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利用2000-2014年MOD10A2积雪产品和数字高程模型DEM数据,以积雪覆盖率为指标,在分析西藏高原积雪空间分布特点的基础上,定量研究了高程、坡度和坡向等地形要素对高原积雪时空分布的影响。主要结论有:① 西藏高原积雪的空间分布差异显著,具有中东部念青唐古拉山和周边高山积雪丰富,覆盖率高,而南部河谷和羌塘高原中西部积雪少,覆盖率低的特点。② 海拔越高积雪覆盖率越高,积雪持续时间越长,年内变化越稳定。海拔2 km以下积雪覆盖率不足4%,海拔6 km以上覆盖率达75%。海拔4 km以下年内积雪覆盖呈单峰型分布特点,海拔越高,单峰型越明显;而海拔4 km以上则为双峰型,海拔越高,双峰型越明显。海拔6 km以下积雪覆盖率最低值出现在夏季,而6 km以上则出现在冬季。③ 总体上,高原地形坡度越高积雪覆盖率越高。不同坡向中,北坡积雪覆盖率最高,南坡最低,年内分布呈双峰型,而无坡向的平地积雪覆盖率要小于有坡向的山地,其年内变化呈单峰型分布特点。  相似文献   

降水的时空变异分析是认识区域水资源形成与演变的重要方法。时空变异特征分析不仅可以系统地对降水的时间序列进行分析,而且能从空间上把握降水的分布格局。本文将河南省近51年雨季降水资料,结合数字高程模型(DEM),利用回归分析、空间自相关分析、空间插值模拟及交叉验证等,对河南省降水时空变异特征进行分析。结果表明:(1)河南省雨季降水整体来看呈增加趋势,近年来尤为明显;但9月份表现异常,呈下降趋势。(2)月降水量差异明显,最大降水量在7月份,平均达到178.3 mm;(3)在空间上降水呈现出明显的南多北少,东多西少的格局;有明显的集聚特点,在南部以罗山、潢川为中心形成降水丰沛聚集区,北部以辉县为中心形成降水稀少聚集区;林县、栾川和西峡表现为空间例外,明显高于相邻区域的降水量。  相似文献   

数字高程模型(DEM)包含的信息常作为重要的水文水动力研究基础数据,但是由于公共源DEM数据精度不能完整表达河床地形,所以无法应用于河流泛洪分析等研究工作.因此,本研究开展了基于DEM数据构建数字河床的工作,首先对提取的纵向河网高程数据引入了强局部加权回归算法进行平滑处理以消除畸点;然后以河面要素文件为掩膜,采用反距离...  相似文献   

TanDEM-X 90 m 数字高程模型(DEM)在其原始雷达影像的采集与DEM产品生产过程中,坡度、坡向和地表覆盖物等 因素都会对误差产生一定的影响。为了便于该数据更好地为各领域的研究提供服务,本文以整个中国大陆为研究区域,运用ICESat/GLA14数据对该区域的TanDEM-X 90 m DEM对应位置的高程数据进行提取统计,对比分析了我国陆地区域 TanDEM-X DEM数据与GLA14高程点数据的整体误差精度,并提取坡度、坡向地形因子,研究TanDEM-X 90 m DEM误差在不同坡度、不同坡向以及不同地表覆盖物影响下的分布规律。结果表明:① TanDEM-X 90 m DEM在中国区域整体的绝对误差均值为3.89 m,中误差为9.03 m,标准差为8.85 m; ② 受地形因子的影响,在坡度<3°时,绝对误差均值仅为1.29 m,标准差为2.84 m; 在坡度>25°时,绝对误差均值20 m以上,标准差也达到30 m左右,即误差随着坡度的上升逐渐增大;③ 坡向对误差也有一定影响,在南北方向的绝对误差均值明显比东西方向小;④ 受地表覆盖物影响较大,在荒地误差最小,绝对误差均值仅为 1.85 m,但在冰川积雪区绝对误差均值达到12.68 m。通过与无人机获取的等高线及剖面图对比分析发现,TanDEM-X 90 m DEM能较好地反映真实地形情况。最后,根据不同影响因素的权值,绘制全国范围的TanDEM-X 90 m DEM误差绝对值分布图,且验证了可靠性。  相似文献   

