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From late 1995 through early 2001, three major interannual climate events occurred in the tropical Pacific; the 1995–97 La Niña (LN), 1997–98 El Niño (EN), and 1998–2001 LN. We analyze atmospheric and upper oceanic anomalies in the northeast Pacific (NEP) during these events, and compare them to anomalies both elsewhere in the north and tropical Pacific, and to typical EN and LN anomaly patterns. The atmospheric and oceanic anomalies varied strongly on intraseasonal and interannual scales. During the 1995–97 LN and 1997–98 EN, the Northeast Pacific was dominated by negative SLP and cyclonic wind anomalies, and by upper ocean temperature and sea surface height (SSH) anomalies. The latter were positive along the North American west coast and in the NEP thermal anomaly pool (between Hawaii, Vancouver Island, and Baja California), and negative in the central north Pacific. This atmospheric/oceanic anomaly pattern is typical of EN. An eastward shift in the atmospheric teleconnection from east Asia created EN-like anomalies in the NEP during the 1995–97 LN, well before the 1997–98 EN had begun. The persistence of negative sea-level pressure (SLP) and cyclonic wind anomalies in the NEP during the 1997–98 EN intensified pre-existing upper oceanic anomalies. Atmospheric anomalies were shifted eastward during late 1996–early 1998, leading to a similar onshore shift of oceanic anomalies. This produced exceptionally strong positive upper ocean temperature and SSH anomalies along the west coast during the 1997–98 EN, and explains the unusual coastal occurrences of several species of large pelagic warm-water fishes. The growth and eastward shift of these pre-existing anomalies does not appear to have been linked to tropical Pacific EN anomalies until late 1997, when a clear atmospheric teleconnection between the two regions developed. Prior to this, remote atmospheric impacts on the NEP were primarily from east Asia. As the 1998–2001 LN developed, NEP anomalies began reversing toward the typical LN pattern. This led to predominantly negative SLP and cyclonic wind anomalies in the NEP, and upper ocean temperature and SSH anomalies that were mainly negative along the west coast and positive in the central north Pacific. The persistence of these anomalies into mid-2001, and a number of concurrent biological changes in the NEP, suggest that a decadal climate shift may have occurred in late 1998.During 1995–2001, NEP oceanic anomalies tracked the overlying atmospheric anomalies, as indicated by the maintenance of a characteristic spatial relationship between these anomalies. In particular, wind stress curl and SSH anomalies in the NEP maintained an inverse relationship that strengthened and shifted eastward toward the west coast during late 1996–early 1998. This consistent relationship indicates that anomalous Ekman transport driven by regional atmospheric forcing was an important contributor to temperature and SSH anomalies in the NEP and CCS during the 1997–98 EN. Other studies have shown that coastal propagations originating from the tropical Pacific also may have contributed to coastal NEP anomalies during this EN. Our results indicate that at least some of this coastal anomaly signal may have been generated by regional atmospheric forcing within the NEP.  相似文献   

During 1998 an experimental gillnet fishing survey was carried out in a Mexican Central Pacific inshore zone. One-hundred and thirty fish species belonging to 51 families and 18 orders were identified. The most abundant species wereMicrolepidotus brevipinnis (29·0% of the total abundance) and Caranx caninus (19·2%), followed by C. caballus (6·3%), Kyphosus analogus (4·3%) and C. sexfasciatus (3·4%). Thermal SST anomalies showed the existence of two periods. The first, from January to April with positive anomalies, defines the end of an El Niño episode. The second period, from May to December, constitutes the beginning of the La Niña episode. The typical seasonality in a non-anomalous year continued for a large percentage of the inshore fish community, and the effects of the anomalous event consisted of changes in seasonality of occurrence in some individual species and the unusual abundance of some uncommon species. The species richness was higher during the El Niño–La Niña event than in a non-anomalous year, and therefore the event could be considered an interannual environmental mechanism that favours fish diversity in inshore waters.  相似文献   

