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油松树轮记录的1776年以来贺兰山地区气温变化 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
利用贺兰山东西坡78个油松树芯样本建立了标准年表,分析发现1~8月平均气温是树木宽度生长的重要限制因子之一,且有明确的树木生理学意义。在此基础上模拟重建了贺兰山地区1776~1999年1~8月平均气温,重建序列的解释方差为43.3% (F = 21.422,p < 0.001)。重建中相对高温的年份有:1805~1818, 1828~1857, 1899~1907, 1919~1931, 1968~1995;相对低温的时段为:1858~1872,1883~1895,1935~1953。重建气温10年滑动曲线表现出3个明显的气温缓慢上升阶段 (1766~1853,1862~1931,1944~1995),每个升温期之后随之而来的是10年左右的快速降温,即贺兰山1~8月气温有缓慢升温而后又快速降温的特点。功率谱分析表明1-8月气温存在70、10.77、2.62、2.19、2.11年的准周期。 相似文献
试论贺兰山植物多样性的若干特点 总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11
通过实地考察,对贺兰山植物多样性特点进行了系统研究。研究结果表明,贺兰山植物多样性主要表现为植物种类丰富多样、区系地理成分复杂多样、山地植被垂直带类型多样和形态、生理生态适应性多样等一系列鲜明特点:根据中国植被分类标准,山体植被带分为山麓荒漠草原带、旱生乔灌木带、油松山杨林带和高山灌丛带:不同植被带由不同的植被类型组成;植被类型除了受海拔梯度影响外,水分条件也成为影响植被坡向分异的关键因子,从山麓到山顶,阴坡的植被类型依次为荒漠、荒漠草原、典型草原、疏林灌丛、亚高山灌丛、高山灌丛草甸,而阳坡的植被类型依次为灌丛、湿性针叶林、寒温性针叶林、亚高山针叶林和高山灌丛草甸。该研究对于了解中国干旱区草原和荒漠过渡区的山地植被空间分布特征具有重大意义。 相似文献
1960 年以来青藏高原气温变化研究进展 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
青藏高原是中国最大、世界海拔最高的高原,它对全球气候系统存在显著影响.本文对青藏高原自1960年以来的气温变化特征及其影响因素的研究进行了概述与总结.近50 年来,青藏高原气温明显上升,经历了一个冷期和一个暖期,气温在20 世纪80 年代发生突变,整体呈现前低后高波动上升的趋势;最低气温和最高气温呈不对称的线性增温趋势,最低气温的上升速率要比最高气温快得多;而极端事件频率、强度也有所变化,其中低温事件大大减少,高温事件则明显增加;各类界限温度的积温以及持续日数等生物温度指标也都显著增加.在空间分布上,青藏高原气温呈现出整体一致增暖,并且有西高东低、南北反相的变化形态.影响青藏高原气温变化的因素有很多,主要包括天文因素、高原内部气象要素以及外部环流影响等. 相似文献
油松树轮记录的过去134年伏牛山5-7月平均最高温度 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
利用豫西伏牛山的两组油松树轮宽度年表,重建了该区域1874年以来5-7月的平均最高温度.并用Jackknife和Bootstrap等方法进行了方程稳定性检验,统计检验参数表明重建序列与实测序列吻合较好,且方程稳定可信,重建方程的解释方差为40%(调整自由度后为39%).重建显示,在过去134年中,豫西伏牛山区5-7月平均最高气温经历了4次冷期和5次暖期.其中,20世纪20-30年代末是最显著的暖期,之后开始降温,至50年代降到谷底,温度小幅回升后,在70-80年代中期又显著下降,80年代末以后开始增温.该重建温度序列与秦岭中部南五台地区温度序列有较好的一致性. 相似文献
大别山地区黄山松和油松树轮宽度的气候意义 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
本文基于2010年采自大别山地区黄山松、油松树轮资料分别建立了树轮宽度标准年表,利用相关函数检验了年表与附近的麻城气象站1959-2009年月平均最高气温、月平均气温、月平均最低气温和月降水量之间关系,旨在探讨黄山松、油松树轮宽度的气候意义。研究结果显示,平均敏感度、标准差、信噪比等统计量黄山松年表均高于油松年表,表明黄山松年表较油松年表包含更多的气候信息,具有更高的树轮气候学研究价值。黄山松径向生长主要受当年2-7月平均气温限制,任何月份及月份组合降水量对黄山松径向生长的限制作用均不显著;油松径向生长主要受当年5-6月降水总量限制,任何月份及月份组合气温对油松径向生长的限制作用均不显著。研究表明,在中国亚热带暖湿地区,气候要素的年际变化亦可对部分树种径向生长具有较强的限制作用,树木年轮宽度的变化对气候具有指示意义。研究结果将进一步弥补中国亚热带暖湿地区树轮宽度年表的不足,为树轮气候重建研究提供参考和依据。 相似文献
天水地区近50年气温与降水变化特征 总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7
根据1961-2006年天水7个站每月温度和降水资料,分析了近50a天水温度和降水的突变事实。在此基础上给出了气候变暖前后气温、降水的概率分布,比较了变暖前后时段天水气温、降水空间分布的差异。结果表明:1)20世纪90年代初期天水气温、降水发生了明显突变,进入温度显著增暖和降水偏少时段;2)增暖后天水气温和降水的概率分布发生了明显变化,气温偏冷的概率显著减小,偏暖的概率显著增大;降水偏少的概率明显增多,偏多的概率明显减少;3)气候变暖后天水地区和各气候分区气温上升幅度均较显著;降水距平百分率渭北区下降幅度相对突出。进而,讨论了温度增加和降水减少对该地区农业生产的影响。 相似文献
贺兰山地区云凝结核浓度的测量及分析 总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11
利用热扩散型云凝结核计数器在贺兰山地区进行地面和空中云凝结核(CCN)观测。结果表明,在该地区夏季地面平均CCN浓度为610 cm-3,最大浓度达104 cm-3。沙尘天气现象没有明显地增加CCN浓度。层状云中CCN浓度随高度变化不大。 相似文献
Tree-ring standardized chronologies are developed by 78 cores collected from the eastern and western Helan Mountain. Statistical analysis shows that both the STD and RES chronologies correlate negatively with the temperature of different periods of early half year, especially with January to August mean (JA) temperature, which means that JA temperature is one of the predominant limiting factors of tree growth in the Helan Mountain. Based on this analysis, we reconstructed JA temperature, and the explained variance is 43.3% (F=21.422, p<0.001). The comparatively high temperature periods in the reconstruction were: 1805?1818, 1828–1857, 1899–1907, 1919–1931 and 1968–1995; and the comparatively low temperature periods happened in 1858–1872, 1883–1895 and 1935–1953. Ten-year moving average curve shows three slow uplifting trends: 1766–1853, 1862–1931 and 1944–1995. Each tem-perature increase was followed by a sudden temperature decrease about 10 years, that is to say, the JA temperature in the Helan Mountain is characterized by slow increase and sudden decrease. The 70- and 10.77-year periodicities detected in the temperature series correspond to the Gleissberg (80-year) and Schwabe (11-year) periodicities of solar activity respectively, the 2.11–2.62 years cycles are considered to be influenced by QBO (Quasi-Bie- nnial-Oscillation) and the local environmental change. 相似文献
