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Abstract— We have studied the mineralogy and petrology of mesostases of 783 type I chondrules in seven CO3 chondrites that range in petrologic subtype from 3.0 to 3.7. Chondrule mesostases in the CO chondrite of subtype 3.0 consist mainly of primary glass and plagioclase, while chondrule mesostases in the CO chondrites of higher subtypes (3.2–3.7) contain various amounts of nepheline in addition to glass and plagioclase. Nepheline has replaced glass and plagioclase, forming finegrained aggregates and thin parallel lamellar intergrowths with plagioclase. The nephelinization has proceeded preferentially from the outer margins of chondrules toward the inside. Although the degree of nephelinization differs widely among chondrules in each of the metamorphosed chondrites, our modal analyses and bulk chemical analyses of individual mesostases indicate that the amounts of nepheline in chondrules systematically increase with the increasing petrologic subtype of the host chondrites. Nepheline also has a tendency to increase in grain size with increasing petrologic subtype. We conclude that nepheline in chondrules in the CO3 chondrites has formed largely as a result of effects related to heating on the meteorite parent body. We suggest that nepheline initially formed as hydrous nepheline under the presence of aqueous fluids and subsequently was dehydrated after exhaustion of aqueous fluids. The degree of hydrothermal activity must have increased with increasing degree of heating, and thus, chondrules in more thermally metamorphosed chondrites produced larger amounts of nepheline. The results imply that CO3 chondrites have gone through low‐grade aqueous alteration and subsequent dehydration at the early stage of heating on the meteorite parent body.  相似文献   

In ordinary chondrites (OCs), phosphates and feldspar are secondary minerals known to be the products of parent‐body metamorphism. Both minerals provide evidence that metasomatic fluids played a role during metamorphism. We studied the petrology and chemistry of phosphates and feldspar in petrologic type 4–6 L chondrites, to examine the role of metasomatic fluids, and to compare metamorphic conditions across all three OC groups. Apatite in L chondrites is Cl‐rich, similar to H chondrites, whereas apatite in LL chondrites has lower Cl/F ratios. Merrillite has similar compositions among the three chondrite groups. Feldspar in L chondrites shows a similar equilibration trend to LL chondrites, from a wide range of plagioclase compositions in petrologic type 4 to a homogeneous albitic composition in type 6. This contrasts with H chondrites which have homogeneous albitic plagioclase in petrologic types 4–6. Alkali‐ and halogen‐rich and likely hydrous metasomatic fluids acted during prograde metamorphism on OC parent bodies, resulting in albitization reactions and development of phosphate minerals. Fluid compositions transitioned to a more anhydrous, Cl‐rich composition after the asteroid began to cool. Differences in secondary minerals between H and L, LL chondrites can be explained by differences in fluid abundance, duration, or timing of fluid release. Phosphate minerals in the regolith breccia, Kendleton, show lithology‐dependent apatite compositions. Bulk Cl/F ratios for OCs inferred from apatite compositions are higher than measured bulk chondrite values, suggesting that bulk F abundances are overestimated and that bulk Cl/F ratios in OCs are similar to CI.  相似文献   

Abstract— Recent measurements of ordinary chondrite physical and thermal properties along with new geothermometry studies have provided the necessary parameters for updating a previously proposed model (Miyamoto et al., 1981) for the thermal evolution and internal structure of ordinary chondrite parent bodies. Model calculations assumed a heat source term derived from the decay of 26Al (justification is provided). Differences from the previous model include: varying the thermal diffusivity parameter with increasing temperature (and decreasing porosity), using variable physical and thermal parameters to provide end member models, and incorporating a shortened thermal history of 60 Ma (obtained from new Pb-Pb chronology of phosphates) rather than 100 Ma. Times of isotopic closure in chondrite phosphates overlap the thermal model estimates, and postmetamorphic cooling rates from the model approximately coincide, in both trend and magnitude, with metallographic and fission track cooling rate data. Model calculations attempt to match peak metamorphic conditions in the central portions of these bodies and yield accretion ages between 1.4 to 3.1 Ma after calcium-aluminum inclusion (CAI) formation. Model calculations also predict that both the H and the L chondrite parent asteroids consisted of ~80% equilibrated and 20% unequilibrated chondritic material and that their original radii ranged from 80 to 95 km.  相似文献   

