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Regime shifts in the Humboldt Current ecosystem   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Of the four major eastern boundary currents, the Humboldt Current (HC) stands out because it is extremely productive, dominated by anchovy dynamics and subject to frequent direct environmental perturbations of the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO). The long-term dynamics of the HC ecosystem are controlled by shifts between alternating anchovy and sardine regimes that restructure the entire ecosystem from phytoplankton to the top predators. These regime shifts are caused by lasting periods of warm or cold temperature anomalies related to the approach or retreat of warm subtropical oceanic waters to the coast of Peru and Chile. Phases with mainly negative temperature anomalies parallel anchovy regimes (1950–1970; 1985 to the present) and the rather warm period from 1970 to 1985 was characterized by sardine dominance. The transition periods (turning points) from one regime to the other were 1968–1970 and 1984–1986. Like an El Nino, the warm periods drastically change trophic relationships in the entire HC ecosystem, exposing the Peruvian anchovy to a multitude of adverse conditions. Positive temperature anomalies off Peru drive the anchovy population close to the coast as the coastal upwelling cells usually offer the coolest environment, thereby substantially decreasing the extent of the areas of anchovy distribution and spawning. This enhances the effects of negative density-dependent processes such as egg and larval cannibalism and dramatically increases its catchability. Increased spatial overlap between anchovies and the warmer water preferring sardines intensifies anchovy egg mortality further as sardines feed heavily on anchovy eggs.Food sources for juvenile and adult anchovies which prey on a mixed diet of phyto- and zooplankton are drastically reduced because of decreased plankton production due to restricted upwelling in warm years, as demonstrated by lower zooplankton and phytoplankton volumes and the diminution of the fraction of large copepods, their main food source.Horse mackerel and mackerel, the main predators of anchovy, increase predation pressure on juvenile and adult anchovies due to extended invasion into the anchovy habitat in warmer years. In contrast to these periods of warm and cold temperature anomalies on the decadal scale, ENSO events do not play an important role for long-term anchovy dynamics, as the anchovy can recover even from strong ENSO events within 1–2 years. Consequently, the strong 1972–1973 ENSO event (in combination with overfishing) was not the cause of the famous crash of the Peruvian anchovy fishery in the 1970s.  相似文献   

The El Ni?o Southern Oscillation(ENSO) is a natural phenomenon that relates to the fluctuation of temperatures over the Pacific Ocean. The ENSO significantly affects the ocean dynamics including upwelling event and coastal front. A recent study discovered the seasonal upwelling in the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia(ECPM), which is significant to the fishery industry in this region. Thus, it is vital to have a better understanding of the influence of ENSO towards the coastal upwelling and thermal front in the ECPM. The sea surface temperature(SST) data achieved from moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer(MODIS) aboard Aqua satellite are used in this study to observe the SST changes from 2005 to 2015. However, due to cloud cover issue, a reconstruction of data set is applied to MODIS data using the data interpolating empirical orthogonal function(DINEOF) to fill in the missing gap in the dataset based on spatial and temporal available data. Besides, a wavelet transformation analysis is done to determine the temperature fluctuation throughout the time series. The DINEOF results show the coastal upwelling in the ECPM develops in July and reaches its peak in August with a clear cold water patch off the coast. There is also a significant change of SST distribution during the El Ni?o years which weaken the coastal upwelling event along the ECPM. The wavelet transformation analysis shows the highest temperature fluctuation is in 2009–2010 which indicates the strongest El Ni?o throughout the time period. It is suggested that the El Ni?o is favourable for the stratification in water column thus it is weakening the upwelling and thermal frontal zone formation in ECPM waters.  相似文献   

An attempt has been made to develop a holistic understanding of upwelling and downwelling along the south-west coast of India. The main objective was to elucidate the roles of different forcings involved in the vertical motion along this coast. The south-west coast of India was characterized by upwelling during the south-west monsoon (May to September) and by downwelling during the north-east monsoon and winter (November to February). The average vertical velocity calculated along the south-west coast from the vertical shift of the 26?°C isotherm is 0.57?m/day during upwelling and 0.698?m/day during downwelling. It was concluded that upwelling along the south-west coast of India is driven by offshore Ekman transport due to the alongshore wind, Ekman pumping, horizontal divergence of currents and by the propagation of coastally trapped waves. Whereas downwelling along the coast is driven only by convergence of currents and the propagation of coastally trapped Kelvin waves. Along the west coast of India, the downwelling-favorable Kelvin waves come from the equator and upwelling-favorable waves come from the Gulf of Mannar region.  相似文献   