Stephanodiscus niagarae is frequently reported from late Pleistocene (>10,000 yr BP) sediments in central Mexico, with lower abundances through the Holocene. Its presence in Holocene and modern environments in central Mexico was not well documented until our study, where we report on three populations of S. niagarae, one middle Holocene population with particularly high abundance from the Upper Lerma Basin, and two modern sites, Valle de Bravo and Santa Elena. The three sites are located in the same geographical area, in the State of Mexico. The fossil material dates to ca. 6600–4900 yr BP, with S. niagarae reaching up to 90% of the diatom counts. Stephanodiscus niagarae is present in association with Fragilaria pinnata, F. brevistriata, and Aulacoseira granulata. In Valle de Bravo (ca. 30 m deep) S. niagarae is present in very low numbers in water column and surface sediments samples (<1%); the diatom assemblage is dominated by Fragilaria crotonensis in association with A. granulata, A. granulata var. curvata and Cyclotella ocellata. In Santa Elena, a shallow, intermittent irrigation channel, S. niagarae is the second most abundant alga; the diatom assemblage is dominated by S. niagarae in association with A. granulata, A. granulata var. curvata and F. crotonensis. Both modern sites show a trend to eutrophy and these diatom assemblages are taken as indicative of this trend. It is suggested researchers should be cautions when the presence of S. niagarae in sedimentary records is taken as indicative of deep waters conditions, as the present data show that this species can thrive in rather shallow environments in Mexico. 相似文献
We measured Bosmina spp. mucro and antennule lengths in surface sediment samples from Wisconsin lakes to test whether such measures could be
used to reconstruct zooplankton community composition and size structure in paleolimnological studies. Our data set included
58 lakes of various depths, water chemistry, trophic state, macrophyte cover, and zooplankton community composition. We used
non-metric multidimensional scaling ordination (NMS) and simple correlation analysis to assess whether mucro and antennule
measurements reflect the zooplankton community size structure. Bosmina mucro length (r = 0.727, p < 0.05) and antennule length (r = 0.360, p < 0.05) correlated with the NMS axis, which essentially represents zooplankton community size structure. Bosmina mucro length correlated positively with the abundance of the large-bodied zooplankter Epischura lacustris (r = 0.364, p < 0.01), as well as Diacyclops thomasi (r = 0.256, p < 0.05), and Leptodiaptomus minutus (r = 0.578, p ≤ 0.001), but correlated negatively with the abundance of the small-bodied zooplankter Tropocyclops prasinus (r = −0.385, p < 0.01). Bosmina antennule length correlated positively with the abundance of L. minutus (r = 0.344, p < 0.01) and negatively with T. prasinus (r = −0.258, p < 0.05). This broad, spatial scale assessment supports the use of Bosmina mucro and antennule lengths as a proxy for zooplankton community size structure. Mucro length is a stronger indicator of
zooplankton community size structure as seen in its strong correlation with the NMS axis 1 and the significant correlations
with abundance of predatory copepods. 相似文献
We explored the potential for using Pediastrum (Meyen), a genus of green alga commonly found in palaeoecological studies, as a proxy for lake-level change in tropical South
America. The study site, Laguna La Gaiba (LLG) (17°45′S, 57°40′W), is a broad, shallow lake located along the course of the
