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Shatter cones are one of the most widely recognized pieces of evidence for meteorite impact events on Earth, but the process responsible for their formation is still debated. Evidence of melting on shatter cone surfaces has been rarely reported in the literature from terrestrial impact craters but has been recently observed in impact experiments. Although several models for shatter cones formation have been proposed, so far, no one can explain all the observed features. Shatter cones' from the Vista Alegre impact structure, Brazil, formed in fine‐grained basalt of the Jurassic‐Cretaceous Serra Geral Formation (Paraná large igneous province). A continuous quenched melt film, consisting of a crystalline phase, mica, and amorphous material, decorates the striated surface. Ultracataclasites, containing subrounded pyroxene clasts in an ultrafine‐grained matrix, occur subparallel to the striated surface. Several techniques were applied to characterize the crystalline phase in the melt, including Raman spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy. Results are not consistent with any known mineral, but they do suggest a possible rare or new type of clinopyroxene. This peculiar evidence of melting and cataclasis in relation with shatter cone surfaces is interpreted as the result of tensile fracturing at the tip of a fast propagating shock‐induced rupture, which led to the formation of shatter cones at the tail of the shock front, likely during the early stage of the impact events.  相似文献   

Abstract– The Vista Alegre structure, centered at 25°57′S and 52°41′W, has been recently proposed as a meteorite impact structure. The 9.5 km‐diameter structure is located in the Paraná state of southern Brazil, within the Paraná Basin, which contains one of the largest and most extensive flood basalt provinces on Earth. The Paraná flood basalts belong to the Serra Geral Formation and are temporally related to the opening of the South Atlantic Ocean, having been dated at about 133–132 Ma. Tholeiitic basalts dominate the western portion of Paraná state, with some minor rhyodacites. Morphologically, Vista Alegre has a prominent circular outline, in the form of an incomplete ring of escarpments, and an inner depression. The presence of a central uplift is not obvious, but it is inferred by the occurrence of deformed sandstone blocks near the center of the structure. These sandstones are possibly related to the Triassic Pirambóia Formation and/or to the Cretaceous Botucatu Formation. These units are normally at stratigraphic depths of about 700–800 m below the present surface in this portion of the Paraná Basin. The structure appears to be in an advanced erosion stage and its interior is occupied by a soil cover several meters thick, extensively used for agriculture. As a result there are limited outcrops in the interior of the structure, all of polymict breccias, some of them melt‐bearing. We report the extensive occurrence of shatter cones, in the form of fine‐grained rock clasts within the polymict breccias. The shatter cone‐bearing breccias occur at different locations within the structure, separated by several kilometers. The nested shatter cones range in size from about 0.5 to 20 cm for individual cones, and up to half a meter for complete assemblages. The shatter cones formed in fine‐grained Parana flood basalt and might be the first examples of shatter cones in such a rock type. In addition, planar deformation features (PDFs) were found in quartz grains within sedimentary rock clasts of the polymict breccia. These findings confirm the impact origin of the Vista Alegre structure.  相似文献   

Siljan, central Sweden, is the largest known impact structure in Europe. It was formed at about 380 Ma, in the late Devonian period. The structure has been heavily eroded to a level originally located underneath the crater floor, and to date, important questions about the original size and morphology of Siljan remain unanswered. Here we present the results of a shock barometry study of quartz‐bearing surface and drill core samples combined with numerical modeling using iSALE. The investigated 13 bedrock granitoid samples show that the recorded shock pressure decreases with increasing depth from 15 to 20 GPa near the (present) surface, to 10–15 GPa at 600 m depth. A best‐fit model that is consistent with observational constraints relating to the present size of the structure, the location of the downfaulted sediments, and the observed surface and vertical shock barometry profiles is presented. The best‐fit model results in a final crater (rim‐to‐rim) diameter of ~65 km. According to our simulations, the original Siljan impact structure would have been a peak‐ring crater. Siljan was formed in a mixed target of Paleozoic sedimentary rocks overlaying crystalline basement. Our modeling suggests that, at the time of impact, the sedimentary sequence was approximately 3 km thick. Since then, there has been around 4 km of erosion of the structure.  相似文献   

