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Abstract— Frontier Mountain (FRO) 90054, from Antarctica, is a rare clino- and orthopyroxene-bearing ureilite with a coarse equigranular oriented texture (grains up to 3 mm); it is classified as a low-shock Ca-rich type. The crystal chemistry of its clinopyroxene (Wo39.3En54.6Fs6.1), orthopyroxene (En84 2Fs11Wo4.8) and olivine (Fa12.6Fo86.9) was investigated by single-crystal x-ray structural refinements and transmission electron microscope (TEM) observations to obtain data on the evolutionary history of the parent body. The M1 octahedron and unit cell volumes of the orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene are consistent with low-pressure crystallization. The closure temperatures for intracrystalline Mg-Fe2+ ordering yielded values of 674 °C and 804 °C for opx and 596 °C for cpx, which indicate high-temperature equilibration and fast cooling. Trasmission electron microscope investigations were performed on clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene and pigeonite. The (100) twin lamellae in the clinopyroxene and intergrowth of clino- and orthoenstatite lamellae in orthopyroxene most probably originated by deformation. Exsolution was not observed in any of the phases, which suggests rapid cooling. Analysis by TEM also revealed interstitial Na-rich glass and pigeonite with sharp h + k odd reflections and rare stacking faults parallel to (100). Textural and crystal chemical data, obtained by TEM, indicated rapid cooling that was probably due to fast radiative heat loss as a result of the disintegration of the parent body into small fragments, which subsequently reassembled into a larger body. One or more collisional events caused fine-scale stacking faults and partial melting.  相似文献   

Abstract— iron-magnesium ordering was determined in orthopyroxenes from two suites of unshocked (shock stage S1, S2), equilibrated L- and LL-chondrites (10 grains from 5 meteorites and 7 grains from 4 meteorites, respectively) by means of single crystal x-ray diffraction (SCXRD). This study, together with a previous investigation of H-chondrites (13 grains from 8 meteorites), produces an internally consistent data set about the thermal record in equilibrated ordinary chondrites (EOCs). The major feature outlined by cation ordering in EOC orthopyroxenes is that H-, L- and LL-chondrites share a common low-temperature record, that is, a common range of similar cooling rates in the 340–480 °C interval for the petrographic types 4 to 6. As a consequence, the thermal evolution of EOCs consists of at least two subsolidus stages; the first stage occurred at temperatures >480 °C where petrographic types were established in distinct environments; the second stage occurred when EOCs, irrespective of chemical class and type, cooled through 340–480 °C in environments characterized by close temperature-time conditions. Quantitative estimates of minimal cooling rates for EOCs range from a few °C/ka to ~102°C/ka in the 340–480 °C interval. Possibly, final ordering was attained in environments where moderate radiative heat-loss was possible and, thus indicating shallow burial depths in the parent body.  相似文献   

Abstract— Diogenites are recognized as a major constituent of the howardite, eucrite and diogenite (HED) meteorite group. Recently, several papers (Mittlefehldt, 1994; Fowler et al, 1994, 1995) have identified trace-element systematics in diogenites that appeared to mimic simple magmatic processes that involved large degrees of crystallization (up to 95% orthopyroxene) of basalt with extremely high normative hypersthene. Such a crystallization scenario linking all the diogenites is highly unlikely. The purpose of this study is to explore other possible models relating the diogenites. Computational major-element melting models of a variety of different potential bulk compositions for the eucrite parent body (EPB) mantle indicate that these compositions show a similar sequence in residuum mineral assemblage with increasing degrees of partial melting. Numerous bulk compositions would produce melts with Mg# appropriate for diogenitic parent magmas at low to moderate degrees of partial melting (15% to 30%). These calculations also show that melts with similar Mg# and variable incompatible element concentrations may be produced during small to moderate degrees of EPB mantle melting. The trace-element characteristic of the orthopyroxene in diogenites does not support a model for large amounts of fractional crystallization of a single “hypersthene normative” basaltic magma following either small-scale or large-scale EPB mantle melting. Small degrees of fractional crystallization of a series of distinct basaltic magmas are much more likely. Only two melting models that we considered hold any promise for producing different batches of “diogenitic magmas.” The first model involves the fractional melting of a homogeneous source that produces parental magmas to diogenites with an extensive range of incompatible elements and limited variations in Mg#. There are several requirements for this model to work. The first requirement of this model is that the Dorthopyroxene/melt must change during melting or crystallization to compress the range of incompatible elements in the calculated diogenitic magmas. The second prerequisite is that either some of the calculated diogenitic magmas are parental to eucrites or the Mg# in diogenitic magmas are influenced by slight changes in oxygen fugacity during partial melting. The second model involves batch melting of a source that reflects accretional heterogeneities capable of generating diogenitic magmas with the calculated Mg# and incompatible element contents. Both of these models require small to moderate degrees of partial melting that may limit the efficiency of core separation.  相似文献   