用59年Ishii再分析温度资料,讨论了热带西南印度洋(SWTIO)上升流区的季节和年际变化以及与上升流区有关的温度距平的变化,同时分析了其与热带印太海气系统的关系,结果显示SWTIO 上升流在南半球冬、夏季比较强,春季最弱。它的范围在5°~1°S,在东西向从50°E可以伸展到90°E。该上升流区的变化与温跃层的温度距平有密切的关系,并存在明显的5 a振荡周期。SWTIO上升流区温度距平的5 a周期振荡是由热带东印度洋温度距平在最大垂直温度距平曲面(MTAL)上向西沿着11.5°~6.5°S传播过来的,它与热带太平洋的温度距平传播方式不同。SWTIO上升流是热带印太海气系统的一个重要组成部分,印度洋偶极子 超前SWTIO上升流区温度变化5个月,最大相关系数达到0.57,NINO3区指数超前SWTIO上升流区指数2个月达到0.49。当热带印太区域的大气风场改变,影响热带太平洋和印度洋表层SSTA,出现ENSO和DIPOLE,进一步向西传播到SWTIO次表层,导致SWTIO上升流区出现改变。  相似文献   

The timing and intensity of the effects of the 1997–98 El Niño on sea-surface temperature (SST) and coastal sea level along the US west coast are examined using in situ time-series measurements, and the effects on upper ocean currents on the continental shelf and slope off Oregon and northern California are examined using repeated shipborne ADCP transects, a mid-shelf mooring off Newport Oregon and an HF surface current radar. An initial transient positive anomaly was observed in both adjusted sea level and SST during May–June 1997, followed by anomalously high coastal sea levels, generally strongest during September 1997 through February 1998 and abruptly returned to normal in late February 1998, and by positive temperatures anomalies over the mid-shelf that persisted longer, into April 1998. Low-frequency coastal sea-level anomalies propagated poleward at 2.1 m/s. Poleward flow over the shelf and slope was enhanced at most depths during the El Niño, compared with following years. Northward currents in the upper 12 m over the continental shelf off Newport, Oregon averaged 13.7 cm/s stronger during August 1997 through February 1998 than during the same period the following year. Enhanced poleward flow was present at all latitudes sampled during November 1997 and February 1998, particularly over the continental slope. These transects also provided clear views of a fall/winter equatorward undercurrent, which was both strongest and had the most alongshore similarity of form, during the ENSO. Finally, subsurface-intensified anticyclonic eddies originating in the poleward undercurrent appear to be a recurrent feature of the circulation off Newport late in the upwelling season.  相似文献   

The temporal and spatial distributions of zooplankton biomass and larval fish recorded during 27 months (December 1995-December 1998) off the Pacific coast of central México are analyzed. A total of 316 samples were obtained by surface (from 40-68 to 0 m) oblique hauls at 12 sampling sites using a Bongo net. Two well-defined periods were observed: a pre-ENSO period (December 1995-march 1997) and an ENSO event (July 1997-September 1998) characterized by impoverishment of the pelagic habitat. The highest biomass concentrations occurred at coastal stations during the pre-ENSO period. During the El Niño period no spatial patterns were found in coastal waters. The months with highest biomass were those in which the lowest sea surface temperature (SST) occurred (January-May), and this pattern was also observed during the ENSO period. A typical, although attenuated, seasonal environmental pattern with enhanced phytoplankton (diatoms and dinoflagellates) was prevalent during the El Niño event in nearshore waters. During the El Niño period the phytoplankton was mainly small diatoms (microphytoplankton), while dinoflagellates were practically absent. The most parsimonious generalized linear models explaining spatial and temporal distribution of larval fish species included the ENSO index (MEI), upwelling index (UI) and distance to the coast. The environmental variability defined on an interannual time-scale by the ENSO event and the seasonal hydroclimatic pattern defined by the UI (intra-annual-scale) controlled the ecosystem productivity patterns. The small-scale distribution patterns (defined by a cross-shore gradient) of plankton were related to the hydroclimatic seasonality and modulated by interannual anomalies.  相似文献   

