleo net primary production (PNPP). The PNPP is derived from the carbon accumulation rates of the studied bog profile (Etang de la Gruère, Switzerland), which are corrected for the degree of peat degradation. The obtained PNPP curve is taken as a proxy for methane emissions. It shows relatively high values (90 g C m− 2 yr− 1) early in the Bolling/Allerod and drops to low values (40 g C m− 2 yr− 1) during the Younger Dryas cold period. With the onset of the Holocene the PNPP increases strongly up to 150 g C m− 2 yr− 1 around ca. 10,000 Cal. yr bp. This is followed by a decline to minimum values (30 to 40 g C m− 2 yr− 1) between 6500 and 4000 Cal. yr bp. Thereafter, the PNPP starts to increase again to reach its highest value (175 g C m− 2 yr− 1) around 1000 Cal. yr bp.The PNPP curve correlates well with the evolution of the atmospheric methane concentrations as derived from Greenland ice-cores. For example, minima in atmospheric methane reported during the Younger Dryas and around 5200 Cal. yr bp are coinciding with the lowest values of PNPP and the negative atmospheric methane peak at 8200 Cal. yr bp corresponds to a marked decrease in PNPP.Our PNPP curve suggests that the methane emissions from northern peatlands evolved similar to those of low latitude wetlands and together they largely determined the evolution of atmospheric methane throughout the Late-glacial and the Holocene. The abruptness of the rise of atmospheric methane at the end of the Younger Dryas probably points to an additional source (e.g. marine gas hydrates), but very early in the Holocene the peatlands have likely become the dominant source of atmospheric methane.  相似文献   

Past and present glacier changes have been studied at Cordón Martial, Cordillera Fueguina Oriental, Tierra del Fuego, providing novel data for the Holocene deglaciation history of southern South America and extrapolating as well its future behavior based on predicted climatic changes. Regional geomorphologic and stratigraphic correlations indicate that the last glacier advance deposited the ice-proximal (“internal”) moraines of Cordón Martial, around 330 14C yr BP, during the Late Little Ice Age (LLIA). Since then glaciers have receded slowly, until 60 years ago, when major glacier retreat started. There is a good correspondence for the past 100 years between the surface area variation of four small cirque glaciers at Cordón Martial and the annual temperature and precipitation data of Ushuaia. Between 1984 and 1998, Martial Este Glacier lost 0.64 ± 0.02 × 106 m3 of ice mass (0.59 ± 0.02 × 106 m3 w.e.), corresponding to an average ice thinning of 7.0 ± 0.2 m (6.4 ± 0.2 m w.e), according to repeated topographic mapping. More detailed climatic data have been obtained since 1998 at the Martial Este Glacier, including air temperature, humidity and solar radiation. These records, together with the monthly mass balance measured since March 2000, document the annual response of the Martial Este Glacier to the climate variation. Mass balances during hydrological years were positive in 2000, negative in 2001 and near equilibrium in 2002. Finally, using these data and the regional temperature trend projections, modeled for different future scenarios by the Atmosphere-Ocean Model (GISS-NASA/GSFC), potential climatic-change effects on this mountain glacier were extrapolated. The analysis shows that only the Martial Este Glacier may survive this century.  相似文献   

Closely spaced microphotometer tracings parallel to the dispersion of one excellent frame of a K-line time sequence have been utilized for a study of the nature of the K2v , K2R intensities in the case of the solar chromosphere. The frequency of occurrence of the categories of intensity ratio are as follows: per cent; per cent; per cent; per cent; per cent. Two types of absorbing components are postulated to explain the pattern of observed K2v , k2R intensity ratios. One component with minor Doppler displacements acting on the normal K232 profile, where K2V >K2R , produces the cases K2v K2R , K2v = K2R , K2v <K2R . The other component arises from dark condensations which are of size 3500 kms as seen in K2R . They have principally large down flowing velocities in the range 5–8 km/sec and are seen on K3 spectroheliograms with sizes of about 5000 kms, within the coarse network of emission. These dark condensations give rise to the situation K2R = 0.K2-line widths are measured for all tracings where K2v , K2R are measurable simultaneously. The distribution curve of these widths is extremely sharp. The K2 emission source is identified with the bright fine mottles visible on the surface. Evidence for this interpretation comes from the study of auto-correlation functions of K2 intensity variations and the spacing between the bright fine mottles from both spectrograms and spectroheliograms. The life time of the fine mottling is 200 sec.The supergranular boundaries which constitute the coarse network come in two intensity classes. A low intensity network has the fine mottles as its principal contributor to the K emission. When the network is bright, the enhancement is caused by increased K emission due to the accumulation of magnetic fields at the supergranule boundary. The K2 widths of the low intensity supergranular boundary agree with the value found for the bright mottles. Those for the brighter network are lower than this value, similar to the K2 widths as seen in the active regions.It is concluded that bright fine mottling is responsible for the relation, found by Wilson and Bappu, between K emission line widths and absolute magnitudes of the stars.The paper discusses the solar cycle equivalents that stellar chromospheres can demonstrate and indicates a possible line of approach for successful detection of cyclic activity in stellar chromospheres.  相似文献   

