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Abstract— We report ion microprobe U‐Th‐Pb dating of Shergotty phosphates by means of the sensitive high‐resolution ion microprobe (SHRIMP) recently installed at Hiroshima University, Japan. ten analyses of whitlockite (merrillite) and three analyses of apatite indicate a 238u/206pb isochron age of 225 ± 200 ma and a tera‐wasserburg concordia‐constrained linear three‐dimensional isochron age of 217 ± 110 ma in the 238u/206pb‐207pb/206pb204pb/206pb diagram. These ages agree well with the 232Th‐208pb age of 189 ± 83 Ma, which suggests that primary crystallization or a shock metamorphic event defined the formation age of the phosphate minerals. The average of the later two ages, 204 ± 68 Ma, is consistent with the previously published Rb‐Sr age of 165 ± 11 Ma and U‐Th‐Pb age of ~200 Ma. These show marginal agreement with the 40Ar‐39Ar age of 254 ± 10 Ma but are significantly different from the Sm‐Nd age of 360 ± 16 Ma. Taking into account the closure temperature of the U‐Pb system in apatite, we suggest the time that Shergotty last experienced a temperature of ~900 °C was 204 ± 68 Ma.  相似文献   

Abstract— Here we present the results of a geochemical study of the projectile component in impactmelt rocks from the Lappajärvi impact structure, Finland. Main‐ and trace‐element analyses, including platinum group elements (PGEs), were carried out on twenty impact‐melt rock samples from different locations and on two shocked granite fragments. The results clearly illustrate that all the impact melt rocks are contaminated with an extraterrestrial component. An identification of the projectile type was performed by determining the projectile elemental ratios and comparing the corresponding element ratios in chondrites. The projectile elemental ratios suggest an H chondrite as the most likely projectile type for the Lappajärvi impact structure. The PGE composition of the highly diluted projectile component (?0.05 and 0.7 wt% in the impact‐melt rocks) is similar to the recent meteorite population of H chondrites reaching Earth. The relative abundance of ordinary chondrites, including H, L, and LL chondrites, as projectiles at terrestrial impact structures is most likely related to the position of their parent bodies relative to the main resonance positions. This relative abundance of ordinary chondrites suggests a strong bias of the impactor population toward inner Main Belt objects.  相似文献   

In situ U‐Pb measurements on zircons of the Ries impact crater are presented for three samples from the quarry at Polsingen. The U‐Pb data of most zircons plot along a discordia line, leading to an upper intercept of Carboniferous age (331 ± 32 Ma [2σ]). Four zircons define a concordia age of 313.2 ± 4.4 Ma (2σ). This age most probably represents the age of a granite from the basement target rocks. From granular textured zircon grains (including baddeleyite and anatase/Fe‐rich phases, first identified in the Ries crater), most probably recrystallized after impact (13 analyses, 4 grains), a concordia age of 14.89 ± 0.34 Ma (2σ) and an error weighted mean 206Pb*/238U age of Ma 14.63 ± 0.43 (2σ) is derived. Including the youngest concordant ages of five porous textured zircon grains (24 spot analyses), a concordia age of 14.75 ± 0.22 Ma (2σ) and a mean 206Pb*/238U age of 14.71 ± 0.26 Ma (2σ) can be calculated. These results are consistent with previously published 40Ar/39Ar ages of impact glasses and feldspar. Our results demonstrate that even for relatively young impact craters, reliable U‐Pb ages can be obtained using in situ zircon dating by SIMS. Frequently the texture of impact shocked zircon grains is explained by decomposition at high temperatures and recrystallization to a granular texture. This is most probably the case for the observed granular zircon grains having baddeleyite/anatase/Fe‐rich phases. We also observe non‐baddeleyite/anatase/Fe‐rich phase bearing zircons. For these domains, reset to crater age is more frequently for high U,Th contents. We tentatively explain the higher susceptibility to impact resetting of high U,Th domains by enhanced Pb loss and mobilization due to higher diffusivity within former metamict domains that were impact metamorphosed more easily into porous as well as granular textures during decomposition and recrystallization, possibly supported by Pb loss during postimpact cooling and/or hydrothermal activity.  相似文献   

