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Phosphorus zoning is observed in olivines in high‐FeO (type IIA) chondrules in H chondrites over the entire range of petrologic grades: H3.1–H6. Features in P concentrations such as oscillatory and sector zoning, and high P cores are present in olivines that are otherwise unzoned in the divalent cations. Aluminum concentrations are low and not significantly associated with P zoning in chondrule olivines. In highly unequilibrated H chondrites, phosphorus zoning is generally positively correlated with Cr. Atomic Cr:P in olivine is roughly 1:1 (3:1 for one zone in one olivine in RC 075), consistent with Cr3+ charge‐balancing P5+ substituting for Si4+. Normal igneous zonation involving the dominant chrome species Cr2+ was observed only in the LL3.0 chondrite Semarkona. In more equilibrated chondrites (H3.5–H3.8), Cr spatially correlated with P is occasionally observed but it is diffuse relative to the P zones. In H4–H6 chondrites, P‐correlated Cr is absent. One signature of higher metamorphic grades (≥H3.8) is the presence of near matrix olivines that are devoid of P oscillatory zoning. The restriction to relatively high metamorphic grade and to grains near the chondrule–matrix interface suggests that this is a response to metasomatic processes. We also observed P‐enriched halos near the chondrule–matrix interface in H3.3–H3.8 chondrites, likely reflecting the loss of P and Ca from mesostasis and precipitation of Ca phosphate near the chondrule surface. These halos are absent in equilibrated chondrites due to coarsening of the phosphate and in unequilibrated chondrites due to low degrees of metasomatism. Olivines in type IA chondrules show none of the P‐zoning ubiquitous in type IIA chondrules or terrestrial igneous olivines, likely reflecting sequestration of P in reduced form within metallic alloys and sulfides during melting of type IA chondrules.  相似文献   

Abstract Experimentally produced analogues of porphyritic olivine (PO) chondrules in ordinary chondrites provide an important insight into chondrule formation processes. We have studied experimental samples with PO textures grown at three different cooling rates (2, 5 and 100 *C/h), and samples that have been annealed at high temperatures (1000–1200 °C) subsequent to cooling. These are compared with natural chondrules of similar composition and texture from the ordinary chondrites Semarkona (LL3.0) and ALH 81251 (LL3.3). Zoning properties of olivine grains indicate that the Semarkona chondrules cooled at comparable rates to the experiments. Zoning in olivine from chondrules in ALH 81251 is not consistent with cooling alone but indicates that the chondrules underwent an annealing process. Chromium loss from olivine is very rapid during annealing and calculated diffusion coefficients for Cr in olivine are very similar to those of Fe-Mg interdiffusion coefficients under the same conditions. Annealed experimental samples contain an aluminous, low-Ca pyroxene which forms by reaction of olivine and liquid. No similar reaction texture is observed in ALH 81251 chondrules, and this may be evidence that annealing of the natural samples took place at considerably lower temperatures than the experimental analogues. The study supports the model of chondrule formation in a cool nebula and metamorphism of partly equilibrated chondrites during reheating episodes on the chondrite parent bodies.  相似文献   

Abstract— Sixteen texturally different (porphyritic, barred, radial, cryptocrystalline) FeO‐rich chondrules from the unequilibrated ordinary chondrites Brownfield, Frontier Mountain (FRO) 90003 and FRO 90032 were characterized by optical and scanning electron microscopy and then thoroughly studied by transmission and analytical electron microscopy. Nanotextural and nanochemical data indicate similar thermal evolution for chondrules of the same textural groups; minor, yet meaningful differences occur among the different groups. Olivine is the earliest phase formed and crystallizes between 1500 and 1400 °C. Protoenstatite crystallizes at temperatures higher than 1350–1200 °C; it later inverts to clinoenstatite in the 1250–1200 °C range. Enstatite is surrounded by pigeonitic or (less frequently) augitic rims; the minimal crystallization temperature for the rims is 1000 °C; high pigeonite later inverts to low pigeonite, between 935 and 845 °C. The outer pigeonitic or augitic rims are constantly exsolved, producing sigmoidal augite or enstatite precipitates; sigmoidal precipitates record exsolution temperatures between 1000 and 640 °C. Cooling rate (determined using the speedometer based upon ortho‐clinoenstatite intergrowth) was in the order of 50–3000 °C/h at the clinoenstatite‐orthoenstatite transition temperature (close to 1250–1200 °C), but decreased to 5–10 °C/h or slower at the exsolution temperature (between 1000 and 650 °C), thus revealing nonlinear cooling paths. Nanoscale observations indicate that the individual chondrules formed and cooled separately from 1500 °C down to at least 650 °C. Accretion into chondritic parent body occurred at temperatures lower than 650 °C.  相似文献   