Abstract– Serra da Cangalha is a complex impact structure with a crater diameter of 13,700 m and a central uplift diameter of 5800 m. New findings of shatter cones, planar fractures, feather features, and possible planar deformation features are presented. Several ring‐like features that are visible on remote sensing imagery are caused by selective erosion of tilted strata. The target at Serra da Cangalha is composed of Devonian to Permian sedimentary rocks, mainly sandstones that are interlayered with siltstone and claystones. NNE–SSW and WNW–ESE‐striking joint sets were present prior to the impact and also overprinted the structure after its formation. As preferred zones of weakness, these joint sets partly controlled the shape of the outer perimeter of the structure and, in particular, affected the deformation within the central uplift. Joints in radial orientation to the impact center did not undergo a change in orientation during tilting of strata when the central uplift was formed. These planes were used as major displacement zones. The asymmetry of the central uplift, with preferred overturning of strata in the northern to western sector, may suggest a moderately oblique impact from a southerly direction. Buckle folding of tilted strata, as well as strata overturning, indicates that the central uplift became gravitationally unstable at the end of crater formation.  相似文献   

Large impact structures have complex morphologies, with zones of structural uplift that can be expressed topographically as central peaks and/or peak rings internal to the crater rim. The formation of these structures requires transient strength reduction in the target material and one of the proposed mechanisms to explain this behavior is acoustic fluidization. Here, samples of shock‐metamorphosed quartz‐bearing lithologies at the West Clearwater Lake impact structure, Canada, are used to estimate the maximum recorded shock pressures in three dimensions across the crater. These measurements demonstrate that the currently observed distribution of shock metamorphism is strongly controlled by the formation of the structural uplift. The distribution of peak shock pressures, together with apparent crater morphology and geological observations, is compared with numerical impact simulations to constrain parameters used in the block‐model implementation of acoustic fluidization. The numerical simulations produce craters that are consistent with morphological and geological observations. The results show that the regeneration of acoustic energy must be an important feature of acoustic fluidization in crater collapse, and should be included in future implementations. Based on the comparison between observational data and impact simulations, we conclude that the West Clearwater Lake structure had an original rim (final crater) diameter of 35–40 km and has since experienced up to ~2 km of differential erosion.  相似文献   

Forward modeling is commonly applied to gravity field data of impact structures to determine the main gravity anomaly sources. In this context, we have developed 2.5‐D gravity models of the Serra da Cangalha impact structure for the purpose of investigating geological bodies/structures underneath the crater. Interpretation of the models was supported by ground magnetic data acquired along profiles, as well as by high resolution aeromagnetic data. Ground magnetic data reveal the presence of short‐wavelength anomalies probably related to shallow magnetic sources that could have been emplaced during the cratering process. Aeromagnetic data show that the basement underneath the crater occurs at an average depth of about 1.9 km, whereas in the region beneath the central uplift it is raised to 0.5–1 km below the current surface. These depths are also supported by 2.5‐D gravity models showing a gentle relief for the basement beneath the central uplift area. Geophysical data were used to provide further constraints for numeral modeling of crater formation that provided important information on the structural modification that affected the rocks underneath the crater, as well as on shock‐induced modifications of target rocks. The results showed that the morphology is consistent with the current observations of the crater and that Serra da Cangalha was formed by a meteorite of approximately 1.4 km diameter striking at 12 km s?1.  相似文献   

Two-and three-dimensional numerical simulations of the formation of the Eltanin submarine impact structure are described. Based on the numerical results, the impactor size can be estimated, its destruction and the subsequent motion of fragments can be described, and the initial amplitude of the tsunami wave can be determined.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Vredefort structure in South Africa was created by a meteorite impact about two billion years ago. Since that time, the crater has been deeply eroded; so to estimate its original size, researchers have had to rely heavily upon comparison to other terrestrial impact structures. Recent estimates of the original crater diameter range from 160 km to as much as 400 km. In this study, we combined the capabilities of both hydrocode and finite-element modeling, using the former to predict where the pressure of an impact-generated shock wave would have been high enough to form planar deformation features (PDFs) and shatter cones and the latter to follow the subsequent displacement of these shock isobars during the collapse of the crater. We established constraints on the sizes of the projectile and the transient crater (and, thus, on the size of the final crater) by comparing the observed locations of PDFs around Vredefort to the results of our simulations of impacts by projectiles of various sizes. These simulations indicate that a rocky projectile with a diameter of ~10 km, impacting vertically at a velocity of 20 km/s generates shock pressures that are consistent with the distribution of PDFs around Vredefort. These projectile parameters correspond to a transient crater ~80 km in diameter or a final crater ~120–160 km in diameter. Allowing for uncertainties in our modeling procedures, we consider final craters 120 to 200 km in diameter to be consistent with the observed locations of PDFs at Vredefort. The shock pressure contour corresponding to the formation of shatter cones is almost horizontal near the surface, making the locations of these features less useful constraints on the crater size. However, they may provide a constraint on the amount of erosion that has occurred since the impact.  相似文献   