Paraguay River in the Pantanal, a 135,000-km2 tropical wetland located mostly in western Brazil, but extending into eastern Bolivia. Fourteen surface sediment samples
were taken from LLG across a range of lake depths (2–5.2 m) and analyzed for Pediastrum. We found seven species, of which P. musteri (Tell et Mataloni), P. argentiniense (Bourr. et Tell), and P. cf. angulosum (Ehrenb.) ex Menegh. were identified as potential indicators of lake level. Results of the modern dataset were applied to
31 fossil Pediastrum assemblages spanning the early Holocene (12.0 kyr BP) to present to infer past lake level changes qualitatively. Early Holocene
(12.0–9.8 kyr BP) assemblages do not show a clear signal, though abundance of P. simplex (Meyen) suggests relatively high lake levels. Absence of P. musteri, characteristic of deep, open water, and abundance of macrophyte-associated taxa indicate lake levels were lowest from 9.8
to 3.0 kyr BP. A shift to wetter conditions began at 4.4 kyr BP, indicated by the appearance of P. musteri, though inferred lake levels did not reach modern values until 1.4 kyr BP. The Pediastrum-inferred mid-Holocene lowstand is consistent with lower precipitation, previously inferred using pollen from this site, and
is also in agreement with evidence for widespread drought in the South American tropics during the middle Holocene. An inference
for steadily increasing lake level from 4.4 kyr BP to present is consistent with diatom-inferred water level rise at Lake
Titicaca, and demonstrates coherence with the broad pattern of increasing monsoon strength from the late Holocene until present
in tropical South America. 相似文献
Assemblages of subfossil Chaoboridae mandibles from 80 thermally-stratified shield lakes in southern central Canada were examined
to explore the influence of subfossil Chaoborus on subfossil Chironomidae-based paleolimnological inference models of deepwater oxygen, as volume-weighted hypolimnetic oxygen
(VWHO). Inclusion of subfossil Chaoborus in subfossil Chironomidae-based VWHO models only improved model performance modestly, however it produced substantively better
inferences of hypolimnetic oxygen in anoxic lakes, because Chaoborus had a much stronger positive relationship with low VWHO compared to chironomid taxa indicative of anoxic conditions, such
as Chironomus. A Chaoborus mandible:Chironomidae head capsule ratio (chaob:chir) may be a useful index in paleolimnological studies, as chaob:chir in
a surface sediment training set was significantly related to VWHO, and displayed little co-variation with other limnological
variables such as trophic status (e.g. TP, TN) or lake depth (e.g. Z
max). Chaob:chir values in a stratigraphic analysis tracked chironomid-inferred VWHO, however the use of chaob:chir in regional
‘top–bottom’ paleolimnological studies must be used with caution. 相似文献
I. Mazzini C. Faranda M. Giardini C. Giraudi L. Sadori 《Journal of Paleolimnology》2011,45(2):243-256
We present a Holocene record of climate and environmental change in central New York (USA) inferred using lithologic and stable
isotope data from two sediment cores recovered in Cayuga Lake. The record was divided into three intervals: (1) early Holocene
(~11.6–8.8 ka), (2) Hypsithermal (~8.8–4.4 ka), and (3) Neoglacial (~4.4 ka to present). The early Holocene began abruptly,
with rising lake level and relatively deep water. Between ~10.8 and 9.2 ka, cool and dry conditions prevailed at a time of
maximum solar insolation. This anomaly has been referred to as the “post-Younger Dryas climate interval” and lasted ~1,600 years,
the approximate length of one “Bond cycle.” The Hypsithermal was the warmest, wettest and most biologically productive interval
of the Holocene in central New York. The Hypsithermal was characterized by centennial to multi-centennial-scale variability.
