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Antimony- and Pb–Sb-quartz veins from the Bragança district, Portugal, are mainly hosted by Silurian phyllites. Antimony–Au-quartz veins from the Dúrico–Beirã region are mainly hosted by a Cambrian schist–metagraywacke complex, as well as Ordovician phyllites and quartzites. The deposits were mostly exploited in the late 19th Century. Mineralogical characteristics and chemical compositions of individual ore minerals are similar in the two areas. First and second generations of arsenopyrite precipitated at 390 and 300 °C, respectively. Berthierite and stibnite are the most abundant Sb-bearing minerals and precipitated between 225 and 128 °C, native antimony at < 200 °C. Drastic fluid cooling is the main cause of mineral precipitation. The Pb isotope compositions of stibnite suggest a homogeneous crustal source of lead, from the metasedimentary sequences, for Sb, Pb–Sb and Sb–Au deposits in both areas, which is consistent with the findings for comparable mineralizations elsewhere in Europe. Remobilization of Pb is related to Variscan metamorphism and deformation.  相似文献   

Chun-Ming Wu  Guochun C. Zhao 《Lithos》2007,97(3-4):365-372
In this contribution we have empirically calibrated the garnet–biotite–muscovite–aluminosilicate–quartz (GBMAQ) barometer using low- to medium–high-pressure, mid-grade metapelites. Application of the barometer suggests that the GBMAQ and GASP barometers show quite similar pressure estimates. Furthermore, metapelites within thermal contact aureole or very limited geographic area show no meaningful pressure diversity determined by the GBMAQ and GASP barometers which is the geological reality. The random error of the GBMAQ barometer is expected to be around ± 0.8 kbar, and this barometer shows no systematic bias with respect to either pressure, or temperature, or AlVI in muscovite, or Fe in biotite, or Fe in garnet. The GBMAQ barometer is thermodynamically consistent with the garnet–biotite geothermometer because they share the same activity models of both garnet and biotite. This barometer is especially useful for assemblages with Ca-poor garnet or Ca-poor plagioclase or plagioclase-absent metapelites. Application of this barometer beyond the calibration ranges, i.e., PT range and chemical ranges of the minerals, is not encouraged.  相似文献   

An analysis of the resistivity and seismic data for a quartz vein intruded into metamorphosed sediments reveals that the vein cannot be located uniquely on the basis of either resistivity or elastic wave propagation data. The piezoelectric field generated by pressure waves which are propagated through the quartz, however, gives a sharp voltage maximum which permits a unique location of the vein.—M. E. Burgunker.  相似文献   

Samples of monomineralic quartz veins from the Simplon Fault Zone in southwest Switzerland and north Italy generally have asymmetric, single girdle c-axis patterns similar to textures measured from many other regions. Several samples have characteristically different textures, however, with a strong single c-axis maximum near the intermediate specimen axis Y (the direction within the foliation perpendicular to the lineation X) and a tendency for the other crystal directions to be weakly constrained in their orientation about this dominant c-axis maximum. This results in ‘streaked’ pole figure patterns, with an axis of rotation parallel to the c-axis maximum. These atypical samples also have a distinctive optical microstructure, with advanced recrystallization and grain growth resulting in a strong shape fabric (SB) oblique to the dominant regional foliation (SA), whereas typical samples have a strong SA fabric outlined by very elongate, only partially recrystallized, ribbon grains. The recrystallized grains of the atypical samples are themselves deformed and show strong undulose extinction and a core-mantle recrystallization structure. The streaked texture is likely to be a direct consequence of lattice bending and kinking during heterogeneous slip on the favoured first-order prism (10 0) (a) system, the heterogeneity itself being due to problems in maintaining coherence across grain boundaries when insufficient independent easy-slip systems are available for homogeneous strain by dislocation glide. Such bending would be particularly prevalent in very elongate, thin ribbon grains, resulting in high internal strain energy and promoting recrystallization. Thus both the texture and the microstructure could be significantly modified by later strain increments affecting quartz grains with an already developed, nearly single-crystal texture.  相似文献   

小秦岭金矿含金石英脉中石英晶体微形貌研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
利用微分干涉显微镜等手段对小秦岭金矿含金石英脉中不同成矿阶段的石英晶体微形貌进行了研究。石英晶体{101^-1}、{011^-1}、{101^-0}单形晶面上不同特征的微形貌对了解石英晶体的生长机理、生长速率、生长环境的变化及成矿溶液的过饱和度具有重要意义,同时也可提供成矿阶段划分及晶体生长时热力学条件的信息。  相似文献   