MnO/FeO ratios in olivine from amoeboid olivine aggregates (AOAs) reflect conditions of nebular condensation and can be used in concert with matrix textures to compare metamorphic conditions in carbonaceous chondrites. LIME (low‐iron, Mn‐enriched) olivine was identified in AOAs from Y‐81020 (CO3.05), Kaba (CV~3.1), and in Y‐86009 (CV3), Y‐86751 (CV3), NWA 1152 (CR/CV3), but was not identified in AOAs from Efremovka (CV3.1–3.4) or Allende (CV>3.6). According to thermodynamic models of nebular condensation, LIME olivine is stable at lower temperatures than Mn‐poor olivine and at low oxygen fugacities (dust enrichment <10× solar). Although this set of samples does not represent a single metamorphic sequence, the higher subtypes tend to have AOA olivine with lower Mn/Fe, suggesting that Mn/Fe decreases during parent body metamorphism. Y‐81020 has the lowest subtype and most forsteritic AOA olivine (Fo>95) in our study, whereas Efremovka AOAs are slightly Fe‐rich (Fo>92). AOA olivines from Kaba are mostly forsteritic, but rare Fe‐rich olivine precipitated from an aqueous fluid. A combination of precipitation of Fe‐rich olivine and diffusion of Fe into primary olivine grains resulted in iron‐rich compositions (Fo97–59) in Allende AOAs. Variations from fine‐grained, nonporous matrix toward higher porosity and coarser lath‐like matrix olivine can be divided into six stages represented by (1) Y‐81020, Efremovka, NWA 1152; (2) Y‐86751 lithology B; (3) Y‐86009; (4) Kaba; (5) Y‐86751 lithology A; (6) Allende. These stages are inferred to represent general degree of metamorphism, although the specific roles of thermally driven grain growth and diffusion versus aqueous dissolution and precipitation remain uncertain.  相似文献   

《Astroparticle Physics》2009,30(6):424-441
The physics behind the acceleration of the cosmic expansion can be elucidated through comparison of the predictions of dark energy equations of state to observational data. In seeking to optimize this, we investigate the advantages and disadvantages of using principal component analysis, uncorrelated bandpowers and the equation of state within redshift bins. We demonstrate that no one technique is a panacea, with tension between clear physical interpretation from localization and from decorrelated errors, as well as model dependence and form dependence. Specific lessons include the critical role of proper treatment of the high redshift expansion history and the lack of a unique, well-defined signal to noise or figure of merit.  相似文献   

