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Observations by Mariner 10 during its first and third flybys showed that Mercury possesses an intrinsic magnetic field resulting in a small magnetosphere that can keep the solar wind from directly interacting with the planet's surface under usual conditions. Since Mercury occupies a large fraction of its magnetosphere, regions of trapped charged particles in the inner magnetosphere, the plasmasphere and the energetic radiation belts, would all be absent. During the first flyby, energetic particle bursts were detected and interpreted as hermean substroms analogous to the terrestrial magnetosphere. Moreover, during this flyby, ULF waves and field-aligned currents were detected in the data. Earth-based observations of Na, K, and Ca populations in the exosphere strongly suggest the existence of dynamic magnetospheric processes at high latitudes interacting with the planet's surface.  相似文献   

S.J. Peale  M. Yseboodt  J.-L. Margot 《Icarus》2007,187(2):365-373
Planetary perturbations of Mercury's orbit lead to forced librations in longitude in addition to the 88-day forced libration induced by Mercury's orbital motion. The forced librations are a combination of many periods, but 5.93 and 5.66 years dominate. These two periods result from the perturbations by Jupiter and Venus respectively, and they lead to a 125-year modulation of the libration amplitude corresponding to the beat frequency. Other periods are also identified with Jupiter and Venus perturbations as well as with those of the Earth, and these and other periods in the perturbations cause several arc second fluctuations in the libration extremes. The maxima of these extremes are about 30″ above and the minima about 7″ above the superposed ∼60, 88-day libration during the 125-year modulation. Knowledge of the nature of the long-period forced librations is important for the interpretation of the details of Mercury's rotation state to be obtained from radar and spacecraft observations. We show that the measurement of the 88-day libration amplitude for the purposes of determining Mercury's core properties is not compromised by the additional librations, because of the latter's small amplitude and long period. If the free libration in longitude has an amplitude that is large compared with that of the forced libration, its ∼10-year period will dominate the libration spectrum with the 88-day forced libration and the long-period librations from the orbital perturbations superposed. If the free libration has an amplitude that is comparable to those of the long-period forced libration, it will be revealed by erratic amplitude, period and phase on the likely time span of a series of observations. However, a significant free libration component is not expected because of relatively rapid damping.  相似文献   

E. Bois  N. Rambaux   《Icarus》2007,192(2):308-317
Mercury's capture into the 3:2 spin–orbit resonance can be explained as a result of its chaotic orbital dynamics. One major objective of MESSENGER and BepiColombo spatial missions is to accurately measure Mercury's rotation and its obliquity in order to obtain constraints on internal structure of the planet. Analytical approaches at the first-order level using the Cassini state assumptions give the obliquity constant or quasi-constant. Which is the obliquity's dynamical behavior deriving from a complete spin–orbit motion of Mercury simultaneously integrated with planetary interactions? We have used our SONYR model (acronym of Spin–Orbit N-bodY Relativistic model) integrating the spin–orbit N-body problem applied to the Solar System (Sun and planets). For lack of current accurate observations or ephemerides of Mercury's rotation, and therefore for lack of valid initial conditions for a numerical integration, we have built an original method for finding the libration center of the spin–orbit system and, as a consequence, for avoiding arbitrary amplitudes in librations of the spin–orbit motion as well as in Mercury's obliquity. The method has been carried out in two cases: (1) the spin–orbit motion of Mercury in the 2-body problem case (Sun–Mercury) where an uniform precession of the Keplerian orbital plane is kinematically added at a fixed inclination (S2K case), (2) the spin–orbit motion of Mercury in the N-body problem case (Sun and planets) (Sn case). We find that the remaining amplitude of the oscillations in the Sn case is one order of magnitude larger than in the S2K case, namely 4 versus 0.4 arcseconds (peak-to-peak). The mean obliquity is also larger, namely 1.98 versus 1.80 arcminutes, for a difference of 10.8 arcseconds. These theoretical results are in a good agreement with recent radar observations but it is not excluded that it should be possible to push farther the convergence process by drawing nearer still more precisely to the libration center. We note that the dynamically driven spin precession, which occurs when the planetary interactions are included, is more complex than the purely kinematic case. Nevertheless, in such a N-body problem, we find that the 3:2 spin–orbit resonance is really combined to a synchronism where the spin and orbit poles on average precess at the same rate while the orbit inclination and the spin axis orientation on average decrease at the same rate. As a consequence and whether it would turn out that there exists an irreducible minimum of the oscillation amplitude, quasi-periodic oscillations found in Mercury's obliquity should be to geometrically understood as librations related to these synchronisms that both follow a Cassini state. Whatever the open question on the minimal amplitude in the obliquity's oscillations and in spite of the planetary interactions indirectly acting by the solar torque on Mercury's rotation, Mercury remains therefore in a stable equilibrium state that proceeds from a 2-body Cassini state.  相似文献   

