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Abstract— High‐precision Mg isotopic compositions of Ca‐Al‐rich inclusions (CAIs) from both Ningqiang (ungrouped) and Allende (CV3) carbonaceous chondrites and amoeboid olivine aggregations (AOAs) from Allende were analyzed by multicollector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (MC‐ICP‐MS). The CAIs from Allende plot on a line, with an inferred initial 26Al/27Al ratio of (4.77 ± 0.39) × 10?5 close to the canonical value. This indicates a relatively closed Al‐Mg system in the CAIs and no significant Mg isotope exchange with ambient materials, although two of the CAIs are severely altered. The AOAs contain excess 26Mg and plot close to the CAI regression line, which is suggestive of their contemporary formation. The CAIs from Ningqiang define a different line with a lower inferred (26Al/27Al)0 ratio of (3.56 ± 0.08) × 10?5. None of the CAIs and AOAs studied in this work shows significant mass fractionation with enrichment of the heavier Mg isotopes, arguing against an evaporation origin.  相似文献   

Abstract– Hibonite‐bearing Ca,Al‐rich inclusions (CAIs) usually occur in CM and CH chondrites and possess petrographic and isotopic characteristics distinctive from other typical CAIs. Despite their highly refractory nature, most hibonite‐bearing CAIs have little or no 26Mg excess (the decay product of 26Al), but do show wide variations of Ca and Ti isotopic anomalies. A few spinel‐hibonite spherules preserve evidence of live 26Al with an inferred 26Al/27Al close to the canonical value. The bimodal distribution of 26Al abundances in hibonite‐bearing CAIs has inspired several interpretations regarding the origin of short‐lived nuclides and the evolution of the solar nebula. Herein we show that hibonite‐bearing CAIs from Ningqiang, an ungrouped carbonaceous chondrite, also provide evidence for a bimodal distribution of 26Al. Two hibonite aggregates and two hibonite‐pyroxene spherules show no 26Mg excesses, corresponding to inferred 26Al/27Al < 8 × 10?6. Two hibonite‐melilite spherules are indistinguishable from each other in terms of chemistry and mineralogy but have different Mg isotopic compositions. Hibonite and melilite in one of them display positive 26Mg excesses (up to 25‰) that are correlated with Al/Mg with an inferred 26Al/27Al of (5.5 ± 0.6) × 10?5. The other one contains normal Mg isotopes with an inferred 26Al/27Al < 3.4 × 10?6. Hibonite in a hibonite‐spinel fragment displays large 26Mg excesses (up to 38‰) that correlate with Al/Mg, with an inferred 26Al/27Al of (4.5 ± 0.8) × 10?5. Prolonged formation duration and thermal alteration of hibonite‐bearing CAIs seem to be inconsistent with petrological and isotopic observations of Ningqiang. Our results support the theory of formation of 26Al‐free/poor hibonite‐bearing CAIs prior to the injection of 26Al into the solar nebula from a nearby stellar source.  相似文献   

Abstract— Textures, mineral assemblages, and Al‐Mg isotope systematics indicate a protracted, episodic secondary mineralization history for Allende Ca‐Al‐rich inclusions (CAIs). Detailed observations from one type B1 CAI, one B2, one compact type A (CTA), and one fluffy type A (FTA) indicate that these diverse types of CAIs are characterized by two distinct textural and mineralogic types of secondary mineralization: (1) grossular‐rich domains, concentrated along melilite grain boundaries in CAI interiors, and (2) feldspathoid‐bearing domains, confined mostly to CAI margins just interior to the Wark‐Lovering rim sequence. The Al‐Mg isotopic compositions of most secondary minerals in the type B1 CAI, and some secondary minerals in the other CAIs, show no resolvable excesses of 26Mg, whereas the primary CAI phases mostly yield correlated excesses of 26Mg with increasing Al/Mg corresponding to “canonical” initial 26Al/27Al ~ 4.5–5 × 10?5. These secondary minerals formed at least 3 Ma after the primary CAI minerals. All but two analyses of secondary minerals from the fluffy type‐A CAI define a correlated increase in 26Mg/24Mg with increasing Al/Mg, yielding (26Al/27Al)0 = (4.9 ± 2.8) × 10?6. The secondary minerals in this CAI formed 1.8–3.2 Ma after the primary CAI minerals. In both cases, the timing of secondary alteration is consistent with, but does not necessarily require, alteration in an asteroidal setting. One grossular from the type B2 CAI, and several grossular and secondary feldspar analyses from the compact type A CAI, have excesses of 26Mg consistent with initial 26Al/27Al ~ 4.5 × 10?5. Especially in the compact type A CAI, where 26Mg/24Mg in grossular correlates with increasing Al/Mg, these 26Mg excesses are almost certainly due to in situ decay of 26Al. They indicate a nebular setting for formation of the grossular. The preservation of these diverse isotopic patterns indicates that heating on the Allende parent body was not pervasive enough to reset isotopic systematics of fine‐grained secondary minerals. Secondary mineralization clearly was not restricted to a short time interval, and at least some alteration occurred coincident with CAI formation and melting events (chondrule formation) in the nebula. This observation supports the possibility that alteration followed by melting affected the compositional evolution of CAIs.  相似文献   