南极洲被巨厚冰雪覆盖,地质构造以南极横断山脉为界,总体分为东南极地盾和西南极活动带。数字高程模型(DEM)是研究南极冰盖变化的基础数据之一。通过多期次数字高程模型相比较获得高程的变化信息,是分析南极冰盖厚度变化和物质平衡的重要手段。然而不同类型DEM之间存的平面误差和垂直误差影响分析结果的精度。首先利用配准消除DEM间的水平误差,然后计算并按坡度提取CryoSat DEM与其他DEM的平均高程差和标准差,最后分析高程差的时空变化特征。通过分析发现,DEM之间存在不同的平面误差。其中TanDEM_X DEM与CryoSat DEM的高程平面偏差最小,而ICESat DEM与CryoSat DEM的高程平面偏差最大。在垂直方向上,0°~1°的坡度范围内,CryoSat DEM与TanDEM_X DEM的平均高程差在3.5~5.5 m之间,标准差小于18.0 m;CryoSat DEM和Bamber 1km DEM的平均高程差在-2.5~+1.0 m之间,标准差小于24.2 m;CryoSat DEM与ICESat DEM的平均高程差在-25.0~-1.0 m之间,标准差小于47.2 m;CryoSat DEM与RAMPv2 DEM的平均高程差在1.3~3.2 m之间,标准差小于45.6 m。通过研究发现南极冰盖内部高程增加,但西南极冰盖和东南极冰盖高程均在降低,且西南极降低明显,同时南极边缘地区高程降低明显。本研究为全球变化研究和南极物质平衡研究提供了重要参考。   相似文献   

ArcGIS环境下DEM的坡长计算与误差分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
坡长是水土保持、土壤侵蚀和环境评价等研究中的基本因子。在GIS环境下,坡长的提取是基于格网DEM进行的,其结果受到DEM精度、DEM结构、流向提取算法和栅格距离计算方式的影响。在确定分辨率和精度的DEM下,坡长计算误差主要来自流向提取算法和栅格距离计算方式。本文对这两种DEM坡长计算误差源进行了详细的分析,指出集成到ArcGIS软件中的坡长计算模型D8存在较大缺陷,尽管栅格距离计算方式对坡长影响最大误差为8.9%,并可通过统计方式实现整体坡长的修正,但D8算法的单流向特性使得水流方向变得确定和不连续,进而导致坡面单元坡长产生较大误差,因此,利用D8算法进行数值模拟计算需要考虑其精度问题。同时应提高坡长计算的准确性,需要发展更为完善的流向计算方法和坡长计算模型。  相似文献   

数字高程模型(Digital Elevation Model, DEM)是一种至关重要的空间信息,广泛应用于各行各业。其中,ASTER GDEM与SRTM几乎覆盖了全球陆域,为地学研究提供了非常实用的高程数据支撑,但是由于二者传感器采集数据原理的不同,使得高程数据在不同地貌条件下的高程精度亦存在程度不一的误差。本文提出了一种新型的基于地貌特征的DEM融合方法,使得融合GDEM与SRTM后的DEM数据,消除了地貌特征的影响、显著地提高了DEM质量。该方法主要分为地理配准和高程融合2个步骤:①基于河流线对等线性地貌特征的位置数据,构建了GDEM与SRTM的水平偏移相关的误差评价函数,采用多级网格搜索法求得DEM间的水平偏移距离,实现对DEM的配准;②按照DEM高程值在不同地貌单元及边界线附近的高程变化特征,建立地貌分区的高程融合模型来融合两种地理配准后的DEM高程,尤其是实现了地貌单元边界线附近的高程平滑过渡。本文以怀柔北部地区为实验区,以1:5万地形图为参考,对2种DEM数据进行融合,统计结果表明:① 融合DEM在各地貌单元的误差均显著下降,地形表达较之融合前更加精确;② 高程差呈现正态分布,明显区别于融合前DEM不对称的多峰分布形态,说明地貌影响被有效地剔除;③ GDEM和SRTM数据的精度对坡度有较大依赖性,融合后DEM的精度在不同坡度范围下均优于GDEM和SRTM,显著降低了融合前DEM对坡度的依赖程度;④ 在不同坡向下,GDEM和SRTM的RMSE取值波动较大,融合DEM的RMSE取值在各方向表现稳定,高程精度较GDEM和SRTM有显著提高。  相似文献   

针对城市地区SRTM数字高程模型,本文引入街道空间分布信息作为辅助数据,并结合GPS实地测量,对DEM中具有空间相关性的误差部分进行修正,从而尝试在一定程度上提高SRTM数据的垂直精度和空间分辨率.本文以墨西哥城Xico地区为例,解析SRTM DEM像元分辨率单元内地物表面平均高程值的组成结构;分析形成DEM高程值的地...  相似文献   