Abstract— The iron-magnesium exchange between M1 and M2 sites in orthopyroxene is a reversible reaction that records the latest event in the thermal evolution of the host rock. A kinetic analysis of this process has been applied to 16 orthopyroxene single crystals from 7 different diogenites to constrain the cooling history of their parent body. The Fe2+-Mg ordering degrees have been determined by single-crystal x-ray diffraction. The Fe2+-Mg ordering closure temperatures were very homogeneous within each sample and ranged, for all diogenites studied, between 311 ± 29 °C and 408 ± 10 °C. Cooling rates at these closure temperatures were calculated using a numerical method developed by Ganguly (1982). These ranged between ~5 °C/104 year in Johnstown and ~0.8 °C/year in Roda. A comparison with other achondrites studied with the same method showed that increasing closure temperatures correspond to increasing cooling rates and that meteorites from a same parent body exhibit similar closure temperature and cooling rate values. The cooling rates obtained for these diogenites, at their low closure temperatures, should probably be ascribed to a complex thermal history of their parent body, thus confirming Miyamoto and Takeda's theory (1994a) of excavation of deep crustal material due to impact events. The differences on cooling rate values for different diogenites could be due to different burial depths in the fragment ejected from the parent body.  相似文献   

The dynamo explanation of Mercury's magnetic field leads to constraints on the thermal evolution of the planet. A heat-source density at least comparable to the Earth's mantle-wide average must have been retained throughout Mercury's mantle, if the core is still molten, and if Mercury's mantle possesses rheological properties similar to those of the Earth's upper mantle.  相似文献   

Magnetic properties are sensitive proxies to characterize FeNi metal phases in meteorites. We present a data set of magnetic hysteresis properties of 91 ordinary chondrite falls. We show that hysteresis properties are distinctive of individual meteorites while homogeneous among meteorite subsamples. Except for the most primitive chondrites, these properties can be explained by a mixture of multidomain kamacite that dominates the induced magnetism and tetrataenite (both in the cloudy zone as single‐domain grains, and as larger multidomain grains in plessite and in the rim of zoned taenite) dominates the remanent magnetism, in agreement with previous microscopic magnetic observations. The bulk metal contents derived from magnetic measurements are in agreement with those estimated previously from chemical analyses. We evidence a decreasing metal content with increasing petrologic type in ordinary chondrites, compatible with oxidation of metal during thermal metamorphism. Types 5 and 6 ordinary chondrites have higher tetrataenite content than type 4 chondrites. This is compatible with lower cooling rates in the 650–450 °C interval for higher petrographic types (consistent with an onion‐shell model), but is more likely the result of the oxidation of ordinary chondrites with increasing metamorphism. In equilibrated chondrites, shock‐related transient heating events above approximately 500 °C result in the disordering of tetrataenite and associated drastic change in magnetic properties. As a good indicator of the amount of tetrataenite, hysteresis properties are a very sensitive proxy of the thermal history of ordinary chondrites, revealing low cooling rates during thermal metamorphism and high cooling rates (e.g., following shock reheating or excavation after thermal metamorphism). Our data strengthen the view that the poor magnetic recording properties of multidomain kamacite and the secondary origin of tetrataenite make equilibrated ordinary chondrites challenging targets for paleomagnetic study.  相似文献   