The petrologic and oxygen isotopic characteristics of calcium‐aluminum‐rich inclusions (CAIs) in CO chondrites were further constrained by studying CAIs from six primitive CO3.0‐3.1 chondrites, including two Antarctic meteorites (DOM 08006 and MIL 090010), three hot desert meteorites (NWA 10493, NWA 10498, and NWA 7892), and the Colony meteorite. The CAIs can be divided into hibonite‐bearing inclusions (spinel‐hibonite spherules, monomineralic grains, hibonite‐pyroxene microspherules, and irregular/nodular objects), grossite‐bearing inclusions (monomineralic grains, grossite‐melilite microspherules, and irregular/nodular objects), melilite‐rich inclusions (fluffy Type A, compact type A, monomineralic grains, and igneous fragments), spinel‐pyroxene inclusions (fluffy objects resembling fine‐grained spinel‐rich inclusions in CV chondrites and nodular/banded objects resembling those in CM chondrites), and pyroxene‐anorthite inclusions. They are typically small (98.4 ± 54.4 µm, 1SD) and comprise 1.54 ± 0.43 (1SD) area% of the host chondrites. Melilite in the hot desert and Colony meteorites was extensively replaced by a hydrated Ca‐Al‐silicate during terrestrial weathering and converted melilite‐rich inclusions into spinel‐pyroxene inclusions. The CAI populations of the weathered COs are very similar to those in CM chondrites, suggesting that complete replacement of melilite by terrestrial weathering, and possibly parent body aqueous alteration, would make the CO CAIs CM‐like, supporting the hypothesis that CO and CM chondrites derive from similar nebular materials. Within the CO3.0‐3.1 chondrites, asteroidal alteration significantly resets oxygen isotopic compositions of CAIs in CO3.1 chondrites (?17O: ?25 to ?2‰) but left those in CO3.0‐3.05 chondrites mostly unchanged (?17O: ?25 to ?20‰), further supporting the model whereby thermal metamorphism became evident in CO chondrites of petrologic type ≥3.1. The resistance of CAI minerals to oxygen isotope exchange during thermal metamorphism follows in the order: melilite + grossite < hibonite + anorthite < spinel + diopside + forsterite. Meanwhile, terrestrial weathering destroys melilite without changing the chemical and isotopic compositions of melilite and other CAI minerals.  相似文献   

Two compound calcium‐aluminum‐rich inclusions (CAIs), 3N from the oxidized CV chondrite Northwest Africa (NWA) 3118 and 33E from the reduced CV chondrite Efremovka, contain ultrarefractory (UR) inclusions. 3N is a forsterite‐bearing type B (FoB) CAI that encloses UR inclusion 3N‐24 composed of Zr,Sc,Y‐rich oxides, Y‐rich perovskite, and Zr,Sc‐rich Al,Ti‐diopside. 33E contains a fluffy type A (FTA) CAI and UR CAI 33E‐1, surrounded by Wark‐Lovering rim layers of spinel, Al‐diopside, and forsterite, and a common forsterite‐rich accretionary rim. 33E‐1 is composed of Zr,Sc,Y‐rich oxides, Y‐rich perovskite, Zr,Sc,Y‐rich pyroxenes (Al,Ti‐diopside, Sc‐rich pyroxene), and gehlenite. 3N‐24’s UR oxides and Zr,Sc‐rich Al,Ti‐diopsides are 16O‐poor (Δ17O approximately ?2‰ to ?5‰). Spinel in 3N‐24 and spinel and Al‐diopside in the FoB CAI are 16O‐rich (Δ17O approximately ?23 ± 2‰). 33E‐1’s UR oxides and Zr,Sc‐rich Al,Ti‐diopsides are 16O‐depleted (Δ17O approximately ?2‰ to ?5‰) vs. Al,Ti‐diopside of the FTA CAI and spinel (Δ17O approximately ?23 ± 2‰), and Wark‐Lovering rim Al,Ti‐diopside (Δ17O approximately ?7‰ to ?19‰). We infer that the inclusions experienced multistage formation in nebular regions with different oxygen‐isotope compositions. 3N‐24 and 33E‐1’s precursors formed by evaporation/condensation above 1600 °C. 3N and 33E’s precursors formed by condensation and melting (3N only) at significantly lower temperatures. 3N‐24 and 3N’s precursors aggregated into a compound object and experienced partial melting and thermal annealing. 33E‐1 and 33E avoided melting prior to and after aggregation. They acquired Wark‐Lovering and common forsterite‐rich accretionary rims, probably by condensation, followed by thermal annealing. We suggest 3N‐24 and 33E‐1 originated in a 16O‐rich gaseous reservoir and subsequently experienced isotope exchange in a 16O‐poor gaseous reservoir. Mechanism and timing of oxygen‐isotope exchange remain unclear.  相似文献   