Abstract— Petrographic and mineralogic studies of amoeboid olivine inclusions (AOIs) in CO3 carbonaceous chondrites reveal that they are sensitive indicators of parent‐body aqueous and thermal alteration. As the petrologic subtype increases from 3.0 to 3.8, forsteritic olivine (Fa0–1) is systematically converted into ferroan olivine (Fa60–75). We infer that the Fe, Si and O entered the assemblage along grain boundaries, forming ferroan olivine that filled fractures and voids. As temperatures increased, Fe+2 from the new olivine exchanged with Mg+2 from the original AOI to form diffusive haloes around low‐FeO cores. Cations of Mn+2, Ca+2 and Cr+3 were also mobilized. The systematic changes in AOI textures and olivine compositional distributions can be used to refine the classification of CO3 chondrites into subtypes. In subtype 3.0, olivine occurs as small forsterite grains (Fa0–1), free of ferroan olivine. In petrologic subtype 3.2, narrow veins of FeO‐rich olivine have formed at forsterite grain boundaries. With increasing alteration, these veins thicken to form zones of ferroan olivine at the outside AOI margin and within the AOI interior. By subtype 3.7, there is a fairly broad olivine compositional distribution in the range Fa63–70, and by subtype 3.8, no forsterite remains and the high‐Fa peak has narrowed, Fa64–67. Even at this stage, there is incomplete equilibration in the chondrite as a whole (e.g., data for coarse olivine grains in Isna (CO3.8) chondrules and lithic clasts show a peak at Fa39). We infer that the mineral changes in AOI identified in the low petrologic types required aqueous or hydrothermal fluids whereas those in subtypes ?3.3 largely reflect diffusive exchange within and between mineral grains without the aid of fluids.  相似文献   

We have conducted hydration–dehydration experiments on terrestrial olivine to investigate the behavior of oxygen isotopic fractionation to test the hypothesis that multiple cycles of aqueous and thermal processing on a parent asteroid comprise a genetic relationship between CM2s and metamorphosed carbonaceous chondrites (MCCs). Two experiments were undertaken. In the first experiment, serpentine was obtained by hydrating terrestrial olivine (Fo90.9) in the laboratory. During this experiment, olivine was reacted with isotopically heavy water (δ18O 21.5‰) at T = 300 °C,  = 300 bar, for 100 days. The oxygen isotopic composition of the experimental serpentine was enriched in 18O (by 10 ‰ in δ18O) due to exchange of oxygen isotopes between olivine and the 18O‐rich water. Dehydrated serpentine was then produced during laboratory heating experiment in vacuum, at T = 930 °C, for 1 h. The oxygen isotopic composition of the dehydrated serpentine was enriched in 18O by a further 7 ‰. The net result of the hydration–dehydration process was an enrichment of 18O in the final material by approximately 17‰. The new experimental results suggest that the oxygen isotopic compositions of MCCs of the Belgica‐like group, including Dhofar 225 and Dhofar 725, could be derived from those of typical CM2 chondrites via several cycles of hydration–dehydration caused by aqueous alteration and subsequent thermal metamorphism within their parent asteroids.  相似文献   

Abstract— We have previously identified a subgroup of Antarctic H chondrites that are significantly different from H chondrites among the modern falls in terms of induced thermoluminescence (TL), metallographic cooling rate, and cosmogenic inert gas contents. Here we examine their terrestrial and thermal history as apparent in their natural TL and radioactive cosmogenic isotope abundances. These meteorites have a tendency towards high 26Al activities and fairly short 14C and 36Cl terrestrial ages (generally <100 ka). They also sometimes exhibit unusually high natural TL levels, which we have previously interpreted as indicating orbital evolution from perihelia >1.2 AU to ~1 AU within the last <105 years. We suggest that the nature of the meteorites falling to Earth is not independent of time but depends on stochastic events, such as the breakup of parent bodies and recent variations in orbit.  相似文献   

Abstract— Depth-profiles of F, Cl, Br and I concentrations were determined in four different Antarctic H5 chondrites from the Allan Hills and in the two chondrites Allende (C3) and Holbrook (L6). Pieces of the meteorites were studied by analysis of stepwise removed layers of 0.5–1.0 mm thickness up to a depth of 9 mm. Neutron activation analysis and ion-selective potentiometry were used for the determination of Cl, Br, I and for F, respectively. The Antarctic meteorites show higher concentrations of the halogens at the surface compared to the interior. The highest enrichment factors are found for I and Cl and the lowest for Br. In contrast, F shows the steepest concentration gradient and is only enriched in the first 2.5 mm below the surface. The other halogens have penetrated deeper into the meteorites. The measured enrichments at the surfaces are not correlated to the visible degree of weathering. The analysed non-Antarctic meteorites, which were recovered shortly after their observed fall, demonstrate similar halogen concentrations at the surface, including the fusion crust, as in the interior. Based on these results we present a model to estimate the degree of contamination and the relation to the duration of exposure at the surface of the Antarctic ice.  相似文献   

