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Here we present a study of the abundance and orientation of planar deformation features (PDFs) in the Vakkejokk Breccia, a proposed lower Cambrian impact ejecta layer in the North‐Swedish Caledonides. The presence of PDFs is widely accepted as evidence for shock metamorphism associated with cosmic impact events and their presence confirms that the Vakkejokk Breccia is indeed the result of an impact. The breccia has previously been divided into four lithological subunits (from bottom to top), viz. lower polymict breccia (LPB), graded polymict breccia (GPB), top sandstone (TS), and top conglomerate (TC). Here we show that the LPB contains no shock metamorphic features, indicating that the material derives from just outside of the crater and represents low‐shock semi‐autochthonous bombarded strata. In the overlying, more fine‐grained GPB and TS, quartz grains with PDFs are relatively abundant (2–5% of the grain population), and with higher shock levels in the upper parts, suggesting that they have formed by reworking of more distal ejecta by resurge of water toward the crater in a marine setting. The absence of shocked quartz grains in the TC indicates that this unit represents later slumps associated with weathering and erosion of the protruding crater rim. Sparse shocked quartz grains (<0.2%) were also found in sandstone beds occurring at the same stratigraphic level as the Vakkejokk Breccia 15–20 km from the inferred crater site. It is currently unresolved whether the sandstone at these distal sites is related to the impact or just contains rare reworked quartz grains with PDFs.  相似文献   

The ≤27 m thick Vakkejokk Breccia is intercalated in autochthon Lower Cambrian along the Caledonian front north of Lake Torneträsk, Lapland, Sweden. The spectacular breccia is here interpreted as a proximal ejecta layer associated with an impact crater, probably ~2–3 km in size, located below Caledonian overthrusts immediately north of the main breccia section. The impact would have taken place in a shallow‐marine environment ~520 Ma ago. The breccia comprises i) a strongly disturbed lower polymict subunit with occasional, in themselves brecciated, crystalline mega‐clasts locally exceeding 50 m surrounded by contorted sediments; ii) a middle, commonly normally graded, crystalline‐rich, polymict subunit, in turn locally overlain by iii) a thin fine‐grained quartz sandstone, <30 cm thick. The upper sandstone is sporadically either overlain, or replaced, by a conglomerate. In progressively more distal parts of the ejecta layer, the lower subunit is better described as only slightly disturbed strata. The lower subunit is suggested to have formed by ejecta bombardment of the strata surrounding the impact crater, even causing some net outwards mobilization of the sediments. The middle subunit and the uppermost quartz sandstone are considered resurge deposits. The top conglomerate may be caused by subsequent wave reworking and slumping of material from the elevated rim. Quartz grains showing planar deformation features are present in the graded polymict subunit and the upper sandstone, that is, the inferred resurge deposits.  相似文献   

Abstract— Our current understanding of marine‐impact cratering processes is partly inferred from the geological structure of the Lockne crater. We present results of a mapping campaign and structural data indicating that this crater is not pristine. In the western part of the crater, pre‐impact, impact, and post‐impact rocks are incorporated in Caledonian thrust slices and are subjected to folding and faulting. A nappe outlier in the central crater depression is a relic of the Caledonian nappe cover that reached a thickness of more than 5 km. The overthrusted crater is gently deformed. Strike of strata and trend of fold axes deviate from standard Caledonian directions (northeast‐southwest). Radially oriented crater depressions, which were previously regarded as marine resurge gullies formed when resurging seawater erosively cut through the crater brim, are interpreted to be open synclines in which resurge deposits were better preserved. The presence of the impact structure influenced orogenesis due to morphological and lithological anomalies of the crater: i) a raised crater brim zone acted as an obstacle during nappe propagation, (ii) the occurrence of a central crater depression caused downward sagging of nappes, and (iii) the lack of an appropriate detachment horizon (alum shale) within the crater led to an enhanced mechanical coupling and internal deformation of the nappe and the overthrusted foreland. Preliminary results of 3‐D‐analogue experiments suggest that a circular high‐friction zone representing the crater locally hinders nappe propagation and initiates a circumferentially striking ramp fault that delineates the crater. Crustal shortening is also partitioned into the crater basement and decreases laterally outward. Deformation of the foreland affected the geometry of the detachment and could be associated with the activation of a deeper detachment horizon beneath the crater. Strain gradients both vertically and horizontally result in non‐plane strain deformation in the vicinity of the crater. The strain tensors in the hanging and foot walls may deviate up to 90° from each other and rotated by up to 45° with respect to the standard regional orientation. The observed deflection of strata and fold axes within the Lockne crater area as revealed by field mapping is in agreement with the pattern of strain partitioning shown in the analogue models.  相似文献   

