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The atmospheric erosion induced by impacts of cosmic bodies with sizes from ~100 m to 10 km is calculated for the Earth with its present atmosphere and for Mars with a dense carbon dioxide atmosphere that could be at the early stages of planetary evolution. Numerical results are compared to simple analytic models and calculations performed by other authors; approximate formulas are suggested. The evolutions of early atmospheres, which could exist at the late stage of the planetary accumulation, are numerically simulated using an integral model of impact-induced atmospheric erosion and replenishment in the approximation of a one-component atmosphere with a composition determined by the basic atmosphile component of the bodies falling onto the planet.  相似文献   

The SCUBA instrument on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope has already had an impact on cosmology by detecting relatively large numbers of dusty galaxies at high redshift. Apart from identifying well-detected sources, such data can also be mined for information about fainter sources and their correlations, as revealed through low-level fluctuations in SCUBA maps. As a first step in this direction, we analyse a small SCUBA data set as if it were obtained from a cosmic microwave background (CMB) differencing experiment. This enables us to place limits on CMB anisotropy at 850 m. Expressed as Q flat, the quadrupole expectation value for a flat power spectrum, the limit is 152 K at 95 per cent confidence, corresponding to     (or T T <14105) for a Gaussian autocorrelation function, with a coherence angle of about 2025 arcsec. These results could easily be reinterpreted in terms of any other fluctuating sky signal. This is currently the best limit for these scales at high frequency, and comparable to limits at similar angular scales in the radio. Even with such a modest data set, it is possible to put a constraint on the slope of the SCUBA counts at the faint end, since even randomly distributed sources would lead to fluctuations. Future analysis of sky correlations in more extensive data sets ought to yield detections, and hence additional information on source counts and clustering.  相似文献   

Short-lived ( 15 min), low-energy proton increases associated with the passage of interplanetary shock waves have been previously reported. In the present paper, we have examined in a fine time scale ( 1 min) the concurrent particle and magnetic field data, taken by detectors on Explorer 34, for four of these events which occurred on 30 May 1967, 5 June 1967, 29 November 1967, and 11 January 1968. Our results further support the view that these impulsive events are due to confinement of the solar cosmic-ray particles in the region just ahead ( 106 km) of the advancing shock front. Data from the Pioneer 7 spacecraft for a similar event on 30 August 1966, when this spacecraft was 1.9 × 106 km from the Earth, are shown to be consistent with this interpretation.  相似文献   

Abstract– We carried out shock experiments on macroscopic spherical samples of the L4 ordinary chondrite Saratov (natural shock stages S2–S3), using explosively generated spherical shock waves with maximum peak pressures of 400 GPa and shock‐induced temperatures >800 °C (up to several thousands °C). The evolution of shock metamorphism within a radius of the spherical samples was investigated using optical and scanning electron microscopy, microprobe and magnetic analyses as well as Mössbauer spectroscopy and X‐ray diffraction techniques. Petrographic analyses revealed a shock‐induced formation of three different concentric petrographic zones within the shocked samples: zone of total melting (I), zone of partial melting (II), and zone of solid‐state shock features (III). We found a progressive pressure‐induced oxidation of Fe‐Ni metal, whose degree increased with increasing shock peak pressure. The amount of FeO within zone I increased the factor of 1.4 with respect to its amount in the unshocked Saratov sample. This suggests that within zone I about 70 wt% of the initial metallic iron was oxidized, whereas magnetic analyses showed that about 10 wt% of it remained intact. This strongly supports the hypothesis that, in addition to oxidation, a migration of metallic iron from the central heavily shocked zone I toward less shocked peripheral zone took place as well (likely through shock veins where metallic droplets were observed). Magnetic analyses also showed a shock‐induced transformation of tetrataenite to taenite within all shocked subsamples, resulting in magnetic softening of these subsamples (decrease in remanent coercivity). These results have important implications for extraterrestrial paleomagnetism suggesting that due to natural impact processes, the buried crustal rocks of heavily cratered solid solar system bodies can have stronger remanent magnetism than the corresponding surface rocks.  相似文献   

High angular resolution measurements of a sample of 15 M giants at 2.2 μm by the technique of lunar occultation are presented in this paper. We obtain angular diameters for 11 sources of which five are the first diameter measurements. For these resolved sources we have estimated the effective temperatures, which are consistent with previous calibrations. For the other four sources we put the first upper limits on their angular sizes to be 2 mas. Two sources, namely IRC+20090 and IRC+20067, yield appreciably low temperatures, which could point to their possible Mira nature. For sources with Hipparcos parallax measurements, we have calculated the linear radii.  相似文献   