Combined microstructural and geochemical investigations on MORB-type primitive olivine-rich cumulates intruded in the Erro–Tobbio (ET) mantle peridotites (Voltri Massif, Ligurian Alps, Italy) revealed that significant chemical changes in minerals were caused by postcumulus crystallization. This is indicated by the occurrence of accessory interstitial minerals (Ti-pargasite, orthopyroxene and Fe–Ti oxides) and by systematic chemical zoning in intercumulus clinopyroxene, resulting in marked trace element (e.g. REE, Ti and Zr) enrichment at constant high Mg-numbers (0.88–0.91) and LREE depletion. Geochemical modelling shows that low trapped melt amounts (<5%) are sufficient to produce the observed trace element enrichments. Chemical zoning in large (mm-size) clinopyroxenes was dominantly caused by in situ fractional crystallization of trapped interstitial liquid rather then porous flow migration of externally derived evolved melts. Zr enrichment relative to REEs in vermicular clinopyroxene and pargasitic amphibole point to small-scale migration and interaction between residual evolved low melt fractions and the olivine cumulus matrix at final stage of crystallization. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

A garnet–biotite–Al2SiO5–quartz (GBAQ) geobarometer was empirically calibrated using more than 700 natural metapelites with a broad compositional range of garnet and biotite under P–T conditions of 450–950°C and 1–17 kbar. In the calibration, activity models of garnet and biotite identical to those in the garnet–biotite (GB) geothermometer of Holdaway [American Mineralogist 2000, 85: 881–892] were used. Therefore, the GBAQ geobarometer and the GB geothermometer can be simultaneously applied to iteratively estimate metamorphic P–T conditions. Successful applications of the GBAQ geobarometer to natural metapelites certify its validity. Most importantly, when plagioclase is absent or CaO components in garnet and/or plagioclase are deficient, this geobarometer may prove useful for estimating metamorphic pressures. The random error of the present GBAQ geobarometer is inferred to be around ±1.8 kbar. An electronic spreadsheet is available as Table S4 to apply the GBAQ geobarometer in combination with the GB geothermometer.  相似文献   

This paper reports the preliminary application of ESR dating to loess strata. The samples were collected from the 7th palaeosol layer (S7) of the Luochuan section, Shaanxi province in China. The ESR age of S7 is 736 ka (total dose 2945 Gy, annual dose 4 mGy/year). This age represents the original eolian accumulation age. The result is consistent with the palaeomagnetic data (730 ka). We have also carried out thermal annealing experiments on quartz grains from the S7 sample. ESR intensities (g = 2.0005) increase from 25°C to 320°C. It may be that trapped electrons transfer into the E′ centre site. ESR intensities decrease from 340°C to 460°C due to thermal annealing. We obtained a mean-life of E′ centre electrons at 20°C of 6.66 × 108 years. The activation energy is 1.35 eV and frequency factor is 3.7 × 108 min−1.  相似文献   