Abstract— The chitinozoan biostratigraphy in seven outcrops and four drilling cores in connection with the Lockne impact structure has been investigated. The impact event took place in early Caradoc (i.e., ~460.4 Ma ago) and in beds corresponding to the lower part of the Lagenochitina dalbyensis Zone (upper Dalby Limestone). The contact between the impact-related rocks and the secular postimpact sediments can be traced all over the impact structure, and up to a distance of 50 km away from the presumed crater center. The youngest postimpact sediments in the Lockne impact structure correspond to the lower Örå Shale (Belonechitina hirsuta Zone).  相似文献   

Shallow Radar (SHARAD) on board NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter has successfully detected tens of reflectors in the subsurface of the north polar layered deposits (NPLD) of Mars. Radar reflections are hypothesized to originate from the same material interfaces that result in visible layering. As a first step towards verifying this assumption, this study uses signal analyses and geometric comparisons to quantitatively examine the relationship between reflectors and visible layers exposed in an NPLD outcrop. To understand subsurface structures and reflector geometry, reflector surfaces have been gridded in three dimensions, taking into account the influence of surface slopes to obtain accurate subsurface geometries. These geometries reveal reflector dips that are consistent with optical layer slopes. Distance–elevation profiling of subsurface reflectors and visible layer boundaries reveals that reflectors and layers demonstrate similar topography, verifying that reflectors represent paleosurfaces of the deposit. Statistical and frequency-domain analyses of the separation distances between successive layers and successive reflectors confirms the agreement of radar reflector spacing with characteristic spacing of certain visible layers. Direct elevation comparisons between individual reflectors and discrete optical layers, while necessary for a one-to-one correlation, are complicated by variations in subsurface structure that exist between the outcrop and the SHARAD observations, as inferred from subsurface mapping. Although these complications have prevented a unique correlation, a genetic link between radar reflectors and visible layers has been confirmed, validating the assumption that radar reflectors can be used as geometric proxies for visible stratigraphy. Furthermore, the techniques for conducting a stratigraphic integration have been generalized and improved so that the integration can be undertaken at additional locations.  相似文献   

Abstract– The Siljan impact structure in Sweden is the largest confirmed impact structure in Western Europe. Despite this, the structure has been poorly studied in the past, and detailed studies of shock metamorphic features in the target lithologies are missing. Here, we present the results of a detailed systematic search for shock metamorphic features in quartz grains from 73 sampled localities at Siljan. At 21 localities from an area approximately 20 km in diameter located centrally in the structure, the orientations of 2851 planar deformation feature sets in 1179 quartz grains were measured. Observations of shatter cones outside of the zone with shocked quartz extend the total shocked area to approximately 30 km in diameter. The most strongly shocked samples, recording pressures of up to 20 GPa, occur at the very central part of the structure, and locally in these samples, higher pressures causing melting conditions in the affected rocks were reached. Pressures recorded in the studied samples decrease outwards from the center of the structure, forming roughly circular envelopes around the proposed shock center. Based on the distribution pattern of shocked quartz at Siljan, the original transient cavity can be estimated at approximately 32–38 km in diameter. After correcting for erosion, we conclude that the original rim to rim diameter of the Siljan crater was somewhere in the size range 50–90 km.  相似文献   

Using data from the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) aboard the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, we reassess the methods by which layers within the north polar layered deposits (NPLD) can be delineated and their thicknesses measured. Apparent brightness and morphology alone are insufficient for this task; high resolution topographic data are necessary. From these analyses, we find that the visible appearance of layers depends to a large degree on the distribution of younger, mantling deposits (which in turn is partially influenced by inherent layer properties) and on the shape and location of the particular outcrop. This younger mantle partially obscures layer morphology and brightness and is likely a cause of the gradational contacts between individual layers at this scale. High resolution images reveal that there are several layers similar in appearance to the well-known marker bed discovered by Malin, M., Edgett, K., 2001. J. Geophys. Res. 106, 23429-23570. The morphology, thicknesses , and separation distances of these marker beds, as gleaned from a high resolution stereo digital elevation model, lend insight into the connection between stratigraphy and climate.  相似文献   