The possibility of investigation of the cosmic plasma dynamics by the radio interference technique based on a finite time of radio wave propagation between the sounding and responding stations is shown. By locating the sounding station on a spacecraft the greatest contribution to the phase difference ΔΦ(t)or the phase difference growth rate Δ? between the sounding and response signals are caused by disturbances in close proximity to the spacecraft. This method permits interplanetary shock waves and tangential discontinuities to be registered and the velocities and plasma density changes on their fronts to be determined. By using experimental data of ΔΦ(t) or Δ?(t) one can also obtain information about plasma concentration jump, location and motion of bow shock wave and magnetopause and plasmapause. Available experimental data about different disturbances of cosmic plasma were analysed and the requirements on frequency stability of spacecraft-borne and groundbased radio equipment were estimated to register those disturbances. In most cases relative stability 10?11–10?13 provided by present atomic frequency standards is sufficient.  相似文献   

We present calculations of the reflection of the cosmic X-ray background (CXB) by the Earth's atmosphere in the 1–1000 keV energy range. The calculations include Compton scattering and X-ray fluorescent emission and are based on a realistic chemical composition of the atmosphere. Such calculations are relevant for CXB studies using the Earth as an obscuring screen (as was recently done by INTEGRAL ). The Earth's reflectivity is further compared with that of the Sun and the Moon – the two other objects in the Solar system subtending a large solid angle on the sky, as needed for CXB studies.  相似文献   

Here we present the first proof of an impact origin for the Saqqar circular structure in northwestern Saudi Arabia (Neville et al. 2014 ), with an apparent diameter of 34 km, centered at 29°35′N, 38°42′E. The structure is formed in Cambrian–Devonian siliciclastics and is unconformably overlain by undeformed Cretaceous and Paleogene sediments. The age of impact is not well constrained and lies somewhere between 410 and 70 Ma. The subsurface structure is constrained by 2‐D reflection seismic profiles and six drilled wells. First‐order structural features are a central uplift that rises approximately 2 km above regional datums, surrounded by a ring syncline. The crater rim is defined by circumferential normal faults. The central uplift and ring syncline correspond to a Bouguer gravity high and an annular ring‐like low, respectively. The wells were drilled within the central uplift, the deepest among them exceed 2 km depth. Sandstone core samples from these wells show abundant indicators of a shock metamorphic overprint. Planar deformation features (PDFs) were measured with orientations along (0001), {103}, and less frequently along {101} and {104}. Planar fractures (PFs) predominantly occur along (0001) and {101}, and are locally associated with feather features (FFs). In addition, some shocked feldspar grains and strongly deformed mica flakes were found. The recorded shock pressure ranges between 5 and 15 GPa. The preserved level of shock and the absence of an allochthonous crater fill suggest that Saqqar was eroded by 1–2 km between the Devonian and Maastrichtian. The documentation of unequivocal shock features proves the formation of the Saqqar structure by a hypervelocity impact event.  相似文献   

Galper  A. M.  Kirillov-Ugryumov  V. G.  Leikov  N. G.  Luchkov  B. I. 《Solar physics》1983,82(1-2):447-449
Solar Physics - Hard gamma-radiation fluctuations with the periods from 4 to 60 min were investigated in the course of balloon flights at altitudes of 30–40 km. Quasiperiodic intensity...  相似文献   

We present the results of photometric observations of BL Lacertae at 1 μm performed during the strong outburst that occurred in the summer of 1997. Measurements were carried out using the F99 filter of the Arizona system. Simultaneous observations in the B V bands were made with other telescopes. Large and fast variations were observed on the night of August 2 when the brightness of BL Lacertae changed by ∼ 0.5 mag in about 2 h: the variation amplitude is greater at higher frequency. Some implications of these results for the origin of the fast variations are discussed. We also report the first F99 calibration for three reference stars in the BL Lac field.  相似文献   

Using a well-known similarity method, different aspects of cylindrical shock waves in magnetogasdynamics are investigated. Weak and strong shocks have been discussed in strong magnetic field. Combined effects of both the components of magnetic field on flow variables are studied.  相似文献   

The stability problem for small magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) perturbations in an optically thin, perfectly conducting uniform plasma with a cosmic abundance of elements is solved in the linear approximation. The electron heat conduction along the magnetic field and the proton heat conduction across the field are taken into account. We have shown for the first time that the entropy waves can grow exponentially, while the magnetosonic waves are damped in a wide range of physical conditions closest to the conditions in stellar coronae with the proper allowance for radiative losses. Slow magnetosonic waves are damped particularly rapidly. For the solar corona, the calculated damping decrement of slow magnetosonic waves agrees well with the averaged one in 11 quasi-periodic events observed from the TRACE satellite in extreme ultraviolet radiation. Other possible astrophysical applications of the results obtained are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