S.J. Peale  J.L. Margot 《Icarus》2009,199(1):1-8
The period of free libration of Mercury's longitude about the position it would have had if it were rotating uniformly at 1.5 times its orbital mean motion is close to resonance with Jupiter's orbital period. The Jupiter perturbations of Mercury's orbit thereby lead to amplitudes of libration at the 11.86 year period that may exceed the amplitude of the 88 day forced libration determined by radar. Mercury's libration in longitude may be thus dominated by only two periods of 88 days and 11.86 years, where other periods from the planetary perturbations of the orbit have much smaller amplitudes.  相似文献   

Several basic magnetospheric processes at Mercury have been investigated with simple models. These include the adiabatic acceleration and convection of equatorially mirroring charged particles, the current sheet acceleration effect, and the acceleration of Na+ and other exospheric ions by the magnetospheric electric and magnetic fields near the planetary surface. The current steady-state treatment of the magnetospheric drift and convection processes suggests that the region of the inner magnetosphere as explored by the Mariner 10 spacecraft during its encounter with Mercury should be largely devoid of energetic (>100 keV) electrons in equatorial mirroring motion. As for ion motion, the large gyroradii of the heavy ions permit surface reimpact as well as loss via intercepting the magnetopause. Because of the kinetic energy gained in the gyromotion, the first effect could lead to sputtering processes and hence generation of secondary ions and neutrals. The second effect could account for the loss of about 50% of Mercury's exospheric ions.  相似文献   

We employ Mariner 10 measurements of the interplanetary magnetic field in the vicinity of Mercury to estimate the rate of magnetic reconnection between the interplanetary magnetic field and the Hermean magnetosphere. We derive a time-series of the open magnetic flux in Mercury's magnetosphere, from which we can deduce the length of the magnetotail. The length of the magnetotail is shown to be highly variable, with open field lines stretching between 15RH and 850RH downstream of the planet (median 150RH). Scaling laws allow the tail length at perihelion to be deduced from the aphelion Mariner 10 observations.  相似文献   

Abstract— The oxygen fugacity of olivine‐phyric martian basalts is estimated using olivine‐pyroxene‐spinel equilibria, supported by detailed petrography. Results are plotted, along with previous oxygen fugacity estimates, against La/Yb, which is used as a proxy for long‐term incompatible‐element depletion or enrichment in martian basalt reservoirs. In general, the correlation between oxygen fugacity and La/Yb observed by Herd et al. (2002a) holds for the olivine‐phyric basalts. The implications of the correlation are re‐evaluated in light of work by Borg et al. (Forthcoming), which indicates that the variations in radiogenic isotopic composition can be modeled by mixing of mantle sources established by 4.5 Ga through crystallization of a magma ocean in lieu of assimilation of crustal material. The results demonstrate that the crust‐like component, interpreted as trapped liquid in a magma ocean cumulate pile, must be oxidized to explain the oxygen fugacity of the martian basalts. Consequently, the pre‐eruptive water contents of the more oxidized basalts are expected to be higher, although water is not called upon as the cause of the oxidation. Unmixing of mantle components provides an important context for the interpretation of oxygen isotopes, demonstrated here, and of samples returned from the martian surface.  相似文献   

N. Yan  F. Leblanc 《Icarus》2006,181(2):348-362
We have developed a 1D thermal model of Mercury's regolith, in order to simulate the heat diffusion in the upper subsurface (first 10 m). We assume in our model that the thermophysical properties of the Hermean regolith are similar to those of the lunar regolith. We apply our thermal model to the Caloris basin which slopes induce distortions of the surface temperature compared to results obtained for a perfect spherical planet. This thermal model is then coupled with a 3D Monte Carlo model of Mercury's sodium exosphere [Leblanc, F., Johnson, R.E., 2003. Icarus 164, 261-281; Leblanc, F., Delcourt, D., Johnson, R.E., 2003b. J. Geophys. Res. 108 (E12), doi:10.1029/2003JE002151/.5136], in order to describe the signatures of Caloris basin on Mercury's sodium exosphere in term of temporal and spatial variabilities. In particular, we find a motion of the maxima of sodium density in the exosphere towards the Northern hemisphere similar to the one observed by Potter et al. [Potter, A.E., Morgan, T.H., Killen, R.M., 1999. Planet. Space Sci., 47, 1441-1449] but did not reproduce the observed change of the emission brightness. The main conclusion of this study is that the Caloris basin-exosphere relations might be observable from the Earth which we hope will motivate new observations of Mercury's exosphere.  相似文献   