Abstract— Correlated in situ analyses of the oxygen and magnesium isotopic compositions of aluminum‐rich chondrules from unequilibrated enstatite chondrites were obtained using an ion microprobe. Among eleven aluminum‐rich chondrules and two plagioclase fragments measured for 26Al‐26Mg systematics, only one aluminum‐rich chondrule contains excess 26Mg from the in situ decay of 26Al; the inferred initial ratio (26Al/27Al)o = (6.8 ± 2.4) × 10?6 is consistent with ratios observed in chondrules from carbonaceous chondrites and unequilibrated ordinary chondrites. The oxygen isotopic compositions of five aluminum‐rich chondrules and one plagioclase fragment define a line of slope ?0.6 ± 0.1 on a three‐oxygen‐isotope diagram, overlapping the field defined by ferromagnesian chondrules in enstatite chondrites but extending to more 16O‐rich compositions with a range in δ18O of about ?12‰. Based on their oxygen isotopic compositions, aluminum‐rich chondrules in unequilibrated enstatite chondrites are probably genetically related to ferromagnesian chondrules and are not simple mixtures of materials from ferromagnesian chondrules and calcium‐aluminum‐rich inclusions (CAIs). Relative to their counterparts from unequilibrated ordinary chondrites, aluminum‐rich chondrules from unequilibrated enstatite chondrites show a narrower oxygen isotopic range and much less resolvable excess 26Mg from the in situ decay of 26Al, probably resulting from higher degrees of equilibration and isotopic exchange during post‐crystallization metamorphism. However, the presence of 26Al‐bearing chondrules within the primitive ordinary, carbonaceous, and now enstatite chondrites suggests that 26Al was at least approximately homogeneously distributed across the chondrite‐forming region.  相似文献   

Abstract— Primary minerals in calcium‐aluminum‐rich inclusions (CAIs), Al‐rich and ferromagnesian chondrules in each chondrite group have δ18O values that typically range from ?50 to +5%0. Neglecting effects due to minor mass fractionations, the oxygen isotopic data for each chondrite group and for micrometeorites define lines on the three‐isotope plot with slopes of 1.01 ± 0.06 and intercepts of ?2 ± 1. This suggests that the same kind of nebular process produced the 16O variations among chondrules and CAIs in all groups. Chemical and isotopic properties of some CAIs and chondrules strongly suggest that they formed from solar nebula condensates. This is incompatible with the existing two‐component model for oxygen isotopes in which chondrules and CAIs were derived from heated and melted 16O‐rich presolar dust that exchanged oxygen with 16O‐poor nebular gas. Some FUN CAIs (inclusions with isotope anomalies due to fractionation and unknown nuclear effects) have chemical and isotopic compositions indicating they are evaporative residues of presolar material, which is incompatible with 16O fractionation during mass‐independent gas phase reactions in the solar nebula. There is only one plausible reason why solar nebula condensates and evaporative residues of presolar materials are both enriched in 16O. Condensation must have occurred in a nebular region where the oxygen was largely derived from evaporated 16O‐rich dust. A simple model suggests that dust was enriched (or gas was depleted) relative to cosmic proportions by factors of ~10 to >50 prior to condensation for most CAIs and factors of 1–5 for chondrule precursor material. We infer that dust‐gas fractionation prior to evaporation and condensation was more important in establishing the oxygen isotopic composition of CAIs and chondrules than any subsequent exchange with nebular gases. Dust‐gas fractionation may have occurred near the inner edge of the disk where nebular gases accreted into the protosun and Shu and colleagues suggest that CAIs formed.  相似文献   