Abstract— Mineralogical, petrographical and chemical determinations were made for 743 agate (banded variety of chalcedonic quartz) nodules (diameters from 5 mm to 5 cm) formed during postimpact, low-temperature hydrothermal activity as vesicle fillings in the melt rocks of the Sääksjärvi meteorite impact structure (diameter 5 km) in southwest Finland. Other hydrothermal vesicle fillings in the impact melt rocks include chlorite, mordenite, smectite and kaolinite. The agates were classified into two types, whose mineralogical properties and chemical compositions fall within the range of volcanic agates (basaltic and rhyolitic host rocks). The relatively high age (~510 Ma) of the Sääksjärvi impact melt rocks, however, is reflected by the presence of recrystallization textures, which are rare in younger volcanic agates. The Sääksjärvi structure was initially located after following the fortuitous discovery of agate “path-finders” in the glacial overburden. It is recommended that wherever volcanic type agates are found as float in Precambrian shield areas devoid of younger volcanic rocks, the possible presence of impact (or volcanic) craters in the vicinity should be considered.  相似文献   

Shock metamorphic features at the Saarijärvi (D > 2 km) and Söderfjärden (D = 6.5 km) structures in Finland have so far only been studied tentatively, although both are considered to be proven impact structures. This work presents the first detailed universal stage study of planar deformation features (PDFs), feather feature lamellae (FFL), and planar fractures (PFs) in quartz grains from a polymict impact breccia dike from Söderfjärden, and from sedimentary crater‐fill rocks from Saarijärvi. Planar microstructures, particularly PDFs, are very rare and poorly developed or preserved in Saarijärvi, whereas in Söderfjärden they are much more common and well defined. Miller–Bravais indices of the planar microstructures in both Saarijärvi and Söderfjärden are indicative of relatively low‐shock pressure but high shear conditions, only compatible with an impact origin for these structures. Although a Proterozoic age for Saarijärvi cannot be ruled out, the observations of shock features throughout the sedimentary crater‐fill sequence and a brecciated sedimentary dike below the crater floor are more consistent with a Lower Cambrian (or younger) impact age.  相似文献   

Abstract— Phosphates in martian meteorites are important carriers of trace elements, although, they are volumetrically minor minerals. PO4 also has potential as a biomarker for life on Mars. Here, we report measurements of the U‐Th‐Pb systematics of phosphates in the martian meteorite ALH 84001 using the Sensitive High Resolution Ion MicroProbe (SHRIMP) installed at Hiroshima University, Japan. Eleven analyses of whitlockites and 1 analysis of apatite resulted in a total Pb/U isochron age of 4018 ± 81 Ma in the 238U/206Pb‐207Pb/206Pb‐204Pb/206 Pb 3‐D space, and a 232Th‐208Pb age of 3971 ± 860 Ma. These ages are consistent within a 95% confidence limit. This result is in agreement with the previously published Ar‐Ar shock age of 4.0 ± 0.1 Ga from maskelynite and other results of 3.8–4.3 Ga but are significantly different from the Sm‐Nd age of 4.50 ± 0.13 Ga based on the whole rock and pyroxene. Taking into account recent studies on textural and chemical evidence of phosphate, our result suggests that the shock metamorphic event defines the phosphate formation age of 4018 ± 81 Ma, and that since then, ALH 84001 has not experienced a long duration thermal metamorphism, which would reset the U‐Pb system in phosphates.  相似文献   