Abstract— The results of a systematic field mapping campaign at the Haughton impact structure have revealed new information about the tectonic evolution of mid‐size complex impact structures. These studies reveal that several structures are generated during the initial compressive outward‐directed growth of the transient cavity during the excavation stage of crater formation: (1) sub‐vertical radial faults and fractures; (2) sub‐horizontal bedding parallel detachment faults; and (3) minor concentric faults and fractures. Uplift of the transient cavity floor toward the end of the excavation stage produces a central uplift. Compressional inward‐directed deformation results in the duplication of strata along thrust faults and folds. It is notable that Haughton lacks a central topographic peak or peak ring. The gravitational collapse of transient cavity walls involves the complex interaction of a series of interconnected radial and concentric faults. While the outermost concentric faults dip in toward the crater center, the majority of the innermost faults at Haughton dip away from the center. Complex interactions between an outward‐directed collapsing central uplift and inward collapsing crater walls during the final stages of crater modification resulted in a structural ring of uplifted, intensely faulted (sub‐) vertical and/or overturned strata at a radial distance from the crater center of ?5.0–6.5 km. Converging flow during the collapse of transient cavity walls was accommodated by the formation of several structures: (1) sub‐vertical radial faults and folds; (2) positive flower structures and chaotically brecciated ridges; (3) rollover anticlines in the hanging‐walls of major listric faults; and (4) antithetic faults and crestal collapse grabens. Oblique strike‐slip (i.e., centripetal) movement along concentric faults also accommodated strain during the final stages of readjustment during the crater modification stage. It is clear that deformation during collapse of the transient cavity walls at Haughton was brittle and localized along discrete fault planes separating kilometer‐size blocks.  相似文献   

Abstract— The 40 km wide Araguainha structure in central Brazil is a shallowly eroded impact crater that presents unique insights into the final stages of complex crater formation. The dominant structural features preserved at Araguainha relate directly to the centripetal movement of the target rocks during the collapse of the transient cavity. Slumping of the transient cavity walls resulted in inward‐verging inclined folds and a km‐scale anticline in the outer ring of the structure. The folding stage was followed by radial and concentric faulting, with downward displacement of kilometer‐scale blocks around the crater rim. The central uplift records evidence for km‐scale upward movement of crystalline basement rocks from the transient cavity floor, and lateral moment of sedimentary target rocks detached from the cavity walls. Much of the structural grain in the central uplift relates to structural stacking of km‐scale thrust sheets of sedimentary strata onto the core of crystalline basement rocks. Outward‐plunging radial folds indicate tangential oblate shortening of the strata during the imbrication of the thrust sheets. Each individual sheet records an early stage of folding and thickening due to non‐coaxial strains, shortly before sheet imbrication. We attribute this folding and thickening phase to the kilometer‐scale inward movement of the target strata from the transient cavity walls to the central uplift. The outer parts of the central uplift record additional outward movement of the target rocks, possibly related to the collapse of the central uplift. An inner ring structure at 10–12 km from the crater center marks the extent of the deformation related to the outward movement of the target rocks.  相似文献   