The ecological and economic values of coral reef communities have encouraged efforts to implement periodic visual survey programs to secure their conservation. To date, visual monitoring‐based approaches have detected bleaching events weeks or months after the initial onset. An evaluation of the stress response of coral colonies, as well as their ability to resist and recover from the stress events, may increase our understanding of the physiological processes underling the stress and/or acclimation responses. Coral bleaching events, caused primarily by abnormally high temperatures, are continuously affecting coral communities worldwide. To evaluate the stress and recovery responses of the reef‐building coral Pocillopora verrucosa, a laboratory study was conducted herein. Coral nubbins were exposed to high temperatures to induce bleaching, and their ability to resist and recover from bleaching was subsequently monitored after returning the corals to ambient temperature. Lipid and chlorophyll concentrations, as well as Symbiodinium spp. density, decreased in samples exposed to nearly 31°C, slowly recovering to near‐control levels upon return to non‐stressful conditions. The present data set allows for an assessment of the vulnerability and ability of this common species to resist sub‐optimal environmental conditions, particularly the thermal stress events that will occur more commonly in their habitats as global seawater temperatures continue to rise.  相似文献   

Southwest Pacific subtropical mode water: A climatology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The large-scale distribution and changes in Southwest Pacific subtropical mode water (STMW) are investigated and discussed. The paper presents for the first time geographic maps showing the spatial distribution of STMW thicknesses, with a vertical temperature gradient <2.0 °C/100 m occupying the 14–20 °C range below the mixed layer depth, across the entire Southwest Pacific region. STMW changes in areal thickness extent, vertical cross-sectional area along selected transects, and total volume, are examined on seasonal and interannual time scales between 1973 and 1988.We find that STMW extends across the entire width of the Tasman Sea in a very broad swath between the Tropical Convergence in the north (just to the south of New Caledonia), the southeast Australian coast in the west to as far south as 39°S (likely due to the southward extension of the EAC), and eastwards along the Southern STMW boundary in a meandering pathway that broadly follows the Tasman Front. The total STMW volume across the region (i.e., west of 180°) varies seasonally by a factor of more than three between the estimated maximum of 6.6 (±0.5) × 1014 m3 in October and minimum of 1.9 (±0.4) × 1014 m3 in May. Interannual variations O (±0.5 × 1014 m3) are also observed in the spatial extent of the thick mode water and its total volume. El Niño composite maps show an anomalous thickening of the STMW during the El Niño year with October positive thickness anomalies in excess of +20 m (total volume anomaly of +0.6 × 1014 m3) manifested throughout the subtropical gyre interior as far north as New Caledonia. Total volume anomalies tend to be positive from January of the El Niño year through to the July following (18 months). The maximum correlation coefficient r = −0.3 between 3-monthly STMW volume anomalies and the Southern Oscillation index is statistically significant at the 95% confidence level. We conclude that during the anomalous cooling of the upper Southwest Pacific Ocean in the El Niño year, winter-time convection and STMW formation is enhanced across the region resulting in an El Niño – Southern Oscillation climate signal that is identifiable below the mixed layer by the increased STMW volume which persists through to the following winter. Finally, some evidence for the possible decadal modulation of the STMW variability is also discussed.  相似文献   