Abstract– We present the geology and interpreted shock features of the Suavjärvi circular structure. Suavjärvi is a circular feature (illustrated by satellite imagery, topography, and magnetic data) located in the central part of the Karelian Craton (lat. 63°07′N, long. 33°23′E). To date, little information on the geologic and impact features of the Suavjärvi structure is available in the literature. The structure is characterized by gravity and magnetic lows and disruption of the regional magnetic fabric. In the northeastern and southwestern parts of the structure, several erosional remnants of highly disturbed rocks occur referred to as monomict and polymict megabreccia. These comprise blocks of both basement granitoids and supracrustal greenstone rocks. The impact origin of polymict megabreccia and therefore of the Suavjärvi structure is confirmed by observations of closely spaced planar microstructures at angles consistent with planes that have Miller indices indicative of impact shock effects, mostly of ω{10¯13}. The Suavjärvi is considered to be a remnant of a deeply eroded and metamorphosed impact structure, which has a diameter of 16 km and was formed during the Paleoproterozoic (older than 2.2 Ga); this is inferred from the age of the overlying volcanic‐sedimentary Jatulian sequence. Suavjärvi underwent regional metamorphism that resulted in obliteration or transformation of shock metamorphic effects. Massive sulfides occur within megabreccia; originating probably from postimpact redeposition of pre‐existing mineralization.  相似文献   

Abstract— 40Ar-39Ar age measurements were made for three whole rock melt samples produced during impact events which formed the Dellen, Jänisjärvi, and Sääksjärvi craters on the Baltic Shield. An age of 109.6 ± 1.0 Ma was obtained for the Dellen sample based on an age spectrum plateau. The age spectrum shows a small (7%) loss of radiogenic 40Ar from low temperature fractions. Ages of 698 ± 22 Ma and 560 ± 12 Ma were obtained from isochrons for the Jänisjärvi and Sääksjärvi samples, respectively. Data obtained by laser degassing support the Sääksjärvi result. The presence of excess 40Ar is indicated in lower temperature fractions for both samples and is correlated with K concentrations in the Sääksjärvi sample. Models explaining these results may require a change in the local “atmospheric” Ar isotopic composition as cooling of melt rocks proceeded. However, it cannot be excluded that devitrification and/or alteration changed the Ar budget. A crater production rate on the Baltic Shield based on measured ages of 6 craters is (0.3 ± 0.2) · 10?14 20-km-and-larger craters per km2 per year, in satisfactory agreement with previous estimates.  相似文献   

Abstract— Paleomagnetic, rock magnetic, and petrophysical results are presented for impactites and target rocks from the Lake Jänisjärvi impact structure, Russian Karelia. The impactites (tagamites, suevites, and lithic breccias) are characterized by increased porosity and magnetization, which is in agreement with observations performed at other impact structures. Thermomagnetic, hysteresis, and scanning electron microscope (SEM) analysis document the presence of primary multidomain titanomagnetite with additional secondary titanomaghemite and ilmenohematite. The characteristic impact‐related remanent magnetization (ChRM) direction (D = 101.5°, I = 73.1°, α95 = 6.2°) yields a pole (Lat. = 45.0°N, Long. = 76.9°E, dp = 9.9°, dm = 11.0°). Additionally, the same component is observed as an overprint on some rocks located in the vicinity of the structure, which provides proofs of its primary origin. An attempt was made to determine the ancient geomagnetic field intensity. Seven reliable results were obtained, yielding an ancient intensity of 68.7 ± 7.6 μT (corresponding to VDM of 10.3 ± 1.1 times 1022 Am2). The intensity, however, appears to be biased toward high values mainly because of the concave shape of the Arai diagrams. The new paleomagnetic data and published isotopic ages for the structure are in disagreement. According to well‐defined paleomagnetic data, two possible ages for magnetization of Jänisjärvi rocks exist: 1) Late Sveconorwegian age (900–850 Myr) or 2) Late Cambrian age (?500 Myr). However, published isotopic ages are 718 ± 5 Myr (K‐Ar) and 698 ± 22 Myr (39Ar‐40Ar), but such isotopic dating methods are often ambiguous for the impactites.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Lockne impact event took place in a Middle Ordovician (455 Ma) epicontinental sea. The impact resulted in an at least 13.5 km wide, concentric crater in the sea floor. Lockne is one of very few locations where parts of an ejecta layer have been preserved outside the crater structure. The ejecta from the Lockne impact rests on progressively higher stratigraphic levels with increasing distance from the crater, hence forming a slightly inclined discontinuity surface in the pre‐impact strata. We report on a ~30 cm thick sandy layer at Hallen, 45 km south of the crater centre. This layer has a fining upward sequence in its lower part, followed by low‐angle cross‐laminations indicating two opposite current directions. It is rich in quartz grains with planar deformation features and contains numerous, up to 15 cm large, granite clasts from the crystalline basement at the Lockne impact site. The layer is within a sequence dated to the Baltoniodus gerdae conodont subzone. The dating is corroborated by chitinozoans indicating the latest Kukruse time below and the late Idavere above the impact layer. According to the chitinozoans biostratigraphy, some erosion may have occurred because of deposition of the impact layer. The Hallen outcrop, today 45 km from the centre of the Lockne crater, is at present the most distant accessible occurrence of ejecta from the Lockne impact. It is also the most distant location so far found where the resurge of water towards the crater has affected the bottom sediments. A greater crater diameter than hitherto assumed, thus representing greater impact energy, might explain the extent of the ejecta blanket. Fluidisation of ejecta, to be expected at a marine‐target impact, might furthermore have facilitated the wide distribution of ejecta.  相似文献   