Abstract— Grosvenor Mountains (GRO) 95555 is a relatively newly discovered and unique metamorphic diogenite. It does not show the usual brecciated appearance of other diogenites or wide compositional variability of orthopyroxene or spinel. Electron microprobe analysis (EMPA) and secondary ion mass spectrometer (SIMS) analysis of orthopyroxene and EMPA of spinel show limited compositional variability. Compositions for orthopyroxene for Fe/(Fe + Mg) atomic, Al, Zr, Y, and Yb fall in the middle of the compositional ranges of the diogenite suite. Apparently, GRO 95555 formed at sufficient depth or location to escape brecciation by meteorite bombardment and in a thermal regime that led to high‐grade metamorphism resulting in homogeneous mineral compositions.  相似文献   

We studied textures and compositions of sulfide inclusions in unzoned Fe,Ni metal particles within CBa Gujba, CBa Weatherford, CBb HH 237, and CBb QUE 94411 in order to constrain formation conditions and secondary thermal histories on the CB parent body. Unzoned metal particles in all four chondrites have very similar metal and sulfide compositions. Metal particles contain different types of sulfides, which we categorize as: homogeneous low‐Cr sulfides composed of troilite, troilite‐containing exsolved daubreelite lamellae, arcuate sulfides that occur along metal grain boundaries, and shock‐melted sulfides composed of a mixture of troilite and Fe, Ni metal. Our model for formation proposes that the unzoned metal particles were initially metal droplets that formed from splashing by a partially molten impacting body. Sulfide inclusions later formed as a result of precipitation of excess S from solid metal at low temperatures, either during single stage cooling or during a reheating event by impacts. Sulfides containing exsolution lamellae record temperatures of ?600 °C, and irregular Fe‐FeS intergrowth textures suggest localized shock melting, both of which are indicative of heterogeneous heating by impact processes on the CB parent body. Our study shows that CBa and CBb chondrites formed in a similar environment, and also experienced similar secondary impact processing.  相似文献   

Faults provide a record of a planet’s crustal stress state and interior dynamics, including volumetric changes related to long-term cooling. Previous work has suggested that Mars experienced a pulse of large-scale global contraction during Hesperian time. Here we evaluate the evidence for martian global contraction using a recent compilation of thrust faults. Fault-related strains were calculated for wrinkle ridges and lobate scarps to provide lower and upper bounds, respectively, on the magnitude of global contraction from contractional structures observed on the surface of Mars. During the hypothesized pulse of global contraction, contractional strain of −0.007% to −0.13% is indicated by the structures, corresponding to decreases in planetary radius of 112 m to 2.24 km, respectively. By contrast, consideration of all recognized thrust faults regardless of age produces a globally averaged contractional strain of −0.011% to −0.22%, corresponding to a radius decrease of 188 m to 3.77 km since the Early Noachian. The amount of global contraction predicted by thermal models is larger than what is recorded by the faults at the surface, paralleling similar studies for Mercury and the Moon, which suggests that observations of fault populations at the surface may provide tighter bounds on planetary thermal evolution than models alone.  相似文献   

Impact breccia 14311, was collected from the Apollo 14 landing site as a potential sample of the underlying Fra Mauro Formation. Published zircon U‐Pb ages of >4000 Ma date the source material of the breccia and the apatite U‐Pb age of ~3940 Ma is interpreted as dating thermal resetting of the apatite U‐Pb systems. In this contribution we present new age information on the late stage thermal history of the breccia based on the annealing of radiation damage in the zircons. From Raman spectroscopic determination of the radiation damage within SIMS analytical spots on the zircons and the U and Th concentrations determined on these spots, we demonstrate that the radiation damage in the zircons has been annealed and we estimate the age of annealing at 3410 ± 80 Ma. This age is interpreted as a cooling age following heating of the breccia to above the annealing temperature of ~230 °C for stage 1 radiation damage in zircon, but below the temperature needed to reset the U‐Pb system of apatite (~500 °C). It is proposed that this thermal event was associated with the prolonged period of Mare volcanism, from 3150 to 3750 Ma, that generated massive basalt flows in the vicinity of the sample location.  相似文献   