《Planetary and Space Science》2007,55(9):1069-1092
Mariner 10, the only spacecraft that ever passed close to Mercury, revealed several unexpected characteristics: an intrinsic magnetosphere, the highest mean density of any Solar System terrestrial planet and a very thin non-collisional atmosphere. Mercury's atmosphere is very poorly explored since only three atomic elements, H, He and O, were observed during the three flybys of Mariner 10. The measurements done by radio and solar occultations provided upper limits on the neutral and ion densities. These measurements pointed out the close connection between species in Mercury's exosphere and its surface, which is also the case for the Moon. Mariner 10 observations also characterized the vertical distributions and the day to night contrasts of Mercury's exosphere for its lightest components H and He (Broadfoot, A.L., et al., 1976. Mariner 10: Mercury atmosphere. Geophys. Res. Lett. 3, 577–580).More than a decade later, the first observation from a ground-based observatory of Mercury's sodium (Na) exospheric component was reported (Potter, A.E., Morgan, T.H., 1985. Discovery of sodium in the atmosphere of Mercury. Science 229, 651–653). Since then, potassium and more recently calcium have been identified in Mercury's exosphere. The bright Na resonant scattering emission has been often observed since 1985. This large set of observations is now the best source of information on Mercury's exospheric mechanisms of ejection, dynamics, sources and sinks. In particular, several of these observations provided evidence of prompt and delayed effects, both localized and global, for the very inhomogeneous Mercury's Na exosphere. These inhomogenities have been interpreted as the trace of Mercury's magnetosphere–solar wind interaction and have highlighted some of the main sources of exospheric material. Some of these features have been also interpreted as the trace of a global dayside to night side circulation of Mercury's exosphere and therefore have highlighted also the relation between exospheric production and upper surface composition.Hopefully, new sets of in situ measurements will be obtained within the next decade thanks to Messenger and Bepi-Colombo missions. Until then, ground-based observations and modelling will remain the only approaches to resolve questions on Mercury's exosphere. Mercury's exospheric composition and structure as they are presently known are described in this paper. The principal models for the main short and long times terms variations and local and global variations of Mercury's exosphere are described. The mechanisms of production and their characteristics are also given. Mercury's exosphere can also be seen as part of the coupled magnetosphere–upper surface–exosphere system and several of the links between these elements are essential to the interpretation of most of the ground-based observations. The relation between Mercury's planet composition and its exospheric composition is also considered, as is the global recycling, sources and sinks of Mercury's exosphere.  相似文献   

The rheology of the Martian mantle and the planet's initial temperature is constrained with thermal evolution models that include crust growth and test the conditions for magnetic field generation in the core. As observations we use the present-day average crustal thickness of 50-120 km as estimated from the Mars Global Surveyor gravity and topography data, the evidence for the crust being produced mostly early, with a rate declining from the Noachian to the Hesperian, and the evidence for an early magnetic field that likely existed for less than a billion years. We use the fact that the rate of crust growth is a function of temperature, which must be above the solidus in the sub-lithosphere mantle, and the mantle convection speed because the latter determines the rate at which melt can be replenished. The convection speed is a strong function of viscosity which, in turn, is a strong function of temperature and also of the water content of the mantle. We use a viscosity parameterization with a reference viscosity evaluated at 1600 K the value of which can be characteristic of either a dry or a wet mantle. We further consider the Fe-FeS phase diagram for the core and compare the core liquidus estimated for a sulphur content of 14% as suggested by the SNC meteorite compositions with the core temperatures calculated for our cooling models. Two data sets of the Fe-FeS eutectic temperature have been used that differ by about 200 K [Böhler, R., 1996. Fe-FeS eutectic temperatures at 620 kbar. Phys. Earth Planet. Inter. 96, 181-186; Fei, Y., Bertka, C.M., Finger, L.W., 1997. High-pressure iron-sulphur compound, Fe3S2, and melting relations in the Fe-FeS system. Science 275, 1621-1623] at Martian core-mantle boundary pressure and in the eutectic composition by 5 wt%. The differences in eutectic temperature and composition translate into a difference of about 400 K in liquidus temperature for 14 wt% sulphur.We find it premature to rule out specific mantle rheologies on the basis of the presently available crustal thickness and crust growth evidence. Rather a trade-off exists between the initial mantle temperature and the reference viscosity. Both a wet mantle rheology with a reference viscosity less than 1020 Pas and a dry mantle rheology with a reference viscosity of 1021 Pas or more can be acceptable if initial mantle temperatures between roughly 1700 and 2000 K are allowed. To explain the magnetic field history, the differences in liquidus temperatures matter. For a liquidus temperature of about 1900 K at the Martian core-mantle boundary as calculated from the Böhler et al. eutectic, a dry mantle rheology can best explain the lack of a present-day dynamo. For a liquidus temperature of about 1500 K at the core-mantle boundary as calculated from the Fei et al. eutectic all models are consistent with the observed lack of dynamo action. The reason lies with the fact that at 14 wt% S the Martian core would be close to the eutectic composition if the Fei et al. data are correct. As inner core growth is unlikely for an almost eutectic core, the early field would have been generated by a thermally driven dynamo. Together with the measured strength of the Martian crustal magnetization this would prove the feasibility of a strong thermally driven dynamo.  相似文献   