Abstract— We report the magnetostratigraphy of the sedimentary sequence between the impact breccias and the post‐impact carbonate sequence conducted on samples recovered by Yaxcopoil‐1 (Yax‐1). Samples of impact breccias show reverse polarities that span up to ~56 cm into the post‐impact carbonate lithologies. We correlate these breccias to those of PEMEX boreholes Yucatán‐6 and Chicxulub‐1, from which we tied our magnetostratigraphy to the radiometric age from a melt sample from the Yucatán‐6 borehole. Thin section analyses of the carbonate samples showed a significant amount of dark minerals and glass shards that we identified as the magnetic carriers; therefore, we propose that the mechanism of magnetic acquisition within the carbonate rocks for the interval studied is detrital remanent magnetism (DRM). With these samples, we constructed the scale of geomagnetic polarities where we find two polarities within the sequence, a reverse polarity event within the impact breccias and the base of the post‐impact carbonate sequence (up to 794.07 m), and a normal polarity event in the last ~20 cm of the interval studied. The polarities recorded in the sequence analyzed are interpreted to span from chron 29r to 29n, and we propose that the reverse polarity event lies within the 29r chron. The magnetostratigraphy of the sequence studied shows that the horizon at 794.11 m deep, interpreted as the K/T boundary, lies within the geomagnetic chron 29r, which contains the K/T boundary.  相似文献   

Abstract— U, Th, and Pb isotopes and rare earth elements (REEs) in individual phosphate grains from martian meteorites Lafayette and Yamato‐000593/000749 were measured using a sensitive high‐resolution ion microprobe (SHRIMP). Observed U‐Pb data of 12 apatite grains from Yamato (Y‐) 000593/000749 are well represented by linear regressions in both “conventional” 2D isochron plots and the 3D U‐Pb plot (total Pb/U isochron), indicating that the formation age of this meteorite is 1.53 ± 0.46 Ga (2σ). On the other hand, the data of nine apatite grains from Lafayette are well represented by planar regression rather than linear regression, indicating that its formation age is 1.15 ± 0.34 Ga (2σ) and that a secondary alteration process slightly disturbed its U‐Pb systematics as discussed in the literature regarding Nakhla. The observed REE abundance patterns of the apatites in Lafayette and Yamato‐000749, normalized to CI chondrites, are characterized by a progressive depletion of heavy REEs (HREEs), a negative Eu anomaly, similarity to each other, and consistency with previously reported data for Nakhla. Considering the extensive data from other radiometric systems such as Sm‐Nd, Rb‐Sr, Ar‐Ar, and trace elements, our results suggest that the parent magmas of the nakhlites, including the newly found Y‐000593/000749, are similar and that their crystallization ages are ?1.3 Ga.  相似文献   