对SRTM1 DEM高程误差进行校正可有效提高其应用精度。以具有典型地貌特征的黄土高原作为研究区域,以ICESat-2/ATL08陆地高程作为参考数据,引入主流机器学习算法建立SRTM1高程误差与影响因子之间的关系模型对高程值进行校正;通过分析模型性能指标、误差频数分布、校正误差空间格局以及典型剖面误差分布,以此得到不同地貌类型区的高程误差校正模型适用性。实验结果表明:在平原、风沙丘陵和黄土塬地貌区随机森林模型高程校正效果最佳,平均绝对误差分别降低0.49、0.82和1.2 m,同时校正误差在空间分布上异常值较少,低起伏度的平原和风沙丘陵地貌区典型剖面误差与原误差较为贴合;山地区支持向量机模型适用性更强,均方根误差和平均绝对误差分布降低了6.79 m和5.43 m,可大幅提升误差绝对值较小的点位频数,同时在空间格局和典型剖面验证效果最佳;黄土丘陵地貌区弹性反馈神经网络模型效果最优,均方根误差和平均绝对误差分别降低了2.3 m和2.04 m,空间分布上误差降低效果显著,典型剖面误差异常值较少;土石丘陵地貌区卷积神经网络模型效果更理想,均方根误差与平均绝对误差分别降低4.14 m和3.5 ...  相似文献   

随着GIS、数字地球的发展,数字高程模型DEM成为空间信息系统的重要组成部分,是各个应用领域重要的基础数据。本文以国家西部1:50000地形图测绘项目为例,阐述数字高程模型(DEM)质量的检验方法。  相似文献   

多源信息结合的雪灾交通风险评估研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究将气象观测信息与网络信息相结合,提出了一种多源信息结合的雪灾交通风险评估方法:利用长时间气象观测数据分析雪灾的致灾强度时空特征,计算不同年遇型雪灾致灾强度;对门户网站、高速公路网站中节假日道路拥堵的新闻报道进行信息挖掘,获取高速公路暴露度;采用风险矩阵进行雪灾交通风险评估。将该方法应用于河北省,研究结果如下: ① 近5年来全省降雪有所下降,但长时间尺度来看,各地降雪呈波动变化;积雪深度高值区分布在张家口、承德、石家庄地区,但各年代间会有所变化;降雪次数高值区基本固定,在张家口康保、沽源、崇礼以及承德丰宁西北方向。② 暴露度级别高的路段是连接北京与上海、广州、哈尔滨等城市的高速公路,以及重要省市级联络线。③ 受致灾强度与暴露度的综合影响,河北省雪灾高风险路段集中在京港澳高速(石安G4)、京昆高速G5、京承高速G45、长深高速G25、张承高速G95等。这些路段必须做好雪灾风险防范措施。  相似文献   

准确掌握积雪覆盖信息对于气象、水文和全球气候变化研究都具有重要的意义。遥感技术在进行大范围、高频率的积雪覆盖监测中发挥着重要的作用。目前,SNOMAP算法是用于积雪遥感监测最普遍的技术手段,其核心是利用固定阈值的归一化差分积雪指数(Normalized Difference Snow Index,NDSI)进行积雪识别,但这种方法忽略了积雪光谱信息的时相变化,会产生积雪监测的误差。本文提出了一种动态NDSI阈值方法,以纯永久积雪像元的平均NDSI值作为参照系调整固定的NDSI阈值,从而削减影像光谱值波动对积雪识别的影响。以三江源地区作为研究区域,将基于每日MODIS数据进行积雪监测最佳的NDSI阈值与同日纯永久积雪像元的平均NDSI值作线性回归,通过每日纯永久积雪像元平均NDSI值的变化来调整用于积雪识别的NDSI阈值。结果表明:① 基于每日MODIS数据进行积雪覆盖监测最佳的NDSI阈值与同日纯永久积雪像元的平均NDSI值之间存在较好的线性关系,决定系数R 2达到0.86;② 三江源地区动态NDSI阈值的范围为0.29~0.37,其平均值在0.33左右,说明MODIS全球积雪面积产品中将NDSI阈值取为0.40会低估三江源地区的积雪面积;③ 与采用固定NDSI阈值0.33的监测方法相比,动态NDSI阈值法近似率、总体分类精度和F值的平均值分别提高了5.17%、0.70%、1.14%。  相似文献   