An investigation of surface phytoplankton communities was undertaken on the shelf of the northern Benguela upwelling ecosystem during austral autumn (May) and spring (September), along latitudinal transects at 20° S and 23° S, from 2 to 70 nautical miles offshore, as well as on a zigzag grid located between these transects. Microscopic identification of the phytoplankton and CHEMTAX analysis of pigment biomarkers were used to characterise the community composition. During May 2014, warmer, more-saline water with a shallower upper mixed layer corresponding to periods of less-intense offshore Ekman transport was encountered on the shelf. Satellite imagery indicated high phytoplankton biomass extending for a considerable distance from the coast, and CHEMTAX indicated diatoms as dominant at most of the stations (52–92%), although dinoflagellates were dominant at some inshore localities (57–74%). Species of Chaetoceros, Bacteriastrum and Cylindrotheca were the most abundant, with abundance of the Pseudo-nitzschiaseriata-group’ being particularly high at a number of stations. In September 2014, more-intense wind-forcing resulted in a deeper upper mixed layer and stronger upwelling of colder, less-saline water. Elevated phytoplankton biomass was confined close to the coast, where diatoms accounted for most of the population (54–87%), whereas small flagellates, such as prasinophytes, haptophytes and cryptophytes, as well as the cyanobacterium Synechococcus, dominated the communities (58–90%) farther from the coast. It is hypothesised that stronger upwelling and deeper vertical mixing in September of that year were not conducive for widespread diatom growth, and that small flagellates populated the water column by being entrained from offshore onto the shelf in the upwelled water that moved in towards the coast.  相似文献   

The annual winter sardine run along the South African east coast impacts the KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) coastal system in a variety of ways. These include ecological impacts, such as enrichment of a largely oligotrophic environment, competition between migrant sardine Sardinops sagax, other migrant and resident small pelagic fish species, and interactions with predators, as well as the socio-economic impacts of the sardine run on the local people. Enrichment of KZN coastal waters with organic nitrogen contained within the sardine is compared with alternative sources of nitrogen such as upwelling, river, sewage and stormwater runoff, and groundwater discharge. The sardine run appears to contribute most nitrogen to this system—96 000 t compared to 500–3 300 t for each of the other significant sources at trophic level 2, although upwelling estimates are extremely wide. Nonetheless, the majority of surviving sardine, their young and predators return southwards, suggesting that the nett export of nitrogen to KZN waters during the run is likely to be of a similar order of magnitude as that from other sources. Further, whereas the sardine supply of nitrogen is exclusively during winter, the bulk of the riverine input is in summer, thus ensuring that nitrogen supply in the region is maintained at fairly constant levels throughout the year. Competition for food between small pelagic fish is minimised by resource partitioning, but further dietary data are needed for resident species. Although interactions between sardine and top predators must exist, further studies are needed to confirm links between top predator life cycles and the sardine run. The estimated value of sardine as a tourist spectacle is compared to that from a seasonal beach-seine or boat-based purse-seine fishery for this species. Whereas the estimated value of the sardine as a tourist attraction appears substantially higher than could be derived from catching them, the small-scale beach-seine fishery itself draws tourists and also provides limited, seasonal employment opportunities.  相似文献   