Twenty-eight of the thirty-nine diffuse interstellar bands identified by Herbig (1975) are shown to constitute three vibronic systems with origins at 14 321, 15 153, and 15 343 cm–1 (vac). Structure within these three systems arises from the excitation of vibrational modes withv 1=275 cm–1,v 2=445.5 cm–1, andv 3=793 cm–1. The electronic origins at 14 321 and 15 343 cm–1 correspond to narrow lines observed in the spectrum of Cr3+ ions at cubic sites in MgO solids while the 15 153 cm–1 origin arises in Mn4+ : MgO. Hence, many of the diffuse bands in the visible likely are due to small MgO particles containing these ions. This observation is compatible with recent experimental data showing broad bands at 160 nm and 220 nm from finely divided MgO solids that match features in the interstellar extinction curve.  相似文献   

A principally new, quantitative system of the classification of the spectra of planetary nebulae is proposed. Spectral class of excitation class of the nebulap is determined according to the relative intensities of emission lines (N 1+N 2) [OIII]/4686 HeII and (N 1+N 2) [OIII]/H (Table I, Figure 1). The excitation classes are obtained for 142 planetary nebulae of all classes—low (p=1–3), middle (p=4–8), and high (p=9–12+) (Tables II, III, and IV). An empirical relationship between excitation classp and mean radius of nebulae is discovered (Figure 2). This relationship as well as excitation classp, as an independend parameter, admit an evolutionary interpretation. It is shown that after reaching the highest class of excitationp=12+ the nebulae decrease their class of excitation with the further increases of sizes. The diagram of this relationship has two nearly-symmetric branches — rising and descending with the apogee onp=12+ (Figure 2).  相似文献   

Mean-sea-level data from coastal tide gauges in the north Indian Ocean were used to show that low-frequency variability is consistent among the stations in the basin. Statistically significant trends obtained from records longer than 40 years yielded sea-level-rise estimates between 1.06–1.75 mm yr− 1, with a regional average of 1.29 mm yr− 1, when corrected for global isostatic adjustment (GIA) using model data. These estimates are consistent with the 1–2 mm yr− 1 global sea-level-rise estimates reported by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.  相似文献   

The shell spectrum of CH Cyg observed in 1981 has been analyzed by the curve of growth method and using the equivalent widths of Balmer lines. The following parameters for the region of the shell where the absorption spectrum is formed have been obtained: excitation temperatureT ex=9000 K, microturbulent velocityv t =16 km s–1, electron densityn e=6.3×1012, number of active hydrogen atoms in the second excited stateN 0.2=5.8×1015, and the effective height of the absorption spectrum formation regionH=105 km.  相似文献   

A sediment layer (43 cm thick) and surface sediments (5 cm thick) in a submarine limestone cave (31 m water depth) on the fore-reef slope of Ie Island, off Okinawa mainland, Japan, were examined by visual, mineralogical and geochemical means. Oxygen isotope analysis was performed on the cavernicolous micro-bivalve Carditella iejimensis from both cored sediments and surface sediments, and the water temperature within the cave was recorded for nearly one year. These data show that: (1) water temperature within the cave is equal to that at 30 m deep in the open sea; (2) the biotic and non-biotic environments within the cave have persisted for the past 2000 years; (3) mud-size carbonate detritus is a major constituent of the submarine-cave deposit, and may have come mainly from the suspended carbonate mud produced on the emergent Holocene reef flat over the past two millennia; (4) the δ18O-derived temperature (Tδ18O) of C. iejimensis suggests that the species grows between April and July; (5) the Tδ18O of C. iejimensis from cored sediments implies that there were two warmer intervals, at AD 340 ± 40 and AD 1000 ± 40, which correspond to the Roman Warm Period and Medieval Warm Period, respectively. These suggest that submarine-cave sediments provide unique information for Holocene reef development. In addition, oxygen isotope records of cavernicolous C. iejimensis are a useful tool to reconstruct century-scale climatic variability for the Okinawa Islands during the Holocene.  相似文献   