Flux of siliceous plankton and taxonomic composition of diatom and silicoflagellate assemblages were determined from sediment trap samples collected in coastal upwelling-influenced waters off northern Chile (30°S, CH site) under “normal” or non-El Niño (1993–94) and El Niño conditions (1997–98). In addition, concentration of biogenic opal and siliceous plankton, and diatom and silicoflagellate assemblages preserved in surface sediments are provided for a wide area between 27° and 43°S off Chile. Regardless of the year, winter upwelling determines the maximum production pattern of siliceous microorganisms, with diatoms numerically dominating the biogenic opal flux. During the El Niño year the export is markedly lower: on an annual basis, total mass flux diminished by 60%, and diatom and silicoflagellate export by 75%. Major components of the diatom flora maintain much of their regular seasonal cycle of flux maxima and minima during both sampling periods. Neritic resting spores (RS) of Chaetoceros dominate the diatom flux, mirroring the influence of coastal-upwelled waters at the CH trap site. Occurrence of pelagic diatoms species Fragilariopsis doliolus, members of the Rhizosoleniaceae, Azpeitia spp. and Nitzschia interruptestriata, secondary components of the assemblage, reflects the intermingling of warmer waters of the Subtropical Gyre. Dictyocha messanensis dominates the silicoflagellate association almost year-around, but Distephanus pulchra delivers ca. 60% of its annual production in less than three weeks during the winter peak. The siliceous thanatocoenosis is largely dominated by diatoms, whose assemblage shows significant qualitative and quantitative variations from north to south. Between 27° and 35°S, the dominance of RS Chaetoceros, Thalassionema nitzschioides var. nitzschioides and Skeletonema costatum reflects strong export production associated with occurrence of coastal upwelling. Both highest biogenic opal content and diatom concentration at 35° and 41°–43°S coincide with highest pigment concentrations along the Chilean coast. Predominance of the diatom species Thalassiosira pacifica and T. poro-irregulata, and higher relative contribution of the silicoflagellate Distephanus speculum at 41°–43°S suggest the influence of more nutrient-rich waters and low sea surface temperatures, probably associated with the Antarctic Circumpolar Water.  相似文献   

Nutrient and chlorophyll concentrations were measured in January 1997, 1998 and 1999 in the Gulf of the Farallones, CA at locations stretching north/south from Point Reyes to Half Moon Bay, and seaward from the Golden Gate to the Farallon Islands. The cruises were all carried out during periods of high river flow, but under different climatological conditions with 1997 conditions described as relatively typical or ‘neutral/normal’, compared to the El Niño warmer water temperatures in 1998, and the cooler La Niña conditions in 1999. Near-shore sea-surface temperatures ranged from cold (9.5–10.5°C) during La Niña 1999, to average (11–13°C) during 1997 to warm (13.5–15°C) during El Niño 1998. Nutrients are supplied to the Gulf of the Farallones both from San Francisco Bay (SFB) and from oceanic sources, e.g. coastal upwelling near Point Reyes. Nutrient supplies are strongly influenced by the seasonal cycle of fall calms, with storms (commencing in January), and the spring transition to high pressure and northerly upwelling favorable winds. The major effect of El Niño and La Niña climatic conditions was to modulate the relative contribution of SFB to nutrient concentrations in the coastal waters of the Gulf of the Farallones; this was intensified during the El Niño winter and reduced during La Niña. During January 1998 (El Niño) the oceanic water was warm and had low or undetectable nitrate, that did not reach the coast. Instead, SFB dominated the supply of nutrients to the coastal waters. Additionally, these data indicate that silicate may be a good tracker of SFB water. In January, delta outflow into SFB produces low salinity, high silicate, high nitrate water that exits the bay at the Golden Gate and is advected northward along the coast. This occurred in both 1997 and 1998. However during January 1999, a La Niña, this SFB feature was reduced and the near-shore water was more characteristic of high salinity oceanic water penetrated all the way to the coast and was cold (10°C) and nutrient rich (16 μM NO3, 30 μM Si(OH)4). January chlorophyll concentrations ranged from 1–1.5 μg l−1 in all years with the highest values measured in 1999 (2.5–3 μg l−1) as a result of elevated nutrients in the area. The impact of climatic conditions on chlorophyll concentrations was not as pronounced as might be expected from the high temperatures and low nutrient concentrations measured offshore during El Niño due to the sustained supply of nutrients from the Bay supporting continued primary production.  相似文献   