The chlorophyll a(Chl a) is an important indicator of marine ecosystems. The spatiotemporal variation of the Chl a greatly aff ects the mariculture and marine ranching in coastal waters of the Shandong Peninsula. In the current study, the climatology and seasonal variability of surface Chl-a concentration around the Shandong Peninsula are investigated based on 16 years(December 2002–November 2018) of satellite observations. The results indicate that the annual mean Chl-a concentration is greater in the Bohai Sea than in the Yellow Sea and decreases from coastal waters to off shore waters. The highest Chl-a concentrations are found in Laizhou Bay(4.2–8.0 mg/m 3), Haizhou Bay(4.2–5.9 mg/m 3) and the northeast coast of the Shandong Peninsula(4.4–5.0 mg/m 3), resulting from the combined eff ects of the intense riverine input and long residence time caused by the concave shape of the coastline. The seasonal Chl-a concentration shows a signifi cant spatial variation. The Chl-a concentrations in these three subregions generally exhibit an annual maximum in August/September, due to the combined eff ects of sea surface temperature, river discharge and sea surface wind. In the southeast coast region, however, the Chl-a concentration is lowest throughout the year and reaches a maximum in February with a minimum in July, forced by the seasonal evolution of the Yellow Sea Cold Water and monsoon winds. The interannual Chl-a concentration trends vary among regions and seasons. There are signifi cant increasing trends over a large area around Haizhou Bay from winter to summer, which are mainly caused by the rising sea surface temperature and eutrophication. In other coastal areas, the Chl-a concentration shows decreasing trends, which are clearest in summer and induced by the weakening land rainfall. This study highlights the diff erences in the Chl-a dynamics among regions around the Shandong Peninsula and is helpful for further studies of coupled physical-ecological-human interactions at multiple scales.  相似文献   

Snow avalanche is a serious threat to the safety of roads in alpine mountains. In the western Tianshan Mountains, large scale avalanches occur every year and affect road safety. There is an urgent need to identify the characteristics of triggering factors for avalanche activity in this region to improve road safety and the management of natural hazards. Based on the observation of avalanche activity along the national road G218 in the western Tianshan Mountains, avalanche event data in combination with meteorological, snowpack and earthquake data were collected and analyzed. The snow climate of the mountain range was examined using a recently developed snow climate classification scheme, and triggering conditions of snow avalanche in different snow climate regions were compared. The results show that snowfall is the most common triggering factor for a natural avalanche and there is high probability of avalanche release with snowfall exceeding 20.4 mm during a snowfall period. Consecutive rise in temperature within three days and daily mean temperature reaching 0.5°C in the following day imply a high probability of temperaturerise-triggered avalanche release. Earthquakes have a significant impact on the formation of large size avalanches in the area. For the period 2011-2017, five cases were identified as a consequence of earthquake with magnitudes of 3.3≤M_L≤5.1 and source-to-site distances of 19~139 km. The Tianshan Mountains are characterized by a continental snow climate with lower snow density, lower snow shear strength and high proportion depth hoar, which explains that both the snowfall and temperature for triggering avalanche release in the continental snow climate of the Tianshan Mountains are lower than that in maritime snow climate and transitional snow climate regions. The findings help forecast avalanche release for mitigating avalanche disaster and assessing the risk of avalanche disaster.  相似文献   

The state of the cryosphere in tropical regions is of great importance because the temperature around the glaciers, permafrost and snow cover always fluctuates near the melting point. These thermal conditions and their high sensitivity to climate change cause the accelerated disappearance of these elements; therefore, it is important to know the climatic factors that regulate them, as well as the physical characteristics of each cryospheric element. Unlike glaciers, permafrost and snow cover have not been widely studied. In recent decades, the study of the glacial and periglacial environment has been carried out in intertropical mountains. However, despite the altitude of their relief and the frequent occurrence of snowfall in tropical high mountains, the conditions that determine such events have been barely analyzed; and in the case of Mexico, the volume of snowfall and its thickness have not been quantified either, as well as their corresponding duration. Consequently, this work is aimed to analyze the temperature and precipitation conditions that determine the snowfall at the higher part of the Nevado de Toluca volcano; at the same time, the conditions of the cryotic climate and their possible implication on the surface are studied. The analysis of data from 1965 to 2016, using frequency statistics, allowed to realize that snowfall occurs with low intensity, its accumulation being less than 10 cm thick and 10 mm of snow water equivalent, which causes the snowpack to stay only a few weeks on average. At the same time, it was determined that there is a significant increase in the number of freeze-thaw cycles. Therefore, due to the climate conditions and their influence on the mountain surface, it is probable that the bedrock is subject to a greater gelifraction dynamics, and the unconsolidated soil surface increases; the combination of the above could cause a greater geomorphological dynamic over time, particularly due to debris flows, and by water and wind erosion of the surface. This work is intended to serve as a reference for the high mountain environment in the intertropical regions.  相似文献   