We present results of petrographic, mineralogical, and chemical investigations of three Chelyabinsk meteorite fragments. Three distinct lithologies were identified: light S3 LL5, dark S4–S5 LL5 material, and opaque fine-grained former impact melt. Olivine–spinel thermometry revealed an equilibration temperature of 703 ± 23 °C for the light lithology. All plagioclase seems to be secondary, showing neither shock-induced fractures nor sulfide-metal veinlets. Feldspathic glass can be observed showing features of extensive melting and, in the dark lithology, as maskelynite, lacking melt features and retaining grain boundaries of former plagioclase. Olivine of the dark lithology shows planar deformation features. Impact melt is dominated by Mg-rich olivine and resembles whole-rock melt. Melt veins (<2 mm) are connected to narrower veinlets. Melt vein textures are similar to pegmatite textures showing chilled margins, a zone of inward-grown elongated crystals and central vugs, suggesting crystallization from supercooled melt. Sulfide-metal droplets indicate liquid immiscibility of both silicate and sulfide as well as sulfide and metal melts. Impact melting may have been an important factor for differentiation of primitive planetary bodies. Graphite associated with micrometer-sized melt inclusions in primary olivine was detected by Raman mapping. Carbon isotopic studies of graphite could be applied to test a possible presolar origin.  相似文献   

Fusion crusts form during the atmospheric entry heating of meteorites and preserve a record of the conditions that occurred during deceleration in the atmosphere. The fusion crust of the Winchcombe meteorite closely resembles that of other stony meteorites, and in particular CM2 chondrites, since it is dominated by olivine phenocrysts set in a glassy mesostasis with magnetite, and is highly vesicular. Dehydration cracks are unusually abundant in Winchcombe. Failure of this weak layer is an additional ablation mechanism to produce large numbers of particles during deceleration, consistent with the observation of pulses of plasma in videos of the Winchcombe fireball. Calving events might provide an observable phenomenon related to meteorites that are particularly susceptible to dehydration. Oscillatory zoning is observed within olivine phenocrysts in the fusion crust, in contrast to other meteorites, perhaps owing to temperature fluctuations resulting from calving events. Magnetite monolayers are found in the crust, and have also not been previously reported, and form discontinuous strata. These features grade into magnetite rims formed on the external surface of the crust and suggest the trapping of surface magnetite by collapse of melt. Magnetite monolayers may be a feature of meteorites that undergo significant degassing. Silicate warts with dendritic textures were observed and are suggested to be droplets ablated from another stone in the shower. They, therefore, represent the first evidence for intershower transfer of ablation materials and are consistent with the other evidence in the Winchcombe meteorite for unusually intense gas loss and ablation, despite its low entry velocity.  相似文献   

Abstract— Densities and porosities of meteorites are physical properties that can be used to infer characteristics of asteroid interiors. We report density and porosity measurements of 42 pieces of 30 ordinary chondrites and provide a quantification of the errors of the gas pycnometer method used in this study. Based on our measurements, we find that no significant correlation exists between porosity and petrologic grade, chemical group, sample mass, bulk and grain density, or shock level. To investigate variations in porosity and density between pieces of a meteorite, we examined stones from two showers, Holbrook and Pultusk. Examination of nine samples of Holbrook suggests relative homogeneity in porosity and density between pieces of this shower. Measurements of three samples of Pultusk show homogeneity in bulk density, in contrast to Wilkison and Robinson (2000), a study that reported significant variations in bulk density between 11 samples of Pultusk. Finally, examination of two friable ordinary chondrites, Bjurböle and Allegan, reveal variability in friability and porosity among pieces of the same fall. We suggest that friable ordinary chondrites may have formed in a regolith or fault zone of an asteroid.  相似文献   