Recent observations showing substantial diurnal changes in velocities of glaciers flowing into the ocean, measured at locations far inland of glacier grounding lines, add fuel to the ongoing debate concerning the ability of glaciers to transmit longitudinal-stress perturbations over large distances. Resolution of this debate has major implications for the prediction of glacier mass balance, because it determines how rapidly a glacier can respond dynamically to changes such as weakening or removal of an ice shelf. Current IPCC assessment of sea-level rise takes little account of such changes, on the assumption that dynamic responses would be too slow to have any appreciable effect on ice discharge fluxes. However, this assumption must be questioned in view of observations showing massive increases in glacier velocities following removal of parts of the Larsen Ice Shelf, Antarctica, and of others showing diurnal velocity changes apparently linked to the tides.Here, I use a simple force-perturbation model to calculate the response of glacier strain rates to tidal rise and fall, assuming associated longitudinal-force perturbations are transmitted swiftly far inland of the glacier grounding line. Results show reasonable agreement with observations from an Alaskan glacier, where the velocity changes extended only a short distance up-glacier. However, for larger Antarctic glaciers, big velocity changes extending far upstream cannot be explained by this mechanism, unless ice-shelf “back forces” change substantially with the tides.Additional insight will require continuous measurement of velocity and strain-rate profiles along flow lines of glaciers and ice shelves. An example is suggested, involving continuous GPS measurements at a series of locations along the centre line of Glaciar San Rafael, Chile, extending from near the calving front to perhaps 20 km inland. Tidal range here is about ± 0.8 m, which should be sufficient to cause a variation in ice-front velocity of ± 2 cm h− 1 about its average value of 75 cm h− 1, assuming local seawater depth of 150 m and glacier thickness of 200–400 m.  相似文献   

Airborne laser altimetry survey of Glaciar Tyndall, Patagonia   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The first airborne laser altimetry measurements of a glacier in South America are presented. Data were collected in November of 2001 over Glaciar Tyndall, Torres del Paine National Park, Chilean Patagonia, onboard a Twin Otter airplane of the Chilean Air Force. A laser scanner with a rotating polygon-mirror system together with an Inertial Navigation System (INS) were fixed to the floor of the aircraft, and used in combination with two dual-frequency GPS receivers. Together, the laser–INS–GPS system had a nominal accuracy of 30 cm after data processing. On November 23rd, a total of 235 km were flown over the ablation area of Glaciar Tyndall, with 5 longitudinal tracks with a mean swath width of 300 m, which results in a point spacing of approximately 2 m both along and across track. A digital elevation model (DEM) generated using the laser altimetry data was compared with a DEM produced from a 1975 map (1:50,000 scale — Instituto Geográfico Militar (IGM), Chile). A mean thinning of − 3.1 ± 1.0 m a− 1 was calculated for the ablation area of Glaciar Tyndall, with a maximum value of − 7.7 ± 1.0 m a− 1 at the calving front at 50 m a.s.l. and minimum values of between − 1.0 and − 2.0 ± 1.0 m a− 1 at altitudes close to the equilibrium line altitude (900 m a.s.l.). The thinning rates derived from the airborne survey were similar to the results obtained by means of ground survey carried out at  600 m of altitude on Glaciar Tyndall between 1975 and 2002, yielding a mean thinning of − 3.2 m a− 1 [Raymond, C., Neumann, T.A., Rignot, E., Echelmeyer, K.A., Rivera, A., Casassa, G., 2005. Retreat of Tyndall Glacier, Patagonia, over the last half century. Journal of Glaciology 173 (51), 239–247.]. A good agreement was also found between ice elevation changes measured with laser data and previous results obtained with Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) data. We conclude that airborne laser altimetry is an effective means for accurately detecting glacier elevation changes in Patagonia, where an ice thinning acceleration trend has been observed during recent years, presumably in response to warming and possibly also drier conditions.  相似文献   

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