Continental margins exert a strong influence on global biogeochemical cycles; however there have been relatively few attempts to quantify either the magnitude or nature of temporal variability in material fluxes. At present here are no reports on nutrient fluxes at the mouth of the Gulf of California (GC) so further information is needed to provide estimated values from direct measurements. From 1995–1999 during five cruises covering all seasons, seawater samples were collected and measured the nutrient content from the surface to the bottom (some deeper than 2500 m) from a repeated hydrographic sections at the mouth of the GC. This chemical and physical database is unique because it covers an area with important biogeochemical signs, which has been detected as one of the highest in primary productivity of the world oceans. These sections are perpendicular to the coastlines of the Mexican states of Baja California Sur (BCS) and Sinaloa. In this section, the most dynamic area was the surface waters in February 1999 with strong geostrophic currents and temperatures of 20 ± 1.5 °C; salinity 35.091 ± 0.156; pH 8.16 ± 0.13; phosphate 0.85 ± 0.42 μM, nitrate + nitrite 2.35 ± 2.94 μM, and ammonia 2.00 ± 1.25 μM (average ± standard deviation).Geostrophic velocities were computed from high-resolution CTD sections across the entrance to the GC. During winter and spring, the outflow occurred near BCS and the inflow occurred either through the center of the section and/or along the Sinaloa coast. Both inflow and outflow cores were 45 km wide and extended deeper than 700 m. Summer and fall showed a complex pattern, alternating cores of inflow and outflow but with inflow along Sinaloa on all cruises. The maximum flow into the Gulf occurs during May in the center of the section while outflow was concentrated along BCS. Mascarenhas et al. [Mascarenhas, A., Castro, R., Collins, C.A., Durazo, R., 2004. Seasonal variation of geostrophic velocity and heat flux at the entrance to the Gulf of California, Mexico. Journal Geophysical Research, 2124.] calculated the section mean geostrophic velocity that was composed of two alternating cores of inflow and outflow. The two cores that were adjacent to either coast were broader and contained the highest inflow (0.40 m s− 1) and outflow (− 0.25 m s− 1) velocities, supporting the general idea of inflow along the Sinaloa and an outflow along BCS.The highest nutrient fluxes occur during El Niño conditions in November 1997 with outflows as high as 54.5 Tg yr− 1 for Phosphate, 43.0 Tg yr− 1 for Nitrate and 31.7 Tg yr− 1 for Ammonia, this values were at least three times higher than in February 1999.  相似文献   

热带太平洋第二类El Nio事件及其对中国气候的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于热带太平洋次表层海温资料,分析了热带太平洋第二类El Nio事件海温异常的分布特征及其形成机制,讨论了与经典El Nio事件、El Nio Modoki、WP(西太平洋暖池)及CT(冷舌)El Nio事件之间的关系,揭示了第二类El Nio事件对中国降水的影响,得到以下结论。(1)第二类El Nio事件表征为热带太平洋次表层海温异常第三模态,占总方差贡献的4.7%。在海洋表面层,第二类El Nio事件暖期赤道东太平洋为沿赤道西伸的冷舌,热带中西太平洋为环绕冷舌的马蹄型大范围暖区。该型具11a和30~40a年代际振荡及3~4a年际变率,峰值多出现在春季。第二类El Nio事件是热带太平洋异常海面风应力场和赤道两侧的风应力旋度共同作用的结果,在赤道东印度洋-中西太平洋与赤道东太平洋-南美洲上空出现以反号垂直运动为特征的异常Walker环流。(2)El Nio Modoki与第二类El Nio事件有密切关系,它实质上是第二类El Nio事件次表层海温与近海面大气相互作用的结果,捕捉了第二类El Nio事件的主要信息。(3)第二类El Nio事件对中国春季及夏初降水有一定影响。在事件暖期,东海地区存在一个显著的异常反气旋性环流,其南侧的中国南方地区盛行异常东北气流,水汽来源减少,导致该地区少雨,其西侧的异常偏南气流北上直达华北地区,异常多水汽向北输送,并与北方的偏北流场相遇,导致该地区降水偏多。在第二类El Nio事件冷期相反。本文结果还指出,WP与CT El Nio事件是由经典El Nio事件第一模态与El Nio Modoki事件组合而成,它们不是独立的El Nio类型。此外,还讨论了夏半年El Nio事件对大气环流影响的物理过程。  相似文献   