Steven W. Squyres 《Icarus》1979,40(2):244-261
The origin and evolution of two major eolian deposits of the Martian north polar region, the layered deposits and the debris mantle, are examined. Both apparently result from deposition of dust along with the seasonal CO2 frost cap. Dust deposited onto the perennial ice is incorporated into the layered deposits, while dust deposited directly onto the surface becomes part of the debris mantle. Climatically induced fluctuation of the perennial ice margin has influenced the evolution of both units. Periodic exposure to the atmosphere has allowed erosion of curvillinear troughs in the surface of the layered deposits. Intervening periods of deposition may have resulted in gradual poleward migration of the trough forms, leaving behind sets of low-amplitude surface undulations in former trough locations. Advance and retreat of the perennial ice margin has also probably resulted in a fine interfingering of the layered deposits-debris mantle contract. Limited post-depositional stripping of the debris mantle has been accomplished by intense winds blowing outward from the pole.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Obolon impact structure, 18 km in diameter, is situated at the northeastern slope of the Ukrainian Shield near its margin with the Dnieper‐Donets Depression. The crater was formed in crystalline rocks of the Precambrian basement that are overlain by marine Carboniferous and continental Lower Triassic deposits. The post‐impact sediments comprise marine Middle Jurassic (Bajocian and Bathonian) and younger Mesozoic and Cenozoic deposits. Today the impact structure is buried beneath an about 300‐meter‐thick sedimentary rock sequence. Most information on the Obolon structure is derived from two boreholes in the western part of the crater. The lowest part of the section in the deepest borehole is composed by allogenic breccia of crystalline basement rocks overlain by clast‐rich impact melt rocks and suevites. Abundant shock metamorphic effects are planar deformation features (PDFs) in quartz and feldspars, kink bands in biotite, etc. Coesite and impact diamonds were found in clast‐rich impact melt rocks. Crater‐fill deposits are a series of sandstones and breccias with blocks of sedimentary rocks that are covered by a layer of crystalline rock breccia. Crystalline rock breccias, conglomeratic breccias, and sandstones with crystalline rock debris have been found in some boreholes around the Obolon impact structure to a distance of about 50 km from its center. Those deposits are always underlain by Lower Triassic continental red clay and overlain by Middle Jurassic marine clay. The K‐Ar age of impact melt glasses is 169 Ma, which corresponds to the Middle Jurassic (Bajocian) age. The composition of crater‐fill rocks within the crater and sediments outside the Obolon structure testify to its formation under submarine conditions.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Lockne impact event took place in a Middle Ordovician (455 Ma) epicontinental sea. The impact resulted in an at least 13.5 km wide, concentric crater in the sea floor. Lockne is one of very few locations where parts of an ejecta layer have been preserved outside the crater structure. The ejecta from the Lockne impact rests on progressively higher stratigraphic levels with increasing distance from the crater, hence forming a slightly inclined discontinuity surface in the pre‐impact strata. We report on a ~30 cm thick sandy layer at Hallen, 45 km south of the crater centre. This layer has a fining upward sequence in its lower part, followed by low‐angle cross‐laminations indicating two opposite current directions. It is rich in quartz grains with planar deformation features and contains numerous, up to 15 cm large, granite clasts from the crystalline basement at the Lockne impact site. The layer is within a sequence dated to the Baltoniodus gerdae conodont subzone. The dating is corroborated by chitinozoans indicating the latest Kukruse time below and the late Idavere above the impact layer. According to the chitinozoans biostratigraphy, some erosion may have occurred because of deposition of the impact layer. The Hallen outcrop, today 45 km from the centre of the Lockne crater, is at present the most distant accessible occurrence of ejecta from the Lockne impact. It is also the most distant location so far found where the resurge of water towards the crater has affected the bottom sediments. A greater crater diameter than hitherto assumed, thus representing greater impact energy, might explain the extent of the ejecta blanket. Fluidisation of ejecta, to be expected at a marine‐target impact, might furthermore have facilitated the wide distribution of ejecta.  相似文献   