We study central collisions between millimeter-sized dust projectiles and centimeter-sized dust targets in impact experiments. Target and projectile are dust aggregates consisting of micrometer-sized SiO2 particles. Collision velocities range up to 25 m/s. The general outcome of a collision strongly depends on the impact velocity. For collisions below 13 m/s rebound and a small degree of fragmentation occur. However, at higher collision velocities up to 25 m/s approximately 50% of the mass of the projectile rigidly sticks to the target after the collision. Thus, net growth of a body is possible in high speed collisions. This supports the idea that planetesimal formation via collisional growth is a viable mechanism at higher impact velocities. Within our set of parameters the experiments even suggest that higher impact velocities might be preferable for growth in collisions between dusty bodies. For the highest impact velocities most of the ejecta is within small dust aggregates about 500 μm in size. In detail the size distribution of ejected dust aggregates is flat for very small particles smaller than 500 μm and follows a power law for larger ejected dust aggregates with a power of −5.6±0.2. There is a sharp upper cut-off at about 1 mm in size with only a few particles being slightly larger. The ejection angle is smaller than 3° with respect to the target surface. These fast ejecta move with 40±10% of the impact velocity.  相似文献   

Self-similar flows of a perfect gas behind the cylindrical shock wave propagating exponentially in an atmosphere whose density varies inversely as the fourth power of shock radius are investigated. The effects of radiation flux has also been taken into consideration. The total energy of the wave is constant.  相似文献   

Delingha 13.7 m telescope is one of the most important radio telescopes in China. Since installing the superconducting spectroscopic array receiver (SSAR) and adopting the On The Fly (OTF) observation mode, the telescope has operated for nearly 10 years. During this period, a large number of astronomical observation projects have been carried out and completed, a large amount of astronomical data have been accumulated, and a series of important scientific results have been achieved. This paper introduces the operating status of SSAR in astronomical observations, the problems in operations, as well as the fault phenomena and solutions. The performance test and performance analysis of SSAR are described in detail, including the receiver noise temperature and telescope system noise temperature, image rejection ratio (IRR), receiver stability, beam performance and so on. The updating and development of SSAR are listed, including the automatic adjustment of LO (Local Oscillator) power, the updating of pre-amplification circuits of the sideband separation superconducting mixer, and the optimization of control program, etc. This paper summarizes the experiences and rules, and connects the past with the future, for applying the experiences of the maintenance and operation of SSAR to the next-generation large-scale receiver system.  相似文献   

The power spectral density of cosmic ray fluctuations observed at ground level during the years 1966–1968 has been calculated. In order to obtain the correct shape of the spectrum, the Fast Fourier Transform method with a triangular data window was used and corrections were made for uncorrelated errors and aliasing effects. When ignoring the Earth rotation peaks, the spectral index , for a sample of polar, middle latitude and equatorial stations, is − 1.96 in the frequency range 3 × 10−7–10−4 Hz. A possible break around 10−5 Hz, if existing, would be, on the whole, barely significant as a would change from − 1.96 to − 2.10. There are indications that beyond 10−4 Hz up to 7 × 10−3 Hz the spectrum continues with − 2.  相似文献   

Explosions of quasars and young galaxies at large redshifts must cause propagation of blast waves in the metagalactic medium. The shock waves formed can, during the radiative cooling stage, produce dense cold spherical shells around the epicentres of explosions. But, even before that, at the stage of adiabatic expansion, each spherical shock-wave front, if it lies on one line-of-sight with a more distant quasar, can imprint into the quasar spectrum a specific absorption doublet with a distance between the components (in the rest frame) 0 3 Å. The L doublet components have a small but the same equivalent widthW 0 0.3 Å, the ratioW 0/0 weakly depending onW 0 ifW 0 is small. We demonstrate here that such absorption L doublets are really present among the L forest in the absorption spectra of distant quasars which are, according to Sargentet al. (1980), of mostly intervening (and not intrinsic) origin. Further accumulation of data on absorption doublets, which can serve as direct indicators of metagalactic shock-waves, may provide valuable information about the physical conditions in the metagalactic gas at large redshifts.  相似文献   

Cylindrical Korteweg-de Vries-Burgers (cKdVB) equation for magnetoacoustic wave is derived for dissipative magneto plasmas. Two fluid collisionless electromagnetic model is considered and reductive perturbation method is employed to study the propagation of magnetoacoustic shock waves in cylindrical geometry. Two level finite difference method is employed by using Runge-Kutta method to solve cKdVB equation numerically. The effects of nonplanar geometry, plasma density, magnetic field strength, temperature dependence and kinematic viscosity on magnetoacoustic shocks are investigated. The numerical results are also presented for illustration.  相似文献   

The contraction of an interstellar cloud is followed. The results indicates that there are shock waves appear during contraction. In order to study the effect of shock waves, two models have been studied. The post-shock temperature for the two models are, respectively, 3006 K and 2984 K. The density increases by more than three orders of magnitude. The gas is generally cooled by atoms, molecules, and grains. The dominant cooling process changes according to the chemical composition and the temperature of the gas. The thermal equilibrium depends on the existing physical conditions.  相似文献   

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