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对中俄联合火星星-星电离层掩星技术体制进行了分析和介绍,采用三维射线追踪方法对电离层掩星事件的电波观测值进行了模拟计算,并利用模拟的掩星观测数据进行了电子密度廓线反演,结果说明仿真算法可靠.利用仿真的方法,分别对掩星电波相位观测误差和卫星轨道误差等带来的反演误差进行了个例计算和分析,结果得到:5%周的相位测量误差对白天电离层掩星探测结果的影响可以忽略,而夜间电子密度测量的绝对误差小于4×108 m-3;卫星轨道误差对掩星的主要影响是导致电离层高度抬升或下降.结果表明,中俄联合火星电离层掩星探测技术体制先进,可望获得高精度的电子密度廓线;其技术体制也可以用于月球电离层环境的探测.  相似文献   

多任务学习方法在机器学习、计算机视觉、人工智能领域已得到广泛关注,利用任务间的相关性,将多个任务同时学习的效果优于每个任务单独学习的情况.采用多任务Lasso回归法(Multi-task Lasso Regression)用于恒星光谱物理参量的估计,不仅可以获取不同物理参量间的共同的特征信息,而且也可以很好地保留不同物理参量的特有的补充信息.使用恒星大气模拟模型合成光谱库ELODIE中的光谱数据和美国大型巡天项目Sloan发布的SDSS实测光谱数据进行实验,模型估算精度优于相关文献中的方法,特别是对重力加速度(lg g)和化学丰度([Fe/H])的估计.实验中通过改变光谱的分辨率,施加不同信噪比(SNR)的噪声,来说明模型的稳定性强.结果表明,模型精度受光谱分辨率和噪声的影响,但噪声对其影响更大,可见,多任务Lasso回归法不仅操作简便,稳定性强,而且也提高了模型的整体预测精度.  相似文献   

从COMBO-17数字巡天数据里,选择了CDFS(Chandra Deep Field South)天区中1231个测光红移在0.1~0.3之间的暗蓝星系作为样本,研究了这些星系分别在只有光学波段和光学加近红外波段数据情况下做测光红移得到的红移分布,以及这些星系在静止参考系下的能谱分布(Spectral Energy Distributions,SEDs)特征.结果表明有183个星系在利用光学加近红外波段数据做测光红移时得到的红移大于1.2,它们的误差为0.046,提高测光的信噪比也有利于区分这类被光学波段误认为低红移的星系.这些暗蓝星系中高红移星系的观测近红外流量相对于光学流量有上升的趋势,而低红移星系的观测近红外流量相对于光学流量有下降的趋势.  相似文献   

借助精密工程测量手段,对65 m天线背架的日照温度效应进行了实验研究.在天线背架设计坐标系下分析实验数据,建立了日照温度变形模型,得出背架结构沿X方向变形系数为Kx=1.30×10-5,沿Z方向变形系数为Kz=-0.44×10-5,沿Y方向变形偏向太阳照射一侧.根据实验数据建立的背架变形模型,模拟分析了65 m天线背架日照温度变形对面形精度的影响,得出环境温度变化1℃带来的面形精度(均方根值rms)影响分量约为0.09 mm.实验结果为65 m天线主动面调节提供了很有价值的参考数据.  相似文献   

星载测高仪交叉点数据定轨研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从海洋测高卫星的发展状况入手,介绍了用测高仪数据进行定轨的意义.然后,分析了测高仪数据的误差修正模型及交叉点数据计算方法,详细介绍了JASON-1测高数据文件中所涉及的误差修正量和采用的模型.最后,通过仿真数据和实测数据的计算,分析了单用测高仪数据和交叉点数据进行轨道确定所能达到的精度,为未来的实际应用提供了有价值的参考.  相似文献   