Juckett  David A. 《Solar physics》2000,191(1):201-226
The possible role of the Sun's planetary-induced spin-orbit dynamics in the generation of various solar oscillations is examined using simple approaches and heuristic models. Theoretically, the 22.5-yr dipole inversion magnetic cycle and the recently described 17-yr neutral line topology cycle can be derived from the non-linear mixing of two oscillations with periods of approximately 20 and 165 years. Oscillations with such periods are observed in two aspects of the Sun's spin-orbit dynamics. The 20-yr oscillation is the fundamental variation in the angular momentum of the solar body with respect to the solar system center-of-mass, while the 165-yr oscillation is the lowest-frequency component of the spin projection variations. It is shown that these two oscillations when mixed non-linearly yield, to a 1st-order approximation, the correct phase and frequency of the observed 17.5- and 22.5-yr magnetic cycles. By allowing an asymmetric shape to the 165-yr oscillation, the frequency modulation inherent in the Hale cycle (and sunspot cycle) is reproduced, yielding a more accurate estimate of solar activity. The asymmetric 165-yr oscillation matches the combination of the two lowest frequency components (165- and 84-yr periods) of the spin projection variations. Hemispheric sunspot asymmetry cycles, north/south differences in convective zone rotational velocities, and meridional flows are also shown to be expected byproducts of classical spin-orbit effects. Finally, the problem of low activity epochs (e.g., Maunder minimum) can be seen as a natural outcome of the interactions among the driving and driven oscillations involved in the conservation of solar system angular momentum.  相似文献   

Abstract— The 1.07 Ma well‐preserved Bosumtwi impact structure in Ghana (10.5 km in diameter) formed in 2 Ga‐old metamorphosed and crystalline rocks of the Birimian system. The interior of the structure is largely filled by the 8 km diameter Lake Bosumtwi, and the crater rim and region in the environs of the crater is covered by tropical rainforest, making geological studies rather difficult and restricted to road cuts and streams. In early 1999, we undertook a shallow drilling program to the north of the crater rim to determine the extent of the ejecta blanket around the crater and to obtain subsurface core samples for mineralogical, petrological, and geochemical studies of ejecta of the Bosumtwi impact structure. A variety of impactite lithologies are present, consisting of impact glassrich suevite and several types of breccia: lithic breccia of single rock type, often grading into unbrecciated rock, with the rocks being shattered more or less in situ without much relative displacement (autochthonous?), and lithic polymict breccia that apparently do not contain any glassy material (allochtonous?). The suevite cores show that melt inclusions are present throughout the whole length of the cores in the form of vesicular glasses with no significant change of abundance with depth. Twenty samples from the 7 drill cores and 4 samples from recent road cuts in the structure were studied for their geochemical characteristics to accumulate a database for impact lithologies and their erosion products present at the Bosumtwi crater. Major and trace element analyses yielded compositions similar to those of the target rocks in the area (graywacke‐phyllite, shale, and granite). Graywacke‐phyllite and granite dikes seem to be important contributors to the compositions of the suevite and the road cut samples (fragmentary matrix), with a minor contribution of Pepiakese granite. The results also provide information about the thickness of the fallout suevite in the northern part of the Bosumtwi structure, which was determined to be ≤15 m and to occupy an area of ?1.5 km2. Present suevite distribution is likely to be caused by differential erosion and does not reflect the initial areal extent of the continuous Bosumtwi ejecta deposits. Our studies allow a comparison with the extent of the suevite at the Ries, another well‐preserved impact structure.  相似文献   

Abstract— Of the only seven submarine impact craters that have been found globally, the Mjølnir crater is one of the best preserved and retains crater and ejecta. Geochemical studies (organic pyrolysis using the Rock Eval technique and XRF analysis for major, minor, and trace elements) of the Institute for Petroleum Research (IKU) core 7430/10-U-01 that was taken from a drillhole located ~30 km north-northeast of the crater rim show gradual establishment of anoxic sea floor conditions through the late Jurassic. These poorly ventilated water conditions were overturned due to the Mjølnir impact event. Waves and currents transported impact glass (which is now partly weathered to smectite) into the depositional area where the drillhole is located. The succeeding crater collapse transported impact material (e.g., shocked quartz and Ir) from the crater rim and deeper levels to the core site. Normal marine depositional conditions were established a short time after the crater collapsed.  相似文献   