Abstract— The recent Carancas meteorite impact event caused a worldwide sensation. An H4–5 chondrite struck the Earth south of Lake Titicaca in Peru on September 15, 2007, and formed a crater 14.2 m across. It is the smallest, youngest, and one of two eye‐witnessed impact crater events on Earth. The impact violated the hitherto existing view that stony meteorites below a size of 100 m undergo major disruption and deceleration during their passage through the atmosphere and are not capable of producing craters. Fragmentation occurs if the strength of the meteoroid is less than the aerodynamic stresses that occur in flight. The small fragments that result from a breakup rain down at terminal velocity and are not capable of producing impact craters. The Carancas cratering event, however, demonstrates that meter‐sized stony meteoroids indeed can survive the atmospheric passage under specific circumstances. We present results of a detailed geologic survey of the crater and its ejecta. To constrain the possible range of impact parameters we carried out numerical models of crater formation with the iSALE hydrocode in two and three dimensions. Depending on the strength properties of the target, the impact energies range between approximately 100–1000 MJ (0.024–0.24 t TNT). By modeling the atmospheric traverse we demonstrate that low cosmic velocities (12–14 kms?1) and shallow entry angles (<20 °) are prerequisites to keep aerodynamic stresses low (<10 MPa) and thus to prevent fragmentation of stony meteoroids with standard strength properties. This scenario results in a strong meteoroid deceleration, a deflection of the trajectory to a steeper impact angle (40–60 °), and an impact velocity of 350–600 ms?1, which is insufficient to produce a shock wave and significant shock effects in target minerals. Aerodynamic and crater modeling are consistent with field data and our microscopic inspection. However, these data are in conflict with trajectories inferred from the analysis of infrasound signals.  相似文献   

We present results of 161 numerical simulations of impacts into 100-km diameter asteroids, examining debris trajectories to search for the formation of bound satellite systems. Our simulations utilize a 3-dimensional smooth-particle hydrodynamics (SPH) code to model the impact between the colliding asteroids. The outcomes of the SPH models are handed off as the initial conditions for N-body simulations, which follow the trajectories of the ejecta fragments to search for the formation of satellite systems. Our results show that catastrophic and large-scale cratering collisions create numerous fragments whose trajectories can be changed by particle-particle interactions and by the reaccretion of material onto the remaining target body. Some impact debris can enter into orbit around the remaining target body, which is a gravitationally reaccreted rubble pile, to form a SMAshed Target Satellite (SMATS). Numerous smaller fragments escaping the largest remnant may have similar trajectories such that many become bound to one another, forming Escaping Ejecta Binaries (EEBs). Our simulations so far seem to be able to produce satellite systems qualitatively similar to observed systems in the main asteroid belt. We find that impacts of 34-km diameter projectiles striking at 3 km s−1 at impact angles of ∼30° appear to be particularly efficient at producing relatively large satellites around the largest remnant as well as large numbers of modest-size binaries among their escaping ejecta.  相似文献   

We present results of 161 numerical simulations of impacts into 100-km diameter asteroids, examining debris trajectories to search for the formation of bound satellite systems. Our simulations utilize a 3-dimensional smooth-particle hydrodynamics (SPH) code to model the impact between the colliding asteroids. The outcomes of the SPH models are handed off as the initial conditions for N-body simulations, which follow the trajectories of the ejecta fragments to search for the formation of satellite systems. Our results show that catastrophic and large-scale cratering collisions create numerous fragments whose trajectories can be changed by particle-particle interactions and by the reaccretion of material onto the remaining target body. Some impact debris can enter into orbit around the remaining target body, which is a gravitationally reaccreted rubble pile, to form a SMAshed Target Satellite (SMATS). Numerous smaller fragments escaping the largest remnant may have similar trajectories such that many become bound to one another, forming Escaping Ejecta Binaries (EEBs). Our simulations so far seem to be able to produce satellite systems qualitatively similar to observed systems in the main asteroid belt. We find that impacts of 34-km diameter projectiles striking at 3 km s−1 at impact angles of ∼30° appear to be particularly efficient at producing relatively large satellites around the largest remnant as well as large numbers of modest-size binaries among their escaping ejecta.  相似文献   

Abstract— Pursuing the exploration of the Araguainha impact structure (Engelhardt et al., 1992), we present 40Ar/39Ar ages (1) of biotite samples from the granite, which forms the central uplift of the structure, and (2) of a melt rock, formed by the impact. Total degassing ages of biotites from granite samples range from 326 to 481 Ma. The variation is explained by Ar losses due to the oxidation of divalent Fe and by removal of K. The K loss depends on the time that the granite was exposed to weathering at particular outcrops. The oldest age of the least oxidized biotite from a granite sample, collected at a site most recently exposed, signifies that the ascending granite passed the 300° isotherm earlier than 481 Ma ago. Early Devonian Furnas sandstones, the oldest sediments exposed by the impact, were deposited on this granite basement 410–396 Ma ago. The 40Ar/39Ar analyses of two size fractions of an impact melt rock, resulting in plateau ages of 245.5 ± 3.5 Ma and 243.3 ± 3.0 Ma, respectively, indicate that the Araguainha impact occurred close to the Permian-Triassic boundary.  相似文献   