Composite granite–quartz veins occur in retrogressed ultrahigh pressure (UHP) eclogite enclosed in gneiss at General's Hill in the central Sulu belt, eastern China. The granite in the veins has a high‐pressure (HP) mineral assemblage of dominantly quartz+phengite+allanite/epidote+garnet that yields pressures of 2.5–2.1 GPa (Si‐in‐phengite barometry) and temperatures of 850–780°C (Ti‐in‐zircon thermometry) at 2.5 GPa (~20°C lower at 2.1 GPa). Zircon overgrowths on inherited cores and new grains of zircon from both components of the composite veins crystallized at c. 221 Ma. This age overlaps the timing of HP retrograde recrystallization dated at 225–215 Ma from multiple localities in the Sulu belt, consistent with the HP conditions retrieved from the granite. The εHf(t) values of new zircon from both components of the composite veins and the Sr–Nd isotope compositions of the granite consistently lie between values for gneiss and eclogite, whereas δ18O values of new zircon are similar in the veins and the crustal rocks. These data are consistent with zircon growth from a blended fluid generated internally within the gneiss and the eclogite, without any ingress of fluid from an external source. However, at the peak metamorphic pressure, which could have reached 7 GPa, the rocks were likely fluid absent. During initial exhumation under UHP conditions, exsolution of H2O from nominally anhydrous minerals generated a grain boundary supercritical fluid in both gneiss and eclogite. As exhumation progressed, the volume of fluid increased allowing it to migrate by diffusing porous flow from grain boundaries into channels and drain from the dominant gneiss through the subordinate eclogite. This produced a blended fluid intermediate in its isotope composition between the two end‐members, as recorded by the composite veins. During exhumation from UHP (coesite) eclogite to HP (quartz) eclogite facies conditions, the supercritical fluid evolved by dissolution of the silicate mineral matrix, becoming increasingly solute‐rich, more ‘granitic’ and more viscous until it became trapped. As crystallization began by diffusive loss of H2O to the host eclogite concomitant with ongoing exhumation of the crust, the trapped supercritical fluid intersected the solvus for the granite–H2O system, allowing phase separation and formation of the composite granite–quartz veins. Subsequently, during the transition from HP eclogite to amphibolite facies conditions, minor phengite breakdown melting is recorded in both the granite and the gneiss by K‐feldspar+plagioclase+biotite aggregates located around phengite and by K‐feldspar veinlets along grain boundaries. Phase equilibria modelling of the granite indicates that this late‐stage melting records P–T conditions towards the end of the exhumation, with the subsolidus assemblage yielding 0.7–1.1 GPa at <670°C. Thus, the composite granite–quartz veins represent a rare example of a natural system recording how the fluid phase evolved during exhumation of continental crust. The successive availability of different fluid phases attending retrograde metamorphism from UHP eclogite to amphibolite facies conditions will affect the transport of trace elements through the continental crust and the role of these fluids as metasomatic agents interacting with the mantle wedge in the subduction channel.  相似文献   

Vein quartz from the Nether Polar Ural Province was examined by atomic emission spectrometry, gas chromatography, electron paramagnetic resonance, and electron microscopy. According to atomic emission spectrometric analysis, the total concentration of Al, Fe, Mg, Ti, Ca, Na, K, and other minor elements in the quartz varies from 8 to 47 ppm. The lowest concentrations of minor elements were detected in the granulated quartz. Giant-crystalline milk-white quartz is noted for higher concentrations of minor elements, including Na, K, and Ca, because it contains gas-liquid inclusions. The fine-grained quartz contains very small mineral inclusions and is thus noted for elevated concentrations of Ca, Fe, K, Mg, and Ti. Gas chromatographic data on the gas phase separated from the quartz at its heating indicate that this phase contains H2O, CO2, and other components. The H2O concentration reaches 429 ??g/g, while the CO2 content is commonly no higher than 20 ??g/g. Gas separation is at a maximum at temperatures of 100?C600°C, when gasliquid inclusions decrepitate, as is typical, first of all, of the giant-crystalline milk-white quartz. Gas separation continues at higher temperatures (below 1000°C) but is much less intense. The electron microscopic examination of quartz grains after their acid treatment indicates that the surface of these grains is covered by caverns of various morphology and size, which were produced by the partial dissolution of the quartz and the opening of its gas-liquid and mineral inclusions occurring near the surface; the inclusions were not, however, completely removed. The crystal structure of the quartz contains minor Al, Ge, Na, Li, Ti, and Fe. The lowest concentrations of Al and Ge paramagnetic centers are typical of the granulated (recrystallized) and fine-grained quartz. The giant-crystalline quartz, including its transparent varieties, and individual quartz crystals, first of all their smoky-citrine varieties, contain higher concentrations of minor elements. In the Nether Polar Ural Province, granulated quartz is potentially promising for producing especially pure quartz concentrates. The quality of the translucent coarse-to giant-crystalline quartz, which predominates in the resources and reserves, is deteriorated by gas-liquid inclusions in it and requires deep processing of the raw minerals.  相似文献   