Thermoluminescence (TL) dating has been used to determine the age of the meteorite impact crater at Gebel Kamil (Egyptian Sahara). Previous studies suggested that the 45 m diameter structure was produced by a fall in recent times (less than 5000 years ago) of an iron meteorite impactor into quartz‐arenites and siltstones belonging to the Lower Cretaceous Gilf Kebir Formation. The impact caused the complete fragmentation of the impactor, and the formation of a variety of impactites (e.g., partially vitrified dark and light materials) present as ejecta within the crater and in the surrounding area. After a series of tests to evaluate the TL properties of different materials including shocked intra‐crater target rocks and different types of ejecta, we selected a suite of light‐colored ejecta that showed evidence of strong thermal shock effects (e.g., partial vitrification and the presence of high‐temperature and ‐pressure silica phases). The abundance of quartz in the target rocks, including the vitrified impactites, allowed TL dating to be undertaken. The variability of radioactivity of the intracrateric target rocks and the lack of direct in situ dosimetric evaluations prevented precise dating; it was, however, possible to constrain the impact in the 2000 BC–500 AD range. If, as we believe, the radioactivity measured in the fallback deposits is a reliable estimate of the mean radioactivity of the site, the narrower range 1600–400 BC (at the 2σ confidence level) can be realistically proposed.  相似文献   

Abstract— The chemical composition of suevites, displaced Cretaceous target rocks, and impact‐generated dikes within these rocks from the Yaxcopoil‐1 (Yax‐1) drill core, Chicxulub impact crater, Mexico, is reported and compared with the data from the Yucatán 6 (Y6) samples. Within the six suevite subunits of Yax‐1, four units with different chemical compositions can be distinguished: a) upper/lower sorted and upper suevite (depth of 795–846 m); b) middle suevite (depth of 846–861 m); c) brecciated impact melt rock (depth of 861–885 m); and d) lower suevite (depth of 885–895 m). The suevite sequence (a), (b), and (d) display an increase of the CaO content and a decrease of the silicate basement component from top to bottom. In contrast, the suevite of Y6 shows an inverse trend. The different distances of the Yax‐1 and Y6 drilling sites from the crater center (~60, and ~47 km, respectively) lead to different suevite sequences. Within the Cretaceous rocks of Yax‐1, a suevitic dike (depth of ~916 m) does not display chemical differences when compared with the suevite, while an impact melt rock dike (depth of ~1348 m) is significantly enriched in immobile elements. A clastic breccia dike (depth of ~1316 m) is dominated by material derived locally from the host rock, while the silicate‐rich component is similar to that found in the suevite. Significant enrichments of the K2O content were observed in the Yax‐1 suevite and the impact‐generated dikes. All impactites of Yax‐1 and Y6 are mixtures of a crystalline basement and a carbonate component from the sedimentary cover. An anhydrite component in the impactites is missing (Yax‐1) or negligible (Y6).  相似文献   