The supply rates of Na and K to the atmosphere of Mercury by processes acting on the extreme surface—thermal vaporization, photon-stimulated desorption (PSD), and ion-sputtering—are limited by the rates at which atoms can be supplied to the extreme surface by diffusion from inside the regolith grains. Supply rates to the atmosphere are further regulated by ion retention and by gardening rates that supply new grains to the surface. We consider the limits on supply of sodium and potassium atoms to the atmosphere, and rates of photoion recycling to the surface. Thermal vaporization rates are severely limited by the ability of atoms to diffuse to the surface of the grain. Therefore, the diffusion-limited thermal vaporization rates on Mercury's surface are comparable to or less than the PSD rates. Ion sputtering is primarily due to highly ionized heavy ions, even though they represent a small fraction of the solar wind. We have shown that up to 60% of the Na photoions are deposited on the surface of Mercury. Ion recycling to the surface can have a long-term effect on the regolith abundance if an average recycling pattern persists such that more ions return to a particular area than are launched there. It is unknown whether the formation of latitude bands of >100% ion retention persist on average despite a rapidly changing magnetosphere. The total exospheric column of sodium observed at Mercury between 1997 to 2003 varied by a factor of 2-3 from perihelion to aphelion.  相似文献   

Previous discussions of Mercury's evolution have assumed that its cratering chronology is tied to that of the Moon, i.e., with Caloris forming about 3.9 Gyr ago as part of a late heavy bombardment that affected all of the terrestrial planets. That assumption requires that Mercury's core formed very early, because associated expansion features are not visible, and must have been erased before the cratering flux declined. Moreover, the modest amount of global shrinkage inferred from visible compressional features on Mercury's surface implies that the core is either largely molten at present, or had largely solidified before the end of the bombardment. The former interpretation requires a significant volatile content or implausibly large internal heat sources, while the latter raises questions about how to generate the planet's magnetic field. We have investigated whether constraints on Mercury's chronology could be relaxed by effects of a Mercury-specific bombarding population of planetesimals interior to its orbit, encountering the planet only occasionally due to secular perturbations. Such “vulcanoids” could have been a significant source of early cratering. However, those in orbits that can cross Mercury's are depleted by mutual collisions in ⪅1 Gyr, and can provide at most a modest extension of the period of heavy bombardment. Further inside Mercury's orbit, lower collisional velocities might allow survival of vulcanoids to the present. We report on a search for such bodies and on observational limits to such a population. We also review evidence that Mercury's intercrater plains are of volcanic origin and mainly predate Caloris, and that scarp formation (and global contraction) mainly postdates Caloris and has continued to recent times. If global lineaments are the product of tidal despinning, they constrain core formation to the first half of the planet's lifetime. While some questions and inconsistencies remain, the preponderance of evidence suggests that Mercury differentiated early, and at least half of its core volume is presently molten, probably due to a significant content of some light element such as sulfur.  相似文献   