广义回归神经网络在日长变化预报中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统的日长变化预报多是基于线性模型,如最小二乘模型、自回归模型等,但是日长变化包含了复杂的非线性因素,线性模型预报的效果往往不甚理想.所以尝试使用一种非线性神经网络—广义回归神经网络(GRNN)模型进行日长变化预报,并将结果与使用BP (Back Propagation)神经网络模型和其它模型的预报结果进行比较.结果表明,GRNN用于日长变化预报是高效可行的.  相似文献   

提出了一种基于特征向量算法来估计Loran-C接收机天波延迟的信号处理新技术,为设计具有自适应调节最佳采样点的Loran-C接收机打下良好的基础.建立了基于频谱相除技术的信号模型,简要介绍了特征向量的谱估计算法.研究了此算法估计天波延迟的准确性,并与IFFT技术作了对比.仿真结果显示.特征向量算法比IFFT具有更高的分辨率和尖锐的波峰.最后,通过实测数据的实验验证了这些结论.  相似文献   

基于Lambert方程和空间几何知识,给出了适用于空间监视电子篱笆设备稀疏观测资料轨道确定的方法.通过对大量目标的模拟试验表明,该方法确定的初始轨道能使轨道改进收敛,定轨精度优于100米,证明该方法适用于电子篱笆对绝大部分空间目标观测数据的轨道确定.最后讨论了篱笆布站纬度对定轨应用的影响.  相似文献   

姚保安  张春生  林清 《天文学报》2006,47(1):111-118
Lick天文台的CCD控制器是一类新型控制器,它能够在同一CCD系统内实现MPP(Multi—pinned phase)和通常工作模式间的转换.自2002年起中国至少有4架 CCD照相机使用这类控制器.此控制器的弱点是溢出发生在非线性前,而且远在饱和以前.虽然这对亮的面光源观测不利,并且它妨碍了使用亮星构建点扩散函数(psf).但是由于电荷守恒原理,对亮的点源(恒星)的孔径测光依然可行.观测证明了此结论.  相似文献   

利用低轨卫星,对受干扰区域的卫星导航接收机进行频率传递,是提升其性能的一种有效手段.而电离层延时误差是影响传递效果的重要因素.对基于低轨卫星的频率传递应用背景进行了介绍,分析了其基本原理,并着重分析了电离层延时的存在对频率传递的影响,提出利用站间差历元差的方法对电离层延时进行修正.最后,通过仿真对理论分析进行了验证.结果表明,通过站间差历元差的手段,对当前电离层变化值进行求解与预测,可以将电离层延时误差的变化控制在一定范围,满足频率传递的要求.  相似文献   

射电望远镜天线伺服控制系统中的非线性特性, 对系统动力学特性辨识有着显著的影响, 会提高辨识难度, 增加辨识模型的复杂程度. 系统非线性特性的测量与补偿也会增加系统辨识工作量. 针对上述问题, 提出了一种基于非线性采样数据的线性重构方法, 用于动力学特性建模. 通过提取原采样数据的相位与幅值, 对受到噪声与非线性畸变影响的系统采样数据进行线性重构, 降低待辨识模型的复杂度. 搭建了半实物实验平台, 以平台实际采样为基础, 重构线性数据, 利用奇异值法与自回归神经网络评估并辨识平台动力学模型. 实验结果表明, 建模数据奇异值拐点从100阶下降至40阶, 仅用10个神经网络节点200次训练即实现了模型辨识.  相似文献   

The speed of sound in a gas can be used to identify its composition, as has been done on the Earth. We show that, unlike in terrestrial applications, the third virial coefficient cannot be neglected in cold and dense atmospheres. We derive a model for the speed of sound of pure gases and gas mixtures at low temperatures and high pressures, based on the virial equation. After comparing the results of our model to measured data, we apply our model to the atmosphere of Titan. The difference between our third-order virial expansion and the commonly used second-order expansion is significant, showing that the third virial coefficient needs to be taken into account when accurate speed-of-sound measurements are used to derive atmospheric properties under Titan conditions.  相似文献   