Abstract– Detailed petrologic and oxygen isotopic analysis of six forsterite‐bearing Type B calcium‐aluminum‐rich inclusions (FoBs) from CV3 chondrites indicates that they formed by varying degrees of melting of primitive precursor material that resembled amoeboid olivine aggregates. A continuous evolutionary sequence exists between those objects that experienced only slight partial melting or sintering through objects that underwent prolonged melting episodes. In most cases, melting was accompanied by surface evaporative loss of magnesium and silicon. This loss resulted in outer margins that are very different in composition from the cores, so much so that in some cases, the mantles contain mineral assemblages that are petrologically incompatible with those in the cores. The precursor objects for these FoBs had a range of bulk compositions and must therefore have formed under varying conditions if they condensed from a solar composition gas. Five of the six objects show small degrees of mass‐dependent oxygen isotopic fractionation in pyroxene, spinel, and olivine, consistent with the inferred melt evaporation, but there are no consistent differences among the three phases. Forsterite, spinel, and pyroxene are 16O‐rich with Δ17O ~ ?24‰ in all FoBs. Melilite and anorthite show a range of Δ17O from ?17‰ to ?1‰.  相似文献   

Abstract— In situ SIMS oxygen isotope data were collected from a coarse‐grained type B1 Ca‐Al‐rich inclusion (CAI) and an adjacent fine‐grained CAI in the reduced CV3 Efremovka to evaluate the timing of isotopic alteration of these two objects. The coarse‐grained CAI (CGI‐10) is a sub‐spherical object composed of elongate, euhedral, normally‐zoned melilite crystals ranging up to several hundreds of Pm in length, coarse‐grained anorthite and Al, Ti‐diopside (fassaite), all with finegrained (~10 μm across) inclusions of spinel. Similar to many previously examined coarse‐grained CAIs from CV chondrites, spinel and fassaite are 16O‐rich and melilite is 16O‐poor, but in contrast to many previous results, anorthite is 16O‐rich. Isotopic composition does not vary with textural setting in the CAI: analyses of melilite from the core and mantle and analyses from a variety of major element compositions yield consistent 16O‐poor compositions. CGI‐10 originated in an 16O‐rich environment, and subsequent alteration resulted in complete isotopic exchange in melilite. The fine‐grained CAI (FGI‐12) also preserves evidence of a 1st‐generation origin in an 16O‐rich setting but underwent less severe isotopic alteration. FGI‐12 is composed of spinel ± melilite nodules linked by a mass of Al‐diopside and minor forsterite along the CAI rim. All minerals are very fine‐grained (<5 μm) with no apparent igneous textures or zoning. Spinel, Al‐diopside, and forsterite are 16O‐rich, while melilite is variably depleted in 16O (δ17,18O from ~‐40‰ to ?5‰). The contrast in isotopic distributions in CGI‐10 and FGI‐12 is opposite to the pattern that would result from simultaneous alteration: the object with finer‐grained melilite and a greater surface area/ volume has undergone less isotopic exchange than the coarser‐grained object. Thus, the two CAIs were altered in different settings. As the CAIs are adjacent to each other in the meteorite, isotopic exchange in CGI‐10 must have preceded incorporation of this CAI in the Efremovka parent body. This supports a nebular setting for isotopic alteration of the commonly observed 16O‐poor melilite in coarse‐grained CAIs from CV chondrites.  相似文献   

Abstract— We present laboratory mid‐infrared absorption spectra (2.5 urn to 16.0 μm) of powdered calcium‐aluminum‐rich inclusions (CAIs) and matrix separated from the carbonaceous chondrites Allende (CV3.2), Vigarano (CV3.3), and Ornans (C03.3). Two groups of spectra with different features were found for the CAI: in the first group spectra are dominated by spinel, pyroxene, and sodalite ± nepheline, where main features occur at 9.3 μm, 10.3 μm, and 11.3 μm. In the second group, characteristic minerals are spinel and melilite with typical band maxima at 11.0 μm and 12.3 μm, and a broad feature between 14.0 μn and 15.0 μn. The position of the broad spinel feature probably depends on its iron content. Comparison of band positions in spectra from the CAI components to observed circumstellar emission spectra indicates the potential occurrence of CAI‐like material. Pyroxene‐ and spinel‐rich features could occur in spectra of dust around the Herbig Ae star HD104237, the T Tauri star Hen3‐600 and the post‐AGB star R Sge. Melilite‐ and spinel‐rich components possibly appear in the spectrum of HD 104237, Hen3‐600, 04187_1927, R Sge, and the planetary nebula Hb 12. There is also indication for a spinel component in dust from the Herbig Ae/Be star HD 179218. The spectra of the AGB stars R Cas and θ Aps show no features of CAl‐type spinel.  相似文献   

