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Summary By means of highly truncated spherical harmonic expansions, an extended four-level quasi-geostrophic model with variable Coriolis parameter is transformed into a set of ordinary non-linear differential equations. Non-adiabatic effects, frictional dissipation, and boundary effects are approximately included in the equations. A numerical experiment made with the equations succeeds in producing many realistic statistical gross features, especially in the lower stratosphere, e. g., a poleward temperature incrase, the up-gradient horizontal transports of heat and momentum due to large-scale eddies, the upward energy flux of extra-long waves, and the trapping of the upward energy flux of tropospheric unstable waves near the tropopause. The mean energy flow in the lower stratosphere and in the troposphere are analyzed and compared with each other, indicating very clearly the baroclinical activness of the troposphere and the passiveness of the lower stratosphere. The dynamics in the lower stratosphere are discussed. the mean meridional circulation is also studied.  相似文献   

The thermal regime of the middle atmosphere is determined to a great extent by the balance between the incoming solar and outgoing infrared radiation. To account for these processes in numerical models of the middle atmosphere, parameterizations that are capable of quickly and accurately calculating infrared cooling and solar heating rates are required. These parameterizations should include the breakdown of local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) conditions and allow for feedbacks by ensuring that dependencies on all input parameters are accounted for. This paper discusses the major mechanisms responsible for maintaining the radiative energy budget of the middle atmosphere and presents a brief review of approaches and numerical schemes currently available for use in general circulation models. The main focus of the paper is on the approaches and schemes designed for non-LTE treatment.  相似文献   

Summary A test was made of the effect of some measurement biases on the determination of the solar horizontal wind field. The effect of such biases is not detectable.  相似文献   

Summary Spectrometric experiments performed, in November 1976, within the framework of the Latitude Survey Mission on board the NASA Convair 990 from Ames Research Center are briefly deseribed. The results presented concern odd nitrogen molecules, HCl and water vapor. In terms of vertical column density, HNO3 is predominant over NO+NO2 at all latitudes higher than 40 degrees. A seasonal variation of NO2 abundance is observed, with larger values in the summer hemisphere at high latitude. The mean zenith column density of HCl above 11 km is 1.5×1015 mol.cm–2, with no evidence for any seasonal or climatic variation. Local number densities as high as 1.4×1010 mol.cm–3 for HNO3 and 5.4×1014 mol.cm–3 for water vapor have been measured during the same flight near 11 km.  相似文献   

青藏高原为亚洲季风区的典型代表区域,研究其水汽进入平流层的过程和机理对认识全球气候和大气环境变化具有一定的现实意义. 本文基于中尺度气象模式(WRF)的模拟输出结果(2006年8月20日至8月26)驱动拉格朗日大气输送模式FLEXPART,通过追踪并解析气块的三维轨迹以及温度、湿度等相关物理量的相关变化特征,初步分析了夏季青藏高原地区近地层-对流层-平流层的水汽输送特征. 研究结果表明,源于高原地区近地层的水汽在进入平流层的过程中受南亚高压影响下的大尺度环流和中小尺度对流的共同影响.首先,在对流抬升作用下,气块在短时间内(24 h)可抬升到9~12 km的高度,然后在南亚高压闭合环流影响下,相当部分气块在反气旋的东南侧穿越对流层顶进入平流层中,并继续向低纬热带平流层输送,进而参与全球对流层-平流层的水汽循环过程. 在对流抬升高度上气块位置位于高原的西北侧,然而气块拉格朗日温度最小值主要分布于高原南侧,两个位置上气块的平均位温差值可达15~35 K,这种显著的温度差异将导致气块进入平流层时"脱水". 比较而言,夏季青藏高原地区近地层水汽进入平流层的多寡主要和大尺度汽流的垂直输送有关,而深对流的作用相对较弱.  相似文献   

我国上空平流层中微量气体的垂直分布和变化趋势   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
利用1992~2005年卤素掩星试验(HALOE)的观测资料分析了中国上空平流层的几种微量气体(NO, NO2, HF, HCl, CH4, H2O 和O3)混合比的垂直分布和变化趋势,以期为研究平流层的辐射和化学过程提供一些有用的数据. 文中除给出我国上空平流层各高度上平均的各种微量气体的含量外,还给出青藏高原上空这些微量气体的含量. 分析结果表明,平流层各种微量气体混合比的垂直分布有其不同的特征,在对流层上层到平流层底部各种微量气体的混合比分布和季节变化与平流层相比有明显的差异;分析结果还表明,这些微量气体的季节变化、准两年周期振荡和长期变化趋势都很明显,并且在平流层的不同高度上它们的变化趋势是不相同的. 在平流层中层,NO, NO2, HCl 和H2O 混合比在1998年以前都是增加而后则是明显下降的,但O3相反,在1998年以前明显减少,1998年后其减少的趋势不明显. 这表明,近年来平流层中层这些微量气体的减少使得它们对臭氧的破坏有所缓解. 但在平流层下层,臭氧的耗损仍然很明显.  相似文献   