Abstract— Detailed field mapping has revealed the presence of a series of intra‐crater sedimentary deposits within the interior of the Haughton impact structure, Devon Island, Canadian High Arctic. Coarse‐grained, well‐sorted, pale gray lithic sandstones (reworked impact melt breccias) unconformably overlie pristine impact melt breccias and attest to an episode of erosion, during which time significant quantities of impact melt breccias were removed. The reworked impact melt breccias are, in turn, unconformably overlain by paleolacustrine sediments of the Miocene Haughton Formation. Sediments of the Haughton Formation were clearly derived from pre‐impact lower Paleozoic target rocks of the Allen Bay Formation, which form the crater rim in the northern, western, and southern regions of the Haughton structure. Collectively, these field relationships indicate that the Haughton Formation was deposited up to several million years after the formation of the Haughton crater and that they do not, therefore, represent an immediate, post‐impact crater lake deposit. This is consistent with new isotopic dating of impactites from Haughton that indicate an Eocene age for the impact event (Sherlock et al. 2005). In addition, isolated deposits of post‐Miocene intra‐crater glacigenic and fluvioglacial sediments were found lying unconformably over remnants of the Haughton Formation, impact melt breccias, and other pre‐impact target rock formations. These deposits provide clear evidence for glaciation at the Haughton crater. The wealth and complexity of geological and climatological information preserved as intra‐crater deposits at Haughton suggests that craters on Mars with intra‐crater sedimentary records might present us with similar opportunities, but also possibly significant challenges.  相似文献   

Our study investigates possible formation mechanisms of the very recent bright gully deposits (BGDs) observed on Mars in order to assess if liquid water was required. We use two models in our assessment: a one-dimensional (1D) kinematic model to model dry granular flows and a two-dimensional (2D) fluid-dynamic model, FLO-2D (O’Brien et al., 1993, FLO Engineering), to model water-rich and wet sediment-rich flows. Our modeling utilizes a high-resolution topographic model generated from a pair of images acquired by the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) aboard the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. For the 1D kinematic modeling of dry granular flows, we examine a range of particle sizes, flow thicknesses, initial velocities, flow densities, and upslope initiation points to examine how these parameters affect the flow run-out distances of the center of mass of a flow. Our 1D modeling results show that multiple combinations of realistic parameters could produce dry granular flows that travel to within the observed deposits’ boundaries. We run the 2D fluid-dynamic model, FLO-2D, to model both water-rich and wet sediment-rich flows. We vary the inflow volume, inflow location, discharge rate, water-loss rate (water-rich models only), and simulation time and examine the resulting maximum flow depths and velocities. Our 2D modeling results suggest that both wet sediment-rich and water-rich flows could produce the observed bright deposits. Our modeling shows that the BGDs are not definitive evidence of recent liquid water on the surface of Mars.  相似文献   

Abstract– Previous workers have proposed that a northern ocean existed early during Martian geologic history and the shorelines of that ocean would coincide roughly with the crustal dichotomy that divides the smooth, northern lowlands with the cratered, southern highlands. Arabia Terra is a region on Mars that straddles the crustal dichotomy, and several proposed shorelines are located in the area. Shallow marine impact craters on Mars likely would exhibit features like those on Earth, including characteristic morphological features that are distinctly different from that of craters formed on land. Common attributes of terrestrial marine impact craters include features of wet mass movement such as gravity slumps and debris flows; radial gullies leading into the crater depression; resurge deposits and blocks of dislocated materials; crater rim collapse or breaching of the crater wall; a central peak terrace or peak ring terrace; and subdued topography (an indicator of both age and possible flood inundation immediately following impact). In this article, these features have been used to evaluate craters on Mars as to a possible marine origin. This study used a simple quantification system to approximately judge and rank shallow marine impact crater candidates based on features observed in terrestrial analogs. Based on the quantification system, 77 potential shallow marine impact craters were found within an area bounded by 20°N and 40°N as well as 20°W and 20°E. Nine exemplary candidates were ranked with total scores of 70% or more. In a second, smaller study area, impact craters of approximately similar size and age were evaluated as a comparison and average total scores are 35%, indicating that there is some morphological difference between craters inside and outside the proposed shorelines. Results of this type of study are useful in helping to develop a general means of classification and characterization of potential marine craters.  相似文献   

The lunar cratering rate is known reasonably well from comparison of observed crater frequencies with radiometric ages. Attempts to obtain a cratering rate for Mars have usually been based on calculation of the relative flux of asteroidal and cometary bodies on Mars and the Moon.The asteroidal flux on Mars cannot be obtained in a simple way from the observed number of Mars-crossing asteroids, i.e. those asteroids with perihelia within the orbit of Mars. Calculations of the secular perturbations of these asteroids by several authors, particularly williams, has shown that most of these bodies rarely come near even to Mars' aphelion when they are in the vicinity of the ecliptic plane, and their contribution to the Martian meteoroid flux is much smaller than has been commonly stated. Ring asteroids in the vicinity of the secular resonances discovered by Williams, high velocity fragments of asteroids on the inner edge of the asteroid belt, and possibly objects obtained from the 2:1 Kirkwood gap by a process described by Zimmerman and Wetherill are probably of greater importance in the 103-106 g meteoroid size range but are much less important in the production of large craters. Calculations of the Martian asteroidal and cometary impact rate are made, but the present unavoidable uncertainties in the results of these calculations result in their being of little value in establishing a Martian chronology. Suggestions for improving this situation are discussed.Paper presented at the Lunar Science Institute Conference on Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration of the Moon and Planets, January 10–12, 1973.  相似文献   