Several aubrites (e.g., LAP 03719, Bishopville, Khor Temiki, ALH 83015) contain orthopyroxene grains that exhibit more‐pronounced shock effects than associated olivine grains. The orthopyroxene grains in these samples have clinoenstatite lamellae on (100) and exhibit weak mosaic extinction, characteristic of shock stage S4; the olivine grains exhibit either sharp optical extinction, characteristic of shock stage S1 (as in LAP 03719), or undulose extinction (shock stage S2), as in Bishopville and ALH 83015. The Khor Temiki regolith breccia contains S1 and S2 olivine grains. Because literature data show that diffusion is much slower in orthopyroxene than in olivine, it seems likely that aubrites experienced postshock, impact‐induced annealing. After differentiation, the aubrite parent asteroid suffered major collisions that caused extensive brecciation of near‐surface materials and damaged orthopyroxene and olivine crystal lattices. As a result of these impact events, some aubrites were shocked and buried within warm ejecta blankets or beneath fallback debris under the crater floor. Entombed olivine crystal lattices healed (and became unstrained, reaching shock stage S1), but orthopyroxene lattices retained their S4‐level shock‐damaged features. Aubrites with S4 orthopyroxene and S2 olivine were probably very weakly shocked again after olivine was annealed to S1.  相似文献   

Abstract— We report on the major and trace element abundances of 18 diogenites, and O‐isotopes for 3 of them. Our analyses extend significantly the diogenite compositional range, both in respect of Mg‐rich (e.g., Meteorite Hills [MET] 00425, MgO = 31.5 wt%) and Mg‐poor varieties (e.g., Dhofar 700, MgO = 23 wt%). The wide ranges of siderophile and chalcophile element abundances are well explained by the presence of inhomogeneously distributed sulfide or metal grains within the analyzed chips. The behavior of incompatible elements in diogenites is more complex, as exemplified by the diversity of their REE patterns. Apart from a few diogenite samples that contain minute amounts of phosphate, and whose incompatible element abundances are unlike the orthopyroxene ones, the range of incompatible element abundances, and particularly the range of Dy/Yb ratios in diogenites is best explained by the diversity of their parental melts. We estimate that the FeO/MgO ratios of the diogenite parental melts range from about 1.4 to 3.5 and therefore largely overlap the values obtained for non‐cumulate eucrites. Our results rule out the often accepted view that all the diogenites formed from parental melts more primitive than eucrites during the crystallization of a magma ocean. Instead, they point to a more complex history, and suggest that diogenites were derived from liquids produced by the remelting of cumulates formed from the magma ocean.  相似文献   

The Dry Valleys of Antarctica are an excellent analog of the environment at the surface of Mars. Soil formation histories involving slow processes of sublimation and migration of water-soluble ions in polar desert environments are characteristic of both Mars and the Dry Valleys. At the present time, the environment in the Dry Valleys is probably the most similar to that in the mid-latitudes on Mars although similar conditions may be found in areas of the polar regions during their respective Mars summers. It is thought that Mars is currently in an interglacial period, and that subsurface water ice is sublimating poleward. Because the Mars sublimation zones seem to be the most similar to the Antarctic Dry Valleys, the Dry Valleys-type Mars climate is migrating towards the poles. Mars has likely undergone drastic obliquity changes, which means that the Dry Valleys analog to Mars may be valid for large parts of Mars, including the polar regions, at different times in geologic history. Dry Valleys soils contain traces of silicate alteration products and secondary salts much like those found in Mars meteorites. A martian origin for some of the meteorite secondary phases has been verified previously; it can be based on the presence of shock effects and other features which could not have formed after the rocks were ejected from Mars, or demonstrable modification of a feature by the passage of the meteorite through Earth's atmosphere (proving the feature to be pre-terrestrial). The martian weathering products provide critical information for deciphering the near-surface history of Mars. Definite martian secondary phases include Ca-carbonate, Ca-sulfate, and Mg-sulfate. These salts are also found in soils from the Dry Valleys of Antarctica. Results of earlier Wright Valley work are consistent with what is now known about Mars based on meteorite and orbital data. Results from recent and current Mars missions support this inference. Aqueous processes are active even in permanently frozen Antarctic Dry Valleys soils, and similar processes are probably also occurring on Mars today, especially at the mid-latitudes. Both weathering products and life in Dry Valleys soils are distributed heterogeneously. Such variations should be taken into account in future studies of martian soils and also in the search for possible life on Mars.  相似文献   