Abstract– Xenoliths are inclusions of a given meteorite group embedded in host meteorites of a different group. Xenoliths with dimensions between a few μm and about 1 mm (microxenoliths) are “meteorite‐trapped” analogues of micrometeorites collected on the Earth. However, they have the unique features of sampling the zodiacal cloud (1) at more ancient times than those sampled by micrometeorites and (2) at larger distances from the Sun (corresponding to the asteroid Main Belt) than that sampled by micrometeorites (1 AU). Herein we describe a systematic search for new xenoliths and microxenoliths in H chondrites, aimed at determining their abundance in these ordinary chondrites, analyzing their mineralogy, and searching for possible correlations with host meteorite properties. Sixty‐six sections from 40 meteorites have been analyzed. Twenty‐four new xenoliths have been discovered. About 87% of them are microxenoliths (i.e., <1 mm), only three are >1 mm in their largest dimension. All the newly discovered xenoliths and microxenoliths are composed of carbonaceous chondritic material. Hence, the zodiacal cloud was dominated by carbonaceous material even in past epochs. All the new xenoliths and microxenoliths have been found in regolith breccias. Hydrous‐phase‐rich xenoliths and microxenoliths in H4 and H5 chondrites attest that their embedding happened after the end of the thermal metamorphism. All these data suggest that xenoliths and microxenoliths were embedded when their host meteorites were part of the parent body regolith. This, combined with the H chondrite impact age distribution, attests that the embedding may have happened as early as 3.5 Gyr ago.  相似文献   

Abstract— A transmission electron microscope (TEM) study of three coarse-grained Type A Ca, Al-rich inclusions (CAIs) from Allende, Acfer 082 and Acfer 086 (all CV3 chondrites) was performed in order to decipher their origin and effects of possible metamorphism. The constituent minerals of the CAIs are found to exhibit very similar microstructural characteristics in each of the inclusions studied. In general, the minerals show a well-developed equilibrium texture with typical 120° triple junctions. Melilites are clearly considerably strained and characterized by high dislocation densities up to 3 × 1011 cm?2. The dislocations have Burgers vectors of [001], [110] or [011] and often form subgrain boundaries subparallel {100}. Melilite in the Allende CAI additionally contains thin amorphous lamellae mostly oriented parallel to {001}. Fassaite (Al-Ti-diopside) is almost featureless even on the TEM scale. Only a few subplanar dislocation walls composed of dislocations with Burgers vectors [001] and 1/2 [110] were detected. Although enclosed within the highly strained melilites, the euhedral spinels contain only low dislocation densities (<2 × 104 cm?2). In the Allende CAI, spinels were found twinned on {111}. Perovskite is also characterized by a low number of linear lattice defects. All grains possess orthorhombic symmetry and are commonly twinned according to a 90° rotation around [101]. Many crystals exhibit typical domain structures as well as curved twin walls where two orthogonal sets intersect. In addition to the mineral phases described above, tiny inclusions of the simple oxides CaO and TiO2 were found within melilite (CaO), spinel (CaO, TiO2) and perovskite (CaO, TiO2). Based on these observations, it is assumed that at the beginning of the formation of the CAIs a condensed solid precursor was present. Euhedral spinels poikilitically enclosed within melilites suggest that this solid aggregate was then molten. If the pure oxides represent relict condensates, their presence proves that this melting was incomplete. While still plastic, the CAIs were shocked by microimpacts causing the high dislocation densities in melilite as well as diaplectic melilite glass and twinned spinels in the Allende CAI. In Acfer 082 and 086, the deformation took place at elevated temperatures, preventing the solid phase transition and mechanical twinning. The absence of linear lattice defects in spinel, fassaite and perovskite most probably reflects inhomogeneous pressure distribution in the polycrystalline CAI as well as the different strengths of the minerals. According to cooling-rate experiments on perovskite by Keller and Buseck (1994), the dominating (101) twins in the CAI perovskites point to cooling rates ≤50 °C/min. Finally, after crystallization of the CAI was complete, mild thermal metamorphism caused the formation of subgrain boundaries, 120° triple junctions and chemical homogenization of the melilites.  相似文献   