Coesite is one of the most common and abundant high‐pressure phases occurring in impactites. The mechanism of formation of coesite and its postshock evolution is revisited in this paper based on Raman microspectroscopy, and scanning and transmission electron microscopy of a coesite‐bearing suevite from the Ries impact structure. Our data indicate that coesite forms through a single process, i.e., by crystallization from high‐pressure silica melt, and that its formation is related to fluid inclusions in precursor quartz. During the postshock phase, coesite aggregates are partially modified by annealing and interactions with fluids. In an early stage of the postshock evolution, coesite is back‐transformed to quartz and the surrounding diaplectic glass devitrifies into β‐cristobalite, which transforms into α‐cristobalite and then into microcrystalline quartz during subsequent stages of the postshock evolution. Altogether these postshock modifications result in a significant volume loss and extensional fracturing. During a late postshock stage, the fractures are filled with clay minerals due to circulation of hydrothermal fluids.  相似文献   

To clarify the effect of a surface regolith layer on the formation of craters in bedrock, we conducted impact-cratering experiments on two-layered targets composed of a basalt block covered with a mortar layer. A nylon projectile was impacted on the targets at velocities of 2 and 4 km s?1, and we investigated the crater size formed on the basalt. The crater size decreased with increased mortar thickness and decreased projectile mass and impact velocity. The normalized crater volume, πV, of all the data was successfully scaled by the following exponential equation with a reduction length λ0: πV=b0πY-b1exp(-λ/λ0), where λ is the normalized thickness T/Lp, T and Lp are the mortar thickness and the projectile length, respectively, b0 and b1 are fitted parameters obtained for a homogeneous basalt target, 10?2.7±0.7 and ?1.4 ± 0.3, respectively, and λ0 is obtained to be 0.38 ± 0.03. This empirical equation showing the effect of the mortar layer was physically explained by an improved non-dimensional scaling parameter, πY1, defined by πY1=Y/(ρtup2), where up was the particle velocity of the mortar layer at the boundary between the mortar and the basalt. We performed the impact experiments to obtain the attenuation rate of the particle velocity in the mortar layer and derived the empirical equation of upvi=0.50exp-λ1.03, where vi is the impact velocity of the projectile. We propose a simple model for the crater formation on the basalt block that the surface mortar layer with the impact velocity of up collides on the surface of the basalt block, and we confirmed that this model could reproduce our empirical equation showing the effect of the surface layer on the crater volume of basalt.  相似文献   

Ancient, SiO2‐rich achondrites have previously been proposed to have formed by disequilibrium partial melting of chondrites. Here, we test the alternative hypothesis that these achondrites formed by fractional crystallization of impact melts of Rumuruti (R) chondrites. We identified two new melt clasts in R chondrites, one in Pecora Escarpment (PCA) 91241 and one in LaPaz Icefield (LAP) 031275. We analyzed major, minor, and trace element concentrations, as well as oxygen isotopes, of these two clasts and a third one that had been previously recognized (Bischoff et al. 2011) as an impact melt in Dar al Gani (DaG) 013. The melt clast in PCA 91241 is an R chondrite impact melt closely resembling the one previously recognized in DaG 013. The melt clast in LAP 031275 has an L chondrite provenance. We show that SiO2‐rich melts could form from the mesostases of R chondrite impact melts. However, their CI‐normalized rare earth element patterns are flat, whereas those of ancient SiO2‐rich achondrites (Day et al. 2012; Srinivasan et al. 2018) and those of disequilibrium partial melts of chondrites (Feldstein et al. 2001) have positive Eu anomalies from preferential melting of plagioclase. Thus, we conclude that ancient SiO2‐rich achondrites were probably formed by disequilibrium partial melting (due to an internal heat source on their parent bodies), rather than from impact melts.  相似文献   