Thermal models of asteroids generally assume that they accreted either instantaneously or over an extended interval with a prescribed growth rate. It is conventionally assumed that the onset of accretion of chondrite parent bodies was delayed until a substantial fraction of the initial 26Al had decayed. However, this interval is not consistent with the early melting, and differentiation of parent bodies of iron meteorites. Formation time scales are tested by dynamical simulations of accretion from small primary planetesimals. Gravitational accretion yields rapid runaway growth of large planetary embryos until most smaller bodies are depleted. In a given simulation, all asteroid‐sized bodies have comparable growth times, regardless of size. For plausible parameters, growth times are shorter than the lifetime of 26Al, consistent with thermal models that assume instantaneous accretion. Rapid growth after planetesimal formation is consistent with differentiation of parent bodies of iron meteorites, but not with the assumed delay in formation of chondritic bodies. After the initial growth stage, there is an interval of slower evolution until the belt is stirred and the embryos are dynamically removed. During this interval, a fraction of asteroid‐sized bodies experience large accretional impacts, allowing bodies of the same final size to have very different histories of radius versus time. Accretion from small primary planetesimals leaves some fraction of material in bodies small enough to preserve CAIs while avoiding heating by 26Al. Unheated material can be a significant fraction of the mass that remains after large embryos are removed from the Main Belt.  相似文献   

High signal-to-noise, rotationally-resolved spectra of Asteroid 4 Vesta’s southern hemisphere from the 2007 opposition were used to constrain its compositional and mineralogical variations. The spectra were rotationally-phased using closely timed HST observations of Vesta by Li et al. (Li, J.-Y., McFadden, L.A., Thomas, P.C., Mutchler, M.J., Parker, J.Wm., Young, E.F., Russell, C.T., Sykes, M.V., Schmidt, B.E. [2010]. Icarus 208, 238–251). The average surface of Vesta’s southern hemisphere is analogous to a howardite or polymict eucrite assemblage similar to the northern hemisphere, although the band parameters are distinctly shifted towards the diogenite zone on the Band–Band plot. A few distinct compositional units were detected and they might be related to albedo features detected by Hubble Space Telescope (Li et al., 2010). We have identified two compositionally distinct regions overlaying the background surface. The first unit is a polymict eucrite and/or low-Ca eucrite compositional unit at 143° longitude that border the eucrite zone on the Band–Band plot and the second is a diogenite unit at 159°. While we did not detect any distinct olivine units as suggested by Gaffey (Gaffey, M.J. [1997]. Icarus 127, 130–157), we cannot rule out the possibility of smaller olivine-rich units that are below the detection limit of the instrumentation we used. Based on the analysis and the limitations of the data, we do not suggest that Vesta’s surface is olivine-free. Mean pyroxene chemistry estimates for both hemispheres broadly agree with one another (to within one-sigma) with the northern hemisphere ferrosilite (Fs) and wollastonite (Wo) values being slightly higher than southern hemisphere.  相似文献   