Impact melt‐bearing clastic deposits (suevites) are one of the most important records of the impact cratering process. A deeper understanding of their composition and formation is therefore essential. This study focuses on impact melt particles in suevite at Ries, Germany. Textures and chemical evidence indicate that the suevite contains three melt types that originate from different shock levels in the target. The most abundant melt type (“melt type 1”) represents well‐mixed whole‐rock melting of crystalline basement and includes incompletely mixed mafic melt schlieren (“melt type 1 mafic”). Polymineralic melt type 2 comprises mixes between monomineralic melt types 3 and melt type 1. Melt types 2 and 3 are located within melt type 1 as small patches or schlieren but also isolated within the suevite matrix. The main melt type 1 is heterogeneous with respect to trace elements, varying geographically around the crater: in the western sector, it has lower values in trace elements, e.g., Ba, Zr, Th, and Ce, than in the eastern sector. The west–east zoning likely reflects the heterogeneous nature of crystalline basement target rocks with lower trace element contents, e.g., Ba, Zr, Th, and Ce, in the west compared to the east. The chemical zoning pattern of suevite melt type 1 indicates that mixing during ejection and emplacement occurred only on a local (hundreds of meters) scale. The incomplete larger scale mixing indicated by the preservation of these local chemical signatures, and schlieren corroborate the assumption that mixing, ejection, and quenching were very rapid, short‐lived processes.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Ordovician Lockne impact structure is located in central Sweden. The target lithology consisted of limestone and black unconsolidated shale overlaying a Precambrian crystalline basement. The Precambrian basement is uranium‐rich, and the black shale is both uranium‐ and organic‐rich. This circumstance makes Lockne a good candidate for testing the occurrence of U‐Th‐rich bitumen nodules in an impact structure setting. U‐Th‐rich bitumen nodules are formed through irradiation; hence the increase in the complexity of organic matter by a radioactive (uranium‐ and thorium‐rich) mineral phase. U‐Th‐rich bitumen nodules were detected in crystalline impact breccia and resurge deposits from the impact structure, but samples of non‐impact‐affected rocks from outside the impact structure do not contain any U‐Th‐rich bitumen nodules. This implies that in the Lockne impact structure, the nodules are associated with impact‐related processes. U‐Th‐rich bitumen nodules occur throughout the geological record and are not restricted to an impact structure setting, but our studies at Lockne show that this process of irradiation can readily occur in impact structures where fracturing of rocks and a post‐impact hydrothermal system enhances fluid circulation. The irradiation of organic matter by radioactive minerals has previously been proposed as a process for concentration of carbon on the early Earth. Impact structures are suggested as sites for prebiotic chemistry and primitive evolution, and irradiation by radioactive minerals could be an important mechanism for carbon concentration at impact sites.  相似文献   

Abstract— The ~66 km wide Tookoonooka impact structure (27°07′S, 142°50′E) was first recognised, from seismic profiles, as a circular structure consisting of a concentric arrangement of anticlines and synclines, which surround a complex central dome, ~22 km wide. A gravity low and a central magnetic high characterize the structure. Now buried by up to 900 m of Cretaceous and Tertiary clastic sediments, the Tookoonooka structure was formed ~128 Ma ago, during deposition of the paralic Cadna-owie Formation. Thin sections from a centrally located exploration well reveal an impact melt breccia, composed of local Ordovician quartz-mica schist bedrock. Detailed study of planar deformation features (PDFs) in quartz grains from this breccia show 64 lamellae sets in 25 grains. Most of the PDF measurements correspond to ζ {112~2} andr/z {101~1}/ {011~1} crystallographic indices, with five other orientations also measured. This distribution of PDFs corresponds to that found in quartz from impact structures in porous sedimentary rock targets, thus confirming an impact origin for Tookoonooka.  相似文献   

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