Abstract The transition from impact to post‐impact rocks in the Yaxcopoil‐1 (Yax‐1) core is marked by a 2 cm‐thick clay layer characterized by dissolution features. The clay overlies a 9 cm‐thick hardground, overlying a 66 cm‐thick crossbedded unit, consisting of dolomite sandstone alternating with thin micro‐conglomerate layers with litho‐ and bioclasts and the altered remains of impact glass, now smectite. The micro‐conglomerates mark erosion surfaces. Microprobe and backscatter SEM analysis of the dolomite rhombs show an early diagenetic, complex‐zoned, idiomorphic overgrowth, with Mn‐rich zones, possibly formed by hot fluids related to cooling melt sheet in the crater. The pore spaces are filled with several generations of coelestite, barite, K‐feldpar, and sparry calcite. XRF core scanning analysis detected high Mn values in the crossbedded sediments but no anomalous enrichment of the siderophile elements Cr, Co, Fe, and Ni in the clay layer. Shocked quartz occurs in the crossbedded unit but is absent in the clay layer. The basal Paleocene marls are strongly dissolved and do not contain a basal Paleocene fauna. The presence of a hardground, the lack of siderophile elements, shocked quartz, or Ni‐rich spinels in the clay layer, and the absence of basal Paleocene biozones P0 and Pa all suggest that the top of the ejecta sequence and a significant part of the lower Paleocene is missing. Due to the high energy sedimentation infill, a hiatus at the top of the impactite is not unexpected, but there is nothing in the biostratigraphy, geochemistry, and petrology of the Yax‐1 core that can be used to argue against the synchroneity of the end‐Cretaceous mass‐extinctions and the Chicxulub crater.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Ordovician Lockne impact structure is located in central Sweden. The target lithology consisted of limestone and black unconsolidated shale overlaying a Precambrian crystalline basement. The Precambrian basement is uranium‐rich, and the black shale is both uranium‐ and organic‐rich. This circumstance makes Lockne a good candidate for testing the occurrence of U‐Th‐rich bitumen nodules in an impact structure setting. U‐Th‐rich bitumen nodules are formed through irradiation; hence the increase in the complexity of organic matter by a radioactive (uranium‐ and thorium‐rich) mineral phase. U‐Th‐rich bitumen nodules were detected in crystalline impact breccia and resurge deposits from the impact structure, but samples of non‐impact‐affected rocks from outside the impact structure do not contain any U‐Th‐rich bitumen nodules. This implies that in the Lockne impact structure, the nodules are associated with impact‐related processes. U‐Th‐rich bitumen nodules occur throughout the geological record and are not restricted to an impact structure setting, but our studies at Lockne show that this process of irradiation can readily occur in impact structures where fracturing of rocks and a post‐impact hydrothermal system enhances fluid circulation. The irradiation of organic matter by radioactive minerals has previously been proposed as a process for concentration of carbon on the early Earth. Impact structures are suggested as sites for prebiotic chemistry and primitive evolution, and irradiation by radioactive minerals could be an important mechanism for carbon concentration at impact sites.  相似文献   

Granitoid rock samples from the assumed center of the Keurusselkä impact site were subjected to a systematic study of fluid‐inclusion compositions and densities in various microstructures of the shocked quartz. The results are consistent with the following impact‐induced model of formation. After cessation of all major regional tectonic activity and advanced erosional uplift of the Fennoscandian shield, a meteorite impact (approximately 1.1 Ga) caused the formation of planar fractures (PFs) and planar deformation features (PDFs) and the migration of shock‐liberated metamorphic fluid (CO2 ± H2O) to the glass in the PDFs. Postimpact annealing of the PDFs led to the formation of CO2 (±H2O) fluid‐inclusion decorated PDFs. The scarce fluid‐inclusion implosion textures (IPs) suggest a shock pressure of 7.6–10 GPa. The postimpact pressure release and associated heating initiated hydrothermal activity that caused re‐opening of some PFs and their partial filling by moderate‐salinity/high temperature (>200 °C) H2O (+ chlorite + quartz) and moderate‐density CO2. The youngest postimpact endogenic sub‐ and nonplanar microfractures (MFs) are characterized by low‐density CO2 and low‐salinity/low‐temperature (<200 °C) H2O.  相似文献   

The two neighboring Suvasvesi North and South impact structures in central‐east Finland have been discussed as a possible impact crater doublet produced by the impact of a binary asteroid. This study presents 40Ar/39Ar geochronologic data for impact melt rocks recovered from the drilling into the center of the Suvasvesi North impact structure and melt rock from glacially transported boulders linked to Suvasvesi South. 40Ar/39Ar step‐heating analysis yielded two essentially flat age spectra indicating a Late Cretaceous age of ~85 Ma for the Suvasvesi North melt rock, whereas the Suvasvesi South melt sample gave a Neoproterozoic minimum (alteration) age of ~710 Ma. Although the statistical likelihood for two independent meteorite strikes in close proximity to each other is rather low, the remarkable difference in 40Ar/39Ar ages of >600 Myr for the two Suvasvesi impact melt samples is interpreted as evidence for two temporally separate, but geographically closely spaced, impacts into the Fennoscandian Shield. The Suvasvesi North and South impact structures are, thus, interpreted as a “false” crater doublet, similar to the larger East and West Clearwater Lake impact structures in Québec, Canada, recently shown to be unrelated. Our findings have implications for the reliable recognition of impact crater doublets and the apparent rate of binary asteroid impacts on Earth and other planetary bodies in the inner solar system.  相似文献   

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