Abstract— Calcium- and aluminum-rich inclusions (CAIs), chondrules, dark inclusions and matrices in certain CV3 carbonaceous chondrites appear to have been modified by different degrees of late-stage alteration processes that caused significant variations in mineralogy and chemistry. Some chondrules and CAIs are rimmed with fayalitic olivine. Metal in all components may be oxidized and sulphidized to magnetite, Ni-rich metal and sulfides. Silicates in all components are aqueously altered to different degrees to phyllosilicates. Primary minerals in some CAIs experienced Fe-alkali-halogen metasomatism forming nepheline, sodalite, wollastonite, hedenbergite and other secondary minerals. In CV3 chondrites with metasomatized CAIs, nepheline, sodalite, etc. are also present in chondrule mesostases and in matrices. McSween's (1977b) reduced subgroup of CV3 chondrites generally shows minimal alteration of all components and may represent the unaltered precursors for the oxidized CV3 chondrites, which generally show major alteration. Most studies have been focused on specific components in CV3 chondrites and have not considered possible relationships between alteration processes. We infer from the correlated occurrences of the alteration features that they were closely related in time and space and review nebular and asteroidal models for their origins. We prefer an asteroidal model.  相似文献   

An amoeboid olivine inclusion in CK3 NWA 1559 (0.54 × 1.3 mm) consists of a diopside‐rich interior (approximately 35 vol%) and an olivine‐rich rim (approximately 65 vol%). It is the first AOI to be described in CK chondrites; the apparent paucity of these inclusions is due to extensive parent‐body recrystallization. The AOI interior contains irregular 3–15 μm‐sized Al‐bearing diopside grains (approximately 70 vol%), 2–20 μm‐sized pores (approximately 30 vol%), and traces of approximately 2 μm plagioclase grains. The 75–160 μm‐thick rim contains 20–130 μm‐sized ferroan olivine grains, some with 120º triple junctions. A few coarse (25–50 μm‐sized) patches of plagioclase with 2–18 μm‐thick diopside rinds occur in several places just beneath the rim. The occurrence of olivine rims around AOI‐1 and around many AOIs in CV3 Allende suggests that CK and CV AOIs formed by the acquisition of porous forsteritic rims around fine‐grained, rimless CAIs that consisted of diopside, anorthite, melilite, and spinel. Individual AOIs in carbonaceous chondrites may have formed after transient heating events melted their olivine rims as well as portions of the underlying interiors. In AOI‐1, coarse plagioclase grains with diopside rinds crystallized immediately below the olivine rim. Secondary parent‐body alteration transformed forsterite in the rims of CV and CK AOIs into more‐ferroan olivine. Some of the abundant pores in the interior of AOI‐1 may have formed during aqueous alteration after fine‐grained melilite and anorthite were leached out. Chondrite groups with large chondrules tend to have large AOIs. AOIs that formed in dust‐rich nebular regions (where CV and CK chondrites later accreted) tend to be larger than AOIs from less‐dusty regions.  相似文献   