Population-density maps of craters in three size ranges (0.6 to 1.2 km, 4 to 10 km, and >20 km in diameter) were compiled for most of Mars from Mariner 9 imagery. These data provide: historical records of the eolian processes (0.6 to 1.2 km craters); stratigraphic, relative, and absolute timescales (4 to 10 km craters); and a history of the early postaccretional evolution of the uplands (> 20 km craters).Based on the distribution of large craters (>20 km diameters), Mars is divisible into two general classes of terrain, densely cratered and very lightly cratered—a division remarkably like the uplands-maria dichotomy of the moon. It is probable that this bimodal character in the density distribution of large craters arose from an abrupt transition in the impact flux rate from an early intense period associated with the tailing off of accretion to an extended quiescent epoch, not from a void in geological activity during much of Mars' history. Radio-isotope studies of Apollo lunar samples show that this transition occurred on the moon in a short time.The intermediate-sized craters (4 to 10 km diameter) and the small-sized craters (0.6 to 1.2 km diameter) appear to be genetically related. The smaller ones are apparently secondary impact craters generated by the former. Most of the craters in the larger of these two size classes appear fresh and uneroded, although many are partly buried by dust mantles. Poleward of the 40° parallels the small fresh craters are notably absent owing to these mantles. The density of small craters is highest in an irregular band centered at 20°S. This band coincides closely with (1) the zone of permanent low-albedo markings; (2) the “wind equator” (the latitude of zero net north or south transport at the surface); and (3) a band that includes a majority of the small dendritic channels. Situated in the southermost part of the equatorial unmantled terrain which extends from about 40°N to 40°S, this band is apparently devoid of even a thin mantle. Because this belt is also coincident with the latitutde of maximum solar insolation (periapsis occurs near summer solstice), we suggest that this band arises from the asymmetrical global wind patterns at the surface and that the band probably follows the latitude of maximum heating which migrates north and south from 25°N to 25°S within the unmantled terrain on a 50,000 year timescale.The population of intermediate-sized craters (4–10 km diameter) appears unaffected by the eolian mantles, at least within the ±45° latitudes. Hence the local density of these craters is probably a valid indicator of the relative age of surfaces generated during the period since the uplands were intensely bombarded and eroded. It now appears that the impact fluxes at Mars and the moon have been roughly the same over the last 4 b.y. because the oldest postaccretional, mare-like surfaces on Mars and the moon display about the same crater density. If so, the nearness of Mars to the asteroid belt has not generated a flux 10 to 25 times greater than the lunar flux. Whereas the lunar maria show a variation of about a factor of three in crater density from the oldest to the youngest major units, analogous surfaces on Mars show a variation between 30 and 50. This implies that periods of active eolian erosion, tectonic evolution, volcanic eruption, and possibly fluvial modification have been scattered throughout Martian history since the formation and degradation of the martian uplands and not confined to small, ancient or recent, epochs. These processes are surely active on the planet today.  相似文献   

Abstract We obtained two‐dimensional concentration maps for the minor elements Fe and V in 21 spinel crystals in the Allende type B1 inclusion TS‐34 with a 4–5 μm resolution. Locally high concentrations of Fe occur along at least one edge of the spinels and decrease toward the center of the grains. Enrichment in V can also occur along edges or at corners. In general, there is no overall correlation of the Fe and V distributions, but in local regions of two grains, the V and Fe distributions are correlated, strongly suggesting a local source for both elements. In these two grains, opaque assemblages are present that appear to locally control the V distributions. This, coupled with previous work, suggests that prior to alteration, TS‐34 contained V‐rich metal. Oxidation of this metal during alteration can account for the edge/corner V enrichments, but provide only minor FeO contributions, explaining the overall lack of correlation between Fe and V. Most of the FeO appears to have been externally introduced along spinel boundaries during alteration. These alteration phases served as sources for diffusion of FeO into spinel. FeO distributions in spinel lead to a mean attenuation length of ?8 μm and, using literature diffusion coefficients in isothermal and exponential cooling approximations for peak temperatures in the range 600–700°C, this leads to a time scale for calcium‐aluminum‐rich inclusion (CAI) alteration in the range of decades to centuries.  相似文献   

The asteroid 4 Vesta is one of the very few heavenly bodies to have been linked to samples on Earth: the howardite‐eucrite‐diogenite (HED) meteorite suite. This large and diverse suite of meteorites provides a detailed picture of Vesta's igneous and postigneous history. We have used the range of igneous rock types and compositions in the HED suite to test a series of chemical models for solidification processes following peak melting (magma ocean) conditions on Vesta. Fractional crystallization cannot have been a dominant early process in the magma ocean because it leads to excessive Fe‐enrichment in the melt. Models that are dominated by equilibrium crystallization cannot produce orthopyroxene cumulates (diogenites). Our best models invoke 60–70% equilibrium crystallization of a magma ocean followed by continuous extraction of the residual melt into shallow magma chambers. Fractional crystallization in these magma chambers combined with continuous or periodic addition of more melt from the slowly compacting crystal mush (magmatic recharge) can produce all of the igneous HED lithologies (noncumulate and cumulate eucrites, diogenites, dunites, harzburgites, and olivine diogenites). Magmatic recharge can also explain the narrow range in eucrite compositions and the variability of incompatible trace element concentrations in diogenites. We predict an internal structure for Vesta that permits excavation of the HEDs during the formation of the Rheasilvia basin, while remaining consistent with observations from the Dawn mission and most impact models.  相似文献   