Abstract— Rumuruti chondrites (R chondrites) constitute a well‐characterized chondrite group different from carbonaceous, ordinary, and enstatite chondrites. Many of these meteorites are breccias containing primitive type 3 fragments as well as fragments of higher petrologic type. Ca,Al‐rich inclusions (CAIs) occur within all lithologies. Here, we present the results of our search for and analysis of Al‐rich objects in Rumuruti chondrites. We studied 20 R chondrites and found 126 Ca,Al‐rich objects (101 CAIs, 19 Al‐rich chondrules, and 6 spinel‐rich fragments). Based on mineralogical characterization and analysis by SEM and electron microprobe, the inclusions can be grouped into six different types: (1) simple concentric spinel‐rich inclusions (42), (2) fassaite‐rich spherules, (3) complex spinel‐rich CAIs (53), (4) complex diopside‐rich inclusions, (5) Al‐rich chondrules, and (6) Al‐rich (spinel‐rich) fragments. The simple concentric and complex spinel‐rich CAIs have abundant spinel and, based on the presence or absence of different major phases (fassaite, hibonite, Na,Al‐(Cl)‐rich alteration products), can be subdivided into several subgroups. Although there are some similarities between CAIs from R chondrites and inclusions from other chondrite groups with respect to their mineral assemblages, abundance, and size, the overall assemblage of CAIs is distinct to the R‐chondrite group. Some Ca,Al‐rich inclusions appear to be primitive (e.g., low FeO‐contents in spinel, low abundances of Na,Al‐(Cl)‐rich alteration products; abundant perovskite), whereas others were highly altered by nebular and/or parent body processes (e.g., high concentrations of FeO and ZnO in spinel, ilmenite instead of perovskite, abundant Na,Al‐(Cl)‐rich alteration products). There is complete absence of grossite and melilite, which are common in CAIs from most other groups. CAIs from equilibrated R‐chondrite lithologies have abundant secondary Ab‐rich plagioclase (oligoclase) and differ from those in unequilibrated type 3 lithologies which have nepheline and sodalite instead.  相似文献   

Abstract— Oxygen isotopes have been measured by ion microprobe in individual minerals (spinel, Al‐Ti‐diopside, melilite, and anorthite) within four relatively unaltered, fine‐grained, spinel‐rich Ca‐Al‐rich inclusions (CAIs) from the reduced CV chondrite Efremovka. Spinel is uniformly 16O‐rich (Δ17O ≤ ?20‰) in all four CAIs; Al‐Ti‐diopside is similarly 16O‐rich in all but one CAI, where it has smaller 16O excesses (‐15‰ ≤ Δ17O ≤ ?10‰). Anorthite and melilite vary widely in composition from 16O‐rich to 16O‐poor (‐22‰ ≤ Δ17O ≤ ?5‰). Two of the CAIs are known to have group II volatility‐fractionated rare‐earth‐element patterns, which is typical of this variety of CAI and which suggests formation by condensation. The association of such trace element patterns with 16O‐enrichment in these CAIs suggests that they formed by gas‐solid condensation from an 16O‐rich gas. They subsequently experienced thermal processing in an 16O‐poor reservoir, resulting in partial oxygen isotope exchange. Within each inclusion, oxygen isotope variations from mineral to mineral are consistent with solid‐state oxygen self‐diffusion at the grain‐to‐grain scale, but such a model is not consistent with isotopic variations at a larger scale in two of the CAIs. The spatial association of 16O depletions with both elevated Fe contents in spinel and the presence of nepheline suggests that late‐stage iron‐alkali metasomatism played some role in modifying the isotopic patterns in some CAIs. One of the CAIs is a compound object consisting of a coarse‐grained, melilite‐rich (type A) lithology joined to a fine‐grained, spinel‐rich one. Melilite and anorthite in the fine‐grained portion are mainly 16O‐rich, whereas melilite in the type A portion ranges from 16O‐rich to 16O‐poor, suggesting that oxygen isotope exchange predated the joining together of the two parts and that both 16O‐rich and 16O‐poor gaseous reservoirs existed simultaneously in the early solar nebula.  相似文献   