We report in situ O isotope and chemical compositions of magnetite and olivine in chondrules of the carbonaceous chondrites Watson‐002 (anomalous CK3) and Asuka (A)‐881595 (ungrouped C3). Magnetite in Watson‐002 occurs as inclusion‐free subhedral grains and rounded inclusion‐bearing porous grains replacing Fe,Ni‐metal. In A‐881595, magnetite is almost entirely inclusion‐free and coexists with Ni‐rich sulfide and less abundant Ni‐poor metal. Oxygen isotope compositions of chondrule olivine in both meteorites plot along carbonaceous chondrite anhydrous mineral (CCAM) line with a slope of approximately 1 and show a range of Δ17O values (from approximately ?3 to ?6‰). One chondrule from each sample was found to contain O isotopically heterogeneous olivine, probably relict grains. Oxygen isotope compositions of magnetite in A‐881595 plot along a mass‐dependent fractionation line with a slope of 0.5 and show a range of Δ17O values from ?2.4‰ to ?1.1‰. Oxygen isotope compositions of magnetite in Watson‐002 cluster near the CCAM line and a Δ17O value of ?4.0‰ to ?2.9‰. These observations indicate that magnetite and chondrule olivine are in O isotope disequilibrium, and, therefore, not cogenetic. We infer that magnetite in CK chondrites formed by the oxidation of pre‐existing metal grains by an aqueous fluid during parent body alteration, in agreement with previous studies. The differences in Δ17O values of magnetite between Watson‐002 and A‐881595 can be attributed to their different thermal histories: the former experienced a higher degree of thermal metamorphism that led to the O isotope exchange between magnetite and adjacent silicates.  相似文献   

Abstract— Nitrogen and noble gases were measured in a bulk sample and in acid‐resistant carbon‐rich residues of the ureilite Allan Hills (ALH) 78019 which has experienced low shock and is free of diamond. A small amount of amorphous carbon combusting at ≤500 °C carries most of the noble gases, while the major carbon phase consisting of large crystals of graphite combusts at ≥800 °C, and is almost noble‐gas free. Nitrogen on the other hand is present in both amorphous carbon and graphite, with different δ15N signatures of ?21%o and +19%o, respectively, distinctly different from the very light nitrogen (about ?100%o) of ureilite diamond. Amorphous carbon in ALH 78019 behaves similar to phase Q of chondrites with respect to noble gas release pattern, behavior towards oxidizing acids as well as nitrogen isotopic composition. In situ conversion of amorphous carbon or graphite to diamond through shock would require an isotopic fractionation of 8 to 12% for nitrogen favoring the light isotope, an unlikely proposition, posing a severe problem for the widely accepted shock origin of ureilite diamond.  相似文献   

We conducted a transmission electron microscope study of the exsolution microstructures of Ca-rich pyroxenes in type I chondrules from the Paris CM and Renazzo CR carbonaceous chondrites in order to provide better constraints on the cooling history of type I chondrules. Our study shows a high variability of composition in the augite grains at a submicrometer scale, reflecting nonequilibrium crystallization. The microstructure is closely related to the local composition and is thus variable inside augite grains. For compositions inside the pyroxene miscibility gap, with a wollastonite (Wo) content typically below 40 mole%, the augite grains contain abundant exsolution lamellae on (001). For grain areas with composition close to Wo40, a modulated texture on (100) and (001) is the dominant microstructure, while areas with compositions higher than Wo40 do not show any exsolution microstructure development. To estimate the cooling rate, we used the spacing of the exsolution lamellae on (001), for which the growth is diffusion controlled and thus sensitive to the cooling rate. Despite the relatively homogeneous microstructures of augite grains with Wo < 35 mole%, our study of four chondrules suggests a range of cooling rates from ~10 to ~1000 °C h−1, within the temperature interval 1200–1350 °C. These cooling rates are comparable to those of type II chondrules, i.e., 1–1000 °C h−1. We conclude that the formation of type I and II chondrules in the proto-solar nebula was the result of a common mechanism.  相似文献   

We study the dimensionless spin parameter j ≡ c J/(GM2) of different kinds of uniformly rotating compact stars, including traditional neutron stars, hyperonic neutron stars and hybrid stars, based on relativistic mean field theory and the MIT bag model. It is found that jmax ~0.7, which had been suggested in traditional neutron stars, is sustained for hyperonic neutron stars and hybrid stars with M 0.5 M⊙. Not the interior but rather the crust structure of the stars is a key factor to determine jmax for three kinds of selected compact stars. Furthermore, a universal formula j = 0.63(f /f_K)- 0.42(f /f _K)2+0.48(f /f_K)3is suggested to determine the spin parameter at any rotational frequency f smaller than the Keplerian frequency f_K.  相似文献   

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