Abstract— The structural states of sodic plagioclase crystals of ~50 μm in size from three H6, two L6, and one LL6 chondritic meteorites have been determined by measuring the Δ131 parameter with a Gandolfi camera after analyzing chemical compositions. The temperature for each sodic plagioclase crystal has been determined by plotting the Δ131 parameter, corrected for the influence of K, on the relation diagram between the Δ131 parameter and the temperature of synthesis of sodic plagioclase by Smith (1972). The temperature obtained is assigned to the crystallization temperature of sodic plagioclase, and the maximum plagioclase temperature for each meteorite can be assumed to correspond to the maximum temperature attained by each meteorite during metamorphism. The maximum metamorphic temperatures estimated are 725–742 °C for the H6 chondrites, 808–820 °C for the L6 chondrites, and 800 °C for the LL6 chondrite. These temperatures are lower than those based on Ca contents of clinopyroxenes (Dodd, 1981; McSween et al., 1988) but are consistent with those based on Ca contents of orthopyroxenes (McSween and Patchen, 1989; Langenhorst et al., 1995; Jones, 1997). The K content of sodic plagioclase correlates with the temperature obtained from the structural state. This positive correlation suggests that sodic plagioclase has formed in the course of equilibration processes of alkali elements in prograde metamorphism (i.e., during heating processes). The results of this study (i.e., the maximum metamorphic temperature of the H6 chondrites is lower than that of the L6 chondrites by ~80 °C, and meteorites of the same chemical group show very similar maximum metamorphic temperatures) are in accordance with the predictions of calculations based on the 26Al heat source and the onion-shell structure model of the parent bodies.  相似文献   

Patrick Michel  Willy Benz 《Icarus》2004,168(2):420-432
In this paper, we analyze the effect of the internal structure of a parent body on its fragment properties following its disruption in different impact energy regimes. To simulate an asteroid breakup, we use the same numerical procedure as in our previous studies, i.e., a 3D SPH hydrocode to compute the fragmentation phase and the parallel N-body code pkdgrav to compute the subsequent gravitational re-accumulation phase. To explore the importance of the internal structure in determining the collisional outcome, we consider two different parent body models: (1) a purely monolithic one and (2) a pre-shattered one which consists of several fragments separated by damaged zones and small voids. We present here simulations spanning two different impact energy regimes—barely disruptive and highly catastrophic—corresponding to the formation of the Eunomia and Koronis families, respectively. As we already found for the intermediate energy regime represented by the Karin family, pre-shattered parent bodies always lead to outcome properties in better agreement with those of real families. In particular, the fragment size distribution obtained by disrupting a monolithic body always contains a large gap between the largest fragment and the next largest ones, whereas it is much more continuous in the case of a pre-shattered parent body. In the latter case, the ejection speeds of large fragments are also higher and a smaller impact energy is generally required to achieve a similar degree of disruption. Hence, unless the internal structure of bodies involved in a collision is known, predicting accurately the outcome is impossible. Interestingly, disrupting a pre-shattered parent body to reproduce the Koronis family yields a fragment size distribution characterized by four almost identical largest objects, as observed in the real family. This peculiar outcome has been found before in laboratory experiments but is obtained for the first time following gravitational re-accumulation. Finally, we show that material belonging to the largest fragments of a family originates from well-defined regions inside the parent body (the extent and location of which are dependent upon internal structure), despite the many gravitational interactions that occur during the re-accumulation process. Hence fragment formation does not proceed stochastically but results directly from the velocity field imparted during the impact.  相似文献   