Peak-ring basins represent an impact-crater morphology that is transitional between complex craters with central peaks and large multi-ring basins. Therefore, they can provide insight into the scale dependence of the impact process. Here the transition with increasing crater diameter from complex craters to peak-ring basins on Mercury is assessed through a detailed analysis of Eminescu, a geologically recent and well-preserved peak-ring basin. Eminescu has a diameter (∼125 km) close to the minimum for such crater forms and is thus representative of the transition. Impact crater size-frequency distributions and faint rays indicate that Eminescu is Kuiperian in age, geologically younger than most other basins on Mercury. Geologic mapping of basin interior units indicates a distinction between smooth plains and peak-ring units. Our mapping and crater retention ages favor plains formation by impact melt rather than post-impact volcanism, but a volcanic origin for the plains cannot be excluded if the time interval between basin formation and volcanic emplacement was less than the uncertainty in relative ages. The high-albedo peak ring of Eminescu is composed of bright crater-floor deposits (BCFDs, a distinct crustal unit seen elsewhere on Mercury) exposed by the impact. We use our observations to assess predictions of peak-ring formation models. We interpret the characteristics of Eminescu as consistent with basin formation models in which a melt cavity forms during the impact formation of craters at the transition to peak ring morphologies. We suggest that the smooth plains were emplaced via impact melt expulsion from the central melt cavity during uplift of a peak ring composed of BCFD-type material. In this scenario the ringed cluster of peaks resulted from the early development of the melt cavity, which modified the central uplift zone.  相似文献   

Carbonates from the impact melt-bearing breccia in the 2016 IODP/ICDP Expedition 364 drill core at Site M0077 were systematically documented and characterized petrographically and geochemically. Calcite, the only carbonate mineral present, is abundant throughout this deposit as five distinct varieties: (1) subangular carbonate clasts (Type A); (2) subround/irregular carbonate clasts with clay altered rims (Type B); (3) fine-crystalline matrix calcite (Type C); (4) void-filling sparry calcite (Type D); and (5) microcrystalline carbonate with flow textures (Type E). Quantitative geochemical analysis shows that calcite in all carbonate varieties are low in elemental impurities (<2.0 cumulative wt% on average); however, relative concentrations of MgO and MnO vary, which provides distinction between each variety: MgO is highest in calcite from Types A, B, and C carbonates (0.2–0.8 wt% on average); MnO is highest in calcite from Types B, C, and D carbonates (0.2–1.3 wt% on average); and calcite from Type E carbonate is most pure (<0.1 wt% on average MgO and MnO, cumulatively). Based on textural and geochemical variations between carbonate types, we interpret that some of the carbonate target rocks melted during impact and were immiscible within the silicate-dominated melt sheet prior to the resurgence of seawater. Type B clasts were formed by molten fuel–coolant interaction, as the incoming seawater eroded through the melt sheet and encountered carbonate melt (Type E). Post-impact meteoric-dominated hydrothermal activity produced the Mn-elevated calcite from Type C and D carbonates, and altered the Type B clasts to be elevated in Mn and host a clay-rich rim.  相似文献   

The center of the 35.3 Ma Chesapeake Bay impact structure (85 km diameter) was drilled during 2005/2006 in an ICDP–USGS drilling project. The Eyreville drill cores include polymict impact breccias and associated rocks (1397–1551 m depth). Tens of melt particles from these impactites were studied by optical and electron microscopy, electron microprobe, and microRaman spectroscopy, and classified into six groups: m1—clear or brownish melt, m2—brownish melt altered to phyllosilicates, m3—colorless silica melt, m4—melt with pyroxene and plagioclase crystallites, m5—dark brown melt, and m6—melt with globular texture. These melt types have partly overlapping major element abundances, and large compositional variations due to the presence of schlieren, poorly mixed melt phases, partly digested clasts, and variable crystallization and alteration. The different melt types also vary in their abundance with depth in the drill core. Based on the chemical data, mixing calculations were performed to determine possible precursors of these melt particles. The calculations suggest that most melt types formed mainly from the thick sedimentary section of the target sequence (mainly the Potomac Formation), but an additional crystalline basement (schist/gneiss) precursor is likely for the most abundant melt types m2 and m5. Sedimentary rocks with compositions similar to those of the melt particles are present among the Eyreville core samples. Therefore, sedimentary target rocks were the main precursor of the Eyreville melt particles. However, the composition of the melt particles is not only the result of the precursor composition but also the result of changes during melting and solidification, as well as postimpact alteration, which must also be considered. The variability of the melt particle compositions reflects the variety of target rocks and indicates that there was no uniform melt source. Original heterogeneities, resulting from melting of different target rocks, may be preserved in impactites of some large impact structures that formed in volatile‐rich targets, because no large melt body exists, in which homogenization would have taken place.  相似文献   

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