Changes and fluctuations in sea surface temperature (SST) around the South African coast are analysed at a monthly scale from 1982 to 2009. There is a statistically significant negative trend of up to 0.5 °C per decade in the southern Benguela from January to August, and a cooling trend of lesser magnitude along the South Coast and in the Port Elizabeth/Port Alfred region from May to August. The cooling is due to an increase in upwelling-favourable south-easterly and easterly winds. There is a positive trend in SST of up to 0.55 °C per decade in most parts of the Agulhas Current system during all months of the year, except for KwaZulu-Natal where warming is in summer. The warming was attributed to an intensification of the Agulhas Current in response to a poleward shift of westerly winds and an increase in trade winds in the South Indian Ocean at relevant latitudes. This intensification of the Agulhas Current could also have contributed to the coastal cooling in the Port Alfred dynamic upwelling region. The El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is significantly positively correlated at a 95% level with the southern Benguela and South Coast from February to May, and negatively correlated with the Agulhas Current system south of 36° S. The correlation with the Antarctic Annular Oscillation is weaker and less coherent. El Niño suppresses upwelling along the coast, whereas La Niña increases it. Although there does not seem to be a linear relationship between the strength of the ENSO and the magnitude of coastal SST perturbation, El Niño and La Niña appear to be linked to major warm and cool events, respectively, at a seasonal scale in summer in the southern Benguela and along the South Coast. However, care must be taken in interpreting low-resolution reanalysed climate data (ERA40 and NCEP) and optimally interpolated Reynolds SST, such as used here.  相似文献   

2014年与2015年夏季琼东上升流的年际变化及其成因分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文通过2014年与2015年7月琼东海域的现场调查资料,结合卫星遥感数据,对ENSO影响下琼东上升流的变化进行研究分析,结果表明:2015年为强厄尔尼诺年,2015年7月低温高盐水总体上离表层较深,大约为20~30 m(24.5℃等温线和34等盐线),但在近岸处(离岸20 km以内)却相对较浅,24.5℃等温线和34等盐线在整个断面抬升15~25 m,上升流的爬升现象更为明显;受西南季风影响,表层海水离岸运动,低温高盐水沿地形爬升进行补充,是典型的风生上升流。2014年为正常年份,2014年7月,整个断面低温高盐水更接近表层(近岸例外),大约为10~20 m,同等深度低温高盐现象比2015年明显,但上升流爬升现象不明显,24.5℃等温线和34等盐线在整个断面抬升不到10 m;盛行风为东南风、向岸风,对上升流的形成起抑制作用,低温高盐水使整个断面的抬升,不符合风生上升流的特征规律,表明该年琼东上升流的形成可能与外海环流变化导致的温跃层抬升有关。  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal variation of upwelling along the southern coast of Bali and in the Nusa Tenggara waters — Indonesia was studied by using satellite image data of sea surface temperatures and chlorophyll-a from September 1997 to December 2008. This study clearly reveals annual upwelling in the regions from June to October, associated with the southeast monsoon cycle, with the sea surface temperature (chlorophyll-a concentration) being colder (higher) than that during the northwest monsoon. In addition, this study also shows that the upwelling strength is controlled remotely by ENSO and IOD climate phenomena. During El Niño/positive IOD (La Niña/negative IOD) periods, the Bali — Nusa Tenggara upwelling strength increases (decreases).  相似文献   

The El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phase state is reported to drive interannual variability in sea temperatures along South Africa’s south coast through its influence on wind-induced upwelling processes. Whether ENSO drives the intensity of localised, abrupt, intermittent upwelling is less well known. To explore this relationship, we used an index of localised, extreme (>2 °C anomaly), intermittent upwelling intensity, derived from in situ sea temperature data within the Tsitsikamma National Park Marine Protected Area, and quantified the relationship between annual cumulative upwelling intensities (1991–2013) with an annual ENSO index, namely the Southern Oscillation Index. We found that ENSO phase state modulates the cumulative intensity of extreme intermittent upwelling events during an annual period, with more and greater events during La Niña phases compared with El Niño phases. Furthermore, these extreme upwelling events have increased with time along South Africa’s south coast as ENSO phase state becomes more intense and variable. Our findings support the emerging notion that the biological effects of climate change may be manifested through increased environmental variability rather than long-term mean environmental changes as ENSO is predicted to remain the dominant driver of local climate patterns in the future.  相似文献   