Precise triple oxygen isotope compositions of 32 Allende bulk chondrules (ABCs) are determined using laser‐assisted fluorination mass spectrometry. Various chemically characterized chondrule types show ranges in δ18O that vary from ?4.80‰ to +1.10‰ (porphyritic olivine; PO, N = 15), ?3.10‰ to +1.50‰ (porphyritic olivine pyroxene; POP, N = 9), ?3.40‰ to +2.60‰ (barred olivine; BO, N = 4), and ?3.60‰ to +1.30‰ (porphyritic pyroxene; PP, N = 3). Oxygen isotope data of these chondrules yield a regression line referred to as the Allende bulk chondrule line (ABC line, slope = 0.86 ± 0.02). Most of our data fall closer to the primitive chondrule minerals line (PCM line, slope = 0.987 ± 0.013) and the carbonaceous chondrite anhydrous mineral line (CCAM line, slope = 0.94 ± 0.02) than the Allende anhydrous mineral line (AAML, slope = 1.00 ± 0.01) with a maximum δ18O value (+2.60‰) observed in a BO chondrule and a minimum δ18O value (?4.80‰) shown by a PO chondrule. Similarly, these chondrules depict variable ?17O values that range from ?5.65‰ to ?3.25‰ (PO), ?4.60‰ to ?2.80‰ (POP), ?4.95‰ to ?3.00‰ (BO), ?5.30‰ to ?3.20‰ (PP), and ?4.90‰ (CC). A simple model is proposed for the Allende CV3 chondrite with reference to the AAML and PCM line to illustrate the isotopic variations occurred due to the aqueous alteration processes. The estimated temperature ranging from 10 to 130 °C (mean ~60 °C) implies that the secondary mineralization in Allende happened in a warmer and relatively dry environment compared to Murchison. We further propose that thermal metamorphism could have dehydrated the Allende matrix at temperatures between >150 °C and <600 °C.  相似文献   

Abstract— Geothermometry based on the compositions of clinopyroxenes in type 6 and 7 LL chondrites gives coherent results, but the estimated temperatures from coexisting orthopyroxenes are consistently lower than for clinopyroxenes. Orthopyroxene thermometry is suspect because of compositional effects of polymorphic inversions and/or unknown kinetic factors. Lack of clinopyroxene equilibration precludes accurate estimation of peak metamorphic temperatures for type 4 and 5 chondrites. There is no apparent correlation between Al content (a pressure-dependent variable) and equilibration temperature in chondritic pyroxenes. This finding, which is at variance with a previously published conclusion that temperature and pressure are correlated in metamorphosed chondrites, may have important implications for asteroid thermal models.  相似文献   

Abstract— Zag and Monahans (1998) are H‐chondrite regolith breccias comprised mainly of light‐colored metamorphosed clasts, dark clasts that exhibit extensive silicate darkening, and a halite‐bearing clastic matrix. These meteorites reflect a complex set of modification processes that occurred on the H‐chondrite parent body. The light‐colored clasts are thermally metamorphosed H5 and H6 rocks that were fragmented and deposited in the regolith. The dark clasts formed from light‐colored clasts during shock events that melted and mobilized a significant fraction of their metallic Fe‐Ni and troilite grains. The clastic matrices of these meteorites are rich in solar‐wind gases. Parent‐body water was required to cause leaching of chondritic minerals and chondrule glass; the fluids became enriched in Na, K, Cl, Br, Al, Ca, Mg and Fe. Evaporation of the fluids caused them to become brines as halides and alkalies became supersaturated; grains of halite (and, in the case of Monahans (1998), halite with sylvite inclusions) precipitated at low temperatures (≤100 °C) in the porous regolith. In both meteorites fluid inclusions were trapped inside the halite crystals. Primary fluid inclusions were trapped in the growing crystals; secondary inclusions formed subsequently from fluid trapped within healed fractures.  相似文献   