The combination of scanning electron microscope–cathodoluminescence (CL), fluid inclusion analysis and high-resolution electron probe microanalysis of Al, Ti, K and Fe in vein quartz has yielded results permitting a greater understanding of the complex mineralisation of the Central Oyu Tolgoi and Zesen Uul porphyry-style deposits, southern Mongolia. These data demonstrate the relationship between quartz precipitation, dissolution and ore deposition as the mineralising fluid chemistry changed through time. Four major quartz generations are identified in the A-type veins from the stockworks of both the Central Oyu Tolgoi (OTi to OTiv) and Zesen Uul deposits (ZUi to ZUiv). Despite differences in the associated alteration and mineralisation style, the observed CL textures and trace element signatures of the quartz generations are comparable between deposits. The OTi and ZUi stage formed both the primary network of A-type veins and pervasive silicification of the host rock. Using the Ti-in-quartz geothermometer, crystallisation temperatures for OTi and ZUi of between 598°C and 880°C are indicated. The main stage of sulphide mineralisation was accompanied by the dissolution of pre-existing quartz (OTi and ZUi) and precipitation of a weakly luminescent generation of quartz (OTii and ZUii) with a low Ti content, reflected in a calculated temperature drop from approximately 700°C to 340°C in Central Oyu Tolgoi and 445°C in Zesen Uul. OTii and ZUii stage quartzes show high and variable Al concentrations. The next stage of quartz in both deposits (OTiii and ZUiii) forms a fine network of veins in cracks formed in pre-existing quartz. OTiii and ZUiii quartz contain measurable fluid inclusions of moderate salinity (3–17.1 wt.% NaCl eq.), entrapped in the temperature range 256°C to 385°C. OTiii and ZUiii are not related to any sulphide mineralisation. The final OTiv and ZUiv stages are characterised by quartz–calcite micro-breccias that penetrate the A-type veins. Based on the calculated entrapment temperatures, the OTiv/ZUiv stage crystallised between 212°C and 335°C, and the quartz is characterised by elevated but variable Al and Fe contents. The CL and trace element signatures of the OTi to OTiii and ZUi to ZUiii stages of the two Mongolian porphyries show similar features to those observed in porphyry-style deposits from other regions. This suggests that a common sequence of quartz crystallisation occurs during the formation of early veins in many porphyry copper systems.  相似文献   

坦桑尼亚克拉通西北部的苏库马绿岩带是坦桑尼亚环维多利亚湖绿岩带重要的金矿聚集区。区内金矿化类型以含金石英脉为主,矿体的产出主要受剪切构造带控制。通过研究区域构造特征和岩石地球化学特征,认为苏库马绿岩带中玄武岩为弧后环境形成,流纹岩和花岗岩形成于陆弧环境,N--S向挤压作用和E--W向伸展作用是区域内主要的构造展布特征。建立了含金石英脉的成矿模式,表明具有金矿化作用的石英脉集中分布在EW、SEE、NE向剪切构造破碎带中,含金石英脉富矿体的形成经历了多期构造变形和成矿流体的叠加、富集作用。  相似文献   

A.M.R. Neiva   《Ore Geology Reviews》2008,33(3-4):221-238
Cassiterite and wolframite compositions from Sn > W- and W > Sn-bearing quartz veins in Northern and Central Portugal are compared to provide evidence on fluid compositions. In Sn > W-bearing quartz veins, euhedral cassiterite shows sequences of alternating parallel darker and lighter zones. The darker zones are pleochroic, oscillatory zoned, exhibit exsolutions of columbite and ixiolite and are richer in Nb, Ta and Fe than the lighter zones which consist of nearly pure SnO2. Cassiterite from W > Sn-bearing quartz veins is usually zoned, with homogeneous and slightly pleochroic darker zones, which are chemically similar to lighter zones. Both zones have inclusions of rutile and rare ilmenite. The darker zones of cassiterite from the former veins are richer in Nb, Ta and Fe contents and poorer in Ti than the darker and lighter zones of cassiterite from the latter veins. This is attributed to differences in the composition of magmatic hydrothermal fluids.Wolframite compositions from Sn > W- and W > Sn-bearing quartz veins do not show any significant distinction, because they precipitate from relatively similar magmatic hydrothermal fluids. In some deposits, most wolframite crystals are homogeneous, but others are heterogeneous. Inner patches, rich in a hübnerite component, rarely occur in crystals from the Filharoso and Panasqueira deposits. Zoned crystals, showing an increase in Fe and a decrease in Mn from core to rim, were found in the Vale das Gatas deposit. Complex oscillatory zoned crystals occur. In the Carris deposit, later wolframite contains inclusions of scheelite, partially replaces it and is richer in Fe and poorer in Mn than earlier wolframite. Wolframite from Sn > W-bearing quartz veins in the Argozelo deposit and W > Sn-bearing quartz veins from Vale das Gatas and Panasqueira deposits has significant Nb content. This does not depend on the Fe and Mn content of the wolframite, but W content is negatively correlated with Nb content. Only very rare single crystals of wolframite show an increase in W and a decrease in Nb from core to rim. Sn > W-bearing quartz veins contain wolframite poorer in Nb than the darker zones of cassiterite, which exsolved columbite and ixiolite. In W > Sn-bearing quartz veins from Panasqueira and Vale das Gatas, the wolframite has a higher Nb content than the cassiterite, which contains rutile inclusions enriched in Nb, because cassiterite and wolframite are derived from two distinct magmatic hydrothermal fluids of different age. The fluid responsible for wolframite precipitation will have a similar composition to that resulting from the evolution of the fluid responsible for cassiterite precipitation in the Sn > W-bearing quartz veins.  相似文献   