Snowmelt is an important component of any snow-fed river system.The Jhelum River is one such transnational mountain river flowing through India and Pakistan.The basin is minimally glacierized and its discharge is largely governed by seasonal snow cover and snowmelt.Therefore,accurate estimation of seasonal snow cover dynamics and snowmeltinduced runoff is important for sustainable water resource management in the region.The present study looks into spatio-temporal variations of snow cover for past decade and stream flow simulation in the Jhelum River basin.Snow cover extent(SCE) was estimated using MODIS(Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer) sensor imageries.Normalized Difference Snow Index(NDSI) algorithm was used to generate multi-temporal time series snow cover maps.The results indicate large variation in snow cover distribution pattern and decreasing trend in different sub-basins of the Jhelum River.The relationship between SCE-temperature,SCE-discharge and discharge-precipitation was analyzed for different seasons and shows strong correlation.For streamflow simulation of the entire Jhelum basin Snow melt Runoff Model(SRM) used.A good correlation was observed between simulated stream flow and in-situ discharge.The monthly discharge contribution from different sub-basins to the total discharge of the Jhelum River was estimated using a modified version of runoff model based on temperature-index approach developed for small watersheds.Stream power - an indicator of the erosive capability of streams was also calculated for different sub-basins.  相似文献   

The community structure of intertidal macrobenthos in Changdao Archipelago(north of Shandong Peninsula,between Bohai Bay and the northern Yellow Sea) was examined based on samples collected from 14 stations in five transects in June 2007.Three stations corresponding to high,medium and low tidal areas were set up for each transect.A total of 68 macrobenthic species were found in the research region,most of which belonged to Mollusca and Crustacea.The average abundance and biomass of the macrobenthos was 1 38...  相似文献   

古雪线直接反映了冰期时的气候特征,因此雪线是古冰川研究最终要解决的问题。2017年笔者等基于蒙山雪线的初步研究,发现东亚地区存在的雪线低洼区,采用了东亚冷槽的概念来表述该槽状雪线低洼区,并初步绘制了东亚冷槽的雪线高程。本文主要介绍了山东段(蒙山-崂山)的研究情况。根据山东蒙山、崂山34个光释光、宇生核素等方法获得的冰碛年龄数据及对应冰期雪线高程研究,表明崂山的雪线比蒙山要低,且在MIS6之前的冰期,崂山东侧冰碛多被现代海面淹没。研究表明,我国东部的气候敏感度要明显强于西部高原区,冰期时强劲的北路寒潮是我国东部地区冰川形成的核心气候因素。  相似文献   

光学与微波遥感的新疆积雪覆盖变化分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用2002-2013年冬季的MODIS光学遥感数据,以及AMSR-E、AMSR2与MWRI被动微波遥感数据,建立了新疆地区冬季每日积雪分布遥感反演模型。首先,将Terra与Aqua双星MODIS的积雪产品融合,初步去云并最大化积雪信息;然后,利用AMSR-E/AMSR2和MWRI被动微波数据进行每日雪盖提取;最后,利用被动微波遥感数据反演得到的每日雪盖结果对双星融合后依然有云的像元进行替换,得到每日积雪分布情况。据此模型提取了11年间冬季的积雪天数信息,结合气象台站观测数据,分析了新疆冬季积雪的年内和年际变化规律。结果表明,新疆地区积雪主要分布在北部新疆,积雪天数与地形关系密切,山区积雪天数较多,盆地及城市区积雪天数较少;积雪天数年内变化是从11月到次年1月随温度降低逐渐增加,从1月到3月积雪天数则逐渐减少。新疆地区积雪天数在这11年中存在一定的波动,积雪天数与该年的平均气温,以及月低于0℃的天数存在显著相关性,与降雪量关系不明显。新疆地区近年来积雪天数重心有向西向南移动的趋势,这可能与全球气候变暖导致多年积雪融化有关。  相似文献   

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