Efforts to link minor meteor showers to their parent bodies have been hampered both by the lack of high-accuracy orbits for weak showers and the incompleteness of our sample of potential parent bodies. The Canadian Meteor Orbital Radar (CMOR) has accumulated over one million meteor orbits. From this large data set, the existence of weak showers and the accuracy of the mean orbits of these showers can be improved. The ever-growing catalogue of near-Earth asteroids (NEAs) provides the complimentary data set for the linking procedure. By combining a detailed examination of the background of sporadic meteors near the orbit in question (which the radar data makes possible) and by computing the statistical significance of any shower association (which the improved NEA sample allows) any proposed shower–parent link can be tested much more thoroughly than in the past. Additional evidence for the links is provided by a single-station meteor radar at the CMOR site which can be used to dispel confusion between very weak showers and statistical fluctuations in the sporadic background. The use of these techniques and data sets in concert will allow us to confidently link some weak streams to their parent bodies on a statistical basis, while at the same time showing that previously identified minor showers have little or no activity and that some previously suggested linkages may simply be chance alignments.  相似文献   

Abstract— Two types of pallasites can be distinguished on the basis of the grain shape of olivine (rounded or angular). It has been suggested that these two types of textures resulted from different degrees of annealing at high temperature in the parent body. In order to characterize the kinetics of rounding of olivine grains in an Fe‐Ni matrix, we carried out a series of annealing experiments using a mixture of olivine and Fe‐Ni powder. We were able to reproduce, at a miniature scale, the range of textures in pallasites. The rate of rounding was rapid enough to be observed and measured at the scale of a few micrometers to 20 μm, even though the experiments were performed below the solidus of the Fe‐Ni metal. For instance, grains ?14 mm in diameter became nearly spherical within 7 days at 1400°C. For the morphological analysis of olivine grains, we used two independent techniques: the “critical diameter method” and the “Gaussian diffusion‐resample method,” a new technique specially developed for our study. Both techniques indicate that the rounding time scale is proportional to the cube of the grain size and that morphological adjustments in our experiments occurred by volume diffusion in the olivine lattice, not by surface diffusion along the olivine‐metal boundaries. We used our experimental data to estimate the time scales required for the development of olivine‐metal textures in natural pallasites. We determined that small scale rounding of olivine grains in a solid metal matrix can be produced within relatively short time intervals: ?100 years to produce rounded olivine grains 0.1 mm in radius at 1300–1400°C.  相似文献   

We have developed a statistical framework that uses collisional evolution models, shock physics modeling, and scaling laws to determine the range of plausible collisional histories for individual meteorite parent bodies. It is likely that those parent bodies that were not catastrophically disrupted sustained hundreds of impacts on their surfaces—compacting, heating, and mixing the outer layers; it is highly unlikely that many parent bodies escaped without any impacts processing the outer few kilometers. The first 10–20 Myr were the most important time for impacts, both in terms of the number of impacts and the increase of specific internal energy due to impacts. The model has been applied to evaluate the proposed impact histories of several meteorite parent bodies: up to 10 parent bodies that were not disrupted in the first 100 Myr experienced a vaporizing collision of the type necessary to produce the metal inclusions and chondrules on the CB chondrite parent; around 1–5% of bodies that were catastrophically disrupted after 12 Myr sustained impacts at times that match the heating events recorded on the IAB/winonaite parent body; more than 75% of 100 km radius parent bodies, which survived past 100 Myr without being disrupted, sustained an impact that excavates to the depth required for mixing in the outer layers of the H‐chondrite parent body; and to protect the magnetic field on the CV chondrite parent body, the crust would have had to have been thick (approximately 20 km) to prevent it being punctured by impacts.  相似文献   