This paper is part of a comprehensive review of the oceanography of the eastern tropical Pacific, the oceanic region centered on the eastern Pacific warm pool, but also including the equatorial cold tongue and equatorial current system, and summarizes what is known about oceanographic influences on seabirds and cetaceans there. The eastern tropical Pacific supports on the order of 50 species of seabirds and 30 species of cetaceans as regular residents; these include four endemic species, the world’s largest populations for several others, three endemic sub-species, and a multi-species community that is relatively unique to this ecosystem. Three of the meso-scale physical features of the region are particularly significant to seabirds and cetaceans: the Costa Rica Dome for blue whales and short-beaked common dolphins, the Equatorial Front for planktivorous seabirds, and the countercurrent thermocline ridge for flocking seabirds that associate with mixed-species schools of spotted and spinner dolphins and yellowfin tuna. A few qualitative studies of meso- to macro-scale distribution patterns have indicated that some seabirds and cetaceans have species-specific preferences for surface currents. More common are associations with distinct water masses; these relationships have been quantified for a number of species using several different analytical methods. The mechanisms underlying tropical species–habitat relationships are not well understood, in contrast to a number of higher-latitude systems. This may be due to the fact that physical variables have been used as proxies for prey abundance and distribution in species–habitat research in the eastern tropical Pacific.Though seasonal and interannual patterns tend to be complex, species–habitat relationships appear to remain relatively stable over time, and distribution patterns co-vary with patterns of preferred habitat for a number of species. The interactions between seasonal and interannual variation in oceanographic conditions with seasonal patterns in the biology of seabirds and cetaceans may account for some of the complexity in species–habitat relationship patterns.Little work has been done to investigate effects of El Niño-Southern Oscillation cycles on cetaceans, and results of the few studies focusing on oceanic seabirds are complex and not easy to interpret. Although much has been made of the detrimental effects of El Niño events on apex predators, more research is needed to understand the magnitude, and even direction, of these effects on seabirds and cetaceans in space and time.  相似文献   

To define the functional groups of fish and macroinvertebrates in the Eastern Tropical Pacific (ETP), visual censuses were performed in 18 areas of four biogeographic provinces: Cortés, Mexican, Panamic and Oceanic Islands. A total of 257 fish and macroinvertebrate species were recorded, and from them, 27 morpho‐functional groups (MFGs) were constructed on the basis of trophic level, maximum size, taxonomy and morphology. Biomass, richness, diversity and evenness of MFGs were calculated for each province and compared statistically; a regression analysis between taxonomic and functional diversity was conducted to observe the relationship between these two indicators. There were significant differences in all ecological indices (p < .002), highlighting the high biomass and richness of MFGs in the Cortés and Oceanic Islands provinces (>400 g/m2), associated with the influence of cold currents in the northernmost region and less fishing pressure in protected areas. A decreasing pattern of MFG richness towards the tropics was observed, which demonstrates that in the ETP, the relationship between habitat heterogeneity and species diversity has been translated into functional complexity. The Mexican province was the most functionally diverse (biomass well distributed in the MFG; H′ = 0.46 ± 0.009). Related to this, it is predicted that biomass is biased towards certain functional groups (i.e., large carnivores), which shows that the H′ index of the MFG is not a good indicator of the conservation status of ETP reefs. Finally, regression analysis suggests that functional diversity increases at low species diversity but eventually reaches an asymptote (almost all possible functions are represented).  相似文献   

