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If Type II supernovae – the evolutionary end points of short-lived, massive stars – produce a significant quantity of dust  (>0.1 M)  then they can explain the rest-frame far-infrared emission seen in galaxies and quasars in the first Gyr of the Universe. Submillimetre (submm) observations of the Galactic supernova remnant, Cas A, provided the first observational evidence for the formation of significant quantities of dust in Type II supernovae. In this paper, we present new data which show that the submm emission from Cas A is polarized at a level significantly higher than that of its synchrotron emission. The orientation is consistent with that of the magnetic field in Cas A, implying that the polarized submm emission is associated with the remnant. No known mechanism would vary the synchrotron polarization in this way and so we attribute the excess polarized submm flux to cold dust within the remnant, providing fresh evidence that cosmic dust can form rapidly. This is supported by the presence of both polarized and unpolarized dust emission in the north of the remnant where there is no contamination from foreground molecular clouds. The inferred dust polarization fraction is unprecedented  ( f pol∼ 30 per cent)  which, coupled with the brief time-scale available for grain alignment (<300 yr), suggests that supernova dust differs from that seen in other Galactic sources (where   f pol= 2−7  per cent) or that a highly efficient grain alignment process must operate in the environment of a supernova remnant.  相似文献   

Radio emission of the historical supernovae remnants Tycho (SNR1572) and Kepler (SNR1604) and evolution of their luminosity are considered. Measurement data of secular luminosity decrease rate, obtained earlier by the authors, were corrected with account of variation in time of the flux density of the reference sources. As a result, it is found that the SNR1604 luminosity at 1667 MHz is weakening with an annual mean rate equal to (0.2 ± 0.07)%. The corresponding rate for SNR1572 is (0.47 ± 0.05)%. Since the radio luminosity evolution, as well as energy densities of magnetic field and relativistic electrons inside SNR1604 and SNR1572 are essentially different, these remnants should be considered as different types of supernovae. Bandiera classified SN1604 as type SNIb or SNII.  相似文献   

We have used the Australia Telescope Compact Array to image four southern luminous blue variable stars: AG Car, He3-519, HR Car and WRA 751, at wavelengths of 3 and 6 cm, and resolutions of 1 and 2 arcsec respectively. With the partial exception of HR Car, all radio images show an unresolved stellar core surrounded by a large ionized gaseous nebula, and agree well with published H α and [N  ii ] optical images. The image of WRA 751 shows a stellar torus or disc. HR Car's radio image is unusual, and seems best explained by the presence of a hot binary companion.  相似文献   

We present simulated images of Supernova 1993J at 8.4 GHz using Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) techniques. A spherically symmetric source model is convolved with realistic u v -plane distributions, together with standard imaging procedures, to assess the extent of instrumental effects on the recovered brightness distribution. In order to facilitate direct comparisons between the simulations and published VLBI images of SN 1993J, the observed u v -coverage is determined from actual VLBI observations made in the years following its discovery.
The underlying source model only exhibits radial variation in its density profile, with no azimuthal dependence and, even though this model is morphologically simple, the simulated VLBI observations qualitatively reproduce many of the azimuthal features of the reported VLBI observations, such as appearance and evolution of complex azimuthal structure and apparent rotation of the shell. We demonstrate that such features are inexorably coupled to the u v -plane sampling.
The brightness contrast between the peaks and the surrounding shell material are not as prominent in the simulations (which of course assume no antenna- or baseline-based amplitude or phase errors, meaning no self-calibration procedures will have incorporated any such features in models). It is conclusive that incomplete u v -plane sampling has a drastic effect on the final images for observations of this nature. Difference imaging reveals residual emission up to the 8σ level. Extreme care should be taken when using interferometric observations to directly infer the structure of objects such as supernovae.  相似文献   