Three periods of mineral growth and three generations of spiral‐shaped inclusion trails have been distinguished within folded rocks of the Qinling‐Dabie Orogen, China, using the development of three successive and differently trending sets of foliation intersection axes preserved in porphyroblasts (FIAs). This progression is revealed by the consistent relative sequence of changes in FIA trends from the core to rim of garnet porphyroblasts in samples with multiple FIAs. The first and second formed sets of FIAs trend oblique to the axial planes of macroscopic folds that dominate the outcrop pattern in this region. The porphyroblasts containing these FIAs grew prior to the development of the macroscopic folds, yet the FIAs do not change orientation across the fold hinges. The youngest formed FIAs (set 3) lie subparallel to the axial planes of these folds and the porphyroblasts containing these FIAs formed in part as the folds developed. The deformation associated with all three generations of spiral‐shaped inclusion trails in garnet porphyroblasts involved the formation of subhorizontal and subvertical foliations against porphyroblast rims accompanied by periods of garnet growth; pervasive structures have not necessarily formed in the matrix away from the porphyroblasts. The macroscopic folds are heterogeneously strained from limb to limb, doubly plunging and have moderately dipping axial planes. The consistent orientation of Set 1 FIAs indicates that the development of spiral‐shaped inclusion trails in porphyroblasts with FIAs belonging to Set 2 did not involve rotation of the previously formed porphyroblasts. The consistent orientation of Sets 1 and 2 FIAs indicate that the development of spiral‐shaped inclusion trails in porphyroblasts with FIAs belonging to Set 3 did not involve rotation of the previously formed porphyroblasts during folding. This requires a fold mechanism of progressive bulk inhomogeneous shortening and demonstrates that spiral‐shaped inclusion trails can form outside of shear zones.  相似文献   

The presence in rocks of coexisting sapphirine + quartz has been widely used to diagnose conditions of ultra‐high‐temperature (UHT) metamorphism (>900 °C), an inference based on the restriction of this assemblage to temperatures >980 °C in the conventionally considered FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2 (FMAS) chemical system. With a new thermodynamic model for sapphirine that includes Fe2O3, phase equilibra modelling using thermocalc software has been undertaken in the FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–O (FMASO) and FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2– TiO2–O (FMASTO) chemical systems. Using a variety of calculated phase diagrams for quartz‐saturated systems, the effects of Fe2O3 and TiO2 on FMAS phase relations are shown to be considerable. Importantly, the stability field of sapphirine + quartz assemblages extends down temperature to 850 °C in oxidized systems and thus out of the UHT range.  相似文献   

The study focuses on analysis of primary and secondary fluid inclusions present in quartz veins hosted in the phyllites to explore the stress and temperature conditions at the time of formation of metasediment sequences of the of Parsoi Formation, central India. The results reveal the two-phase liquid-rich fluid inclusions that indicate that the intrusions of quartz veins in phyllite may have taken place between the temperature from 168.8°C to 256.3°C with an average of 205.55°C from a magmatic moderately saline fluid (3.7 to 18.29 wt. % NaCl equiv.). The final ice-melting temperatures ranges from -14.6°C to -2.2°C which indicate that the aqueous fluids are mainly H2O-NaCl. The density distribution of fluid inclusions rich in liquid H2O only are unimodel and low in natures and appears to be entrapped between pressure 1.666 to 2.125 kbar at depth of 200m. The study supports epithermal nature of fluid inclusions. The characteristic of fluid inclusions along with lithological and structural peculiarities, nature of structural features may be helpful in exploring the future potential zone of gold mineralization in similar types of area.  相似文献   