Market squid (Doryteuthis opalescens) are ecologically and economically important to the California Current Ecosystem, but populations undergo dramatic fluctuations that greatly affect food web dynamics and fishing communities. These population fluctuations are broadly attributed to 5–7‐years trends that can affect the oceanography across 1,000 km areas; however, monthly patterns over kilometer scales remain elusive. To investigate the population dynamics of market squid, we analysed the density and distribution of paralarvae in coastal waters from San Diego to Half Moon Bay, California, from 2011 to 2016. Warming local ocean conditions and a strong El Niño event drove a dramatic decline in relative paralarval abundance during the study period. Paralarval abundance was high during cool and productive La Niña conditions from 2011 to 2013, and extraordinarily low during warm and eutrophic El Niño conditions from 2015 to 2016 over the traditional spawning grounds in Southern and Central California. Market squid spawned earlier in the season and shifted northward during the transition from cool to warm ocean conditions. We used a general additive model to assess the variability in paralarval density and found that sea surface temperature (SST), zooplankton displacement volume, the log of surface chlorophyll‐a, and spatial and temporal predictor variables explained >40% of the deviance (adjusted r2 of .29). Greatest paralarval densities were associated with cool SST, moderate zooplankton concentrations and low chlorophyll‐a concentrations. In this paper we explore yearly and monthly trends in nearshore spawning for an economically important squid species and identify the major environmental influences that control their population variability.  相似文献   

A time-series sediment trap was operated from July 2003 to July 2008 at a station located in the 10°N thermocline ridge of the northeastern equatorial Pacific (10°30′N, 131°20′W), with the aim of understanding variations in natural background sinking-particle flux and the influence on such fluxes of ENSO (El Niño-Southern Oscillation). Each one of weak El Niño, moderate El Niño and moderate La Niña were observed during the monitoring period. During non-ENSO periods, total mass fluxes varied from 4.1 to 36.9 mg m−2 d−1, with a distinct seasonal variation, ranging from an average flux of 14.0 mg m−2 d−1 in the warm season (June-November) to 25.3 mg m−2 d−1 in the cold season (December-May). This seasonal fluctuation was characterized by a distinct difference in CaCO3 flux between the two seasons. The enhanced particle fluxes during the cold season are attributed to the supply of nutrient-enriched subsurface water by wind-driven vertical mixing, supported by a simultaneous reduction in sea surface temperature and enhanced trade winds. The weak El Niño event occurred in the monitoring period had no recognizable effect on particle fluxes in the study area, but the moderate El Niño event was accompanied by a significant reduction in particle fluxes to 60% of the average background value in the warm season. In contrast, particle fluxes during the moderate La Niña increased to a maximum value of 129.9 mg m−2 d−1, almost three times the average background value. Organic carbon and biogenic silica fluxes were most sensitive to the El Niño and La Niña conditions. The observed variations of particle fluxes are synchronized with those of chlorophyll-a, suggesting primary productivity for the main cause of flux change. The present data indicate that marked seasonal variability in background fluxes commonly exceeds the variability associated with ENSO and post-ENSO signals, which should be taken into account when evaluating the influence of ENSO on sinking particle fluxes in the 10°N thermocline ridge area.  相似文献   

The surf clam Mesodesma donacium is an economically important species for Chilean and Peruvian shellfisheries. This clam is often infested by Polydora bioccipitalis, a species belonging to the Spionidae, the most common parasitic polychaete group. To study this association, clams were sampled monthly over a one-year period in northern Chile. Collected clams covered the entire available size range and were classified into four infestation levels in order to study: (1) the relationship between prevalence of infestation (PI) and host size, (2) the temporal pattern of infestation events related to seasonal temperature changes, and (3) the relationship between infestation, body condition index (BCI) and gonado-somatic index (GSI). Additionally, growth rate and digging ability of clams with different infestation levels was studied. A logistic regression model best explained the relationship between PI and host size, with the smallest infested clam being 34 mm long and PI increasing steeply thereafter. Ontogenetic shifts in the habitat of the clam and ontogenetic changes, mainly in shell morphology, seem to explain the sigmoid pattern. Periods of increased shell blistering after infestation by P. bioccipitalis showed a similar seasonal pattern with GSI and BCI of non-infested clams, suggesting either an association between infestation ability and low condition of the clam or common environmental triggers for those factors. Heavily infested clams showed a significant lower BCI, growth rate and digging ability; however, given its low number, they are unlikely to be significant in terms of the local population survival. However, the infestation could play a key role in explaining mass mortality of northern populations during El Niño events, given the latitudinal differences in PI and the fact that infestation ability could be enhanced by increased temperature and facilitated in stressed clams.  相似文献   