水温是影响太平洋褶柔鱼冬生群生长、繁殖、补充的重要因素之一。根据2004–2015年太平洋褶柔鱼冬生群渔业数据和其栖息地环境数据,包括1月产卵场(28°~35°N,125°~130°E)和9月索饵场(31°~38°N,128°~132°E)海表面温度(Sea Surface Temperature,SST),建立了基于SST因子的太平洋褶柔鱼冬生群体的剩余产量模型,分析SST对太平洋褶柔鱼冬生群资源量的影响,对该模型的各项指标进行验证,发现该模型的预测精度较高。结果表明:太平洋褶柔鱼冬生群当年的资源量及渔获量主要受索饵场SST影响,而产卵场SST对其当年渔获量影响不显著。由此建议在今后对产卵场SST因子是否对次年的渔获量及资源量产生影响进行研究,同时渔业管理部门也应根据每年海洋环境状况确定其最大可持续产量,并实时调整管理方案。  相似文献   

利用 SeaWiFS卫星遥感叶绿素质量浓度及TRMM微波遥感海表温度产品,研究了南海海表叶绿素a的季节变化特征及其同海表温度的关系。研究结果表明,南海叶绿素质量浓度具有很强的季节变化:通常低叶绿素质量浓度(<0.12 mg. m-3)出现在弱风、高海表温度(>28 °C)的春、夏季节;高叶绿素质量浓度(>0.13 mg·m-3)出现在有较强风速和较低海表温度(<27 °C)的冬季。线性回归分析显示,南海叶绿素质量浓度同海表温度呈显著负相关关系。尽管在南海南部、南海中部、南海西部及吕宋西北部4个代表子区域的显著性有所差异,但都暗示温度变化所反映的垂向层化调控了营养盐质量浓度和浮游植物量变化。可见,温度可能是影响海洋上层稳定程度及垂向交换强度的重要指标,从而可能调控营养盐及浮游植物的变化。  相似文献   

To understand the coastal upwelling system along the southern coast of Java, we investigated ocean temperature and salinity obtained from an Argo float. In 2008, a positive Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) event began to develop in early May and anomalously cool SST developed around south of Java from May to September. During the peak of the IOD, an Argo float successfully observed vertical structure of temperature and salinity within 90 km from Java. The float observed two intraseasonal-scale temperature cooling events in July and August, with significant upward movements of the thermocline more than 90 m. Concurrent with the signals, anomalous southeasterly alongshore winds, lowering of local SST and sea level, and upward expansion of high-salinity water were also observed. During the event in August, vertical velocity estimated by the anomalous wind stress agreed well with the observations. These results indicate that the Argo float observed the coastal upwelling, which was enhanced by the 2008 positive IOD, along the southern coast of Java.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in coccolithophore cell densities in the San Pedro Basin, Southern California Bight, were investigated for the period October 1991 to September 1992. Coccolitho phore cell densities ranged from 6.3 × 104 coccospheres per liter in March 1992 to 0 cells per liter in November 1991. High coccolithophore concentrations occurred in late winter and spring, and low densities occurred in the summer and fall. The high coccolithophore densities during spring 1992 were associated with unusually low surface nutrient concentrations and a lack of upwelling, suggesting that the high densities were not part of a typical spring phytoplankton bloom in this region. We propose that the suppression of upwelling during spring 1992 may have been related to the prevailing ENSO conditions. Emiliania huxleyi type A dominated the total coccolithophore population throughout the year, Umbilicosphaera sibogae var. sibogae being the second most important contributor to the coccolithophore assemblages.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional numerical model is developed and used to study the coastal upwelling processes and corresponding seasonal changes in the sea level along the west coast of India. The upwelling and associated sea level variations are seen as a response of coastal ocean to pure wind stress forcing. The model is designed to represent coastal ocean physics by resolving surface and bottom Ekman layers as realistically as possible. The prognostic variables are the three components of the velocity field, temperature, salinity and turbulent energy. The governing equations together with their boundary conditions are solved by finite-difference techniques. Experiments are performed to investigate sea level fluctuations associated with the thermal response and alongshore currents of the coastal waters. The model is forced with mean monthly wind stress forcing of January, May, July and September representing northeast monsoon and different phases of the southwest monsoon. It is known from the observational study that the upwelling process reaches to the surface waters by May along the coastal waters of the extreme southwest peninsular region. The process is more intense in July compared to May and September and its strength decreases from south to north. However, during the northeast monsoon season, which is represented by January wind stress forcing in the model, downwelling is simulated along the coast. The model simulations of the coastal response are compared with the observations and are found to be in good agreement. The maximum computed vertical velocity of about 2.0 ×10 -3 cm s -1 is predicted in July in the southern region off the coast.  相似文献   