J.N. Goswami  D. Lal 《Icarus》1979,40(3):510-521
We have carried out extensive particle track studies for several C2 chondrites. On the basis of these and the available data on spallogenic stable and radioactive nuclides in several C1 and C2 chondrites, we have constructed a scenario for the precompaction irradiation of these meteorites. We discuss the rather severe constraints which these data place on the events leading to the formation of the parent bodies of the carbonaceous chondrites. Our analyses suggest that the precompaction solar flare and solar wind irradiation of the individual components most probably occurred primarily while the matter had accreted to form swarms of centimeter- to meter-sized bodies. This irradiation occured very early, within a few hundred my of the birth of the solar system; the pressure in the solar system had then dropped below 10?9 atm. Further, the model assumes that soon after the irradiation of carbonaceous matter as swarms, the small bodies coalesced to form kilometer-sized objects, in time scales of 105±1 years, a constraint defined by the low cosmogenic exposure ages of these meteorites. Collisions among these objects led to the formation of much-larger-sized parent bodies of the carbonaceous chondrites. Implicit in this model is the existence of “irradiated” components at all depths in the parent bodies, which formed out of the irradiated swarm material.  相似文献   

Linking meteorites to their asteroid parent bodies remains an outstanding issue. Space-based dust characterization using impact ionization mass spectrometry is a proven technique for the compositional analysis of individual cosmic dust grains. Here we investigate the feasibility of determining asteroid compositions via cation mass spectrometric analyses of their dust ejecta clouds during low (7–9 km s−1) velocity spacecraft flybys. At these speeds, the dust grain mass spectra are dominated by easily ionized elements and molecular species. Using known bulk mineral volume abundances, we show that it is feasible to discriminate the common meteorite classes of carbonaceous chondrites, ordinary chondrites, and howardite–eucrite–diogenite achondrites, as well as their subtypes, relying solely on the detection of elements with ionization efficiencies of ≤700 or ≤800 kJ mol−1, applicable to low (~7 km s−1) and intermediate (~9 km s−1) flyby speed scenarios, respectively. Including the detection of water ion groups enables greater discrimination between certain meteorite types, and flyby speeds ≥10 km s−1 enhance the diagnostic capabilities of this technique still further. Although additional terrestrial calibration is required, this technique may allow more unequivocal asteroid-meteorite connections to be determined by spacecraft flybys, emphasizing the utility of dust instruments on future asteroid missions.  相似文献   

Abstract— Age patterns observed in meteorite groups reflect the different thermal or impact histories experienced by their parent bodies. To assess the number of ordinary chondrite (OC) parent bodies rare-gas data in the Schultz and Kruse (1989) data base were used to calculate U,Th-He gas-retention ages. Most H- and LL-chondrite ages are high; ~81% are >2.2 Ga. In contrast, most L-chondrite ages are low; ~69% are ≤2.2 Ga, and ~35% are ≤0.9 Ga. The latter fraction is substantially lower than the value of 44% given by Heymann (1967). The difference is attributed to the preferential inclusion of shocked L chondrites in early studies. Broad age peaks in the H and LL groups near 3.4 Ga probably reflect thermal loss during metamorphism, but in the H distribution there is a hint of minor outgassing “events” near 1 Ga. The L/LL chondrites have chemical properties intermediate between and unresolvable from L and LL chondrites. The high ages of most L/LL chondrites are evidence against these originating on the L parent body; the L/LL age distribution is consistent with an origin on the LL parent body or on an independent body.  相似文献   