During the period 1966.5–2006.2 the 15GHz and 8GHz light curves of 3C 454.3 (z = 0.859) show a quasi-periodicity of ~12.8 yr (~6.9 yr in the rest frame of the source) with a double-bump structure. This periodic behaviour is interpreted in terms of a rotating double-jet model in which the two jets are created from the black holes of a binary system and rotating with the period of the orbital motion. The periodic variations in the radio fluxes of 3C 454.3 are suggested to be mainly due to the lighthouse effects (or the variation in Doppler boosting) of the precessing jets caused by the orbital motion. In addition, variations in the rate of mass accreting onto the black holes may be also involved.  相似文献   

Using new and archival radio data, we have measured the proper motion of the black hole X-ray binary V404 Cyg to be  9.2 ± 0.3 mas yr−1  . Combined with the systemic radial velocity from the literature, we derive the full three-dimensional heliocentric space velocity of the system, which we use to calculate a peculiar velocity in the range 47–102 km s−1, with a best-fitting value of 64 km s−1. We consider possible explanations for the observed peculiar velocity and find that the black hole cannot have formed via direct collapse. A natal supernova is required, in which either significant mass  (∼11 M)  was lost, giving rise to a symmetric Blaauw kick of up to ∼65 km s−1, or, more probably, asymmetries in the supernova led to an additional kick out of the orbital plane of the binary system. In the case of a purely symmetric kick, the black hole must have been formed with a mass  ∼9 M  , since when it has accreted  0.5–1.5 M  from its companion.  相似文献   

We present polarization observations of the gravitational lens system B1422+231 made at 8.4 GHz using the VLBA and the 100-m telescope at Effelsberg. All four images of the quasar show structure on the milliarcsec scale. The three bright images show tangential stretching as expected from lens models. Some basic properties of gravitational lensing are exhibited by this system. The surface brightness of images A and B are the same and the parity reversal expected in image B is revealed, for the first time, by polarization observations. There is a large differential Faraday rotation between images A and B.  相似文献   

We present new statistical results on the spectral index-flux density relation for large samples of radio sources using archival data of the most sensitive surveys, such as 6C, Miyun, WENSS, B3, NVSS, GB87. Instrumental selection effects and the completeness of the catalogs are discussed. Based on the spectral indices calculated for about 200 000 sources from the WENSS (327 MHz) and NVSS (1.4 GHz) catalogs, we obtained (1) The median spectral index increases from amed --0.9 toαmed --0.8 (Svαvα), while S327 flux densities decrease from 0.1 Jy down to 25mJy. The median spectral indices nearly show no variation within the error bars when the flux density is larger than 0.1 Jy. (2) A dependence of the fraction of ultra-steep spectrum sources (USS, -1.5 <α<-1.0), steep spectrum sources (SSS, -1.0 <α< -0.5) and flat spectrum sources (FSS, -0.5≤α≤0.0) is partly responsible for the spectral flattening. Another contribution to the spectral flattening comes from the variation of αmed of steep spectrum so  相似文献   

We have observed a number of minor radio flares in Cyg X-3 using the MERLIN array. Photometric observations show the system to be highly active with multiple flares on hourly time-scales over the one month observing programme. Analysis of the power spectrum of the source show no persistent periodicities in these data, and no evidence of the 4.8-h orbital period. An upper limit of 15 mJy can be placed on the amplitude of any sinusoidal variation of source flux at the orbital period. The brightness temperature of a flare is typically T b≥109–1010 K , with a number of small flares of 5-min duration having brightness temperatures of T b≥ few×1011 K . For such a change in flux to occur within a typical 10-min time-scale, the radiation must originate from plasmons with a size ≤1.22 au. This emission is unlikely to originate close to the centre of the system as both the jets and compact object are buried deep within an optically thick stellar wind. Assuming a spherically symmetric wind, plasmons would become visible at distances ∼13 au from the core.  相似文献   