Ti valence measurements in MgAl2O4 spinel from calcium‐aluminum‐rich inclusions (CAIs) by X‐ray absorption near‐edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy show that many spinels have predominantly tetravalent Ti, regardless of host phases. The average spinel in Allende type B1 inclusion TS34 has 87% Ti+4. Most spinels in fluffy type A (FTA) inclusions also have high Ti valence. In contrast, the rims of some spinels in TS34 and spinel grain cores in two Vigarano type B inclusions have larger amounts of trivalent titanium. Spinels from TS34 have approximately equal amounts of divalent and trivalent vanadium. Based on experiments conducted on CAI‐like compositions over a range of redox conditions, both clinopyroxene and spinel should be Ti+3‐rich if they equilibrated with CAI liquids under near‐solar oxygen fugacities. In igneous inclusions, the seeming paradox of high‐valence spinels coexisting with low‐valence clinopyroxene can be explained either by transient oxidizing conditions accompanying low‐pressure evaporation or by equilibration of spinel with relict Ti+4‐rich phases (e.g., perovskite) prior to or during melting. Ion probe analyses of large spinel grains in TS34 show that they are enriched in heavy Mg, with an average Δ25Mg of 4.25 ± 0.028‰, consistent with formation of the spinel from an evaporating liquid. Δ25Mg shows small, but significant, variation, both within individual spinels and between spinel and adjacent melilite hosts. The Δ25Mg data are most simply explained by the low‐pressure evaporation model, but this model has difficulty explaining the high Ti+4 concentrations in spinel.  相似文献   

Abstract– The oxygen isotopic microdistributions within melilite measured using in situ secondary ion mass spectrometry correspond to the chemical zoning profiles in single melilite crystals of a fluffy type A Ca‐Al‐rich inclusions (CAIs) of reduced CV3 Vigarano meteorite. The melilite crystals show chemical reverse zoning within an individual single crystal from the åkermanite‐rich core to the åkermanite‐poor rim. The composition changes continuously with the crystal growth. The zoning structures suggest that the melilite grew in a hot nebular gas by condensation with decreasing pressure. The oxygen isotopic composition of melilite also changes continuously from 16O‐poor to 16O‐rich with the crystal growth. These observations suggest that the melilite condensation proceeded with change consistent with an astrophysical setting around the inner edge of a protoplanetary disk where both 16O‐rich solar coronal gas and 16O‐poor dense protoplanetary disk gas could coexist. Fluffy type A CAIs could have been formed around the inner edge of the protoplanetary disk surrounding the early sun.  相似文献   

Zinner and Göpel ( 1992 , 2002 ) found clear evidence for the former presence of 26Al in the H4 chondrites Ste. Marguerite and Forest Vale. They assumed that the 26Al‐26Mg systematics of these chondrites date “metamorphic cooling of the H4 parent body.” Plagioclase in these chondrites can have very high Al/Mg ratios and low Mg concentrations, making these ion probe analyses susceptible to ratio bias, which is inversely proportional to the number of counts of the denominator isotope (Ogliore et al. 2011 ). Zinner and Göpel ( 2002 ) used the mean of the ratios to calculate the isotope ratios, which exacerbates this problem. We analyzed the Al/Mg ratios and Mg isotopic compositions of plagioclase grains in thin sections of Ste. Marguerite, Forest Vale, Beaver Creek, and Sena to evaluate the possible influence of ratio bias on the published initial 26Al/27Al ratios for these meteorites. We calculated the isotope ratios using total counts, a less biased method of calculating isotope ratios. The results from our analyses are consistent with those from Zinner and Göpel ( 2002 ), indicating that ratio bias does not significantly affect 26Al‐26Mg results for plagioclase in these chondrites. Ste. Marguerite has a clear isochron with an initial 26Al/27Al ratio indicating that it cooled to below 450 °C 5.2 ± 0.2 Myr after CAIs. The isochrons for Forest Vale and Beaver Creek also show clear evidence that 26Al was alive when they cooled, but the initial 26Al/27Al ratios are not well constrained. Sena does not show evidence that 26Al was alive when it cooled to below the Al‐Mg closure temperature. Given that metallographic cooling rates for Ste. Marguerite, Forest Vale, and Beaver Creek are atypical (>5000 °C/Myr at 500 °C) compared with most H4s, including Sena, which have cooling rates of 10–50 °C/Myr at 500 °C (Scott et al. 2014 ), we conclude that the Al‐Mg systematics for Ste. Marguerite, Forest Vale, and Beaver Creek are the result of impact excavation of these chondrites and cooling at the surface of the parent body, instead of undisturbed cooling at depth in the H chondrite parent body, like many have assumed.  相似文献   