On the basis of the data from ground-based polarimetric, photometric, and other observations, as well as from space measurements (Mariner 10), we survey the investigations of the properties and peculiarities of Mercury's regolith in detail. We also present the results of our own observations performed during three apparitions of the planet in 2000–2002. An analysis of the published data points to essentially more intensive maturation processes in the Hermean surface regolith compared to that on the lunar surface. In addition, the orbital characteristics of Mercury allow us to suppose that the intensity of its regolith maturation and, therefore, the optical properties of its surface can noticeably depend on the planetocentric longitude. Polarimetric observations of Mercury's surface (the planetocentric longitude range was 265°–330°) carried out in 2000–2002 with a 70-cm reflector actually detected a polarization degree varying with an amplitude of about 1.5%. To ascertain the nature of these variations, additional observations of Mercury in a maximally wide range of planetocentric longitudes of the viewed surface are required.  相似文献   

In 2008 the MESSENGER spacecraft made the first direct observation of Mercury's magnetosphere in the more than 30 years since the Mariner 10 encounters. During MESSENGER's first flyby on 14 January 2008, the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) was northward immediately prior to and following MESSENGER's equatorial passage through this small magnetosphere. The Energetic Particle Spectrometer (EPS), one of two sensors on the Energetic Particle and Plasma Spectrometer instrument that responds to electrons from ∼35 keV to 1 MeV and ions from ∼35 keV to 2.75 MeV, saw no increases in particle intensity above instrumental background (∼5 particles/cm2/sr/s/keV at 45 keV) at any time during the probe's magnetospheric passage. During MESSENGER's second flyby on 6 October 2008, there was a steady southward IMF, and intense reconnection was observed between the planet's magnetic field and the IMF. However, once again EPS did not observe bursts of energetic particles similar to those reported by Mariner 10 from its March 1974 encounter. On 29 September 2009, MESSENGER flew by Mercury for the third and final time before orbit insertion in March 2011. Although a spacecraft safe-hold event stopped science measurements prior to the outbound portion of the flyby, all instruments recorded full observations until a few minutes before the closest approach. In particular, the MESSENGER Magnetometer documented several substorm-like signatures of extreme loading of Mercury's magnetotail, but again EPS measured no energetic ions or electrons above instrument background during the inbound portion of the flyby. MESSENGER's X-Ray Spectrometer (XRS) nonetheless observed photons resulting from low-energy (∼10 keV) electrons impinging on its detectors during each of the three flybys. We infer that suprathermal plasma electrons below the EPS energy threshold caused the bremsstrahlung seen by XRS. In this paper, we summarize the energetic particle observations made by EPS and XRS during MESSENGER's three Mercury flybys, and we revisit the observations reported by Mariner 10 in the context of these new results.  相似文献   

The perihelion advance of the orbit of Mercury has long been one of the observational cornerstones for testing General Relativity (G.R.).The main goal of this paper is to discuss how, presently, observational and theoretical constraints may challenge Einstein's theory of gravitation characterized by β=γ=1. To achieve this purpose, we will first recall the experimental constraints upon the Eddington-Robertson parameters γ,β and the observational bounds for the perihelion advance of Mercury, Δωobs. A second point will address the values given, up to now, to the solar quadrupole moment by several authors. Then, we will briefly comment why we use a recent theoretical determination of the solar quadrupole moment, J 2=(2.0 ± 0.4) 10-7, which takes into account both surfacic and internal differential rotation, in order to compute the solar contribution to Mercury's perihelion advance. Further on, combining bounds on γ and J 2 contributions, and taking into account the observational data range for Δωobs,we will be able to give a range of values for β. Alternatively, taking into account the observed value of Δωobs, one can deduce a dynamical estimation of J 2 in the setting of G.R. This point is important as it provides a solar model independent estimation that can be confronted with other determinations of J 2 based upon solar theory and solar observations (oscillation data, oblateness...). Finally, a glimpse at future satellite experiments will help us to understand how stronger constraints upon the parameter space (γω J 2) as well as a separation of the two contributions (from the quadrupole moment, J 2, or purely relativistic, 2α2+2αγ–β) might be expected in the future. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Compositions of basaltic and ultramafic rocks analyzed by Mars rovers and occurring as Martian meteorites allow predictions of metamorphic mineral assemblages that would form under various thermophysical conditions. Key minerals identified by remote sensing roughly constrain temperatures and pressures in the Martian crust. We use a traditional metamorphic approach (phase diagrams) to assess low‐grade/hydrothermal equilibrium assemblages. Basaltic rocks should produce chlorite + actinolite + albite + silica, accompanied by laumontite, pumpellyite, prehnite, or serpentine/talc. Only prehnite‐bearing assemblages have been spectrally identified on Mars, although laumontite and pumpellyite have spectra similar to other uncharacterized zeolites and phyllosilicates. Ultramafic rocks are predicted to produce serpentine, talc, and magnesite, all of which have been detected spectrally on Mars. Mineral assemblages in both basaltic and ultramafic rocks constrain fluid compositions to be H2O‐rich and CO2‐poor. We confirm the hypothesis that low‐grade/hydrothermal metamorphism affected the Noachian crust on Mars, which has been excavated in large craters. We estimate the geothermal gradient (>20 °C km?1) required to produce the observed assemblages. This gradient is higher than that estimated from radiogenic heat‐producing elements in the crust, suggesting extra heating by regional hydrothermal activity.  相似文献   