The general circulation of the middle atmosphere is simulated by means of a three-dimensional primitive equation model which covers from the south pole to the north pole but is limited to a ten-degree sector in the latitudinal direction; cyclic conditions are imposed at the east—west lateral boundaries. The model is capable of explicitly representing internal gravity waves of zonal wavelength greater than a few hundred kilometers with the use of a one-degree mesh, but planetary-scale waves were excluded. No parameterization is employed for subgrid-scale eddy viscosity (or diffusivity).With the assumption of a simple external-heating function corresponding to solstice conditions, a time integration was performed for about thirty days from the motionless state. During the whole period, random forcings were imposed on each grid of the lowest level in order to generate small-scale upwardly propagating internal gravity waves.The experiment has shown that small-scale waves were indeed excited, propagated upward, broke up near the mesopause, and greatly changed the thermally induced zonal mean motion and temperature fields in the upper mesosphere and lower thermosphere. As a result, important features of the general circulation at those levels, such as reversals of the zonal motion and the latitudinal gradient of zonal mean temperature were reproduced.  相似文献   

Summary High resolution absorption spectroscopy can be used for obtaining very small background concentrations or very low upper limits of trace constituents, particularly from measurements inQ-branches of fundamental vibration-rotation bands. As examples, the results of a search for NH3 and SO2 in the Vermande and Dionne Mont-Louis solar spectra will be reported. The relative concentration of NH3 is very much lower above the Pyrenees than the generally accepted minimum background concentrations near sea-level.  相似文献   

We examined particle size distributions of suspended particulate matter (SPM); physical and environmental influences on the observed distributions; and relationships between particle size and geochemical partitioning of metals, over the fall and winter period in a small urban river (Don River, Toronto, Ontario, Canada). For this dataset, the majority of particles (80%) in suspension were less than 10 µm in size. In addition, while total SPM concentrations showed a positive trend with increasing discharge (Q); the proportions of particles found within given size classes were independent of both SPM concentration and Q. Temperature was the only measured environmental variable related to the particle concentrations within size classes. As water temperature increased, the concentration of particles in the smallest size class (1–4 µm) decreased, while the concentration of silt and/or algae sized particles (10–50 µm) increased. Increasing water temperatures may promote bacterial attachment to particles and their subsequent flocculation into larger sized particles. Decreasing concentrations of leachable (most labile) Cd, Zn and Mn were associated with increasing concentrations of the largest particles (70–150 µm) in suspension. In contrast, higher reducible (oxides) associated concentrations of Cd, Zn and Mn occurred with increasing concentrations of smaller particles (1–10 µm) in suspension. Both of these trends are speculated to reflect the importance of particle surface area for metal sorption reactions.  相似文献   

Recent observations suggest that there may be a causal relationship between solar activity and the strength of the winter Northern Hemisphere circulation in the stratosphere. A three-dimensional model of the atmosphere between 10–140 km was developed to assess the influence of solar minimum and solar maximum conditions on the propagation of planetary waves and the subsequent changes to the circulation of the stratosphere. Ultraviolet heating in the middle atmosphere was kept constant in order to emphasise the importance of non-linear dynamical coupling. A realistic thermo-sphere was achieved by relaxing the upper layers to the MSIS-90 empirical temperature model. In the summer hemisphere, strong radiative damping prevents significant dynamical coupling from taking place. Within the dynamically controlled winter hemisphere, small perturbations are reinforced over long periods of time, resulting in systematic changes to the stratospheric circulation. The winter vortex was significantly weakened during solar maximum and western phase of the quasi-biennial oscillation, in accordance with reported 30 mb geopotential height and total ozone measurements.  相似文献   

The Tibetan Plateau is a key factor for the pattern of the general circulation of the atmosphere (GCA) in eastern Asia. The pattern of the GCA after the uplift of the plateau is well known, while the pattern of the GCA before the uplift of the plateau is lack of direct evidences. Based on the knowability of desert, a section recording wind directions across the Cretaceous northern hemisphere mid-low latitude desert belt is measured and the pattern of the GCA in the Cretaceous is revealed. The result shows that the eastern Asia was really controlled by the planetary circulation before the uplift of the plateau, i.e. westerlies in the north and northeast trades in the south. The convert belt between westerlies and trades had drifted northwards and southwards. The possibility of existence of paleo-monsoon is also dealt with and a possibly imposed paleo-monsoon is suggested.  相似文献   