We describe the spatial and temporal dynamics of macrozooplankton on the southern North West Shelf (NWS) of Australia over two consecutive summers (1997/1998 and 1998/1999). Sampling was conducted using submersible light traps, deployed at the surface and at depth, along one cross-shelf transect in 1997/1998, and along two cross-shelf transects and one long-shore transect in 1998/1999. Our results revealed large inter-annual changes in macrozooplankton assemblages during the two summers. An upwelling regime associated with El Niño conditions prevailed during the first summer, resulting in high chlorophyll concentrations and an abundance of both meso- and macrozooplankton. During this time, there were distinct inshore and offshore macrozooplankton assemblages that reflected an abrupt transition from upwelling-enriched shelf waters to oligotrophic oceanic waters. In contrast, the second summer was characterised by a downwelling regime associated with La Niña conditions that resulted in low chlorophyll concentrations and decreased abundances of meso- and macrozooplankton. The lack of upwelling activity weakened horizontal gradients in macrozooplankton assemblages so that differences between surface and deep assemblages were more pronounced. Catches in light traps were dominated by hyperiid amphipods during the first summer and by the neritic euphausiid Pseudeuphausia latifrons during the second. There was little within-season change in macrozooplankton assemblages during both summers, and only weak relationships were found between the environmental parameters and the distribution of individual macrozooplankton taxa.  相似文献   

大眼金枪鱼是世界最重要的渔业资源之一,经济价值较高,捕捞压力的加大使中部太平洋大眼金枪鱼过度捕捞程度愈发严重。开展种群遗传结构研究将为大眼金枪鱼资源的可持续利用与开发提供科学依据。本文以取自中西太平洋和中东太平洋共182尾大眼金枪鱼个体为研究对象,分析研究其线粒体DNA控制区第一个高变区(the first hypervariable region,HVR-1)457bp的序列,共发现115个变异位点,定义了178种单倍型。序列多样性分析结果显示8个采样点核苷酸多样性在0.03074-0.04362间,单倍型多样性在各个采样点都较高,变动范围在0.996-1.000之间;分子方差分析显示99.97%的遗传变异性来自于种群内;群体间的高基因交流值Nm和低分化指数Fst揭示中东太平洋与中西太平洋群体间基因交流频繁,不存在显著的遗传分化。  相似文献   

Tropical Pacific interannual variability is examined in nine state-of-the-art coupled climate models, and compared with observations and ocean analyses data sets, the primary focus being on the spatial structure and spectral characteristics of El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO). The spatial patterns of interannual sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies from the coupled models are characterized by maximum variations displaced from the coast of South America, and generally extending too far west with respect to observations. Thermocline variability is characterized by dominant modes that are qualitatively similar in all the models, and consistent with the “recharge oscillator” paradigm for ENSO. The meridional scale of the thermocline depth anomalies is generally narrower than observed, a result that can be related to the pattern of zonal wind stress perturbations in the central-western equatorial Pacific. The wind stress response to eastern equatorial Pacific SST anomalies in the models is narrower and displaced further west than observed. The meridional scale of the wind stress can affect the amount of warm water involved in the recharge/discharge of the equatorial thermocline, while the longitudinal location of the wind stress anomalies can influence the advection of the mean zonal temperature gradient by the anomalous zonal currents, a process that may favor the growth and longer duration of ENSO events when the wind stress perturbations are displaced eastwards. Thus, both discrepancies of the wind stress anomaly patterns in the coupled models with respect to observations (narrow meridional extent, and westward displacement along the equator) may be responsible for the ENSO timescale being shorter in the models than in observations. The examination of the leading advective processes in the SST tendency equation indicates that vertical advection of temperature anomalies tends to favor ENSO growth in all the CGCMs, but at a smaller rate than in observations. In some models it can also promote a phase transition. Longer periods tend to be associated with thermocline and advective feedbacks that are in phase with the SST anomalies, while advective tendencies that lead the SST anomalies by a quarter cycle favor ENSO transitions, thus leading to a shorter period.  相似文献   