H Lammer  P Wurz  R Killen  S Massetti  A Milillo 《Icarus》2003,166(2):238-247
Mercury's close orbit around the Sun, its weak intrinsic magnetic field and the absence of an atmosphere (Psurface<1×10−8 Pa) results in a strong direct exposure of the surface to energetic ions, electrons and UV radiation. Thermal processes and particle-surface-collisions dominate the surface interaction processes leading to surface chemistry and physics, including the formation of an exosphere (N?1014 cm−2) in which gravity is the dominant force affecting the trajectories of exospheric atoms. NASA's Mariner 10 spacecraft observed the existence of H, He, and O in Mercury's exosphere. In addition, the volatile components Na, K, and Ca have been observed by ground based instrumentation in the exosphere. We study the efficiency of several particle surface release processes by calculating stopping cross-sections, sputter yields and exospheric source rates. Our study indicates surface sputter yields for Na between values of about 0.27 and 0.35 in an energy range from 500 eV up to 2 keV if Na+ ions are the sputter agents, and about 0.037 and 0.082 at an energy range between 500 eV up to 2 keV when H+ are the sputter agents and a surface binding energy of about 2 eV to 2.65 eV. The sputter yields for Ca are about 0.032 to 0.06 and for K atoms between 0.054 to 0.1 in the same energy range. We found a sputter yield for O atoms between 0.025 and 0.04 for a particle energy range between 500 eV up to 2 keV protons. By taking the average solar wind proton surface flux at the open magnetic field line area of about 4×108 cm−2 s−1 calculated by Massetti et al. (2003, Icarus, in press) the resulting average sputtering flux for O is about 0.8-1.0×107 cm−2 s−1 and for Na approximately 1.3-1.6×105 cm−2 s−1 depending on the assumed Na binding energies, regolith content, sputtering agents and solar activity. By using lunar regolith values for K we obtain a sputtering flux of about 1.0-1.4×104 cm−2 s−1. By taking an average open magnetic field line area of about 2.8×1016 cm2 modelled by Massetti et al. (2003, Icarus, in press) we derive an average surface sputter rate for Na of about 4.2×1021 s−1 and for O of about 2.5×1023 s−1. The particle sputter rate for K atoms is about 3.0×1020 s−1 assuming lunar regolith composition for K. The sputter rates depend on the particle content in the regolith and the open magnetic field line area on Mercury's surface. Further, the surface layer could be depleted in alkali. A UV model has been developed to yield the surface UV irradiance at any time and latitude over a Mercury year. Seasonal and diurnal variations are calculated, and Photon Stimulated Desorption (PSD) fluxes along Mercury's orbit are evaluated. A solar UV hotspot is created towards perihelion, with significant average PSD particle release rates and Na fluxes of about 3.0×106 cm−2 s−1. The average source rates for Na particles released by PSD are about 1×1024 s−1. By using the laboratory obtained data of Madey et al. (1998, J. Geophys. Res. 103, 5873-5887) for the calculation of the PSD flux of K atoms we get fluxes in the order of about 104 cm−2 s−1 along Mercury's orbit. However, these values may be to high since they are based on idealized smooth surface conditions in the laboratory and do not include the roughness and porosity of Mercury's regolith. Further, the lack of an ionosphere and Mercury's small, temporally and spatially highly variable magnetosphere can result in a large and rapid increase of exospheric particles, especially Na in Mercury's exosphere. Our study suggests that the average total source rates for the exosphere from solar particle and radiation induced surface processes during quiet solar conditions may be of the same order as particles produced by micrometeoroid vaporization. We also discuss the capability of in situ measurements of Mercury's highly variable particle environment by the proposed NPA-SERENA instrument package on board ESA's BepiColombo Mercury Planetary Orbiter (MPO).  相似文献   

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