The Telescope Alert Operations Network System (TALONS) was designed and developed in the year 2000, around the architectural principles of a distributed sensor network. This network supported the original Rapid Telescopes for Optical Response (RAPTOR) project goals; however, only with further development could TALONS meet the goals of the larger Thinking Telescope Project. The complex objectives of the Thinking Telescope project required a paradigm shift in the software architecture – the centralised intelligence merged into the TALONS network operations could no longer meet all of the new requirements. The intelligence needed to be divorced from the network operations and developed as a series of peripheral intelligent agents, distributing the decision making and analytical processes based on the temporal volatility of the data. This paper is presented as only one part of the poster from the workshop and in it we will explore the details of this architecture and how that merges with the current Thinking Telescope system to meet our project goals. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The principles of measuring the shapes of galaxies by a model-fitting approach are discussed in the context of shape measurement for surveys of weak gravitational lensing. It is argued that such an approach should be optimal, allowing measurement with maximal signal-to-noise ratio, coupled with estimation of measurement errors. The distinction between likelihood-based and Bayesian methods is discussed. Systematic biases in the Bayesian method may be evaluated as part of the fitting process, and overall such an approach should yield unbiased shear estimation without requiring external calibration from simulations. The principal disadvantage of model fitting for large surveys is the computational time required, but here an algorithm is presented that enables large surveys to be analysed in feasible computation times. The method and algorithm is tested on simulated galaxies from the Shear TEsting Programme (STEP).  相似文献   

Photographic Schmidt plates are among the most effective tools in wide-field astronomy. One of the principal difficulties of photographic plates when compared to modern detectors is lack of image depth. We present a technique for stacking plates digitized using the SuperCOSMOS microdensitometer, aimed at maximizing the signal-to-noise ratio in faint images. The efficacy of several image combination algorithms is tested by stacking plate frames in the presence of spurious images. We find that an 'average sigma clipping' type pixel rejection in conjunction with our weighting scheme is most effective in delivering a clean, high signal-to-noise ratio stack. The gain in limiting magnitude obtained from stacking is found to be consistent with that expected: Δ M ∼1.5 for a stack of 16 good-quality plates.  相似文献   

为对太阳系外行星的物理参数进行更精确估算,利用山东大学威海天文台/威海市天文台的1 m反射望远镜,对7颗已知具有行星系统的恒星:TrES-1、TrES-3、XO-2、WASP-1、WASP-2、WASP-3、HAT-P-7,进行了凌星现象的观测研究.介绍观测和数据处理的基本情况,给出凌星光变曲线结果及由之推算出的一些行星参数.在总结结果并加以分析的同时,展望下一步将进行的更为深入细致的研究.  相似文献   

We use data from the Tenerife 10-, 15- and 33‐GHz beam-switching experiments along with the COBE 53- and 90‐GHz data to separate the cosmic microwave background (CMB) signal from the Galactic signal, and create two maps at high Galactic latitude. The new multi-MEM technique is used to obtain the best reconstruction of the two channels. The two maps are presented, and known features are identified within each. We find that the Galactic contribution to both the 15- and 33-GHz Tenerife data is small enough to be ignored when compared with the errors in the data and the magnitude of the CMB signal.  相似文献   

In this, the second in a series of three papers concerning the SuperCOSMOS Sky Survey, we describe the methods for image detection, parametrization, classification and photometry. We demonstrate the internal and external accuracy of our object parameters. Using examples from the first release of data, the South Galactic Cap survey, we show that our image detection completeness is close to 100 per cent to within ∼1.5 mag of the nominal plate limits. We show that for the B J survey data, the image classification is externally > 99 per cent reliable to B J∼19.5 . Internally, the image classification is reliable at a level of > 90 per cent to B J∼21 , R ∼19 . The photometric accuracy of our data is typically ∼0.3 mag with respect to external data for m >15 . Internally, the relative photometric accuracy in restricted position and magnitude ranges can be as accurate as ∼5 per cent for well-exposed stellar images. Colours are externally accurate to σ B − R , R − I ∼0.07 at B J∼16.5 , rising to σ B − R , R − I ∼0.16 at B J∼20 .  相似文献   

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