Tiny refractory metal nuggets are mainly observed inside Ca, Al‐rich inclusions (CAIs) from chondritic meteorites and are commonly assumed to be condensates from a solar composition gas. However, recent detailed studies of metal nugget compositions and their comparison with predictions from condensation show that the observed abundance patterns are extremely difficult to achieve in this way. As a test for the proposed alternative, precipitation from a silicate liquid, we conducted melting experiments, in which nine different refractory metals (nugget components) were equilibrated with each other along with a CAI‐like liquid at reducing conditions. When quenched, minerals similar to those in CAIs formed from such liquids including refractory metal nuggets exhibiting compositions and appearances similar to those of the meteoritic nuggets. The run products and their comparison with a meteoritic nugget‐bearing CAI is evidence for formation of refractory metal nuggets during cooling of Ca, Al‐rich liquids at rates about 1000°/40 s (in the interval from 1900 to 900 °C). To achieve the formation of refractory metal nuggets and the textures observed in the host inclusions, during cooling the rate probably changed. Refractory metal nuggets apparently formed during quenching before spinel crystallized.  相似文献   

We report the bulk C abundances, and C and O isotopic compositions of carbonates in 64 CM chondrites, 14 CR chondrites, 2 CI chondrites, LEW 85332 (C2), Kaba (CV3), and Semarkona (LL3.0). For the unheated CMs, the total ranges of carbonate isotopic compositions are δ13C ≈ 25–75‰ and δ18O ≈ 15–35‰, and bulk carbonate C contents range from 0.03 to 0.60 wt%. There is no simple correlation between carbonate abundance and isotopic composition, or between either of these parameters and the extent of alteration. Unless accretion was very heterogeneous, the uncorrelated variations in extent of alteration and carbonate abundance suggests that there was a period of open system behavior in the CM parent body, probably prior to or at the start of aqueous alteration. Most of the ranges in CM carbonate isotopic compositions can be explained by their formation at different temperatures (0–130 °C) from a single fluid in which the carbonate O isotopes were controlled by equilibrium with water (δ18O ≈ 5‰) and the C isotopes were controlled by equilibrium with CO and/or CH413C ≈ ?33‰ or ?20‰ for CO‐ or CH4‐dominated systems, respectively). However, carbonate formation would have to have been inefficient, otherwise carbonate compositions would have resembled those of the starting fluid. A quite similar fluid composition (δ18O ≈ ?5.5‰, and δ13C ≈ ?31‰ or ?17‰ for CO‐ or CH4‐dominated systems, respectively) can explain the carbonate compositions of the CIs, although the formation temperatures would have been lower (~10–40 °C) and the relative abundances of calcite and dolomite may play a more important role in determining bulk carbonate compositions than in the CMs. The CR carbonates exhibit a similar range of O isotopes, but an almost bimodal distribution of C isotopes between more (δ13C ≈ 65–80‰) and less altered samples (δ13C ≈ 30–40‰). This bimodality can still be explained by precipitation from fluids with the same isotopic composition (δ18O ≈ ?9.25‰, and δ13C ≈ ?21‰ or ?8‰ for CO‐ or CH4‐dominated systems, respectively) if the less altered CRs had higher mole fractions of CO2 in their fluids. Semarkona and Kaba carbonates have some of the lightest C isotopic compositions of the meteorites studied here, probably because they formed at higher temperatures and/or from more CO2‐rich fluids. The fluids responsible for the alteration of chondrites and from which the carbonates formed were almost certainly accreted as ices. By analogy with cometary ices, CO2 and/or CO would have dominated the trapped volatile species in the ices. The chondrites studied are too oxidized for CO‐dominated fluids to have formed in their parent bodies. If CH4 was the dominant C species in the fluids during carbonate formation, it would have to have been generated in the parent bodies from CO and/or CO2 when oxidation of metal by water created high partial pressures of H2. The fact that the chondrite carbonate C/H2O mole ratios are of the order predicted for CO/CO2‐H2O ices that experienced temperatures of >50–100 K suggests that the chondrites formed at radial distances of <4–15 AU.  相似文献   