The 8.2 ka event is one such variation. The Neoglacial was an interval of generally cooler and dryer conditions, falling lake
levels, and several prominent climate anomalies. At approximately 2.4 ka, δ13C of bulk organic matter increased abruptly by 5‰ as lake level declined, and the lake flora was dominated by Chara sp. during the coldest interval of the Neoglacial. Numerous sediment variables display increased variability ~2.0 ka, which continues
today. Archaeological data from the literature suggest that Native American populations may have been large enough to impact
land cover by about 2.4 ka and we hypothesize that the “Anthropocene” began at about that time in central New York. We also
found paleolimnological evidence for the Medieval Warm Period (~1.4–0.5 ka), which was warmer and wetter than today, and for
the Little Ice Age (~500–150 years ago), a period with temperatures colder than today. 相似文献
Cyprinid fish have pharyngeal teeth that mash ingested food. Here we show that roach (Rutilus rutilus L.), a common cyprinid in Swedish boreal lakes, often break the mandibles of ingested Chaoborus larvae into smaller fragments. The presence/absence of roach in historic fish communities could therefore possibly be determined
from the proportion of fragmented Chaoborus mandibles in lake sediments, which we assessed using the following three approaches. (1) Roach that were fed Chaoborus larvae in laboratory aquaria evacuated a significantly higher fraction of fragmented prey mandibles than perch (Perca fluviatilis L.). (2) Surface sediments from lakes in an acidified region in southwestern Sweden showed significantly higher proportions
of fragmented mandibles for lakes containing roach compared to lakes devoid of cyprinid fish. (3) A paleo-study in Lake Lysevatten,
into which roach were introduced in the 1880s and were extirpated in the 1960s, showed significantly higher proportions of
fragmented mandibles in sediment layers from the roach period. We conclude that mandible fragmentation was related to roach
presence, and propose that the proportion of fragmented Chaoborus mandibles in lake sediments may provide important information when historical cyprinid alterations are of interest, as in
paleo-studies on acidification, eutrophication, or fish introductions. 相似文献
Daily average temperature data from 48 meteorological stations in Chinese oases that are within the distribution area of Populus euphratica were analyzed to determine the spatiotemporal responses of this tree to climate change. Specifically, the start and end date as well as the number of days that comprised the growing season were analyzed with a multi-year trend line and using the Mann-Kendall mutation test, inverse distance weighted interpolation (IDW) in the software ArcGIS, a Morlet wavelet power spectrum, and correlation analysis. The results of this study show that, over the last 56 years, the start date of the P. euphratica growing season has advanced, while the end date has been postponed, and the number of days that comprise the growing season have gradually increased. The changing trend rates recovered in this analysis for these three time slices are -1.34 d/10 a, 1.33 d/10a, and 2.66 d/10a (α ≥ 0.001), respectively. Data show that while spatial disparity is extremely significant, it is nevertheless the case that along a southwest-to-northeast transect of Chinese oases, the later the start date of the P. euphratica season, the sooner the end data and the shorter the growing season. Mutations points in start and end date, as well as for the growing season overall were observed in 2001, 1989, and 1996, respectively, and the data presented in this paper show that, in particular, the date of this end of this period is most sensitive to climate warming. Growing season cycles for P. euphratica are between 3.56 years and 7.14 years, consistent with the periodicity of El Ni?o events, while a start date cycle between 3.56 years and 4.28 years is consistent with atmospheric circulation cyclicity. The causal analysis presented in this paper shows that the Asian polar vortex area index (APVAI), the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau index (TPI), the westerly circulation index (WCI), and carbon dioxide emissions (CDE) are the main factors influencing spatiotemporal changes in the growth of P. euphratica, the effect of latitude during the growing season is more significant than altitude, and the start date of the growing season is more significantly influenced by these factors than end date. In addition, data show that the start date, end date, and length of the growing season are all significantly correlated with their average corresponding monthly temperature (correlation coefficients are -0.875, 0.770, and 0.897; α≥0.001). Thus, if the average temperature in March increases by 1℃, the start date of the growing season will advance by 2.21 days, while if the average temperature in October increases by the same margin then the seasonal end date will be delayed by 2.76 days. Similarly, if the average temperature between March and October increases by 1℃, the growing season will be extended by 7.78 days. The results of this study corroborate the fact that changes in the P. euphratica growing are sensitive to regional warming and are thus of considerable theoretical significance to our understanding of the responses of Chinese vegetation to climate change as well as to ecological restoration. 相似文献