Abstract— Thermochemical equilibria are calculated in the multicomponent gas‐solution‐rock system in order to evaluate the formation conditions of fayalite, (Fe0.88–1.0Mg0.12–0)2SiO4, Fa88–100, in unequilibrated chondrites. Effects of temperature, pressure, water/rock ratio, rock composition, and progress of alteration are evaluated. The modeling shows that fayalite can form as a minor secondary and transient phase with and without aqueous solution. Fayalite can form at temperatures below ?350 °C, but only in a narrow range of water/rock ratios that designates a transition between aqueous and metamorphic conditions. Pure fayalite forms at lower temperatures, higher water/rock ratios, and elevated pressures that correspond to higher H2/H2O ratios. Lower pressure and water/rock ratios and higher temperatures favor higher Mg content in olivine. In equilibrium assemblages, fayalite usually coexists with troilite, kamacite, magnetite, chromite, Ca‐Fe pyroxene, and phyllosilicates. Formation of fayalite can be driven by changes in temperature, pressure, H2/H2O, and water/rock ratios. However, in fayalite‐bearing ordinary and CV3 carbonaceous chondrites, the mineral could have formed during the aqueous‐to‐metamorphic transition. Dissolution of amorphous silicates in matrices and/or silica grains, as well as low activities of Mg solutes, favored aqueous precipitation of fayalite. During subsequent metamorphism, fayalite could have formed through the reduction of magnetite and/or dehydration of ferrous serpentine. Further metamorphism should have caused reductive transformation of fayalite to Ca‐Fe pyroxene and secondary metal, which is consistent with observations in metamorphosed chondrites. Although bulk compositions of matrices/chondrites have only a minor effect on fayalite stability, specific alteration paths led to different occurrences, quantities, and compositions of fayalite in chondrites.  相似文献   

Renazzo-type (CR) chondrites are a relatively rare group of carbonaceous chondrites with the vast majority having escaped thermal alteration. This means that CRs are composed of relatively unprocessed material, depending on the extent of aqueous alteration they have experienced. Hydration in CRs ranges from incipient alteration of matrix glass, up to nearly complete replacement of the rock by hydration products. The extent of secondary processes is often difficult to assess in these meteorites, due to their heterogeneity and diversity of alteration products. Yet, this is crucial in order to understand the extent of geological processing that occurred on the primary parent body. Additionally, the parent asteroids of CRs remain a mystery, mainly because terrestrial oxyhydroxide signatures dominate the reflectance spectra of CRs. In this work, we have conducted optical and IR reflectance and transmission spectra of 25 CR chondrites in order to (i) better evaluate the extent of aqueous alteration that occurred on the CR parent body, and (ii) find possible parent body candidates. Terrestrial oxyhydroxides were removed from 12 samples, as these tend to interfere with the optical-IR spectra of CRs. Our results suggest, among other, that (i) aqueous alteration in most of our CRs was limited to the matrix and (ii) most CRs may stem from a continuum of X-to-C complex asteroids, depending on their extent of aqueous alteration. More specifically, the endmembers being Xk/Xn types and Cgh/Ch types. This has strong implication in regard to what we can expect from the Psyche mission.  相似文献   

Abstract– The 0.35–2.5 μm reflectance spectra of iron meteorite powders and slabs have been studied as a function of composition, surface texture (for slabs), grain size (for powders), and viewing geometry (for powders). Powder spectra are invariably red‐sloped over this wavelength interval and have a narrow range of visible albedos (approximately 10–15% at 0.56 μm). Metal (Fe:Ni) compositional variations have no systematic effect on the powder spectra, increasing grain size results in more red‐sloped spectra, and changes in viewing geometry have variable effects on overall reflectance and spectral slope. Roughened metal slab spectra have a wider, and higher, range of visible albedos than powders (22–74% at 0.56 μm), and are also red‐sloped. Smoother slabs exhibit greater differences from iron meteorite powder spectra, exhibiting wider variations in overall reflectance, spectral slopes, and spectral shapes. No unique spectral parameters exist that allow for powder and slab spectra to be fully separated in all cases. Spectral differences between slabs and powders can be used to constrain possible surface properties, and causes of rotational spectral variations, of M‐asteroids. The magnitude of spectral variations between M‐asteroids and rotational and spectral variability does not necessarily imply a dramatic change in surface properties, as the differences in albedo and/or spectral slope can be accommodated by modest changes in grain size (for powders), small changes in surface roughness (for slabs), or variations in viewing geometry. Since metal powders exhibit much less spectral variability than slabs, M‐asteroid spectral variability requires larger changes in either powder properties or viewing geometry than for slabs for a given degree of spectral variation.  相似文献   