We observed 1938-155, a broad line radio galaxy (BLRG), with the Very Large Array (VLA) at 90cm with an angular resolution of 6.8" × 4.0". The source consists of two components separated by 4 arcsec (- 20kpc, for H0 = 65km s-1 Mpc-1, q0 = 0.5) along the SE-NW direction. Both components show steep-spectra with a similar spectral index α - 0.83 ± 0.07 (Sv ∝ v-α). The bright double components are surrounded by a low-brightness cocoon. The radio properties of the two bright components are consistent with the hot spots produced by twin jets. An upper limit of - 0.0008 for the core dominance parameter (R) is inferred, suggesting there is no prominent radio core in the source. Assuming a modest viewing angle 30f77, a jet velocity is estimated - 0.07 c, based on the jet to counter-jet brightness ratio (J). The lower limit in jet speed inferred is consistent with no Doppler beaming effect on the jet. The radio galaxy 1938-155 could be an exceptional BLRG with no prominent radio core or jet.  相似文献   

We present a catalogue with coordinates and photometric data of 2446 Be star candidates in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), based on a search of the OGLE II data base. The I -band light curves of these stars show outbursts in 24 per cent of the sample (Type-1 stars), high and low states in 10 per cent, periodic variations in 6 per cent (Type-3 stars), and stochastic variations in 60 per cent of the cases. We report on the result of the statistical study of light curves of Type-1 and Type-3 stars in the LMC, and the comparison with the previously reported results of the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) sample. We find a statistically significant difference between amplitude, duration and asymmetry distributions of outbursts in both galaxies. Outbursts of SMC Type-1 stars are usually brighter, longer and with a slower decline. We find a bimodal distribution of periods of Type-3 stars in both galaxies, probably related to the recently discovered double periodic blue variables. We find also period and amplitude distributions of Type-3 LMC stars statistically different from those of the SMC stars. Our findings above suggest that the mechanisms causing the observed photometric variability of Type-1 and Type-3 stars could depend on metallicity. Moreover, they suggest that the outbursts are not primarily caused by stellar winds.  相似文献   

Skinner et al. presented two high-resolution 6-cm (5 GHz) images of the B-supergiant star P Cygni. These show the observed morphology and flux densities to have changed over the intervening month. Following on from this, we present a series of seven high-resolution 6-cm images (including re-reductions of the two from Skinner et al.). These confirm that radio emission from the inner 400 mas of the wind is inhomogeneous, consisting usually of several separated bright spots, and that the total and peak flux densities and the observed morphology vary over all time-scales sampled. We suggest that recombination in cooling clumps of gas which will decrease the radio emission, followed by the appearance of other ionized clumps, could explain such rapid changes, but detailed models must await further observations.  相似文献   

We report and discuss the results of a 22-cm radio survey carried out with the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) covering the A3528 complex, a chain formed by the merging ACO clusters A3528–A3530–A3532 , located in the central region of the Shapley Concentration. Simultaneous 13-cm observations are also presented. Our final catalogue includes a total of 106 radio sources above the flux density limit of 0.8 mJy. By cross-correlation with optical and spectroscopic catalogues we found 32 optical counterparts, nine of them belonging to the A3528 complex.
We explored the effects of cluster mergers on the radio emission properties of radio galaxies by means of the radio luminosity function (RLF) and radio source counts. We found that the radio source counts are consistent with the background counts, as already found for the A3558 complex. The RLF for this complex is consistent, in both shape and normalization, with the general cluster luminosity function for early-type galaxies derived by Ledlow & Owen. This result is different from the one we obtained for the A3558 merging complex, the RLF of which is significantly lower than that derived by Ledlow & Owen.
We propose that the different stage of the merger is responsible for the different RLFs in the two cluster complexes in the core of the Shapley Concentration. The early stage of merger for the A3528 complex, proposed by many authors, may not yet have affected the radio properties of cluster galaxies, while in the more much advanced merger in the A3558 region we actually see the effects of this process on the radio emission.  相似文献   

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