A new two-dimensional zonal model of the stratosphere, based on a formulation in an isentropic framework, with complete chemistry has been coupled with a high resolution detailed microphysical model for polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs). The 2D model chemistry includes all presently known heterogeneous processes on sulfate aerosols and PSCs. The coupling of these two models, with inherently different time scales, is discussed. It is demonstrated that in order to obtain a realistic interrelationship between NOy and N2O an accurate simulation of the sedimentation by PSC particles is necessary. A good agreement of model PSC presence and observations is found for the Antarctic polar winter without the need to impose additional artificial temperature variations in the model. The calculated occurrence of polar stratospheric clouds and resulting heterogeneous chemistry during the Antarctic winter are discussed. Sensitivity of the polar stratospheric chemical composition and cloud formation for different perturbations is investigated by studying the effects of transport across the polar vortex boundary and heterogeneous processing by an enhanced sulfate aerosol load. The importance of including sedimentation for all cases is also discussed.  相似文献   

This paper traces the major developments in the European Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and related environmental policy and examines their impact on the use of crop nutrients. The objectives of the CAP were set out in the Treaty of Rome in 1957 and have not been explicitly revised. The Community has, however, progressed from being a significant importer to a major exporter of food. Various changes in the policy measures/reforms, have been implemented, each to control the continuing increase in farm output. The latest of these in May 1992 reduced commodity prices towards world market levels, introduced 15% set aise for arable land, as well as agreeing a number of agri-environmental measures. Further changes are anticipated following the Uruguay Round of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and as new trade agreements are reached with the countries of the former Eastern Bloc. Inevitably, existing farm systems will be subject to careful reappraisal. The Community's environmental objectives were added to the Treaty in 1987 with the passing of the European Single Act. The interaction between agriculture and the environment has been a prominent concern. The Directive 91/676, which seeks to protect water against pollution caused by nitrate from agricultural sources, is the first Directive to have a major direct impact on farm practive. The Fifth Environmental Action Plan for 1993–2000 ‘Towards Sustainability’ selects agriculture as one of five industries for specific attention. The plan seeks an extensification of agriculture and a reduction in the use of chemicals. Changes in the amount of plant nutrients from both farmyard manure and mineral fertilizers used in agriculture are quantified. Methods of determining the efficiency with which they are utilized are assessed. New advisory techniques which will improve the efficiency of nutrient use on the farm are considered, as are the implications for the future demand for nutrients from mineral fertilizers. This paper is the view of the European Fertilizer Manufacturers Association.  相似文献   

Observations of internal wave current fluctuations at a site on the European continental shelf are described. These have revealed current ‘pulses’ of regular tidal (M2) phase which may be associated with internal tides generated at the shelf-edge. Current ‘pulses’ have been observed with amplitudes of 30 to 40 cm s?1 superimposed on peak spring tidal currents of the order 60 to 70 cm s?1. The measurements have shown that these fluctuations extended throughout the bottom mixed layer to within at least 2 m of the sea bed where they may play an important role in modifying sediment transport rates.  相似文献   

Summary One of the main results of the rotating cylinder experiments ofFultz andHide is that the general flow regime in them is essentially determined by the ratio of the angular velocity of the fluid motions (relative to the cylinder) to that of the cylinder itself. Extending these results to the atmosphere of the sun, leads to the hypothesis that the layer in which spots are imbedded should exhibit a non-axially symmetric pattern, of theRossby type.The fluid motions, characteristic of such a general circulation pattern, are mainly along spherical surfaces, and have a wavelike (eddy) appearance similar to the planetary waves in the upper troposphere of the terrestrial atmosphere. These eddies transport momentum along these spherical surfaces from regions of relatively lower angular velocity to regions of higher velocity. Tracers (e.g., sunspots) imbedded is such a flow would show a correlation between their proper motions in latitude and longitude, such that spots moving equatorward will tend to have larger longitudinal motions (toward the west limb), and vice versa.Analysis of ten years (1935 to 1944) of Greenwich spot data shows a consistent, and (statistically) very significant correlation of spot group proper motions, in the proper sense. These results provide strong support for the existence of large-scale waves which are some modest fraction of the solar circumference, but larger than the sunspot groups. Moreover, these waves transport angular momentum (up the gradient of angular velocity) toward the equatorial regions from higher latitudes across at least the entire sunspot zone. It is not known, however, whether these eddies are the primary (or only) source of momentum to maintain the equatorial acceleration of the sun. However, if this source were shut off, and all other processes continued unabated, this layer of the sun between latitudes ±20° would reach solid rotation in about 51/2 rotations.Because this eddy transport of momentum is counter to the gradient of angular velocity, there is an implied transformation of the kinetic energy of the eddies into the kinetic energy of the mean east-west flow. Of possibly even more interest, however, might be the possibility of transfers of kinetic energy between eddies of all different scale sizes extending down the entire spectrum to include sunspot groups and the spots themselves. Moreover, some eddy size(s) in this layer is likely to be primarily responsible for a conversion of potential to kinetic energy.A result of subsidiary interest is the systematically higher value of solar rotation (at all latitudes) derivable from this data, which includes all spots which survive for at least two days. In contrast to the work of previous authors who used only long-lived spots, the result obtained when many small spots are used, indicates perhaps a variation of the rotation rate with height in the solar atmosphere.The results provide no evidence to indicate the existence of significant meridional circulations (latitudinal driffs).  相似文献   