We present new irradiation experiments performed on the enstatite chondrite Eagle (EL6) and the mesosiderite Vaca Muerta. These experiments were performed with the aims of (a) quantifying the spectral effect of the solar wind on their parent asteroid surfaces and (b) identifying their parent bodies within the asteroid belt. For Vaca Muerta we observe a reddening and darkening of the reflectance spectrum with progressive irradiation, consistent with what is observed in the cases of silicates and silicate-rich meteorites such as OCs and HEDs. For Eagle we observe little spectral variation, and therefore we do not expect to observe a significant spectral difference between EC meteorites and their parent bodies. We evaluated possible parent bodies for both meteorites by comparing their VNIR spectra (before and after irradiation) with those of ∼400 main-belt asteroids. We found that 21 Lutetia (Rosetta's forthcoming fly-by target) and 97 Klotho (both Xc types in the new Bus-DeMeo taxonomy) have physical properties compatible with those of enstatite chondrite meteorites while 201 Penelope, 250 Bettina and 337 Devosa (all three are Xk types in the Bus-DeMeo taxonomy) are compatible with the properties of mesosiderites.  相似文献   

Abstract– Eucrites, which are probably from 4 Vesta, and angrites are the two largest groups of basaltic meteorites from the asteroid belt. The parent body of the angrites is not known but it may have been comparable in size to Vesta as it retained basalts and had a core dynamo. Both bodies were melted early by 26Al and formed basalts a few Myr after they accreted. Despite these similarities, the impact histories of the angrites and eucrites are very different: angrites are very largely unshocked and none are breccias, whereas most eucrites are breccias and many are shocked. We attribute the lack of shocked and unbrecciated angrites to an impact, possibly at 4558 Myr ago—the radiometric age of the younger angrites—that extracted the angrites from their original parent body into smaller bodies. These bodies, which may have had a diameter of approximately 10 km, suffered much less impact damage than Vesta during the late heavy bombardment because small bodies retain shocked rocks less efficiently than large ones and because large bodies suffer near‐catastrophic impacts that deposit vastly more impact energy per kg of target. Our proposed history for the angrites is comparable to that proposed by Bogard and Garrison (2003) for the unbrecciated eucrites with Ar‐Ar ages of 4.48 Gyr and that for unbrecciated eucrites with anomalous oxygen isotopic compositions that did not come from Vesta. We infer that the original parent bodies of the angrites and the anomalous eucrites were lost from the belt when the giant planets migrated and the total mass of asteroids was severely depleted. Alternatively, their parent bodies may have formed in the terrestrial planet region and fragments of these bodies were scattered out to the primordial Main Belt as a consequence of terrestrial planet formation.  相似文献   

The 3:1 Kirkwood gap asteroids are a mineralogically diverse set of asteroids located in a region that delivers meteoroids into Earth-crossing orbits. Mineralogical characterizations of asteroids in/near the 3:1 Kirkwood Gap can be used as a tool to “map” conditions and processes in the early Solar System. The chronological studies of the meteorite types provide a “clock” for the relative timing of those events and processes. By identifying the source asteroids of particular meteorite types, the “map” and “clock” can be combined to provide a much more sophisticated understanding of the history and evolution of the late solar nebula and the early Solar System.A mineralogical assessment of seven 3:1 Kirkwood Gap asteroids has been carried out using near-infrared spectral data obtained over the years 2006–2009 combined with visible spectral data (when available) to cover the spectral interval of 0.4–2.5 μm. We explore the diversity, uniqueness, and possible links between the asteroids (198) Ampella, (329) Svea, (495) Eulalia, (556) Phyllis, (623) Chimaera, (908) Buda, and (1772) Gagarin, which are located adjacent to the 3:1 resonance, and the meteorite types in the terrestrial collections.  相似文献   

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