Abstract— We report in situ magnesium isotope measurements of 7 porphyritic magnesium‐rich (type I) chondrules, 1 aluminum‐rich chondrule, and 16 refractory inclusions (14 Ca‐Al‐rich inclusions [CAIs] and 2 amoeboid olivine aggregates [AOAs]) from the ungrouped carbonaceous chondrite Acfer 094 using a Cameca IMS 6f ion microprobe. Both AOAs and 9 CAIs show radiogenic 26Mg excesses corresponding to initial 26Al/27Al ratios between ~5 × 10?5 ~7 × 10?5 suggesting that formation of the Acfer 094 CAIs may have lasted for ~300,000 years. Four CAIs show no evidence for radiogenic 26Mg; three of these inclusions (a corundum‐rich, a grossite‐rich, and a pyroxene‐hibonite spherule CAI) are very refractory objects and show deficits in 26Mg, suggesting that they probably never contained 26Al. The fourth object without evidence for radiogenic 26Mg is an anorthite‐rich, igneous (type C) CAI that could have experienced late‐stage melting that reset its Al‐Mg systematics. Significant excesses in 26Mg were observed in two chondrules. The inferred 26Al/27Al ratios in these two chondrules are (10.3 ± 7.4) × 10?6 (6.0 ± 3.8) × 10?6 (errors are 2σ), suggesting formation 1.6+1.2‐0.6 and 2.2+0.4‐0.3 Myr after CAIs with the canonical 26Al/27Al ratio of 5 × 10?5. These age differences are consistent with the inferred age differences between CAIs and chondrules in primitive ordinary (LL3.0–LL3.1) and carbonaceous (CO3.0) chondrites.  相似文献   

Abstract— In situ io n microprobe analyses of spinel in refractory calcium‐aluminium‐rich inclusions (CAIs) from type 3 EH chondrites yield 16O‐rich compositions (δ 18O and δ 17O about‐40‰). Spinel and feldspar in a CAI from an EL3 chondrite have significantly heavier isotopic compositions (δ 18O and δ 17O about ?5‰). A regression through the data results in a line with slope 1.0 on a three‐isotope plot, similar to isotopic results from unaltered minerals in CAIs from carbonaceous chondrites. The existence of CAIs with 16O‐rich and 16O‐poor compositions in carbonaceous as well as enstatite chondrites indicates that CAIs formed in at least two temporally or spatially distinct oxygen reservoirs. General similarities in oxygen isotopic compositions of CAIs from enstatite, carbonaceous, and ordinary chondrites indicate a common nebular mechanism or locale for the production of most CAIs.  相似文献   

Abstract— Twenty‐four refractory inclusions (40–230 μm, with average of 86 ± 40 μm) were found by X‐ray mapping of 18 ordinary chondrites. All inclusions are heavily altered, consisting of finegrained feldspathoids, spinel, and Ca‐pyroxene with minor ilmenite. The presence of feldspathoids and lack of melilite are due to alteration that took place under oxidizing conditions as indicated by FeO‐ZnO‐rich spinel and ilmenite. The pre‐altered mineral assemblages are dominated by two types: one rich in melilite, referred to as type A‐like, and the other rich in spinel, referred to as spinelpyroxene inclusions. This study and previous data show similar type and size distributions of refractory inclusions in ordinary and enstatite chondrites. A survey of refractory inclusions was also conducted on Allende and Murchison in order to make unbiased comparison with their counterparts in other chondrites. The predominant inclusions are type A and spinel‐pyroxene, with average sizes of 170 ± 130 μm (except for two mm‐sized inclusions) in Allende and 150 ± 100 μm in Murchison. The relatively larger sizes are partially due to common conglomerating of smaller nodules in both chondrites. The survey reveals closely similar type and size distributions of refractory inclusions in various chondrites, consistent with our previous data of other carbonaceous chondrites. The petrographic observations suggest that refractory inclusions in various groups of chondrites had primarily formed under similar processes and conditions, and were transported to different chondrite‐accreting regions. Heterogeneous abundance and distinct alteration assemblages of refractory inclusions from various chondrites could be contributed to transporting processes and secondary reactions under different conditions.  相似文献   

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