A method of high resolution periodic signal reconstruction has been developed and implemented into software algorithms. This method, that utilizes a narrow band-pass filter, permits the detection of tidal waves in the atmosphere. Our paper describes and reviews the strength of this method, commonly referred to as the KZFT algorithm. The focus of this paper is given to the recovery of tides in the atmosphere as well as to a discussion of specifics of the reconstruction of these waves. We conclude with several examples regarding the impact of the tidal wave to other atmospheric variables, including wind speed and cloud cover, but details are left for further investigation.  相似文献   

Summary The possible modes of vertical transport of angular momentum in the atmosphere are considered. Momentum balance calculations for both hemispheres show the possibility of countergradient transport by vertical eddies in the region of the mid-latitude jet. As a consequence, it is pointed out that the transport of momentum downward from the region of maximum westerlies would have to be accomplished by the mean meridional motions, through the action of Coriolis torques. The same mechanism may account for a large part of the upward transport in the tropics. The very approximate nature of the calculations must, however, be borne clearly in mind.  相似文献   

Summary By investigating the quasi-regular variations in ionospheric absorption along three distant radio paths with approximately one and the same equivalent frequency during the winters 1983/84 and 1984/85, an attempt is made to study the stratospheric-mesospheric relations at typical geographic mid latitudes. It is shown that the quasi-regular oscillations of ionospheric absorption, investigated in this paper, reach maximum development in each time series at one and the same time. This means, that if they are provoked by an external source when it starts acting, a spectrum of frequencies is generated rather than a definite fixed frequency. By studying the variation of the instantaneous amplitudes of the quasi-regular oscillations in ionospheric absorption with time, their connection with the amplification of the quasi-stationary planetary waves in the stratosphere with a zonal wave number 2 during the winter periods under investigation is shown.
Резюме Иссле?rt;овaнuем квaзuре улярных вaрuaцuŭ в uоносферном nо лощенuu в mрех nросmрaнсmвенно оm?rt;aленных рa?rt;uо-mрaссaх с nрuблuзumельно о?rt;ноŭ u mоŭ же эквuвaленmноŭ чaсmовоŭ зuмоŭ 1983/84 u 1984/85 . ?rt;елaеmся nоnыmкa uзучumь сmрamосферно-мезос ферные связu в munuчных сре?rt;ных щuроmaх. Покaзaно, чmо рaссмоmренные в рaбоmе квaзuре улярные колебaнuя в uоносферном nо лощенuu ?rt;осmu aюm мaксuмaльно о рaзвumuя в кaж?rt;ом временном ря?rt;у в о?rt;но u mо же время. Эmо ознaчaеm, чmо, еслu онu возбуж?rt;ены внещнuм uсmочнuком, mо nрu е о включенuu енерuруюmся не о?rt;нa чaсmоma, a целыŭ сnекmр чaсmоm. Изученuем временных uзмененuŭ м новенных aмnлumу?rt; квaзuре улярных колебaнuŭ в uоносфермон nо лощенuu зa uссле?rt;овaнные зuмнuе nерuо?rt;ы nокaзaнa uх связь с квaзu-сmaцuонaрнымu nлaнеmaрнымu колебaнuямu в сmрamосфере с зонaльным волновымu чuслом 2.

Several papers have recently invoked Joule heating in the stratosphere, generated from electric currents induced by solar wind interactions with Earth, as possibly playing a significant role in warming the polar stratosphere. This commentary assesses the accuracy of that contention and demonstrates that in situ Joule heating can take no significant part in warming the stratosphere, and thus cannot be used to suggest a link between stratospheric temperatures and solar activity.  相似文献   

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