ENSO related modulation of coastal upwelling in the eastern Atlantic   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An index of ENSO in the Pacific during early boreal winter is shown to account for a significant part of the variability of coastal SST anomalies measured a few months later within the wind driven West African coastal upwelling region from 10°N to 26°N. This teleconnection is thought to result from an atmospheric bridge between the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, leading to warm (cold) ENSO events being associated with a relaxation (intensification) of the Atlantic trade winds and of the wind-induced coastal upwelling. This ENSO related modulation of the wind-driven coastal upwelling appears to contribute to the connection observed at the basin-scale between ENSO and SST in the north Atlantic. The ability to use this teleconnection to give warnings of large changes in the West African upwelling several months in advance is successfully tested using data from the 1998 and 1999 ENSO events.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional numerical model is developed and used to study the coastal upwelling processes and corresponding seasonal changes in the sea level along the west coast of India. The upwelling and associated sea level variations are seen as a response of coastal ocean to pure wind stress forcing. The model is designed to represent coastal ocean physics by resolving surface and bottom Ekman layers as realistically as possible. The prognostic variables are the three components of the velocity field, temperature, salinity and turbulent energy. The governing equations together with their boundary conditions are solved by finite-difference techniques. Experiments are performed to investigate sea level fluctuations associated with the thermal response and alongshore currents of the coastal waters. The model is forced with mean monthly wind stress forcing of January, May, July and September representing northeast monsoon and different phases of the southwest monsoon. It is known from the observational study that the upwelling process reaches to the surface waters by May along the coastal waters of the extreme southwest peninsular region. The process is more intense in July compared to May and September and its strength decreases from south to north. However, during the northeast monsoon season, which is represented by January wind stress forcing in the model, downwelling is simulated along the coast. The model simulations of the coastal response are compared with the observations and are found to be in good agreement. The maximum computed vertical velocity of about 2.0 2 10 -3 cm s -1 is predicted in July in the southern region off the coast.  相似文献   

This study describes the main seasonal stages in oceanographic conditions and phytoplankton off La Coruña (Galicia, NW Spain), during 1991 and 1992, based mainly on monthly cruises near the coast. Upwelling conditions were studied using an upwelling index calculated from local winds. The Galician coast is affected by a long upwelling season for most of the year. The upwelling pulses interact with the thermal stratification-mixing cycle of surface waters, primarily affecting the dynamics of phytoplankton. In addition, the presence of water masses of different salinity in the subsurface layers changes the stratification of the water column. The less-saline North Atlantic Central Water (NACW) was normally associated with upwelling events during summer. However, on several occasions during the study, the presence of Eastern North Atlantic Water (ENAW) of subtropical origin was observed with salinities up to 36·22 and temperatures between 13 and 14 °C.Observations were grouped into five main stages related to the degree of surface stratification and characteristics of phytoplankton communities. These stages were recognized in both annual cycles, and were termed: winter mixing, spring and autumn blooms, summer upwelling, thermal stratification and special events (red tides and downwelling). A homogeneous water column was the main characteristic of the winter stage, with high nutrient concentrations and low phytoplankton biomass. Eastern North Atlantic Water appeared at the end of this stage, which lasted from November to February. The spring and autumn blooms occurred along with weak thermohaline gradients at the surface, producing high phytoplankton concentrations. Favourable upwelling conditions and the presence of ENAW in a subsurface layer were the factors that most likely induced earlier blooms, while thermal gradients developed at the surface could have been more important for later blooms. Upwelling events during summer were related to a reduction in the depth of the surface mixed layer as the pycnocline moved upwards, and can produce significant phytoplankton accumulations. These summer blooms interrupted the thermal stratification stage, characterized by low nutrient and phytoplankton concentrations at the surface. The dominant phytoplankton in the study was composed mainly of diatoms, especially during blooms. However, a proliferation of red-tide dinoflagellates was observed along with weak upwelling conditions in late summer. Also in late summer, strong downwelling conditions caused the accumulation of warmer shelf waters inshore, inducing the sinking of particulate matter produced at the surface.  相似文献   

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