The analysis of Venus’ gravity field and topography suggests the presence of a small number of deep mantle plumes (~9). This study predicts the number of plumes formed at the core–mantle boundary, their characteristics, and the production of partial melt from adiabatic decompression. Numerical simulations are performed using a 3D spherical code that includes large viscosity variations and internal heating. This study investigates the effect of several parameters including the core–mantle boundary temperature, the amount of internal heating, and the mantle viscosity. The smallest number of plumes is achieved when no internal heating is present. However, scaling Earth’s radiogenic heating to Venus suggests a value of ~16 TW. Cases with internal heating produce more realistic lid thickness and partial melting, but produce either too many plumes or no plumes if a high mantle temperature precludes the formation of a hot thermal boundary layer. Mantle viscosity must be reduced to at least 1020 Pa s in order to include significant internal heating and still produce hot plumes. In all cases that predict melting, melting occurs throughout the upper mantle. Only cases with high core temperature (>1700 K) produce dry melting. Over time the upper mantle may have lost significant volatiles. Depending on the water content of the lower mantle, deep plumes may contribute to present-day atmospheric water via volcanic outgassing. Assuming 50 ppm water in mantle, 10 plumes with a buoyancy flux of 500 kg/s continuously erupting for 4 myr will outgas an amount of water on the order of that in the lower atmosphere. A higher level of internal heating than achieved to date, as well as relatively low mantle viscosity, may be required to achieve simulations with ~10 plumes and a thinner lid. Alternatively, if the mantle is heating up due to the stagnant lid, the effect is equivalent to having lower rates of internal heating. A temperature increase of 110 K/byr is equivalent to ?13 TW. This value along with the internal heating of 3 TW used in this study may represent the approximate heat budget of Venus’ mantle.  相似文献   

J. Vaucher  N. Mangold  K. Kurita 《Icarus》2009,204(2):418-151
Central Elysium Planitia (CEP) is located south of Elysium Mons. Back to the era of the Viking orbiters, clues accumulated in favor of recent volcanism in relation with ground water release and the formation of long sub-parallel fissures. Four aqueous flood channel systems emanate from linear fissures. Recent eruptions of low viscosity lavas originate from these fissures and from low shield volcanoes. The objective of this paper is to constrain the volcanic history of this region, and to determine the chronological relationships with fluvial/erosional processes. New observations (e.g., new shield volcanoes and one new fluvial event) are summarized on a context map. Thirty-five surfaces have been dated from the count of about 15,000 impact craters. Ages have been cross-checked with relative stratigraphy when possible. A probabilistic approach has been introduced to compare similar ages and define periods of volcanic activity. Our results confirm that some volcanic features are extremely recent (∼2 My). Active periods are found at 2.5-3 My, 4.3 My, 13.5-16.2 My, 19 My, 21-32 My, 58 My, 71 My, 85-95 My, 134 My, 173 My and 234 My, not excluding the possibility that some of the gaps would be filled with additional crater counts. The volcanic activity thus extended for at least the last 250 My. The lava volumes have been estimated from the topographic modeling of the floor of depressions filled up by volcanic products, including the volumes of several large crater cavities buried under lavas (>20% of the total volume). Our new estimation of the total lava volume is 1.5 ± 0.2 × 105 km3. This value corresponds to an average thickness of one hundred meters of lavas for the young volcanic plain. As a consequence, the total eruption rate at CEP, defined as the total volume of lava divided by the time of emplacement 1.4 × 10−2-1.8 × 10−2 m3/s is lower than values typically estimated for terrestrial hot spots or large igneous provinces, suggesting longer inactive periods. The concept of mantle plumes responsible for terrestrial flood volcanism may not be applicable to the case of CEP and the mechanism proposed in Schumacher and Dreuer (2007) offers a plausible alternative to explain our observations.  相似文献   

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