西藏甲玛铜多金属矿床位于冈底斯火山岩浆弧的东段,是冈底斯成矿带的重要组成部分,也是最具代表性的产于后碰撞伸展环境中的超大型斑岩-矽卡岩-浅成低温热液铜多金属矿床。文章以该矿区斑岩体中各类脉体的矿物特征,尤其是脉体石英显微结构以及微量元素特征为切入点,初步划分出3大类5个阶段的岩浆-热液流体。金属硫化物主要沉淀于第2、第4和第5阶段。脉体石英中Al、Fe、K含量的变化指示了流体pH值的变化以及与钾化有关的蚀变。流体的温度范围跨度极大,从602℃到130℃,即从斑岩型高温岩浆流体演化为浅成低温热液型流体。岩浆热液生命周期至少持续3 Ma,具有多期多阶段性,开始于岩浆房中岩浆-热液流体的出溶,一直演化至成矿作用结束,贯穿整个岩浆-热液成矿系统。含矿流体中金属元素沉淀得益于岩浆流体pH值的改变。  相似文献   

The proportional mineralization effect was detected in the gold mineralization variability at the Kekura deposit. The presence of this effect complicates data interpretation and influences the methodology for studying the variography of the deposit. This paper presents a technique for the detection of this effect and methods for smoothing out this effect for further work with variography.  相似文献   

CCSD(0~5158m)HP-UHP变质岩中石英脉流体包裹体研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文对中国大陆科学钻探(CCSD)0~5158m HP-UHP变质岩石英脉中流体包裹体进行了研究,通过冷热台与拉曼光谱测定发现其中含有4种流体包裹体(Ⅰ型)盐水溶液包裹体,并进一步分为高盐度盐水溶液包裹体(Ⅰa型)、中高盐度盐水溶液包襄体(Ⅰb型)、中等盐度盐水溶液包裹体(Ⅰc型)和低盐度盐水溶液包裹体;(Ⅱ型)N2-CH4纯气相包襄体;(Ⅲ型)含方解石子矿物的流体包裹体;(Ⅳ型)CO2-NaCl-H2O包裹体及纯CO2包裹体.其中Ⅲ和Ⅳ型流体包裹体是CCSD石英脉中首次发现.Ⅰa、Ⅰb型流体包裹体主要以原生的形式赋存在榴辉岩及片麻岩的石英脉或石英颗粒当中,它们主要是被捕获于折返早期高压变质重结晶阶段;Ⅰc和Ⅰd两类包裹体则主要以次生的形式赋存于榴辉岩及片麻岩的石英脉或石英颗粒当中.说明它们是在超高压变质岩折返过程的较晚阶段捕获的.以原生形式出现的含方解石子晶及CO2包裹体,指示部分石英脉及其围岩可能经历过超高压变质作用甚至麻粒岩相阶段.CCSD中的石英脉可能主要形成于折返早期高压变质重结晶阶段,其中的HP-UHP岩石在板决折返及其以后退变质过程中释放出的变质流体活动范围有限,没有经历大规模的流动或迁移.  相似文献   

张海泉 《地质通报》2005,24(5):456-461
著名的焦家式金矿以破碎蚀变岩型矿化为特征,但近年来也发现有含金石英大脉。含金石英大脉的流体包裹体以气液两相为主,含液相CO2包裹体次之;均一温度主峰在290℃附近,次峰在200℃附近;盐度主要为(2~10)%NaCl;估算压力为20~38MPa;包裹体气相成分以H2O为主,其次为CO2;黄铁矿包裹体离子组成一般Na+>K+>Ca2+,SO42->Cl->F-,石英包裹体离子组成一般K+>Na+>Ca2+(变形石英Na+>K+>Ca2+),SO42->Cl->F-。焦家式金矿含金石英大脉的上述特征与玲珑式金矿含金石英脉类似,但与处于同一矿床的破碎蚀变岩型矿化有一定差异。含金石英大脉以充填为特征,而破碎蚀变岩型矿化以交代为特征。  相似文献   

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