The Northern Humboldt Current Ecosystem is one of the most productive in the world in terms of fish production. Its location near to the equator permits strong upwelling under relatively low winds, thus creating optimal conditions for the development of plankton communities. These communities ultimately support abundant populations of grazing fish such as the Peruvian anchoveta, Engraulis ringens. The ecosystem is also subject to strong inter-annual environmental variability associated with the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO), which has major effects on nutrient structure, primary production, and higher trophic levels. Here our objective is to model the contributions of several external drivers (i.e. reconstructed phytoplankton changes, fish immigration, and fishing rate) and internal control mechanisms (i.e. predator-prey) to ecosystem dynamics over an ENSO cycle. Steady-state models and time-series data from the Instituto del Mar del Perú (IMARPE) from 1995 to 2004 provide the base data for simulations conducted with the program Ecopath with Ecosim. In simulations all three external drivers contribute to ecosystem dynamics. Changes in phytoplankton quantity and composition (i.e. contribution of diatoms and dino- and silicoflagellates), as affected by upwelling intensity, were important in dynamics of the El Niño of 1997–98 and the subsequent 3 years. The expansion and immigration of mesopelagic fish populations during El Niño was important for dynamics in following years. Fishing rate changes were the most important of the three external drivers tested, helping to explain observed dynamics throughout the modeled period, and particularly during the post-El Niño period. Internal control settings show a mix of predator–prey control settings; however a “wasp-waist” control of the ecosystem by small pelagic fish is not supported.  相似文献   

The El Niño of 1997–98 was one of the strongest warming events of the past century; among many other effects, it impacted phytoplankton along the Peruvian coast by changing species composition and reducing biomass. While responses of the main fish resources to this natural perturbation are relatively well known, understanding the ecosystem response as a whole requires an ecotrophic multispecies approach. In this work, we construct trophic models of the Northern Humboldt Current Ecosystem (NHCE) and compare the La Niña (LN) years in 1995–96 with the El Niño (EN) years in 1997–98. The model area extends from 4°S–16°S and to 60 nm from the coast. The model consists of 32 functional groups of organisms and differs from previous trophic models of the Peruvian system through: (i) division of plankton into size classes to account for EN-associated changes and feeding preferences of small pelagic fish, (ii) increased division of demersal groups and separation of life history stages of hake, (iii) inclusion of mesopelagic fish, and (iv) incorporation of the jumbo squid (Dosidicus gigas), which became abundant following EN. Results show that EN reduced the size and organization of energy flows of the NHCE, but the overall functioning (proportion of energy flows used for respiration, consumption by predators, detritus and export) of the ecosystem was maintained. The reduction of diatom biomass during EN forced omnivorous planktivorous fish to switch to a more zooplankton-dominated diet, raising their trophic level. Consequently, in the EN model the trophic level increased for several predatory groups (mackerel, other large pelagics, sea birds, pinnipeds) and for fishery catch. A high modeled biomass of macrozooplankton was needed to balance the consumption by planktivores, especially during EN condition when observed diatoms biomass diminished dramatically. Despite overall lower planktivorous fish catches, the higher primary production required-to-catch ratio implied a stronger ecological impact of the fishery and stresses the need for precautionary management of fisheries during and after EN. During EN energetic indicators such as the lower primary production/total biomass ratio suggest a more energetically efficient ecosystem, while reduced network indicators such as the cycling index and relative ascendency indicate of a less organized state of the ecosystem. Compared to previous trophic models of the NHCE we observed: (i) a shrinking of ecosystem size in term of energy flows, (ii) slight changes in overall functioning (proportion of energy flows used for respiration, consumption by predators and detritus), and (iii) the use of alternate pathways leading to a higher ecological impact of the fishery for planktivorous fish.  相似文献   

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